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hello obviously you're here for a reason saw the name of the title click the video i survived a thousand days in project zomboid uh for the sake of editing this i broke this up into a 10-part series uh covering 100-day increments so that it's not just a 10-hour video of me rambling on over the first hundred days i've accumulated almost 100 hours worth of footage that i've had to sift through to edit this video so if you're feeling generous make sure to like the video if you liked the video and subscribe if you want to follow along for this series without further ado let's get into the video all right starting things off in character creation i went pretty simple this is my standard veteran build for build 41 that i like to run for traits i went with unfit and very underweight that impacts my fitness as you can see in the bottom right corner fitness is set to zero i also went with injured and slow reader slow reader because obviously in single player you can fast forward time and injured because it is a short-term disability uh you'll start with a couple injuries on you three anywhere from two to four injuries um that obviously you can heal in a couple days and then get moving now for the positive traits i went with a prepared pack as my number one i actually finished with this because i had one more point to spend didn't know what to spend it on so i thought why the [ __ ] not i went with cat's eyes for my second trait because i really like the ability to see at night especially when i do a lot of my looting at night or if i'm transporting items to different bases if i'm moving around it's just overall a very beneficial trait generator knowledge was next and i chose that because i hate the idea of running around looking for a single piece of paper to tell me how to work a generator in my experience it's a lot easier to just get one start playing so i'm willing to sacrifice two points to do that uh graceful inconspicuous and scrounger are my next three all of them are just passive traits that give me a little bit more leeway in terms of when i'm working through crowds of zombies jumping into the sandbox options here for the world setup i really didn't change too much there are some small tweaks here and there but as you can see right here i have loot respawn initial gas monitor switched um if you have so many questions about why i change these things feel free to ask them i respond to most comments but i'll just go through here and show you real quick the only thing i changed here is weapon multi-hit again there's an explanation for that transmission and reanimate time saliva only and then the respawn hours i change to the closest thing to no zombie respawn without making it no zombie respawn kicking things off on day one when i spawn in the first thing i did was check my injuries usually i'll try to stay in the house for the first couple days until the majority of my injuries heal before roaming out and to start getting set up fortunately the house i spawned in had no food so that really wasn't an option for me my big goal was to build my main base here at the fire station this would be difficult for anyone on day one but given the injuries i was working with and the lack of weapons this was damn near impossible i'd have a better chance of saying no to bill cosby than i would securing this base right now i quickly looted the area and then made my way to the only safe place i could think of up at the farmhouse [Music] [Music] so i made it to the farmhouse really early on in day two and kind of began clearing it out using the old scream into the window and hope they come out method after the house was all cleared i went through and dropped all my [ __ ] off and then just went to bed [Music] spent the rest of day two just cleaning up around the farm and then taking inventory and all my gear that i had scooped up [Music] so unfortunately the recording that held the days three through six got corrupted when i was editing i wasn't able to recover any of it from what i remember nothing crazy happened and you didn't really miss anything worth mentioning [Music] i spent the majority of day seven reading gathering planks to secure the base i didn't want any zombies breaking in through the windows while i was sleeping and ending the run before i even got started [Music] day 8 was basically the same i sat in front of the tv and read while listening to life and living to capitalize on as many levels as possible when i wasn't doing that i was out cutting trees day 9 was spent foraging i needed weapons and the easiest thing i could come by was spears and since there's a seemingly infinite amount to make i just went with it and right at the end of the day a nice friendly helicopter decided to fly by and say hello so i did the only logical thing i could think of and i sat in the middle of a fenced in area waited for the hordes luckily it was quiet not a single zombie came by on day 10 i decided to put my spears to the test and went on a looting run i needed a little bit of everything food water medical supplies the whole nine yards really whatever i could get my hands on would be beneficial i also took the time to clear out a lot of the zombies in the surrounding areas since i had the time and it would only help me in the long run [Music] [Music] day 11 was another looting run this time to the houses above me still looking for the same things but with a lot less panic to them you know i had food now i had some gear um and i was really mainly looking for those things like a sledgehammer weapons different tools i could use but nothing crazy anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] on day 12 i made my way up to the town to the north of me there's a library there that i wanted to check out for obvious reasons a police station with guns and ammo and a gas station hopefully with some gas cans that i could use for my generators my cars luck was on my side today and actually managed to find a van with the keys in the glove box but the horde got to me before i could do anything with it i tried to get into the police station but again the horde was following me and it would be a death sentence for me to go in [Music] i was able to get to the hardware store where i found a couple tactical axes which would come in handy later [Music] and finally the gas station it's a psa if you're new to the game for the love of [ __ ] christ don't follow in my footsteps here i tried way too hard to get a meaningless gasket in here and almost died so many times it really wasn't worth it eventually i just gave up and went back to the police station where i was able to get into the storage room to see what i could get my hands on uh you're gonna see me pause the game here i love to do this i actually have another video that i walk through some tips and tricks for new players i love to pause the game and just take my time to look through and loot what i want so all i did right here was i stopped saw guns that i could potentially use and uh really quickly realized there wasn't anything of value to me in there or anything that had a lot of ammo i did have this vehicle over here that i knew had a key in it but i wasn't sure how much gas would be in the vehicle but it was a shot i was willing to take it was already seven o'clock i was tired exerted and i needed to take a risk here luckily for me the car turned on and had just enough fuel on it for me to get away instead of driving it straight back to the farmhouse and figuring out a plan b i decided hey why not drive this directly into the hoard of zombies that was waiting for me at the gas station downtown now luckily i brought a bunch of those zombies with me to the police station so they weren't there um all i had to do was find the correct way to park the car in order to fill it up with fuel so you're gonna see me struggle for a little bit here as some zombies start to make their way over um because i was stupid enough not to realize the car needed to be turned around after fighting off a couple zombies i finally realized that i could just turn the car around and went to the other side of the gas station got some fuel in the car and realized i had some time to check out the building since all the other zombies were still looking for me at the police station again showing how dumb i am in these playthroughs uh i didn't even think that hey there's probably zombies inside the gas station so i walk into what i thought at the time was a complete [ __ ] show um you see multiple times i have the chance to just turn around and walk out the door but instead i choose to fight them and almost get grabbed from behind at this point again i have another realization is this really worth it i know i'm going through them but you're going to see in the top right corner my guy's exhausted i was fighting exertion through most of the day here and uh i looking back i really don't know why i needed i or at least felt the need to get into that building so much i could have driven away come back another time this isn't the only gas station in the game obviously but i just again i'm watching this live as i'm editing and i i don't see why i stayed here so long this is just really stupid to me uh if you're a new person to project zomboid your new player you don't really understand the game too much you're kind of looking for advice uh don't do what i'm doing here i have way too much [ __ ] on me you can see i'm already exerted i'm slowing down and all i'm trying to do is pull the zombies away so that i can get in and maybe find one gas can it really doesn't make a ton of sense i wouldn't do this always always leave and come back later the the main part of project zomboid that took me the longest understand clearly is uh know when to walk away and after i don't know what a minute of me running around in circles fighting a horde i just realized hey my car is full of fuel i can drive away and come back another time so after that whole fiasco day 13 looks like a [ __ ] breeze i spent the entire day reading books um and when i mean the entire day i mean from the moment my character woke up until i think it's like 10 p.m i read books you know really high quality content really exactly what you guys are looking for just a book reading montage for all of you easy lovers out here all right day 14 um another looting run but with a mix because i ended up breaking like 30 something spears fighting a bunch of zombies and uh i'm gonna let you guys watch that because you know peak content but uh because you're making me suffer through making this [ __ ] video uh everything's gonna be a two time speed and i'm gonna add that guy that goes nice after every single cut and it's gonna be cut really poorly because [ __ ] you nice nice nice nice nice day 15 was the exciting [ __ ] that you guys have all been waiting for i spent the entire day foraging i know it's the most exciting thing in the game quick f in the chat for old foraging system but yeah i basically spent all of day 15 forging to replace all of the spears that i broke from day 14. so here you go more wholesome content for you also if you haven't noticed by now the ticker in the bottom that shows the days keeps changing because i'm an idiot and i kept changing it when i was editing this video um and then i forgot about it for like three days in game so to cover that up i put a nice little dancing doge in there for you to enjoy it's gonna drive you [ __ ] nuts over the next couple days while it's down there but don't worry it'll go by a lot faster than you think on day 16 i drove up to a town above me to hit up the library gas station and the police station that went about as well as you'd expect and all i really managed to do was group up a massive horde that followed me everywhere i went i did get some cool guns out of the police station though so overall we're counting this a success spent all of day 17 reading once i wrapped that up i went out and worked on the garden a little bit more i was really hoping to have some more seeds by now so that i could better sustain myself but hey this is better than nothing well i spent day 18 um just clearing out the hordes around the farm you know i had some plans for nearby areas and i just didn't want to screw up the run just because i wanted to check my phone real quick um you know so yeah basically i just roamed the nearby areas looking for hordes that i could clear out this also helped me level my maintenance and spear skills as well as gather some other watches for the electronic skill this was basically the day that set up the rest of the series for me to be honest um i started off by trying for like the third time to go to the goddamn bookstore uh once i got in there i got greeted by some friends and decided for like the third time to check out the gas station um that went about as well as you're thinking it might go and then your head you know you're probably like this guy's [ __ ] guitar after spending like way too much time trying to round up all the zombies uh to lead them away i just kind of bitched out and drove home then it kind of hit me you know there's a gas station in rosewood where i spawned so i hopped out of my car with the intention of fueling up and getting out completely forgetting that i just drove a goddamn ups truck through a massive horde and then baited them into the area so after picking off some of the stragglers i finally got some fuel and was able to get back to the base oh it took me like 12 days you know no big deal um when i was driving back it kind of hit me that i had these original plans to make the world's coolest space in the firehouse uh the police station was unlooted i wouldn't have to drive for hours to a town it's kind of the perfect setup for me and i finally had the gear to pull it off building off of day 19 i spent day 20 just kind of reading and taking general inventory of all my items as well as reorganizing a lot of the crates i just wanted to be prepared and kind of take kind of what i had and what i still needed i spent a lot of day 21 just foraging and making spears ripped the old foraging system if i wasn't foraging and crafting i was working on the garden overall just a really quiet day day 22 honestly literally nothing happened today i literally just wandered around for the entire day i killed maybe four zombies and spent the rest of the time just aimlessly walking around the woods like a goddamn lunatic day 23 was another looting run uh just trying to clean out some some more surrounding houses it wasn't really needed but i just figured it had been a couple days since the last one and it never hurts to stock up on some extra gear day 24 consisted of more foraging if you're noticing a trend here eat arby's i love spears day 25 was pretty cool i finally got to harvest some crops basically guaranteeing a full food supply until i was ready to move out uh once i taken care of that i was finally ready to start my official prep work um so i was basically going to need a [ __ ] ton of planks and if i wanted to turn that firehouse into a fully operational base so i just got to work of course as soon as i finally decide to start my prep work um i wake up to a huge massive thunderstorm it's not wanting to get sick or risk any of that i just tried to wait it out by reading it lasted a total of like 15 seconds it's not like i got 974 more days to figure this [ __ ] out or anything right day 27 was more rain and a [ __ ] ton of gardening uh words aren't really gonna do it justice so here's a mini montage of me planting a bunch of random vegetables [Music] you just want to see why i love this game so much just imagine some dudes sitting in the middle of a farmhouse absolutely demolishing like 20 [ __ ] tomatoes after reenacting some scenes from thousand pound sisters i went out for some more exploring unfortunately i got distracted and had to go home before i did anything stupid you know for as excited as i was about building a base in rosewood i kept distracting myself by exploring on days 29 and 30 i found myself walking back to the town up the road to do some stealthy looting i wasn't bringing a car this time but i did have a game plan so i really wanted to find a potential outpost location that i could build up here uh this would allow me to come back every so often to reloot things like the police station the bookstore anything like that if you don't remember i have lootings set to max time which is like a full in-game year if you're not in that chunk so there's respawn hours in there for as many hours as i have in this game this is actually my first time in the church which is pretty cool and extremely disappointing i wasn't having much luck finding a suitable outpost so i took out my anger on a couple nearby zombies and went back to the farm it was finally time my bags are packed the car was loaded generator was picked up [Music] i was ready for rosewood now obviously i had way too much gear to bring over in one trip but the mission was pretty simple step one get to the firehouse step two secure and fortify the base [Music] step three make several trips back and forth from the farmhouse to get the rest of my gear and i mean there was a lot of trips step four profit right well it should have been uh but this game hates me after popping a tire i did my best paul walker impression which uh definitely made things difficult [Music] after walking back to the firehouse i decided to take the rest of the day to clear out some zombies in the area and kind of fortify that interior of the base a little bit more [Music] [Music] [Music] day 33 started with a bang after i cleaned out the zombies that had broken in throughout the night i began making my way back to my car to loot what i had left at this is a lot more difficult than it seemed since i had no fitness and high exertion hits extremely easily now to be fair i really didn't need all of these planks i'd be fine with the trees surrounding the firehouse as long as my access did not break all i really needed was the gas cans and the generator after getting back i spent the rest of the day clearing out more of the zombies that had wandered over finding a key in one of their bodies and successfully starting the truck outside of the base so overall a huge win for day 33 day 34 was much of the same more zombies were practically walking into the base through the broken windows and the doors once they were taken care of i spent the majority of the rest of the day just cleaning up around the base they're like 20 or 30 dead zombie bodies just hanging around and flies are starting to come which leads to sickness just overall not fun so i made a pile to dump them in outside slightly away from where i was sleeping uh and it really felt like every time i got the base clean up a little bit more zombies would show up seriously this happens like three or four more times day 35 was my first run back to the farmhouse with the truck which somehow had more spaces in it than the van because sure why the hell not nothing crazy really happens on this day i'm just driving back and forth which you guys probably don't want to see spent all of day 36 exploring rosewood it sounds dumb but for as long as i played project zomboid i've typically only been through the main section of rosewood and not any of the back areas it also helped me thin out the zombies around the base for the project that i was starting soon and once i got back i spent the remaining time just kind of fortifying that interior a little bit more my short-term goal here was to at least stop them from getting into the firehouse which for some reason was way more difficult than i thought it would be day 37 another farmhouse run again nothing too special or crazy here just same old same old i spent all of day 38 making some renovations to the firehouse i wanted to clear out all of the glass windows in the interior and replace them with walls just for my own safety eventually i wanted to get rid of that entire office room to prevent ambushes in the hallway that's a different project for another time i took a break by throwing a major house party for my unexpected friends after they all passed out it was back to work sealing up the side of the room and rebarricating the window before kicking my friends out overall i had a big feeling of accomplishment having practically completely fortified the interior of the firehouse given all that had happened over the last week this was one of my last runs to the farmhouse at least for the rest of this video these farmhouse runs are generally really quiet since that's considered a generally safe base and all i have to worry about is not popping another tire and spearing a light pole again i spent day 40 organizing all my [ __ ] that i brought with me i made a bunch of crates in different rooms and split them up by what items i thought would group together best i had a [ __ ] ton guys i had one for farming clothes medical supplies carpentry one for guns one for ammo i went a little overboard with it but i mean i had the space so why not right after getting bored with that i tried heading over to the police station and that went about as well as you'd expect it to go we'll put that one on the to-do list for later on day 41 i woke up to some more unexpected friends at my front door which meant that they'd already gotten through all of my defenses downstairs after clearing out the area i began my final farmhouse run so i had a bunch of guns and ammo stored up there that i was going to need for rosewood my way back to the base i stopped by and looted the two warehouses on the main road which gave me a ton of shotgun shells and some more nails for building if you're not catching onto the trend by this point day 42 consisted of cleaning out all of the bodies i'd let sit in my base for the last few days as well as general repairs on all of the broken doors and windows [Music] [Music] day 43 was a big day for me saw me going back to the police station to finally loot the weapons room after i could check that off i decided i finally had enough gear to kick off my next objective which i like to call the shootout at the main strip so my biggest problem was that there were just way too many zombies in the vicinity and they could easily break into my base so i had plans to fortify the exterior but there was just no way i'd be able to do that with the amount of zombies that were roaming around so i geared up went to the main strip gathered a horde and once i thought i gathered enough i started blasting this carried on for a few hours until the zombies stopped showing up which was good enough for me it's hard to follow up something nearly as exciting as shooting up an entire town so i didn't even try day 44 was all repairs on the base before i could get to work in any of my other goals [Music] day 45 was the beginning of what was about to be the largest project i've ever done in project tomboy i needed to fortify the exterior of the firehouse zombies were getting in way too easily and that was just putting me in danger literally every time i went to sleep if you don't believe me i mean go back and re-watch the episode the plan here was really simple i was just gonna fence crate and fence the perimeter that wasn't already fenced in mainly that's just the front of the firehouse in the parking lot the only problem with that is that you need a [ __ ] ton of planks which i didn't have but i did have a bunch of axes and an endless supply of trees which is gonna have to do the next like 10 to 12 days get a little hazy so just hang with me on this it's a lot of boring [ __ ] going on i spent all of day 46 just cutting down trees sawing logs and bringing them back to the firehouse days 47 and 48 i started building out the exterior of the fence that went along the entire edge of the base i wrapped this up on day 48 and started to gather materials for the crates days 49 through 52 i spent working on adding the crates to the wall and then finally on days 53 54 and 55 i added the interior fencing finally completing the exterior wall now if you needed a sign that hard work really does pay off i knew i was trending in the right direction because on day 56 i tripped a house alarm and no zombies came wandering over which was the most relieving thing in the world i spent all day 57 just catching up on reading since my skills had progressed a [ __ ] ton over the last 20 days and i hadn't had a chance to actually catch up on the skill books on day 58 i found a car and much like some of the days previously i spent my time trying to lure hordes of zombies away from the gas station so that i could set up a mini outpost here after a couple minutes i realized it'd probably just be smarter to drop the generator off go grab some guns and clear out the surrounding area similar to the main street shootout uh there's only one problem i couldn't shoot so story time real quick around five days after the main street shootout i added some more mods to the game nothing crazy or game breaking just the ability to sit on furniture and some new car features you know nothing crazy it's like mustang mods basically uh nothing i'd think would break the game well apparently this completely [ __ ] up my character's ability to shoot any firearms in the game you'll see when i try to rack a shell here i get thousands of errors i think it's like 1200 airs every time uh without a doubt the most disappointing thing that could ever happen in this playthrough i had so many plans of clearing out these major city locations finding a minigun all this fun [ __ ] that i basically just couldn't do anymore um and it hadn't just been tied to brita's weapon pack either it was even the base guns in the game i tried removing the mods restarting the game nothing worked since i wanted this thousand-day playthrough to be truly genuine i never made a backup of the save file in the event that something like this would happen so i had two choices basically i could one like restart from scratch and dump all of this hours of footage and gameplay or two i could continue playing with no firearms for the next 940 days so i chose option two and hey call it karma for using multi-hit on the weapons but it still stings on day 59 i decided to head out and try to explore the space under my new base so i covered a lot of the land above me and to the left including that main strip and the police station but there was still a ton of exploring to do so i stumbled on an outdoor movie theater which was super cool until the game decided to mock me by sending me zombies with guns strapped in their back this is a pretty cool area and i thought about maybe setting up an outpost here in the future if i got bored of the firehouse keep in mind guys this is all before build 41 was fully released so louisville didn't exist yet to me i spent all of day 60 reading and gardening nothing crazy just a quiet day to take a small break 361 was more exploring and looting i'd cleared out a lot of the zombies in the main road but hadn't actually taken the time to go through and loot any of the buildings rosewood's such a cute small little town to make a basin honestly it's got so many cool little shops and buildings that just flat out get overlooked by the rest of the map seriously if you guys haven't spent a lot of time in rosewood outside of the police station i highly encourage you to go through and check it out in one of your places it's so worth it [Music] i spent the majority of day 62 just decorating the base a little bit better when i wasn't doing that i was watering my crops i know you can set them up better so that diseases don't spread and transfer to each other but i just like the look of them all neatly laid out on day 63 i went out for some more exploring i figured i'd check out the courthouse uh this was another building i'd never been in before and it was super cool once i was inside it's got two levels filled with offices courtrooms kitchens really just a little bit of everything another really good location for a potential base if i got bored of the firehouse spent day 64 just harvesting my crops and giving you all a little sneak peek at my skill levels another quiet day to focus on some more boring things day 65 brought way more exploring i wanted to check out the church in rosewood and see if it had anything interesting hidden inside of it despite having a bunch of rooms there really wasn't anything super cool that i found there were a couple of funny moments here and there of zombies throwing themselves through windows at me but like other than that really uneventful day day 66 kicked off a new project for me despite finding and looting two bookstores i was still missing all of the cage trap recipes knowing i was going to need some source of meat for the winter i remember there's a small pond on the outskirts of rosewood about a 30 minute drive from the firehouse so i made my way over on a recon mission to kind of scout out where i could build an outpost so i brought some tools with me to get started but it would definitely need to be cleared out before i could start any building so i decided to build right off of the pond so that i could build a platform onto it for fishing [Music] after a couple back and forth runs i finally had the framing built for the cabin and i could start working on boxing myself in eventually it all came together and i finally had a roughly built outpost so i could start fishing from i spent day 67 working on the fishing outpost a little bit more you know adding some walls building a platform that i could fish from but other than that nothing too crazy just another day spent building day 68 was my first time putting the fishing outpost into action i spent the majority of the day just spear fishing off the platform that i built obviously fishing at level 1 sucks already when you add using a spear you'd have better luck trying to teach helen keller to see properly than for me to catch anything on day 69 nice nice i finally sacked up and disassembled all my radios and watches that i had collected it was super satisfying to me and at the same time super depressing watching me get less than two levels out of all this [ __ ] i spent the rest of the day just gardening because for some reason yardling is the most satisfying thing in the world to me in this game day 70 had me once again doing my best paul walker impression by slamming into a tree right next to a heart of zombies if you're counting first off [ __ ] you and second it's two cars destroyed now if you can't tell i [ __ ] suck at driving in this game for no reason other than i'm super impatient and want to channel my inner ricky bobby i shot the brightness way up so you guys don't have to have a goddamn aneurysm trying to figure out what the [ __ ] is going on down in no cars once again i made my way back to the fishing spot because at this point i'm committed to another day of catching nothing only thing really worth noting on day 71 was that i built an airlock for the fishing outpost to give me a little more safety when i was coming and going until i could build something more sustainable since i don't have a car anymore it was taking me almost two hours to reach the fishing outpost for my base which made it really not worth the effort considering it was still august and i had like three months to figure out a solution on day 72 i built a small platform on the second story to use as a safe room basically for some reason the base was overrun i can escape to this room and climb out the window to get away i also use it as an outdoor area where i can read in safety without getting bored days 73 and 74 were both spent on a looting run i did find another popsicle freezer to store which was super nice for food i want a couple more just because i like the storage going forward and i think it'd be really cool to turn that locker room in the back into a giant freezer on day 75 the zombie gods finally gave me a gift car number four let's see how quickly i can [ __ ] this one up right good thing i had more than enough gas at the base to fill the tank [Music] [Music] spent all of day 76 just chopping down trees and gathering planks for a future project day 77 was just more reading since i have the slow reader trait and we're getting up there in skill levels we're getting to that point where these books tend to take most of the day if not more just to get through on day 78 i forgot to pause the game when i went to the store and came back to my guy just sitting here for like 12 hours so yeah moving on day 79 saw me finishing up the safe room and building some more rain collectors again real crazy content right here guys [Music] spent all of day 80 doing some more gardening and meal prepping gotta say i'm really loving the ability to just place items now really gives you the ability to decorate your base in a survival style and it just looks so cool to me i spent days 81 through 83 just trying to move zombies away from the gas station i tried to pull all of the remaining zombies around the gas station and then drive them out into the void uh if you've been paying attention at all you'll know that never [ __ ] works for me and all i did was pile all of them up directly in front of the gas station so i went back on a day 82 and pulled them out onto the highway before spinning around and finally getting to the gas station again for the first time in like 30 days the highlight of day 84 was decorating the kitchen again i can't tell you enough how much i love this feature also i didn't realize how much food i had until i placed all of it around the kitchen like holy [ __ ] anyway [Music] on day 85 i decided to build some fences around my gardens i know it doesn't add anything of value but i like the way it looks so i'm gonna do it day 86 and 87 were more or less the same i spent a large chunk of the day just chopping down trees to gather planks so i could finish off fencing in different crops really nothing crazy uh since we were nearing that day 100 mark i really just tried to do some small projects around the base to set myself up better for the next 900 days spent all of days 88 and 89 reading which was super boring but also much needed oh i also had a dance party because this mod is [ __ ] hilarious day 90 was another looting run day there were a couple houses that i still hadn't hit yet and i figured now would be a good time to get off my ass for a day and do something like look for cool [ __ ] spoiler alert uh i didn't find cool [ __ ] i found [ __ ] books moving on spent all of day 91 gardening the only downside of having so many crops is that when there's a drought you got to water all of them yourself which takes way too [ __ ] long seriously if anyone knows any irrigation mods let me know in the comments it would help a [ __ ] ton thank you day 92 brought another day of reading nothing crazy another boring day but when i can check off the list spent the next few days just chopping down some more wood i have a pretty long-term project that i've planned and i want to get kicked off for days 101 through 200. uh that's going to require almost triple the amount of wood that i use to fortify the base on day 96 i finally took the truck out to start picking up hundreds of logs that i left out in the woods on day 97 i got another major harvest at the firehouse which was super cool with this it basically sets me up on food for the next 100 days which was a great feeling to have considering what i was planning to do over the winter [Music] to build off of that i spent all of day 98 cutting all of the logs that i brought over the previous day on day 99 i had a revelation that is going to change the entire series again today 99 was my first day on the full release of build 41 which includes louisville since it was a full update i had to fully reload my save file i'm sure you guys have done it before it builds everything in the bottom it has a huge number like 25 000 you have to count too um i figured i'd try out something for shits and giggles and you know what it [ __ ] worked somehow the full release fixed all of the gun errors that i was running into so out of joy i let out my first desk box i did my first desk and started moving my arsenal back into the lounge so i'd actually hidden it away because i didn't want to look at it it was super depressing to have like 30 guns and not be able to use them there's a whole twilight zone episode about it from like the 50s highly recommend um anyway after that i figured out it was only fair that i'd finally turn off multi-hit for melee weapons out of my kindness to the pz gods so i installed a mod to take care of that and there you go i put it live on camera for you guys to watch just to reiterate going forward no more multi-hit unless the guns break in i swear to [ __ ] god if the guns break again multi hits going on it's not coming off well it's here we made it day 100 [Music] there's a bunch of [ __ ] i probably could have done differently done better made it more entertaining but we're here and that's really all that matters to me we have a small farm security trucks built forward tough we had stocked kitchens a weapon cash and after 40 days we finally had guns again i can't wait to continue this series with you guys it's been so much fun to make it really has been a ton of fun i have huge plans for the next 100 day video that i hope you guys will stick around for it at the time this video is posted i've already started recording for part two so let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in this series any crazy feats you want to see me do any builds you want to see me try out um you know any crazy designs you want me to build on to if you enjoyed this video and you're interested in my other content make sure to hit that subscribe button down below and check out these two videos i posted right here i have a discord now that you can join if that's what you're into and the link for that is down in the description below thank you all so much for watching and as always thanks for stopping by [Music]
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 834,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, PZ 100, Project Zomboid, PZ, Survival, Surviving 1000 days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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