I Spent 100 Days In Palworld But Spheres Are Banned

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welcome to power world an awesome creature catching fighting Survival game what if I took away the catching I'll be attempting the ultimate Challenge where pile spheres are no longer useful I can only get piles by finding Wild Eggs or saving them from the evil camps imprisoning the poor creatures I'll explain more of the rules and challenges later as we encounter them my first goal though was to make a character fitting this Mighty Challenge and that is Ash can't catch him with my character made I opened my eyes on a beach only to be surrounded by some Pals who wanted to watch me sleep I grabbed the broken iPad nearby and made sure to change the key bind for throwing pal speres just to prevent any accidents turning around there was a chest nearby that I collected giving me some coins some bread and a megasphere I won't be needing that grabbing the second chest I ran back up the stone steps to enter wind swept Hills I activated the F travel station as these Ed all across the island allowing you to F travel between them I was in having a chat with the local enjoying her skew and she gave me some wood to start my adventure before running down the hill grabbing a bunch of berry bushes as I would need them for food as I just kept making my way down the path collecting Sticks and Stones a chest and more berry bushes until I came over a ridge to find my first egg a damp egg but this egg wasn't helpful yet as in order to hatch this egg you need an an egg incubator you can't just throw it in front of some campfires in hopes of hatching it but to unlock the egg incubator you need an ancient technology point you can get these points by defeating Alpha bosses found around the map without being able to capture any piles this challenge was going to be difficult so let's keep moving I jumped across the ledge to collect the LIF monk Effy which is usually used to increase your capture power so it was useless to me I also grabbed the skill fruit these can be fed to your pals in order to teach them new abilities these are very useful I just have to get some Pals somehow so I made my way continuing down towards the planes even walking past the dancer of the planes chill it this is an alpha pal something I have to beat in order to unlock ancient technology so I can unlock the egg incubator I found some syndicates getting wrecked by a dear and another chest which gave me some gold arrows and a copper key and these keys can be used to unlock rarer and more useful chests but I kept myself moving forwards to activate the next fast travel statue and collected the nearby damp egg as this is where I plan to set up my base for now anyway I'll make a new base later on before building myself a primitive workbench so I make a pickaxe an Axe and a torch I unlocked the bow arrows bed structures and cloth then started to set up a small 2x two wooden house hopefully no Taco Taco show up again then turn to craft myself my first bow it wouldn't be great damage but it's better than nothing I also spent way too long crafting up arrows and headed out at night as I needed to start unal living some PS for experience and resources starting with this cras I beat over the head with a torch so I could get the wool I needed then headed home to get a tadal wood and made myself a bed to sleep through the night to end of the day in the morning there was a pair of hooker tees open fire on with my bow as I back flipped out of the way of their Air Attack to defeat them leveling myself up to level five I had a long way to go as usually the best way to gain experience in power world is by capturing PS I obviously can't do that but I have a plan to gain a lot of experience later on in this video I crafted up some cloth to fasten into a normal parachute which allows you to Glide short distances then turn to fire at the Peng galot who are defeated for his ice organs and P fluids I would need these for some upgrades later I then turned to take out a couple cras for their wool and then took a rock for stone all these resources I set up the pile box this is essentially the PC from Pokémon and the central hub for any base in power world we'll be using this later once we start getting some actual PS as I just can't capture the ones I want I expanded a small platform next to my house where I set up some chests to dump off all of my gear so I could continue venturing out as I desperately needed a lot of experience so I began to fight this fox pox for their fire organs something I plan to use once I got home as well as more cras for their wool before reenacting Lion King as I smacked the fox parks off a cliff into the herd of rampaging te fans so I jumped off myself using the newly made glider to gently lower me to the ground and collect another chest and there was also a cave here but being out of arrows I was not going in there yet at home I had someone waiting for me and that was the wondering Trader a character I had very little interaction with in my previous 100 days but they show up randomly boasting a variety of useful Treasures for your purchase I bought a gwas cap something I didn't have the resources for to make so I'll end up building it later so I instead spent the rest of the day harvesting wood to begin crafting up the fire bow a much needed upgrade lay my head down to sleep for the night with the start of day three I had a shiny new bow but no arrows so for that I mined up more Stone as I was going to need a lot of arrows in order to beat my first Alpha for the egg incubator I needed to start building an army of Pals and I also made a shield for that extra defense before spending far too long crafting up the fire arrows as well as a cloth outfit with my fresh new upgrades I turned to draw my bow and fired at the hres shot after shot dodging the the dark blast to defeat the philosophical owl I then laid my eyes on the walking tree sap a gas who fell to my arrows too I was going to have to continue to fight as many paths as I could for experience only to accidentally hit the mamist sleeping behind the malaka it fortunately was just out of range so it gave up on coming to destroy my entire base so I then finished off a new Mal Paca with some Pro dodging skills but with that it was pretty late so climbed into bed where I peacefully dreamed of you hitting the Subscribe button to help me get to 200,000 subscribers and as the sun was Rising half my armor and tools were broken so I set up a repair bench to fix it all up then with my fresh tools took out some of the local population like the kativa and kis that were nearby farming them for experience to see I was now high enough level for the egg incubator the structure was going to be my Saving Grace as even though I couldn't catch any PS I was able to hatch the eggs for PS I just first had to defeat a boss so I made a bunch of arrows but inevitably got bored of crafting and I wanted a pile and I wanted one now fortunately I had the perfect idea on how to get one so ran all the way towards the rain syndicut Tower the first of many bosses I would fight later but I wasn't here for that I moved straight past to my very first Syndicate stronghold these evil henchmen have the poor Pals trapped in defenseless so after I killed the thugs around the stronghold I broke open the lock of the cage to free my very first pal a sparket who I named Sparky with Sparky and toe I began to head home as a fox Parx corpse fell from the sky grabbing The Syndicate tower for travel point and taking aim at the alive Fox box Sparky helped me take them down to Earnest some more experience even zapping some chickens before continuing the track home as Sparky was about to be an incredible help for me since as quickly as I arrived home Sparky got to work beginning to craft my arrows for me but it was getting late and Sparky paused out on the floor yes I needed to make him a bit as then power world your pals each have a sanity meter if that sanity meter deplete to zero your pals may die or turn feral and attack you so I think repaired my axe at the end of the day to continue chopping some more wood and on day five I had to look at what work Sparky was able to do as different PS are each suited to do different work Sparky for example had the handywork transporting and generating electricity skills so he could help me build things carry stuff around my base and eventually power it when we get to the Industrial Age later on but this was just what he could do so I'd have to find even more pows to free to support the rest of the work around the base I set up a feed box which is like a trough for the pals as well as a campfire to cook up a decent assortment of food later on I can hopefully get myself a fire pile to handle all the cooking for me after my Chickapea eggs and berries had all finished cooking I realized I would need a much more sustainable food source so I set up some raised foundations for my berry Plantation before seeding and watering them so they would grow very menial tasks both my challenge of not capturing any PS I would be forced to do these myself until I can free or hatch a pile able to do them for me so I grabbed my arrows that Sparky had made and headed out collecting myself a large common egg with the egg in hand I got to where the raid Camp had been to se it was now gone guess they felt embarrassed losing to a guy with an axe so I continued my adventure finding a fantastic spot with a bunch of or noes as this was next to the desolate Church which howed a shrine of power yeah you could sacrifice those Li monk effies to increase your capture power something completely useless for me but the spot was also a nice Vantage Point allowing me to see some smoke billowing into the sky in the distance indicating the existence of what may be another raid Camp I dropped down using my parachute to slow my fall in order to keep moving forwards climbing up over rocks only to find a mamist had wrecked a couple of Syndicate thugs here guess they underestimated it but I could see two plumes of smoke in the distance one of which was pretty close and dropping down to learn this was the small settlement a small human village with some pf guards a Wandering Merchant and most useful to me a pal Merchant this Trader SES pal and may be the way I can get rid of this tutorial you see in the top right hand side you may have noticed it says I've captured one pile but that was just Sparky as the game can'ts breing PS or hatching them from egg as capturing them in my definition that doesn't quite fit but I don't mind I had to keep moving through running up some stairs where a group of thugs were waiting to Ambush me as I started getting closer to The Syndicate Thug campsite at the end of this bridge I Advanced forwards with my bow equipping spotting the first Thug and pulling to fire my first shot I began to fire shot after shot as I hid behind their own barricade eventually taking them all out guess they shouldn't have brought guns to a bow fight this gave me the freedom to release the bo dazy into my possession the floating cloud chose to stick with my team increasing my captured poers by two so I named him Dazzle and with Dazzle and my team we did find another cave but it again just seemed too daunting to take on now instead finding another raid camp and this one was taken down as quickly as a previous so I could free the r bunny locked inside who I gave the name of Lola Bunny but it started to get really dark so I found the nearest fast travel Point allowing me to teleport home so I could lay down to sleep for the night I decided to have a look to see what I needed to make DA's necklace which is a piece of pal equipment see some Pals have an equipment which would unlock a unique ability for that P like say a malpa can get a saddle which allows you to ride on its back but for DA's necklace I wasn't even close to level 22 I needed for it so I put away all my for safety as I had a dangerous plan and since in this playthrough if I die so do all of my PS I didn't want to take the risk right now as I far traveled back to where I had ended my journey yesterday the bamboo Groves I needed to find a boss that I could easily kill running through the area I did find a large electric egg and a Floy getting wrecked by some dire hals that I tried to snipe for the experience and more Syndicate Thugs who I did snipe for experience even if I finish them off with my axe to save some arrows as I then came up to the ledge spotting a very large gamos the alpha variant if I can defeat this Alpha it would give me the ancient technology I need to unlock the egg incubator so I drew back my bow and fired taking shot after shot igniting the sap boy in Flames even The Syndicate Thug was helping only for me to run out of arrows the sap retreated since I stopped attacking as I had to Dodger wolf trying to kill me but with no bow and knowing fire was my best option I began to swing my torch in attempt to set it a blaze but being so close and running out of stamina made me unable to dodge its hits when its root attack got me causing me to retreat I needed to repair my equipment and maybe make some more arrows when I spotted a stronghold if I got the pile inside that may be enough to finish off the gamos but it was full of thugs who opened fire on me with assault rifles as I escaped I led them away from the camp only to see the gas had fully healed ending the day using an or node to hide behind I managed to take out the Syndicate Gunner while he was reloading truly showing why you don't bring guns to an ax fight before spending some time mining stone and chopping wood to build up a repair bench to repair my equipment only to be short of the wool I needed for cloth to repair my armor so I kept moving as I spotted an opportunity all the thugs had left the camp allowing me to sneak in and free the Rabani locked inside together we took out the thugs saving this lamb ball with the lambo's wool I made up some cloth for my armor but if I wanted to fight the gamos again I needed more arrows for those I needed fire organs and I did find a boss's dungeon which I definitely would not be doing now but I will later and the Ruby which I was able to take out for its organs I had to name my bunny it so I named her Lulu and that's when I came across the stuck mamist I did a test H to see how much damage I would do but only dealing one it wasn't worth attempting as nearby was another pile Merchant but the mammoth never forgot launching a power attack at me narrowly missing as it exploded on the cart knowing it couldn't hit me here I hid behind the merchant to keep trading only to spot the mammoth escaped its watery prison as I was forced to run away to prevent dying I really didn't want to lose Lulu the mammoth did lose interest allowing me to properly view this Merchant's PA and I have to say I was pretty tempted to buy the kativa but decided to save my gold for something I actually needed but Darkness had begun to fall so I took out some cras for their wool while they're sleeping before checking what I needed next for more arrows so mining up even more Stone and chopping down even more trees before committing to the laborious gr of crafting 75 fire arrows at least Lulu helped speed it all up so arrows in my quiver I began to move forwards finding a giant cat mop this was the alpha sweeper something that was weak to fire damage climbing up the cliff side so that I would have The High Ground I called back my ranni so I could draw back my bow and fired it began to run back to make its way around to get to me so I pushed forwards causing it to turn back I had found the perfect spot to prevent it attacking but I had to keep firing I did get Frozen Once as a three minions managed to hit me so I used some non-existent fortnite skills to build a small wall to hide behind as I kept setting it a blaze shot off the shot went into the mop finally killing my first Alpha pal giving me the ancient technology point I needed my Lulu took out the remaining s so I could collect the ancient civilization parts before making my way downtown to head home where I could freely unlock the egg incubator with no way to capture piles in this challenge this incubator was going to be my lifeline so I crafted up some cloth to place down only for that to set off a raid syndicut thugs were coming to attack my base and I walked to where they would arrived drawing my bow and firing they stood no chance verth my fire arrows as I took them out one by one with the patrol cleared knew that stronger raids would come to Siege me as time went on So eventually I would need to build up a proper base and defenses for now though I was happy to place in my first egg for to start getting ready to hatch I set up a couple arrows for my PA to craft while I went off to fight some depresso for the experience defeating them without casualty and turn to the gamos who actually dropped some gamos Leaf when I killed it that leaf reminded me of the Hat I bought from the merchant I then found another chest where I got some useless Spears and gold before collecting two common eggs and another damp egg which is when I was told of another rule to add to my challenge I was only allowed to hatch a maximum of one egg per day to prevent amassing a horde of PS great hatching The Damp egg I had incubating into a celer and this floating Flappy plane can work as a glider if you make its equipment so I named it Flappy only for a horde of starving wild PS to show up a group of Le Punk some dark lizards that I defeated using my bow there were also some more gas I took out for their leaves then set my piles to make up a couple more beds now that I was getting quite a little mass of piles I also got them to set up the pile gear workbench for when I want to start making the P equipment only to see our food stocks had begun to run low so that meant I was back to seeding my berry plantations while Flappy was able to water them it is great getting the path to do your work for you hopefully I can free or hatch one that will seed things later so with nothing else to do today I made up my gamos cap a small brown beanie with some leaves on it I thought it was pretty cute it even offered some good stats for what it was or it starting to get dark on the end of day 10 I chopped down a tree with what little light I had while all my piles lay down in their beds so I decided to do the same for the day to come to an end with the day starting I hatched up up my Rocky egg giving me a hangu this floating ball with a pair of arms would make a great crafter I then spent some time harvesting up more Stone to make a third Berry Plantation as well as expanded out my platform a bit I did have to destroy a rock that was in the way first making sure they all faced in the correct direction and even set up some storage next to the plantations and a few mounted lights to ensure I always could see then I headed into my small home to start building the three shot bow a bow which powerfully fires three arrows at once I did have to make up a bunch of arrows for it taking up most of the afternoon though I did make sure to grab the chest nearby my base that had since respawned hatching another common egg in the morning I got a dire H this wolf is the first pile I got that I can actually ride so I was super excited when I got this I then named The Hang You Army before naming the dial after my own real life dog pixel you can see pictures of on Twitter and other socials links in the description but in order to ride on the back of pixel I first had to craft myself a saddle before mounting her ready to Take On The World We went on a murderous Rampage killing some Fox pox kativa and kis stopping by the skill tree to pick up some more fruit before continuing the experience grind defeating some tanzy rubies kativa Chickapea and lambor it was a great effort to farm for the experience I needed and there were some syndicate thugs are found who are removed from the island as they were trying to stop me from collecting this electric egg and a chest I kept fighting what I could taking out some sleeping Syndicate thugs collecting chests when I found a wagon with some traveling Merchants as the day came to an end it turned out there were so many thugs around as I found their camp in the morning of day 13 defeating them all so I could free the little LIF monk they had trapped in their Camp who I gave the appropriate name of leafy so now I finally had a pile that could plant my crops for me awesome I love having I love having unpaid workers but my journey had to keep moving as I found another cave this time I chose to actually enter and this place was absolutely infested with Syndicate thugs but riding on Pixel we began to dash straight through all of them collecting the chests hidden inside and defeating the ranian thugs until finally arrived at the final Chambers where there was an alpha dinosor the guardian of FL mean Gardens drawing my bow I opened fire on the dinosur only for tail slam to narrowly miss so I chose to make use of its size as I got it stuck in the hallway where I could begin to Pepper it with arrows while dodging its attacks most of them anyway shot after shot into its head until finally it ceased to live so I shoved its body off the path to get to the loot hidden at the end I got some thermal underwear rubies and a technical manual this manual gives you an extra technology point to unlock more engrams but I needed to find where all those thugs came from only to find it right outside so I charged in on Pixel to take out the guards giving me the opportunity to free the S trapped in the cage I named it moppy before turning to take out one of the Thugs who had gotten himself stuck with the camp in Ruins I started my journey home where I did come across a rare now every Power in this game has a chance to spawn as a rare with stronger attacks stats and work speed but I'm not allowed to capture them so I will just continue to cry as I run past them every time with slightly wet cheeks I arrived home to do some more chopping to get my frustrations out then headed back to the small settlement I sold all my jewels and rare resources there for a large sum of gold to hopefully be able to afford the piles I need later on then unlock the next step in my progression the Primitive furnace I just had one problem I didn't have any Fire PS the furnace can only be run if you have a fire pile to heat it and smelt the ingots so once more it was hitting more trees then set up some more boxes for more storage more trees hatching another egg giving me another celery always great to get duplicates I guess even more trees were cut down completely so I guess I'll out of trees for now and set up a statue of power and a training dummy just in case any of the piles needed the motivation to keep working hard after finishing my statue in the morning I thought the motivational training dummy was more important to finish first but the statue will allow me to imbue my PS with P Souls increasing their power levels I then named my second celer Snappy and ended up hatching out a Mal Parker since I needed a firep power to cook up ingots I threw my scorching egg into the incubator while I worked away harvesting more Stone and I needed the stone in order to set up a login site and a stone pit these two structures can be key for any base as they allow your PS to harvest an infinite amount of stone and wood I just didn't have any mining piles I set up some more storage next to them before grabbing the arrows my pals had made as I Was preparing to soon take down the first Tower but before I get there I stopped by the small settlement again where I bought two new PS a rush or and a loop Moon they are both super useful early on if you you can get them my rash or then named piggy L has the mining skill so it is able to harvest Stone and metal while the loop Moon who I named loopy dupy has a level two handiwork skill so she has great at crafting things for me so I made sure to assign piggy L lopy and leafy to my base then climbed into bed sleeping through the night I saw my piggy L already starting to work in the morning so this is exactly why I wanted one and headed to my incubator hatching myself an r sox my first first firep I named it flameo then assigned it to work at the basard have a power to cook all my food and smelt down my ingots with it getting a bit late in the day I did do some XP farming with pixel but had to head home as I had forgotten to name my Mal Pua so I named it Carl a true classic then made my way to rain syndica Tower I was feeling so nervous as I knew if I die I lose all of my pals in my team so I didn't feel ready yet but I plan to defeat it before day 20 so I wanted to be ready with that though I wanted better food so I started hunting down dozens of lambs grabbing all of their mutton and even some chicken was collected until I ran across a cave that I entered running through it on Pixel we took out multiple Syndicate thugs that were investing the cave getting to the end to find an alpha tany so with my bow I began to damage the monkey as best as I could but pixel started to take too much damage as I switched to mppy and finished off the primate there was another Minion store attacking me that I had to deal with but doing so allowed me to Exit the room grabbing the loot chests at the end as I left the cave there were more syndicates waiting to Ambush me except the mamor didn't like them either and took them out that's when I came across an abandoned M shaft heading at the bottom was a black marketeer these are really bad dudes they buy and sell illegal Pals that are usually quite rare I bought a lunar from him that I chose to name MTI what I was saving it from the hands of an illegal pal Trader I thought it was pretty noble of me with the sun rising the day was finally here I climbed onto pixel as I rode out my base riding towards rain Syndicate Tower the long path up was daunting but I finally arrived and entered the doors to find zo and Gris bolt waiting for me ready to fight I threw out pixel as it opened with a burst of lightning shots so I let loose with a fire arrow the fight was on 10 minutes 30,000 Health let's do this zo was charging up a laser so I pulled back pixel to dodge their block continuing to fire arrow after Arrow as they zap pixel with electricity I had to dodge out of the way before swapping in moppy who fired ice Bots freezing them in place for a second I kept firing my three shot bow then send in Carl whose charge attack dealt some good damage only for an electric Bol to hit me zapping my entire Shield 2 minutes had passed before I brought pixel back out their mud fling attack dealt some great damage but zo started charging again as I sent Moy back out I switched back to my fire bow to try and set them a blaz it was truly A Song of Ice and Fire as I brought them below half Health only for them to dive straight at me stunning me before turning to draw up their laser as I dived out of the way so I continue to fight fire arrow after arrow shot after shot 5 minutes were gone and things were looking good I just had to not die as it kept zapping at a rapid rate zo's Health was dropping fast but I had to keep working as the health got below 3,000 2,000 but we kept firing till one final shot from Pixel eliminated zo and Gris bolt I made sure to give pixel a good scratch on the head in celebration then leaped off the edge to journey home once there I relaxed by hatching an egg which gave me a grin tail that I named chesy cat then did a bit of building expanding my house foundations to set up Crusher which can convert wood into fiber and stone into palum but I wanted to set up some forges so to do that I needed more fire organs I took them with force from the fox pox that I found around the plane and once I got back I set up the forges so my flameo could smelt any ingots I would end up needing for heading off on Pixel to clear out another cave making it all the way to the celer alpha at the end that I brought down with my bow and Moy my sweet moy's ice attacks were truly devastating I got an attack pendant which I tested by firing my bow at a Nightwing stuck behind the pillar but it really didn't seem to increase damage much and that's when I got a notice that a bandwagon of fan girls were coming to raid me as a Duo of lavas showed up these lavas are the weirdest PES ever and I did not want them to ruin my base as I open fire it took a couple arrows but brought them down and even disposed of the body into the ocean the rest of the day was then spent crafting some cloth as a bunch of Pals randomly decided to attack my Bas my thought they got in the way of my arrows but with all that cleared up I had my ick smelt down a bunch of ingots while I had to look at my map in order to plan my next move I needed to find the next Tower so tomorrow I would have to start my adventure and see what I could find I had another raid attacking in the morning and at this point it just felt like a gold ammo and pal spere delivery system so with that dealt with I hatched myself a rhound I chose to name Zippy only to then see I wasn't close to anywhere being a high enough level for the saddle so I was going to be doing a lot of massacring over the next few days and pixel was great at killing off the wildlife I did stop by the merchant again to sell the loot I could including all the P spheres then set off on pixel in search of more eggs running far along the cliffs the beaches and the rocky shores finding a couple eggs and even another raid camp where I managed to free a jolt hog Christ a small icy spiky boy I then came across another pile Merchant who actually had a Lambo for sale who knows maybe I might actually be able to complete the tutorial but I needed to find more lamb balls for sale while I worked towards it I did grab some more skill tree fruit then kept moving deeper into new terrain we saw another raid camp but I was not ready as The Syndicate Thug turned up the heat blasting us with a flamethrower pixel was taking so much damage so I desperately tried to get away barely escaping as I sucked pixel back into her spear to save her life I managed to escape the thugs before jumping back onto pixel to keep moving jumping up Cliffs as I mooved forward and there was another Camp so this one I was going to take much slower as I blasted air and dirt bolt like a wizard in RuneScape things were going great but then I got too close as the thug blasted pixel with their assault rifle killing her all was it might seem silly but I was genuinely saddened by this Not only was this my first pile lost but they were my actual pup's namesake this hurt as with my rules I have to butcher any power that faints and that was going to suck I took my revenge versus a thug who had taken her life but I just wanted to get home dodging some vanw worm's fire blast as I ran back towards a fast travel point and I found a large dark egg while I was running finally getting to the travel point so I could head home we had to craft a meat cleaver I had to place pixel into the pile box so they would no longer be fainted in order to do the deed of butchering her but I couldn't think of that now I tried to distract myself by setting up a hot spring and hatched up a serent as the day was ending I named the suran saky Brey in the morning when pixel was almost ready throwing her out so I could give her one last meal to keep her happy before being forced to bring down my meat cleava taking her life permanently game is brutal I didn't want this Cleaver to exist anymore so I disposed of it and then made sure to go hug my Pap properly in real life never name your in-game pets after your real ones if they have a chance to die I named a second di H I got Woofles as I didn't plan on making the same mistake of naming my PES after my actual pets but this day just sucked so I went to lay down for the rest of the day I didn't want to relive the pain of losing another dial so I made a saddle for my oox flaming then headed out massacring everything I could trying to farm what I could for experience even realizing the biggest source of experience would be zo and grisol as I entered their Tower once more the fight was still tough as I fired Arrow after Arrow while my pal send spell of the spell until finally one final shot defeated their team once again then got home where I gave my pile some attention to try and keep them motivated and with the loss of pixel I needed to level up up my new man flameo so I headed out running along to the alpha gamos it was a quick and easy fight thanks to Flame's fire damage burning through his health bar but I kept moving where I did find a massive herd of foxb I wanted to fire organs for more arrows so killed them off one by one with mopy dealing some real good damage first him but I was heading towards the next Alpha The Winds of spring Alpha Brun Cherry only for to somehow scale the Clif on scary me off as something to note I still don't have a flyer since I conscious guard and decided to capture one I kind of just had to hope to get one from an egg so I hatched another at home and instead getting a taco taco now these explosive chickens are incredibly powerful once you remove their self- destructibility anyway so I don't lose it immediately but I made up some gloves to hold it and shot explosive eggs out of it at anything nearby I then found another egg high on a cliff and a Wandering Merchant but he had nothing useful to sell I spent the next morning blasting pen gullets with my taco taco who I had named bro bro before mining up the nearest or node to my base as I was going to need a lot of ingots later on so many in fact that I plan to set up a mining base once I could have a second base I just had to level up my pile box to unlock that so while waiting for flameo to smelt my ingots I got another raid from some wild PS and bro bro just exploded all over them and even a wild Cris that I couldn't even see with some of ingots I upgraded my pickaxe before heading out to the church to mine up an absolute truckload of ingots to the point of being over encumbered and with all the or in my pockets I started to shuffle slowly back to the Fast Travel points as I didn't yet have the grappling gun throwing all the ore into the furnace to smelt into ingots while I hatched myself a Gil claw that I chose to name Kara and in case you haven't picked up by now but I do like RuneScape I then wanted to level up my pile box so was forced to make a use the structure the sphere workbench as well as a cooler box which wasn't exactly useful either asz I had no ice piles but leveling up my box meant I could destroy them again instead off climbing up Cliffs running across PLS drudging through swamps in search of a good second base location I did find a free pal Alliance camp in the morning and these guys are tough but I carefully and methodically began to melt their faces off Pierce their armor with arrows and bomb their camp with chicken eggs finally clearing the mads so I could free the p in their base a little T Fant so much for the free pal Alliance I then continued my Explorations finding a huge Rocky egg the biggest egg I had found yet but it was getting dangerous so headed home with a fast travel where I was able to hatch another a so and threw my huge egg into the incubator it was going to take a while I then had had to look at the stats and skills of my new oox to see which is better as in pile world the PES all have different skills which you can get and these skills do a variety of things like more damage more speed less boot drain and even some negative ones like less work speed or less defense it's actually a really cool system so usually it's worthwhile to capture a ton of the same pile for the best chances I don't have that luxury in my challenge since I'm not allowed to capture anything so I kept on my adventure finding a g Panda some be and more of the free par lines but I finally entered the frostbound mountains but traversing the terrain was going to be rough with no flyer as I kept climbing through I did find another scorching egg so I kept going when I did find another boss dungeon I wasn't going in the at least not right now so as I continued to climb Glide and run across the hills I finally found a spot that I thought may be good as there was a couple ORS and a beautiful Lake but I wasn't convinced just yet as the day came to an end I found a black rock in the morning that turned out to be cold too bad there were no or noes nearby that I could use as well so I headed off in search again climbing some of the tallest Cliffs only to climb straight into a be God that exploded setting me on fire fortunately I never died as I fell off the cliff only to see I was right next to a free pile Camp so I chose to use my wall rehear strategy of blasting them in the face with Fireballs until they were all dead dying me the freedom to run up to the the cage and saved the brista that was trapped inside I continued on dodging more exploding bees traversing the harsh terrain and picking up eggs I really wish I had a flyer only to continue my journey through the night and ended up right by a mass of watery serpent the emperor of the sea geran tide I did not want to mess with him as he was over double My Level so I had to advance carefully making my way back to the spot I found earlier to set up my power box temporarily to fast travel home but the free par lines followed me here and they were raiding I once more showed them whose boss with flameo as I melted their faces off almost setting my own 2 by two house on fire in the process good thing I missed I guess wouldn't want to burn down my house again anyways so while I spent the next morning cooking up some ingots and food imagine my surprise to see the notification of the taco taco Squadron coming to Siege my base I egged them before they even got close and I then set up a ranch as a structur is incredibly useful to have in your base as certain PS with a ranching skill will come hang out here and passively generate you resources but I wanted to get to a point where I could start breeding for Pals so I set off and found a merchant who was able to sell me a moss Arena that can passively generate me the milk I needed for cakes then continued on we are fought the alpha grin tail I was going to be fighting a lot over the next few days as I desperately needed experience but the lightning Panda I ran po would likely be a bad idea for me to take on so I just kept moving fighting some dire house and fox pox until I ended up at home we I did need to expand my base somewhat by crafting up some more beds and I still plann to make a new base but to get to the location I wanted I was going to need a flyer it's while waiting on some egg to hatch I headed over to catus the fantasmal feline that I began to fight with my bow firing dozens of arrows as flameo set her a blaze Lulu bunny froze her in place and bro bro made her into an omelet with some explosive eggs and I found another syndicut camp on day 33 that I was able to break into to free the flame Bell hidden within competing a whole heap of tutorial steps who knows maybe I might actually be able to do it in 100 days only need to continue my murder spree finding another camp that had a doom mood in it that I was able to release and out Doom mood are super useful as they have level two mining skill but that wasn't the only useful thing I found as I came up to another Power Merchant who had some too too to sell as these ones had better passive skills than I plan to use since the too too is actually incredibly powerful using her to egg bomb a bunch of creatures on the beach in the morning traveling across Ross the oceans climbing up Cliffs as I scoured the land searching and I spent the next morning continuing my onslaught of everything in the area even stronger PS that were higher level than me for quite the Boost in XP ascending higher up the mountain finding the next tower that I'd have to fight but I didn't feel confident to take it on quite yet so it just dropped down off the mountain to clear out the free Power Alliance Camp below raining fire upon them allowing me to free the dinos some Lux trapped in the center and there were also some moander that I had to take down as these were a good batch of experience but continued moving forwards to another Alliance Camp I simply bombed with my BR Bros so I could free the power inside but all I was doing was annoying the alliance as they kept fighting me so I kept taking down their camps at least this was a good source of Pals to free for experience but the best way to level up is by taking down alas as I entered patalia [Music] l as the final shot B her down pushing me almost to level 25 I headed home as my huge verdant egg was ready to hatch giving me a war sect who I chose to name Hercules now I needed to level this thing up and the best way to do that is by fighting Alphas so I turned and headed towards my toughest challenge yet the king of the forest the mamist [Music] it took an entire day of fire sweat and arrows to bring down the beast but I finally did it pushing my Hercules from level three to 33 in one single step but I had a problem power has level balancing so even though Hercules was level 33 that doesn't actually help since I was already level 26 and I had another raid coming to attack me thankfully though I was able to easily egg them down then took off in the morning to begin the quest of leveling myself up taking out Syndicate patrols and clearing through caves but it was getting dark so made my way home where I leveled up my base by setting up a weat plantation and a m these would be important for making cakes for breeding later I also made sure in name any of the piles I hadn't yet been extremely creative with some of them before starting to craft an upgrade of my own finishing it in the morning the musket I also gave my P some comfier beds as well as some more storage but I desperately had to change base locations so to achieve that requirement I had a plan as at some point I had hatched out a hangu and after crafting up the gloves I was able to use the hangu basically like a glider that goes up not entirely sure how it can fly but it just works traveling through stopping by the king Parker to take it out and even sneaking into a Syndicate Camp freeing a mile Cris as these cats can passively generate gold coins for you at a ranch but I needed to get to a base spot I wanted so I F travel to a spot I knew as close to it to begin ascending the mountain using the hangu to pull me higher and higher and finally arriving at the location where there were some alliance members I had to take out in order to claim this Mountaintop as my own multiple call and or notes it was perfect so this was to be my base spot now it is fairly common knowledge that I am not a builder but I wanted to [Music] try me oh rainbow rainbow call me like the rainbow the [Music] [Music] rainbow [Music] [Music] [Music] call me I can't control me [Music] call me rainbow rain call me the rainbow the rainbow [Music] so after many grueling days of placing walls around to prevent my PS falling off setting up new beds and way too much time building destroying building chopping crafting spending absolutely way too much time creating the structure that was absolutely incredibly uh mediocre at best listen I'm still not a good Builder I tried let me know in the comments what you think of my base but it's time to continue on with my challenge to play 100 days of power world without catching any Pals and the next step of that is to take take down the next Tower boss I started out in the morning back at my original base as this when I plan to just have all my ranching P here so it just be an infinite source of resources but I'll be back later to collect them and getting home where I had some more structures to set up like the statue of power medicine bench and a whole heap of furnaces for smelting and unlock the Giger Shield place down the stone and tree pits for the PS to set them up before ordering a ton of ingots to melted so that I could craft myself some new egg incubators as the stor is only allowed to get PS by either hatching them freeing them or buying them then had to do some chopping of my own to clear our trees for space in the base then lay down to have a rest and end off the day I set up some Farms to be made in the morning then hatched up another R socks but I was still really happy with flameo my current R socks but I named the new one kaiso before heading out to search for some more scorching eggs as I was still planning to fight the next Tower boss riding on flameo finding some eggs on the coast and while scorching eggs were what I wanted I wanted the large and huge variant I found two more scorching eggs on a rock and a statue then found my first Lodge in the morning of day 53 picking up a couple of the regular SS even if they weren't the SARS I wanted I wasn't leaving them behind as I still didn't have a flyer since you can get rubies Liz punks kelpy Fox pox blam Bell ox and vans from them I wanted the vanm I just had to get lucky I picked up another Lodge in the afternoon and these have a chance of hatching a ragna hawk among a variety of others and to got some power Brothers before heading off for the day then hatching one of the scorching eggs in the morning I got a ruby now this wasn't the van ver I wanted but Ruby is actually pretty good as in your party or increase the attack of all Fire PS by 10% now it is unfortunate I'm only allowed to ha one egg per a day so I spent some time collecting the resources left around my base then headed off again in order to fight an alpha for experience the Brun Cherry throwing out flameo as I pulled out my musket and fired the fight was on flameo sent out the balls of fire being highly effective versus the grassy Brun Cherry while I fired the musket shot after shot the Brun Cher was slow as it flung its mud balls at me so I dodged to avoid them running away as flameo set it a pulling him back to dodge the seed attack as it continued to launch projectiles at me I switched to my bow for the fight to keep taking it down as the musket needed to reload but all I needed was one final shot to defeat the alpha Brun Cherry with the defeated I did find a cave nearby I was able to enter Then using my tacos the too too began to egg bomb the entire cave walking through as we egged Syndicate after Syndicate finally to reach the celer flo voting in the final chamber a couple shots of the musket was all it took to bring it down freeing me to grab the loot at the end it was a shiny diall waiting for me outside but with my rules I wasn't allowed to catch it so it got blasted for experience then chatting to the nearby Merchant where I bought another Lambo for sale getting closer and closer to finally beating the tutorial Maybe by day 100 we'll be able to do it I cleared out a nearby Syndicate Camp so I could free the M Cris with to use for my Ranch then moved over to the gumas who I shot in the sap a couple times to defeat it but moving on to the next Alpha pal lunaris it was a tough fight with my PS but using tacos we managed to finish it off with just a few eggs to the Head then farest traveled home where I hatched another R Soxs still no vanir I wanted unfortunately but that brought us to the end of the day however in the morning I hatched a new Scorch neck and this gave me a Pyon one Nam pyrina as suggested fuzzle ducks a friend of mine who just started their Channel also named the rest of my piles I hadn't yet then set up some structures which actually boost the level of skills of poers in my base I did have to throw my lunaris mwy at my workbench to make me a set of cold resistant metal armor and I was looking good so I gave mewy some snacks for to finish building my new bed and in the morning I hatched another scorching egg giving me a Le's Punk ignis that I named Billy Joe then spent some time harvesting a bunch of cardum I needed to build a Crusher and a mole and I needed the crusher to grind up Stone into even more pum so I could make a Pyon saddle to head off and damn was the Pyon forc I began to zoom around using speed in my musket to take down the chillet and a couple of dinos some wandering around nearby see the partner skill for the Pyon causes my attacks from the back of a two deal fire damage while out I did grab a frozen egg as I need these later then ran to begin fighting the one po ban starting the fight on my py and hitting shots with my bow before switching to send out flameo my Ox fighting together in beautiful Harmony as we engulf the wampo in Flames using my musket to deal what damage I could as my team of Fire PS continued to burn the wo flameo was helping out a ton with its flame breath while rubbert burnt the wo with tornadoes we got it down to 1K Health as I sent out flameo to help finish it off as it seed attack crash down on flamio killing it rest in peace flamio I jumped onto pyrina to deal the remaining couple of attacks to the wo in order to defeat it but losing flameo was a devastating blow yes I had more ox but flameo had been special flameo had been my main man since we lost pixel and it hurt and I got home to offer flamia one final pet and head scratch before being forced to drive my meat cleeland it down into it to kill it forever the rest of the day I hatched another piron and set up some fancier foods to begin cooking along with some extra cooking pots to have more space for cooking and stop by my ranching base to collect the whole heap of resources and I had to set up some more beds for the ranch as I stopped by a pal Merchant to buy another MOS Arina I named Matilda at home I was able to hatch a kelpsy ignis and this would actually be pretty strong since it Stacks with my Ruby to boost my Fire PS attacks before heading out to collect even more eggs trying not to melt from the heat of the volcano and defeating some of the locals for their fire organs even if it did mean I almost burnt alive but I kept up my Onslaught moving into the mountains fighting some Brun Cherry for their meat Syndicate thugs for the kativa they had trapped and unival for their electric organs as I was close to entering the Industrial Age but mostly it was just fun to fight through Syndicate camps in order to save the dazzy they had trapped still no flyer and still preparing to fight the next Tower boss so after finding another camp in the morning I cleared them all out to free the brista only to find another nearby and I could see a kativa trapped inside I didn't even bother to clear it out same for flame Bell though this time was cuz I was getting blasted as I tried to enter but I kept moving along collecting the chest and egg then entered a cave it was easy to find fight my way through and take out the alpha R bunny waiting peacefully at the end with my loot I headed out where I came across the lair of the winged Tyrant the alpha quiv one of my favorite Parts but I wasn't here to catch it I was here to take it out for its experience but after a couple musket shots to the head I took it down and headed home hatched an egg to give me another kelpsy and ended the day and sliding into the small settlements in the morning where I bought myself another loop Moon I decided it was finally time to take my batch of fire piles and head out to the snow as there was time to fight the second tower it was time to fight Lily and line it's rowing out pyrina to start the fight I dashed off to the side as I began to open fire with my musket while pyrina charged it but I could see her bubble attack coming as I pulled back pyrina to dodge the bubbles before jumping on her back as a massive bubble hit me instead we kept flinging Fireball after Fireball while I was shot with my bow but damage had slowed as I jumped off to fight on foot while switching to my rub to send in tornadoes Flume shooting its fireballs and Tacos sending an explosive egg launchers slowly but surely we worked at their healthful dodging what attacks we could while continuing our own Onslaught until 5 minutes were left and 20,000 Health to go things were looking good so long as I don't die but my health was ticking lower tacos explosive eggs were dealing good damage only to get poisoned again ticking my health lower and lower less than 10K left as I sent out Pina once again while hiding behind the pillar to block the water bubble 2K Health as I fired my musket while Pina charged in defeating Lily and lilene with the grassy Duo defeated I ascended to the top of the tower where I could look out into the distance and see my next challenge sitting at top the volcano in the South the next Tower boss I got home where I was able to begin planning my next team of Fighters as the next boss was a dragon electric type so I was going to need ground and ice type paths if I had a hope of defeating it so after selecting Hercules piggu dumu tacos and pyrina I did not feel confidence in this team at all so I'd have to find a way to find some stronger PS I did hatch a bron Cherry from a large bdon egg for the day to end and then in the morning alongside my lunaris crafted up a hip Lantern so at least now I could see better at night I also crafted up a set of heat resistant metal armor I was going to needed by the volcano I even tested standing by the fires to see if I got hot then headed out to see it still wasn't enough so I was going to have to get some thermal underwear it may have been because I was riding a literal flaming Pony but I don't think that's important I eventually arrived at what's known as the fishing village where I bought some heat resistant underwear and then chanted to the pal Merchant and he had a van for him for sale yes I can buy a flyer 63 days of running on foot best 24,000 coins ever spent yes I immediately headed home to see I needed more fire organs for the saddle so after hunting down some pyron for the organs tying them all together for a saddle and naming my vanm van Diesel then took off into the sky flying for the very first time I took out some nearby paths and headed into the desert where I began to fight some Le Punk taking them all out burning them down with Van Diesel feeling good that I could finally s through the skies and flying up the volcano in the morning I did have some in cineram that I had to take out and yet again tacos absolutely demolished them with his explosive eggs allowing me the freedom to continue ascending to the top where I could claim the far travel Point unlocking the next Tower the brothers of the Eternal P Tower but my team was not ready yet as I needed some stronger ground type PA to achieve that I headed out to the desert where I did find a huge huge scorching egg the largest of eggs you can find and I also took out some too Taco for experience making sure to keep my distance even if it did get Van Diesel down to pretty low health so in the morning I claimed the nearest bar travel in order to head home as I had an idea you see in power world you can breed your PS now it's a little more complex than just adding two together but I'll explain it a bit more later however I was missing one key ingredient I needed cake there was a few more resources I needed like eggs and flour thankfully I already had the milk so I wasn't going to get that but after a couple dozen chicken peas got burned to a crisp and I did see the Mam's back so of course I had to take it out with Van Diesel as it's simply a good source of experience finally defeating it in the morning which thankfully went better than expected I got home and started my eyes socks on his baking o while I set up some more comfy beds for the P my Bas but the cakes were going to take a while to cook thus I made the most of my time by fighting some pre Alliance creeps allign me to save the Vixie trapped inside since Vixie are incredibly useful they can passively generate pile spheres oh maybe they aren't that useful not for me anyways so instead I just chose to fight the alpha dran alpha nearby a cute pixie Dragon it took many musket shots and explosive eggs in order to finally kill it thankfully with no casualties so I could simply head off for the day though I did stop by cave along my journey as there can be good loot found inside even if it did require me to fight a cat first in order to get to it then continued my Ascent up into the frostbound mountains melting some Ranger eggs that got in my way and headed home to hatching my first Frozen egg giving me a chillet a very cute ice fet pie that I named Chili then grabbed the one cake that was finished baking as I had some Pals to start breeding heading out to my ranching base where I bought up the breeding farm so here's a quick breakdown down of how breeding works every pile has a hidden value when you breed those two piles those values get added together and divided by two in order to give you a brand new pile for me I wanted an Anubis so I could use a rush or and Blazer moon but I had no Blazer Mo or an ik Thea and a beacon but I didn't have a beon so I had to find some combination of paths that would give me an Anubis I could use a lunaris and suzaku since I did have that huge Scorch egg which has a 50% chance of gting me a suzaku or a blaze how knocked but that's when I saw I could use a pyron and an arox both of which I already had and it was then day 68 so close to perfect timing when I threw my AR Sox and pyron into the breeding Farm before running and hiding in the hair bells where I could watch as they got Dar and dirty until finally out popped a huge Rocky egg once I had it in the incubator for to start preparing to hatch I learned the ingrams for new furnace which should help smelt some ingots a bit faster I just needed to plan where I was going to put it so that meant some more building completing it in the morning when I saw my huge scorching egg was ready to hatch giving me a suzaku this is an amazing flyer I named it Suzuki and I couldn't use it as a fly as I wasn't a high enough level for the saddle so at least I had that to look forward to I did also want to increase my base level so I bolt up a power generator and a spear line conveyor Bel not that useful so I destroyed it immediately to set up a weapon conveyor Bel to to end off day 69 and since I was waiting for my Rocky egg to hatch I did hatch an electric egg which gave me a jaw hog since in my challenge rules I still can only hatch one egg per day and I didn't want to waste the day waiting for the huge Rocky egg and set off to fight some Alphas to keep level in my ground team taking out the Aur with some explosive eggs since tacos was thror just incredibly powerful definitely becoming one of my favorite pile skills also cleared a Syndicate Camp so I could get my first handsy then found a cave there were a few thugs waiting inside one of which I snapped with a musket and the other didn't even notice I guess he thought it must have been the wind the rest of the cave was a breezo including taking out the woolly pop at the end a sheep made of cotton candy but I was making my way towards another Alpha the Bron Cherry Aqua opening fire with my musket and tacos and we were dealing some serious damage but then takos got hit with a seed mine that absolutely obliterated his health killing off tacos w no we managed to defeat the Brun Cherry but having lost tacos was devastating I know how to just head home where I did find a large common egg right before I got to the far travel point to allow me to travel back home so with the clear inventory I chose to set out and continue my quest of fighting Alphas for experience taking down beon with my Hercules as well as a relaxa orus lux then dumu put out fi's Flames with its bubble blast so so Hercules could charge through the univolt as I blasted the moander Luxe with my musket we were building a great team but I needed more ground type piles so flew off into the desert in the morning arriving at the Dune shelter where I could sell off a ton of my jewels and bought a robin Quil Terror even stopping by the black marketeer hiding at the bottom of a cave and I did at least find one egg here a large verdant egg so just headed home as my huge Rocky egg had finished incubating hatching into my very first Anubis it got shockingly bad passive skills like pacifist and downtrodden great so I named it Anubis fortunately I still had my Pal's breeding at the farm so I could hatch a second one and this was much better so I named it Anubis now though I was going to have to level it up thankfully I found a cave I was able to just fight and melt my way through to finally take out the gobin at the end and the nearest Alpha was then the elizabe who thankfully using the power of flight was able to just melt it with Van Diesel then moved on to take out the war sect as well in order to end off the day and I came across a free pile camp in the morning that I was able to obliterate in order to free the tant trapped inside before making my way to take down ballet as the final burst of experience to bring Anubis up to my level I did also stop by the pile Merchant where I was able to buy another Lambo putting me in three out of five in order to complete the tutorial so close yet so far so I kept exploring making my way into the desert finding a couple Syndicate camps to free myself another iox and another Doom mood even if some too too and syndicates got mad at me while flying around but that's when I saw the alpha Anubis and he was trapped in the trees now Anubis is incredibly powerful so it took my moment to begin trying to take him out but I didn't quite expect him to break free and one shot Van Diesel killing him instantly I had to Sprint away and Escape lavander did try and catch me but my musket solved that problem and it took plenty of running climbing and jumping to finally make it back to a fast travel Point well I was able to head home but I had just lost my only flyer I did have Suzuki but without a saddle I was going to need need more experience I did also still have tacos my taco taco that had died and it was about time that I had to deal with it and I woke up in the morning of day 78 feeling a bit saddened having lost so many important tees but I couldn't let that worry me now I still had a challenge to complete doing some shiny hunting with my musket then stop by my old base spot from my first one hting 100 days as I was on my way to the pen Kings Le it was as easy as 1 2 3 4 and 5 and ver fell just as quickly thanks to Suzuki burning it to a crisp but I was running out of ammo for my musket so I stopped by the Fisherman's Village to buy some bullets and checked out the pal Merchant to see he had a pyron that had the Swift attribute so this would be incredibly Speedy as Swift gives a bonus 30% movement speed with man piron I headed over to the frostbound mountains and damn was this fire Pony fast allowing me to easily take down some chillet and I also wanted to level up my base some more so I had set up a new Hot Spring but to go higher I needed an improved furnace only need to be short of the fire organs I needed so I was off to the volcano where I began to snipe and explode everything I could and also found a deep Cavern and hidden at the end was the alpha blazo I was not ready for that yet so simply continued my quest for organs defeating what I could with pet my Swift pyron collecting a large scorching egg and exploding some more py and soldiers turns out fire is pretty effective versus flamethrowers that use gas tanks but then in the morning of day 80 as I continued along the coast I found quite a large group of py brothers so blew them apart as nearby I found a huge dragon egg this was exciting as I could either get a relaxa orus or a yman tide ignis from it two very powerful Pals as well as a huge scorching egg so as I was running I found another huge dragon egg you know maybe I could build a powerful team so when I got home I hatched out a robin for Tera to have a spot for my huge dragon egg and since I at least now had the fire organs I needed I set up some of the improved furnace to begin smelting some refined ingots leveling up my P box and unlocking the refined metal armor to end off the day I wanted to make some refined ingots in the morning so that I could make some new armor but for that I needed coal lots of coal this is why I bought my base here though as I have coal on my front step I also made myself a better pickaxe to be crafted and damn was this way better smashing some nodes very quickly before heading over to set up some new pile beds in order to level up my base I was then running through the desert where I did lost down some too Taco as I was on my way to fight some new alas defeating the syndicates who were trying to stop me until I arrived at the M shaft as hidden at the bottom was the very cute dinos some Lux but since I was already building my team around defeating electric files so safe to say this electric dinosaur got grounded okay yes that joke was bad I'm sorry please like the video I was on my way out of the desert when I came across necromus and plius two very powerful legendary PS no chance I would even be able to touch them but I just ran off into the desert where I did have to fight off some lavas and noticed that they dropped mushrooms not sure if that's an innuendo for something but I would not be surprised but I wanted to explore some new lands find some new Alphas to fight so was running through the ocean trying to find a way up the cliff since I didn't actually have a flyer right now only to glitch and fall under the ocean I guess this counts as new lands but I climbed up and out to continue onwards finding a pathway up to begin my Explorations into the lands jumping through a large abandoned city until finally I came over the mountain entering the icy cold North I did find L Knocked in a Frozen mft with nothing effective vers AR types I chose to just leave her for now but it was pretty cold so traveled over to some warmer climates where I collected myself some mamor steak took out a fbat alpha and freed a kativa from a raid camp but that when I found another camp and this one had a pal I desperately wanted it had another lamb ball I was able to freeze so I need one more to go to complete the tutorial I did then stop by the relaxa orus Lux who I defeated for the experience before making the decision to head home as my huge dragon egg was ready to hatch giving me a yman tide ESS yes this was an incredibly powerful fire pile that I chose to name yman Gander after the great world Serpent and I was thankful to hatch a second one in the morning but at least now I'd have one for my base to smelll ingots and bake cakes this one I named her feas and immediately put it to work while I headed out to keep up the ground for experience killing beon my sand Delux and enacting my revenge against wo ban being unable to capture pal should have make it take a while to level up and now I did see the alpha yman tide no chance I was touching that yet War SE however he got burnt to a crisp even the alpha mamores got burnt like it was nothing and I kept fighting Alphas into day 88 even if I did almost die and lose every Power on my team until finally getting to level 40 so I could unlock the suzaku saddle and the heat resistant refined metal armor both of which I was going to need to take on the next Tower boss and both of which was going to need a lot of a to craft so spent some time whacking nodes with my pick a so that myop could begin crafting the suzaku saddle and taking off in the morning to begin fighting wild PS in the area taking out Veet as the final act for the day but it was finally day 90 10 days to go three more Towers to bring down safe to say the odds are not in my favor so I collected some refined ingots and palum that I had grinded down from Stone all to craft a set of refined metal armor I wanted including the refined metal helmet before Gra grabbing one of my skill fruits the fireball which I fed to my Suzuki then checked to see what level I needed for my next weapon and that was the pump action shotgun at level 42 so I guess that means my battle for experience was not over yet good thing the alpha mamist is made of grass and fire is pretty effective vers that I was doing my last minute preparations for the next Tower boss stopping by the SE bre's Church where I imbued some of my pals with pal Souls giving them quite a large boost in attack damage before traveling over to the brothers of the Eternal P Tower as here I was to face off against Axel and orer I threw out a nubis to open the battle while I fired with my musket 10 minutes 130,000 Health this was it Anubis jumped to deal a devastating air slam so I switched them out for her Hercules to charge into damage Axel we kept fighting as I threw out Oliver who was able to fire an incredibly strong grass laser well I kept running to dodge oro's acid rain I brought Anubis back out who was by far my most powerful fighter thanks to his powerful Rock LA but I had to keep switching out my pals sending out Hercules Oliver and Anubis attack after attack shot after shot orer shooting massive dark blast while I kept my distance he was down to 63,000 health as a timer passed halfway barely ahead of the damage we needed but it was going to be close that just meant we had to keep fighting my musket firing shot after shot while Oliver shot his bow Hercules flung his Boulders and anuba slammed down from the sky damage was going good thanks to all my PS but if I ever died we would lose shot after shot or's Health grew lower as a two-minute Mark hit but then I got Absolut Ely blasted by his lightning bolt bringing me down to 1,000 Health another hit like that and I would be dead so I ran far off switching out my PS only 30 seconds remained as a nubas came back out charging and dealing massive damage before leaping up into the sky to smash down on orer winning the fight with only 20 seconds to spare I was able to ascend to the top of the tower gaze out into the distance seeing the next Tower far off in the desert as the day came to an end or I flew off on Suzuki out of the volcano I just had one major problem the next boss was fire so I had to build an entirely new team from scratch in a few days as possible so to do that I threw my Suzuki and Anubis into the breeding Farm only for a massive herd of wild P to Siege the baits the damage was devastating five of the paa had here all killed in the attack but I had no time to grieve as when I got home I set up a damp egg to begin hatching then headed out where I just literally ran through an absolute mass of PS farming food to sustain my team until I got home in the morning to see the eggs had been laid and these were huge dragon eggs as breeding zaku and Anubis give you a pile that is similar to one I already had but the eggs needed to start incubating well I started breeding my yman gondo and voltage in order to get another powerful p and I also hatched a paning in the morning from one of my large damp eggs then headed out to continue doing some experience farming as I still wanted that pump action shotgun completing the grind on day 95 where I set up a refine metal chest in order to level up my base before having my PES begin to craft the pump action shotgun stopping by the fishing Village to purchase some ammo so I could head off and test it out with the catus dead I got home to see my eggs were ready to hatch giving me a yman tide but this was a water version well in the morning I could hatch an Aur be I immediately got my yman ti to help me make some palum I needed to craft a saddles for both before heading out to take on the alpha suzaku in order to level them up we finally managed to extinguish the suzaku leveling my team all the way up to level 42 but that's wasn't going to be enough I needed to fight something bigger something stronger I needed to head back to the volcanic Mountain as I needed to defeat the alpha BL let's do [Music] this [Music] [Music] it took many hits and way too many close calls to finally defeat the massive beast but this was it I was basically out of time to continue preparing so I stopped by the small settlement one final time and saw they had another lamb ball for sale that was five out of five all I had left to do to complete the tutorial was craft a pal sphere I mean I'm not going to complete the tutorial but I think that's pretty damn impressive so make sure you leave a like if you agree with me but I couldn't worry about that now as I headed out to the desert in order to enter the next Tower as here was Marcus and his b [Music] [Music] valeries [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] time up had failed to beat Marcus but in doing so all five of my PS were now lost I woke up in my base with no items no team and no time to change the outcome so as I lay down in my base while the clock ticked over to end day 100 I want to say thank you to all my patrons who have continued to support me and my content and I hope you'll enjoy this next video [Music] subscribe
Channel: NaturalCauzes
Views: 59,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld early access, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld guide, Palworld, 100 days palworld, palworld 100 days, pokemon 100 days, 100 days pokemon, palworld playthrough, 100 days playthrough palworld, palworld full playthrough, how to catch pal, how to beat palworld, palworld pokemon, palworld tips and tricks, palworld how to, cheats palworld
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 11sec (5051 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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