Would you Beat Palworld using only EGGS?

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as soon as I'm out I get dragged back in I'm just kidding my dear viewer Miss at shy suggested doing a hatched Pals only run they're worried about my mental health but that is nothing new I'm a crazy person so this most definitely seems like something my crazy self will do now I will say my last challenge took a lot out of me so I have One Singular goal here I just want to beat the first Tower that's I've put some restrictions on myself though I will not be able to get past level 30 that might change because level 30 seems a little high but we'll see when we get there regardless that should make this challenge a little more interesting and potentially harder and hopefully it'll still remain enjoyable for all of you so let's get into it here's our new hero witty name I couldn't think of a witty name so I named them witty name that in itself is witty right anyway here we are as I level I need to focus on a few stats that I normally don't such as attack power and crafting speed attack power mostly because I will have to fight bosses on my own so I can craft an egg incubator and I'm focusing on crafting speed because well I don't have the patience not to I know it's not optimal but I have the intention span of a small mollusk so bear with me I first decided to pick up literally everything I saw because this gave experience not a terrible amount but enough for now I then started to work on my first set of gear I built cloth armor a wooden spear an old bow a shield and 81 arrows this is the best I'm able to do for now so onwards and upwards I go friends I decided to build my base close to the Boss chillet Arena it's nothing spectacular but it's mine and this is all I need on this lonely road I'm currently on in preparation for the chillet fight I need the fire bow and fire arrows I'm going to need to take on a lot of fox Sparks as they both require flame organs to craft oh my goodness we found our first egg and it is a large damp egg well I have absolutely no idea what that'll be and we you and I aren't going to know what that's going to be for kind of a hot minute but it's fine we'll figure it out oh hello uh we got our second egg and it's a scorching egg that'll be nice I'm always interested in getting fire Pals okay so I have my first two eggs on this run and that is so incredibly exciting but I can't hatch them yet and that is the opposite of incredibly exciting it is not exciting so there is a speedrun strat that I want to try this will for sure be a cheese if it works but I think it'll be worth it because if I'm able to succeed in doing it properly I'll be able to knock out chillet sooner rather than later so the thing about power world is the fact that it's still an early access and we still have some absolutely wonderful bugs one bug that I discovered after watching the world record for beating Zoe and Gris bolt is a bug where the PF officers will not shoot at you if you do not look at them so the cheese here is aggro PF officers run up to chill it have them knock chill it out to almost no Health then I'll hit it a few times get all the experience and get all the drops okay got it um maybe I need to practice this more before I go on to attempt number two I wanted to make the rest of the fire arrows I needed and I got my fire bow out because I was prepared to fight chillet on attempt number two and we begin I led the PF officers all the way up to chillet and I was stoked for this I felt like this was the run the the fabled run you know like the run where where everything's going to go great I would be able to knock out chillet with ease well dear dear viewer uh chillet is a bull in a china shop when I'm level seven chillet started blasting the PF officers started blasting with we old little me and I died this was indeed a speed bump in my progress but I did not relent dear viewer oh no I figured that I could probably come up with a way to cheese the chillet myself without the PF officer's help so here's attempt number three and you know what they say the third time is always the charm so as you're watching this you're probably thinking that I have a plan a plan that would for sure net me a profit of ancient civilization Parts well you you'd be wrong I had zero plans the only thing that I could come up with on the Fly was to try and get to a spot where I would be able to hit chill it and then maybe get to cover when it attacked me and this part's actually really funny because at this moment I decided that the chillet fight wasn't going to happen I was going to leave and level up and then suddenly I realized I had a stroke of luck I I somehow got to a spot where I could hit chillet and for the most part it couldn't hit me I found a cheese that was a total accident yes this was a shameful fight I do not have any pride in it but this is how it played [Laughter] out oh my God that I'm happy I won but I um I don't feel great about that win oh my gosh that was uh huh that is not how I was planning on um beating chillet for the first time but you now whatever works works okay all in all this went far better than I was expecting because legitimately after my armor broke I thought for sure that I was going to lose my plan wasn't even and and again my plan wasn't even to jump down by that stream I was just running away because you know I was about to die and I didn't want to die it was uh simply a happy accident I learned the egg incubator technology went back to my base and I began construction on my egg incubation house this isn't exactly the best setup but honestly I think it looks acceptable and it will function at an optimal level for most eggs aside from eggs that need a colder environment but even then you know they'll still hatch they'll just take time I'll figure something out later for my cold egg this is just this is just what we got for now okay ah this this is a thing of beauty isn't it I feel like I've already came pretty far with just relying on my own skill and cheeses and it's been a pretty interesting run having to rely only on myself that being said I am very excited to see what my first pal will be I don't really have any sort of expectations here but I am hoping for a basm I that was a joke I'm assuming it's going to be a fox Sparks which is totally fine because I really do love those little firef foxes it's time oh man I'm so excited let's see oh an arog wow I was not expecting that holy crap we have kindling level two and lumbering level one that's that's amazing wow what what who this is great all right we'll put on our next scorching egg and while we're waiting for that I should probably build a pal gear workbench and on top of that maybe like a uh what is it the logging site is that what it's called I don't even have it unlocked yet yeah the logging site we unlock all of this uh yeah that's that's exciting I was not expecting an r sox I'm pretty happy about that that's that's amazing an r sox man that was just too cool I then went and Built My Pal gear workbench cuz I was going to start getting Pals and I would need their gear I realized that I never named my very first pal this AR Sox will now be known as ouren everyone say hello okay now it's time for another egg egg number two egg number two egg number two it's another r sox okay and it's a female that's interesting um so we have Arsen [Music] Arena all right we have arson and we have Arena they love each other it's great okay what uh let's do the large damp egg this is going to take a while but yeah cool well I'll see you guys in 30 minutes I said I'd see you in 30 minutes for the large damp egg incubation but that was a lie because I ran around in the night with arson the AR Sox and we tore it up we were Unstoppable up until the point that I thought it would be fun and a neat idea to take on this herd of Capri Capri these things now I know that if I attack one of them all of them will pull up on me and start blasting but at this moment my past self neglected to remember that fact and I shot the first shot that was heard around the palpo islands oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God what have I done what have I done what have I done I'm so sorry I'm so sorry oh my God I uh I don't know what I was expecting I just wasn't expecting all of them to gang up on me but I understand that strategically that was the best thing they could have done but holy hell man that was horrifying this night was eventful arson and Arena were leveling up nicely I got them some good skill fruits and then I went to bed because I just Dagon tuckered myself [Music] out ah today is the 18th of March and I am 30 years old now I feel myself turning into dust every single day you know I've lived on this planet a long time at least it feels like a long time to me and the only advice that I would love to impart to you is try not to care so much you know just do you and be proud of that fact time flies I I feel like my 20s just were gone in an instant you know it just uh they flew by just like this next egg hatching you know let's see what it is oh my God we got a pen King we got a pen King oh I love pen King oh my God okay pen King your name is going to be Captain kid oh heck yeah dude we got a pen King oh I'm so excited that's going to be amazing H 10 out of 10 head pen King my dog my boy my rid or die I love this dumb pal oh man I am so excited for how the team is looking now I don't really know what I want to do next so I think I should probably be focusing on trying to level up and get my pals leveled up so that's what I've been doing things are going well I got myself my pals to level 10 I realized that having the pals I do now are great but I'll need more of a selection so off I went to hunt for eggs before I did that I crafted the three shot bow made some arrows and made the feathered hair band my defense is now 130 which isn't amazing but it'll do for now any who onwards to the eggs I stopped by and took down a black marketeer I did this for One Singular reason uh I just wanted some gold that's about it so I did the tried andrue hanging trap SL campfire combo and I waited I feel bad about this but hey I'm 10,000 gold richer now even though I probably just took on quite a bit of negative Karma on my egg Excursion I found one singular egg a damp egg oh my goodness there's an egg good Lord finding eggs has been incredibly difficult I'm not going to have to stamina I'm how to climb up that am I oh come on yes I had the stamina I went back to my base and I started the incubation process I then realized that I had a frozen egg in my storage that I completely forgot about I'll definitely be hatching that next you know what else you may have forgotten about subscribing good Lord these are getting worse and worse for each video and as always I'm going to apologize for that 97% of you that watch aren't actually subscribed and you may not even know it so please take a second and look to see if you are if you aren't hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications as it helps me so much and as always I couldn't do any of this without your support and your support has been absolutely immense and wonderful and so unexpected I've I've said it before and I'll say it again I never thought I would get to this point on my channel each and every one of you are helping in making my dream become a reality so thank you so much I do not have words to describe how appreciative I am of that while waiting for the egg to incubate I felt like it would be a good idea to mine ore in my base I don't have access to anything at the moment that uses ore yet but I don't think there's anything wrong with preparing for the future and to be be frank right now a lot of this is just a waiting game so why not o celer oh that'll be awesome to make the celer gauntlets okay cool um not not amazing but still pretty cool I'm uh I'm not going to complain heck yeah I made celera's gloves and then I tested it out for a bit I went AFK for a bit and I came back to a level up screen since I'm level 11 I was able to unlock the highquality workbench and metal tools I built the bench and I made my upgraded tools oh shoot I forgot I had an egg hatching egg number four oh no this is egg number five we got to chill it oh that's amazing oh man what H what luck what a fun team really it's an OD team but it's a fun team as if things couldn't have gotten more exciting I had my very first raid happen oh goodness gracious it's our first raid okay um where are they coming from though oh my God they're all the way down there guess we go down here then arson you Madman oh my gosh cool well first first raid experience um that was that was awesome a little underwhelming but awesome after all the excitement of that raid I went back out into the Wilderness to find more eggs and I ended up with three more I found a large dark egg a dark egg and a common egg I started with hatching the large dark egg and it takes 30 minutes for it to hatch so I went back out to find more eggs and level up and yeah you get it I found a rocky egg oh is that a oh it's a rocky egg oh that's interesting I'm uh pretty excited about that huh pretty cool an electric egg and a frozen egg I then leveled up to level 12 and went back to my base I worked on my base for a bit I extended my main house and I plan on using this new room for storage in the future and I'm really liking this weird floor plan I got going on I crafted myself some Pelt armor I then built the logging s and stone pit I plan on leaving Arena here to get wood as that's been really annoying collecting thus far I'm hoping one of my dark eggs will hatch into maybe like a tomat because they have level two Mining and I would love to have a resident Miner in my base but we'll see with all of these eggs I'm really thinking I need to get more incubators I think I'm going to face chillet a few more times to get the materials I need before I go and fight chill it to get all of the materials for new egg incubators I think it's time to hatch our large dark egg all right large dark egg here we go whoa a Knox well that's cool oh wait what's what's the problem with who are you fighting what are you kidding me you guys are so far away this is ridiculous okay well that was exciting okay now before I got so rudely interrupted it's pretty cool that we got a ox um I've never used Knox in any of my playthroughs so I'm pretty excited about this all right Knox your name will be Zoro all right so we've started the rocky egg um I have no idea what this could be I'm going to build a campfire so it'll make it incubate faster and editing magic strikes again look at that the rocky egg is ready to be hatched let's see what the rocky egg holds for us something good a dud okay you know honestly not bad duma's going to be a minor that's actually pretty cool not going to complain about that heck yeah I'm sure you heard it in my voice but I wasn't stoked about dud uh regardless we're going to use it and it's going to be great I mean look at this as you can see D mud's fitting in very nicely okay so a lot happened in between me saying I wanted to fight chillet so I could get more materials to make incubators and then actually fighting chill it but any who we've hatched a lot of eggs and it is abundantly clear that I'm going to need quite a lot of incubators so I did fight chillet I went back to my base to hatch my dark egg and I got a Daydream uh this isn't perfect but it'll be fine for the base for now so yeah Daydream I was able to craft two more egg incubators I started the incubation for the large verdant egg and my electric egg my next order of business is leveling up more I want to get to the point where I can get some better gear and I want to level up enough to craft AR Sox's saddle which is unlocked at level 16 for the time being though I can just level up to 13 and unlock chillet saddle before I went out I gathered all the ore around my base made a hot spring for my lovely Pals and then I put all of the ore I gathered into the furnace the first stop on my latest Excursion will be to my boy chillet I need more ancient civilization parts and chillet is just the easiest way to get them as of now because I was so close to leveling here the fight with chillet pushed me over to level 13 and because of that it is now time to craft its saddle ah now this this my dear viewers is living in luxury look at this fun little Wiggly body go I'm sure I would probably get motion sick if I ever rode this but good God would it be worth it like look at him he is having such a good time just existing I'm jealous I'm a little jealous I totally forgot to name my new Pals I realized thus chillet will now be known as Jack Frost Daydream will be known as Scotty and celer will be known as Randa if you know where these names are from and comment down below you win um what do you win ah I didn't think this out uh maybe uh M my love and affection I don't know we'll uh I'll I'll figure it out I'll figure it out I went back to my base after exploring around and Captain kid the pen King and myself made me a crossbow and a metal spear isn't he just adorable and just doing his best it is time to hatch some more eggs the common egg gave me a Gail claw this will be amazing when I can actually craft it pal gear for gliding the electric egg gave me a dozy that had an artisan passive I worked on my base a bit and I think I just lost 100 ore due to it falling through the map this stung a little bit but I'll get over it Time Heals all wounds or I've been told I went out on my same old quest of leveling up I fought some Syndicate members fought some Pals found damp egg I hit this masarina so hard with my crossbow that it acted like it was in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 and it did a whole backflip I leveled up to 14 I found a scorching egg and then finally I found a dark egg this was a bountiful Excursion and I am very excited to show my haul to my Pal's back home I'm back home now and it's time to hatch two eggs the frost egg gave me another chillet but this one had artisan and the large veran egg hashed into a dino awesome Dino D Dino dude I 350 plus hours in this game and I still will never pronounce that one right Dino awesome I know it's supposed to be like Blossom but they threw in like Dino because it's like a dinosaur that has like flowers and plants on it but I don't know man uh so yeah I hatched a dino awesome this was incredibly exciting though because I haven't actually officially unlocked farming for my pals to do so I built three berry plantations and added Gail claw and Dino awesome into my base dud isn't bad for watering but I'd prefer to have a level two watering pal I'm hoping this damp egg I have will give me something good I then hatched my next three eggs the scorching egg hatched into a fox spks the dark egg hatched into a Mau The Damp egg hatched into a celer I didn't get the level two watering pal I wanted but I have two level one watering Pals and it's just going to have to suffice for now I also know that realistically I could be doing all the farming and watering and Gathering myself but again as I've stated before and time and time again um I have the attention span of a mollusk and there is no way I can hold down a single key on my keyboard to do all of that my brain would just explode any who I know I could also use Captain kid the pen King but I would much rather have him on my team than just working on my base I went out and ran some errands I got four eggs two common eggs an electric egg and a large dark egg I then realized I was running on cash so I went out to my local Bank in the palpo islands black marketeer in trusts and I withdrew 12,000 gold you know this bank is just so lovely you could say it's just it's just a really warm environment I'm so sorry I went back to my base to start the incubation process of the eggs that I've gotten I was about to rest my precious little head in my bed but then I had a raid happen and like the previous raid it was indeed [Music] underwhelming what was not underwhelming was the common egg hatching into a swift Mal Paca although I love chillet legitimately I would die for that thing this is going to have to be my new riding mount for now because it's just fast it's just fast I'm sorry it's fast the electric egg hatched into a doy that had ferocious this will definitely be a great addition to my team especially if I craft dozy pal gear I named my malaka Joanna I found a rock egg right when I left my base and started its incubation I found a forant egg and decided it was time to do my first dungeon the dungeon was pretty uneventful I did try to fight every single po/ Syndicate member I saw in hopes of leveling up I got to the boss and Captain kid the pen King absolutely destroyed everyone and everything I did end up leveling up to 15 so all in all this was a great run I got back to my base and hatched two eggs the common egg gave me a Gil claw and the rocky egg hatched into a fuddler although these Pals I'm getting are really cool and I like them and they all have their own specific uses I'm not really getting anything amazing for Zoe and grisal I'm thinking I'm going to need to level up quite a bit more and then explore the higher level areas for eggs so that's what I did I lied that's not what I actually did what I actually did was I used some po Souls on Captain kid the pen King I taught it some grass and electric type moves why did I teach it grass moves I don't know but then I went to fight the boss aeroe this fight was difficult like holy crap I don't know what it was but man that Dragon Cannon move aerob kept doing would hit me even if if I were to Dodge I feel like that was kind of the main reason why this fight was so difficult and at one point I really thought I was going to lose but Captain kid and I my rider die we pulled through I traveled to the ancient ritual site to start looking for better eggs I'm definitely a little worried about being in this area as I am still very underleveled here but this is going to be a risk that I'm going to have to take to find some better power I found two frozen eggs I found two large dark eggs I found a common egg and then a tree that was growing despite being completely underwater that's a strong tree dog I stopped by my bank again black marketeer and trust and made a withdrawal of 13,000 gold always such a warm and inviting environment here I found another large dark egg and finally I found another Frozen egg I think it's time to go back to my base and hatch some of these babies I hatched my previous two eggs I didn't get anything too amazing I placed all three of the large dark eggs in my incubators I then sat down staring at the tower that I knew I'd have to take on soon I watched as the Sunrise cracks the sky right open with light the sky looks like it's on fire I wonder myself If This Were a warning of things to come but how could such a beautiful sight be a bad Omen I thought that's a question that I don't think I'm going to get the answer to Is that maybe I interpreted the sunrise wrong maybe this wasn't an omen but a word of encouragement or honestly dude maybe it was just a sunset good God anywh who I went to fight Grint tail for the first time and it went amazingly Zoro the Knox was an absolute monster against Gren tail it was a little Annoying in the fight as a couple Syndicate thugs decided to try and intervene in the fight but they were handled pretty quickly Zoro is cute but my God it is scary looks can be deceiving I I I am sad that I had to take out grin tail though I love the stupid cat bus looking pal my biggest fear then happened okay okay man I did not want this to happen so in this run there is no lucky Clause none uh I will never get a lucky um if I see one I either have to fight it or just ignore it now I'm going to fight it because I get ancient civilization parts from lies I think um and it's good for experience this sucks I knew it was going to happen I just wasn't prepared for it that hurt that hurt so bad I'm so sorry K I'm so sorry I went to fight pen King next I moved over the lucky dozy I hatched and I named her Lucia I then fought some Pals to level her up while fighting Pals I leveled myself up to 16 this unlocked AR Sox's battle so I went home crafted it made some heat resistant Pelt armor then moved Zoro the Knox back into my party back to leveling up Lucia the dozy I ran a couple of Dungeons and got her up to level 16 I feel like this is a good enough level now and I ready to take on pen King before I did that though I hatched the three large dark eggs in my incubators I got a catc and two Mars Mara Mara iths the horse es with the face I I don't know Mari I put three more eggs into my incubators and I set off to fight pen King the fight with pen King went off without a hitch my first goal was taking out the pulet as I did not want to worry about them chipping away Lucia's health or mine once we took them out taking out pen King was very easy uh I I I don't know what the pen King was smoking but it got itself stuck in a corner and because of that it it just had to take all of the damage that we were outputting it was a pretty great outcome for me I decided to go back to the ancient ritual Site Area I'm kind of at a standstill on bosses until I level up more so it's now time for a grind I found a large electric egg then I leveled up to 17 I went back to my base and hatched three eggs I got two s and one Nightwing and you know I know I use Nightwing as a flyer but um have you guys ever read pal deck's entries because holy dude Nightwings is horrifying let me let me just read this off to you it carries newborn Pals to its nest and raises them as a surrogate parent aw isn't that great but wait a minute once the baby pal has fattened up it hunts them bro these things are unhinged regardless I do need a flyer uh so I crafted it saddle and I named it appropriately I tried to assign Duma to my stone pit unsuccessfully so I yeed it off of my base and funnily enough it instantly went on a short break after I did this which is hilarious how the hell did you get back up here dog I needed more palum fragments so I can make a mega Shield off to mining I go okay that's enough now it's time to try my new flying Mount oh my God this is awful why why is it so slow and what is this stamina holy crap this is awful I finally got back to my base and I crafted my new Shield I hatched a scorching egg and got another Fox spks I then started the incubation of another Frozen egg and went out to level up more you know it's really really funny because I was just about to write how happy I was that I was now strong enough and a high enough level that I could start eradicating Gail claw I have a huge disdain for them you know I've I've talked about it before but I don't know if they woke up on the wrong side of the bed or somebody pissed in their weedies I don't know all I know is they are so angry and will attack on sight so the the funny part about this is like I said I was going to write into this script how I was very excited that I could kill them and then I immediately got bullied by like four of them ah things did not go well on this excursion ARs and the arox got knocked out I threw out Lucia the dozy and almost had it beat only for me to get killed then right after I died that's when Lucia knocked out Robin quill thank you Lucia your timing is impeccable here's a fun tip if you did not know rather than waiting the 10 minutes for your knocked out pal to heal you can actually just assign it to your base and then one of your pals will be a rescue Ranger also if you know what I'm talking about here then you get bonus points any who it'll be a rescue Ranger and it will pick it up carry it to a bed and then once you're knocked out pal gets into a bed it's going to be revived thus you don't have to wait the 10 minutes for it to revive in the PO Box I repaired my armor and I hatched another Frozen egg to get a sweet then set out once again and my main goal of this exursion like always is to level up and level up I did and I got eggs I found a scorching egg I then leveled up to level 18 I found a frozen egg directly after that I traversed into the desert found a damp egg found a dark egg and a common egg I found a large scorching egg on top of anubis' statue's head so that was neat I then left the desert and found another dark egg I hit Level 19 I found oh you guessed it a dark egg and a frozen egg and then I went back to my base and hatched two of my large electric eggs and then I went to go incubate my other tens of egg eggs oh man a Swift rhound oh that's going to be amazing very excited and a beacon oh my God that's awesome but what level do I learn their Saddles oh it's bad oh it's real bad okay we can't learn rhound saddle till 36 and I'm pretty or 26 and and beacons isn't until 34 ow that that hurts my my body my body hurts both of these are awesome but I I can't make their Saddles until level 26 and 34 respectfully I started the incubation process on another three eggs and just kind of wondered what my next steps would be I know I just need to grind leveling up but it really is starting to get a little tedious before I went out again to level up I built a ranch for ma this will be nice for a small amount of passive income while I go out and explore I then changed my pal team up I added orus the rhound and put Lucia the dozy into my pow box I went and fought chill again broke my crossbow then went back to my base to repair it I checked on my eggs and I hatched two more the dark egg hatched into a m and and the common egg hatched into another Nightwing I left two more eggs there to incubate and I set out to run some more dungeons I ran a low level dungeon and it was pretty uneventful the only thing of note was the boss's minions were um possessed after death I think oh my God what is [Applause] happening it's still going okay I got stuck on the rock is the other one oh yeah the other one's still going look at it this feels I don't know I feel like in a horror movie this is what happens when somebody gets possessed is it done is it no it's not done okay Lord okay fine any who I got too excited and my own hubus is the thing that knocked me out I went and tried a level 29 dungon for the most part I was doing relatively okay until I met a catc that was having none of my [ __ ] I wasn't watching my health and I got un alived I respawned at my base and repaired my armor I then hatched three more eggs I got a fox Sparks a d mud and the large scorching egg gave me a Bouie things were going pretty well I dropped off another three eggs and and I went over to my pow boox and put Bushi into my base rather than Arena the r sox I then swapped Satan the Nightwing for Sayan thei I did this because it had stronghold strategis and my first Nightwing had brittle stronghold strategis gives me a 10% defense buff while brittle gave my pal a 20% defense debuff okay so as a content creator I feel like this video is getting repetitive you know uh the the recipe is I get eggs I hatch them I go kill an egregious amount of Pals to level up then rinse and repeat so rather than showing all of that and taking up more of your time dear viewer I did a lot of the rest of this off screen so hey hi let's talk about what's been going on in the life of witty name my pals and I are currently level 25 and my stats goes as follows 1,500 Health 120 stamina 116 attack 275 work speed and 450 wave while leveling up I mostly focused on my health and attack I did a few improvements to my base I built a weapon workbench I ran into another lucky that I was forced to take down huh okay well uh exciting and scary all at the same time so this is our second lucky that we have found on this save and as you guys know the there is no lucky there's no lucky claws in this run so we have to kill it and I have 20 arrows in my inventory I wasn't expecting this we'll just have to see how this goes I think arson will be fine oh God maybe I won't be fine good Lord holy hell oh yeah I don't know what I was worried about God that hurts me every time oh man I made myself some heat resistant metal armor and a metal helmet I traveled to Fisherman's point and bought some coarse ammo I leveled up to 26 and then I made myself a makeshift handgun since I leveled up to 26 I wanted to make rhound saddle I needed to get some palum fragments and a few more electric organs oh well hello there is a lucky LIF monk okay well uh I was going to be doing a quick little shot of me getting my uh my my palum fragments and electric organs but but I guess this is now going to be here's me taking out another lucky and okay now now I are you kidding me bro what what is going on oh any other time this would be so cool huh all right well uh two lies literally back to back that I had to kill I'm hurting um yeah my body hurts but it's fine it's fine this is for the content this is for the content I got the Paladium I needed then I got Sidetrack and I fought quber [Music] again I went to the desert I got the electric organs that I need needed and then I went back to my base to craft Ray Hound's saddle and oh good lord this is so much better than our socks the speed and wow did you know that rhound could double jump this is actually the first time I've ever use this pal so this is news to me I ran over and fought the chillet with my new Steed and it dropped the legendary cloth outfit that would have been so nice like I don't know a week ago but it's still cool to have I hatched a few more eggs uh the coolest thing I got was a van worm I swapped this out for Satan II made it saddle and named it is anagi okay so at this point I don't feel like I need to level up anymore to be honest my main goal now is just getting some skill fruits for all of my pals oh my god really dude okay all right get captain kid up out dang man that's that sucks I I really really like fuddler and it's lucky so Big H it's fine it's fine this isn't my main save this is just challenge run okay all right I've I've talked myself off the ledge now everything's fine I ran around all of the palpo islands and I got far too many skill fruits I taught my pals quite a bit of different moves then I wanted to level up isagi the van worm to 27 like my other Pals were so dungeons it is I got isagi up to level 25 and felt like this was good enough I used Pooles to level orus the rhound up a little bit uh hatched an electric egg to get a dozy and then I believed that it was time it was time to end this and fight the first Tower so here witty names stands looking upon this for boing Tower will he survive and achieve the goal he set out for will this all be for not no no witty name spent so much time preparing the bonds he forged with his Pals will be strong enough to take on Zoe and Gris bolt witty names resolve was not shaken and he went inside [Music] [Music] hey there were two Titans on the battlefield unlike any other we have Zoe and her absolutely Savage GIS bolt and we have witty name and orus the rhound that was raised since it was just a mere egg would the bond that they shared be enough did witty name forget to change orpheus's move set and have to change it mid battle the fight raged on for what felt like minutes okay enough theatrics listen this fight was fairly easy I for sure came overprepared which is an ongoing theme in these challenge runs I know I know it's just it's just how I am you know like I I don't want to get to the Tower and just absolutely fail it you know I uh every video I try to make a story out of it and try to make it interesting and I don't know I think losing would not be interesting but I don't know I guess like all heroes need to lose sometimes in story so maybe it would make it interesting but anywh who okay honestly that that was not that [Music] bad um yeah I don't know my my well first let's feed the pal here I don't know you know um I feel like I didn't put strict enough um rules here uh cuz you know I'm what level 26 and I I don't know that that was a lot easier than I expected but regardless that that was the challenge that I set out for myself and that was the goal I just wanted to beat the first Tower and with all of this newfound success on this channel it's been hard for me to place boundaries on myself you know I in all of my other videos I'll get through the first Tower and be like oh my God that was so easy I'm going to go take on all the other towers and then that equates to like another 30 40 hours of you know gameplay time and editing and all of that and on on top of this I have a fulltime job um so I'm just going to leave it here I I will say if if you guys want to see a continuation of the egg only run um please let me know down in the comments I am totally down to continue this series but only if you enjoy it so if you've made it this far thanks a lot I appreciate you more than words will ever be able to describe so yeah that's it this challenge was easier than others I've done for sure it definitely had a much slower start than the others but once I was able to get an all right team of Pals this wasn't all that bad like I said before if this interested you and you enjoyed it let me know I would be so down to make this a multi-part series and try to take on the rest of the towers and as a final hurah we have two more eggs we can hatch let's see what we get the large verd egg gave us a dino awesome okay that's fine I guess and the large common egg gave us a grin tail oh my God wouldn't you guys like to see me play with that grin tail and beat more towers with that grin tail oh man think about it any who my dear viewer thank you so much for watching I hope you have a fantastic day and um yeah that's it okay bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: MegaBits
Views: 34,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: megabits, mega, bits, megabits channel, palworld, palworld 100 days, palworld challenge, 100 days challenge, 100 days, best pals in palworld, best bases in palworld, palworld new update, palworld update, shiny pals, shiny palworld, lucky pals in palworld, best lucky pals, palworld permadeath, palworld nuzlocke, didyouknow, didyouknowpalworld, i spent 100 days in palworld, palworld tips and tricks, palworld before you buy, shiny pals palworld
Id: iPJz_VvnglA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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