I Spent 200 Days in Palworld and Here's What Happened

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today I spend 200 days in power world from fighting my first jet dragon and dying horribly to catching 10 of them for a single base I fought my way through multiple boss towers that truly tested my damage and by far the coolest thing I did that you'll have to look for was me naming every single pal I had for those curious the full VOD of this video was streamed on my other channel rayap pandas live without further Ado I spent 200 days in po world and here's what happened jumping back into power world for another 100 days what I planned on doing was finding a new area for a better base location most of what I needed was space and to make things look pretty so while searching the skies for that special place a base of mine was being raided by some not so friendlies uh-oh a crap they're coming from that way aren't they let's go let's kill some bad boys and bad girls we're being real real bad I'm one hitting these guys oh wait they're level 2 never mind 24 level 24 level 24 level 24 level 2 die die die die I can't see the cursor oh there it is my travels took me closer to one of the sanctuary locations looking around this little island for anything to build on somehow I ended up just a tad lost and trying to catch Pals for survival come on please not get in my ball get in the ball please no I didn't say you no no no no no come back here get in my ball yep yep M oh waa cheater oh damn how do you dodge how do you dodge I was play another game how do you dodge again oh my God uh oh it's control got it never mind sorry sorry for screaming sorry for yelling dude when you play another game for so long and then you come back to a game that you previously haven't played in a long time okay you need to be caught now buddy that's what I thought as I was flying high above the volcanoes the next day what I had on my to-do list was about to fall straight into my lap what is in there I am curious boy hold on wa is this where oh this is where you're Loc loated blaz 3,000 HP you think I got this i got this okay we're only hitting on I'm I'm leaving I'm leaving come here come here come here come here come here come here come here if that wasn't hard enough or cool enough then you better believe this next thing would be also haven't found any of these things I need to go back and do the eggs then oh oh dam was I supposed to find that legendary jet dragon jet I'm calling you jet dragon you're level 50 with 10,000 HP and I can barely do anything to a 3,000 HP uh pal so okay no no no no no no how fast is he let me just run oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God just run just run just run just run yo that stuff is just run just run just run uh yeah we're not doing that when it plays like God music after I attack a pal so that's uh that's not happening somehow catching higher level Pals became easier and this would give me exactly what I needed all right cool it's in the circle of water beside me circle of water oh is it wait really flying around somewhere as chat told me to keep an eye out for a Fang Lou I found that if I wanted to find PALS it would be on my own terms the only reason again I'm not searching for it right this second is just cuz my inventory I'm a little f is this what you were talking about a falope I think this is what you were talking about what the hell seriously okay I'll play it my own pace let's go see this is what happens when I don't play by people's rules and I play by my own I just find the random things that people are talking about that's great that's great all right well let's do it let's do it just don't kill him buddy push him to me either um you know what I'll use a little bit of that and a little bit of this on come on come on come on yes talk about seeing more than the usual amount of Pals here as much as I wanted to continue most of my spheres were used up and I needed a good old recharge also what is this hello Fisherman's points um well this is new man I'm bored huh you're not from around here are you no matter you can pass just don't get in any trouble you he definitely not Pokémon definitely not Pokemon this is so cool I like this oh hello oh I can't take it God damn it I can take that this man is floating how do you float do you know penny I'm floating wait is everybody floating are you floating you're floating too I knew something felt weird the entire game it felt like I wasn't on the on the ground but like I it looked like I hold on is everybody floating are you floating God damn it everybody's floating why is everybody floating also what keeps like literally what is stopping me here it stairs can you stairs do you know how to stairs I will teach you how to son of a [ __ ] damn it this is not going to seriously you have to jump this one oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I forgot you could do that oh my God I forgot I was playing a game for a second while the idea was great all I had to do now was remember my Grand Theft Auto Roots hide while Crouch down Shake It Up wanted be gone as I built my way into a new day I found the best tool yet something I should have used from day one honestly yeah that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking talking about that's talking is this gun broken why is there no noise is my gun broken what's happening oh there we go okay well I mean the sound is broken it's like the raid gods were listening every time because they would not stop what is happening why did I just take oh my God that was weird I don't like that in the meantime I was curious to see what the eggs would hatch into as fate would have it I found a new spot that would become the Holy Grail of bases first thing first some more important matters to attend to with the amount of rocks I would need setting up two Auto mines would help loads the biggest reason for all the cement needed was this next build of mine a classic stone door with some giant walls to match it as much as I wanted this to work I'd have to wait until the next update see this is like in my head this is what I'm thinking about building though for now I got a head start with another Base building this one was easy from the foundation up the walls to the roofs this place was looking mighty fine for only having the basic builds all I had to do now was level up a few more times by catching the bigger and beefier Pals from a thunderous relaxa surus to the bacon of all beacons something I really wished was having a bigger build radius the little bubble didn't give much room and felt very restrictive at times so with that said I now had to move everything from one base to the next it started with all the berry to wheat planations breaking everything down and then moving them over to my new home next was my farming CPS and breeding stations although it did feel like a better idea to have chests set up so I could drop stuff off with a few more trips back and forth clearing out just the last few items standing my home was ready to live in soon after I found a new place to move my miners this new location I found had both coal and iron at the ready the hardest part was having my stone floors built to a level my Palace could easily get up that's where the stairs came into play and that would give me the upper hand I finally had everything set up the way I wanted from all my chests to the pal feers themselves with a little more headbanging the next day this would officially be my Mining facility all I needed now was a little smelter and then things would be set in stone I then traveled back to my main base looking to pick up my eggs something I was able to build finally gave me the crafting speed of a god this place was looking way too good looking into more recipes if I wanted to build better stuff I needed more levels and resources today I showed chat all the changes to the new stuff I accomplished off screen so this is the base so far I haven't finished this side just because I'm not sure if I want to continue that right now maybe just leave it the way it is so we put up all the workbenches put some stuff over there a little bed some beds for the pals food and then if you go over here I have a little water fountain that I want to figure something out with I got some beds a little pathway my incubators with torch fire thingies look at this new mining Place new area new place on the map it's close to the uh the the cold area but that's not even the cool part look at how much we have so I have 319 300 there bars already made and then if I go to the bigger chest this thing o this one's good o I have 1,400 here and 900 there like that is insane it's really good this place is awesome too because it gives you coal as well and coal you do need with a new goal in mind I was set onto a different path this one is really big actually whoa watch the tornadoes NOW Watch Me Whip now watch me whip whip now watch me whip whip watch me whip whip oh my God never mind I'm almost dead he's almost dead holy crap maybe you're right you know you right if I could just get him to yeah he's pushing him that's all I need it's all I stop pushing him dude just hit [Music] him yo oh my God there we go sorry that one scared me this kind of funny I can just keep pushing him back but then the tail whips him around it's like look at that tail go look at the tail do you see that tail oh the tail woo W this man is moving okay do it again this time push him away oh is he going to come back definitely unexpected but now I was taking my time on the hunt throughout the night I found myself a king taka in his place trying my hand to catch a green tail moments later I decided to test my luck with another dungeon what do we have another big deer oh how cute you're all going to die who no no no I'm going to I will catch this one I just I love having the bigger Pals they're so cool what why'd you push me outside of the map man I thought I was done with glitches can I get back in why do I keep finding bugs I don't want to find bugs I just want to play the game I just want to play the game wait wait wait is there an unstuck button where I just want to play the game I just want to play oh I'm outside of the dungeon honestly W take it we take them are you ready for this all right you know what I'm going to do you know what I'm going to do Mast I'm going to say hello how's it going welcome hope you're having a great day so far I'm going to max out 1,000 bars let's do it running more Pals to catch became my focus look for any other bosses that I still needed one of those bosses would soon become my best friend yes come with me my excitement here got the better parts of me as I worked my way towards more shotgun ammo today would be a new day for another round O that's going to hurt buddy wait that's coming for me oh I didn't do that nice finally Frozen you just run off the hill Oh my God oh God oh good thing I jumped that this shotgun is so good oh it's so good so if you cross the river at the hill it's a cheap spot for him yep pretty freaking sweet man did I kill him oh he has like five oh he's 5 HP literally oh this is the best I have right now and it's only 14% but I got it I got it in the bag oh that was another boss not only the Big Green galute himself but the one combo himself get him buddy get him I got you don't care Shield is back which is nice that helps a lot the damage nice oh I got it chickens you scared me you scared me chickens something that would come to haunt me was this last boss I tried fighting sweep was doing big damage and keeping the boss Frozen but even with all I had and damage done it still wasn't enough w w I don't like that one I never know if it's that or the flamethrower thing like this I think what wasn't even close get out of yo okay we can actually do that though while picking up my stuff from a previous death I couldn't believe how different it felt this go around the German tide took less damage and did more my team and I still did a fair amount but not enough to try and go all the way having his as many pal as I did the next best place was the animal sanctuary they were home to a lot of stuff that I just didn't have things like I teras to alphad and aerobis with big plans underway once more I had a new breeding station going something big and great was coming in the size of an egg on top of that I could now have one base focused on just making eggs milk and all the good stuff just because I needed a little break from farming and building content was next this boss is still hard this boss is really hard [Music] ooh that does not look ooh spicy person must hate me right now oh yeah there it is okay oh I just got to run when that one comes that's my bad at first I tried messing around with different Pals looking for that perfect combination took time and patience also the right Pals with a Menda and this electric dog apparently something of Legends would be born through more catching and looking for new Pals the snow biome did not disappoint hello oh this looks like the hangu that's just like bigger and more [Music] depressed ow easyest catch and he let's go baby let's go go oh my God actually that worked okay I'll take it what I really needed now was a relaxasaurus this would be my Saving Grace part of me thought this would be a bad idea but I went for it anyways making the beefiest sweep I could and trying out the best pal yet here we go all right we got a supercharged sweeper now another dig toys let's freaking [Music] go oh sorry yo this is like this is actually terrifying oh my God I'm just I have to stand behind something we killed him oh baby no all right chest number one assault rifle schematic ooh ooh damn that's a uh epic nice okay next chest let's go lucky roll lucky roll refined metal armor that's even better what I didn't think would happen to me so soon was the next boss I was about to find I know it's a boss but which one I thought I found the bosses and caves already let's go let's go let's oh Asen oh my god I didn't even realize stigen looks like that yo oh wait he only has 3,000 HP though hey yo buddy buddy buddy calm cool collected all right here we go here we go you know what no no no we want sweepa sweepa go he's on fire oh [ __ ] so lightning is really good to this guy levels in the game matter so there was no way I could catch this pal let alone try and survive the only other place I thought about was the Sanctuary the strongest of Pals were ready for the taking there yo it's level 50 oh I don't know if I can catch that what am I saying sweeper sweep the knee no sweep the leg Yeah I don't know if I can actually catch this cuz I'm not I can't even like do damage to kill it me I got to have more than th arrows so always try that out you know what I think we need some real damage actually oo I can use this as my advantage come on come on come on do it do it now come on oh God no no no no no no no that was [Music] close crazy how we've done oh that's that's also crazy I didn't see that I couldn't see what he was doing this is what made everything worthwhile o that was my level up too no way GIS bolt look at it we got GIS bolt oh I was always curious too cuz like I always saw this in the trailer of like you could get this one too I was like how do I do that but we got the cakes they be Main making babies the cool thing about Scrolls in this game was having the ability to craft recipes without actually unlocking them assault rifle 3 here I come while the Breeders were done these eggs would surprise me so much more than I thought I don't know why I didn't think of it to be honest look at the eggs guys look at them look at them I'm going to have so many of these dudes and we're going to condense and make one just Unstoppable I also had another great idea for some catching what what why I have to give him a little more damage okay you know what fine come on come on come on just come with me just come with me come on come on all right all right have fun with my sweep from all the resources to putting my pals to work this was worth the wait so close to being done I also wanted to find most travel points and tallest Parts in the game one was on top of the snowy mountains and I needed to climb there's I see it I see it I want it I want it I want it I want it oh I want that I want that I want that I want that too oh there was one there too oh whatever get that down fast Trav Point these beautiful eggs and the ones in the incubator were absolutely great though the one resource my base was lacking was quartz I had no idea where to find it but the only place I never really explored was in fact with snow biomes there are deposits outside oh I have no idea where to look for them I'm going to be honest don't have it in me to do that why is is that like metal and coal oh even better I only needed a little bit to just to build the uh oh my God those were bosses that I had the hardest time with and there's two of them this is what it was all for here we go oh look at that so they were doing a lot already this is going to be crazy yo oh baby head shot head shot head shot head shot head shot all I needed now was more ammo and the best way to go about that was selling Nails it would at least give me a good amount to use I was so ready for my egg or zerk oh and he's on my team too hold on hold on I want to see what this guy looks like whoa holy crap oh gar champ oh or G Chomp okay okay the shark one but it's like a Tri and more evolved damn that looks so good oh look at you dragon and electric with a new gun and a Godly pal there was no way I could stop this Hy train look at you guys go see when you want to build you'll love to help wonder if you could put four people on this because it is bigger H something I definitely didn't check in the longest time or my coups I like it I like it a lot oh my god do I ever so satisfying to pick all the up see the numbers like go crazy holy smoke oh EG melt this was the perfect time to test out my [Music] ozer whoa he has like a big Trident thing woo that weapon is strong what the hell what did he just do hello is that me or you I don't think so get out of here having a whole new team with some spicy Pals Len was about to have the time of her life first let's have a little fun with it you know let's have a little fun with it ow not like that I don't want to have fun like that come on ragnok I choose you and then it spreads oh [ __ ] okay sorry buddy I know you were underleveled I'm so sorry I'm so okay killer oh I could just hold it oh my God I was shooting at like a single rifle I don't know why dude oh my God yo we can we can kill her fast oh this weapon's so strong this weapon is legit so strong that that boss had 60 something th000 HP this was the exact reason I needed to level up more what is he doing okay I got to run and then Dodge roll that [ __ ] everybody's dead this man needs to leave like right now hey you are a little and go yourself oh my god dude with a new day here I searched high and low for this Fang L boss was either in a cave or hidden deep inside my next stop would be felbat located on an island isolated far off the map most of the same happened as I continued to look for the rest of the pals close by it's also that time in the video and if you made it this far comment zoom zoom down below given a second chance this da would know my name very well wa oh I didn't even realize I could die there I'm going to be honest I wasn't paying attention to my HP oh boy with a few more upgrades to come you had to see this for yourself uh these are the eggs I was I was uh farming I think I made a little too much to be honest how many cakes do we have left five cakes too holy crap all right so the next one will be I think we'll do all of our like like ammo type stuff and then we'll also do cling the big mammoths became something of a hobby kill it hey biggest area full of Pals that I still needed was back in the snow biome itself so many Pals I would actually see for the first time too these guys are weird as fudge did I kill him he's like 1 HP all right oh we don't need anymore or do since legendary spheres would have to wait the next big thing would be ultra spheres besides a little more Gathering of resources at different bases all the milk and eggs would come in handy if there was something I was about to work on or fix up it was this base it was fun but it didn't have the range and most of my pals were getting stuck so I needed something new with most of the base coming down section by section and making sure things were stored away this is what it looked like Bare Bones just get rid of it all they don't need to sleep no more Pals inside my place with the beginning of a new day the floor would come first next was building a staircase leading to the next floor up the next best thing was getting my incubator set up once more this place was coming together nicely and I loved every floor to every bit of it and we're done we're done we're done we're done all right okay um yeah I'm not putting food upstairs I could do the flower bed that's going to be cool I continued making the place look more homey adding little additions to the wall then giving my main floor the workstations it needed the top floor of my home was about to become the breeding area all that was left to do was set up some more power and give my pals multiple beds to sleep on this next area of the game had me catching Robins of Pals with my level getting higher and higher with each day passing I was one step closer to getting exactly what I wanted back at base the eggs were also coming in nicely and each floor was hard at work all I needed to do now was sell some more Pals and make some money the biggest part this far into the game was automation Gathering up resources from each base and making sure everything worked well being in a new area while looking for more Pals had come one step closer for more levels this place was loaded with so many different Pals but more than that I was so much closer to getting my legendary Pals the day of gathering the day of raids and the day of Mind wiping traveling all throughout the world of Po world I found myself looking for more stuff to catch in the desert going to each new Sanctuary area for the stuff I may have needed and then I decided on the best yet I don't quite remember what was happening here but I apparently wanted whatever they dropped after butchering them only certain Pals dropped stuff so this would stopped very soon my incubators were slowly growing in size and this would become something so wonderful something else I was very interested in were my CPS the ingredients for recipes were easy to come by but I needed more money for ammo thinking that these cats would solve that hopefully with another round trip through most lands I found myself catching a lot more Pals again looking to get a few for breeding my idea was to breed cats so I could sacrifice them in the condenser to make something op are you ready to see something crazy I also got a new pal oh I got to show you this new pal oh the new Pal's sick I'm also farming these eggs because I want to try something out it's going to be kind of cool with those eggs comes a lot of incubators and I have many incubators going as you can see I've also upgraded this little beautiful thing I've got lots of things going all I had to do now was make a saddle for this ride or die I was doing a lot of breeding um throughout my farming and we got a lot of these guys it's called a hell zepher but I've never seen this pal before this one is completely new to me yeah ooh we could use this instead of ragnok I like it something else I would find so juicy was about to be my next Focus oh I could start building it I didn't realize I had the polymer and circuit boards oh hell yeah ooh ooh ooh has it work though takes more oh then we can just max this out oh holy crap yo there you go buddy was I ready to tackle my first big boss no idea I just knew that there would be no turning back you watch this he's going to oh he's doing that move first wait for it you're the big one Oho damn come on hit him hit him with your big move I want to see it come on if I can get a freeze on you that'd be great I can get a freeze on you that'd be great come on freeze him freeze him freeze him that's not freeze what the f what you can still move this man is op as heck who whoa yo that scared me the the hit scared me more than anything else okay buddy come on come on come on come on come on come on yes Squall nubis come here as the ties started to turn in my favor I now needed more resources from the snow biomes looking to get certain things crafted up this is where I learned that Anubis would be a far better worker than any of my other Pals feeling better than ever before and ready I figured it was only right to try and catch myself a legendary pal legendary spheres too look at this look at this legendary spheres it looks so much better too man like this is just awesome all right we have even better woo damn I'm looking sexy oh dude I just got a chub oh oh that looks so good oh that looks really good damn cuz if I catch this it is like oh this is going to help so much this is God meet your maker oh he's coming after me God please stop please stop please whoa actually that's kind of sick I'm getting stuck I'm literally on fire and stuck and why was I on fire maybe it was the explosion of the big ball maybe that's what it was there was no way that this was going to happen just yet but as I tried for a second time I thought I could cheese the game turns out the game cheesed me please don't fall through the map help help help no no not you two no no no wait where are we going ooh could I use this to my advantage wait wait is there a bottom oh there's a b hold on hold on now I just need to be able to summon something I found a way in there's a there's got to be a way out I'm climbing something there's got to be a top to this right here right here come on let me out let me out let me out me come here come here come here come here come here yeah I love you oh you're the best you're the best you're the best you're the best you're the best the next day I almost got a hold on this Beast of a pal no no no no no give me the tree give me the tree give me the tree give me the tree give me the tree give me the tree oh sh as much as I wanted to catch a jet dragon I was unfortunately going to have to wait for now I had a few more Pals to catch in the lands volcano things from an incin to a Lo vender and this super slippery boss he hey level 46 the best thing that I would do today was getting more flour made for cakes prepping new breeders for more eggs and then hearing a shiny pound nearby thing was with all the upgrades and new weapons I had maybe now I could start working my way up the ladder of stronger Pals and estrogen will turn into hi almost killed it I'm going to be honest I completely forgot to look at it come on come on give me the yeah yeah yeah that's the one all right I'm bringing Esten out the next thing on my list was trying to find this hot son of a gun oh yeah we def definitely found this dude 3,600 HP yo this is mine what here we go here we go look at this this fight is just cool to look at God damn he's killing your brother he's killing you I'm going kill him now uhoh uhoh uhoh woo okay oh my God the fire burns come on come on intimidation tactic come on intimidation that's right the levels were coming in and soon enough I'd be max level though for level 45 to 50 the experience in which you got really slowed down while being back at the base from time to time catching mamis became something of a Pastime for me as I still needed more ingredients for my cakes the next best thing was buying them from an NPC come here buddy come here got my legendary spheres I'm ready whoa where'd he go yes yes oh we stole him we stole him we stole him let's get out of here I like how they just forget about you you're just like oh he's he's cool with all the new Pals I had from Big to small I was ready for my Revenge part two um I guess we use you right dude I could just take it myself I could literally take you buddy what are you doing get out of here than some of that you like SMG rifle in your face assault rifle s not SMG you think you're cool you ain't even cool bro cool my butt Vanishing Prince hello hello it's been a long time okay that one scared me welcome welcome how have you been doing it's been a very long time okay why you in the trees why are we playing this game re no who's ready for a wicked anime battle see this guy looks like an anime character kick kick kick kick kick let's try a little bit of this I just got to stand near this guy cuz he doesn't move much okay he might actually die here oh crap he's on fire he's probably dead yeah whoops all right well this is where my OCD took over truth be told it did nothing except to make my brain feel good clearing the fog in the game just did something for me with the raids that came in every so often the pal genetic researchers were amazing because they gave big souls for better upgrades the next day was pretty tamed mostly because I had a repair a few things with a new day here I wanted to focus a little more on breeding having a few more stations built and pre for more eggs I may have also had a problem with the German Tad in my base the thing was massive and in the way while eggs milk honey and all that good stuff was coming in I figured buying a little more would go a long way W 97 look at that I just need more flower seeing my ever growing team become stronger with each level another battle with Anubis felt right soon I would have a full team of Anubis working hard at base the reason for all these cats and for all this breeding was to test out how much money they could bring in the only way this would work for my cats was trying to level up their partner level as much as I could the higher the partner level the better the gold digging skill was still in search the desert some more I felt myself lost in the sauce flying around on my estrogen was definitely different besides the size of the pal it was super slow today was about to be a good day back at my MPC I started selling so many Pals for a good chunk of change giving me the opportunity for more ammo again eggs were definitely taking over my life as breeding became easy and cakes would not stop with a new day here I had to prepare over prepare if you will because what came next was about to be the hardest of things this would be the very moment I had all I needed making what came next the easiest thing possible yep okay jet Dragon let's go buddy look at that he do like you already he don't like you already got to make sure I can run [Music] here I got yeah we got to use PALS like as much as we can here if he does big moves we throw it away like we pull him back in we still have damage but like golly sir this is uh kind of spooky is [Music] it I mean we're doing we we got damage going I'm hop like I'm I'm kind of praying on these guys to do the damage cuz if I look at it now it's only9 oh man oh you're looking at me again yeah estren is like the big beefy boy that does the damage I think we just run I think we just run we run run run and come back so I'm going to heal up my Pokemon we'll come back and do that with all that I had more ammo and spheres was needed for the legendary Pals why am I doing ones in that oh God he's looking at me like a snack come on come on you got this Anubis Squall nubis let's go buddy I got to name that one too actually no no no no no okay we get this to half HP man this is good this is really good I need him to attack [Music] him Co 114 guys all right legendary sphere time all perc capture rate this is going to be tricky this is going to be tricky okay here we go here we go here we go CU we yeah we have to make sure we don't die here this is where it gets he's so fast right who is he why do you run away come on one out of every 10 I got to go there we go this is the 10th one yo is this the 10th one jet dragon let's go legend diet lover Divine Dragon oh my God and guess what I didn't even have to use ragnok okay Anubis survived too oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I can't believe we caught it we caught it we caught it we caught it we caught it oh big dubs in the chat big dubs in the chat the hardest thing about all this was not being able to use a single jet dragon even though I had a couple by this point level 50 would give me just that but man it felt like forever before I would get it with all my Pal's running a muck I needed this place to be a lot less crazy the next day I had a few more Crushers made making sure my cakes were going I was so happy to see this come to play but also a little sad for the pal itself with the rest of my legendary spheres crafted up today I had to start getting serious about catching the last few Pals the first on my list was another Anubis nothing too difficult and quite easy to catch afterwards it was another pellia hidden inside their dungeon then it came down to some Goins both water and fire ones as I would need them hitting level 49 gave me the biggest sigh of relief knowing that it was still possible to catch 10 PS at this level and earn another level curious to see if I could clear this the next boss Tower would be the battle I never knew I needed there he is big boy boss let's go ooh that's Spanky I like that you are gorgeous you are a gorgeous human being oh my God he looks so good jeez oh he's so hot oh yeah right right this one 165,000 HP I remember that this guy kicked my butt so hard but now I have my legendary gals and Bs and boys all right here we go here we go here we go first one is you let's go baby that was close I almost didn't get that nope nope nope nope I know your skill set now uh-uh woo I almost got hit by that too oh this is a good fight see like it's crazy how much I'm only level well not only but like I think when I first tried this obviously I was way underleveled I was like 30 something I'm level 49 now and I'm I'm like like I'm too strong for him like it's half not even halfway and he's almost dead my focus just like shooting more um definitely could have just won this quick quicker kill him what let's go baby first or yeah this is my first like boss this guy oh onwards and upwards from another win my night ended with me catching yet another jet dragon something to boost my levels just a bit further it didn't take me one or even two days but a total of seven more finally able to level up and reach max level it ended with another fierce battle that would make me just the happiest why didn't I get the level up for 50 there was no like really a that's a shame you missed missed opportunity there okay we're level 50 boys and girls ladies and gents we are Level 50 and I can get the saddle made oh my God oh my God oh my God with the day finally here my smile would not go away all right let us I want I want see I got see I got see see I see this guy and then oh I'm not even holding shift guys this is the regular move the regular normal like let's say walk SL like jog is the fastest of any Mount I've had so far oh this is so nice holy crap we have aerial missile Dragon meteor Fireball and beam contact holy crap look at this oh what the heck yo oh my God how long does it take to recharge oh no it just goes I'm I'm not I'm not sorry that was so sick man oh my God the speed at which I could travel just on the normal Sprint alone and then using the shift Sprint to go even further was Unreal it almost made everything unfair but it was also so worth it the grind to get the best pal of them all ready to start clearing out more of the map the one thing I had yet to do was fight my next boss Tower yo this guy is whoo dang oh it's this guy oh I know okay um o what is this what is this what is this what the hell is this Shadow beak what is a shadow beak oh yo that looks so good all right you fight him you fight him he has 200,000 HP um easy easy dubs maybe that was scary huh I mean unless he can heal like if if we have a tanky guy who can just like ank stuff oh god oh I mean okay fair you know Fair that's fair I what turned out to be a defeat blossomed into something beautiful I've got more Le of the the balls now so I don't think so I'll use all 40 if I have to oh wait I don't have to oh my God two okay there you go done and done continuing my little Adventure the next best thing was when you randomly fell into these little hidden caves hey buddy what you doing don't find us we're just going to do a lot of damage to your face holy crap is he ever what I thought he just killed him oh my God I thought he just killed him yeah okay oh a you made it look so close why you do this o finally okay let's get out of here shall we oh my goodness I was loaded flying high with my jet dragon once more and losing stamina fast ooh there is another boss oh my God yo it's a frost stallion what the heck hold on oh damn oh damn 12,000 HP I just noticed ooh you hit hard too I'm frozen hello oh my God yo this is like God music is this another oh it is yeah legendary Ste ofice okay holy crap um I I can't I can't move there we go I I really thought I was done with the game but apparently there's just still so much more end game than I thought a frost stallion is this thing faster or like what I oh my God Frost stallion you will be mine come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my God ice Emperor legendary water waterproof Frost stallion de dragon is looking beefy again that's good being this far out I had to try this and see if I could make it to the giant tree oh what oh what oh maybe this is the new content they're adding this is like the uh okay so they were talking about raid boss battles and new Pals so maybe that's just the area of it with a new legendary to my name the saddle was all I needed Frost stallion actually kind of fast holy crap whoa oh that's so pretty oh my God look at this that's actually such a cool idea I love that and like it has wings so it gets to use them right if this had wings in other game there's no way they'd get to use them also look at all the eggs you see this look at this there's eggs eggs there's eggs and there's eggs so many eggs I want more holy crud that is insane I want to try blizzard strike blizzard strike 31,000 I mean it was level two but still oh my God taking my jet dragon out for another spin all I needed to do now is pick up my eggs and check on the incubators now it was time to test out a legendary pal with this big beefy boy and I have 144 spheres too look at that the legendary spheres oh we are going to get good stuff today the best way to get scrolls though is honestly just catching multiple these legendary Pals in that all right let's go let's go let's go 24% now look at that went from 20 to 24 Boom come on give me a scroll please ah no scroll did I mention that I cut a few more jet dragons because I really did if you didn't see the them it's because I used some of them for the condenser so I made one bigger and better kind of thing something that really satisfied my brain so much was the CPS in game they just dropped endless amounts of resources and kept them coming I think the toughest Pals that I fought and would fight again was definitely the frost Allen this thing surprisingly took me just and just like it threw me out the window the craziest thing that I would come across yet was another big boss find a scorpion type pal by the name of mening I searched around for a little bit looking for another hidden pal this one was a dino awesome Lux that I had yet to collect for my pal decks by this point in I only needed two or three more Pals and I was just o I could not believe it so I probably found the coolest thing here right what are these yo padus and necromus holy crap yo these look like something like of a metabot type deal what yo this is sick holy crap oh my God all [Music] right jeez Louise man this is kind of crazy not going to lie this is so epic like more epic than jet dragon I'm sorry buddy but this is awesome I've never fought anything like this before this is wicked yeah get him get him whoa whoa whoa see if we can catch this guy first come on come on come on come on [Applause] please oh come on come on if we can just just catch this guy first I'll be so sick let's go baby let's do it got the first one we got padus now let's go for necromus good thing I made this like my like my best damage and everything if I didn't have it upgraded the Dre dreet Dragon here there's no way I'd be able to do this W get [Music] him okay we got to catch this guy cuz the fire might actually kill him I got to be quick about it oh no no no we're good we're good we're good okay cool come on baby give me necros necr let's go baby let's go let's go let's go I've got 100 legendary balls you're coming with me I don't think so oh oh yes we got the other one all right hold on you guys have to see this you have to see this look at this I've finally done it every single pal is on my radar most of them caught obviously like Shadow beak is another one bis those two we need to catch them still but yo with just a few more boss Towers to go I had to finish up the last few in game though I totally did this backwards and looking back at it now this initial fight was definitely the hardest for a reason here we go here we go here we go okay so let's use obviously him first cuz he will help us so much and we just got to watch the big move he does big blasty boom look at that already 2K damage on him holy crap that's actually amazing the heck I don't like this move again I don't know if we can do the damage okay we're 5 minutes in halfway as long as we keep up the damage I think we're okay oh that's not good that's not good that's not good that's not good kill him oh God we have 30 seconds can we do it can we do it can we do it come on come on come come yes oh let's go destroy Victor and Shadow beak oh my god oh oh that was tough that was actually tough just because we like the damage I had to stay in his face to get the actual like extra damage the comparison between the two was night and day almost so you should know this one what the fudge dancer [Music] okay look at him go look at him go baby oh yo oh this is going to be cool he is the ozerk I didn't even know that oh this is going to be sick oh we got this this is so much easier than the other one here we go oh I win I immediately win like I know your moves I just have to watch out for that trident [Music] thing look at that he did 4K damage in one thing oh my God he's done he's done for oh my my God in 8 minutes less than half yeah this one was so much easier I guess we did the last boss there whatever people are going to be like that was so backwards but I don't care you're dead buddy you're so dead so dead he did finish him oh it's so good the last important thing I would do for the day was naming the pals I had by viewers from the first 100 days in world just giving them a bit of character and honestly I was just so appreciative with how well received the first video was and this was just my thank you to you guys it's something I honestly have stopped doing for the longest time but I'm bringing it back and I'm going to start adding you guys into my game that said thank you so much but the last day in this game you just had to witness what was flying behind me in power with this being my last day in the game I just wanted to say thank you so much for sticking around for being here from the start to finish with the series this will be the last video for power world until there's another big content update but for now I'm taking a break from this game we're going to move on to some other fun stuff but with that said I really can't thank you guys enough seriously I do appreciate everything you do for me and you've done for me when it comes to either commenting on a video liking a video even just watching the video because I know they're really long so thank you so much from the bottom of my heart I really do appreciate your support I appreciate your time and just thank you thank you thank you I hope you enjoyed this video if you did you know what to do I will see you in the next video Until then this is Ray pandis signing out bye guys and if you haven't seen it yet check out part one video right over here it's a good video check it out if you haven't seen it first part second part first part first part
Channel: Rayofpandas Gaming Channel
Views: 56,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rayofpandas, palworld, 200 days palworld, palworld 200 days, I spent 200 days in palworld, I survive 200 days in palworld, I spend 200 days in palworld, palworld 200 days survival, palworld 200 days survived, rayofpandas plays palworld, rayofpandas spent 200 days in palworld, 100 days, rayofpandas palworld, I Spend 200 Days in Palworld and Here's What Happened, rayofpandas gaming channel, palworld 200 days gameplay, palworld pokemon with guns, new palworld game 100 days
Id: yQOxGVll0jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 12sec (3312 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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