I Have 100 Days To Defeat Monsterous Dragons

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this is the most powerful Dragon in the world he has an army of powerful Golems deadly wives and grows stronger every time I die I've been given only 100 days to defeat malice and his army else risk the world being destroyed my quest began waking up on the west side on top of a cliff with many trees and bushes but thankfully no visible dangers I am going to need to make up some basic equipment so I punched a tree for some thatch grabbed a variety of berries from bushes as well as fiber but I needed to find some stone that was a flaming Saco I need to find a way down so I can go get stone off the beach in order to make myself a pickaxe I thankfully never died as I dropped down from the cliff jumped into the river and swam across grabbed a pebble off the sand as I ran away from the seagull go away I see Deinonychus over there gotta be careful of those but if I could steal danonica's egg that might actually be a decent early time before worry about taming anything let's work towards getting metal tools and a base setup so I smashed this rock with my pickle flints to make an ax packed at this tree for wood and now it's time to murder the innocent for their meat and hide thank you for your contribution with the dollar dead I try to get some crystal ball with only a stone pickaxe I was not successful only to the NC hours not alone in the area that's a big crab I'm going to avoid you let's try not to die as that would make malice more powerful there was a friendly woven nearby interesting that frogs here can burst into flames that makes sense I broke up another rock for the bits of metal inside and chopped down a tree for its wood set up some foundations and a forge to Smart the metal a campfire to cook up that dollar had killed and finally a Smithy to forge myself a metal pickaxe using the crystal I made myself a spa glass to keep track of what inevitably kills me and I had a look at the woven I saw earlier see this is not all of malice's minions are aggressive giant crab I saw a crab like creature and Watcher of Realms today's sponsor a fantasy RPG with Incredible high quality visuals audios and 3D models for every hero with the potential to become the Pinnacle of equality in RPG games in wardrobe Realms you can unlock over 100 unique heroes from 30 plus races as you form a powerful team to complete rich storylines with the grand world view embark on a journey with your heroic companions to explore the magical and magnificent continent of Tire witnessing conflicts and battles and as user-friendly and deeply strategic gameplay to develop numerous creative strategies to fight dauntingly menacing bosses for Rich Awards and team up with other guild members to challenge the dragon and sword to the top of the guild rankings full of diverse RPG elements such as collecting gear artifacts and improving Your Heroes legendary skill does to get the edge experience our Innovative gameplay called tide where hundreds of small monsters will procedural position 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started harvesting some metal winner spotted a crystal dinonicus on the hill nearby you are scary they are knockout teams though I could maybe tame that let's make a trap and truck at one of those dinonicas though I probably should first get myself a crossbow and some tranq Arrows with the plan to tame the bird Raptor I ground up some narcoberries and spoiled meat to make narcotics strap some wooden ingots together to make a crossbow and dip my arrows into the drugs to make some tranq errors I undid a bunch of work from Team trees to collect the wood I would need so I could build up a trap and then murder the seagull that had stolen my meat I then wanted to lead one of those dinonicas into my trap but they had completely vanished I did find a turtle named longweed now these guys are deadly you have to feed him enough until you can ride him sounds like the weight of my heart I found a hairspornus which I shot in the head to harvest volcanic polymer as I shot her Pteranodon to knock it out to end off the day I was waiting around in the morning when naming the dinoticus yes perfect ah so I decided to name the peger dinonicus since it's what I actually wanted I then set off with my tracks where I was able to knock out and tame a parasaur and I saddled up power saw to begin the track home and she was already saving my life as she'd detected a cap or nearby that I was able to ignore good job power saw I collected my Pteranodon who are named dragon from wish as I will need to build an army of dragons if I'm going to kill malice at the end of this 100 days if you don't name a dragon in this playthrough Dragon D's Nuts I'm gonna be so upset with you however that is still a long way away as I didn't even have a basic base yet so let's get that built I gave my power saw a nice makeover before chopping down a bunch of trees so I could board up my box with some extra space as a place to keep myself safe I could not hide in my base for the whole 100 days though as then I would never defeat malice so I was going to need to get myself some tames and some armor to help me progress so I hated offensive of some metal notes and found the most chops I was able to feed some measures to make my friend as my new friend and I ran on the beach we fought off some dollars together before I trapped her up to continue on foot upon the beaver's house I destroyed for the loot inside and I then continued onwards and I didn't realize that Crystal Isles was in Australia one of the chitin so I could craft a saddle for my Pteranodon as if I was going to find anything I would need to get into the sky for now though any team would do so I crafted up a bunch of tranquers when I spotted a level 200 frog bit of an odd team but it would help with traveling so I bought a small trap and shot the froze to aggro it and let it straighten only to get licked as I got it in passing out on the floor I picked up dinonicus and shot the 16 train cars into the Frog knocking it up that's such a nice feeling is it now I shoved in my meat to tame it and named him fridge and it was a simple hop skip and a jump to get home where I licked a saw go to death stumbled across some bad ogres and I also ate some trilobites which gave me the kite and I needed to now be able to make a Pteranodon saddle to swam our way home and in the morning I saddled up my dragon from wish and took to the skies it felt good to get off the ground so I flew to the nearby pillars where I could hack up a metal note and I should be able to smelt this down to make myself some actual armor once I got home I threw all the metal into my Forge to smelt while I ran over to the long way I saw earlier and fed a bunch of berries tamed it up on day seven and Grant he asked me to name a Discord kitten I need a name for female Turtle name a Discord kitten the squad kitten yeah I feel like that's gonna be canceled I need to find better friends so riding kitten I began to Waddle my way home to craft up myself a fresh new set of armor now I can head out and find a more powerful Dragon or woven to tame I set up a weapons and one in the morning and I could use this to make some powerful swords and crossbows so I made up some arrowheads and shaft while power saw and I went hard to gather a bunch of Narco berries in my dragon from which I flew off to go Harvest some metal it there was this massive leatherback tortugen who did not seem to like me so I let him off the cliff I did stumble across Kai's base one of my patrons who play on my server also have multiple other servers open to subscribers with all info in my Discord I found the metal node I needed to and harvested up a bunch of metal and there was also the strange elephant giraffe thing a bullfin guess malice is going to continue to release stranger and stranger creatures into this world throughout the 100 days I wonder how many unique teams I can get by the end flying home I did have to save my power saw from a Pego that was attacking then in the morning of day 9 I thought I can maybe tame that tortugan so I harvested a bunch of wood to make gates for a trap then dip my arrows into some narcotics and made a long bow another Pteranodon also landed nearby so I shot it in the head to crank it out and shoved in my meat always good to have a backup flyer I then set off with my dragon from which in search of that tortugen but I could not find it anywhere I understand found a dino doggeron stuck in the water Vine Island that I may end up bullying the big base on now this good boy was listed as a passive team so he could be a nice upgrade jumped off my Terror and walked up to it to offer it some meat respawning had my base feeling betrayed my other Pteranodon had tamed up and I named a twagan so I saddled up twagan and flew off to go collect my stuffs grabbed it from the tombstone and I don't plan on trying to pet the Chompy lizard again I was then flying around when I spotted a Naga this winged snake looked pretty deadly and could be a powerful tame so I landed on the cliff to begin trying to crank it out only for the whole deadly poison spit at me but as its top or got low it began to Slither away into the water so I chased after it found my Naga had drawn the attention of an aquarium and were fighting in the water I tried to save the knocker but I was killed as the Aquarius turned to me instead of The Fly I'm safe foreign which eventually fell asleep in the water flew home to make the narcotics I would need to tame it swam down to the oversized barrier and shoved them in it eventually tamed at this thing as awesome it could breathe scaldy water breath so I named it five dollar Barry and rodents to go test it out it was pretty strong as I killed the stint out fairly quickly but with not brilliant I'm just made up the Barry saddle for that extra armor and parked it next to my box I started day 12 with a basic Berry harvesting mission in order to make more narcotics since I spotted a monstrous moist drops nearby named the gluttonous now he looks like a cool team so using my bow began to fill it with trying cards as he tried to break my trap I mean I never got it into the Trap but it still worked I guess my Aquarius allowed me to kill off some nearby creatures shoved the prime meat into the giant Moss chops and it was mine I named him chonco he was so cool so I ran off on chonco to fight whatever I could find nearby and he was decently strong but I would need something a lot more powerful if I was to be able to defeat malice so I ran off in search of a more powerful creature to tape when I instead ran into my most dangerous enemy that is malice the foe I need to defeat in order to cleanse this world as if I don't defeat him by day 100 he will have grown too powerful to ever have a chance of defeating him um um run go go malice malice is here run oh boy go get out of here go go go go go oh boy big scary fire breathing dragon just roaming the world 160 KL how am I gonna kill you go go we're burning he's burning us run run we gotta get out of here we are not ready to fight malice yet he's coming he's coming go go go go go go get the heck out of here oh boy [Music] certainly not ready for malice yet um go could you still come in no save me save me I've got home safely after losing malice from the nearby creatures distracting him and I then made up a bunch more tranquerors before I set again in search nearby there was a sleeping bronze woven who must have had a killer hangover has even standing on top of it it would not wake up probably a good thing as if it did it would absolutely wreck me it's an arch temper Tyrant Romania I wanted to build my base guess I need to find a new spot and the arch temperatures are some of mala's most powerful Minions that our need to defeat in order to weaken malice to have a chance at killing them as I continued forwards I came up on an elephant which was pretty friendly and at the top of the hill was a stranger Theory looking team called a cross star to yaku what are you oh my god what the like a giant biker after just stunned me off my team no that's well that thing just messed me up I have to get my stuff back I jumped on chonco to begin the run all the way back to my stuff where thankfully my five dollar Barry was still alive and he distracted the crystal too long enough for me to grab my stuff but it was time for Revenge so whistled in chonko and five dollar Barry to kill it all I flew home on my wagon and there were so many magical new creatures in this world I was in parking on a cliff almost home what the what are you what fly well that Invader just scared the life out of me but it is definitely something I want to tame I repaired all my arm at home then flew off on my wagon and there was a cavern crawler Cavern crawler oh these things are ugly The Invader was busy raiding the island I wanted so definitely best to just avoid that Island destroying everything it's almost home went out of nowhere a tread wyvern attacked it quickly killed my twagan and me along with it as I tried to make a break for it I didn't have any backup tames at my base so I made up a new Longbow and trackers then sent off bow in hand to track out of new Pteranodon murdered a Pego to harvest its meat and shoved it into the Pteranodon who I named terrible and flew off to try and save my stuff I could see the trade wyvern lurky nearby now with the level 380 my desires suddenly shifted as now I wanted to tame it I grabbed my stuff and dinonicas then ran for it I was going to need a trap so I got home and harvested a ton of stone a track load of wood and even more Stone and while harvesting I found a small skeletosaurus that I tamed and named backpack before I made up the gates I needed then headed back on five dollar Barry I could see the wyvern lurking in the distance and this could be an absolutely massive upgrade if I am able to tame it so I set up my Gates and began to try to aggro the woven into it I got it in and placed the gate behind it perfect that was easy almost too easy so I pulled up my bow and shot it in the face up it's got the fireball straight to the face oops it didn't like that with slightly singed eyebrows I moved further back to continue tracking it out but I should not have been so naive to think this would be easy as I'd squeeze through the game and came straight for me I reset my trap this time making sure the Gap was small and ran to begin trying to aggro it into the Trap rest in peace five dollar Barry but no time to more now I began to hop back on fridge as he was my fastest time by far then turned to try and aggro the wyvern back into the Trap it immediately broke the gate clean off the hinges then turned and killed backpack I rushed to grab my Loot and jumped away on fridge with my ass literally on fire I was going to need more gates Jumping All The Way Home chopping down even more trees breaking apart even more rocks and crafting yet another gate before turning to head back to the wyvern I bought my trap from scratch pulled back my bow and fired to aggro the wyvern it was not working so I jumped off Rose to try and do it on foot just got roasted ice it was a bit of a shock when I got back to see her trying to eat a wild creature but it seemed completely distracted so I took my opportunity to build the gates around it and then as I was about to grab my stuff and killed the creature and then me after running back again it was distracted nearby allowing me to grab my stuff and begin trying to snipe it making sure to dodge the fireballs and had to Simply rapid fire the arrows knocking it up nice I found the only piece of Rouge that was left his saddle I tranked out a soccer to kill at Ford's prime meat since I didn't have any tames with me to kill things I was in waiting around for the woven to finish eating and spotted a Max Level frog it fell asleep nice and easily guess the first time the woven had almost tamed up as us spotted a deadly predator further down the beach please well that was both the worst and best outcome I started the run back to see my waven was safe in the distance but I wasn't safe yet oh come on I never saw the gollum that's a scary looking Golem holy crap I desperately ran to jump on my oven and begin taking down the Crystal Golem an explosion after explosion had finally got killed allowing me to safely fly home on my new most powerful tame the dread wyvern I knew I needed to set up a better base as a place to train breed and prepare for the battle with malice so I set out in the morning on my dread wavan in search of the perfect base location and there are already so many unique wyverns and dragons in this world if I'm going to beat malice I'll have to get more powerful so I need a proper base to prepare for now though my wooden box is all I have I landed on a plane next to these benino sources now hopped off my oven to get a close look when a titanoboa attacked my wyvern oh no I raced to get back on my wife and as a Veneno Source better man instantly knocked me out I woke up to find my wife and had killed him off and I noticed nearby there was a Geo breaker glad I wasn't any closer to that else that could have been an issue but maybe I can tame one later on to help me instead I found an alpha peraxinosaurus in the morning that I was able to melt and kill giving me a chibi and an ascendant saddle blueprint I named the chibi Perry and he's pretty cute there was also an alpha in the oven later I was able to kill but didn't get anything of use not continued on my search and came across this huge black crab known as the Ronan Scully rotor it was only a level two but it looked so what did it it tamed up and I named him Mr Krabs he was really cool but oh so useless so I just trapped him up likely to never be seen again and flew off to head home waking up on day 21 I could see a creature lurking in the water in the distance this was a ping long a serpentine dragon that was set in folklore to be a God in Disguise I obviously wanted it thus I jumped onto my dread woven with my Longbow even hiding on a cliff while I tried to freeze me well it did freeze me but didn't do anything but I eventually knocked it out and shoved in my meat while it slowly becomes my friend I went off in search of other dragons to tame when I instead came across fatalos one of the five black dragons and now that I know they're here I will need to tame one of every black dragon if I have any hope to defeat matters I got home in the morning to see my ping long had tamed in this Divine serpent was able to just float through the sky I named my dread wyvern galvik and the Bing long vocath and walkath was decently strong as I was able to kill an apex Rock Drake which are usually really powerful but walkath showed herself to be pretty strong so it felt good to be able to fight some more powerful creatures I decided it was time to move in the morning so I picked up all of my stuff not that I had very much of it and began to soar through the sky on forecast with galvik following behind me there were so many fights going on around but we ignored all of it landed on a high pillar with a charge note on it maybe I can use this to help me find malice I placed on some Foundation Smithy in bed before flying out on galvik to see what dangers lurk in the area one of which was a molten Golem that was fighting a bronze wyvern down below me it it lightly terrifying I didn't expect to die I floated my way back on Warcraft Landing nearby then in the morning took my opportunity to try to grab my stuff but the grave on the side of the cliff made it difficult so the Golem just killed me again so I flew back again this time on terrible my Pteranodon now I went a bit quicker to grab my stuff from the clip and simply ran away I did not want to die again jumped on warcath and flew home leaving volcanth at home I set off on galvec and came across a minion of bahuboot the second of the five black dragons along with fatalos this was the frenzy gigger if I wanted to eventually tame a Baja mode for myself I would need to prove I am worthy by fighting this frenzy Giga and with 100 000 Health it would not be easy so I began to blast and burn it down when I was hit by my worst enemy somehow gained enough just barely survived taking a moment to recover nearby and went back in I got it stuck on the clipboard my health having gotten so low I did not think it was a good idea to fight it any longer It ultimately had to retreat before kelvic met his fate as I flew off in the morning on galvec I started to think to myself what do I need for my base and the number one thing I am struggling to collect is Stone so I set off in search of anything that can Harvest even more than a pebble I didn't fly past the zaryan a very rare red dragon class but I was on a mission to tame something for stone oh look level 298 Carphone so I jumped off my galvik to feed up my meat and continued my search while it longed for more food it's more so I found a level 300 teodrio who I gave some food as well I then found the raiku who I began to fight when suddenly all I could see was written as I realized I was dismanted I ran to get back on galvik and flew away before the doriku managed to kill me but now I needed food I grabbed some berries so these would work for now and I found some apps for us and Arena Bloss in the morning and they looked like a doad so they thought they might be good for stone drank that the absurosa wanted and chonco helped me gather some berries while galvik killed off the rest it tamed up so I jumped on to test it out and it mainly gathers Flint guess my search has to continue then I found a level 330 anzu and these flappy birds make great parents to raise your babies so I've melted the mother down and stole it steak it's awk what did you expect my Hunger levels were getting tired though so solve that by cooking some Meats in the campfire and flew back to the graph when I was taming earlier threaded all the meat and it can't fly well that is disappointing like it looks awesome but who needs a budget Griffin that can't fly attend that Tierra Trio I saw early in the morning who I named Tweety certainly one of the Cuda wyverns Archer pretty fast too and I found some more Reno boss and since the absoros couldn't gather Stone I tamed the carapace arena blossoms dead and her friend both couldn't even touch the rock it was so disappointed I was going to need a lot more tracks in order to knock out some of the more powerful dragons so I used Tweety to head out and eat up a ton of bushes for the narcoberries though I quickly realized Marina blast would be much more effective and I was so right on that I also found some Beaver homes to destroy for their cementing paste before flying home on Warcraft made up hundreds of Narcotics to end off the day I found the strangest crab on day 29 and this was an aberration with two dragon heads for hands it was jumping around spitting boys and boys trying to murder everything but I did not have the stuff I needed to tame it at this stage so I continued on we have found a level 380 Pangolin wyvern now I've had one of these before a long time ago when I had to defeat the Colossus Megalodon in Jurassic Arc so I wanted it so I pulled up my bow and riding on Tweety to try and get up I never expected it to do so much damage I tried to fly away but the wounds were too much as Tweety bled out and died um well not expecting that I pulled out galvik just so I could be safe and hopped on his back blew back in on galbic and managed to track out the Pangolin wyvern when as I was going to feed it oh really why why like what are you attacking no well the Pangolin tampered gulver clearly did not want to be beaten in power levels talk about being jealous you just didn't want it to be stronger than you so I named the Pangolin L Vargas it was now the weaker of the two so I trapped up alvarg to begin the journey home and I was almost home in the morning when I came across malice yet again oh malice is getting a lot more powerful it's level 268 already I will definitely need to take out his arch Tempest to slow him down soon I really need to get a move on if I am to be able to defeat malice as I continued on my journey I came across an at our Drago and this massive monstrosity is usually controlled by an atal ARCA but this one without its mosque was very simple to kill for some basic Electronics scrap and oil I got home when I was able to make up a ton more train cars then began to hatch my anzu agar stall so many days ago hatched the baby and named her Mamacita and use my apps for us to harvest up some nearby metal modes there was the morning of day 31 when I came across the nazarium fighting an arch tempered Carno and this was my chance to kill my first Arch temper so I hit on the cliff nearby as I spat my Fireballs until finally the Azari undone so I then flew off to finish off the arch-tempered corner what I didn't know is how that killing that Arch tempered caused a new threat to sport into the world and I was about to stumble across it this was shalop a spider corpse Queen a very powerful boss that I'll have to defeat in addition to malice there's a second boss so I guess I have more than one creature more than one boss to defeat I'll have to fight Sherlock as well there were two sorority hablos on the beach and these weapons are really cool as they all slam their heads into the ground stunning themselves and dealing great damage I kill off one of them but nearby was an arch tempered Tyrant and this Arch template is a lot stronger than the corner so I'll need to get an at least an imprinted dread wyvern if not something even more powerful like one of the black dragons I needed some black pearls so flew over to older child only to find the area had been completely corrupted many of the dinosaurs here had become liquefied versions of themselves skeletal beans of liquid energy a park near one of the electric Bubbles and swimming to collect the black pearls are needed then flew home with my prize I came across a stone Golem in the morning of day 33 another of mala's most powerful minions so I just flew away from it and instead found a bronze woven that wasn't sleeping maybe I can pass off tame this or need to accidentally anchor it as it gated me into the lake [Music] um who killed it um I please don't come into the water nope not piranhas either I had to run and Dodge to get back onto galvik before I died but this was not going to be a simple tame um oh right away put away don't eat me dragon go away ow I was trying to be a friend relax I need to get on here let me on let me on let me on I continued to try and sneak up to it but it just simply wouldn't eat it broke all of my armor and I had to retreat so I just headed home I found a bog berm near the swamp that I tranked and tamed and this explosive hard-backed megatherium was pretty cool but I had to move on I then came up on another Apex this won the Apex used ironist so I started to blast it down with gulbik eventually killing it then made my way towards the honey cave with lurking inside was something extremely powerful asaurion there's a sorry on brute woven in there and it's a high level this could be an incredibly powerful tame if I'm able to get it but there was another dragon in the cave Talos oh hi fatalos you're here too if I angered fatalos it would turn into a powerful untameable boss so this was going to be tricky so I landed nearby and pulled out my boat to begin drinking a dot but then it turned towards me so I had to escape the cave and Lead it outside um Gotta Go Gotta Go um get you out of this cave the sari on brute wyvern landing on a cliff to finish the job I'll land over here can you get up here okay shoved in my meat for to eat then as it awoke in the morning it was my friend with the ability to spew deadly breath and do massive storms I used it to kill off the bees inside the cave okay admittedly not the most challenging of first enemies but I wanted to get some honey all right hacked up one of the halves for Hanami and polymer then made my way out of the cave and they broke wyvern after its great ancestor devil joke and flew off to try and use those hunting to tame a soratioblos now in order to tame one of these Mighty beasts you have to entice it to slam its head into the ground knocking itself out but no matter what galvik and I did it would not slam galvik was starting to get seriously hurt the morning I trapped up galvik to try using Alvar but I just wasn't able to get it to head slam there was a Nazario nearby who I accidentally pissed off by attacking but almost getting elvag killed again but this was no time for Dragon Slayer so I desperately made my Escape trapped up alvog and flew home on galvik once I got there I could hear a loud roar nearby oh malice is getting close to finding my base or at least his molten Golem is anyway I will need to defeat that molten Golem and soon on day 37 I was scanning through the burning Forest when I spotted a massive High Dragon this five-headed monstrosity has the power to control five elements from each of its heads so I began to drank it out with my bow killed off a parasaur for meat and shoved it in with the tamed and able to shoot elements out of its headless thing was awesome but it had one extra ability that I desperately needed it could Harvest wood absolutely incredible I found a vampion nearby which is a vamp fell asleep after a few hits of my bow only to then realize I didn't have what I needed [Music] oh you don't need meat you need blood so I made a syringe and drained myself off some blood to tame up the vampire but nearby was something powerful it was another two sorry on brute wyverns now these cannot naturally breed but they can if you get a mutator which are unlocked by fighting the alpha Crystal wyvern Queen so I will need to kill her at some point I finally got the brute while I've been sleeping in the morning and the second was a much lower level so it drank that way easier both tamed up and trapped them up to head home as now that I had the high Dragon to harvest up a ton of wood it was finally time to expand my face to more than just a two by one wood foundation both of walls chopped down trees set up roofs to finish off my base which was essentially a giant wooden Barn I at least made a skylighter on the tip of the charge node so set up some more gates only to run out of stone so I guess my resource Wars are not over yet if I wanted to breed some of my dragons I was going to need that mutator so I flew off towards the green Obelisk to see what I would need to fight the alpha Crystal wyvern Queen and seeing how many talons I was going to need I made my way to the crystal wyvern trench where I killed orphan Alpha blood wyvern as well as a bunch of regular wyvern hairs before flying off and found a pinacosaurus and these little pine cones are tamed simply by cuddling them certainly the best table I was heading towards the floating islands in the morning when I came across dodu's base a cute little pyramid which looks significantly better than my base but they need to remember to lock their door so I dragged them to their Forge to keep them warm I was on my way to the floats and Islands though as I knew of a dragon trying hidden within it known to draw the most powerful of dragons and I was completely right as there were two black dragons inside it I did not have what I needed to tame them so I had to leave and head home okay as I headed out in the morning of day 44 I was in search of a female dread woven now the females spit poison so I made my way to the swamp hoping to be able to find one winner spotted a level 380 in the distance only to get knocked out and killed straight off the back of galvik this was not good I flew back on Dragon from wish and whistled for galvik to follow me away from the wyvern only for my Terror to get killed this was really not good as Not only was I not taming the suavan but every single one of these deaths was growing malice's power I would need to be more careful so as I rode my graph on back towards the swamp and I discovered accidentally that the cryphone can fly only because I got dismounted in water I managed to make it fly by going in the water yes go let's go guess it isn't so useless I got back to my corpse in the morning only to find the dreidel Ivan was camping my body oh oh so that's how you fly with the the Griffin okay you press q but I saw an opportunity to eat the corpse which made the woven leave and I could grab my stuff I then hopped on alvog to try and track out the tread wyvern dealt so much damage and killed alvog and me yep there goes repel Vlog I really have to get that stuff back uh all the dragons from RuneScape just died have you repented yet [Music] it's like part two best dragons and all I was trying to do was tame a one so I could breed them I know oh no no leave me alone I didn't mean it I just existed there ow ow you're hurting me you're a bully that bullied me Mamacita it's your time to shine so we began to run all the way across the entire map jumping and sprinting across the Plains and we made it to the ocean where I began to Dive In Search Of My Grave when finally after an entire day I spotted my death beam and I was able to recover my stuff you Mamacita I trapped her up and flew home on my graph on both albarg and galvik dead I was going to need something new to be able to tame more dragons I flew to the Griffin trench where I began to snipe what I can finally tracking at a level 260 Griffin it tamed up in the morning and using the Griffin I was able to track out a couple more Griffins just so I would have some backups but I wanted those dreidel weapons so I made up some gates to try and trap it flew to the swamp on the Griffin where I could see the dread wyvern fighting an obsidio serpent so threw down my Gates but wasn't quite able to trap it now the obsidio serpent started winning so I tried to track it out only for it to turn towards me and spat knocking me out as the wyvern exploded me I flew back on my spare Gruff and only to get back just as a dread wyvern killed my Griffin I took an opportunity to grab back my stuff set up the Trap again and laid in the wyvern okay I know I've been trapped never mind we've only done this thing in the story once okay you know it gets out causes a bunch of problem and it's the same type of oven did not learn your lesson you would think I'd learned from the first time I tamed thread wyvern but clearly not I barely escaped the love with just 200 Health left on my Griffin I'm alive I'm alive two 200 help on the Griffin oh boy I began trying to snipe it from a distance off and landing on a nearby Rock but I just couldn't hit it so went a bit closer to try again only to hit it once and it hit me what's killing me I need to be more careful no more trying to cheese the tames I got my stuff back again and just handed home to re-gear myself it was day 51 and now being halfway till I have to fight men's I was nowhere close to being ready as I had no idea how powerful he was by now so I was determined to get those dread wyverns but I was not going in underprepared tamed up some more Griffins as backups then heading north back towards the swamp setups and Gates as a trap when I saw the wyvern sitting next to a cliff and took my opportunity to dive in and just Spam Gates on a trapping it in I'm so surprised that actually worked using the cliff as my shield began drank enough liven success I'll take it that that works [Music] I trapped up the wife and to begin my flat home and I tranked and tamed a low-level male dread woven in the morning so now finally I can breed them and have the backup tames I would need I just first have to get some aircon so I can actually hatch these eggs I set up a generator only to be sure to the electronics I needed for aircons so on to the Griffin to search for Tech creature to murder Ford's Electronics while on my search I did spots in the larion destroying everything on the beach I really needed to save myself one of those then slightly further on I saw my prize attack parasol who are prevented dying to a soccer by killing it myself that's a good hope set up a fabricator and made the aircons I needed throughout the eggs to begin hatching and never got the perfect stats kiss I'm going to be doing a lot of breeding I wanted to gain some more experience our clamped them to Devil's road to begin fighting through multiple creatures for experience and I hatched another dread wyvern in the morning again with the bad stats so well it was dealt with the rest of the day was it trying to kill stuff for more experience as well as grabbing one of the artifacts I would need for the wyvern green and I kept breeding my dread wyverns in the morning then placed down the remaining gates to protect my base flying off I stopped by the wyvern trench to grab an artifact then was flying off to the next one when I spotted a female high Dragon cranked it up nice and easily then trapped it up there were some Dragon Balls nearby that could be really good if they have the healing ability of dadons so I drank both out and I was then trying to kill all the things for promise when as I slammed Arc fatal era slammed me out of the game as I awoke after the crash I immediately thrown Mobius and jumped on her for safety but during the crash devil Joe had been killed rest in peace I had gotten some mutton which I fed to the dragon boys to tame them and I got home where my dread wyvern was Raising nicely so I almost had a breeding pair day 59 and 60 ended up being just a massive harvesting spree collecting Orca berries in the swamp with Marina plus metal with my Pinnacle source and wood with my high dragon all the while my dread wyverns were popping out eggs in preparation for the crystal wyvern Queen with the freshly imprinted dreadwaven I took off in the morning feeling powerful then actually found a low-level geobreaker now I still wanted one of these things so I began to blast it down even if it made me feel like a hippie at Woodstock oh okay um a high tiered cheer breaker hallucinogen okay I feel like a hippie at Woodstock eventually killing it giving me a hallucinogenic gland and with this I can make a hallucinogenic grenade to make it tampable I did also kill another Arch tempered Corner as I really need to start trying to do what I can to reduce malice power since I have died so much I killed off a second Geo break in the morning so I'd have some spare glands then on my way home I spotted a mirror a race of white dragons known to make other dragons even more trusty so I began to tame her in hopes she could help me tame an azarion it took forever it was day 63 by the time she was my friend and I named her Mirana and once I got home I made up the hallucinogenic balls for future geobreaker team then just did some exploring for the rest of the day day 64 and 65 ended up being a quiet day of wavan murdering for their talent as our plan to fight the woven Queen on day 75 as that would give me 25 days to fully prepare to fight malice just enough time for a proper Army you mean I don't die anymore and make him even stronger I realized in the morning of day 66 that I never had any crops to make kibble since some of the most powerful dragons only eat kibble I set up some foundation so that would be my Greenhouse I did accidentally fall off the cliff as I was laying pipes so my crops could be wet and then day 67 was again spent the whole day laying pipe the rest of the way to the lake I set up some crop flights in the morning then the glass walls flew off to the swamp to harvest up the seeds I would need planted them all in the morning and filled them with poop to fertilize them I set up more compost bins so I'd have plenty of fertilizer to end off day 69. nice and Day 70 was purely spent flying all across the map Gathering artifacts from the coldest cave and within the depths of Eldridge Isles that seemed to be pure corruption at this point I even got the placing of not being killed by laurion as I grabbed the artifact protected by the Dragon Shrine the a71 was breeding breeding and breeding I needed the best possible stats on my trade woven for the crystal woven free fight so I Was preparing raising the best wovens I could then Day 72 and 73 doing everything necessary to make extraordinary kibble as I would still need to get myself the five black dragons and a geobreaker for the Mallet spot as I knew he was getting closer and closer to my base I was on my way to check whether I still needed to summon the wyvern Queen when I spotted them malice oh malice is back level three thousand okay I know I've died a lot of oh at least 6.7 million health I really need to get a move on and go kill those golems in order to weaken him this was not good I did not expect him to be this strong so I desperately need to kill those golems in order to weaken him I had an army of wyverns raised in the morning of day 75 which I trapped up to make my way towards the green Obelisk where I plan to fight the alpha Crystal wyvern Queen cleared out the trees around the teleporter to make space our deed then slowly got them all into position as I activated the shrine there she was perched atop her nest I whistled in my wyverns to attack as I took to the sky go get him fly by Pretty Fly there's some water looking like they've taken some damage and someone should looking fine okay damage was slow but consistent as she took to the skies in an attempt to get away just like burning flaming her down oh we got some in the sky let's go go my pretties fly fly my pretty fly fly it's like launching bomb off the bomb great oh you're looking toasty there we go into the sky we go go my pretties go so I gathered my wyverns to take to the skies and Chase we got the queen to retreat to Ernest when suddenly she just vanished I could only imagine malice was performing some trick when suddenly she popped back in front of me with triple for Hell she's got way more Health how's that okay this wasn't good I sent my wyverns back in when a light flashed kicking me in my wyvern from the arena but the queen wasn't dead yet so where was she we flew up into the sky as she came up from behind me and attacked the fight was back on Fireball after Fireball was caused poison off to poison slowly but steadily decimating the Queen's Health when finally by the end of day 76 she perished hey down goes the Beast unlocking me a ton of technology that I can create to breed my most powerful tane sorry Queen the children's are orphans now that's such a bad joke please don't put that in I set up my replicator in the morning threw out my sorry on brute weapons and then set up my mutator this Nifty little device makes it so any creature is able to breed and I was going to need an army The Brute wyvern was pregnant and popped out its baby to be picked up by the soul terminal then in the afternoon of day 78 I set up a transmitter to enable me to track the boss's locations when I saw in the transmitter there was a level 380 Geo breaker this was my chance I flew to the desert and began to blast it down fights and then all the way down to 20 Health when finally on day 80 I threw my hallucinogenic ball pacifying the tentacle monster allowing me to freely feed it in order to tame it I had to begin fighting as many of the Golems as possible so I grabbed an army of brute parvin's as a squared up to fight the molten Golem a sorry on group weapons or so freaking loud oh that scared me and whistled in my Attack Force they charged in with huge Roars and massive slams pushing the Golem off the cliff as they Dove after I had to keep my fruit woven's fought as hard as they could eventually defeating the Beast I trapped up all my boots and actually found one of them had collected a black dragon's aiming buff I could use a user team my very own black dragon satisfied with my prize I headed home and made myself a stealth armor set as tomorrow I would be attempting to tame my very first of the five black dragons vitalos I found him lurking at the bottom of a hill in a forest so landed nearby to begin sneaking as close as I could to tame the massive Beast with the element I had inching closer and closer when I could feed it I now just had to wait for its food to drop so I went off to see a pseudo Bearer in the Aldridge Isles but he ended up raging and becoming an untamable boss hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me my fatalos was still not hungry in the morning so I headed off to fight the next Golem and that was the frost God the weakest of the three Golems so I brought my dread wyvern and we flew into fight it tried to freeze us but we scented fire blast after blast easily melting the Golem defeating it as I was flying home there was a Dodo wyvern malice was really trying to bring in even more powerful creatures to face us so he flew into fight but as we fought harder and harder wyvern started dying as we fought but that just pushed us to fight even harder then finally killed the dodo wyvern nearby there was a frenzy Giga that were able to bring down the head minion of bahumut now I could take my own Bahamut but then as the day was coming to an end there was a stone Golem the strongest of malice's minions also the final Beast that will weaken him enough for me to be able to fight him so preparing my Army of Sarah and brute wyverns and charged it explosion slam and bite the brute wyvern began to rip and tear through the Golem as it slammed down again and again foreign I felt confident I was going to need a much larger Army for malice though as it was not just malice but I still had to fight Shalom as well I said art on day 85 to finish taming Mafi Talos the first of the five black dragons it was so powerful as I thought of dozens of creatures and an apex mantis but I wanted more I wanted the rest of the black dragons no I needed them so the next day I set off to the tundra where there was an alarion and this black dragon is a master of elements I managed to tame it by the end of the day and this dragon is insane with 5 powerful breaths blood ice water lightning and fire a true Mast of the elements are found in tameda morales or and this absolute chunk of a dragon can't fly nor is it fast but it can unleash absolute hell with its massive Fireball attack three down two to go there was a pursuit of Bearer found in the morning but there was a problem this noxious plague was enraged it was no longer tameable and with no others on the map I would not be getting one so this setback was going to make the fight against malice much more difficult but I couldn't Panic now so I set off in search of a Bahamut I found one hiding out on the ice and Bahamut is known as the most forgiving of the black dragons so timing him was really simple it felt really good to have four of the five black dragons hopefully that raging pursuit of Bearer doesn't come back to fight me but now I need to raise an army as I'll be fighting shalob on day 95 and finally bringing the fight to malice on day 100. as I flew into the desert on day 95 my heart was thumping had I prepared enough and that's when I spotted her shalob the corpse Queen at level 750 with 1.3 million Health this was going to be a massive fight so Landing nearby I throw out a small army of brute wyverns as I knew she had a ton of AOE healing so did not want to send too larger force that led my troops as I whistled them into attack battle Roys Harley and the brute Islands began to stomp as chillar bled through my brute wyverns needed some backups I threw out my jailbreaking anticipation as its tentacles began to rise from the ground engulfing the spider as it began to attack eventually a spider killed off one of the dreidelines I was going to need those reinforcements as the brute while having started to die as well that was my cue to begin through not even more to replace though they were falling we're having so many casualties but the Jailbreaker was keeping it content I sent it even more true her health was falling fast as the final troops I had charged in to finish off the Corpse Queen shalob was dead mala's most powerful companion defeated but the battle for the ark was not done yet as now malice had to die a couple days passed as I had uttered my base recovery in the Army when it finally hits day 100 and I knew I could not wait any longer malice had to be found and defeated today else risked him destroying the entire world so I set out on warcath one of my original dragons to begin the flight over to where malice was hiding landed on a cliff nearby I could see him in the distance through killing the golems and Arch temperatures I had managed to reduce his power to level 1000 but there was a new problem the pasuto bearer had disrespected had now joined malice and was nearby so I would have to kill it first throughout my fruit wovens and sent them to charge you they began to thrash and tear through the black dragon but its noxious plague was really powerful weakening the brute wyverns if only had been able to tame it but now was the time to fight malice so called the surviving brute wyverns as I charged them to fight malice he immediately began to dodge dive and jump around like wistful acrobats soaring through the sky I knew the brute wyverns alone would not be enough as one by one they started to die faster than that could get out more reinforcements I had to save the black dragon for as long as I could as I knew malice gets more powerful the lower ASL Dragon of the Dragon charged into battles malice jumped around preventing them a Target so I threw out the Jailbreaker to try and lock him down but even the tentacles were not enough as he continued to dodge everything I was throwing at him but slowly his health was starting to drop but not as fast as he was dropping my dragons even yeeting them away so that he could Escape dashing away sending the huge dragons blind I needed more power so landed nearby to throw out all four of my black dragons moralosaur fatalos alarion and Bahamut I mounted onto Fatalis as I told my Army to charge he was trapped in desperately trying to escape but there's a lot more army to begin pummeling into herself he took a huge beating before Breaking Free so I regrouped my Army before sending them back in he was incredibly low on help now and we had to finish him now or never so he charged into Fighters even more dragons die boom down goes malice as his corpse erupted into pure corrupt energy flying into the ocean malice was dead and the world was safe once more thank you for watching go watch where I Fought The Savage hardest boss so I had to use the dragons to help me fight it there as well
Channel: NaturalCauzes
Views: 391,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, Ark Survival Evolved, Ark Survival Evolved Episode 1, 100 days in ark, ark 100 days, ark survival evolved 100 days, 100 days ark, ark dragons, 100 days dragons, ark dragons evolved, 100 days ark dragons, ark wyvern, ark modded, modded ark, ark, ark survival evolved gameplay, ark survival, ark survival evolved, ark pvp
Id: AIlFRjcpv9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 54sec (3714 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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