I Played 100 Days Of Subnautica

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aliens giant sea snakes and wet socks Welcome to My subnautica 100 days it was meant to be a simple deep space mission for my ship the Aurora that went horribly wrong as explosions began to engulf the ship Oh yay we've escaped oh that's a big boob okay oh oh no someone finds the better please ow that hurt okay oh there's it's getting hot in here so hot I got fire extinguisher put it out put out the fire I managed to put out the fire before I turned into a roasted Rex then pulled out my PDA you have suffered a minor concussion he says optimal well sure I guess the PDA had some useful notes as well as a game installed onto it from today's sponsor a game with over 700 unique Champions a super detailed and tactical RPG battle system incredible graphics and an intense combination of both PVE and PVP you're right it's raid Shadow Legends come join me as we battle up the Doom Tower where you'll need an army of Champions in order to defeat insane boss fights like the Scarab King since he barely takes any damage unless he reduces Max health and makes sure to have a shield buff or he'll mess you up there's also a brand new egg hunt live right now until May 15 but not just any eggs dragon eggs new players head to egg hunt.playerm.com for a chance to win amazing in-game items and even your share of Amazon gift cards to the total value of 20 000 existing players aren't out of luck either as you find a special promo code to earn a small gift in game and this is a perfect time to get into raid by clicking the link in my video description or scan in the QR code on screen here Raiders even allowing me to give you this awesome starter pack to kick things off so click the link you can find me in game and we'll be Legends together after I finish playing some raid I had a look at the status board circuitry test failed secondary systems offline radio or flying distress signal broadcast failed flotation devices deployed oh that's good at least at the flotation devices are flotation devices my own flippers seeing that almost everything was not working I climbed up the escape hatch and out to see the aurora had crashed nearby oh failure cause unknown zero human life signs detected well so I had a look around to survey my location see nothing diving into the water it was a lush and colorful Reef pretty with many different types of fish coral and lurking in the Deep Predators I managed to catch grab a small fishy this is a whole fish no not a whole fish a fish with a hole in it oh it's called a bladder fish may have unexpected applications thanks Siri I found some limestone rocks I was able to break up for some titanium I also picked off some acid mushrooms which did not trip me out green Coral there was a chunk of metal salvage I managed to stuff in my pockets only to almost run out of oxygen okay I breathe get to the surface get to the surface I got pot I'm not panicking you're panicking I expect that to happen a lot as I swam around I found a cave nope not going in there I've plucked some jellyfish off a floating Rock to finish filling up my pockets and swam back to my laugh pod the fabricator was the only thing not damaged so I was able to cook up the fish I had grabbed and I made a higher capacity oxygen tank to hold my breath for longer I wanted to make a scanner so I could see what fish are trying to eat me looks like I need to find a battery hmm diving back into the water the sun was now starting to go down but I caught a Gary fish Gary fish Gary you're back as a fish though with the getting dark I climbed up onto the Pod to spend the night with the sun rising on day two I dive back into the water where I found and mined another Limestone outcrop and got some copper copper is an essential component of all powered equipment your probability of survival has just increased to unlikely good to know Siri thanks good to know Siri thinks I have a plausible chance of surviving I picked up some quartz and another Limestone win foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] returning to normal I swam towards another cave I spotted the cheeky little bugger before he saw me you was you hold up my fire extinguisher to see if I could use to prevent it exploding no go away it didn't work but it was dead so swam into the cave to grab the resources back in my last pot I was able to make a battery with the copper found and use that to make a scanner scanner [Music] the sky can be used to synthesize blueprints from Savage technology and to record alien biological data I do the self scan and said nothing was wrong with me nothing's wrong with me well that's a lie according to everyone who knows me and dive back into the ocean and there was a long looking fish or swam over to scan don't you sound mad I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't read it don't just want to scan you it's pretty ouch don't bitey at least that's scared no idea what scans do but it's done I spent some time scanning fish and coral around the area also collecting bits of scrap metal that could be refined into titanium that's when I found some alien eggs I hope no alien mama is on her way to probe me at podar's refining resources and one thing I could not find was silicon rubber I did at least see the medical kit fabricator was still working so use that to heal up a bit so I'll have to search for some silicon in the morning I was exploring a cave as the sun was Rising when a phantom Sandstone that I broke to give me Silver [Music] uh oxygen get to the surface God breathable service that was close I came across some Gaza pods which sound like me off to having some Taco Bell that I scanned when another crash fish exploded on my face stop it no there was some wreckage from the main ship with crates containing pieces of a sea Glide scanning them gave me the knowledge I need for blueprint to make my own zooming in all this water was starting to dehydrate me as well I need water I wonder where I can get some water I don't know I haven't seen any water water everywhere but not a drop to drink as I continue to scan and harvest everything I could find I spotted and swam over to this tall creepy Vines scanned them and saw their creep Vines one of the fights had some seeds on it which I grabbed and my PDA told me that it's high in Silicon High silicon awesome I was able to refine the seeds into silicon and lubricant at my laugh pod with the Silicon I made myself a repair tool and fixed up the life pod then repaired up the radio [Music] nine nine nines 99 999 hours that's when my my rescue party will get you yeah I'm not waiting for you guys I'm I'm getting off this stinking water Planet myself yes sorry I am not waiting over 4 000 days to be rescued I have other plans so I made myself a knife hey hey Ya I'm a nutstabber dark I've Chloe Beckett yep nope too dark so instead made some flippers and a higher capacity oxygen tank with the resources I had to end off the day I was having an early morning swim when a stalker came out of nowhere so using my knife I'd be tried to shank it it refused to die when suddenly I heard an explosion [Music] match ran into something yeah the big ship just blew up whoa that's a big boot at least Siri gave me a radiation suit blueprint but I wanted to kill the stalker if only my knife was a little sharper stabbed stuff to cut up some chunks from the creep Vine and I was able to fabricate them into a fiber mesh at my life pod my storage locker was completely full at this point so I made a new Locker which I deployed outside to store Some More Junk I was there not searching for more supplies when I found a vehicle Bay fragment I was able to scan if I find some more pieces I should be able to figure out the blueprint that's when I spotted a grab trap I scanned and could now make the blueprint there was also a trash can I learned finally a place to store my hopes and dreams the next morning was spent collecting rocks for resources when another stalker tried to eat me but my knife's scared why would you die stupid fish a bunch of Beacon fragments are scan to learn the recipe before moving on I found the stalker which had some weird green markings all over it I wonder if it's sick managed to cut up some giant Coral tubes with my knife so now I had to cut everything I could find for resources I refined one of the coral plates into a computer chip when I got another message on my radio this is life pod 3 uploading our coordinates we're plugging some holes in our emergency C Glide so if we're late for the Rendezvous don't panic also don't go home without us seriously three out signal location uploaded to PDA iPod 3 guess I'm not the only Survivor I needed to fabricate a building tool but for that needed a battery and wiring kit I was at least able to make the radiation suit so now I could potentially explore the Aurora now that the sun had risen I could see in the distance a ping from last part 3 with how far away it says I didn't want to swim all the way there with my flippers so at the point I made up the battery and wiring could I needed to craft the building tool now I'd be able to make a base slightly better than this little old life pod it was a laser cutter scan for part of the blueprint but after spending the day Gathering the sun was dropping and my flashlight was out of juice so a very dark swim to get to the laugh pod I had another message on the radio in the morning of day seven Avery Quinn they run low in engine grease and an SOS yeah we'll pick up Aurora I'm out on the far side of the system it's going to take more than a week to reach your position you still need our assistance over I'll try them again tomorrow oh I can't seem to respond with this radio so I hope they decide to investigate I guess throw out some whole boxes to store even more junk and I need to figure out how to build a base I got attacked by myself searching for resources then once I had what I needed to make myself a sea Glide yay now I can room through the water so I chose to use it to investigate lifepod 3's distress Beacon I guess that floaties didn't activate or it might be this giant hole in the side that caused them to sink I found one of their pdas inside the Pod as well as a data box with a compass blueprint now I could stop being so freaking lost oh the sun started to set I swam home with my sea Glide there was another radio message from laugh pod six's time I need to go find them but sounds like the radiation might get in the way I spotted a large floating Rock in the distance which turned out to be a reef back that I was able to climb onto it had quite the variety of corals that cut up with my knife as I am sure I could use these for something one resource I was finding myself consistently short of was copper so I spent a good part of the day harvesting the Rocks I could find and I did just keep going slightly too deep and with the sun setting I figured I really need to set up a base so pulled up my building tool and began to check out what structures I could make it eventually just got too dark so popped up to the laugh pod and there was a message on the radio waiting for me from the Sunbeam again we're gonna bring you home well that's good that they've realized something is wrong once there was enough light I found some more wreckage a piece of which was for the scanner room so I hope I can find the remaining two piece with all the titanium I collected I started to build a small base in the shape of a rocket with a long shaft that I can eventually expand as I need more space Also began to make some wall lockers since the floating mass of boxes was becoming a little difficult to sort through I spent the majority of day 10 simply moving into my new base transferring resources Gathering scrap chunks or finding the scrap chunks into titanium using the titanium to make a fabricate in my base I even set up the most important structure of all the coffee machine so good I'll listen set up a new radio so I wouldn't have to keep going back and forth then made a window to see all the cute little fishies I wanted to expand my base not quite realizing that damages the hull and flooded my entire base wait why are you flooding oh there's a hole in my house I didn't fortunately still have my repair too and was able to clear out all the water so to congratulate myself for solving my own problems I had a cup of coffee I also set up two more coffee machines to make sure I always had a hot cup on hand and that's when the radio lit up with another message you know Aurora we're from a little trans gov on the far side of Andromeda and we have a saying there there's no bad without the good no good without the bad sounds like you tasted a bunch of the former but that only means you're overdue a whole lot of the latter might just be we're in we're scanning for somewhere to park we'll be in touch when we find it Sunbeam out that sounds like they're planning to save me I thing I zipped off in the morning with my sea glad towards the beacon from laughport 17. it again had a gaping hole in the side of it something is attacking these life pods or these survivors are dumb my way down was able to recover the PDA there was also a much larger chunk of wreckage nearby that must have come from the Aurora cmoth is that like a submarine if I can make one of these it'll help tremendously with exploration I also found some office supplies I was able to scan as well as a PDM and Siri told me about it some cave near bar but at 90 meters I was going to need the rebreather first with the full inventory I swam my way back to the base to refine the scrap pieces I had and now it's showing chromata my rocker chip base in the early hours of the morning I'm sure it has a great personality oh it is just absolutely beautiful a piece of art I spotted another Reef back I was able to harvest some more resources off the back of it and it led me to another section of wreckage where I scan the last piece of the bioreactor should be more powerful than my little solar panels I did almost drown after a bite to attack me nasty the way you pause not pushed on and scanned a scanner room as well as finished scanning the seamoth hopefully I can craft this to improve my exploration yet again after I got back home I was able to build myself a scanner and the structure allows me to scan for resources in the area I did first just get a bit distracted as I played with the camera even ramming it into my base I did use it to find some Sandstone chunks so hopefully this helps and the radio lit up again and this was from the Sunbeam well it's better than the Alternatives we've sent you the coordinates it'll take us a couple of days to align our orbit you should be able to establish direct contact with you during that time then we're coming in to get you cross your fingers the weather holes don't leave us waiting send him out oh I'm getting saved then we will arrive and wait why is that arriving so quickly not sure how well 100 days video will do if I'm saved on day 15 but I suppose I'll see what they want when they're off with the sun Beam on the way I didn't want to have to travel with just my sea life I wanted that Seymour so I set out in search of fragments for the mobile vehicle Bay I did find a laser cutter fragment so I just need one more for that I found a piece of a propulsion Cannon since with my radiation suit I was able to get close to the Aurora now to see if it had any goodies for me there was another piece of the propulsion Cannon and a piece of the Cyclone this looks like it'd be a big submarine could be useful but I don't plan to be stuck here for much longer to need it with the Sunbeam arriving in a day and a half I got back to base's Nightfall made myself a compass to help myself getting lost and I also wanted to replace the battery for my sea glad only to lose power I guess I need more solar panels that's why I'm up to my last pod where I made the battery I needed then plotted out some more solar panels with only a day before the Sunbeam arrives I used my scanner to look for fragments where I could find the final piece of the mobile vehicle then set out in search I found one piece fairly quickly and just needed one more using my cameras to search the area before swimming over myself then I found a large chunk of spaceship which had a locked door and a broken control panel I repaired the panel so I could unlock the door and swam in it was a bit of a maze but with a much needed prize at the end the final piece of the mobile vehicle Bay awesome it's our raised home to craft it up with only a couple minutes till the Sunbeam Arava I crafted up the cmoth a cute little submarine but it should be faster than the sea glark cooked up some fish drank some coffee and set off towards the landing site where'd this land here oh now there's we need to build it was an island I did not expect any land in this game but I arrived on the beach at the Sunbeam was coming into atmosphere sand never thought I'd be so excited for saying Survivor how you held out down there we've broken atmosphere descending towards the landing site positions everyone touching down at 10. nine eight it's coming from the building change scores set thrusters to full well crap um my rescue party just got blowed out of the sky so that's not good I started to walk towards a strange monolithic structure only to spot a broken purple tablet on the floor scanning that showed this was a key of some kind that would open the green barrier of the structure it was a small Facehugger looking thing wandering the beaches I poked it with my knife but never got any stuff then exploring along the island there was a fixed purple tablet these aliens should not believe in their keys lying around at least it saves me making one find some lithium and neon mushrooms in the cave spending way too much time filling my inventory I decided it was best to First head home and empty it before exploring the alien Shack making my way back to the seamoth and was checking if it had any storage on it um a warper so that is a Whopper it seemed to have vanished it allowing me to jump into my c-mod whoa you killed my SeaWorld no I'm sorry oh no you don't kill it it's over there now apologize you call them she pulled me out of my seaboth I was trying to leave and I finally managed to escape in my cmoth but I will need to come back and investigate that Monument got to my base to find out I missed calling the radio I don't feel bad stealing this stuff then finished making Fabricators out of unlimited spline my base to end of the day I started my morning in the best way with six cups of coffee to reform some hydration now plan to go back to the alien structure I just first wanted to make some more equipment one thing I was short of silver so as I zipped around with my secret I'd Advance some containers which had loot as well as a vending machine I did not find any silver instead decided to just head back to the aliens without the gear and there was another large rack piece that I found but without a laser cutter I was not getting through that door I did at least find the final piece I needed for battery charger so I'll have to craft that up and there were these small spitty corals underneath the wreckage which I had not like but it was getting late tonight gotten distracted so I headed home to dump the resources and resupply I'd ran out of fish in the morning so I had to grab a couple to cook up into food with a full Balian super caffeinated I set out in my seamoth back towards the alien Island I was able to use a purple tablet I'd find to disable the force field wandering through this Minecraft inspired alien house I found a daughter terminal which taught me stuff glowing green Cube that I immediately stole point gravity themed elevator that launched me 90 meters deep opening up to a moon pool where you can park your alien submarines a display case that had an alien rifle inside of it an Alfred stalwin and a small floaty spear that our scan to reveal this was a doomsday device how comforting I used another purple tablet to unlock what Siri said was the aliens control room at the end of the hall there was this glowing green pillars I walked up to it you do interact okay I'm gonna push the button you push the button oh okay it's grabbed me that's what's that uh the control panel is broadcasting a message translation reads warning infected individuals may not disable the weapon this planet is under quarantine infected individuals thanks Siri well I have a giant hole in my wrist now I also have some strange infection fun with nothing else to see I started to make my way back up the elevator through the hallways to my seamoth waiting on the beach and climbing in and Diving down to scan the outskirts of the alien space I even used their wet dock to repair my Simon as I was leaving I spotted something deep in the water oh what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that is scary fish that indeed is a scary fish but then a warper spotted me I'm gonna need some more ways to describe what's attacking you you know long it's got big tusks out of its face and oh and I'll be teleported out of my seatbelt get them get back in the boat back in the boat ride swim you're gonna need a bigger boat are you gonna need a bigger boat I think A Dodd uh rip the wallpaper killed me in two shots I will need to be more careful I had to use my sea glad to swim the one kilometer back to my seamoth and I'm glad I never dived super deep so with my cmoth recovered I sped home where I wanted to set up a battery charger I am going to need more silver I used some lithium to reinforce my base to be able to expand I made myself a scanner room upgrade that improves the speed at which it is able to scan while I was scanning I went out fish grabbing I would say fishing but is it fishing when you just grab them out of the water I did almost swim into the underwater geyser but thankfully no cooked causes today as I continued to harvest the chunks of sandstone for silver so that I could use to make wiring kits which I used to make myself a battery charger when my radio lit up again it's active but we've got some big old fish in the water with us and I don't know how long we're gonna last well these life pods managing to get their signals out I hope I am not the only one who survives this planet I bought myself a vending machine so I could Munch in all the chips a solid diet of chips and coffee every YouTuber's dream diet I also set up two more coffee machines since I had the titanium in the early hours of day 20 I repaired up my seamoth when my base ran out of power I am going to have to get more solar panels though with the sunrise in power quickly restored itself and I also made myself a rebreather so when I dive deeper than 100 meters my oxygen will not deplete too quickly I then headed off in my seamoth towards a beacon for Life part 19. spotted a weird smaller snake-like fish as well as these glowing blue balls now finally got close to the beacon only to discover my seamoth could not go deeper than 200 meters I'm going to have to swim aren't I made sure to repair my seamoth just in case and began my descent [Music] get into the bottom I was glad this was in a hole as there definitely be no big scary sea snakes in here I found a blueprint for an ultra high capacity tank something starting to seem very necessary also found two pdas which I nabbed as well there were a few corals I hadn't seen before which I was able to scan I also picked up some rubies sandstone and gel sacks and climb back into my cmoth to start the trip home I could combine the gel sacks and rubies to make Aero gel not sure what the uses for it yet but I made it my batteries had also all fully charged while I was out but my radio had another message this one from laugh pod Claritin [Music] detail as I was just reading through my PDA what going on no what are you oh that freaked me out I've told the aliens I didn't want to be probed in the early hours of the morning I had a beacon for the Aurora Rendezvous point and I wanted the others to know I was still alive so jumping into the sea moth to begin heading towards it it was a few hundred meters away once I got close I could see this was a floating island held up by these pink blobs called an ancient floater a park massimoth and jumped onto the island up multiple energy signatures on the Island's surf multiple energy signatures so there must be others here but with it so dark I waited a bit for the sun to come up more and after a few minutes it passed for the sun to rise I made my way up the island munching on Balboa tree to recover my food and water following the path squeezing Through The Archers and trudging through Kate there seemed to be structures dotted around the island and are planned to explore them hello anybody home let's Scandal the structures and grab the PDA and that the next structure did have the facehuggers roaming around some of which I had to kill so I could scan a stasis rifle also happened to find a blueprint for some Ultra Glide fins so with all three houses explored I made my way to the Rendezvous location where there was another PDA line for me Cena's no one was here I'd jump back into the sea moth to have a listen to the PDA welcome aboard captain pair the long range comms make the other survivors you can't beat your vehicle gave me and they are not the orders I'm giving kid this isn't chain of command it's survival well that's not good but it does sound like the Aurora has a work in long-range communication I'll need to investigate that at some point I had a message waiting for me at my base uh yeah give me a second Black Box data shows a high security terminal in the Captain's Quarters gaming do voice line for subnautica tell Becky I'll just take the the regular the regular yeah she'll know what I mean the coach should be she does it just tell her the regular dude okay they're regular and she's like what's the regular I have to come all the way back up here the coach should be two six seven nine the regular is just a ham and cheese okay would you just say ing ham and cheese okay all right never thought I'd hit neebs in apps bro but good to receive confirmation that I do have to go search the Aurora any problems even if I can make a ship I can't disable the defense system while I'm still infected so finding a cure is still a higher priority I do feel like a ham and cheese sandwich now I needed to expand my base but I didn't want to keep extending the shaft of the rocket so I plan to have an observatory at the tip and a large room off to the side I was short of a few resources so hopped into my cmoth to go and find them and I came into a new biome I hadn't seen before with these large mushrooms and neon jelly Rays flying about I wasn't all these biomes really do have a beauty to them when I'm not panicking that something is lurking in the Deep there were these electric dudes flying around not going to be touching them at all and I found a piece of the Moon ball on the hill as well as the resources I needed to complete my base I finished off the large room when I got home and just look at all the room for activities I made up some planter boxes that I need to figure out how they work and I finished up my Observatory on the tip of the shaft in the morning unless constructed with a specific research task in mind observatories and other glass modules are improved for survival purposes cheat Syria that just wanted a place to look at the fishies okay okay maybe Siri had a point making the observatory had somehow locked me out of my base it was simple to fix fortunately but staying cooped up in the base is not going to get me off this planet what will get me off is the plans I can find in the Aurora Gliding Over finding some crates of goodies and one of those snake serpents roaming near the wreckage of the ship it has to be at least 50 meters long and still look terrifying in this region on the alien ecosystem if not contained within the next 24 hours great thanks Siri so I now have 24 hours to deal with the ship's radioactive call I grabbed the soonest opportunity the serpent or better known as a Reaper Leviathan wasn't nearby to travel into the ship's wreckage climbing board there were some facehuggers which are knifed and I wanted to go further but my path was completely blocked I'm going to need the propulsion Cannon aren't I to move these boxes since I wasn't able to crouch to get through this Gap I figured I'd also need the laser cutter so decided I'll come back once I've crafted both of those tools I need to find the last fragment for the laser cutter now starting out on day 24 hours out hunting when I finally found that last laser cutter fragment that I wanted so I pinned the two recipes for the laser cutting propulsion gun when I found a diamond material s a price your current bill stands at three wow thanks guys in a survival situation and you're charging me for the supplies I use guess I'm going broke once I rescue myself and as a parent to leave my seamoth ran out of power oh but not something I was expecting but I suppose it makes sense glad I was not at the bottom of the ocean so I swam back with my sea glad to fetch a new power self and gave the seamoth its power back I did also repair the seamoth and found last part of all flipped and floating on the surface with a massive hole in it I found a blueprint for creature decoy inside as well as a PDA that had a voice recording on it decoy and enough resources to fabricate a couple of them it swims longer than the decoy lifetime but it should just be enough to keep them busy if you don't find me on board the ship assume I miscalculated seen as I've seen no other signs of life even when near the Aurora I think he might have miscalculated but having realized this PDA had an audio recording on it made me think that there were a few recordings I had missed so I'll need to find an opportunity to listen to them all while out there I had found the final fragment for the moon pool which I built next to my large room and this allowed me to park my seamoth I crafted up the propulsion Cannon and I felt ready let's go explore the Aurora parking on the north side of the crash I used my propulsion Cannon to eat the boxes away extinguish the Flames blocking the door and I found a PDA giving me the door access code which was an absolute pain trying to input while the ship bounced up and down it had a PDA and some data to improve my propulsion Cannon and I found the black box from the Aurora but running low on oxygen did not have a moment yet to listen to it so I went through a hallway some weird sucky biting latched onto me which I cut with my knife but this ship was an absolute wreck I got an opportunity to read the black box and learned my name must be Riley Robinson as the sole remaining Survivor yet I found the sea moth Bay I just had to repair the door to get in and inside of it had a depth module so this will let me take my seamoth even deeper not that I necessarily want to go deeper but I suppose I will if I have to and finally there was the drive room this is the room which is more radiated than Chernobyl so using my repair tool I began to weld all the holes in the four pillars shut and now hopefully after a few in-game days I'll be able to wear something other than this radiation suit if I find anything that is I almost died to some flames and with no Med kits I was now on Dire Straits very slowly making my way being super careful to not die I was able to scan the prawn suit fully I found the living quarters Pantry where I got some food and nutrition blocks so at least I won't starve even if I might get burnt alive I also found the super cool poster which I am definitely hanging on my wall and there was a keypad blocking me from entering cabin one a keypad that I had already found the pin for but me being an idiot didn't see the PDA entry while looking for it so I'll be back here to open this room tomorrow since I'm scripting this while still logged out in the Aurora also finally found the first aid kit I desperately needed then there were these carrier bags which got me super excited as I thought it was an increase to inventory size I need to learn you can't pick up the bags if they have stuff in them and proceeded to get horrendously lost inside this giant Maze of a crash site I did at least find a PDA items and got to the exterior of the ship where I practice my face hug a year for the Olympics but with it getting dark so I logged off to script the three days I had just been in the ship now let's go open that cabin one door I found a storage module for the seamoth and the prawn bait so this will allow me to carry some extra junk on my Adventures then made my way back to the cabins where I read through my PDA and there was the code for the door one eight six nine it had a blue cap PDA and a small dinosaur toy some very important Acquisitions and I scanned the double bed knot that I have ever needed to sleep I unfortunately was too stupid to realize I had already been told the captain's door code by needs and apps Pro yeah I'll have to come back here later when future net looks it up on Wikipedia after getting stuck and not knowing what to do once I got to masimoth I installed the two modules I had found so now I had a small chest on the side and could dive down to 300 meters perfect at home I set up some lockers next to my moon pool to double as a dump inside since the walking up and down the shaft was getting tedious also put up a shelf to store my knickknacks and hung up my cat poster perfect I moved my battery charger to next to the C mods and this was becoming more of a staging area I had another distress call on the radio this time I immediately set off towards it I was kind of terrified charging straight into a new biome but I figured if I just speed in before thinking things would go better I found laugh POD 12 next to a raging hot geyser some serious geothermal activity going on here but the residents of this pod was a doctor Danby who cheated on his medical exam oh my God but oh well he should not have cheated or at least he should have made sure he never got caught stop by a large wreck on my way back where I found all three pieces I needed for the modification station I could use this to make some more upgraded tools hopefully an upgraded oxygen tank as I almost ran out I see Martha was getting rammed by this bony fishy boys I rammed him back killing it which let me scanner to see this was a bone shock I was heading straight home when I found another wreck to cut my way into and inside was a blueprint for a lightweight high capacity tank and the vehicle upgrade station these both should come in handy it was day 30 when I got the distress call from laugh part 7 except this time all the coordinates were lost and only had an approximate location so I'll have to go searching if I want to find it first though I wanted to set up my modification station with this I can upgrade most of my tools such as my knife my phone and my scuba tank I set up the vehicle upgrade console in the morning here I can make the different upgrades for my cmoth and prawn which I hadn't built yet and I just made another storage module for my seamoth and painted it green in the channel colors now I dubbed the the Rex Rider perfect now I can blend in perfectly with the algae everywhere so hopefully the big scary sea monsters don't see me I harvested my Bulba tree and this would be a nice source of food and water while at home something healthier than the chips and coffee at least I crafted up some beacons as I was pretty tired of having to remember where everything is and I was reading through my PDA and saw there was a list of alien facilities that I must have discovered when exploring the defense facility disease research facility 800 meters deep I don't want to go there there are more power facility 1200 meters deep yeah visiting some of these locations is gonna suck I had the three approximate locations for laugh pods that had sent out to stress beacons one I had already found which was a guy who didn't use a creature decoy properly and life pod 6 I've found with a gaping hole in the top and what happened here can be explained simply by listening to the second recording log of their Journey I was going to try and attract someone's attention that's not a distressed flare stop waving it around like that you'll catch the fuel line foreign which was approximately one kilometer Southwest of the Aurora Stone since calculating distance is a bit of a pain I threw out of Beacon which are aptly named ships butt then set off the area was filled with these bone shocks that constantly tried to ram my scene one I thankfully managed to outrun them to repair my moth and descended into the depth upon the Pod nearby and this guy had a broken fabricator so he kept unintentionally making these toys parkfire was looking a lot shorter than I ever remembered and I also found a time capsule which had some cured Peepers in it free food I guess thanks Greg I placed down my toy car and my shelf then jumped in my seamoth to begin heading towards black pod 13. I grabbed the PDA inside it as well as find the final piece of the Cyclops hell that I was able to scan for the blueprint when I spotted this trench inside it there was another one of those alien archers and I remember from scanning it that this was a form of alien traveling I then spent some time exploring the nearby area when I found this Giza as Siri gave me a message in the region are you sir whatever you're doing is working no oh Drive little little seaboth drive please please go go go go go to the surface to the surface I don't think that's good thank you I'm out of here the Leviathan I don't I think I like this game anymore that was terrifying even watching that back while scripting the stall jump scared me so I just headed home for the rest of the day day 34 started with checking what ingredients I needed for the prawn suit I think I have all of that I did in fact not have all of that so I began to craft what I did have gather what I did it then in the evening crafted my first prawn suit to feel a sense of Limitless power oh don't worry Siri I've seen the big fish I won't be feeling like I have Limitless power at all my jumping and punching around I must have damaged the hull of my large room as a whole base had flooded whoops note to self don't punch the base after repairing the damages I parked my prawn in the moon pool to give it the appropriate paint job and named it the Green Goblin I then finished the bioreactor started building like 20 days ago then headed out on my Green Goblin to try to test it up it was decent but I learned fairly quickly I won't be using this Forney long range missions such as parked it at the base I had a look in the map PDA and so I was only missing one more fragment to synthesize the blueprint for the Cyclops I remembered seeing a piece of it being back at life pod 7 and I thought if one piece was there another might be as well and headed over and behold I found a piece just a couple meters from the last pod and scanned it it was pretty expensive as my PDA showed me but making use of my sea glad I grabbed the stalker dental work I needed for enameled glass the metal salvage for titanium quartz to make glass chunks of lithium and Limestone for copper I didn't need the copper for the Cyclops but I was running out anyway crafted up everything I had and now the only thing I needed was silver that meant I was out in my seamoth again to collect Sandstone chunks for chat oh I got on the first one stop back at the base I made the wiring kits and upgraded it to the advanced wiring kit so I could build the Cyclops oh it must be constructed so I could build the Cyclops now that is a submarine Ford cyclops the Cyclops had six power cells its own personal fabricator for upgrades a decoy launcher a place to store my vehicles like the Rex Rider or Green Goblin some fancy hologram its own custom paint shops are named at the green girth and arguably my favorite feature are horn so I can get all the fish to move out the way I immediately hit something when I started it up not a great spot but I'll figure out how to Pilot this thing in the days to come on to park in green growth I did load the wrecks right into it and wanted to set up another moon pool so I'd have an extra dock but that broke my base whoops my bad I fixed up all the holes and the water started draining ball to reinforcement piece and replaced the moon pool I really did need to find some Magnum tight in order to upgrade some of my components now I didn't know what it looked like or where to find it but I began to explore some areas I hadn't been to yet deep underwater when I decided to look up oh crap well thankfully I saw him before he saw me my search continued however parking my Rex ride in the shallows a mistake that will haunt me later before heading onto the island it had this Flappy skyray an abundance of lithium a few new plants to scan but no magnetite I just grabbed what resources I could before making my way to the Rex Rider only to find I had accidentally breached it great job past me I had a look online to see how I could get it unstuck and someone mentioned the propulsion Cannon I didn't have my propulsion cannon with me since I thought I didn't need it so with the sun rising I took off on my sea glide on the kilometer Journey back to base grabbed the abandoned propulsion Cannon and boarded the green girth to begin the rescue Journey it was pretty simple to pick up my Rex Rider and move it deeper then parked it on the girth and it was a short journey home though I did find a cell charger blueprint in a wreck perched the top of mushroom as well as a cyclops thermal reactor module I'm sure that will be handy as in the process of setting up a cell charger only to be short some resources I also tried using my scanner room cameras in search of magnetite but learned they have an approximate range of 600 meters before becoming as useful as A bank's cameras and TV shows I really have to find a clue somewhere I'll need to scan through my PDA in the morning to see if there's anything I missed I was reading through my PDA in the morning and something I noticed as I was missing the garci voice log 3. I'd found the degasi voice locks on that floating island The Voice logs also mentioned some lady named Marguerite a certified badass who fought the stalkers to gather their teeth I then saw a very important note I had missed earlier on the captain's Court as a code thanks neebs having been to the Aurora before I knew exactly which way to go unlock the room and inside was an aurora miniature an aurora poster and the plans for Neptune rocket that I downloaded to my PDA attached to this message and you should find the blueprints for an escape ship that we calculate will be capable of breaking orbit and getting you back to the nearest phase gate now it's designed to use materials you can find and sit you but it's gonna need one hell of a power source sounds like I'm going to need a lot more power than my small amount of solar panels I had a look at the list of ingredients I needed for the Neptune launch platform and I could easily craft that now but I won't be launching until I cure myself and shut down that defensive Tower I'll park my ex right inside the green growth and powered it off and I was off to the floating island home of the de Garces I circled the entire Island looking for Clues over shelter or habitat I had missed both night falling I parked the wrecks right on the beach to wait for some more light while I read through my PDA with the Sun bright in the sky I began to search every inch of this island as they had to be a clue that I had missed when finally on a footpath by the side of an island I found it the garci voice log 3. writing near us to this sub planet told us we'd see a lush payday six weeks later going already we take what we can carry and hunker down in a cave somewhere I scouted a site a couple hundred meters deep lots of metal deposits how do you imagine so they had moved into a cave somewhere at least these coordinates did not get corrupted and arriving outside what I thought must be the entrance it was way too small for the growth to get in so hopped into the Rex ride and descended into the cave system Into the Depths we go I guess whoa absolutely beautiful this Cave System full of neon fluorescent pink mushrooms and long skinny snakes it was incredible I'd seen the Degrassi's habitat but wanted to keep exploring when I spotted some new minerals on the floor yes you smack the tight I've searched for so long for this magnetite yes now I can get all those upgrades I desperately need for some gear I wanted to get a scan of the snakes for my PDA win foreign just grab me you didn't like it I don't like it I don't like it let me see what I guess I need a new pair of pads now I collected up a bunch of magnetite so I could bring this home with me then swam over to the degasi habitat and swamin they had a water filtration machine I scanned at the entrance so those could be made to supply me with fresh water this habitat was filled with these jelly plants and they hurt it was a piece of a thermal plant that I was able to scan and then through the window I saw another PDA this was another installment from the Degrassi's I got back to the girth so I could listen to The Voice logs in relative safety and they can be summed up in just a few sentences from Marguerite you want to go deeper look around us Chief water leaking through the hall water outside the hatch we're drowning real slow why would it any more likely be half a kilometer down your kid found something on the scanner there's something down there something that shouldn't be you're mad I'm going all the same and I have an idea you two are going to follow but if you do be mindful your Authority stopped at sea level looks like I am going to be diving a lot deeper I'm just going to need those upgrades first I hung up my Aurora post in the morning and added my spaceship to the knick-knack shelf and I had a look at what I needed to upgrade my Rex Rider's depth module and how it's going to need a lot of rubies I couldn't quite remember where I'd found them so I set off in the green growth to some deeper waters where I found a biome I hadn't been never know what is that that is your death my poor self I hear you ask that is it ghost Leviathan yeah you heard me right ghost Leviathan but I did not know this at the time an inch closer trying to get a better look oh it's looking it's looking at me go up go up go up go up go up go up the Leviathan had pushed me straight up onto the surface but that got me curious as I went back down for another look it did not like that I came back as it attacked me I really wanted to scan it as I hadn't scanned a leviathan yet so I jumped in the water but it had already gone back down I took the opportunity to repair the growth and went down after it hooting my horn as I went trying to gain its attention and it would not get off my ass and in the pitch darkness of the night I was terrified it was so intrigued with me and me with it and as I was ascending all right that's not good a race to explore the sub before finding the fire to put it up the Leviathan had chilled out so I took the chance to repair up the growth when the Leviathan spotted me I panic but get back at the boat I think I want to go home so I did but at least I tried to scan the overgrown worm maybe I can find another opportunity to scan on as I doubt that's the last time I'll be seeing them I set up an and or grow bed inside the green growth where I planted some bolbo trees to grow food and water on the go I also made a medkit fabricator and regular fabricator in the growth then I made the most important addition a coffee machine right next to the captain's seat perfection I needed to make my depth modules for the Rex Riders it currently could only go to 300 meters and the degasi had spoken about the next base being 500 meters deep thus the morning was spent Gathering resources to upgrade my scanner and make it easier to find things and collecting the stuff I needed to fabricate the upgrade perfect Marx Rider can now go to 500 meters I loaded my eggs right into the growth as I prepared to follow the next clue left by the degasis a set of coordinates for one of their bases located in the grand Reef slowly navigating into the dark depths of the ocean with rocks Cliffs and coral completely surrounding me but are pushed on I took a moment on my way down to scan one of the blue balls and continuing onwards ever so slowly I did not want to make any noise and attract one of the ghost leviathans in the area when I spotted something moving I snuck down to get a closer look a sea Treader Leviathan these large Majestic beasts were pretty chill but was something that big I didn't want to give it a chance to prove me wrong and went on my way I found a huge piece of wreckage which I knew I had to explore if I wanted some better Blueprints and I was particularly once in a depth module for my Cyclops as I can't claim to have been ecstatic about getting so close to my maximum depth of 500 meters I snacked on some Volvo trees that had grown in my cargo bay and dropped the wrecks right into the mortar I scanned myself the thermal plant a prawn suit drill on so with this I could mine those larger nodes I keep seeing everywhere then pushed open the door to enter the wreck hidden with them it had some very interesting blueprints for me like the second piece of the draw arm both pieces of the grappling hook arm and the sonar upgrade for my green goat with what I thought was everything scanned and collected I re-boarded the growth to begin the descent into this cave where the beacon was located moving incredibly slowly due to the confined space around I finally got into the cave and could see the habitat in the distance except something was lurking detecting firm whether it originated on the Aurora I really didn't want to leave the growth but I knew it was just a larger Target so hopped into the Rex Rider and dropped into the water captain systems online a morning maximum depth reached how damage yes I need to be careful how deep I go down here what the heck was that my dear terrified friend was an electromagnetic pulse known as an EMP the creature that we have not seen yet is able to shoot off these green waves of energy that knocks out All Electronics Tara treated with the Rex Rider to leave it in the girth and dropped into the water with just my sea Glide this is gonna suck but here goes nothing there I go racing to get into the habitat praying nothing sees me I fortunately got in without the creepy squid man seeing me and was able to collect the swim charge fins and the next log by the degasi I was about to have a look at it when um I'm so glad I am inside and it is outside oh I turned off my light in hopes I'd lose interest only to immediately turn it back on but it worked for a second to return my light off for me thank you these go away um I had an opportunity to swim to the other section and squeeze my way up but oxygen was starting to dwindle I diddly scanned the alien containment Conte for certain I would want to contain any aliens but if that's what it takes to keep me safe I'll do it but time was ticking and oxygen was dwindling it was purged right outside the window as my oxygen dropped below 30. I had two choices to drown or get eaten by a sea monster and only one of them was not a guarantee [ __ ] God go go go go 10 seconds and the boys online I somehow survived the maybe foxid shots I had to not die and it didn't stay interested in the girth either yay for me I had to listen to The Voice logs and if you didn't believe Margaret was a badass this should prove it to you say kid I brought you something is that I love laughing outside towed at home on the back of the sub you killed that thing it's still breathing I'm going there wasn't much other useful info other than a short summary of how they left this base I have to get off the radio and put on your helmet what race [Applause] all right I had to go back in I found this orange version of the alien's iPad so this must be a key for some other facility I hadn't found yet with nothing else I made my way carefully back to the green girth powered it on and let's get the heck out of here it was a rough trip to get out of this Kevin quite frankly don't even know how I got in as easy as I did when crab squid Brands showed up and he did not want me to leave um hi don't don't mind me I was just leaving oh he actually got weird stuff thanks bye squid man I am out of here there I went successfully Escaping The Crab squid I thought I was home free when I looked to my side and saw I was being followed ghost Leviathan full steam ahead well that's not good where's the extinguisher oh come on uh [ __ ] may be damaged but I gotta go that Leviathan will start to shred me I managed to make it to the shallows where I could repair up the sub I think it's high time I get some real upgrades for this thing being limited to 500 meters as well is not helpful if I'm going to find this kilometer deep bass Marguerite went to it's going to take some work I crafted up a bunch of glass to make the alien containment unit so at least if I decide I want a pet I have a place to put it and I set up my power cell charger as my green growth had begun to run out of charge when I got another incoming message from my radio these radios are not great if I'm only getting the messages 51 days into the Run well good thing I can go 500 meters now but I will need to find the Cyclops depth module before going any deeper maybe cut out my prawn suit to be more useful as well I in fact decided to do just that and made a draw on for the Green Goblin then set off to test it out and I found a large chunk of lithium that the drill made good work of but it was pretty slow so maybe I'll make a second arm to speed up the process when I'm out gathering with the start A52 I had a message waiting for me on the radio podcast great they're looking for me I mean I already knew that but now they're really looking for me I desperately need to find the Cyclops death module so I set out towards the grand rethrow I had seen that large wreck and I found the wreck easily enough and hidden behind it there it was the blueprint I needed yes Cyclops depth module let's get the heck out of here in order to make the modules I was going to be needing a lot of rubies I set out in Search and that's how it all went wrong oh God creature attack what a repo Leviathan Hi friend what are you doing here you're like not yeah I guess I'm not getting rubies here then morning I'm faster forehead I'm in a giant submarine hmm you're gonna need a bigger boat I'm in the biggest boat got any bigger bowls probably that's what I meant oh I'm here how did I end up here I'm like right next to the the biggest boat the Altera that's just wishful thinking I mean am I wrong it is the biggest boat well it's not not a boat does it float no um I feel like this is a good I have successfully wheelied a giant submarine I'm like my boat's gonna completely die oh I think I'm what is happening exactly no this thing was so expensive Rest In Pieces put out the fire uh what the [ __ ] don't even know what happened I'm so confused I don't know how it all went wrong so quickly green girth Rex Rider storages all gone this was absolutely devastating man this is going to be so expensive to fix I hand it over to the wreck to see if there's anything I could recover and swam into the destroyed sub the Rex rider was nowhere to be seen so all those upgrades were lost where is it I I no I don't want to buy your Cyclops warranty service Mr Reaper no way oh I could scanner I haven't yet go pet it that's how you tame them uh-huh no I don't think I'll be petting it but can I name it he's cute when he's not trying to eat me once I had gathered all that I could recover the reaper Leviathan had Scamp it off now that it had a full baleo submarine so the next few days were spent refining resources crafting a new seam of making new upgrades painting the same with welcome to the Green Ranger I did at least find the motherload of rubies in the small cave and a urana night Crystal probably should wear gloves to pick it up but ways I mean I'm already sick so what's the big deal after collecting dozens of Salvage Metals melted it all into ingots and then into place building with all the new resources built my new Cyclops let's try not to get this one eaten shall we whoops yeah I definitely hit my basement sub I fixed up all the holes so the water could drain and painted my Cyclops in the morning say hello to the deep down diver the rest of the day was just been collecting everything I needed for the modules made myself a sonar upgrade for the cyclop to help me navigate better and the depth of the module so now I could go to 900 meters but before I headed anywhere I wanted to get some more upgrades to spend the day harvesting some of the items I needed I picked up my modification station to set it up on the Deep dive as I figured I could upgrade instantly if I find the resources I need North day 59 as I was exploring the jelly shroom cave collecting Magnum side only to discover this whole cave was a lot more expansive than I originally thought yeah underwater geysers gold notes and was just overall much bigger than I expected I had another blueprint that I thought could be interesting and that was the stasis rifle this fancy light show maker is able to shoot out these giant balls of Light which freezes anything inside of it with the new toy I set out to investigate the latest Beacon and the sonar upgrade on my new Cyclops was amazing as we drew closer to the beacon we came past these floating islands like the one the degasis had been living on then entering into a brand new buyer and new Byram still terrify me in this game but braving the waters I grabbed a blood oil and scanned the tree next but certainly the most interesting biome I've seen so far and I grabbed some more blood oil and actually found some deep shrooms these can be used to make hydrochloric acid but I needed to press deeper it was of course Leviathan in the area so had to be careful and making use of the Silent Running mode to sneak my way down I could see the Life part and rather than fully risk my life jumped into the Green Goblin and dropped to the ocean floor places so damn spooky but check out this pod I guess clear I grabbed the PDA and climbed back into the goblin to head back to the sub without any blueprints found I couldn't help but think I had to go deeper deeper into the nearby cave system and began my descent local scans show a nearby opening leading to a biome with extensive fossilized remains thanks Siri I was already terrified this biome looked like it was a pure nightmare with Bonefish swimming through play clouds and a ghost Leviathan blocking my path that's when I noticed I was running out of power luckily I had some extra fully charged cells which are replaced in the Sun but I could not go any further or risk being stuck powerless slowly turning to make my way home when the ghost Leviathan attacked oh crap no not again I don't want to lose my sub again wait where's the fire this is not good so I had to leave my sub and this is going to be risky okay sub fully repaired see if we can get the heck out of here get move on let's get the heck out of here indeed I was not prepared for this I snuck my way along the edge of the cave till I finally saw my opportunity and went full steam ahead and as I escaped the depth I couldn't help but think I was missing something I should probably you make some of those creature decoy missiles once I got home I did plant some deep shrooms on my planter boxes on the roof as well as started recharging my power cells I'll probably need more chargers at some point I dropped into the jelly shrimp cave with my Green Goblin as I needed a lot of gold so with my goblins drill arm began to harvest up this goal node in the silver node and this magnetite yeah I did a lot of drilling with full storages of enough resources to last me for at least two days I began to jump from mushroom to Mushroom on my way out and got to where the exit was I think I'm too short indeed I was too short so I set off on my sea glad leaving Behind the Green Goblin as I remembered a blueprint I had found made the wiring kit copper wire and use them to make the prawn suit grappling on so I'm back to the Green Goblin and attached its new arm before Spider-Man swinging my way out of the Cave the irony of having Neymar prawns with Green Goblin and not Spider-Man swinging out of my way was not lost on me so yeah while I swing up and out of here you should swing down and leave a comment on what game is your favorite also like the video and check if you're subscribed once I got back to the habitat I dumped off all the loose and went on a limestone harvesting spree I needed copper a lot of copper throwing it into copper wire that I then used to make more computer chips and I was on a crafting grind I was not going to allow myself to go in underprepared I set up two more cell charges to Triple the speed at which I could charge cells then made myself the Cyclops Shield generator so hopefully I can use this to save myself in a dire situation I also made the engine efficiency since using that much power while down there was not going to happen again I made a second bioreactor to mass power my cell Chargers and replaced the cells in my deep dark diver nickel ore where can I find nickel ore I wonder if there's anything that scary blood tree kelp place before I set off to return to the blood cup Zone I gathered up some more scrap to make titanium to make storage modules for the prawn suit since this was my main Harvest at this point so I should probably make a second one for exploration I parked the Green Ranger into the Cyclops powered up the engines and began the voyage is that another wreck indeed it was on the outskirts of the blood cup Zone I found this large wreck that I hoped would have some blueprints for me back into the water I go I really hope there's no ghost leviathans fortunately for me there was not there was a lot of bone trucks though constantly bumping and thumping my small sub so I did find an opportunity to jump out and throw into the wreck and I scan the propulsion arm for prawn suit inside when I noticed my green ranger was moving hey don't touch that fine let me repair this quick wait back fine take this all right wow that actually worked it actually worked really well I was able to freeze the bone trucks with my stasis raffle and simply cut them off my knot to kill them and with the sub saved I scoured the Rick cutting my way deeper fire suppression stuff this should be handy I couldn't find much else in the rig that I don't already have learned and even if I did have to kill some more bone shocks but this floating island was quite a bit more extensive than I first thought with its own mini Cave System inside and with nothing else of Interest I just returned to the sabbas I wanted to go deeper safe spot or at least the spot where I couldn't see any leviathans on the sonar then climbed into the water damn it is dark down here I grabbed a couple Blobs of blood oil to be used to make Benzene and scan the plants I had in it but there was no evidence of any nickel ore so just got back into the sub to ascend up from the depths where's that damn extinguisher I don't know God please please I really need to get myself that fire suppression module I grabbed the cells from Cyclops to charge him inside and did some routine maintenance around the base and checked out the new module crystalline sulfur I have no idea where to even find that I had some searching to do I'm going to have to Brave that cave and ghost Leviathan great I did some more collecting so I could make the creature decoy tube upgrade now even though I'd never made a decoy yet I plan to okay in fact I made them right away and loaded them into the Cyclops on the road again a way I went towards the deepest part of the ocean I had ever been to carefully navigating down between the floating islands making use of sonar to find the cave entrance and descending into it I don't see the ghost Leviathan anywhere wait what is that I turned my sub towards a strange structured cave I saw down to the right oh something's coming it was just pushing me okay then let's check the cameras Oh it's a ghost go away dude relax I'm chilling here with it looking like I was leaving I jumped into the seamoth and headed it it was day 69 nice as I walked through the cave I didn't use my stasis rival to help me kill a river Prowler but at the end was another one of those Archway things I could see nothing to do with it so just headed back out only to find the ghost Leviathan was blocking my exit you know I'm just pushing me around let's do this so I began to hack it with my knife are you stupid worm you may be a juvenile but I've played Ark I am not opposed to bringing you down I luckily had a second battery to recharge my stasis raffle and kept up the knife attack I'll put the interest of the month here took 200 hits with the knife in order to kill this juvenile ghost Leviathan don't run away from me I killed it I actually kill him now he figures out that's gonna trigger the mama and papa but at least I now know what can die and I definitely do not want to have to kill an adult a phantom nickel ore and crystalline sulfur two resources I needed in order to upgrade my Cyclops and my prawn suit so I spent some time collecting what I could find nearby but I still had to go deeper I saw I was already at 56 power level so if I was to continue I would have to use my son off very sparingly looks like there's only one way to go and that is down what are these pillars oh whoa that's a big Cube this alien structure appears to have collapsed to the sea floor detecting an alien broadcast linguistic analysis reads caution hazardous materials and life forms contained with it might be hazardous but I don't have much choice to go in so hopped into the seamoth and entered the water foreign okay let's find this entrance I started to explore the giant box finding some iron cubes that I'd seen before and an egg sea dragoning that does not excite me let's hope it doesn't hatch residual biological evidence suggests indigenous life forms were brought into this location objected to intensive study so this is a science lab or it was at least is caution detecting atypical fluctuations in blood plasma proteins a self-scan is strongly advised surfs can't complete bacterial infection has spread to the skin and pulmonary system medical report recorded a date to bank it is imperative you find a way to neutralize the infection oh freaky that does not look good on my hands I scanned those giant Skelly boy as I continued swimming through the facility and there was one final room that needed a purple tablet to open I had read through some of the information on the Kara virus and it appears I am currently on stage two with the green skin stuff I can't say stage three or four excite me much and let's hope I can find the Cure down here if they even managed to make one since I do not want to turn that 143 billion deaths into 143 billion and one there was some info about a new facility created 1.4 kilometers deep and master Cyclops could only go to 900 at the moment so I'll have to head home and craft those upgrades before I can begin my search scanned up this Walmart of different Rays then headed back to the Cyclops okay quick math I'm down to 41 power so it took 59 percent to get down here I'm going to need to do some efficient driving if I'm going to get out of here with the sub it did not help that I immediately went to the wrong direction slow and steady I began to descend making sure to use the sonar as sparingly as I could with charge droppings deadly power levels were down to 25 unfortunately I finally exit and was able to honk my way home park the sub to recharge the cells upgrade the depth module to Mark II so now the sub can go to 1300 meters not quite as deep as I need but to upgrade it further I'll have to find some kyanite it was around this moment that I realized I needed more nickel ore to upgrade my prawn suits depth module so I guess I am heading back to find some nickel I was at least able to finally make and test the fire suppression fantastic and I wanted to make a second prawn suit since I knew I had to go deeper much deeper so I set out in my Ranger diving back to the cave that didn't plan on being here for long thankfully missing every Leviathan on the way I was able to get down to that cave collecting nickel and crystalline self as much as I could carry while I was on my way back from the depth I did find another wreck I hadn't seen before Peter arm oh I damn I want this I really want this I also found a reinforced dive suit and this suit will cut all damage I take in half and increase my heat resistance I got home just before I accidentally died of thirst and it made me remember why I travel in my Cyclops these days so the day was spent on a huge craft in spree I was working towards making a prawns who dedicated for exploration I had to do some more crafting more collecting and again more crafting to gather up everything I needed for the new prawn suit this was going to be the ultimate mink I made myself the reinforced dive suit as if I was getting a new prawn suit I wanted a new dive suit to match and after a very lengthy harvesting session I crafted my brand new prawn suit gave it all the bells and whistles including a torpedo arm and grappling hook so say hello to gundam astray my sweet new exploration fighting machine then parked in the Cyclops to tomorrow we descend into the abyss to search for the surfacility it did not take long after The Descent to get back into the cave with the ghost Leviathan Garner was pretty simple I do not want to meet with skeleton that belongs to that's a big tree I was able to scan the tree and thus was a giant Cove tree now this tree actually holds and protects ghost Leviathan eggs I did not know this till later and now that I do it actually terrifies me I made my way past the tree and got to another way I'd see anything the dog turns out been over kilometer underground it's pretty hard to see I'm glad sonar exists at least as my Venture downwards continued I had a short Excursion with my Gundam astray to see if there are any new resources in the area but ultimately just had to continue when I spotted something I desperately wanted well you can actually hurt me okay that's not good but kyanite kyanite the final ingredient I need to buff up my depth modules I'm just glad I remembered to bring a drill on had the strange Lavo stuck on my sub and scanned it revealed it was sucking up power thankfully my knife helping to detach it but these suckers were everywhere both new bits of kyanite I had everything I needed to upgrade the depth modules for my Gundam and the Cyclops I just made sure to do the Cyclops quickly to prevent getting crushed while upgrading it and I was about to start searching again when instead saw something that scared the crap out of me Reaper skeleton something is down here killing Reaper leviathans I sure as heck do not want to meet it but against my better judgment I pushed on and found a hole in the wall I could go through right hi I am wanted to help you I really want to trust you after that ominous creature hacked my brain I gathered everything I needed to go make the thermal reactor module crafted it up now my Cyclops cells can charge just from being in this volcanic area perfect if only it was to be that simple as I moved forwards deeper into the underground [Music] what is that uh hello friend please say you're pretty pretty pleased with the Cheerio top well I don't want to touch you don't touch me it won't be good I'm not showing up on the scanner spotted one of the alien facilities down next to the lava so began to head over to it thank you oh hi oh you're mad go go for the decoy go move over the decoy o the race just saved it was fun I should never ever replace the shield with the thermal plot but decoys must have worked as I was able to hide out in the corner of the room but I desperately had to repair the sub and climbed into the water I desperately began to repair the at least managing to patch up some holes when the Leviathan attacked again but it quickly lost interest so I backed even further into the corner to finish repairing up the sub I was going to have to be more sneaky okay let's see if I could sneak around to that facility where is this hey oh I'm so glad I packed my alien tablets into the sub tablets in hand I walked into the facility and up to the podium oh guess I'm not entering yet reading in the PDA there was another facility at around 1200 meters so I'll have to go back up in order to find it I began to circle the area when I saw this huge underwater Mountain thanks to my Sonar I need to get close and see two pillars at a cave entrance and wandered in foreign I really don't like hearing that Leviathan whoa this must be that thermal plant yes it was so I started to jump jet pack and grapple my way around the cube in search of the entrance I really never liked being in these alien facilities I keep thinking something is going to jump out at me yeah spooky scary aliens I found a shield I deactivated with my purple tablets what the heck is going on here please don't electrocute me the mission was not done yet I had to find this tablet or at least the blueprint on how to craft it there was another force field except I was short the tablet I needed but after a quick trip to the sub to make a new one from an ion Cube and diamonds I was back to unlock the shield and at the end lay my prize a blue tablet now this should unlock that facility oh It's a Spooky lion lady again please don't hurt me with the spooky alien out my head I had a look at this large chunk of ion cubes probably not a good idea mining the alien our plants iron Cube but why wouldn't that be a good idea Mr Natural because it's powering the structure that I'm standing in hmm you make a valid argument because it wasn't such a bad idea as nothing happened I wanted the iron Cube as I could use that to power to one of the auto archers and this power might be handy if I need if bars travel anywhere nothing else was to be found in here so I jumped back in the sub to make my way towards that magma facility except this time my pot was blocked but uh yep that's another Sea Dragon look so I went into Super sneaky mode and just snuck my way past and down into the trenches sneaking all the way down to the magma Beach Resort oh great you spit fire please don't roast me he thankfully did not roast me so I climbed into my Gundam and stepped inside ah perfect fit okay that's not ominous at all I am in a very strange alien facility oh could not have done that I should not have done that what's going on um fancy light show at the moment I continued to explore the facility and there were these poor teleportation archers around the main room none of which I went into yet whoa I found the alien slip and slide then there was another pad for blue tablet and alrighty then let's see what's behind door number five I don't like the look of this place but I feel like there's gonna be a boss fight like have a knife and bring a knife to a boss fight clearly what the [ __ ] hi hi um bye no body built these walls great place no they're gone we are curious whether you swim with the current or fight against it as they did um neither [Music] this was a fish lady who had been communicating with me in my mind she had five eggs on an incubator of some kind which are powered with my ion Cube to play outside this place we have been here so long the others built a passage to reach the world outside I asked them for this freedom but they could not hear me if you help us I will give you freely what the others trying to think to take I was able to power the arch and step through revealing us back at the defense facility again I guess I have to help her thus the next few days were spent Gathering ghostweed ice talk common bulb fungal sample and sea crab all I needed was to fabricate the hatching enzymes in my submarine what the I'm sorry no stop no flaming firewall today holy run run run grapple away run run they're gonna kill you oh okay it's going away it got born very quickly good to know could have been bad I crafted up the enzymes and headed back to the Sea emperor hey Mom mommy see emperor I got I got some hatching enzymes for you please don't eat me [Music] oh look at the little baby I'm gonna scan it up that's busy swimming to Mommy I'm sorry I didn't mean it are you swimming for the portal my young I was swimming for the shallows I thank you their freedom is my end what will it be like and never wake up nice don't die I will be an ocean current carrying seeds to a new land or a creature so small it sees the gas between the grains of sand farewell rest in peace siempra yeah enzyme 42 . get it off I am infected definitely infected now or something the enzyme 42 healed me normal no remaining sign of bacterial infection it was so cute seeing the little sea Emperor swimming around but since I was healed I could not muck around now or risk being reinfected I began to navigate my sub all the way home with the sea emperor not making it easy it followed me I've I've I've I've done done to be a large sea dragon no one likes you managed to escape it and escape the cave system with not an ounce of power to spare arriving safe and sound back in my habitat with an unpowered sub time to start working on my Escape Plan the Neptune rocket starting with the base pad then the crane next was the thrusters and to top it all off was the cockpit I did have to steal my shield generator from the Cyclops but I won't be needing it there with that the rocket was complete and say hello to space Rex thrusters Communications hydraulic systems pressurizing hydraulics primary computer systems active after completing the initial checks I wrote up this time capsule and decide to give any future survivors a perfect Leviathan killing kit and a ruby comment below what you would write in the Time Capsule I'll be sure to read and haunt everyone and with the final Live support check let's leave this puddle of it I forgot to disable the defense system great job after traveling back to the defense weapon it must seem like I shut down the device plunging me Into Darkness all right glad I didn't give my torch to this arm capsule I did do one final thing I have wanted to do this entire 100 days first and that was to ramp my seamoth out of the warden onto a platform good job me so with one final race for the night I had to make myself a new knife so I could Harvest up some breakfast and boarded the rocket Siri let's get out of here for real this time ten nine eight seven six five four three two one time capsule jettison foreign [Music] [Music] maneuver confirmed destination coordinates nearest Interstellar phase gate engaging ion boosters in three two one with that marks the end of my 100 days in subnautica remember to subscribe and check out this video next what is a wave without the ocean a beginning without an end
Channel: NaturalCauzes
Views: 350,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, subnautica 100 days, 100 days subnautica, 100 days underwater, day 1 subnautica, subnautica day 1, day 100 subnautica, subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, subnautica survival game, subnautica episode 1, subnautica letsplay, subnautica early access, subnautica base building, #Subnautica #Subnautica100days, #100days subnautica gameplay, subnautica first impressions, subnautica playthrough, subnautica 100, subnautica below zero, subnautica mods
Id: 4hofu9jXKbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 13sec (6313 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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