I Spent 100 Days in PALWORLD using ONLY grass pals!

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we have 100 days to be all of power using only grass times can we do it who knows let's find out we're only allowed to catch and breed grass types in this 100 days so let's get it straight underway so we start off our power world Adventure obviously only using grass tights but to start off we collect some wood and some Stone and then we make ourselves a crafting bench with that we can make ourselves a pickaxe and an Axe and then we can collect some resources to be able to make our power box we're just going to put down some little foundations just like this like this like this all right that could be our first little base oh look there a dinos some I kind of really want that so bad I then found out that we could make a bow and then I could make some arrows for it however I realized I was pretty poor and didn't have the resources oh there's a there's a Wandering Merchant I don't we have a little bit of gold we might be able to buy something uh oh um well I went around the area and this was the first Power I could see and obviously it's our first grass power which is a gamos boom 87% come on come on 94 99 100 oh we got bottom the stomach but that's fine we got first got first pound now so we BR our first bed and we can sleep the first night and there we go just got absolutely destroyed and so am I okay I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone got to go got to go oh DOD trying to catch the capry didn't really work so I managed to make my way all the way over to the first Tower location as always there there was a LIF monk which you know is our next grass power so I did what I did and I threw a p sphere it and we managed to get a lift monk came back home and we made ourselves our first little I guess it is farming area and then we can make a fire bow and eventually a login pit for our base okay we just throw one let's see what happens well that didn't go to plan really did it the next morning there was a dinosur at the edge of our base so I took it the opportunity obviously to try and Whittle it down and throw a few P SPS 100% oh we got dinosaur it's so good I wanted to try the panking fight so I was just going to go straight into what the fight with everything I had and this is how it work monk take out this one take out this one I can dodge the B off dead well there goes that I didn't needed some civilization part so what I did is I went and tried to fight P King again this time taking out little penguins and I feel like this one went a lot better boom and boom there we go we done it nice we can get our ancient civilization Parts as well oh using those civilization Parts I was able to actually build an egg incubator and I actually had this scorching egg from just one of my travels I managed to find it on the way which was super super lucky obviously I'm not allowed to use this in fighting or breeding but you know having a just a fire type pal in our base would make cooking and everything actually do able so hopefully we get something good all right let's see what we get hopefully we get something that we can use just we need one thing weindling just one so come on be good please we got a ruby okay that's exactly what we needed so we can shot this guy into our little little place in here and there we go we got our first five and then buil our next uh objective which was obviously a furnace however obviously after the night I went exploring and for some reason I don't know what happened but I got a wanted level and these millions and millions of NPCs just started to come after me with guns and everything so I just kind of accepted my fate and I was just going to let them kill me okay well there goes the first death I guess when I went back to my base I managed to find a second dinosur so I threw a few P fear is that it hoping for the best and well this is what happened 76% come on 89 100 we got him on the last one oh my God and then decided I wanted to try and go get some more beefier PS so I went out and started shooting the absolute crap out of this Mander literally the absolute crap out of it 12% come on one more wait wait wait oh my God we got it oh My Level 20 oh my God this going to be great for us 30% come on don't do it O Come on % come on come on 60 come on come on yes we got 100 all right we're good we go we got to go got to go got to go got to go got to go I then went over to the pal gear workbench and I was able to make a dino son sadle which is going to be gamechanging for us for real honestly just having a mount which is that strong is going to be crazy and then made myself our breeding area for later on and of course a hot tub cuz everyone needs a hot tub in their lives of course they do come on it's a hot tub for the powers like how how nice of a person am I oh my god look the din s's just having a bath oh my God that's the most cute thing ever this is probably one of my favorites I'm going have to build like a really good dinosaur so adorable okay so now we can unlock the second base boom okay so we're going to build our new thing next to this church this little church I show you where is on the map but we're going to put this here I didn't decided I was going to go and test our new dinos saddle out however I forgot to bring food so he was starving a little bit but I mean he's fine it's fine right but eventually I was able to get this mamist all the way down and we was able to just start throwing our power spheres and hoping for the best oh my God two oh my god um oh first oh my God that was ridiculous it's actually ridiculous I know it is night time but we're going to send it we're going to do the tower I want to do it I've been I'm ready to go we got our we got our Squad together we're just going to send it let's go let's do it first boss oh this is cool this is really cool oh oh my God it's like a Pokémon battle uh uh okay uh okay oh hey grisol and zo oh my God we do so much damage oh DOD it ow ow go send up nice I don't know what level you're supposed to be for this first boss Oh my he does so much damage go on go on man go on oh okay we're going to finish it off with the LIF monk let's do it get on my head and let's [Laughter] fire boom there we go zo is dead we done it we done the first boss hell yeah now oh oh we unlocked the way point on the top oh there we go oh my God you can see so much okay well there's a level 23 King Pekka we're going to give it go I want to get the civilization parts for this from this so we're just going to absolutely ready let him up oh that does not do as much damage as I thought it would uhoh oh good luck ow okay okay okay okay no it's fine it's fine Dodge it dinos I believe in you oh there we go oh we're going to give this another go is the Broner Aqua but we are higher level now we're level 23 so we should be okay question mark let's go boom see mine see mine mine drop go good luck go on dinosaur I believe in you okay we've got down to about half I'm should been running around all my P are getting hungry which is bad but I mean we're we're we're doing it slowly very slowly come on please oh my God yes yes yes oh my God and we leveled up finally now we have a water [Music] team everyone's just dead everyone oh my God that was insane and now we can actually go water stuff oh my God this is great we can actually get plantations and food and everything we was going to breed to get a hopefully to try and get a dig tost if you breed a a mosander and a tanzi you have a guaranteed chance to get a start breeding and then once we put the cake in we should get an egg and hopefully it should be a a dig to egg oh my god look what I've just found a huge Rocky oh got to go what is that luck huge Rocky I don't even know what I think you can get a new from that oh my God that could be like the best thing ever what about now 8% o that's not very good that's know where Li Monk's going oh God 9% come on 36 38 7 oh I got it nice there we go one a large Rocky egg okay we have enough stuff to be able to make another one of these as well so um I was just chilling in my inventory and I see that I have elizabe staff I I don't I guess it's just a sphere but I don't know I've never seen this before what the [ __ ] it looks sick though I then decided I was going to try and do verd das level 35 and it went as well as you would expect so yeah I insta died okay we got one of our eggs let's do it let's see what we get come on give me a dick to hopefully there we go dick toise using the same technique to get dig twist I was able to breed a Mander and elizabe to be able to get a Ragnar Hawk now this has level three kindling and yeah this was going to be a very very big help for our B now I wanted to go and do the Brun Cherry Aqua as we needed a water power for the base let's go boom okay we've got him down to about half I'm should been running around all my powers are getting hungry which is bad but I mean we're we're we're doing it slowly very slowly oh oh my God yes yes yes oh my God and we leveled up finally okay finally we can put this Broner Aqua in our base and now we can actually go water stuff oh my God this is great we can actually get plantations and food and everything oh my god look look how many Flacks there are what the [ __ ] what the Flack holy sh I think I Disturbed the meeting don't worry flax it's okay come back a yep sadly I found my first shiny and it wasn't a grass one so I done what I did best and absolutely destroyed it with funk I got some civilization Parts at least you know useful I went adventuring for a little bit and I found a robbing quill now this was a pretty good power for us to have it's pretty good at fighting and I just feel like it'd be quite useful it's got two handling as well so you know in base it's going to be pretty good to have just around okay I think we're going to move our main base location I think we're going to Chuck it here it's quite a nice spot actually it's quite flat and we got [ __ ] crazy good view so I my Chuck it here so what we're going to have to do is we're going to actually destroy the mining base for now and boom there we go okay I basically built a some Stone base to begin with um this could to be like the little farm area we got going on but I'm just going to stop building the farms and stuff and then I'll be back so I made some base improvements I put down some Farms I put down the tree login um I guess farming thing and I put down the stone one as well and then eventually I made enough or got enough Stone to be able to make this structure in the middle so I put in all our workbenches and I was eventually going to put all the power beds up on top of the main structure of the base I made some cold resistant metal armor and then I was going to take this metal armor up a mountain so that's exactly what I did I started climbing this mountain all the way up because we wanted to get to the next boss to not having a fly is awful okay climbed all the way up it was time that we take on the second tower so here we go let's do it do good enough [Applause] okay oh is that Lily Lily Li l well let the it is Lily and lilan oo grass time so it's not going to be easy this might be our toughest one yet but let's see how we get on mamor good luck I just free you out into that but you got this I believe that was oh he ground attack okay okay no damn it I went to the local market and we had the chance to buy 20 electrical organs and we was going to need these to be able to make our power generator we already have a electric power so we didn't have to worry about this so there we go placed it down and we had a generator okay finally made it to one of the places on the island there we go town fisherman Fisherman's Hut now I decided I was going to go and fight one po at ban this is one of the grass bosses I just found around the area so I did what I did best and S Elizabeth out it took a little while and the catch Freight wasn't the best two three oh my God we got it once we went back to base of course I made myself a mega glider now if you make a mega glider you got to try and mega glider out so I also built the weapons workbench and went and tried to kill a few more bosses got a war out of this obviously egg incubation and built a improved [Music] furnace using all the new bars I was able to make this monstrosity this thing is crazy what is this power we have out upgrades now I was going to try Lily and Len again so that's exactly what I did come on come on come on come on come on kill it kill it kill it come on a little be I believe there we go jeez that was still rough I then decided I was going to go and try and get to the next Tower however I didn't realize how far this Tower was away this literally took forever I was literally just climbing this for literally the whole day it felt like um well I'm not as far up as I thought jeez um well hello it's just me Mander and just at the top of the world it's crazy I can't see a damn thing I still haven't built a h lann which is a problem nearly at the top this has taking way way way too long like literally like about an hour and a half to get up here not having a flyer is the most awful thing in this game going it brutal it's actually brutal now I was up the mountain I wanted to go and see and test what the boss was like so that's exactly what I didn't that's [Applause] [Music] o considering I brought a uh water type but that's probably not the best is it oh my god that hurt Robin quill oh my after that miserable boss fight I decided that elizabe could use some power up so that's exactly what I did I went and I read up a few elizabe and caught a few elizabe and we could eventually get our elizabe to three stars now obviously using the power condenser we could also use the statue to use our power souls to power up even more I decided I need to obviously chalk off a few of the bosses so we tested out our elizabe and we threw out our war sect and we was able to utterly destroy jman tide I then went on a little mining the resource adventure and got some pure quartz now the pure quartz is at the very top of the map so I decided you know what some better way to get down rather than just like jumping off so that's exactly what I did I just jumped off using the quarts and a few other materials we had gathers we' actually be able to make the production line number two okay and boom start production we're getting our pump action shotgun look at this okay so we have our first pump action shotgun oh my God I'm ready we are going to absolutely destroy the bosses you see the verd Das you see this uh-huh yes you keep on making it very well done um well I may have forgot to record us Zac fight but you know I did do it I did do it with our new shotgun we was able to absolutely just obliterate it I'm sorry I forgot to press the button my bad but we moved on and I was able to make the even more improved furnace the electric furnace which was allow us to make power metal ingots with our power metal ingots I was able to craft so much more stuff I was able to craft some headgear and a new shield and a few other pieces of equipment we was going to need now we have our new upgrades it is actually time to try and take on the fourth boss I didn't know what I had in store so let's just see how we get on why is this one got security that's kind of concerning to be fair um um oh [Music] it's got cool outfit I kind of do like it it's a fly fly on great elizabe is going to get absolutely just toasted I feel like I'm going to have to dodge every single attack I skipped past the majority of this I got him down to half Health however we ran out of time and well you know what happened happens when you run out of time you die yep we died but I mean it was our first attempt which I mean I didn't think was that bad so I spent some time rejigging around what I had to do to try and beat this boss I decided I was going to level up all the be gards as much as possible and then obviously Elize would be able to do so much more damage I changed some water moves into their I guess move pool as well and this time we was going to own this boss all right come on come on come on we got this I believe be is your built different come on yeah acid rain come on kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it come on come on please please please please please please just die just die just die just die just die come on oh oh my God you don't want to know how many times I've done this oh my [Music] God and we done it so now we had fought the fourth boss our journey to the fifth boss actually started now me and ver Dash was going to have to climb this huge huge huge ass Mountain like this was going to take forever but I was doing it I was determined and let's see how we got on okay this is taking forever but I got that up to here we've made it up um I think we've only got one little bit left to go so we should be nearly there now yes um well I've made it to the top there's an egg up there but I can't the it's it's around the other side look it's around there so I got to I got to jump off which could be bad so we're just we're just going to send it we're going to hope for the best oh okay we're fine we're fine yeah we should we should be fine okay oh okay right there we go we we've made it we've actually made it that has taken way way too long oh don't die now okay nearly take on the last boss and then we got the legendaries to fight but I just wanted to get all the bosses done within 100 days so oh I believe it is a dragon type boss as well so there we go we're able to do the is it this side oh this this side what's over here I got the worldall tree look at that that tree looks sick I hope that's a I hope that's a like a playable area eventually after managing to get to the top of the Ice Mountain I decided I was going to try and prepare my best for the final boss now obviously I needed to try and get as much stuff and do as many bosses as possible so we went and tried to kill L KN now with our elizabe being Juiced up as ever uh it wasn't too difficult to be fair we just let elizabe go back got elizabe grass tornado fine Dragon shot nice keep the shot okay and there we go what do we get in our chest future technical manual okay and we got a diamond so we we can sell okay we are here we are at the final Research Unit so we're just going to give it a go I want to try and see how our elizabe gets on but we're just going to send it so let's go let's do it let's go I've not seen this boss yet so I believe it is the dark time though that's all I know oh ice wait is it ice oh no Shadow is that a shadow beak oh so it is dark type uh this could be a problem I don't know how well elizabe is going to deal with this 200,000 Health okay okay um Elize is nearly dead already did we do damage at least do we do we do damage we do we do H not a lot at all oh my God there you go that's fine so we got to we got to go back to Dr what but that's fine we've learned we've learned a lesson that we don't do a lot of damage at all this was the moment I realized this boss was no joke so we was going to have to upgrade our Arsenal let's say so I built the weapons I guess workbench number two or production line number two I went to town and we was able to make ourselves some rocket ammo and the rocket launcher Adam was able to do some power soul farming getting some medium power Souls baby power souls and some Legendary Power Souls so we was able to Max the attack defense and health of our elizabe along with making our a few Rockets and the rocket launcher now before I decided to do the boss I wanted to try the rocket launcher out and see how we got on So I placed down a pound box and we was going to try and fight palladius and necrosmos yeah solar beam nice use your other attacks please no DOD that one come on libye just kill one of them at least oh take so much damage oh my God Dodge Pro is dead okay nice we only got paladis no I'll be honest it wasn't looking too hot so I decided I was going to cut my losses and dip the hell out of there after making a few changes and re-equipping and getting a load of more stats for myself and elizabe it was time to take on the final boss Damage Big damage going to use one of those solar beam you can dodge that that's fine keep keep just at it keep at it keep at it elizabe can take a lot of damage here that's fine another rocket icicle we can dodge that oh oh no it got Frozen uhoh uhoh please no it's fine big Damage Big Damage Big damage come on 6 minutes ice Dody ice breath another rock y that one hurts that one hurts a lot shoot another rocket Dodge the ice briff not bad icicle I'm okay going to eat another piece of food each there we go ice Cutter Dodge it elizabe nice another rocket come on come on boom Another One hey we got this come on keep shooting oh okay that's fine stop that right go one minute what dropped the ice CLS come on come on come on 6K 6K one or two more Rockets boom please elizabe finish him off finish him off come on please please please please please please please please no don't miss not now not now finish finish him oh my God rocket Boom a oh so with that we had finally defeated the last Tower and the fifth boss of power so we only had a few other legendaries to try and kill so I went and you know I had to test out my rocket launcher a little bit more jetrion was the one I had to kill next I didn't know how this was going to go this is normally a pretty hard fight but I had myself a rocket launcher and elizabe was cracked so I was ready to try my best oh okay we're fine what what uh oh um um uh I mean we've done it wait oh what that's um well well we we defeated we we done it I guess I don't I don't know I don't know what just happened but I'm just going to accept it and move on I guess how could a flyer die from Fall damage I don't I don't know stallion 13k oh my God 13k Health a lot of Health but we're going to send it elizabe do damage go oh you okay highly effective though go on use use the big big damage boy that moves not that move just keep going we got 18 we got 18 shots left we got this nice got hit oh big damage El come on we got seven more shots ah we got this come on come on finish it finish it finish it boom and dead there we go okay holy crap that one was a lot easier just cuz we had those OP fire moves I feel like with elizabe so we managed to survive and complete most of the stuff in the game using only grass powers and maybe a few other rocket launchers as well but you know um I appreciate everyone watching I hope you all enjoyed the video and I will see you in the next one if you want to go follow me on Twitch I will be doing these uh on live stream and I would appreciate a lot but I hope everyone does well and has a very good evening very good day and I will see you in the next one peace see you L guys [Music] boy
Channel: GlowUmbra
Views: 11,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld pokemon, palworld guide, palworld review, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips, palworld trailer, pokemon vs palworld, palworld game, palworld early access, palworld steam, palworld reaction, palworld vs pokemon, palworld glitch, palworld 100 days, palworld tutorial, new palworld, ore palworld, palworld beginners guide, palworld news, palworld pals, palworld xbox, palworld coal, guide palworld, how to palworld
Id: UwvJ0a_4WNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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