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welcome everyone my name's sylf and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon black with only water type pokemon the full rule set for this run is listed down below but put simply only the first water type encounter in each route or area can be caught if a pokemon faints it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or elite force ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times now let's face it the water type is the single most abundant type in the pokemon franchise with over 140 distinct watertight pokemon in existence because of this hardcore nuzlockes with water pokemon can be kind of crazy as you usually get a ton of encounters however i set out to find the game with the least amount of possible encounters and as far as i could tell it's pokemon black and white which we'll be tackling today since these games only have the 156 gen 5 universal region pokemon within them the fully evolved water types on screen are all that exist of course due to our no legendaries or mythical rule keldeo is unobtainable but everything else will be fair game now i can't possibly teach what it takes to be an ultra pro invincible mlg hardcore nuzlocker who's never lost a single pokemon like myself but for learning everything else there's today's sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes ranging from entrepreneurship to productivity to creative writing to graphic design and video editing just about everything you can imagine to explore new skills and deepen your passions as a youtube creator for example i've benefited from several classes including one by nathaniel drew called creativity unleashed which in just over an hour revolutionized my perspective when it comes to content creation on any platform and establishing my own creative space in the pokemon community no matter if you're just starting out or if you have some experience already if you want to explore your passions on your own terms and your own schedule man there is no better place skillshare is curated specifically for learning meaning there are no ads whatsoever and new premium classes are being released all the time by actual hands-on experts in their fields and the best news is that skillshare has partnered with me to bring you guys a custom link with an extended free trial the first 1 000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get a full one month free trial of skillshare so you can start exploring your creativity today i know we've got a lot of dedicated self squad members who arrive at these videos early so don't miss out and click that link below to start your journey thanks to skillshare for sponsoring this video and let's get into the run with arguably the hardest water type hardcore nuzlocke challenge there is in the main series games let's see how we fare love these runs where we can actually keep our starter we're of course going to choose oshawott the deranged otter pokemon i think that's what the pokedex calls it our deranged otter faces off against bianca's demon pig and sharon's alright i know this thing becomes a snake but what the hell is it right now after we smash them into the ground our bedroom is left looking like the aftermath of you know what never mind professor rowan allows us to nickname oshawott shortly thereafter and i decide on the name zopy if anyone can guess this reference you have at least 300 iq points zopy has a serious nature which is neutral and honestly for a future samurai i'm happy with that we arrive in strident city quite swiftly and after beating charon again we get some orenberries which will definitely be helpful in early game i next decide to take on the trainers to the east near the dream yard for some extra training after defeating one of the trainers zopy learns focus energy which might come in handy wait a minute is that youngster joey my boy i haven't seen you in so long wait a minute joey where's your rattata where's the rattata joey come here you little where's ratata with that it's time for the first gym the striatum gym led by the three brothers now this gym oh boy this gym the trainers in it are easy enough but when it comes to the gym leaders themselves they of course send silent after me now black and white were designed as kind of reboots to the series so they were trying to teach players about type match-ups which is why they give you one of the elemental monkeys that's kind of the opposite type as your starter but of course we can't get that we're stuck with zopy against what is effectively a grass-type gym leader zylen begins the battle with a level 12 lily pup and well i don't have much of a choice here do i zopy get out there now i know if we're to have any hope we need chris so i use focus energy here and he goes for workup i then use water gun but no crit and then he goes for work up again another water gun gets the crit though and we take him down we also level up here since we started the battle at high 14 which is allowed as per the rules now if you couldn't tell by him having a pan sage with vine whip this was not my first rodeo i had to wipe the game 14 times until this battle here which even beats our driftloon rorke wipe record from our last challenge stab water gun is not a good idea here since he resists it so i'm gonna go with tackle but i know that it doesn't do much so i use tail whip to lower his defenses now usually this will kind of encourage him to go for a non-attacking move too like work up but he hits us with a vine whip right away which does just under half i need to stick with this strat though so i use tailweb again and he hits us again down to just three hp what is happening this is not how it's supposed to go i go for tail up again and this time he goes for workup it's time now i can go for a tackle and it gets the focus energy crit to take him down between needing a crit on lollipop at just the right time so he doesn't potion and having to trigger his pantsage into powering up honestly i don't want to talk about how terrible this was silent with just a level capped oshawott complete can i can i go home now in the dream yard plasma is causing some trouble and oh ko on that muna does somebody have a revive holy sh a savage it's off to the daycare to start destroying a bunch of toddlers i thought this was anakin's job and while fulfilling our destinies opie ends up evolving into a beastly duo and learns razor shell with 75 power nice oh hey look it's a slide wait what what am i spider-man thank god our evolution happened when it did because up next we have a battle against our rival charon who leads with you guessed it another grass type here i decide to immediately hit it with razor shell which does about a third but also gets the defense drop that i was hoping for another razor shell just barely doesn't ko after he used growth to raise his attack power then he goes for vine whip and gets a crit after which our oranberry restores our health so we can out speed and take him out from there thank god his purloin is a one hit with razor shell man oh man this early game is shaping up to be something else after the battle bianca comes rushing in and okay you know i have to do this right why are you running why are you running in the cave here is the thief tm which is super useful for items such as the light clay from wild golden we arrive in necrean city shortly thereafter where one of the girls in the houses generously gives us the mystic water item to raise the power of our water moves which is fantastic now obviously we have no chance against the gym right now but thankfully we can head west of necrean city where we can finally get a new encounter a tim we catch one and nickname it palpatine okay the nickname makes no sense right now but for its next evolution it will and then for its last evolution it won't again but palpatine ends up having a modest nature which is pretty darn awesome for his water typing at least its only special ground move that it learns aside from breeding is 55 power mud shot but hey i'll take it since pinwheel forest is blocked off by an inconveniently placed lineup of plasma grunts one of whom says everyone else is wrong i feel you bro we're forced to take on our next gym then the korean city gym is an interesting one specializing in the normal type the trainers aren't too bad even though the first one nearly killed us with a crit down to 5 hp and we make it to the second gym leader lenora since she leads with a herdier with intimidate i'm forced to lead with tim pole which is a special attacker now the one good thing about this matchup is that we do barely out speed with a 64 base speed as opposed to hurtier's 60. so i decide to immediately hit it with super sonic and she hurts herself on the first turn then i hit her with bubble beam to just below half and then she breaks through confusion and hits us with take down to just 18 hp then our orenberry helps us to above half and now thankfully due to the recoil she got we can now get the guaranteed ko with bubble beam now for the hard part watchog now watch hawk has a move called retaliate which doubles in power if it's used the turn after its team member faints so tim paul would not survive i'm forced to switch into duat and she goes for 60 accuracy hypnosis instead and puts it to sleep yikes she then hits us with retaliate for a bit less than half and we stay asleep another brings us to just 11 hp but we wake up and hit it with razor shell but it just barely survives that is rough knowing she'll likely potion and that she outspeeds both of our pokemon i realize our only hope i switch back into palpatine while she potions then uses retaliate we survive on just 2 hp looks like my calcs were just right then i hit it with super sonic palpatine has nowhere near enough power so i know our only choice is to switch back into zopi especially since palpatine is more valuable in the long run sorry zopy and she indeed hits herself in confusion now all i need is one more confusion hit please and she does so we could take her out with one more mystic water boosted razor shell holy right after that in the interior of pinwheel forest we encounter a double battle wherein both trainers have a sawatl which have higher base defense than snorlax by the way and they both use razor leaf with high critical hit ratio and we barely escape alive this is insane at this point both of our pokemon are level 21 or 22 and the next level cap is 23. with a long way to go i calculated how many mandatory trainers we have before the castilia city gym and there's just no way we will pass the level cap no matter what since we can't get the experience share yet there is one solution though now pinwheel forest is divided into two sections the exterior which is where we were before and caught timpole and the interior which was blocked off previously they're coded as two distinct areas in the game's programming have a screen transition between them and have entirely different encounters for the sake of this challenge i'm gonna say that they constitute two different encounter areas because a it's absolutely necessary and b well because they technically are in here just in the shaking grass we can find our third encounter panpour which is only available in this forest and nowhere else we catch one and nickname it dripathy it's like timothy except he's got that drip bro dripathy ends up having a modest nature oh man our nature luck has absolutely changed i do plan on having acrobatics on this thing to help out with grass types so minus attack is not ideal for that but certainly can't complain otherwise after team plasma is taken care of they say according to the results of our research this is not the legendary pokemon my dudes it's a dragonite lenora thanks us by lenora what am i to do with the moonstone you see my team right you get what's kind of going on here with that nonsense over with we arrive in the beautiful castilia city and i'm getting hungry so i hey what are you doing man son of a he ate all my food in castilla we're able to pick up the water stone from this dude and i'm gonna wait to evolve pamper at level 22 since it was installed then more team plasma craziness causes zopy to reach the level cap so we won't be able to use him until the gym leader thankfully since we've seen 25 pokemon we can obtain the eva light which should be some great help in one of the buildings we encounter something really interesting mr lock this dude is supposed to be given a lock capsule item so you can get the snarl tm but the lock capsule was never released so snarl is just an unobtainable tm in these games so strange it's time for the third gem the bug type castilia gym now this gym is also terrifying because a lot of the bug types are also part grass the ep light definitely helps against the trainers though and thankfully the sawatos all kind of seem to randomly alternate between tackle bug bite razor leaf and string shot so we make it to the gym leader with a little room to spare on pampore in terms of xp while grinding him up dripathy learns skald a fantastic move and i decide to pick up the experian chair since i know we can battle the guy for it without over leveling now and we pick up the scope lens too in preparation for the gym i teach a few tms to our pokemon such as torment and work up on dripathy as well as 70 power retaliate on zopi i also use the water stone on tripod easily evolves into a semi-poor which is quite a speedy and powerful pokemon let's do this now i theory crafted for this battle for nearly an hour and all of my plans like powering up using focus energy and a scope lens on duat for high critical hit ratio etc we're just not working lee vanni with stab razor leaf is terrifying burg leads with wurlipede and i lead with dripathy now the main issue is that worluped has screech which kills all hope of stat boosting since that will cause levanny to kos easily with razor leaf but there is literally nothing else that i can do i have to hope that we can get off enough work up since tripathy does out speed lee van even on the very first poison tail hit the world of heed poisons us though are you kidding me our orenberry allows us to get four workups though which my calcs tell me is not enough for late battle this is not good at all and then use skald which chaos will appeared and we end up with 12 hp after poison oh why in comes our greatest fear lee vani at this health and with this power up i have to i have to do it i go for scald and it doesn't kill and it doesn't even get the burn either tripathy goes down i then send in zopy and berg uses high critical hit ratio super effective stab razor leaf but no crit so zopy survives and can use double power retaliates since tripothy just died to take it down dwembell is then a one hit ko with razor shell man oh man losing dripathy is a tough loss as we need all the speed and power that we can get but he sacrificed himself so the run could go on let's not disappoint him after defeating bianca in battle thanks to temple's uproar and the evia light we get another evolution this time palpatine into palpitone see i told you it makes sense kind of we have another rival battle here and this one is scary since sharon snivey has evolved and has leaf tornado now which is why i was kind of thinking keeping temple unevolved might not be a bad thing to avoid the four times weakness but i decided against that in the end sharon leads with a p dove and i leave with zopy now here i had attached the scope lens to zopy and decide to start the battle with a focus energy to ensure it's more likely we'll get crits than not our first razor shell doesn't get one though but thankfully it's still enough to take him down in comes cervei next a terrifying prospect for our team i go for retaliate and no crit but he just goes for growth so we can out speed again and get a crit this time thank god he just powered up there although we might have survived one unboosted leap tornado regardless but we definitely did at least need one crit from there evia light palpito manages his pan pour and lie part well with uproar on the rest of route 4 i'm forced to avoid as many trainers as possible since we're close to over leveling with only two pokemon but just in time in the relic castle we get the key to our next encounter the cover fossil we can then take it back to the necreen city museum to have it revived to give us a beautiful tertuga which we nicknamed crush and crush has a bashful nature which is neutral upon arriving in nimbasa city this old man requires saving from team plasma i'll protect you daddy we also get forced into the fashion hall and this man won't let me leave without dressing up my damn pokemon are you happy with what you have wrought upon this earth in the nimbasa city pokemon center there's a little tm corner where we can get the tm for return which will be useful once our pokemon stopped hating us as much as game freak hates ampharos no seriously the classic gen 2 electric type can't be obtained at all in pokemon crystal the definitive gen 2 game they gave it this as a mega and you can't get it in sword and shield at all either poor guy after ana costs us on a ferris wheel he nearly wiped out palpatine after we barely missed the ko on his scraggy he hits us with brick break we hit ourselves in confusion then he gets a crit to take us to 6 hp goodness gracious and this was supposed to be one of the more manageable battles the fourth gym is upon us and this is the electric type nimbasa gym of course electric yup not a problem at all with that for the trainers i'm very grateful we have palpatine with his part ground type and absolute savior he is elisa the gym leader is an absolute nightmare for us but i have a bit of a plan for her she starts off with an imoga and i lead with crush it looks terrifying i know but i fear even with the evil light palpatine won't be able to survive going through all three of her pokemon and switching out from him into tertuga or duat would not be a good idea rush has the sturdy ability though which would allow us to survive imoga's vault switch no matter what and surprisingly we don't even need it and live on 11 hp then can go for super effective stab ancient power for huge damage on her other one now here we actually have priority aquajet and oh crush we don't need the quick claw for that and it takes it down solid now her other imoga comes back out and knowing it will try a vault switch i can now switch into palpatine who's immune from here bubble beam is a two hit ko on it and we can level up before zeb striker comes out seb strika then goes down in a couple attacks only bringing us to 32 hp with quick attack in the process we had quite a solid strategy there i'd say but palpatine's ground typing definitely made that possible as a baseline thinking he might kinda like us by now i teach zopie return after which we have another battle with charon now that zopy knows revenge we can use it for double power after getting out spent and hit by lifeheart cervin then comes out and return does over half but its citrus berry activates and hits us with leaf tornado for a good amount of damage and lowers our accuracy but thankfully it just missed its leech seed after so we can take it down from there panpour is an easy kale with return and crush handles tranquil with ancient power cheren's team is super threatening on the face of it but man his survive makes some bad choices elisa helps us to get the drift failed drawbridge to come down afterwards which is going to open up a new encounter for us on the drawbridge the shadows can be from ducklit a water and flying type which we catch a nickname daffy daffy ends up having an impish nature plus defense and minus special attack absolutely brutal i knew our nature luck wouldn't last long at least we somewhat have a way to deal with grass types now though upon arrival and drift fail we can pick up a couple great items including the expert bell for extra super effective damage along with the rocky helmet too making our way through the cold storage is a fun time and damn boy what's going on in here having been permanently scarred the driftvale gym awaits finally finally we have an easy task ahead of us as it's a ground type gym and the trainer's pokemon gets sliced like butter by our water swords clay is the gym laid around these parts and he leads with a croco rock as i send out palpatine amazingly enough a muddy water is an instant out speed and one hit ko he next sends out his own palpitoed and our battle back and forth leads us to win with ease although he lowered our speed with bulldoze his final pokemon is excadrill and he just goes for home claws on the first turn and our muddy water takes him to about a quarter knowing he'll potion i hit him once more then he potions again and we can bring him down to the red he then hits us with slash but no crit thank god and we could take him out admittedly that got a bit dangerous towards the end as switching would have been a really bad idea since he could have bulldozed so the crit avoidance was crucial 5 badges down charge stone cave goes relatively smoothly and ends battle is handled quite well by zopy with the eevee alight since we have great coverage with return razor shell and revenge but if you look at his team you can definitely see some potential for scary threats in the future the end of charge stone cave brings about misdrawton city but upon arriving i remembered we forgot to get the damn skull tm from cold storage oh no wonder look at how hidden that is my last two brain cells must have totally glimpsed over that back in mistral then we can pick up the sharp beak item from this girl in the airport which will be a great help for daffy's air slash speaking of which after some grinding ducklit ends up evolving into a majestic swana a pokemon that i have never used before so i'm excited for this gotta love these monotype hardcore nuzlockes for that reason we also get access to the celestial tower which is a fantastic place to train up for special attack eves which are otherwise quite hard to come by the mistralton gym is a flying gym which i don't see as being a huge concern for our team as we have a couple ways of dealing with the type for gym leader scala's battle i decide to run with tertuga and the evia light unfortunately it doesn't evolve until level 37 just above the current level cap but i think it should work out well regardless she starts with a swoo bad and it hits us with a heart stamp before we can use ancient power for above half now i thought she'd go for amnesia right off the bat so i was prepared to go for crunch but she didn't so i figured she wouldn't do it but she does on the second turn instead so our ancient power just barely doesn't ko i then go for crunch and it also brings it into the red then she potions again we do the same thing again and now since i know she has no more potions i can go for priority aquajet to take it down in comes swana next and it just goes for aqua ring on the first turn and ancient power does less than half she then hits us with bubble beam which does a decent chunk and we miss the ko with ancient power again her aqua ring gave her a bit more health so i figured resisted aquajet might not kill so i let her hit us with bubble beam one more time before i take it out with ancient power brush is too low on health now though so i switch into our own swanna to handle her on pheasant our skull brings it below half then she chose to go for lear but pecks coming in clutch never thought i'd see the day to be honest one more skald and skyla's career as a gym leader okay not really skyla is nice so we'll let her keep her position following that battle she gives us the tm for acrobatics nothing on our team can use that but it would be great for a semi-poor if i had one right before twist mountain charon comes barreling at us again and i actually forgot about this rival battle thankfully we still had crush out in front though so we could lead with that against his unpheasant however he gets a crit on his first air slash we hit him hard with ancient power then his next air slash flinches us before we get hit by another and then can take him out big oof as expected cervine now comes out and i'm like oh but remember that we now have daffy who can tank mega drain really well and ko him and a couple air slashes daffy the absolute legend now i thought the rest of his team would be a pretty easy task as zopy can handle the life hard well with revenge and i thought i was all smart switching in on the fake out to give him the rocky helmet damage but then it gets a crit on us with assurance to bring us to 2 hp goodness gracious revenge does take it out but in comes semi-poor now i know he outspeeds so i have to switch so i go into palpatine and he hits us with fury swipes i go for mud shot now to get damage and lower his speed and his skull hits us hard down to 2 hp before we can dear lord with his speed lowered and all of our pokemon below half i switch into daffy and he just went for lick thankfully probably because he saw the kill on palpatone then we use sharp beak boosted air slash but it barely survives goes for scald and we live on just 10 hp with no burn too so we can take it out man oh man our team was absolutely trashed after that battle but somehow we made it through deathless after that big scare we are rewarded big time at least starting with a couple evolutions including crush who evolves into a beastly kara costa as well as our starter zopy who evolves into a samrod finally we get some more bulk on our team as if that wasn't enough alder comes by and gives us the surf hm which is actually a great move for some of our pokemon but not only that it also unlocks a series of encounters for us too on route 1 we can now hit the water to find masculine a speedy and physically powerful team member we catch one and nickname it riptide and it ends up having a lonely nature plus attack and minus defense which is pretty good next we can go to route 4 to surf for a frilish we successfully catch one and nickname it pringle and pringle ends up having an adamant nature please end me now that is literally the worst possible nature we could imagine our final encounter comes from surfing on route 17 west of san gem town where we can catch a glorious alomo mola which can only be found in the special whirlpool spots which we nicknamed valentino love disc was a tempting name too believe me valentino's got a quiet nature plus special attack and minus speed kinda bad since it's a much better physical attacker surprisingly enough but oh well i decided to keep it in the box for now in favor of our other new members after twist mountain we arrive in icarus city a really cool city in my opinion except this this is my worst nightmare nearby on route 8 we can get two useful items the sludge bomb tm which will be great for palpatine and also the damp rock to extend the duration of rain the icarus city gym is an interesting one for sure as ice is a neutral type against their water types they just tend to be fairly bulky and slow to take down along the way through the gym palpito ends up evolving into a seismitoad which is a fantastic upgrade with that it's time for the 7th gym leader bryson you know the weird dude from pokestar studios and the sequels bryson leads off with a vanillish and i leave with our newly evolved palpatine with the damp rock so i can set up rain dance against his team to avoid the hail and also to power up our water moves he just goes for acid armor one of the reasons i didn't bring a physical attacker to lead with and then our skull brings him into the red after which he just powers up his defense again strange guy after two high proportions we're then able to take him down in comes bear take next quite an intimidating threat we do have speed in the rain thanks to our ability and we hit a mark with skull to the red and then he just uses swagger we hit ourselves in confusion on the next turn though so he uses icicle crash for some big damage a confusion hit combined with icicle crash would kos so i'm forced to switch into kara costa who can then out prioritize him with aquajet for the ko biogenol is his last pokemon and we're able to whittle him down with ancient powers since he only sets up reflect and his aurora beams don't do much to us whoa goodness gracious what happens if you fall down there excuse me sir how many people have died on that ramp uh about 49 or so jesus on our way to appaloosa city we have our final evolution as pringle assumes his final form as a jealousin which should provide some good bulk and coverage for us after taking on team plasma we have this really cool animation for anne and zekrom at the dragon spiral tower pretty impressive stuff for the nintendo ds in my opinion we arrive in apple lucid city which looks really cool in pokemon black and we speak to iris and drayden upon seeing us and the champion iris says oh mr alder and the guy who helped out that time hey you the eighth and final gym is upon us the dragon type gym led by gym leader drayden the dragon type is kind of terrifying for us as it resists our stabbed water moves and we can't set up due to all three of his pokemon having dragon tail i spent a lot of time theorycrafting for this battle but no plan seemed to be a surefire thing as they all have dark type moves for even jealousyn which would be good with willowist otherwise in the end i decide i think we just have to brute force this thing he leaves with a fracture and i lead with our trusty zopy who i put the silk scarf on which we got from route 6 using surf return brings him well below half and then he uses dragon dance he then outspeeds us on the second turn and hits it with assurance which does about a third before we can take him down dratagon comes in next and return does less than half and it hurts us with rough skin before hitting us low with night slash i'm forced to switch here so i bring in palpatine and he uses chip away poison bar boosted sludge bomb does a good chunk and then he brings us to a boat half after which he uses a high proportion although we got a crit and poison from our next hit which triggers another one eventually we bring him to the red and he uses dragon tail to bring zopy right back out but thankfully he doesn't die to the poison so we can just merely switch into daffy to take one night slash before he goes down in comes the big boy haxaris i hit him with air slash but he doesn't flinch and gets off a dragon dance a crit slash would kill from here so i switch in pringle but he went for dragon tail and it did huge damage and switches in palpatine of all things not good i switch in crush here and thankfully he just went for slash this time but it got a crit and he hurts himself on the rocky helmet from here he just goes for dragon dance again but since dragon tail is low priority we can get off two ancient powers to finish him off honestly the saving grace there was that all three of his pokemon stab moves are negative priority otherwise we would have lost at least one team member right before victory road we have our final rival battle which thankfully i remembered right as i was progressing through the route because in black 2 and white 2 he meets you at the top of victory road after all to make sure we're prepared i kind of did my elite 4 preparation prior to this battle in terms of fulfilling ravs getting some more levels tms etc let's see if it's enough he leaves with unpheasants so i go with crush after getting hit by air slash we're able to one hit kohm with rock slide which we got the tm for amazing is now fully evolved superior comes out next and i am terrified but i'm feeling pretty good with daffy at least he goes for giga drain on the switch and then he out speeds us with leaf blade and does huge damage what in the world my calcs told me he'd have 120 speed whereas we have 123 i still don't understand why he outsped here but it's not good at all air slash then just barely doesn't ko him oh no now here's the problem i know we need daffy i need to switch but he's in overgrow range and he might use giga drain too so by default i have to switch in whatever has the least hp so he gets the least recovery and that's riptide he does indeed go for giga drain and it ko's her immediately and still gets a lot of recovery in addition to leftovers ouch my only remaining strat is a backup one that i formulated and it involves sending out zopy zopy gets hit hard by leaf blade but thankfully no crit then i go for expert belt boosted excessor and it does the job oh lee that was scary from here lie part goes down to crush his rock slide and semi-pore is handled by a water absorb switch into pringle followed by a couple ominous winds that was a tough loss on riptide but hey at least we have a backup never thought i'd see the day i use alomomola but hey we're here now thankfully the unova victory road is quite easily navigated and before the elite four i made sure to go back to route 18 to pick up the waterfall tm which is a great move for a lot of our team i had initially thought that it was post game only for some reason so i'm glad i double checked that with that we've arrived at our greatest challenge yet the pokemon league the first elite four member is chantal the ghost type trainer her team is quite scary for us since a lot of them have grass moves which are four times effective on two of our pokemon yet are not weak to swanna's flying type she leads with coffee grigas and i decide to send in crush first i attached the black glasses on him to power up crunch and it does over half and she hits us with shadow ball before another takes her down jealousyn comes in next which i know has energy ball so i switch into our own jealous into tankin from here i go for shadow ball and it does over half and thankfully we out speed her shadow ball then does huge damage and brings us to 36 hp but we can take it out with our next chandelure is up next and i switch in palpatine but he just hits up with psychic and then uses shadow ball to bring us to just 26 hpe after which a skull brings her to the red knowing she'll full restore i go for another and she does and i realize expert bell boosted surf from zopy would probably do the trick so i switch into him and it does indeed thankfully we can out speed and one heko go lurk as well for the win the dark type elite 4 member grimsley's up next and since he leads with us crafty i lead with daffy air slash brings him to a quarter but doesn't flinch and he hits us hard with crunch before we can kill with another crooked owl is sent out next and since intimidate doesn't affect us i go for skull but it just barely survives but we get the burn which takes it out after we get hit below half life heart comes in so i switch in zopy for the fake out now i can hit it with double power revenge after it uses night slash on us by sharp is up next and i'm glad we got zopy out because now we can tank the night slash in the red and use four times super effective double power expert bell boosted revenge to destroy it that was a pretty solid strat the third elite 4 member is caitlyn a psychic type trainer who i'm a bit worried about she leads with reuniklus and i go for zopy i hit her with excessor but it just barely doesn't kill and then she hits a 70 accuracy thunder and we survive on one hp dear lord that was insane from there she heals so we could just out speed and peg it with two excessers to take it out gothatal comes in next and i wasn't quite expecting her to send that out next since her musharna is next in line and does have an electric move as well i switch in palpatine to predict the thunderbolt but she went for psychic instead i decided to just hit it with skald and it does not much before she uses calm mind not good knowing will get ko'd i switch in valentino and the psychic does just more than half i was hoping we could survive and maybe get a toxic off but nope another psychic ko's us this at least gives us switch priority to send in zopie to outspeed and ko with x scissor that failed thunderbolt prediction really costed us from here i switch in pringle who tanks the charge beam from musharna pretty well and shadowball is able to two hit ko and after we're brought to half her final pokemon is sigoleth and knowing pringle's quite bulky i stand to tank the shadow ball and we survive on just 6 hp before we can ko it with spell tag boosted shadow ball that was a really messy battle but hey we made it through the final elite 4 member is marshall the fighting type trainer as much as daffy seems like a good lead here throw is quite bulky and has stone edge so i go with pringle instead even though he has payback since i need that burn chance but we don't get it and he hits us below half at least now we can bait another payback as i switch into palpatine then can go for another scald and this time we get the burn knowing how full restore i set up the rain then we get a crit on our next rain boosted skull to take it out sock comes in next and i switch in daffy now that it's safer and karate chop does about a third since he gets a crit on us air slash brings him to his sturdy ability and then after a full restore we miss our next air slash we bring him to sturdy again but that one flinched him so now we can take it out kong kelder comes in next and also has stone edge but i believe air slash will one hit koen and it does indeed his final pokemon is mien chao and it has no threatening moves and we have speed so i go for another and it's another one hit ko brilliant elite four down and it's time for the end game we use the last of our rare candies and as it turns out n has of course defeated alder and acts as the de facto champion in this game now the weird thing about this is that the game actually forces you to catch one of the legendary dragons and send it out first in battle this creates a weird situation for us as we're technically not allowed to use non-water types so i decide to play it the hard way and actively switch out from murshirem into palpatine and thankfully it works as a zekrom uses fusionbolt he then goes for light screen and amazingly enough our first mud shot gets a crit but doesn't quite ko damn i was getting real hopeful as that health bar was going down let me tell you now since n4 restores here i decided to go for a brick break to take his screen down and then we can steadily wear him down with mud shots afterwards and at one point he smashed us with a giga impact down to just 20 hp before we could take him out since we had speed now well i mean hey we took down a legendary next he sends in clink clang and it's an absolute disaster for our team nothing on our team can take a flash cannon followed by an outspeed thunderbolt so i have to let palpatine go but don't worry he comes back to life in a later movie from here i can now send in zopy and he just goes for metal sound oddly enough so revenge just barely doesn't ko now that's gotta be like 1 hp come on since our special defense is lowered i have to switch so i go into crush who tanks thunderbolt with below half and can go for priority aquajet to take him down in comes zoroark next so i switch into daffy to tank focus blast and he gets the special defense drop goodness gracious i go for skald now which does over half he hits us with night slash and gets a crit to annihilate daffy oh man our luck it hurts from here i send in crush for another priority aquajet ko he sends in his own keracosta next and it out speeds and connects with a stone edge we survive on 9 hp then we hit it with a waterfall i switch in pringle here for the water absorb then we can out speed it and hit it with shadow ball after which crunch brings us below half but we can ko with the next archaeopsy then comes in and stone edge destroys pringle zopy then also gets hit by one to below half but then we can one hit ko of the surf and's final pokemon is vanillux and i know it can't do much damage against us so i go for revenge and he just used hail so we don't ko with 56 hp left i have no other choice and he goes for flash cannon which leaves us with 33 hp and we can take him out with another attack we did it we beat n the interim champion without even using rashiram now those of you who have beaten black and white before know that there's a battle with guesses after this and um well we have cara costa and samurai left we get absolutely slaughtered but you know what given that this had one of the most difficult early games we've ever had i'm happy with how far we made it and again the elite four and interim champion were both taken down so that's a win in my books what a crazy game this is looks like water types are not so invincible as one might think at least not in black and white if you enjoyed the run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 431,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon black hardcore nuzlocke with only water types?!, can i beat a pokemon black hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat pokemon black, pokemon challenge, pokemon black nuzlocke, pokemon black hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can i beat pokemon black nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke water only, hardcore nuzlocke only water types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges
Id: eTXwn7PXxK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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