Pokemon Shield Hardcore Nuzlocke - Ghost Types Only! (No Dynamax)

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welcome to the andrew collette show i'm going to attempt a hardcore nuzlocke using only ghost type pokemon this playthrough actually has a good amount of encounters in the base game here's the list however the options don't really open up until after the third gym then you have these two pairs that share encounters in the same area and mimikyu is not available in the wild until the post game here are the hardcore nuzlocke rules when a pokemon faints it's dead i can only catch the first ghost type encounter from each router area no dens allowed per the amount of encounters no items in battle but held items are okay sept battle mode no dynamaxing no leveling past the next gym leaders ace pokemon until the start of that battle and i'm convinced my youtube audience will never let me play anything but shield version since they keep voting for the type that struggles more against alistar's ghost types rather than baze fighters which by the way some of her mods couldn't even lay a finger on us just had to make sure leon didn't get mr rhyme then i left it up to my twitch chat to decide on hops starter score bunny ghost types are not available until the wild area so i head to the north lake milo and catch our starter gastly the name theme is going to be nintendo villains and since i can't evolve this into gengar andros is very fitting for haunter then i manipulate the weather to make duskol the only random ghost encounter at watchtower ruins naming him king boo and one more catch before starting the journey i find in kata at south lake milo naming her taboo can't use her in battle though until she evolves andross is my only pokemon that can pack a punch but with that high special attack stack comes horrendous survival stats meaning one strong hit from an opponent can ruin everything and there are quite a few dark type battles in this game with team yell marnie and piers luckily in the early game i can level up a good amount to one shot opponents like team yell with dazzling gleam put up a substitute against hops wulu to safely defeat score bunny and bowl down all the beads team with shadow balls the first gym is a complete cake walk since taboo evolves at level 20 into shed ninjask that's supposed to be shedinja let me fix it ah there we go as i was saying taboo's new form has the ability wonder guard meaning it can only take damage from super effective attacks however milo only has normal and grass attacks giving taboo the easiest boss fight victory in the game gee it should be nice to have wonder garden real live to protect us from danger actually you know what shinjo is like our sponsor for this video nor vpn hear me out let's say this xerneas is your personal information and that sashian is a hacker these days getting your identity stolen is no longer an if it will happen rather it's a when it will happen just like how your xerneas will get behemoth bladed to zero hp eventually by exhaustion but with the nordvpn injury on your side it will simply ally 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plan plus four months free it's risk-free with a 30 day money back guarantee thank you so much to nordvpn for sponsoring this video oh my goodness i forgot to catch our encounter from route 4 so i head back to snatch the pumpkaboo naming him bowser jr back on track with the story i proceeded to route 5 catching driftloom and name him ridley with another team yell battle around the corner i train andross all the way to the level cap of 24 to ensure it can one shot darth eva even with its respectable special defense stat because yet again they could one shot us if we don't do it first afterwards off to the box he goes until the gym battle hops wulu gives us all the time in the world having no attacks that can harm drifloon allowing four con minds to gust and shadowball his whole squad at the water gym taboo solos the required gym trainers qualifying us to face off against nessa now even though andross is faster than their dreadnought he could summon the reign with a max geyser doubling his speed per the swift swim ability i attempt to play around this by using skill swap against golden taking her swift swim ability for myself i tried to play it way too safe with substitute and it didn't matter because golden's earlier agility allows her to just break it even leftover healing doesn't help much after energy balling her first two months dreadnought arrives but to my surprise they never used max geyser which proved i was overthinking this whole match when preparing i can't knock out dreadnought in dynamics form so i switch out to andross to sacrifice bowser jr still one more dynamax turn which means king boo dies as well with the enemy turtle back to normal size energy ball should suffice follow oh giant caliber what oh shoot i didn't mean no i missed clicked no i got i misclicked for the beginning of the game it's ghastly or bust the other ghosts can try but to no avail losing my first attempt to a miss click on the second attempt everything goes identically the same and we're already back to nessa i still decide to complicate things here by calm minding twice while goldeen speeds up with agility and confuses ridley with water pulse luckily the confusion wears off before baton passing to upgrade stats to andross but the unluckiness happens again with andros getting confused from water pulse he pulls off energy ball number one substitutes and protects in front of arrow kuda until he snaps out of confusion then the plus two special attack andros with expert belt knocks down the dreadnought back to its owner after our victory andros evolves into haunter his new form gets the immediate spotlight against beed who's no match for him but the double battle against team yell is the real scary one andross's dazzling gleam can knock out lanoon but thievel has a chance to survive however hop does the unexpected while we protect he actually helps hop helps he aims for the harder target fievel this puts both of them in range to pass out from the daz and gleam great job hop i'm probably never going to say that again unfortunately andros has been hogging the spotlight and is already at level 27. if he fights marny i probably can't use him for kabu so into the box he goes but who else on the team has a chance against marnie's morpeko i guess it's time to give ridley a shot but first we gotta bully the rook of these on route 1 for those speed evs these are the outspeed kabu's team this driftwood's ivs can't out speed more petko even with maxed out ev training i hope this time doesn't go to waste now for marny first one to face is krogunk who's not difficult since their only dark move is sucker punch which can only hurt us if we attack the same turn during this time we stall out the punches by maxing out our stockpile yes i said stockpile yes it's desperate and then three combines and we're only hit by one vinoshock this is looking great gus takes care of krogunk and scraggy and all i have to do is click spit up yes i said spit up yes it's desperate no oh my i missed click [Music] you've got to be kidding me i meant to click spit up wow another miss click i can't believe it i mean the last time i probably ever went for spit up was when i was 10 years old i have no experience clicking spit up of course the rest of the team is doomed i should have brought andros it would have been better for him to over level than to risk the marny battle on to attempt 3. against nessa i used the calm mind baton pass strategy again in addition to giving andros a person berry which rids the confusion from the golden this is definitely going smoother than before cool this copyright free music ex has been working great wait what the heck just happened wait which no no no don't tell me no i've been spoiled with naturally fast ghastlies that easily outsped dreadnought before but this one speed point was one point slower than dreadnought totally my bad for not double checking the speed can't believe i'm saying this on to attempt number four four freaking times i have to go through this slow game intro nessa has clobbered with the same method as before but now it's time to talk about worker francis yes worker francis who the flip cares right king boo usually takes care of this guy's cargo however this time it gets all that stats boosted from ancient power which has a 10 chance of happening so this cart full of coal is now too bulky to knock out resulting in king buu dying andross is nowhere to help either since i box him during these quote unquote easy battles so he doesn't come close to over leveling that's the end of run number four gotta go through that boring intro yet again and wow this ghastly has a special attack hindering nature i don't think it's worth it we're only at the beginning so i'll reset oh my gosh who said jolly nature who said jolly nature i'm banning you let's try this again are you kidding me another minus special attack ghastly what is going on all right now here's a ghastly i can live with modest nature baby and it even potentially has a perfect speed iv so this basically still attempt number five but technically number eight whatever you want to call it i don't care but i have to treat this run differently or i'm going to be the definition of insanity dusco really hasn't done much for us so i'm going to roll the dice on a random encounter in different weather at the watchtower ruins it's going to be either duskol drifloon or galette which is what i want yo this is the run i name this guy bowser nessa goes down again then bowser crumbles that car cool proving to be a much safer option than duskol ever was ladies and gentlemen that perfect gastly we got is a symbol a symbol that this is the run a symbol that proves i won't mess up nasty plot geez okay okay i really need you to hit the evil now bud it's not evil i didn't think it was gonna nasty plot i forgot to put dazzling gleam on i forgot to put dazzling gleam on i can't believe it i forgot to put dazzling gleam on guys i'm freaking out i'm freaking out i'm freaking out that's death i think that's death oh no i can't believe it i committed to no shenanigans but i failed yet again thankfully corbin squire does target the thieves next keeping my bowser junior safe then they both managed to eliminate the remaining team yelmans but without andros how are we ever going to out speed marnie's more peco if i have to start over again i'm never going to get to spend any time with my family [Music] yeah baby okay yes okay here's the real secret sauce ridley was speedy trained to the max making it just one point faster than morpho one point and i don't think it was a waste of time because it allows us to out speed kabu's pokemon as well after entering his gym i add litwick to the team and name her hades vows are overleveled so he's in the box and it's all up to ridley similar to the first strategy against nessa ridley uses skill swap taking nine tails flash fire ability making us immune to fire type attacks nine tails literally can't harm us at all now so ridley takes this opportunity to set up six comb mines for the power and three stockpiles for the bulk nine tails along with arcanine are swept with a single shadow ball each and ridley has nothing to fear from senta scorch since they only can use their bug attacks while ridley just needs two shadow balls way to go my balloon friend the driftblim evolution is well deserved alright this is where the game gets more fun since we can actually get some decent encounters in the wild area at bridge field frilich is caught and named queen ddd over at giant's cap snow run is found being named shadow queen then is immediately given a dawn stone to evolve into a frost last next is giant's mirror where corsola is ghost hunted and cop being named metroid last on the list is hammerlock hills where i add home edge to the team and give him the appropriate name of meta knight i level him up to evolve into a duo blade then hand over the dust stone to obtain the final form of aegislash i leave the wild area heading towards stone side where i finally get a mask on route 6 naming them ganondorf once i reach town ridley owns hops entire team with the simple con mine shadow ball combo giving us the quick win alistar is the next gym leader on our to-do list where i get to introduce men knight to his first boss fight i decide to scout what umass will do by protecting with king shield i totally forgot that status moves go right through it disabling us but i think we're going to be okay because umass still doesn't do much with hex and we have leftover ceiling i have mad knight swords dance three times then shadow sneaky mask to zero hp kercula is the next stepping stone but all we need to do is shadow sneak now against mimikyu our defenses are weaker in blade form so i king shield to not only block shadow snake but it weakens their attack stat along with putting us back in shield form bringing us back to good defense we then exchange shadow snakes against each other but luckily they are faster so we stay in shield form while they attack then we take our turn sneaking and go back to shio form the next turn after a couple of those mimikyu is defeated and giganomex gengar is no match for our plus six fast shadow sneak gg alistar ridley takes back the lead spot when facing bead and just spams shadow balls while holding expert belt to receive the 20 power boost oh going his whole team as i explored the glenwood tingle forest synasty is discovered and titled gruntilda then is dunked in a cracked pot evolving into poltigeist opal is the next gym leader and is the second easiest of all them next to milo the only attack wheezing has that can actually do damage to meta knight is fairy wind it barely scrapes us after midnight dances twice with the swords iron head is spammed slaying all of her fairies she freaks out so bad that her umbrella goes flying pop comes prepared for my ghost pokemon this time by bringing his own trevant too bad i'm gonna foil his plans i simply burned the tree with a willow lisp cutting their physical damage done to us in half even a critical hit from shadow claw won't make me blink then ridley saps their strength lowering their attack stat each time while recovering our hp after we get confused from a confused ray i decided to swap in men knight to max out his attack power with swords dances trevor knott does try to spook us with two critical hits in a row though it's too little too late because now it's sweeping time with shadow sneaks and here's a sacred sword for your snorlax remember how i didn't get dust gold earlier in this attempt well on route 8 we skip straight to finding its evolved form dust clops we'll still name you king boo compared to my dragon nuzlocke melanie should not be anywhere near as hard midnight starts with a sword stance while frost moth lowers our speed with an icy wind then they summon the hail weather while we dance once more shadow sneak knocks out both frostmoth and darmanitan but not ice cubes due to its ice face ability essentially giving it another life they respond with amnesia which okay cool increase your special defense for all i care one more shadow snake finishes the job then we see her lapras this is actually perfect timing because the hail just so happened to end as well making it safe for under-level taboo to enter the fray lapras only has water and ice attacks which can't get past our wonder guard ability yet once she's back to normal form she does annoy us with sings putting taboo to sleep but it just delays the inevitable and taboo eventually is victorious after many shadow claws with six badges under my belt now we're gonna face a lot of dark types soon to prepare for this i head back to ballen leah gym to negotiate with this eevee cosplayer trading my galerion mask in exchange for her you know venue mask we lose the cool ganondorf nickname but masky will do i'll explain why i did this once it evolves the second to last hop battle is a breeze his double has no attacks that hurt a ghost type so i really don't need to explain anything here after that quick domination masky evolves into coffe grigas in my opinion this version is better than runerukus having only two weaknesses while its gallerian counterpart has five also coffee grigas has higher special attack which i prefer for my team right now either form is great though because of its insanely high defense stat which we'll definitely need for the next eight dark type battles yes eight some are easier than others but a slip up could be fatal let's speed through these dark battle number one in order to receive the road and water bike upgrade i gotta face this grunt lanoon isn't a threat especially after a burn from king buu which provides masky to pull off one safe iron defense which is all we need however if the pangoro crunches and gets a critical hit it's over for our mummy the bad ai instead taunts i'll take it dark battle number two is marnie maskey builds the iron defense wall then body presses her whole team battles number three through seven are in the spike myth gym men tonight holds the expert belt to sacred sword the next three grunts with just one slice each in between matches queen ddd evolves into jealousens kingbu joins the double battle to just sit there willowisp and take damage while watching the broken smash bros character obliterate the opposing two mons hades evolves into lampent then straight into chandeleur the conclusion to this dark battle marathon is piers as i listen to him perform his song i'm just glad that even if my main plan fails i actually got a good team to back it up scrafty begins the gym battle with a sand attack i thought they'd go straight for an attack don't know how i feel about it but at least they get burned from the willow wisp masky tanks every payback attack since it's only 50 base damage since one of the slower ones the typical iron defense then protect between turns for leftovers healing commences once setup is complete it's a matter of if we miss any body presses or if malamar gets a critical hit looks like no critical hit and masky doesn't miss this guy does not miss the whole battle was pier bliss earning us the seventh gym badge i dart straight to the eighth and final gym evolve bowser into golurk and develop our double strategy shadow queen and masky lead the charge i use the following method frequently but the flygon can really get annoying if i leave it alone i gave the queen choice scarf boosting her speed by 50 blocking only into the ice beam move shattering ryan's fly gun masky stays consistent landing the willow wisp onto gigolith while they play stealth rock santa conda appears queen ddd tags in for the ice royalty mask he protects then the enemy paralyzes ddd with glare and smacks her with the rock blast attacks with ddd paralyzed she can't for sure keep masking safe so ridley switches in losing some life from the rocks dvd continues to be bullied by earth power but does heal some hp through citrus berry then cloaks us in safeguard gigolo snipes ridley with a few rocks procking his citrus berry as well masky comes back in knowing it's safe from glare now ridley protects but they don't aim for him instead masky is earth powered with the special defense drop and gigalith uses rock blast into him too masky protects next turn ridley heals back to full hp strength zapping gigolith and both of their attacks are blocked when aiming for masky ridley vanishes for the two turn attack and our mummy no longer lives after another earth power from santa conda plan a has failed time for plan h go ham bowser marches in holding choice band meaning he can only pick one attack but its attack power increases by 50 percent ridley reappears phantom forcing their sand snake and bowser causes a massive earthquake decimating both of our foes gigantic max doraleo dawn towers over us ridley protects which was perfect since max rockfall was aimed right at him bowser continues earthquaking needing just one more ridley hides in the shadows then to my surprise bowser is hit by the max wormwind barely surviving it was even a critical hit but he hung in clutch and steals the 8th gym badge win for us we are now certified to enter the champions cup and come on marny give me a break we've had to face so many trainers lately that specialize with dark types marnie's live part begins by snarling mennonite let's do this swords dance now king shield hopefully no nasty plot perfect are you freaking kidding me torment i hate that move it prevents us from using the same move twice in a row meaning i can't keep using iron head i was not expecting scrafty to be our next choice fortunately we are faster taking it out with an iron head talks croak is here to solve all of my problems it's only dark type move is sucker punch so as long as i don't attack we're safe as their attempts to do so fail ridley comes in and out just to take away the torment effect for mennonite once he's back in their toxic fails due to our steel typing their swagger misses we dance their next swagger lands which can be dangerous with high attack i chose to automize this turn instead i've never used this move in my life it's essentially asia slash's version of agility so we can out speed the rest of their team midnight does hit himself next turn but later pulls off another sword's dance sweeping time oh forgot they still had sucker punch still in shield form though so we good morpeko and giganomax grim snarl are then slaughtered by iron heads finally done with these dark type trainers this run will likely be the easiest when facing hop in the champions cup usually it's a pain since doubles body slam can ruin plans by paralyzing us but we're ghost types baby normal attacks mean nothing this means men night swords dances three times atomizes twice then iron heads and shadow claws everyone else is it just me or does leon look way too happy to see his brother lose dom toretto does not approve look at the pain and hops fake smile [Music] [Applause] oleana and her goons interrupt the tournament process so it's time to smack some scents into them haiti's choice scarf makes it faster than her frost last melting it with just one flamethrower mylodic's only attacking move is surf so i replace hades with ddd whose water absorbability makes her immune to water attacks regrettably i forgot to teach dddd shadowball before this making this a temporary stalemate madnight switches in harmless since they stopped surfing he survives a couple surfs while dancing to ensure the one hit ko with a not very effective iron head our knight pieces out at the side of a salazzle so ddd can make up for her earlier uselessness with a nice scald our lead hades comes back into the spotlight to flamethrower serena and finally our tanky king boos stalls garbador holding her evil light boosting her defenses by 50 percent and burning with willow wisp once their dynomax expires bowser terrorizes everyone in the rose tower with an earthquake on top of the building no survivors and the interruptions don't stop because beed wants his revenge the beginning of this battle takes forever i stall for a long time granted not as long as wolfy's emerald kaizo elite 4 run but this still took a while king buu will whisper maw then ridley strength zapped ma while's attack stats six times rendering them useless and med knight sets up with swords dance and automize to iron head the brat psychic squad nessa's battle is a lot more straightforward ridley thunderbolts galissapot activating its emergency exit ability bear scooter frightens us with an ice thing but thankfully no freeze galissopot again how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man seeking doesn't go down in one hit so i strength sap some health back then thunderbolt again pelipper is four times weak to thunderbolt so nothing new here giganomex dreadnought of course can't be taken out with a single thunderbolt so ridley hides himself in substitute three times holding against the max darkness the max darkness and a max rockfall now it's time to soften that turtle shell with strength zap oh wait i got the cobra berry heck yeah baby all right that's good that's good jeez oh i'm playing with fire ah critical hit i gave everyone in the roster except king buu a cobra berry just for this scenario with nessa i got i did the colbert berry oh rock tomb no what wait why rock tomb dang it the plan was to use energy ball against draenor but the rock tomb has slowed hades down king boo comes in soaking the liquidation and jaw lock just to burn that turtle it's mennonite's turn to eat a cobra berry from the crunch attack nessa decided this isn't working out for her so she heals dreadnought with a full restore also removing the burn at least the attack drop from ridley is still there so men knight puts up the king's shield to lower their attack stat since it was a contact move that was blocked in this instance i'm glad we're slower so we can stay in shield form while they attack the knight sets up the shield again but i find him too valuable to lose so i potentially sack hades no crit no crit yeah baby no one died okay okay now this is supposed to kill this is supposed to kill yeah baby yeah baby [Applause] we used three cobra berries that round totally worth it facing alistar next king boo unites with his older brother at the family reunion and like most family reunions this one's going to be boring with the wasash strategy willowisp strength saps swords dance atomize and shadow claws it had to happen but dust noir should be thankful it didn't take as long as the usual thanksgiving dinner we did take the ham with us though to face ryan with the go ham strategy bowser earthquake satorical bowser earthquakes the goodra and shadow queen swaps in while flygon summons the sandstorm since we're battling at the city of winden i drugged our queen with carbos until they were faster than ryan's flygon so he wouldn't have to equip the choice scarf ice beam it is now a fire blast can kill us from here but they get greedy with shell trap which only activates when contact is made so two ice beams do the trick of course if we're faster than flygon we're faster than to rally done shadow queen stalls all three turns with substitutes however they do receive three defense boosts in the process king boo comes in scoffing at the stone edge attempt but does get flinched by the iron head the next one does not flinch so the burn is given i get greedy this time hexing with king buu bury encounters with full restore hades takes a turn resisting the iron head and we should be faster and we're faster i'm pretty sure oh shoot we're not faster oh crap oh hades heck yeah [Applause] okay we're good we're good hades is doing good everyone with the rally don weakened by another burn bowser's hp is secure and finishes the penultimate champions cup match with two earthquakes whoa good job team hey chairman rose from businessman to businessman i know what will impress everyone i'll start a fire chandelor started the fire it was always burning since the world's been turning chandelor started the fire it was always burning since the world was turning calcium vitamins choice specs as cavalier perserker cling cling ferrothorn copper roger marilyn monroe chandler started the fire it's all good hades queen ddd is here to cool things down with ice beams she had the best special defense alongside an attack that was super effective against eternitis strapping assault vest onto her as well and the poison dragon doesn't stand a chance this time i'd use a heel ball to catch eternitis let's get back to winden for the champions cup finals the final roster is selected and updated on the screen let's do this haiti starts the match within prison this means all the moves hades has cannot be used by the opponent ages slash's turn is cancelled since shadowball is sealed leon is now in a pickle and panics so he just spams king's shield which eventually fails flamethrower incinerates the royal pokemon hacksters arrives immediately threatening hades with an earthquake but you know who's not weak to that taboo ah flip i forgot haxorus has the mole breaker ability ignoring wonder guard killing taboo slight mistake on my end shadow queen take care of the dragon oh dang the ice beam isn't enough good job surviving outrage queen leon uses full restore but this time ice beam gets the critical hit here's something you won't see in a nuzlock very often destiny bond it takes the attacker down with it if we faint from their attack very unwise during a run but in the final battle i think it's sick next is queen ddd vs draggable she still has her assault vest on looking fly taking in that shadow ball we return one as well both of us exchange shadow balls again but dvd comes out on top really boom obviously will overpower ddd so ridley tags in a hot ding that knockoff did a ton andy got rid of my citrus berry the monkey does have a respectable attack stat so i'll suck some of that for the hp but then leon chooses to drum beating each turn okay weird sure it slows me down but i don't get it at this point after real boom is weakened i have ridley placed a substitute which doesn't break from their attack and finish off willowboom with shadowballs leon's ace giganomax charizard breaks the sub with a max rockfall but really puts them back up after three rock falls ridley strength taps charizard to heal about around half hp however that effort was wasted because apparently our hot air balloon couldn't handle a fire blast hades enters the ring again getting smacked by ancient power and responding with a shadow ball leon then tries to big brain this game by fire blasting maybe hoping i would switch out for my steel type whatever our flash fire ability neutralizes it and hades ends the game with a final shadow ball that was a fun champion battle i love it when leon has checks against my team not allowing setup on my end of course the beginning of the nuzlocke was frustrating with the miss clicks on my end one mistake could ruin everything but it got more fun after the third gem opened up those more possibilities for the next type i do i'll put the 5 most liked comments in a poll and have you all decide again subscribe and like the video if you want to see more of this content i'm gonna go watch ryan start the fire again you all have a good one joe mccarthy richard nixon student baker television north korea south korea maryland monroe
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 421,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghost types only, ghost type, hardcore nuzlocke, ghost type pokemon, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke pokemon, pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenge, pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, nuzlocke challenge, pokemon sword and shield, pro nuzlocker, hardcore nuzlocke rules, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, monotype, monotype nuzlocke
Id: sHPTA7RYk_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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