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welcome everyone my name's self and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon platinum with only dark type pokemon the four rule set for this run is listed down below but put simply only the first dark type encounter in each root or area can be caught if a pokemon faints it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or final league member's ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times a couple months ago we tried to beat a hardcore dark type nuzlocke of pokemon emerald and we realized how terrible the typing was since it's a special type offensively in those games yet most of the pokemon with the type are much better physical attackers so today i wanted to see if there was a substantial improvement with them in gen 4 when moves themselves got the physical special split overall gen 4 provides a good selection of fully evolved dark types although we of course won't be allowed to use darkrai as per our no legendaries or mythicals rule platinum specifically has some really interesting situations with a couple of these encounters but we'll get into that as the run progresses this video was made possible by rage shadow legends a free-to-play game that i've been really getting into lately since there's a lot of crossover with what we do here on the channel from selecting my own team of champions that matches up against opponents figuring out the correct moves to make and battling super challenging bosses this kind of stuff is exactly what i like in games and what i'm sure you guys will enjoy too now we all know one of the most exciting parts of the pokemon games is what we call the end game or post game with incredibly fun and challenging battle facilities and whatnot and this in my opinion is what raid does super well with what's called the doom tower according to the lore of the game this tower is basically a giant prison which the arbiter built to seal off horrible monsters created by cyroth now that syroth is leaking back into the world the doom tower isn't doing its job like it's supposed to so the arbiter sends people like you and i to go crack a few heads and it's quite a challenge what's amazing is that the doom tower is just one of the numerous avenues of content you can pursue in the game whether you want to tackle the campaign take on dungeons or test your team of champions against others in pvp arena battles this is what i love about raid there's an endless array of content and there's always new ways to formulate a better team for what you're facing and upgrade your champions accordingly this month rey's also got a non-stop schedule of special events and activities including a jam-packed halloween lineup with big rewards and special fragment events to get some brand new legendary champions including one very spooky champion that i'm quite fond of personally if you want a massive head start in the game hit the link in the description or scan the qr code on screen new players will get an epic hero to noru who's fantastic for the doom tower two hundred thousand silver one xp boost one energy refill and one ancient shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in game you'll find your rewards here in your inbox for the next 30 days only so make sure to check it out and join me in the region of tularea before we head out on our journey barry threatens to find us what 10 million dollars guys my patreon link is down below help me barry's mom says he just can't sit still that boy i wonder who he takes after i know who it is he takes after my boy too bad we probably won't get to see him in bdsp it's time to pick our starter and unfortunately none of them ever get the dark type so i'm just going to choose the one that evolves into my favorite fully evolved gen 4 starter empoleon torterra is a close second though i nickname it reno and after leaving the lab the professor gives us the return cm which is funny because it inevitably sucks in the early game so thanks professor with that we get our pokeballs from dawn and well here's one of the problems with platinum technically a dark type run would be impossible there are no dark type encounters until like the third gym or later for some reason while you can get murkrow and stunky and diamond you can't get either of them in platinum at all so much for an enhanced version huh so what i've decided to do is actually make a modified version of platinum so it's a truly enhanced version with those two encounters available in their regular gen 4 location because i'm really curious to try a dark nuzlocke in platinum specifically speaking of which after battling these two trainers in jupiter life they give us a potion in diamond and pro you get the hidden power tm from them i thought this was supposed to be an upgraded version we arrive in orberg and the kid who's guiding us around describes barry as sort of twitchy and impatient tell me why that is the perfect way to describe that absolutely perfect now before we move on i uh have some business to attend to just shut your eyes this is going to be a slaughter i have to our first encounter isn't available until eternal forest just after this gym so uh yup just let it happen in flo roma town we can pick up some useful berries like orenberries which are especially helpful early game and one of the girls in the houses also gives us the pluck tm which i think is going to be very helpful very shortly we arrive at the location of our first viable encounter eternal forest where we meet cheryl and can find a murkrow now these encounters are always both hilarious and nerve-wracking because we literally have to take out cheryl's chansey before it attempts to take out murkrow with egg bomb thankfully we pull it off and successfully catch murkrow which i nicknamed rivalli rivalli ends up having a bold nature which means plus defense and minus attack absolutely disgusting for a future hanj crow but we'll work with it with that we deposit good old rito which is good because if i'm honest he was starting to scare me with his savagery while making our way through the forest ravali levels up and learns wing attack for some more power than peck now in the forest is a mandatory double battle and i was thinking we were golden but remembered oh god they have apache risu not good thankfully with the help of a pursuit crit which caused me to realize that rivali has the super luck ability which raises our crit chance amazing indeed and the pacharisu using spark on chansey instead of us on the first turn we managed to scrape through under half health meaning if it had hit us instead of chansey that would have been the end of the run wouldn't really have thought much of a random eternal forest battle but man that was a close one we arrive in eterna city next the location of our next gym battle before that we talked to this guy about the mysteries of the sinnoh region and he says the statue's inscription reads something like creation of daya giver of time birth of pal creator of parallel dimensions wait i think i figured it out the answer to everything it's diapal because we only have one pokemon we are very much getting close to the level cap so it's time for the eterna city gym now this of course is a grass type gym so with revali we're able to smash through the trainers with relative ease although i was very worried about the level cap thankfully the last trainer brings us to level 22 so we made it just in time it's time for gym leader gardenia before her battle i decided to replace a wing attack with the pluck tm we got for a particular reason now gardenia's team is interesting and there are two big threats the first being the fact that her turtwig does have reflect to lower our attack power for five turns we hit it with pluck down to the red but unfortunately it does get the reflect off she then uses a super potion but our next pluck gets a crit thanks to super luck to take it down since crits ignore stat changes and things like reflect cherum comes out next and we crit it as well for the one hit ko incredible i think i like super luck her final pokemon is roserade and it out speeds and immediately hits us with stunsport but we break through and we don't get a crit on pluck for less than half but my plan works as pluck strips it of its citrus berry magical leaf then does about a third on us pluck brings her down to the red and then she uses a super potion before we hit her down to the red again now that reflect is gone another magical leaf brings us down to 25 hp and we're fully paralyzed on that turn and i'm like uh-oh she hits us with a magical leaf again we survive on just seven hp but need to break through paralysis and we do to take it down in the nick of time oh man for a grass-type gym with a flying type that was way closer than i thought it would be but rifali pulled through now i'm getting a bit nervous about our next level cap so i make sure to grab the experience share from the guy at the southern gate since we've seen enough pokemon to get it and i can give it to the psyduck that we caught for hms beside the galactic building we can pick up the thief tm which should be especially helpful for a dark type team inside the building we're confronted by international police member looker who takes off his disguise in front of all the grunts in the front foyer you idiot what are you doing he then puts his disguise right back on and i'm like i did none of you just see that after making it to the top we're challenged by team galactic commander jupiter she leaves with a zubat which doesn't really have a way to hurt us substantially so we can take it out in two plucks taking minimal damage her final pokemon is a scun tank which is normally quite terrifying but here's the key we can steal it citrus berry using pluck to heal up to nearly full and i think its programming is discouraged from hitting us with night slash since we resist it so she uses smokescreen followed by a missed poison gas we bring it to the red and then she hits us with night slash and gets a crit but it doesn't do much at all since we resist and we can ko it with one more attack man super luck murkrow is an absolute monster perfectly designed for the early game do people know about this while trying to get the bike were harassed by the champion of the region who is adamant that we take her togepi egg cynthia you know what we're doing here right a dark type run together is like the quintessential light side pokemon get that thing away from me you don't know the power of the dark side heading south to route 206 i told myself to be careful since i know that all the trainers have electric types and then i ran right into the first trainer not being able to control my bike properly thankfully we make it through the road safely and can go underneath it for quite a few crucial things actually this place is a gold mine for us first we can pick up the poison barb item to power up poison type moves which is perfect for our next encounter which we can find right here a stunky this is a pokemon that i've never really used in game before so i'm excited for it since it technically is like an early root pokemon but with a very cool typing we catch one and nickname it zant and zant has a hearty neutral nature so i'll take it now we're not quite done here in platinum but not in diamond and pearl the secret entrance to the wayward cave is open to us so we can find a hidden dust stone right here incredible i'm gonna wait to use it for a couple other level up moves on murkrow but amazing stuff regardless down here we can also find the earthquake tm which is crazy to be getting access to so early not that any of our pokemon can currently learn it down here i also happen to run into a 1 in 8192 shiny zubat out of nowhere i found two of these at the full odds right before this one in diamond and souls over so man if only that was a gibble instead that would have been epic oh wait in mount cornett we encountered this strange blue haired man who asked us if we wanted to party with him uh sure why not on route 209 we run into the karate guy who gives you the odd keystone now spirit tomb is a dark type however in our previous diamond run there was a lot of debate as to whether or not fulfilling the underground requirements to get it breaks our rules of not connecting to other games because of that and because we've already used spirit tomb and i want to try out some other encounters i'm going to omit it here but if you're a fan of it i highly suggest you watch that run if you haven't as it was pretty cool too with that we arrive in heart home where we'll be taking on our next gym beforehand i grabbed the shell bell from this girl in one of the apartments and i also teach our thief tm to zan since it has no other dark type moves at the moment heart home also grants us another encounter as babe bibi the creator of the pc system gives us a gift an eevee which i catch a nickname ganon may not seem fitting but eevee has many different forms it can become so yeah it has a relaxed nature plus defense and minus speed which isn't terrible for a future umbreon since eevee isn't a dark type we won't be able to use it until it evolves but i can give it the experience share and make sure we're increasing its friendship in the meantime the heart home gym is a ghost type gym a gym that we very much have a type advantage against the trainers are all fantastic training for xan now that he can use thief and in no time we arrive at the gym leader fantina normally fantina is a disaster for us but i'm feeling pretty confident about this one she leaves with a dust call and i leave with zant i'm scared she might try to burn us with willowisp which is why i left rivali in the back but strangely enough it only hits us with pursuit followed by shadow sneak so two thief attacks take her down in comes her miss maggie is next and this thing is always terrifying although thankfully in platinum it doesn't have thunderbolt which means switching is an option however i want to do some damage on it so i stay in and get confused by confused ray before hitting it with thief it then hits us with shadowball for about half even though it's resisted then our second thief just barely doesn't take it down before its citrusberry activates knowing we might get ko'd i switch into rivali who tanks it with about two-thirds gets hit again down to 24 hp but then assurance is able to take it down she still has one pokemon remaining though a haunter there's nothing i can do here so i go for assurance and surprisingly we outspeed but we don't get a crit it barely survives on like one hp it goes for shadow claw and thankfully it doesn't get a crit although it seems we would have survived one anyway she then uses a super potion and one more attack is able to take it down since it didn't quite heal the full amazing stuff but way closer than i expected three badges in the route 209 gate barry challenges us to battle and this is an interesting one because he leads with starravia with intimidate so we're kinda screwed either way i lead with stunky and just go for poison gas since i know this thing tends to spam double team so at least we have some guaranteed damage we then miss a screech and get hit by wing attack to a bit above half and then we miss again oh from here we get hit by wing attack down to 14 hp before our bury and then i hit it with slash hoping we can get a crit through the intimidate but we don't before poison brings it really low i'm forced to switch now and rivali tanks wing attack with above half before out speeding and taking it down from there we take down weisel in two blocks after our oranberry helps us get above half after a water gun now here i was feeling good because i looked at the wrong team setup for him i was expecting him to have rosalia not ponyta so we get hit to 26 hp before taking it down in two hits instead of one his final pokemon is his now evolved grottle and plucked us less than half razor leaf brings us to just 10 hp and now i have no choice i go for pluck and just hope for the super luck activation and we get it oh my god we were so damn close to getting over half damage so if we had lost out on that i would have lost my mind after that battle i realized we need to evolve evie as soon as possible so i give it the sooth bell which you can get in eterna forest only in platinum we also crawl all the way up the tower on route 209 to save the elderly have no fear ladies and i forgot they only give you garbage items not the strength hm like in diamond and pearl whoops on route 210 we can pick up a fantastic tm for ravali roost for some recovery we also get the payback tm from this karate dude which basically doubles in power if the user moves after the opponent could be useful we then arrive in veilstone city where the next gym is this kid in the veil stone department store says i'm going to give an hp up to my crew did you just say cricket taught after that traumatic experience i make sure to pick up the protect tm here since i think it will be very useful later on i also make sure to get gannon a massage before heading to the veilstone gym while taking out some fighting times ravali finally gets to level 31 where he learns taunt that's what i was waiting for so now we can finally use the dust stone to evolve them into a beastly haunt crow a pokemon i don't think i've really used in game before so that's awesome xanthe also learns night slash along the way which is great although perhaps not the greatest for this gym i also decided to teach the roost tm to ravali thinking it might be useful for the gym leader speaking of which it's time for the fighting type gym leader meilene now normally this would be petrifying for a dark type team but honchcro's flying type definitely saves us in this regard meleen starts the battle with a metatite as i lead rivali lock is an immediate outspeed and ko without a crit even incredible she next sends out machoke and pluck does quite a lot on it but then it hits us with super effective rock tomb for a third and which drops our speed since i know we'd survive i actually decided to go for roost tier and it used focus energy so now we can just take it down with pluck with full health nice her final pokemon is lucario which is actually not weak to flying and it out speeds and hits us with force palm to a bit above half 69 hp in fact nice before pluck then does less than half it then uses drain punch on us to low health and gets a ton of recovery before pluck brings it to about a third now we are very low even with the shell bell but i know if we switch in zan he'll get out spend and hit twice in a row which he cannot survive drain punch did 40 hp damage on us and we had 39 hp left too i was kicking myself but just hoped for a low roll and went for it and it ended up using metalclaw instead we survive on just three hp and can then ko it with one final attack unbelievable ravali is a god realizing how desperate our situation is i get ganon another massage man oh man he's spoiled and at night time i level him up and he's finally friendly enough to evolve into a beautiful umbreon which should help us a lot defensively now that route 214 south of vale stone is available to us and it's night time we can actually get our fourth encounter here a hound hour which is awesome for its fire typing and special attacking presence we catch one and nickname it dimitri and it ends up having a bashful neutral nature which i'm fine with after picking up the aerialized tm along the way i grind up her pokemon before the next gym during which dimitri evolves into a beastly hound doom and zan also ends up evolving into a scun tank which i'm quite excited about too on route 212 we can also pick up the crucially important toxic tm before making our way back to pastoria where barry decides to challenge us just feet away from the gym thankfully now that zant has evolved and learned flamethrower we can lead with him and essentially be unaffected by intimidate against steravia and take it down in two attacks for ponyta i then switch demetrion to absorb any potential fire moves and bite takes it down in two attacks as it just used tail whip twice weasel then comes in next and i switch in rivalli as we get hit by pursuit then pluck is able to one hit ko it and is a two hit ko on grottle afterwards those evolutions and new encounters certainly helped us the pistoria gym is a water type gym which is of course neutral against us except for hound doom and zen with night slash had some great damage output against the trainers before the gym leader i decide to use our toxic tm on umbreon who's able to use it infamously well in competitive it's time for the fifth gym leader wake the wwe madman he leaves with gyarados and i know everything we have is a bad matchup against its intimidate so i leave with ganon to get hit by waterfall before landing a toxic on it from there i then get hit again to below half before our citrusberry activates and then i use growl to lower its attack now that we have better survivability i used confused ray on top of that to try and render this thing much less of a threat a crit could take us out though so i switch into zand as gyrodo's hits itself in confusion it turns out we actually out speed so i can then take it down with a nice slash from there in comes quagsire next and i go for night slash before it hits us with super effective stab mud shot and lowers our accuracy knowing he'll probably use mud shot again i switch into rivali to predict it and it works and we get a free switch from here i hit it with pluck it misses rock tomb and another is able to take it down and comes his final pokemon and a huge threat for our team floatzel which has icefang i can't really switch though so i stay in and get hit below half and then activate my plan by hitting it with a pluck which takes its citrus berry from it so we get recovery from it and our shell belt now i was hoping this would be enough to survive another ice fang and it was as we live with just 11 hp hit it with pluck again but it survives in the red on just a sliver oh no that i did not account for here i know wake will heal up though so i stay in and go for pluck again hoping for a higher roll or something and we get a crit but it brings him down to the same health now i know we can't stay in but umbreon's weak houndoom would get destroyed so i'm forced to switch into zan and hope he can survive since his berry still hasn't activated we get hit by brine i was really hoping for aquajet there and our citrusberry brings us just below half literally one hp below which means brine would now be double power there is nothing i can do though so zant is taken down by a super powered brine ouch one hp off that really hurts thanks to zant's sacrifice we can now get a free switch into umbreon who handles a brine with just 18 hp and can respond with a faint attack to take that damn thing down fifth badge but it came at a cost after barry repeatedly calls wake master and proceeds to be an absolute squad we begin talking outside of the great marsh and no no no that was supposed to be our next encounter location thankfully parts of the great martial remain unscathed and we can search for our next encounter which i didn't pursue until now because it doesn't evolve until this new level cap anyway a scorupy which only appears here on certain days in certain sections and is a 10 chance but amazingly enough i found it pretty quickly in the first section we also successfully catch it which is no guarantee in safari zone kind of places and i nickname it moldorock moldorock has a relaxed nature plus defense and minus speed minus speed isn't great but might be good for payback at least before heading to celestictown i decided to teach rivali the fly hm for a bit more power not that a hodge crow will be useful for the next three gems in the slightest on the next route i actually employ a funny strat using ganon who has faint attack which can't miss and since i didn't use defog this essentially just lowers all the opposing trainers accuracy while ours is unaffected in celestic town we can pick up the wise glasses from this legend who will also give us other useful items at different times of the day so we'll have to remember to come back here in the celestic ruins cyrus gets angry about cynthia's grandma and i dating and challenges me for the right to date her as well he leads with a sneezel who dimitri is able to take down in a few fire fangs after we get hit by night slash his murkrow then gets hit with two fire fangs after its citrus berry activates and then whoa trill peck did a lot more than i thought before we could take it down with just 15 hp remaining golbat is then handled by a combination of ravali who got absolutely wrecked by misses combined with confusion before ganon could be switched in to save the day for winning we not only get to keep cynthia's grandma but she also gives us the surf hm now that we have surf we can make it to the fuego ironworks a rather hidden area wherein we can grab the flamethrower tm to teach it to dimitri since it will be very useful to have it early before he actually learns it via level up past the next couple of level caps with that we arrive in cantaloupe city and barry's battle on the bridge was quite manageable now that we have the wise glasses and flamethrower dimitri since his intimidate strat doesn't affect us i switched into rivali to handle his float soul and then back into dimitri for his rapidash which was handled with faint attack so that we could then out speed and take down his heracross which otherwise would have been a massive threat with close combat his torterra did massive damage on ganon 2 with a razor leap to the red but ultimately succumbed to toxic after getting the strength hm from riley and doing some training on iron island it's time for the cantileve gym this gym is a steel type 1 so dimitri is able to put in some serious work against the trainers during the process mulderrock evolves at level 40 into a beastly drapeon a really cool dark type in my opinion now that he can learn it i teach him the earthquake tm which should be quite powerful indeed the sixth gym leader is byron and i have a bit of a plan for this battle he leads with a magneton and i lead with dimitri drapeon with earthquake would have been great too but i wanted to ensure the outspeed which works as flamethrower is a one hit ko and comes his steelix next which is also a one hit with its terrible special defenses his final pokemon is a bastiodon which wouldn't get taken down by one flamethrower and which would destroy dimitri with stone edge so i switch into moldarock who has really high defense but still takes just about half damage four times super effective earthquake brings it to about a third but it's citrus berry heals it above half before he uses iron defense uh oh i have no other choice though so i go for earthquake again to bring him low and then he uses metal burst out of nowhere and we survive on just seven hp before our citrus bury and then can take him down with one more to win the battle wow that was close in the cantalave library we're trying to study quietly for our next exam and oh god what's with all these explosions everywhere lake valor is up next which team galactic has blown up so we need to beat commander saturn into the ground his golbat is handled by dimitri with a couple flamethrowers although he did get toxic in the process he then sends out a toxic roak which is a massive threat for us but a switch into rivali allows us to barely survive two attacks on just 10 hp before we can one hit koa with fly that thing could have potentially swept our entire team his bronzer is then an easy switch back into dimitri for the win at lake verity we have to take on some more galactic goofballs and like the elite vgcr i am okay i'm totally not i came up with a great strategy where we could send out more the rock and rivali so we could just earthquake everything getting damage on all pokemon except for rivali with his flying type amazing commander mars is our final galactic battle for now and she's always quite scary but i have a bit of a plan i send a mulderrock first against her golbat but it gets a crit right away on us to nearly half we hit it with payback to below half and then we can take it out with another after being brought quite low ourselves in comes bronzor next so i switch in dimitri for the flamethrower ko however this brings in per ugly next and unfortunately it does have the thick fat ability so fire moves aren't as effective on it i'm forced to switch so i go into ganon while i knew it would just use fake out however it immediately out speeds and puts us to sleep with hypnosis thankfully we wake up in a couple turns and can use growl then after being brought to half with slash i hit it with confused ray but then it just puts us to sleep yet again eventually we're brought too low so i have to switch into ravali now what i was worried about was a crit from slash since that would cancel out the growl we got off and at half health i'm able to hit it with fly to below half but its citrusberry activates now i thought two flies would do enough despite its berry but it turns out i should have used pluck instead as it barely survives on a sliver not good she then hits another hypnosis somehow that puts us to sleep hits us with another slash and we survive in the red i decide i have to switch into dimitri here and thankfully we don't get crit on two slashes in a row so we can take it out on the way to snowpoint city we find a soft sand item to boost ground moves and also the never melt ice to boost ice moves which should be fantastic for our next encounter which occurs right nearby on route 216 a sneasel we catch one and nickname it twily and it has a brave nature plus attack and minus speed plus attack is great but minus speed is terrible so i guess it balances out further on the route we encounter maylene who is barefoot in the snow and as soon as we talk to her this massive snowstorm begins did you summon this hail hellstorm demon just before snowpoint we wait a minute barry you used rock climb to get up there so how'd you get the badge already we just left oh you son of a we arrive at snowpoint city the location of our next gym battle and oh hey look there's the demon again stay away from me speaking of demons the seventh gym leader is candace the ice type trainer now i'm sure you can all imagine my strategy for this battle i got us up to the level cap sent out dimitri first with the wise glasses attached for extra power and flamethrower is able to out speed and one hit ko every pokemon on her team in rapid succession to win us our seventh badge dmitry is a monster what can i say before we head to the veilstone galactic headquarters we have a few power-ups we can do for our team first i fly to orberg city so that i can go back to the orber gate where now that we have strength we can access the brick brake tm which should be amazing for sneasel oh we also find out the true answers to the mysteries of the universe it turns out we might have been wrong after all i also teach mold the rock the rock slide tm and give it the rock incense for our upcoming battle in addition to heading to route 212 where we can use the shard movetutor to teach twily the ice punch move since its best ice move by level up is ice shard for some reason and also use the poison jab tm on moldorock for a better poison stab move with that it's time for cyrus now after all those preparations it turns out our unevolved sneasel with the never melt ice is able to sweep through his entire team with ice punch and drapeon wasn't even necessary with all the setup that we did for him to take on flying types interesting i was not really expecting that but i'll take it your leader is psychotic everyone follow me instead i'm slightly less psychotic what it's a good selling point no now something that's really cool is cyrus's office holds something that might be the key to this run a hidden item on the floor the razor claw which allows sneezel to evolve if you level it up while holding one thanks evil villain bent on destroying the universe at the peak of mount coronet comes the only place where you can find our final encounter an absol which is a five percent chance to find so it took a while we'll have to check its nature and whatnot later since we needed an hm pokemon to get up here which makes the next few battles especially difficult first up we have a double battle with barry against mars and jupiter this battle is interesting and basically my strategy consists of not allowing both their skuntank and perugli to be on the field at the same time but barry can be unpredictable and can mess that up quite easily dimitri makes quick work of one of the bronzors though and we can then just do over half damage on skuntank but his very helps it and hits us hard with poison jab to a third before their other bronzor uses lightscreen from here i decide to switch into mulderrock to resist the poison jab and to not be able to be hit by almost anything from the bronzer and i start using earthquake despite barry's pokemon since i'd like to get his intimidate star after out on the field anyway unfortunately he brings his stupid rapidash out next but we're able to take skuntank down as barry just barely doesn't take down the other bronzor which is actually a good thing eventually with rockslide we took down their bronzor and golbat leading perrugli as the only thing on the field amazingly various heracross survived the four times super effective aerial ace and then took pregley down with close combat unreal before their golbat could then be taken down in a couple attacks not bad before we head to the distortion world sneasel finally evolved into a wee vile which i imagine is going to be a great help especially against cyrus's team when we get to the distortion world cynthia's like there are no pokemon down here you're wrong about that one after reaching cyrus he challenges us to battle and he leaves with a hound doom as i send out moldorock amazingly he missed his attempt to burn us so soft sand boosted earthquake is an instant one hit ko he sends out gyarados with intimidate next so i switch into ganon who we used against wake's gyros and employ the same kind of strategy with toxic and growl before switching back into mold rock whose high defense and the growl allow us to take it down with a couple rock slides although it did hit us with super effective earthquake pretty low poncho then comes in and now's the time for twily although somehow he predicted our switch and went for heat wave of all things but thankfully not a crit and we survive on low health before taking it down with ice punch he then sends out weavile which i know will out speed our minus speed variance so i switch into houndoom knowing the best he's got is x's are against him the first hit brings us to just above half and i was nervous but the second brings us to nine hp before we could one hit ko it with flamethrower damn that was close his final pokemon is crowbad and rivalli is the only thing we have that's not crazy low health but he hits his heart with cross poison twice and poisons us before we hit it to about a quarter and we get some shell bell recovery everything on our team is incredibly low health and i have no idea what to do eventually i realize our only option is to sack rivali it won't be very useful for the next gem anyway to be honest so i just click roost and the crobat misses its air slash so we can take it down with a nice slash rivali is just straight up a miracle worker i could not believe this after twily punches giratina the god of the underworld square in the mouth i go to take out absol out of the pc and it turns out to have a jolly nature plus speed and minus special attack which is ideal finally we get a great nature with that we arrive in sunny shore and are ready to take on the final gym leader volkner an electric trainer i had a great strategy for him as his lead jolteon has thunder wave so i attached the cherry berry on moldarock but he doesn't use it and instead hits us with charge beam before our earthquake is just barely not able to take him out oops i guess soft sand would have been better after all he also got the special attack rays from charge beams so the next one after his hyper potion hits us to about a third before we ko him alright a disastrous start and my plan is foiled thankfully his raichu misses focus blast as i knew nothing could switch into two attacks from that thing an earthquake is a one-hit ko in comes his elective iron x and i thought at this health we could survive any physical attack from him and we do at just 6 hp but earthquake does not ko and he gets barry recovery here i'm forced to switch so i send in ganon and thankfully as i thought he just went for quick attack but we even survived thunder punch well so faint attack is able to take him down his final pokemon is luxray and with the help of a couple growls from ganon i'm able to switch safely into dimitri who can take him down in a few flamethrowers for our eighth and final badge after a long trek through victory road we arrive at our final challenge the pokemon league i do a ton of preparation for filling ravs getting the dark pulse tm for how doom and teaching night slash to weevile via the move tutor we do have our final rival battle against barry at the entrance but i made sure to get near the elite four level cap before challenging him so he's quite a manageable challenge with dimitri sweeping through star after with flamethrower even flosser with dark pulse heracross with flamethrower and then for torterra i switched in twily for the four times super effective ice punch switched in molder rock to take care of rapidash with earthquake and then paralyzed his snorlax using ganon's synchronizability against his own body slam then switched into nehru to overpower him with swords dance and night slash although we had some close paralysis calls for sure it's time for the league the first elite 4 member is aaron the bug type trainer i made sure to go back to the glasses guy in celestic town to grab the choice specs so dimitri is able to one hit ko every single member of his team with choi spec's boosted stabbed super effective flamethrower except his drapeon which survived on like 1 hp but could only do half damage before we ko'd it not a bad start the second elite 4 member is one i was really worried about bertha a ground type trainer and we have like no super effectiveness besides weville but all of her pokemon have rock moves so that's a no go i spent a lot of time theorycrafting for this battle and came up with what i thought was the best strategy let's give it a try she leads with wiscash and i leave with ganon who i use the protect tm on in place of confuserae my plan here was to basically just toxic stall the whisk cash and since we had leftovers on we were able to negate the sandstorm damage and stall out the sandstorm too however we brought it right to the red before bertha used a full restore but i predicted it and used toxic to get her again and over time we're able to take it down with pretty good health although the sandstorm was reactivated in comes what i'm most scared of her hyperior which has super effective moves against our entire team now i thought that it would go for megahorn which is why i led with ganon so i could use growl first but she goes for avalanche why in the world would the ai do that i'm not complaining though as now i hit it with toxic and then it went from mega horn but missed then i protect stalled it and used growl again before it hit us with mega horn but now it's not doing too much damage so i can stall it out with 73 hp remaining in comes glyscor next and it has a whole bunch of type coverage moves in this game but i switch in twilight nonetheless and it went for earthquake to take us below half before we could ko it with four times super effective stabbed never melted boosted ice punch golem then comes out next which has way too high defense so i switch in moldarock predicting the fire punch which it was however she gets the burn oh no i stay in knowing i need to get damage off and earthquake hardly does anything before it brings us to 11 hp after burn damage thankfully our black sludge saved us here i make the risky decision to switch in revali and she didn't go for earthquake this time what the actual and then we barely don't tail on a sliver before she full restores man oh man we get a crit on our next night slash though and then she uses thunder punch to bring us to the red and gets the paralysis so now i can't stay in the luck in this battle i swear i'm forced to switch into ganon now who's thankfully bulky enough to take an attack even at low health and take it out her final pokemon is hip-hop on perhaps the scariest of all with almost all our pokemon weak and it starts the sandstorm with only two protects left i use one at the start to try and stall the weather out and then i use growl but it uses yawn i use growl again knowing i need to lower its attack as much as possible and it hits it with earthquake but we're able to survive in the red after sandstorm but we fall asleep with its attack now lowered i can switch into nehru and she uses stone edge but gets a crit down to 13 hp what the is going on i send in dimitri who immediately gets rocked by earthquake everything we have is in the red i have no choice but to just try and get big damage i go for dark pulse it brings it to a third and finally the luck turns in our favor as it flinches allowing us to finally take it down and end this hellish battle no words just no words the third elite four member is flint the fire trainer realizing how much trouble we've already had i decide to use the last of our rare candies on our party he starts with hound doom and i lead with moldarock with the metronome item attached from the veilstone game corner going for earthquake which is going to raise in power each turn we use it consecutively and it takes down houndoom immediately he then sends out infernape which hits us with earthquake for a bit less than half but our earthquake somehow doesn't ko and he then uses a full restorer but the next one takes it to just a sliver as well it then uses flare blitz out of nowhere and we survived on just two hp before he goes down to recoil holy next this is flareon and here i switched into twily figuring we could bait the quick attack and we did so i can go for a soft sand boosted dig to take it down was definitely worth the tm as now i can do the same to rapidash and his meg mortar too the last elite 4 member is the psychic type trainer lucian and although we have a dark type team he has some tricks up his sleeve so we've got to be careful he leaves with mr mime and i leave with twily i cannot allow him to set up reflex so i'm going full power with dreadplay boosted nightslash for the ko he then sends out glade which we can't one hit ko and of course has fighting moves so i switch into moldarock and he went for stone edge for about a third i hit him with poison jab just to get some damage and it does right above half before he hits us with another stone edge thankfully our next hit does just enough to ko as bronzong comes out next and thinking he'll go for earthquake i send out ravali and then i switch into hound doom knowing he won't earthquake a flying type and the plan works as he just goes for calm mind and choice specs boosted flamethrower still does enough to ko him he sends out alakazam next which does have focus blast so i switch in rivalli focus blast misses and then he hits us with one on the next turn for over half and then nice slash gets the job done man that miss was actually needed it seems his final pokemon is espeon which is also a one hit with night slash it's time for the champion the sinnoh champion is of course none other than cynthia and her team is always terrifying but i'm out for revenge her lead spirit tomb looks like a near impossible threat with no weaknesses and silver wind but i led with rivali who i noticed none of her moves can really do that much on and fly as a two-hit ko although he missed one and got brought to half saving the day as always rivali beats out togekiss which has shock waves so i switch in moldarock but she went for air slash instead which did over half but we have the black sludge to bring us just over again so i can go for rock slide before we get hit to just six hp before recovery here i switched to twily and she went for water pulse and now i can respond with ice punch for the ko lucario comes out next and my calcs tell me i won't ko with dig and everything else would get rocked by aurosphere so i'm forced to sack moldarok rest in peace king now i can switch in dimitri for the outspeed and flamethrower ko this baits out milosek now and i swap into ganon who i had been conserving purposefully since he's our only way to handle this thing being able to toxic stall it into oblivion although it brought us all the way down to 23 hp before recovery in comes the monster guard chomp and there's obviously nothing we can switch in so it's time to let gannon go twily then comes out and being one of the few things that could out-speed garchomp absolutely rocks it with a four times super effective stab never melt ice boosted ice punch damn that feels good their final pokemon is amir roserade the one that if you guys have seen our other gen 4 runs you know has been an absolute pain beyond imagination so ice punching this thing square in the mouth is the best feeling i've ever had we've done it with that we've beaten a platinum hardcore nuzlocke with only dark types and what a fun run it was dark types are definitely much better than they were in gen 3 and deservedly so if you enjoyed the run please don't forget hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 547,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke with only dark types?!, can i beat a pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat pokemon platinum, pokemon challenge, pokemon platinum nuzlocke, pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can i beat pokemon platinum nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke dark, hardcore nuzlocke only dark types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, platinum nuzlocke
Id: AMGXyH9-zFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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