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welcome everyone my name is self and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon crystal with only grass-type pokemon if you've seen my videos before or other monotype hardcore does locks you know the rules but i'll put them up for reference if you want to pause and read through them the grass type was certainly an interesting one in gen 1 with the vast majority of grass pokemon being part poison gen 2 however brought a bit more variety in terms of typing and in crystal in particular these fully evolved pokemon were available in the jodo portion of the game since we have a rule against legendaries we of course will not be allowed to use celibi which i must admit is a very tough loss aside from that this selection of pokemon is looking uh very underwhelming but gentoo's major trainers and their typings are looking like they might make things even more difficult for us let's see how this goes as with most games we start off in our house talking to our mother who is with some stranger hello silf i'm visiting so have you heard my daughter is adamant about becoming professor elm's assistant she really loves pokemon and gold's just sitting there like who are you why are you in my house and is your daughter single with that out of the way it's time to pick our starter and we get one that we can actually keep in this challenge chicorita which we nicknamed littlefoot now normally this is where i tell you guys what nature it has but uh nature's didn't exist in this gen one of the very many interesting mechanics it has which is what encouraged me to try out older games for hardcore nuzlockes in the first place speaking of which uh why is there an oddish in our party on our way to mr pokemon's house we pick up a berry from a tree no name no type just berry oh there we go a sinker berry wow what a game after meeting with mr pokemon and surprisingly enough professor oak himself oak leaves and mr pokemon knocks us out to erase our memory of ever having met him those two are up to some shady sh these days as if things weren't shady enough some red haired dude decides to battle us after stealing a cinderquil from elm's lab and thankfully we're able to outdo him despite his cynical shooting laser beams from its eyes what a leer animation we also get 69 experience for winning obligatory nice my name is question mark elma's assistant gives us some pokeballs which means that the run has officially begun and we can get some new encounters the first comes on route 30 where we can catch a lovely hop hip which we nicknamed q-tip it'll make more sense once it's reached its final form now there is a big problem here and is that hoppip only knows splash and it doesn't get an actual attacking move until tackle at level 10. brutal our first trainer battle is against our good old friend youngster joey who at this point is in his prime we all know he became champion in kanto and now he's just hanging out in the earlier roots of johto destroying noob trainers what a legend on our way littlefoot gets to level 8 and learns razer leaf and we're already nearing the level cap but thankfully our next encounter is found on route 31 where we can get a bellsprout we catch one and nickname it vacuum no innuendos intended thankfully we do have a relatively easy way to train our pokemon especially since we have to switch train hoppip and that's the dark cave with the geodudes in there now i suppose i should address this now don't worry about our evs and what specific pokemon we fight evs work much differently in this generation where you can get up to 65 535 per stat with no total limit across stats like the 510 limit that exists nowadays with our pokemon now at a sufficient level it's time for our first major challenge the violet city gym now this gym oh boy this gym it's a flying type gym of course an absolute disaster for us and the level cap for faulkner is nine yup nine incredibly low to the point where hoppit can't even get an attacking move yet and all three of our pokemon are weak to the gym's type the very first trainer is mandatory and he has a level 9 sphero which should realistically be able to out speed and sweep our entire team with peck so i spent a lot of time theorycrafting as to how we could possibly beat him eventually i decide our only option is to actually waste all of q-tip's powerpoints points on caterpie 75 moves in total so we can use struggle a 50 power normal move with recoil thankfully hophip does learn synthesis so we can use that instead of having to rely on potions since poke centers would heal power points as well obviously after that painstakingly long process it's time to try this out my strategy is to lead with little foot and i try to use growl as many times as i can to lower spiro's attack peck does huge damage to us just less than half and thankfully our berry comes in handy after we got brought to 5 hp after our 4th growl he hits us again and my calculations tell me we should live and we do on just one hp so i can get just one tackle off that was way too close with spiro's attack now lowered significantly i switch into vacuum and get hit to half before i use growth to charge up our special attacks since we only have vine whip even still it hardly does anything as we're brought to 8 hp before our barry helps us back to 18. bellsprout then amazingly survives with 4 hp a couple attacks later and we brought spiro to the red from here i switch into hophip who tanks peck quite well and since we have struggle we can now take it out being brought to just under half man oh man to think this is only a regular traitor battle i am terrified for faulkner while procrastinating i went to one of the houses and this guy offers to trade his onyx for a bellsprout and i mean we do have a bellsprout you guys won't tell on me if i accept this right onyx would be a godsend right about now the second trainer is still a challenge with two level seven pidgeys but thankfully they only seem to have tackle so we manage them pretty well with that it's time for faulkner himself now the key to my plan here was to level up all three of our pokemon to high level 9 since in hardcore nuzlockes you just have to be at or below the level cap when the battle starts but you can level up mid battle faulkner's first pokemon is a level 7 pidgey which i know only has tackle so i send out q-tip first i decide to start using tail up against it to lower its defense so our next switch in can take it out easier the good thing about this strategy is that q-tip does have synthesis so after a few tail whips and being brought to 8 hp i can use it twice to get as close to full health then i switch into vacuum just so that it can get some xp and then i switch into littlefoot with pidgey's defense now so low it's a two hit ko and only does six hp damage on us since all three of our pokemon were on the field they all get xp and level up in comes the big threat his level 9 pitchiotto i know i need to lower this thing's attack so i use growl but stab super effective gus brings us down to 11 hp before we land it and then our berry helps us up to two thirds the next hit brings us to 9 hp and we get another growl off and according to my calcs we should be able to survive another one after that attack drop and we do with three hp and can get one tackle off from here i switch into vacuum and now the pidgeotto's attack has been lowered we survived two with five hp now here's another key i taught vacuum the flash hm that we got from the sprout tower which after 13 entire game wipes i've learned is necessary pidgeotto still lands another gust to bring us to 4 hp and we can land another flash it's time for the end of our strategy switching in q-tip who thank god learned tackle when it got to level 10 mid-battle but it's still not enough i have to land some tail whips to lower its defense first thankfully we land three of them before getting hit and gus brings us below half it lands yet another one in a row but we survive on three hp and from here can use synthesis to heal above half but we get hit again although i had used synthesis again it hits another one though and i use tackle here which still hardly does anything i have one synthesis left and it hits gust beforehand but we survive on literally one hp this is it it hits us again to 5 hp tackle brings it into the red and now we need it to miss here that is our only shot i go for tackle and it does miss gus so we can take it down with one final move oh my god flash came in clutch honestly after i had wiped a few times i was thinking this battle would be impossible and when i set out and planned this run in the first place i wasn't sure it would be possible at all but we found a strategy that worked and were lucky enough not to get crit this was the battle that i had to reset the entire game most for out of any run that we've done even over platinum with ghost types unbelievable first badge down and another big challenge is up ahead while making our way to azalea littlefoot ends up learning reflect at level 12 which should be quite an awesome move union cave is usually quite a big challenge for us but since it's filled with rock types like geodude and onyx along with water types like slowpoke our grass team is actually pretty well suited for it slowpoke well also goes relatively smoothly with the help of reflect although it certainly made me realize how tough team rocket is going to be in this run since normally they run with poison types upon arrival in azalea town i realize we're very much nearing the level cap of 15 so it's gym time now this gym is also a terrifying one for us being a bug type gym but thankfully vacuum is able to pull us through most of the gym since its part poison typing allows it to not be weak to bug nor poison moves we did have a very close call against the final trainer's b-drill though and along the way vacuum learned sleep powder and q-tip learned stun spore with that it's time for the second gym leader bugsy bugsy leads with a metapod and i lead with q-tip now that we have stunsport i decide to paralyze it right off the bat this way i can start spamming tail whip to lower his defense as we'd hardly be able to touch it otherwise even though he has hardened the paralysis kind of tips the balance in our favor and we're able to take him down only taking 12 hp damage in the process mugsy sends in kokuna next and since it has poison sting it would be a bad idea to stay in so i switch into bellsprout while he uses harden here i can use sleep powder and now i try to start loading up on growth so we can do any damage at all since he four times resists vine whip over time we take him out taking 12 hp damage again in the process now in comes the big concern bugsy scyther which is another reason it was smart to get bellsprout out since it's not weak to bug either he hits us with leer to lower our defense and i use a sleek powder on it knowing scyther 4 times resists vine web as well i switch into little foot this way i can now get reflect up to increase our team's defense i can also hit it with growl to start really dropping its attack however he wakes up and goes for a stab super effective fury cutter now although that didn't do much at all the key is that in gen 2 fury cutter increases in power each time it's used consecutively which is very scary the good thing is though with reflect up we can safely switch again to try and put it to sleep that way we interrupt the fury cutter chain vacuum does get hit low but we land the sleep powder thankfully even though it's only 75 accuracy from here i could reset the reflect and now it's about striking at the right time our very first tackle misses though but then we hit one and it hardly does anything at all yikes i switch into q-tip but he wakes up again i decide to just hit it with a stun spore from here but he does hit us with leer since paralysis is permanent i won't have to switch quite as much and it should still interrupt fury cutter quite frequently another switch into littlefoot gets the reflect up and now i can switch back into q-tip to start using tail whip to lower its defense it keeps breaking out of paralysis though but synthesis comes in handy here despite the lyrics with his defense sufficiently lowered i switch into little foot set up the reflect again and now can start slamming him with tackle which does a bit less than a quarter now however he starts hitting us with fury cutter but we get a crit and then he stays paralyzed he hits us again but now we could just out speed and take him down a crazy strategy but it worked kind of necessary when trying to keep a scyther at bay two badges down before we leave azalea i know we have a rival battle so i decide to do a little bit of grinding during the process chikorita finally evolves into a beautiful bay leaf which should be helpful now looking at silver's team i actually decide to use the mud slap tm that faulkner gave us and teach it to littlefoot silver leads with a ghastly which can be quite annoying with hypnosis lick with a chance to paralyze and spite but keep in mind that since there are no abilities in this generation ghastly doesn't have levitate and is therefore weak to ground moves not only that but mudslap lowers accuracy too which is devastating for hypnosis which only has 60 accuracy to begin with mudslap does a bit less than half and then he indeed misses hypnosis then we get a crit to take him down on the next one nice zubat comes in next which is a bit troublesome for us so i switch in q-tip to put it to sleep from there i can lower its defense and take it down with a few tackles now the main reason i wanted to get q-tip out was for the incoming quilava a brutal threat for us he immediately out-speeds and goes for ember and we survive on just 6 hp and can hit him with the sleep powder i knew it was going to be close but damn from here i send in littlefoot and start using mud slap which is super effective and non-crit attacks do very little but they are lowering his accuracy too amazingly he woke up and hit us with ember but then missed his next one so we could take him out mudslap was absolutely crucial there from here the game starts to really open up for us and i picked up the game again at night which allows us to get a new exclusive nighttime encounter in the ilex forest oddish which is about a 50 chance encounter paris is also available only in this forest at a five percent encounter but honestly oddish is a way better choice overall which is why i waited for night time wait what the pokedex just calls it weed they're not even trying to hide it i decide to name it blaze it accordingly while looking at our party i was like wait a minute why are all our pokemon oddishes gotta love these older games moving on in the forest we stumble upon the faded ilex shrine can can we just catch celebi please it is a grass type on our way through hophip ends up evolving into a skip loom and honestly even hothip was quite useful so i'm excited about this one i've always loved hoppip's evolutionary line anyway leaving ilex forest we enter route 34 where now that we have headbutt which i teach to q-tip we can get a new encounter execute there is literally one single head-buttable tree on this route and it takes a while but eventually we catch one and nickname it over hard which is the way that i like my eggs best you guys let me know what egg camp you're in in the comments i'm sure the debate will be civil with that we arrive in goldenrod city the location of our next gym we encounter bill's mom too who says bill is an expert he just got called to the pokemon center in ecruteak city my husband went off to the game corner without being called man even gen 2's dialogue is great the goldenrod gym is of course a normal type gym and overhard actually does great here to counter pokemon powering up since he has leech seed for guaranteed damage and recovery in no time we arrive at one of the most feared gym leaders in history whitney now ironically enough i'm not feeling too bad about this one yet we had immense trouble with the other two that people usually find easy gotta love monotype hardcore nuzlockes for this reason whitney leads with a clefairy and i lead with overhard i immediately hit it with leech seed and it actually got the four-time super effective fury cutter from metronome but missed alrighty then it then got cursed as we hit it with confusion and i go for reflect to be safe and it gets resisted mega drain next before we can take it out thank god it didn't get a good move from metronome you never know with that move in comes the bane of everyone's existence miltank it goes for rollout and then i hit it with leech seed now rollout of course gets more powerful every turn but it missed its second one breaking the chain although we missed our hypnosis it starts another chain and we miss hypnosis again yet it misses again what is this battle i say screw it and go for the reflect to help us out defensively then we just start using confusion combined with leech seed this was quite effective and we whittle miltank all the way down after landing a hypnosis eventually all this time for decades people have been searching for an effective miltank counter i think this is it leech seed reflect and hypnosis are like the perfect moves now we know why they put execute right before the gym on our way to accuracy blaze it evolves into a gloom which should provide us with some more bulk alright there is nothing that made me feel as cool as showing my friends back in the day that you can hop the fence here in the national park i feel like i'm alice in wonderland over here now unfortunately our next encounter is located here but it only shows up during the day and not in the morning so we'll have to postpone that for a bit after apparently qualifying to hold a squirt bottle since we've acquired all three gym badges whatever that means we spray the tree blocking the road which is apparently supposed to help and oh god it's alive upon our entrance into ecruteak city bill comes by casually and explains that he's invented time travel and it turns out nobody really cares poor guy while facing the kimono girls vacuum ends up evolving into a weeping bell which should be quite helpful for the next gym in the burn tower we encounter silver again who blames us for him not being able to find the legendary pokemon what the f silver's haunter is handled quite well by mudslap although it does get the paralysis with lick right before we take him down very unfortunate his zubat then comes out and i switch into q-tip who avoids supersonic and does slightly less than half with headbutt before getting confused by confused ray thankfully we snap out of confusion right before ko'ing him and in comes quilava i'm thankful we got skiploom out here and i go for a headbutt before getting smashed with ember and then i go for sleep powder to try and be a bit safer which allows us to then get the leech seed off which in combination with headbutt is able to do the job his final pokemon is magnemite which i realized actually counters us quite well i decided to switch since i know the most he can do is 20 hp damage on us with sonic boom and we have 43 hp left so we can survive two of them he indeed hits us twice to three hp and then we land mud slap through paralysis which does over half now i can switch into blaze it who finishes off the job with a few absorbs and stunsport a solid battle next up is the equity gym thankfully executes confusion and bayleaf's mudslap are able to take us through the trainers but before morty's battle i was studying his team and realized we have absolutely no way to handle him and especially not his gengar with a hypnosis a hundred power dream eater and mean look combo he could literally sweep our entire team with ease we need something more and i have an idea i decided to go back before goldenrod and battle picnic or gina who i forgot to battle after the battle she gives you her number we got it boys and she tells you if she finds a cool item that she'll save it for you and this happens to be a leaf stone while we're waiting for her to call us i decide to go back and pick up some re-sprouted berries which we need and i also get the miracle seed which i realized we forgot although that won't be much help for this gym and since it's daytime we can also hit up the national park to catch our next encounter a completely overpowered sun kern which we catch a nickname colonel as in the military rank hey i thought it was clever eventually we get a call from our good old friend gina and she gives us the leafs oh wait oh thank god i thought she might not give it to us since our bag was full with that i decided to make the move that might possibly save us for this gym by using it on over hard to evolve it into a beastly exeggutor let's cross our damn fingers that this is enough morty is a ghost type gym leader with all of his pokemon also having the poison type which means that they resist grass he leaves with a ghastly as i send out over hard we outspeed and hit him with confusion which is a one hit ko nice andre comes in next and it goes for curse immediately after which confusion also takes it out but now we have damage every turn right as gengar is coming out yikes he goes for hypnosis right away on us and hits it which is not good i decide since i know he's gonna go for a dream eater here i might as well switch and i send out little foot and the prediction works i then go for mudslap to try and make hypnosis impossible to hit but he hits one successfully again before i can dream eater then does nearly half damage on us from full i stay in and we get hit by it again down to 6 hp this is not looking good i'm forced to switch so i go into q-tip as he goes for dream eater again from here he finally misses a hypnosis thank god so i can land the leech seed for guaranteed damage and recovery from here knowing he'll probably try to use hypnosis i switch into over hard who's already asleep get some leech seed damage then send in q-tip but it seems he's learned our strategy as he now goes for shadow ball for over half damage too he then misses another hypnosis though and i can land the sleep powder here we go i now switch back into overhard and the sleep powder and leech seed combination combined with us waking up before him allow us to ko him with confusion that was a pretty solid strat but you can very well see that with bad hypnosis luck we could have been swept entirely before we move on i realized that it was tuesday meaning the bug catching contest was on winning the bug catching contest is the only possible way to get a sunstone in this game so i think it's fair if i catch a pokemon in it and release it immediately after just to pull off the w since i mean we could just say we're using it for hms anyway and are never sending it into battle a level 14 scyther gets the job done and we get a sunstone as a reward which i'm going to hold on to until sunkern gets to level 31 so it learns synthesis before evolving after a brief stop in olivine city where we get the strength hm we make it to the battle tower which has no part in our story but is pretty cool since it's the first one ever created in the franchise quite a cool crystal exclusive feature upon arrival in cienwood city we nearly lost over har to uzine's stupid pokemon but we crush his hopes and dreams nonetheless suicune is mine you little with that the fifth gem is upon us the fighting type gym led by chuck it's a neutral gym and our team does quite well against it and skiploom resists fighting too speaking of which q-tip evolves into a jumploff one of my favorite underrated pokemon of all time it's honestly really good and competitive nowadays too after one close call it's time to face the fifth gym leader jesus man chill out now for this battle my only concern is that we do have to remain relatively under leveled since the level cap for this battle is 30 yet two gyms from now in mahogany town the level cap is 31 which is kinda crazy chuck leads with a prime ape and the obvious choice here is over hard i decided to go for reflect first to prepare for his next pokemon and we just get hit by fury wipes and two resisted karate chops before taking him down in two confusions in comes poliwrath next which is quite beastly but it goes for resisted surf to start which doesn't do a whole lot i then go for leech seed just in case he decides to use status and he indeed does landing a hypnosis on the next turn i stay in as he goes for dynamic punch which hits despite being 50 accuracy which brings us below half and confuses us hmm thankfully i had prepared for this with a bitter berry which cures confusion and our leech seed is still helping us he hits yet another dynamic punch somehow and we're confused again so much for that plan he then hits a third one in a row and we're still not waking up so all of a sudden i'm worried but he does finally miss one before then hitting another since we're just not waking up we finally do but then we hit ourselves in confusion my god what bad luck we're within crit range now so i'm forced to switch and i go into vacuum who avoids two hypnosises to smack polywrath into oblivion with vine whip alright that was way more difficult than i had imagined but we pulled through after the battle he says from now on i'm gonna train 24 hours a day ma'am are you aware that your husband is categorically insane once good old amphi is cured at the olivine lighthouse gym leader jasmine then agrees to battle us the steel type is a troublesome one as it does resist basically every move that we have since we only have grass psychic and normal ones for the most part but i have a bit of a plan she leads with a magnamine and i lead with little foot i go for mud slap right away hoping we could cause the thunder wave to miss but it does less than half and she still hits us with it thankfully i put a purple pearl's kerberry all right it's a paralyzed cure berry guys come on on littlefoot as two more mudslaps then take it out as it misses supersonic now this surprised me i thought she'd send out her second magnemite next but she actually goes in with steelix i go for reflect since irontail could do some big damage and even after the reflect it still does i start hitting mud slaps though which drop its accuracy even further from iron tail's base 75 accuracy now i can go for synthesis but the problem is that mudslap hardly does anything at all in terms of damage with his accuracy as low as possible i decide to set reflect up again and start hitting it with razor leaf which has a high critical hit ratio incredibly her stelix keeps hitting iron tails somehow and jasmine heals it to full as we heal with synthesis this ends up being a crazy back and forth and i made a mistake thinking razor leaf would ko at one point but it didn't and we got brought to 16 hp and in a panic i just decided to ko it not thinking about the next magnemite since it has sonic boom i switch into blaze it to put it to sleep and then endure a painstaking leech seed stall with over hard to win us the battle tricky but manageable we take the ridiculously complicated path to get the hidden power tm and i punch a shiny gyros in the mouth steal its red scale and trade it to mr pokemon in exchange for the experience here which is going to be very useful for colonel who has been replaced by hm mons for a little while now and this will also keep us under the ridiculous level cap too wait a minute lance what are you doing no don't kill him oh hey look our arch nemesis darth bay leaf eventually gina ends up calling us with a leaf stone again so now we can evolve mr vacuum into a victory bell which should give us some good offensive power and good timing too the mahogany town gym is an interesting one yes it is an ice type gym which is super effective against every one of our pokemon but funnily enough most of the trainers have water types too such as the shelter line the seal line the horsey line etc although we did have some close calls since the former two also have the ice typing during the gym events colonel ends up learning synthesis which means we can finally use our hard-fought sunstone to evolve it into an absolute beast of a sunflower sunflora it's time for gym leader price now the good news is that all three of price's pokemon are weak to grass but all of our pokemon are weak to his too so let's see how this goes he leads with a seal and i start off with blaze it who i gave a berry to i hit it with sleep powder off the bat then switch into vacuum who i gave the miracle seed to for extra power so that we could use growth and charge up with vine whip for the sweep but seal wakes up immediately and hits with an aurora beam ouch switching here would kinda be silly so i go for growth nonetheless but he uses icy wind on this turn which also lowers our speed that was the worst possible scenario and completely ruins my plan not a good start to this battle but vine whip then one hit kozhin in comes dugong next and it goes for aurora beam as i stay in we survive on 10 hp and then vine whip does a bit over half i'm forced to switch here so i go into littlefoot who tanks one with above half then razorlee finishes him off in comes his final pokemon piloswine who i'm feeling nervous about since it has blizzard and is very bulky i switch into blaze it and blizzard misses thankfully since it only has 70 accuracy and then i can tag him with sleep powder from here i start spamming absorb and on the last one price ends up using a hyper potion to undo all of our progress he then wakes up on the next turn but misses blizzard again amazing from there we hit him with a few more absorbs and he stays asleep so we can take him out a very rough start but a very smooth ending perfectly balanced as all things should be now an interesting thing here is that since team rocket is now kicked out of mahogany town the rockets who are charging a toll at the gate have disappeared and the guard here gives us the sludge bomb tm which they apparently left behind i teach it to vacuum who's a perfect candidate for it and who doesn't learn it by level up unfortunately after a bunch more rocket nonsense in goldenrod which exeggutor really carried us through we nearly lost colonel to a self-destructing coughing and jump off sleep powder saved us against the final executive's fire types and we have another rival battle in the underground he starts with a gobat which despite out speeding and confusing us which our bitter berry saves us from the first time is taken down by overhard and a couple confusions with the help of reflect sneezel is sent out next which is a big problem for us especially as we're confused so i switch into blaze it who puts it to sleep and whittles it down with acid what lava is sent out next and now has flame wheel which i can't switch anyone into really so i risk it and blaze it survives on just 11 hp before our berry and we land the sleep powder which allows us to then switch in vacuum who now gives us a great way to do damage with sludge bomb and it's a 2-hit ko magnamite is next and i decide to stack up on gross and take it down with several vine whips being paralyzed and brought below half in the process his final pokemon is haunter and i switch in q-tip who gets mean looked but that's not a terrible thing since we outspeed it and can put him to sleep before leech c does his thing over time he's definitely gotten more challenging but we have enough diversity on our team now to kind of strategize around him on our way to blackthorne city littlefoot finally ends up evolving into a meganium something we really should have done before silver's battle if i'm honest we next reach route 44 the location of our seventh and final encounter now on the face of it room 44 doesn't appear to have any grass at all but there's this little patch between these two lakes that has rare pokemon like liquor tongue and our encounter tangala we successfully catch one and nickname it noodles noodles is gonna go on the pc for now as it doesn't really add much value to our team at the moment but that's not to say that i don't love tangela after a trek through the ice cave we arrive in blackthorne the location of the final gym a dragon type gym unfortunately we do need strength for the gym puzzle so i leave colonel behind for an hm pokemon gym leader claire leaves with a dragonair and i figure the best bet we've got is just tanky power so i lead with littlefoot with the pink bow item attached which you can get from mary after you liberate the goldenrod radio tower this gives us a boost to body slam which does over half then dragon air goes for thunder wave to paralyze us then dragon breath twice before we stay paralyzed and hit it down to half at about 69 hp nice before we can take it out quite an unfortunate start her second dragonair then goes for ice beam immediately but we do survive and get the synthesis off thankfully i use this strategy again and then go for a body slam after we get hit to around half and we land one and get a crit but it just barely doesn't ko so it didn't really matter we then survive ice beam on 30 hp and can take it down her third dragonair now comes out and i can't test my luck here so i switch into over hard this dragonair doesn't have anything super effective against us so i just take it on blow for blow and at one point dragon breath paralyzed but our barry healed it so we could take it down with a crit confusion her final pokemon is the mascot of my channel kingdra and i hit it with leech seed right away the best move that it has is hyper beam so i go for reflect to help us out and then switch into vacuum who has the best neutral damage we can muster with sludge bomb but we get paralyzed right off the bat by dragon breath thankfully sludge bomb is able to take her down in a few hits after she hyper potions giving us our eighth and final gym badge realizing we're getting near to the end and blaze it still hasn't evolved into a vileplume i decide to try an old trick in new bark town your mom asks you if you want to change to daylight saving time and if you keep turning this on and off it will kind of skip time and encourage the trainers you have in your phone to call you i delete everyone's number but gina and eventually it works and we get one final leaf stone which we can use to get vileplume the perks of being loyal our team is finally fully evolved the long trek through victory road goes smoothly and we arrive at our final rival battle which is scary since his kualava has since evolved into a typhlosion thankfully with the level cap so high for the elite four we can now kind of over level him with sniezel being taken down by meganium golbat getting rocked by body slam as well before i set up our newly learned light screen preemptively since i know typhlosion is the only super effective pokemon he has and so it will likely be sent out next which helps us survive his fire moves which are all special in gen 2 and we take him out with 45 hp remaining magneton is trouble of course typewise but lightscreen combined with sleek powder leech seed and jumploff's newly learned mega drain are a fatal combo for it despite us being paralyzed exeggutor then handles haunter quite easily with confusion and candabra suffers the same fate since we resist its moves amazing stuff with that it's time for the pokemon league oh now you call me out of your own accord gina i see how it is the first elite four member is will the psychic type trainer now initially i was super worried about this battle since he has psychic ice and flying types all super effective against our team but i came up with a strategy for him he leads with azatu and i send a little foot my goal here is to set up lightscreen since most of his pokemon are special attackers and he uses psychic afterward which only does about 20 hp now pink bow boosted body slam then does over half but he breaks through to hit us with confused ray nonetheless thankfully we break through and ko him with another though jinx comes out next and we're able to get off a body slam but it just barely survives but it just went for a lovely kiss what in the world well i'll take it as we can now ko it exeggutor comes out next as our light screen goes down but i figure exeggutor can't do much against us and body slam does nearly half and paralyzes nice two more hits then take him down as he just went for leech seed what even are these ai choices his second zatu is handled similarly to the first and gives us the opportunity to get light screen up again although will's hyper potion made it a bit more of a struggle as we got confused again slowbro is his last pokemon and it's handled quite well by two razor leafs littlefoot was a monster here light screen and our paralysis luck made this go quite smoothly the second elite 4 member is koga the former fuchsia city gym leader who uses poison types now one would imagine this battle would be quite tough for us but exeggutor's typing is fantastic here and only one of his pokemon has an offensive poison move aeria dose is a one heckel with confusion and the same goes for his venomoth amazingly enough and it missed its toxic too which could have proved really troublesome fortress does have explosion though so i used reflect to survive it but it didn't end up going for it so i just used leech seed and confusion to whittle it down muck comes out next which does have sludge bomb but it just went for acid armor instead as it gets taken down into attacks reflect would have protected us quite well anyway his final pokemon is crowbat and it just hit us once with wing attack before we ko'd it next up is bruno and i have always said that exeggutor is the absolute best pokemon against bruno in every game being super effective against everything that he has further to that reflect also helps immensely which we set up while his hitmontop was underground during dig giving us both the offensive and defensive capabilities to essentially sweep through his entire team with confusion only being brought to about two-thirds in the process the final elite four member is karen and she's one that i'm actually really worried about not only is her team quite bulky but every single member is a problem for us and especially her houndoom she leads with umbreon which is one of the most annoying pokemon in this game since it has sand attack confused ray and mean look so i try to out status her by leading with q-tips to use sleep powder on it right off the bat we're able to get it quite low on health with leech seed and giga drain however it wakes up with low health then hits us with confused rey after we missed our next sleep powder but we pull through in the end however she immediately goes for houndoom next now this surprised me big time as her vileplume does have super effective acid so i thought it would be sent out next but i guess not since we've got the flying type i tried to go for sleep powder here as we do out speed but we hit ourselves in confusion then hound doom goes for flamethrower and we survive on just 12 hp before our berry holy now being confused it wouldn't be too smart to stay in here especially when trying to go for a 75 accuracy move so i switch in little foot and i thought we'd be able to get the light screen up after being hit and survive the next one but nope we get the light screen up but littlefoot goes down to flamethrower damn that is not good i send in blaze it next who tanks flamethrower with over half thanks to littlefoot's lightscreen sacrifice and we put it to sleep with sleep powder now i know we need neutral offensive power and our best bet is vacuum who is thankfully able to three hit koh her with sludge bomb after karen max potions it oh man from there violet was taken down with a few neutral sludge bombs as well and then gengar comes out and paralyzes us with lick immediately i switch into overhard here and thankfully she just went for a spite i use leech seed after we get hit by lick and then i use stun spore and then confusion which is a ko her final pokemon is murkrow and faint attack actually does huge damage on us but i get the leech seed off our stun spore then misses so i'm forced to switch and we're really running out of options here but i go back into vacuum who's paralyzed and leech seed helps us and allows us to get a sludge bomb off after a couple turns remaining paralyzed which does take her out wow what a battle that was a super unfortunate loss of meganium especially with our biggest challenge yet coming up lance's team is literally the worst thing imaginable for our team just straight up flying types everywhere we have no super effectiveness against them and some of them outspeed all of our team i theorycrafted for a long time for this battle and finally came up with somewhat of a plan let's see if it has any hopes of working here goes nothing he leads with a gyarados and i lead with q-tip we outspeed it and hit it with sleep powder and then i set up leech seed gyros wakes up right away but thankfully just goes for rain dance i reset the sleep and now i switch into over hard now here is the key i taught the rollout tm to her which we got from route 35 it's super effective against his entire team and builds up in power every turn but we just have to hope that we hit them gyro stays asleep and we get too off and now rollout's getting pretty powerful unfortunately he sends out dragonite next not aerodactyl or charizard but it does have blizzard so i guess it makes sense our third rollout then just barely doesn't chao it in the red and then he hits us with thunder wave but i had put a paralyzed kirbery on her for just that reason our next attack then takes him out we have one rollout left in this chain and he sends out erydactyl who hits us hard with wing attack but our last one connects and takes him down well three down three to go and of course in comes charizard next we have no hope and no access to light screen anymore so i just try to start up rollout again but flamethrower instantly ko's us from here i send q-tip back out knowing it's probably the only thing that can out-speed and we hit a sleep powder i set up leech seed as well and then figure we might as well try head butting it so it might flinch if it wakes up but after three turns it wakes up doesn't flinch and hits us with flamethrower but we actually survive with 41 hp and then our leech seed brings him within range of a headbutt which takes him out wow his level 50 dragonite comes out and despite lance's attempts to full restore and full heal it it suffers the same fate as q-tip is doing nothing but getting recovery his final dragonite misses a thunder wave 2 which allows q-tip the harbinger of death to absolutely pulverize it to win us the battle unreal i cannot believe we took down a gyarados three dragonites an aerodactyl and a charizard with a grass type team that was lacking meganium too what a fun run that was and quite a good team in the end running through an older game with its weird mechanics was honestly a pretty great time wait a minute colonel what are you doing there you didn't do sh talk about a free ride he even got the damn thumbnail too if you enjoyed the run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video you
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 273,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon crystal hardcore nuzlocke with only grass types?!, can i beat a pokemon crystal hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat pokemon crystal, pokemon challenge, pokemon crystal nuzlocke, pokemon crystal hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can i beat pokemon crystal nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke only grass types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, hardcore nuzlocke grass only
Id: CPLTtLcVvec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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