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welcome everyone my name's Soph and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore Nuzlocke of Pokemon Emerald with only electric type Pokemon the four wheel set for this run is listed down below but put simply only the first electric type encounter in each route or area can be caught if a Pokemon face it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party Pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or the final League members Ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times now we all know the electro type is being usually quite fast and hard hitting however electric type Pokemon on the whole are very very frail added to that is the fact that especially in earlier Generations their type coverage is absolutely atrocious often only having access to electric or maybe normal type attacking moves having said that let's see what encounters are available to us in Pokemon Emerald these aren't looking too bad although there are some very intriguing encounter situations with a few of them so it's sure to be a wild ride and on the face of it it looks like it might just be one of the most challenging runs we done but what isn't challenging is getting some amazing authentic Japanese snacks with today's video sponsors Tokyo treat and sakurako Tokyo treat is a monthly Japanese snack subscription box that includes up to 20 of the latest exclusive limited edition and seasonal flavored Japanese snacks available for a limited time that month and if you're looking for the most traditional and authentic Artisan snacks Japan offers you can also check out the Sakura Co box which includes Japanese teas and one special Japanese tableware too sakurako helps in partnering with local Japanese snack makers to continue to share Japanese culture and traditions that have been passed down for over 100 years I was very excited to check out this month's themes and they did not disappoint this month the Tokyo treat theme is summer Matsuri and the box is piled high with the most exclusive and flavorful snacks Japan's summer festivals have to offer yet again Tokyo treat has surprised me with a KitKat flavor that I didn't know existed cookies and cream my favorite the salty vanilla pockies were also quite a treat this month's Sakura Co theme is tea time in Yokohama and they partnered with the Kanagawa government and local businesses in creating a one-of-a-kind Yokohama inspired box design which is gorgeous by the way to promote traditional Yokohama confectionaries snacks and teas the peanut macarons were very rich and flavorful and the chocolate bread by Tokyo bread was delightfully fluffy and paired well with coffee and milk each box also comes with an informational snack guide that helps explain each snack item such as where they're from the ingredients dietary information and even provides information to learn more about Japanese culture which I found to be really fascinating right now you guys can help support my channel and get yourself some cool Snacks by using Code sill for five dollars off your first Tokyo treat or sakurako box using the links on screen and in the description enjoy the snacks alright Mr Birch what have you got for me a Flareon damn cool I didn't know he had one of those okay this scene is all too familiar for me for those of you who don't don't follow me on Twitter well first of all what are you even doing with your life link down below I just moved into a new house and honestly playing through this is like traumatic given how crazy it was okay now this is not familiar would have been very helpful though as I pretty much had to do everything myself time to go raid A stranger's bedroom what if I just waited for May here just like this [Music] in the midst of Professor Birch dying it's time to pick our starter Pokemon and of course none of them are electric type and we can't get an electric type for quite a long time so using the Pokemon Universal randomizer I inputted what would normally be our second encounter you'll see why Magnemite as our starter with only tackle and metal sound to begin with I was a bit worried but thankfully Mr Magneto learned thundershock at level six Magneto ends up having a naive nature which gives him plus speed and minus special defense You Might Think Magna pole isn't as good as sturdy as an ability however keep in mind in earlier Generations sturdy only protects you from actual dedicated one hit KO moves like sheer cold so it's actually the better option because May doesn't have a fire move on her Torchic yet she can barely do any damage to us so we humiliate her quite badly on our first battle after Birch rats her out for having already extensive experience as a trainer yet losing to our dumb May decides to give up on everything and hands us some pokeballs officially starting our run now knowing what's ahead of us I I know we need to get an early start on EVS so I battle Rawls on Route 102 which is our only way of getting special attack EVS at the moment and they are a four percent chance to find here so it's a rough process after daddy Norman has his take Wally out to catch a Pokemon he ends up finding must get special attack EVS along the way up North we pull off some Elite gamer strats by avoiding all of the trainers and we arrive in rustboro City here we can grab the oh whoop sorry ma'am wrong building the cut HM this guy told us about how perfectly suited his Pokemon's nicknames are so I go to talk to his Pikachu and some more Eevee training and we reach level 11 where we learn Supersonic and after a bit I realized we could also take on abraz on Route 116 which are a bit more common than rolfs as well as talo for Speed EVS too now EV training to the Max and only having one Pokemon brought our level up quite high so without any further Ado it's time to skip all the trainers in the russboro gym and challenge the first gym leader Roxanne a rock type trainer with two ground type Pokemon yup looks disastrous for us but I have a bit of a plan she leads with a level 12 Geodude and I immediately try to hit it with supersonic but miss and then we got hit with rock tomb I kid you not we missed our 55 accuracy move five times in a row during which she hit every single eighty percent accuracy move she used and brought us below half before our berry we then finally hit one to confuse her and then the tides start to turn but all we have is tackle and she now out speeds us due to rock tomb once she healed from confusion we then missed supersonic another five times in a row as we got brought to 9 HP and she used defense curl like crazy too after a brutal grind eventually were taken down doing less than half damage to her that entire time that was one of the most disastrous and cringe-worthy gym leader attempts I think we've ever had and it may look crazy but there is a possibility of winning here but before that you guys know hardcore does locks an entire wipe of the game is necessary a long while later and we reached respiro again this time with a new Magnemite named Magneto II who ended up having a timid plus speed and minus attack nature which is fantastic for every gym but this one since we need to use tackle this time we actually hit our Supersonic and although we missed a couple others down the road we brought her low after our very activated but she potioned oh boy the main way to damage her is by having her hit herself in confusion but she snapped out quite early most times and although Magneto II tried his best and held on with just one HP at the end that potion did Us in as we just couldn't make it through this is brutal another entire reset later and I knew what I had to do I trained Magneto III sorry the Roman numerals wouldn't fit this time in defense and HP using socoons cascoons and whismurs I think I underestimated Roxanne a bit and thought I could train my Magnemite in a special attack and speed beforehand but calling me I guess I don't have that luxury with a bashful neutral nature better EVs and oranberry prepped I think we've maxed out our odds here this time we get Super Sonic off immediately and she hurts herself right away allowing us a free tackle and we got a crit alright a pretty good start she hurt herself in confusion again and we immediately hit her below half already let's go come on baby our next supersonic hit as well and she hurt herself but then in comes the potion although we barely took any damage this was an incredibly long process but as you can see our luck was holding out and we edged her down low again but her defense curls made it so she just brought us below half and activated our berry before we could then take her down unreal we finally got past her first Pokemon only two more to go now I know what you're thinking so what the hell this is impossible you barely took down her first Pokemon after three attempts but here's the thing I had leveled up intentionally to high level 15 so that we'd level up after beating her first Pokemon that way we learned Sonic Boom at level 16. keep in mind hardcore Nuzlocke rules allow for level up mid-battle so long as you're at or below the level cap when it starts which does a guaranteed 20 hp damage each hit despite type Effectiveness this is the key to defeating her second Geodude which we did in two attacks after we missed the first with us only getting hit once her final Pokemon is nose pass and our first Sonic Boom brings her to below half before her Berry activates then I decide to go for thundershock since she doesn't resist it and we got the paralysis before she used the potion from there two more Sonic booms do the job with us above half Health unbelievable I'm actually amazed we beat a rock and ground trainer with three Pokemon using just a Magnemite as I was starting to doubt it being possible with that we can finally get out of that hellhole City and take Mr Brownie's bow to a more peaceful town dewford here we can grab the silk scarf and because Normal moves are all physical in this gen I don't think we'll be using it much but I do have a plan for it later with another encounter after encountering Steven Stone in the granite cave we can fulfill his father's request netting us the XP share which is going to be crucial to avoid level caps with so few encounters by putting it on an HM on now with this point I kind of realized oh we're screwed the next gym is a fighting type one and we have a Steel type Pokemon however there might be one Saving Grace a lot of people don't know this but you can actually take the boat to Slateport City before taking on the gym in duford this allows us to go Slightly North to a small section of Route 110 that is open to us where we can find a new encounter but there are a couple possibilities here and we can only get one as I hoped for we got the 15 mining encounter which was vital as you'll see when we progressed through the game I name him Manhattan and Manhattan has a mile plus special attack and minus defense nature which isn't bad with some training under our belt it's time for the do for gym Manhattan does a great job making the trainers possible being able to paralyze them with Thunder Wave and then chip them down with quick attack the second gym leader is upon us Brawley his team is looking scary but Manhattan learned 65 power spark for same type attack bonus damage and got some defensive EP training under his belt so I'm hoping he can pull it off Brawley leads with a level 16 Machop and we pretty much cannot allow Magnemite to go on the field so it's all Manhattan here paralyzing this thing would be a bad idea since it has the guts ability so I hit him hard with spark before he hits a karate Chomp and thankfully no crit so another attack chaos him in comes metatide next and his only attacking move is focus punch meaning if we attack every turn he literally cannot hurt us so that's an easy KO although light screen might have doomed us his final Pokemon is makuhita quite a bulky and Powerful threat I hit him with Thunder Wave to paralyze right off the bat but he makes it through for vinyl throw which does big damage before our berry helps a bit I then use growl to lower his attack and he stays paralyzed another growl and another turn of paralysis allows us to then hit him with spark to a third and he stays paralyzed again but his Berry helps we bring him low again then vital throw hits us but it barely does anything after the growl so another attack gets the victory Manhattan's actually got quite a bit of utility I'm impressed second badge quite obviously our electric types fare incredibly well against Team Aqua members and after Archie calls them simps for whatever reason he says we're not just the part to be a Team Aqua member that's right because I'm team grass and dark team shiftery yeah take that after Burch yells at us for not marrying his daughter yet or something we have a double battle where oh well that's awkward dare I say the atmosphere in here is electric up ahead on Route 110 May challenges us to battle and she leaves with Pokemon that might not fare too well against us wingle sorry buddy in comes her Lombre next which isn't weak to Electric due to its part grass typing so it took two hits to KO during which it just hit a Swift and we learned Encore after leveling up her final Pokemon is Combusken who I knew would be terrifying for magnemize so Manhattan's gonna have to handle this spark hits below half and paralyzes then she hits one double kick to bring us below half before we then out speed and take her down we would have out and without the paralysis anyway so it didn't really matter but you can see how terrifying Combusken is in no time we arrive at mallville City the location of the next gym and what we can also pick up the coin case which is going to be very important for us before that though we can get out of the city life to breathe in some fresh air in the beautiful virgin Turf town and in the nearby Cave System we can grab the black glasses item to boost dark moves for later now I was gonna grab the strength hm here but thank God I looked up this trainer's team as he has geodudes with magnitude I knew we could Sonic Boom them for damage but magnitude would obliterate Magnemite so uh we literally couldn't beat this trainer if we tried to we'll go the long way around speaking of trainers we have no way to beat the criminal mastermind Wally is breaking into the gym and challenges us to an ultimate Duel of epic the Marvel gym is upon us and there is a severe lack of actual type specific Pokemon in this gym but Manhattan gets the job done before the gym leader I commit to the excruciatingly long gang Corner grind as we need to pick up two of the same TM Thunderbolt which neither of our Pokemon learn by level up for some reason with that it's time for the third gym leader Watson a fellow electric type trainer I'm quite worried about this battle as his team is simply more expansive than ours but I come up with our best plan and go for it he leaves with a Voltorb so I send out Magneto because this thing has self-destruct which we thankfully resist he hits us with spark before Thunderbolt does over half on him but then he goes for the self-destruct which we tank quite handily but would have ended Manhattan in comes the electric next and it out speeds and hits a shock wave to bring us below half before a bury then Thunderbolt does the same to him now I know he could send out Magneton out next in which case magnet pole will trap us so I preemptively switch into Manhattan to tank an attack and take him down with thunderbolts at as expected in comes the big threat Magneton how the hell does he have a level 22 Magneton by the way that's just not fair I immediately used Thunder Wave yes you can paralyze Electric types in this gen and he stays paralyzed he then stays paralyzed for the next three turns so Thunderbolt brings him into the red and then he hits the Sonic Boom for 20 HP damage before Watson heals him two more bring him low and then he uses Thunder Wave finally activating my initial plan as our CherryBerry heals us one last Thunderbolt does the job though at the outset I meant to Encore him into Thunder Wave anyway but the paralysis made it a bit more convenient manectric then comes out and goes for Howell as we paralyze him then since we now out speed due to paralysis we can use Encore to lock him into howl this was a long process and because of his Citrus Berry and Watson's potion timing he eventually got a Thunder Wave off on us uh-oh with his attack supercharged he then went for quick attack through paralysis but we survived on just 5 HP but Thunderbolt just barely doesn't finish him oh no knowing he'd quick attack again possibly through paralysis I switch into Magneto who resists it and then a final Sonic Boom did the job man oh man that was crazy but we defeated our arch nemesis next we could do something really cool with the XP share to help we take on the winstride family which includes four consecutive trainers without healing and for winning we get awarded with the Macho brace which doubles EVS we get which should be fantastic for special attack training up ahead on Route 111 this kid gives us the secret power TM which is gonna be absolutely key for us for a particular and very strange reason passing through the relatively insignificant yet beautiful fall Arbor town we arrive at Meteor Falls yet another beautiful place that is slightly less insignificant after Team Aqua and magma squabble we arrive at Mount mortar where T magma looks to have taken over during one of the traitor battles I realized just how terrifying numeral is for us as again it has four times super effective magnitude against the only Pokemon we have that can do damage against it Magnemite but using growl save the day in this battle up ahead we also have a battle with a camera upcoming which would be completely impossible however there may be one solution and it lies back in Slateport City you see only once you get the secret power TM we got earlier does something unlock with one of the merchants here the hidden power TM now at this moment I panicked entirely when we did the first attempt I had to reset to ensure I got a Magnemite that would give us hidden power water but I had forgotten to do so when we did the wipes but I kid you not I checked Manhattan just in case and he had water holy we might just have a chance it's time for magma leader Maxi an actual impossible battle otherwise he leaves with Mariana with intimidate and I send out Manhattan Thunderbolt brings him to the red and then he lands a sand attack not good after his super potion which doesn't heal him fully though another chaos in comes Zubat next though which is an easy one-hit KO of course in comes his Ace camerupt and after that sand attack I am incredibly nervous and we do miss it but he just went for Ember oh man the next turn saves us as four times super effective hidden power water does the job that was way too nerve-wracking oh our hm Pokemon do things also evolved into an azumero just thought I'd give him the recognition he deserves as I often forget to do that after turning down an opportunity to hang out with the Boomers at the hot tub in loveridge town since we're way too busy it's time to take on the gym the leader here is Flannery a fire type leader and unfortunately Magnemite evolves at the level just after the cap again she would be a hundred percent impossible without hidden power water but with it I think we might just stand a chance she leaves with a numeral and I just need to avoid sunny days or magnitudes here but hidden power water wipes it off the map with ease Slugma is then handled by two Thunderbolts as factoring and stab it actually does more than hidden power when it's not four times damage then incomes camera and we have just enough power to take it down with HP water as well our final Pokemon is torcoal and Thunderbolt does just over half but no paralysis and she goes for overheat but we tank it on 27 HP before I bury and can smash her with one more attack for the win and our fourth badge all praise hidden power which doesn't exist in the new games anymore by the way situations like these are exactly where knowledge of the game's intricacies can really come in handy knowledge oh so she can have all the fun with the hot tub Boomers while I'm at work I see how it is thanks for the go Goggles May I'll go use those while I cheat on you in the hot tub just like you did to me the next gem is upon us quickly as it's back in petalburg during battles with the trainers Magneto was fantastic resisting the normal type of course and we finally get our first usable Evolution as he evolves into a Magneton the fifth gym leader is our very own father Norman who threatens that he will not go easy on us just because we're his son daddy chill he leaves with a spin Linda and I send out our newly evolved Magneto whose Thunderbolt immediately wipes it off the map alrighty then Aiden comes the big boy slacking and honestly it has no coverage against us although facade still does a decent amount on the face of it paralyzing him might seem like a good idea but that would double facade's power so I just tanked through him with Thunderbolts since his true end ability only allows him to attack once every other turn although he unfortunately got a yawn off just before we took him out in comes the figure off next and I decide to Thunder Wave him since he only has slash but he lands one before we then fall asleep after a couple turns we wake up and hit a Thunderball which is another one hit KO amazing his lie noon then comes out and hits a slash to below half then Thunderbolt just barely doesn't KO then after his potions we hit a few more for the KO as he hit us down to 25 HP honestly Magneton completely walls his team such an effective daddy counter now winning this badge grants us something that will absolutely burst open the floodgates no pun intended the surf hm which grants him us so many great things first we can head back to mauville to help Watson out at new mauville where we can grab a Thunderstone which will be fantastic later we can also get a new static encounter again no pun intended technically a new type of encounter Voltorb which we catch and nickname Alan Alan has a naive nature plus speed and minus special defense which isn't great as it surely doesn't need any help with speed regardless for helping him out Watson gives us a thunderbolt TM which I teach to Alan saving us yet another crazy game Corner grind for now up ahead is the bane of our existence Stephen my magnet pole Magneton will you up here we can grab some long-awaited Citrus berries for the first time and this Route 118 is the location of our next available encounter an Electrike which I catch and nickname Diana Diana ends up having an amazing timid nature plus speed and minus attack let's go you know what time it is it's time to create a massive Citrus Berry Farm in these people's backyard enter this dude the guy who thought that you fly by gathering a bunch of flying type Pokemon together and his traumatized wife inside with 50 wingle flying around although I think she says a different line in Emerald than the originals in the weather Institute Team Aqua admin Shelley calls us disgustingly cute and her battle was quite a piece of cake this battle is important though as we get a cast form with the Mystic water item attached for winning great for Manhattan's hidden power and something else that we have coming up later on our way to the next city we get some team upgrades as Diana evolves into a beastly manectric and also Allen evolves into well round electrode I was too describe this thing I mean come on May challenges us to battle at the end of Route 119 and I'm not feeling too concerned about this one I decided to try Alan out and her pelipper was an easy one hikeo with Thunderball the course then her Combusken was taken down in two after it just used bulk up then her lambre only got a fake out and Swift off as two Thunderbolts did the trick Alan you Legend at last we arrive in one of my favorite cities fortree with the next gym is before that we have a special opportunity though we weren't able to get a Plusle since it's only available as a two percent chance just on the same route that we got mine in but in this house a kid named Roman wants to trade his Plusle for a full beat which we'll come back to the absolute rocket of an old lady in another house also saves us 3 000 poke dollars by giving us a free hidden power TM I'll take it it's time for the fortree gym and as I'm sure you could imagine the flying types in here are handled quite easily by our team and I must say it's not too often you see a swellow get outsped by anything that thing has a base 125 speed after defeating the trainers and realizing the gym leader might not be as easy as I thought it's time to head back to Route 117 to scavenge forever for a one percent encounter rate Volbeat which we do eventually find also I'm saying we're allowed to catch this thing as it's our Flash HM Pokemon alright alright the trade goes off without a hitch and we get a puzzle which is named pluses by the dude it ends up having a hasty plus speed and minus defense nature not bad also he had attached a piece of mail on it and okay I gotta admit that's kind of cute the sixth gym leader is Winona the flying type specialist magnaton would have been a stellar pick here however there's one problem her Altaria has earthquake I have like no way to account for that but I come up with our best strategy and go for it she leads with a swablu and I send out pluses Thunderbolt is an immediate one hikeo on it since it doesn't have the dragon typing yet what does though is her Altaria which comes in next I have no choice so I go for Thunder Wave hoping we can get lucky with paralysis but we don't as she goes for earthquake right off the bat and it does just enough to KO pluses immediately oof sorry Roman I failed you here I switch into Manhattan though to avenge his sister and as I had hoped for the first turn she goes for Dragon Dance and I can Encore her immediately and take her down in a few Thunderbolts from here Manhattan goes on a Revenge Rampage and eviscerates the rest of her team without taking any damage serves her right before we move on we have a bone to pick with Miss cool trainer Jennifer over here the one with the Milo Tech in the reign of all things who's destroyed us in the past come here you little oh wait a Sableye what are you kidding me how sweet revenge would have been with this team after picking up the sea incense in Mount pyre it's time for something very exciting the Safari Zone where we can find another encounter to add to our team ironically enough it was actually the very first Pokemon I found in the grass and Safari Zone encounters are risky but we caught it on the second ball thankfully I named the Pikachu Thor and Thor has a careful nature plus special defense and minus special attack pretty terrible but I have an idea how we can work around this heading back to fall Arbor town we can trade the meteorite to Professor Cosmo for the return TM and I plan to make Thor a mostly physical attacker so this is great in the magma Hideout Maxi awakens the god of dirt because he wants there to be more land or something and he challenges us to battle Manhattan actually did an amazing job here taking down Medina in a few Thunderbolts camera up with her hidden power Strat and surprisingly enough his crowbat actually survived a thunderbolt on a sliver but his super potion wasn't enough to save him up ahead I decide to use our Thunderstone to evolve Thor into a Raichu a Pokemon I feel I never really get to use and with both return and dig along with Thunderbolt he has some decent coverage for now I decide to test him against one of the stronger grunts in the Aqua Hideout and he performs quite well we next arrive in most deep City and unless we want to hear about some old man's dreams to head into space there's nothing else to do but head to the gym Thor also does amazingly here as a lot of the Pokemon like Kadabra have better special defense so return demolishes them with the silk scarf attached now looking ahead to the gym leaders Tate and Liza I was devastated to notice that we might be screwed it's a double battle and they have a clay doll with earthquake which hits both Pokemon this is not good but after a ton of theory crafting an idea came to me and we're gonna go to one of the more forgotten areas in hohen the shore cave here depending on the tide you can make it to the basement floor which is full of ice and I feel like very few people know about this here we can get a crucial item that never melt ice to boost ice moves with that let's take on the psychic Gym Leaders tayden Liza leave with a zatu and clay doll so I send out Manhattan and Magneto my plan is to use hidden power water boosted by The Mystic water item and hidden power ice boosted by the never melt ice on clay doll which my cowlicks tell me might just KO it after fully EV training their special attack and it works that was the biggest bullet ever dodged from there we could use Thunder Wave on Lunatone and Thunderbolt on the zatsu only getting hit by one psychic in the meantime in comes so rocknext and I also paralyze it as I switch Manhattan out for Alan from here I could set up light screen on our side with Alan but they set up the Sun so I had to switch out Magneto as Salt Rock has flamethrower now that we have a reasonable amount of encounters I can essentially just switch out when needed and Target them with Thunderbolt on the remaining Pokemon until we got soul rocked down eventually then Alan and Thor could double team the Lunatone with the help of citrus berries and eventually we got the win of very scary battle but I think we pulled it off effectively after a double battle with Steven against Maxi and a grunt in which Manhattan saved their butts again and Maxi started going off about how all he wants is to expand the land mass forgetting that he drinks water every day I guess we can get the dive hm from Steven which is actually going to open up our final encounter as we can head to Route 126 to use it allowing us access to the underwater grass wherein we can find a very cool Pokemon chinchou we catch it and nickname him Ragnarok and Ragnarok has a lonely nature plus attack and minus defense which is pretty bad but this thing should be incredible for type coverage both offensively and defensively some training later and Ragnarok evolves into an awesome Lantern and since I wanted to be trained defensively quite a bit I went to the trick house which finally had the magnet item unlocked to boost electric moves it's utopolis we can grab the brick break TM which will be great for Thor finally getting us some further coverage in the seafloor Cavern I got to test out Ragnarok against Team Aqua leader Archie and surf did great against Medina although it did confuse us with swagger then Crobat was handled by a singular Thunderbolt without confusion Ragnarok certainly could have handled his Sharpedo too but I was not risking a new encounter like that so I sent out Magneto to finish the job alright you know what why am I just realizing that Kyogre has a massive advantage in this situation the battle between these two ancient legends literally takes place in the rain and in a massive pool of water I call hacks uh Hey excuse me Mr Rayquaza Oh wrong way uh all right shut up I'll do it you know I love how the entire story of these games is just the Hoenn equivalent of merely waking up a Snorlax and that solves everything damn this is one powerful collection of trainers and the strongest gym leader is right there in the gym too what a squad speaking of which it's time for the eighth and final gym leader Juan the water tech trainer as might be expected we've got a huge advantage against him but there's one problem he's got a wiscash which is part ground type I Theory crafted in for a while for this one but out of curiosity decided to check the hidden power types of the Pokemon that I hadn't checked yet and it turns out ragnarok's is grass amazing Juan leads with a love disc which was an instant one hit kale with Thunderbolt then we could bait out his wiscash I go for four times super effective hidden power grass on it and it survives in the red but then just goes for amnesia before he then heals it interesting still dangerous as he'll take less damage now but we still managed to do just over half so two hits in a row take him down crisis averted from there his Celio and crawdon were both one hits with Thunderbolt and in comes his Ace Kingdra now this was insane I used confused Ray on him and kept getting him low but he kept using rest repeatedly it was an insanely long grind as I'm sure you can see but eventually Ragnarok emerged Victorious why does my channel mascot Pokemon have to be so annoying it's time to set out to our final destination ever Grand City such a beautiful place but before we do we have to make the treacherous journey through victory row during which we run into Mr Wally thankfully because the next level cap is the Elite Four so we can over level him quite substantially and also Magneto's typing is fantastic against his team being able to sweep through the entire thing himself despite getting confused at one point what a beast with Victory Road behind us we've arrived at the greatest challenge yet the Pokemon League after fulfilling the rest of our EVS Gathering any final needed items in TMS and Theory crafting like a madman it's time for the Elite Four the first Elite Four member is Sydney the dark type trainer and I thought I had a good plan for him he leaves with a Mightyena with intimidates I send out Manhattan to take it then paralyze him with Thunder Wave I hope this would give me an opportunity to now send in Thor without getting intimidated or hit but he hit a sand attack which just won't do so I just basically pivoted between him and Manhattan repeatedly until he stayed paralyzed then I went for black belt boosted brick break but just barely didn't KO and he hit us with double edge which caused him to go down to recoil at least Aidan comes shiftry and it also barely survived oh apparently my calcs were off he then double teamed then hyper potion then we hit him again but we missed our next one and he hit us with swagger great we then hit ourselves in confusion hard and he used torment ah I'm forced to switch so I send in Allen who has hidden power bug which is four times super effective and handled both it and his Cacturne his Croton was then an easy Chao with Thunderbolt and his final Pokemon Absol was taken down in two of them only getting off a sword stance in the meantime a much crazier battle than expected but we got through the second Elite Four member is Phoebe the Ghost type trainer and her team was one I couldn't figure out how to handle as her Ace dusclops has earthquake she leaves with a different dusclops though so I send out Magneto after she protected the next Thunderbolt just barely doesn't KO how does this keep happening she then uses confused Ray but I had attached a person Berry which heals us then we got a crit on our Thunderbolt nice her Ace dusclops now comes in and knowing the earthquakes coming I switch into Ragnarok but she gets a crit oh no that was my way to handle her as I knew after Citrus Berry we could tank another this is bad I have to switch now so I go into electrode but she gets another crit earthquake down to just 17 HP what the hell I sent out Diana here and finally she doesn't get a crit and our berry brings us above half I hit her with Thunderbolt for over half and we get the paralysis but she makes it through for another earthquake but no crit this time for goodness sake and we survive on just 5 HP but her Berry activates and puts her just at a KO range I have to switch so I just hope she gets paralyzed as I send out Manhattan and she does so two Thunderbolts do the job from there as earthquake had hit us to a third before a Barry sheesh from there her team was handled quite well by Magneto who has our most powerful Thunderbolt damage output on the team the third Elite before member is glacia the ice type trainer and weirdly enough her team is kinda complicated for us too despite having three water types she leaves with Celio and I send out Thor for the immediate Thunderbolt one hit KO then she sends out Glalie which has light screen which would pretty much end us so I use brick break to bring her to a quarter but she just used Icy win so another does the job keep in mind brick brick destroys reflect and light screens so we did have a backup plan it comes Celio next and from here we're golden as we have super effective damage output and Magneto resist ice type so Celio and walrane are one hikeos with the help of the magnet then her final gladly couldn't even take us out if she used explosion due to resistance so a few Thunderbolts did the job with us being brought to about half due to hail and Ice Beam pretty solid the last Elite Four member is Drake the dragon specialist and I have a great plan for him as I got the Ice Beam TM from the abandoned ship which Ragnarok can learn he leaves with a shell gone and after it protects twice Ice Beam Ko's immediately in comes Flygon next and it actually out speeds us in slams us hard to the red with earthquake before Ice Beam with the never melt ice is an instant four times super effective one-hit KO thankfully we actually outspeed Altaria So It suffers the same fate before Kingdra then comes in here I switch into Allen and body slam does a quarter before I got light screen up and then he used Dragon Dance knowing things were getting a bit scary I hit him with Thunderbolt below half as he Dragon danced again here I know body slam with Kos so I switch into Magneto to resist it but she got the Paralysis on the one crucial turn I had set up the light screen to help handle Salamence but now this is bad as he goes for Surf and gets the crit out of nowhere to destroy Magneto ouch rest in peace our tear starter here I send out Manhattan and he hit a smoke screen to lower our accuracy before Thunderbolt takes him down in comes his final Pokemon Salamence and I hit it with Thunder Wave to paralyze before he hits a rock slide now knowing that's better than getting hit with dragon claw I decide to Encore him and he stays parallel advised we then missed Thunderbolt though and rock slide hits us to the red before our berry what is our luck here I switch into Diana who gets hit with rockslide before getting a thunderbolt off for over half and then he gets through paralysis again to hit us low and his Citrus Berry brings him back above half so now we can't KO and his Encore ends oh boy I send in Allen again who tanks Dragon claw in 40 HP before a berry then I use light screen so Dragon claw only does 35 HP but we have exactly 35 HP left this whole battle is designed to end us isn't it here I have to switch into our last Choice Thor and he stays paralyzed so Thunderbolt brings him low but he four stores this part was crazy and involved him repeatedly for restoring and getting rid of paralysis and in the end we were brought to 37 HP with him at full health I was just about ready to give up but we finally had a stroke of our own luck as Thor got a crit then could outspeed and hit him again for the KO and and the win that was insane look at our team after that just nuts it's time the final challenge the champion Wallace the water type specialist yes this would appear like it's in the bag from here but no he has a wiscash and a Gyarados with earthquake too after a ton of theory crafting it's time for the final battle he leaves with a Wailord and I send out Diana who immediately Kos it with a super powered Thunderbolt now I had to send out Diana just in case Gyarados was sent in as Lantern couldn't have outsped him and good thing we did as Gyarados did indeed come out and was one hitkayo by four times super effective Thunderbolt but then in comes with cash now I know I need more damage on it so I just go for bite and no Flinch so she hits an earthquake and it brings us down to Just 4 HP closer than I expected I have to switch so I send out Ragnarok and he hits us down to a quarter before our berry I know we won't quite KO from here as I underestimated him so I make a risky plan go into Alan we survived below half but since I know we need Lantern for later I go for the explosion but it doesn't KO are you kidding me regardless Alan's sacrifice now allows us to send out Ragnarok after he full restores so we can get two hidden power grasses off in a row for the KO sheesh in comes Ludicolo next a huge threat for Ragnarok so I switch into Manhattan now I can't even describe what happened here this was a crazy sequence with Thunderbolt thunderway paralysis and Encore and his leech seed Giga drain and double team but because of his full restore timing and double team he ended up outdoing us as switching would be too risky and Manhattan went down here I send in Thor though who could Revenge kill with two Thunderbolts since we got a crit on the second from there tentakra was taken down with two Thunderbolts although it did get a toxic off on us unfortunately in comes his final Pokemon Milotic who tanks Thunderbolt with just over half before hitting us hard with Surf and now we're 4 forced to switch due to toxic I send out Ragnarok and Ice Beam hardly does anything before a final Thunderbolt wins US the battle unbelievable who'd have thought a water trainer would be so tough with an electric team but we did it we became the champion of the Hoenn region however it's not quite over yet we completed the hardcore nazlog yes but there's a secret bonus battle that I know you guys will still want to see let's do this after a ton of theory crafting and grinding and with just three remaining Pokemon on our team we travel to the depths of Meteor Falls where the true most powerful trainer in Hoenn awaits Stephen Stone I don't know how much of a shot we have with such a limited team but let's go for it he leaves with a Skarmory and I leave with Ragnarok who immediately chaos it with Thunderbolt a good start in comes as Agron next as I anticipated as it has earthquake and surf decimates it instantly but then in comes his Ace Metagross which also has earthquake I know I have no choice I have to do as much as I can with Mystic water boosted surf but it does barely less than half before he hits as hard as 70 HP I hit another and we only bring him to the red so another attack takes Ragnarok down however since he has a berry I'm hoping that will dissuade him from using a full restore and it does so Diana takes him down with a thunderbolt however another huge threat comes in next clay doll which I was hoping surf could handle earlier according to my calcs two bikes with black glasses just barely won't KO so I have to try and get the range by using quick attack first and hope he uses something like reflect and he did but it was light screen oh no all dark moves are special in this game and I have no choice now so I go for a bite which does very little now and earthquake smashes us to the red one more bite brings him to a third but he flinches I don't want to bring him into four restore range though so I go for one more quick attack before he takes down Diana the in comes our final Pokemon don't or and I go for return and it does enough to take him down in comes Craig Daily next and now here's the key we have brick break which does over half but then he hits a confused Ray not good we make it through though and smash him for the KO in comes his final Pokemon are Maldo fighting isn't super effective on him due to his part bug typing so I go for Thunderbolt instead but it does less than half and he hits an ancient power and it does exactly half what is with these ranges what are static ability paralyzes him unbelievable now I know Thunderbolt likely won't KO and will likely trigger a full restorer which would also heal paralysis so I have to risk it and go for return we make it through and hit him below half and I was like please stay paralyzed please but he doesn't and I was like please get a lower roll you did exactly half last time but he doesn't and Thor gets taken down oh man that was an unreal battle but you know what I'm proud of our team we beat a hardcore uslock of emerald with only Electric types and we're just one attack away from beating the bonus Steven battle Electric types were incredibly hard to work with early on but they start to get more power and more coverage as time goes on which is pretty cool and this run definitely required a lot of strategy I hope you had fun with the run and if you did don't forget to hit that subscribe Button as it really helps a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my YouTube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and I'll see you guys for our next challenge video
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 444,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon emerald hardcore nuzlocke with only electric types!?, pokemon emerald nuzlocke, pokemon emerald hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon emerald nuzlocke, electric type nuzlocke, electric type only nuzlocke, electric type hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke only electric types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore monotype nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke electric only, electric nuzlocke
Id: ZxVdd7Kzhow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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