Busting Pasta Myths (How To Make The BEST Spaghetti)

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I don't know why I slept so long on The Mythical Kitchen, but once I dove in, it rapidly became one of my absolute favorite channels.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/The_Pooter 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
Why am I spitting noodles everywhere? It's like ugh! Dang! Eugh! Am I the gross one of the crew? I mean. Every chef knows there are unbreakable rules in the kitchen, but what happens is when you actually break those rules? Do the food God's bring fiery vengeance upon you and your family? Or are they just arbitrary myths pedaled from chef to chef, just waiting to be broken? To find out, this highly trained team of super serious culinary professionals are putting them to the test, because this is, Myth Munchers! Kitcheneers today will be- You just spit. All over us. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. That's all I got was. Can we get a wipe? Kitcheneers, today will be busting myths centered around pasta. There are many myths about pasta, today we'll be focusing on four of them. The first, you must boil your water before you add the pasta. Who knows if you need to? They also say you got to salt your pasta water, salty like the ocean. BS, I say. Myth number three, you got to add oil to your water to prevent it from sticking. Might be nonsense, might be true, today we will find out. Number four, you got to saute your pasta, instead of just topping it. I won't hit you. Do you feel prepared to take on the challenges? Is that a rhetorical question? It's like, kind of like I feel like you should. We're really just boiling pasta. Were here. We're like culinary professionals. What else do you have to do today? All right, so let's check out the game plan here. So let's check out the game plan. So first up. I have to fight Jake Paul. I just, you know, I really want to do it. He's been out there. I feel like I got the skills. You know, I got the ingenuity. Also, this picture is definitely of him when he was 16, so I feel like I could easily beat 16 year old, Jake Paul. But anyways, this is something that I need to do. This is more of a personal journey. Does not concern you. Though I do want Vi as my cut man in the corner, you gotta cut me Vi. All right. The plan here, boiling water versus room temp water. We're going to start one pot with room temp water, see things and add the spaghetti. And you know, we're all busy. We've got things to do. Do you really need to wait for it to boil? Who knows? We'll figure it out. Step number two, unsalted versus normal salted versus the thing that every single Italian-American chef on food network, I see you Giada De Laurentiis, says you got to do, which is make it salty like the ocean. So we're going to try three different salinity levels to see what creates the most delicious pasta. Number three, with oil, without oil. They say you got to add oil to stop it from sticking. I don't know if that's true. You don't know if that's true. We're about to find out. Step number four, tossing versus topping. If you go to the old school Italian restaurants, they don't saute the pasta, they just put the sauce on top and then you get a quarter cup of water in the bottom. And I like that. I like to be able to drink my plate of pasta afterwards, but we'll see if there's anything scientifically that we can like actually glean from the process of tossing versus topping. Are you ready to munch some myths? Yeah. Always Okay. Well we're here. So everyone write down, take a card, write down what your predictions are, at the end, the winner will get my fantasy football trophy from 2018 that I never gave back. You have not given us writing utensils. Vi you love spaghetti. I love spaghetti. I love all pastas. I'm a spaghetti fan too. What's your method? What do you typically do? Are you talking about now? Or When I was a kid? Because when I was a kid, I would just break this- No. Put it into boiling water. That's the thing that like Italians will not stand for. We're not trying to have all the Italian grandmas in the world yell at us, but now you don't break it, you wait for the water to boil, right? Yes I do. That's like a thing that, you know, you've always been told, don't drop the pasta in, you got to wait for it to boil. It takes about eight minutes for the water to boil. Spaghetti takes about 10 minutes to cook. We are using three liters of water here to eight ounces of spaghetti. So we got one going right now that's at a rolling boil. Should we do it? Should we drop this sketti's? Yeah, why not? All right. Cool. Cool. Let's do it. I can't break them? don't, don't break them. Can I break one? There going to yell at us, the Italians, if you- Can I break one? If she breaks a single strand of pasta. No. Were you the eat dry pasta kid? Oh, that adds up, so much about you make sense now I know you eat dry pasta. I use it as toothpick. I used to like, you know, just pick my teeth with it. I can't do that now. All right open the lid, drop the pasta in. Something that's going to give you digestive issues. It makes me feel like a real Italian. It's going to give you the tummy bubbles. Okay. I'll put it away. Is that what you think real Italians do? I'm going to hide this for later. Alright. So I'm going to drop the pasta in, and we're not breaking it. No oil. The water is unsalted. This is just to test out the cook time on it. All we're going to do, we're gonna toss it in some parm, a little bit of butter, just so we can get like the pure pasta taste. We're letting it go for 10 minutes. But the best way to check pasta, the done-ness for me, you pick it up. You pinch it. You make sure there's no white in the middle. Oh, see. Oh, do you throw it against the wall? I throw it against the wall and then if it falls, you know, it's not ready. We're doing a mini Myth Munchers where Vi starts throwing spaghetti at the camera and be like it's not done. It's not done. Hi Vi, so this has done, this took 10 minutes to boil. This took 24 minutes overall when you factor in the time it took for the water to boil, this is 22 minutes right now. And I think it's done, but we got to test to see. Yeah. You know how we do that? Right? You're going to throw this? Yes I am. Here take that, take that, take that. Okay. Are we doing it together? Yeah. Yeah. One, two, three. Its done though. There we go, it's done, it's done. Clean up. Trevor. Strain that, strain that, strain that. So all we're going to do now is we're just gonna toss- So why did I put my hand over the flame? Why was that my first instinct? I'm just going to heat this up a little bit, and then we're just going toss it, and all that. I'm going to add a couple of tables- So I'm add two tablespoons of butter. And then we got 30 grams of Parmesan cheese. Why 30 grams of Parmesan cheese? Well, that is the level of Parmesan cheese in the Mediterranean sea. There are 30 grams per thousand milliliters of water. Okay. I'm back. All right. Cool, cool. Toss two tablespoons of butter and that thing of Parmesan in there and then just like give it a stir. Two of these. We just want to like melt the butter, just to like give us something nice. You know? I don't have chopsticks. Oh yeah. Also I exclusively cook and eat noodles with chopsticks. It doesn't matter what culture the noodles are from. I just think noodles taste best with chopsticks explicitly. Okay. Now we throw in this Parmesan. Yeah throw in the Parmesan, give it a toss. Are you a butter noodle person? You know, I was a sauce person, and I didn't put anything in my sauce. It was just straight just tomato puree. I would just dump prego. Prego, olive oil and Italian herbs, such a good store bought tomato sauce. But I always judge the kids who would order butter noodles at restaurants. I never did. Should we try this? Yeah. Yeah. This looks more proper than this one. Yeah, that just looks cleaner. Should we try this one first? Yeah- Wait, you'd have to do like the turny twisty thing. No, I don't twirl. I do it like a hurried person eating ramen for lunch. I take it and I go, yeah, I though you're going to show me your perfect swirl. See, I like to dig in there and get a whole load. Can I get more parm? Where's the parm at? I want more. The cook on it isn't bad. Like- I dropped a noodle in there. Is that cool? Are you okay with that? No, one's eating it. The cookout is not bad. I wouldn't taste that and be like, this is a crappily cooked pasta, but I'm curious to see if the one where you started with the boiling water is better. I got to put my noodles down. Why did you take so- Why am I spitting noodles everywhere? Yeah like dang! It's like, am I the gross one of the crew? I mean. Let's eat some noods. I was rubbing Lubriderm on my back in the kitchen this morning, so maybe. Now let's try the one where it was boiled. See here like, like all the noodles. Why are you slurping it like that? to make it taste better. Try it. Sound like your eating a bug. I'm like a hoover, I'm like a Rumba. I don't- Yeah, I'm the gross one, huh? I think I'm going for this one. Yeah. This is definitely, this is more uniformly cooked. This you get like, it's pretty noticeable how extra squishy the outside is. So I think the water didn't have a chance to like penetrate, that said, it is pretty close. When you look at time though, if you're doing this, if you're not boiling water first, just to save time, you only save two minutes. If you're like trying to like, oh, I want to hop in the bath, get home, toss your pasta in the water. Then turn on the heat. It's not that big of a difference, but for sure this one is squishier. This one definitely has more bite to it. I don't even love al dente noodles, but this one, the cook is just flat out more even. So definitively we are going with boiling water. Boiling water. Start your water boiling, makes the pasta more even. We got to get the information to Nicole and Trevor, they're over in- There's a secret mason jar right here. You're going to fart in the jar? it's the boiling water. No, but they're going to have spaghetti breath in there. Nicole. Hey. We have a Mason jar here. Yeah. I wonder if there's a message inside? Does it smell? okay. Is it a fart in the jar? All right. So Vi said boiled water. Josh says you owe him three bucks, and Josh also farted, in here. oh my god, I can't believe it. So good thing it's boiling water, because conveniently we have three pots of boiling water here. Yes we do. So are you excited to salt some pasta water? I am. I tend to be a medium salter. I don't believe in- Me too. Personally. The thing is, whenever they say salty like the sea, I don't really know what that means, but I like to think that just means like really, really salty, but I don't like my pasta water too salty. Yeah. I don't drink ocean water. Yeah. One time I did, and it was really bad. I had to go to the doctor afterwards. Because I was at, what's the beach? Santa Monica beach? Yeah, don't drink the water in the Santa Monica pier like. Thank you, Nicole for the public service announcement, telling people not to drink the water from the ocean in Santa Monica. Yeah, it's really bad. You get little bugs in there. Yeah, okay, so. So we've got three different levels of salinity right in front of us. So we're going to do an unsalted water. Unsalted. And then we have slightly salted water, which is 12 grams per liter, which is equates to three liters of water, which is 12 times three? You get, you got it. Oh my God, I have really bad anxiety. You go it. You got it. I believe in you. I have 36, 36. 36 that's correct. Then we got hella salted, which is actually inspired by the Mediterranean ocean. Is that a what? It's an ocean. It's not an ocean. Its a sea. Mediterranean Sea. I swear. I'm smart. So it's the Mediterranean sea, which is 38 grams per liter, which is 38 times three. I can't do that in my head. How long were you boiling this for, do you reckon? Nine to 11 minutes. Cool. So what do you want to do for like eight minutes? I don't know, what you want to do? Do you play rock, paper, scissors? Yeah. Are you ready? Do you go on shoot or do you just go on? I can do either. I'm flexible. Okay. Let's go on and rock, paper, scissors. Okay scissors. Yeah. On scissors. Okay. Rock, paper, scissors. Frick. Yeah. Get wrecked. Where did you get that dry pasta from? I thought we used it all? We got like 30 pounds of pasta in the kitchen. What do you mean? We're doing pasta myths. What do you mean? Where I get the dry pasta from? Tell them the joke. Goofball. Tell them the joke. Tell them the joke. Why don't we drain this pasta and I'll tell them the joke. Hey, do you want to know why they call it alimony? Because my ex wife takes all of my money. Unbelievable. It's my favorite. Anytime I put on a dry pasta noodle in my mouth, I immediately start talking like that, like in Italian. Like your name should be Vincenzo or something. Yeah. Named Donnie Vincenzo. No. The first name is Vincenzo. What kind of first name is- Vinny? Vinny comes from Vincenzo. Is this your first rodeo? No, I think that's ridiculous. Butter? Yeah, two- Two? Yeah. That's what they did. That's a lot of butter. I know. That's what they did. And the cheese. Hey Nicole, what kind of cheese is this? Parmesan? ♪Is it Parmesan or aragiano♪ He does this every day. This is no, this is unsalted. Unsalted. I'm pretty sure there's going to be pop poo. Yeah, poo poo. Taste a like a poo poo. Yeah, taste a like a poo poo. Can I spit it out? Yeah, for sure. This is so bland. Yeah. It doesn't do anything for me. Normal salt. I got like three noodles. It's okay. It's enough. That's a lovely pasta. Delicious. I mean, that's just beautiful. That's just. Goes down easy. Bellisima. Love it. Okay. Hella salty. Holy crap. That's kind of delicious, but I can't eat more than one piece of it. Oh my God. Yeah. You can like feel it. That is so salty. I mean it's obvious like- Yeah. Inedible, inedible. So much edible. Perfect. So edible. Edible af. It's as edible as it gets. Yes Agreed. Shall we let them know? Yeah let them know, do you have like a- Oh, what is that? Oh, you'll see. Vi, you want to be in the mythical kitchen? You got to learn how to fight. Jab. Cross. Duck. Uppercut. Again. Jab. Cross. Jab. Uppercut. Wait, wait. Jab. Cross. Duck. Uppercut. Now work the body. Now work the body. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, we- I'm tired now. Me too. I'm out of breath. I was yelling a lot. So we got, we got this. This. They gave us a bowl of soup. It has letters in it. Salted. Who's Ted? That's the name of our boxing gym. Welcome to Sal and Ted's boxing gym. I'm Sal. All right. So salted one. So this is not salty, like the ocean. Oh man. I wanted to eat the- No, I'm good. Oh. What does that soup called? It is not good. Oh God. Oh God. So now we're testing the myth of oil versus no oil. People say you got to put oil in your pasta water so it doesn't stick together. We got the salt and water already boiling here. Do people know that original reference? Which one? George Foreman? Welcome to Monity oil care. My aunties say oil. They all live in the east coast and they go all. Do you have any all? I'm going to drop a tablespoon oil in here. Drop your pasta in that water. I'm dropping my pasta in there. So they say the oil helps it not stick together. I don't know if that's true. You know George Foreman named all of his sons George? That's just- I can see you pulling that. Why would I do that? Having nine little Vianai's running around. That's too many unfamiliar names. What do you name your kids? Oh man. I have a whole list. Oh my God, girl dish. Oh my God. The first one from my girls is Cleo. So cute. And then I have Mazi, okay. Mazi's adorable. And then on the boy side I have an Namir and Nielle, oh no, that's, that's the girl's side. Sorry. I'm going to name all my children after famous literary characters. Okay. So give me some throw some- Alex DeLarge from a clockwork orange, Baruch from He's An Angel. Don't know who he is. Simone from The Lion King, the book version of it, the book version of The Lion King. That's the only good one yet. Jesus from the Bible. I do know about the Bible. I'm just going to have Jesus running around. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. My kids are going to be super well adjusted. All right. So let's check out to see, if the noodles are actually not sticking in the oil. Let's check out the un-oil. Is there any clumpage here? Not really. It's kind of just spaghetti- Not really. You don't need the oil in it to not clump it. You just need to like, not overcrowd your spaghetti pot. Let's check out the oiled one. If anything- These look pretty. These look pretty though. They look glossy, like definitely getting some sheen on it from the oil. We'll see what it tastes like. See if it tastes any different. As far as not clumping though, oil doesn't really seem to do much. Just like put enough water in your sketti you dumb dumb. Yeah. Sorry I called you stupid. We got the pasta drained. This is no oil. This is yes oil. Okay. Didn't really stop it from sticking together. It didn't really stick together naturally. We'll see if it did anything to the taste. Yes. I got chopsticks here. Are you going to do the slurp? Yes, slurp it. Salt really makes so much difference in your pasta water. Wow. That tastes so much better than the first one that we did. Yeah. Like way better. That's great. I'm having a lovely time. Vi, I'm are having a great time. Good for you. This rules. All right, yeah. So that was no oil. Let's try the oil one. See if it did anything. I don't know. I don't know, this one's kind of doing it for me right now. Are you tasting any difference? Yeah. I can taste the oil in these, I actually taste it this time. That's so funny, it taste more Parmesan clinging to these noodles than this one when you slurp it. That kind of like greases through the slurp. Which is fun. It just makes it smoother. When you actually slurp it up. I like this one better. I do. There's literally a coating on this, that I think the oil didn't help it. I'm going no oil, No oil. So definitively. No oil wins. Definitely. Let's do it, we've got to get Nicole and Trevor back. I've got to get my trusty telephone. Ring ring ring. Yes, you guys need to come back to the kitchen. Thank you. Tell him to get me two Frosties. No Frosties for Josh. No, get two Frosties, two large fries. No oil please. Hold the oil on the Frosties. Hate this place. Get your news through hot, nasty, bad-ass science. We have determined the best way to cook a scapetti noodle. Now all we've been doing is butter and parm, but now we got talk about sauce. We got to talk about topping versus tossing. Growing up, I exclusively ate topped spaghetti, no tossing, but now that I'm a foodie, I always saute my pasta in the sauce, that said, I don't actually know which one tastes better. So we all have our roles. Nicole, you are going to ladle some of that on top of the topping passes, and Vi you're going to grate cheese on that. Trevor, what's going on with you? I am the Wolverine. Trevor's going to keep being the Wolverine. And then we're going to top all that. And I'm going to take this spaghetti, and I'm gonna toss it into the sauce and we're going to saute it a little bit. Is there a reason why you say it like that? What's the speddi? Yeah, that's what it's called. Josh doesn't know how to say spaghetti. The theory is that when you saute the pasta in the sauce, the sauce actually clings to the pasta, and it cooks into it a little bit more. It emulsifies. Go for it. Oh, you want me to do it? All right. Go for it, yeah. So we're just going to bloop bloop, bloop, all that spaghetti in there. We're going to turn on the heat. We're just going to toss it around a little bit. Vi more cheese, Vi more cheese, don't- Okay I was going to ask. How much cheese you want? Don't skip on the cheese. This is me being up Magneto. You know, you have two lackeys right here? Trevor's not a lackey. He's a goon, he's got weapons. What about me? Put me in the conversation. You're dressed in a white shirt next to a splattering spaghetti sauce. I know, I've got bell sleeves. Got to kind of roll them. I'm just going to load the cheese. Yeah. Well that's good. That's good. That's good. I used to saute all the time, but now this is like nostalgic to me and I feel like it's going to be really delicious. It's really iconic. Like this is Americana. Yeah. If you were to like style spaghetti for like a sit-com, you'd make it look like that. Yeah, yeah. Not all tossed in the sauce all fancy. No, no, no. That would be like for an HBO master like a STARZ thing. But this is so much more like. This is STARZ pasta and you put it in there. Watch Nicole's shirt. You'd like do that little thing, and they're like pay $12.99 for STARZ. Who watches STARZ? I do hello. Oh God splatter. Nicole it's splattering. All right. So we're just going to dish out the pasta. Vi, grate some cheese on that. Should be scientifically accurate? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like how before we were like measuring, and now we're just like grate the cheese. Yeah, because- Trevor's a Wolverine. Yeah because this is more of like you know, this is a preference is the preference part. This is a preference thing, and also, I just want to eat some good old red sauce spaghetti. When you make spaghetti at home. Did you all grow up with topped spaghetti? Tossed. Tossed. Both of you tossed? If you ate spaghetti, like did you eat it like that or like that? I don't remember much of my childhood. I eat with a fork. You just repressed all those memories? I don't know that I repressed them, more that I have the memory of a goldfish. Which one do you want to try first? Which one looks more inviting to you? Oh, oh, oh. Oh, you guys probably thought, wow. I've been breathing easy for Myth Muncher's shoot. Nope, we got top of a little bit of Tony Chacheres. Why's it on the big hole? Why's it on the big hole? Big hole. You're going to dump it. Big hole always. That's what my daddy told me. Can we cut that? What should we start with tossed? So let's start with topped. Let's start with topped. Like I kind of like the fact that you get the plain spaghetti with the sauce. Like when you, I don't want to like, you know, toss my Panda Express with the rice. Wrong genre. Mouse round sound, huh? Are you uncomfortable? Honestly, not really. I'm used to it at this point. If I get sauce on my face though, I'm going to call the police. It's a nice spaghetti. That's a good sketti. That took all the energy in my body not spit spaghetti right in your mouth. Spit that way. That was good spaghetti. Really good. that was some good spaghetti. All right. Sauteed. Let's see if you can really taste the difference. Taste the sauce mixed in there. That one disturbed me. What? What is going on? Whoa, hold on. Can I just- Exhibit a, here's what I want. You get a quarter cup of water in the bottom of your spaghetti, and then you can kind of. Sort of a bit like a soup. I want to hear all your opinions first. I prefer tossing, because I think it's a more cohesive meal. I can eat more of it faster and my body gets nutrients faster. I'm definitely for the tossing. I just like everything mixed up together. And then, you know, I got to. Yeah. This is the best part. Oh, is it my turn? So anyway, I like tossing because realistically, if it's topped for me, I'm literally just going to mix it in any way. Yeah. This is so much better. This is very nostalgic. It still tastes really good. But literally when you slurp, I don't know if you noticed, I slurped a little bit. You like literally feel the water coming off of the pasta. When you cook it together, the sauce starts to absorb in the pasta. It just, it makes it such a better product. So this, we are all unanimous, tossing, sauteing your pasta in the sauce? That's the winner. Yeah. 100%. Kitcheneers, all of the myths have been munched, all the pasta has been eaten, and here we find ourselves with some final answers. We found out you probably should start with the boiling water, made the pasta nice, cooked evenly. You should salt it, not hella salted like the Mediterranean sea, but salting your pasta water does make a huge difference. We found out that oil, absolute myth that got munched right out of this world. Don't need to put oil in it, and also tossing your pasta, sauteing it in the sauce, really does help versus topping. Trevor, what hath you predicted? Room temp water. We got salted, normal salted, with oil and tossing. So I got tossing and salted right. Pretty upset with my performance today. I'll try to come back, you know, harder next time for all the swagging out there. I love you guys. Thank you for always supporting me. mighty effort indeed, and Nicole? I believe that boiling the water, salting the water, not putting oil in the water, and tossing it in the sauce is the winning combination. Not to brag, but I got it all right. What? Boiling, salted, without oil, and tossing. Well how can you follow up that? Well rub a dub dub, Vi, what say you? Boiling water, salted, with oil, and tossing the sauce. So I just got one wrong. Oh Josh, what did you guess? Oh my God, Nicole. Well, I'm so glad you asked. My name's Nicole and today's winning dish will be unboiled, lightly salted, no oil, and topping. Was that a good Nicole? I got two out of four. Nicole, you are the grand myth munching champion. You get my fancy football trophy from the Dell players club, 2018 championship drafted my home's on a Lark. It worked out. I will deliver that. Where is it? Do you want to get it from my apartment? You're going to give it to me- A present that I won today, tomorrow? Yeah, you don't get to keep it. You just hold it for a day. This is so- Well, everybody, thank you so much for helping us bust pasta myths out here. Now I know what you're thinking. Pasta boiling spaghetti, one of the hardest dishes in the world, and I know sometimes it can be intimidating, but when you have good friends by your side, good food on the table, any myth can be munched. And that's from us here to you. Welcome to Thunderdome. Thanks so much for stopping by the mythical kitchen. We got new episodes for you every week. We got, oh Trevor you rascal, new episodes of our podcast, A Hot Dog Is A Sandwich, every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram. Is Trevor okay? At Mythical Kitchen. Pictures of your mythical dishes, and where dreams become food. We'll see you next time, except for Trevor, because I think he's dead. What happened? I just heard a crash and a yell. Don't worry about it. The mythical trucker hat is literally the only hat I wear. And I swear to you, I'm not just saying that because this is an ad. Go get yours at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 291,189
Rating: 4.9394822 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: ssI9_Teij8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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