Can Josh Make a Gourmet Meal Out of These Mystery Ingredients?

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I don't know if you have an equivalent show in the states, but in the UK we had a show called Ready, Steady, Cook.

Two chefs cooking dishes with ingredients brought in by contestants. Contestants could only spend ยฃ5 (about $7.50) and the chefs had access to standard pantry ingredients. All dishes had to be made in 20 minutes.

Feels like the team watched it and thought, "we could do that!"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DangerousCalm ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Loved the concept for this episode. Also, I know Emily and Josh are the pairing that most people love, but in my opinion I feel like Davin and Josh bring a hilarious amount of chaos that is very fun to watch. I still like the Josh+Emily pairing, but I'd like to see more Josh+Davin pairings.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/wacky_wombat61 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
It's a little hot. Oh, oh! You are not kidding on that. If you've ever found yourself hungry for a delicious meal but were low on time with minimal ingredients, stick around, because today we're getting creative. It's time for Nickel and Dine. All right so check it out, not only are we pinching pennies today but we're actually pinching time. So I asked a Mythical crew member to surprise me with four ingredients, pulled at random out of their freezer that I will use to make a bomb dot com tasty dish in less than 30 minutes. Today's crew member is known around here for his love of methodical trivia gameplay and I'm pretty sure he eats Popeye's at least four times a week. Davin Tjen, let's see what's in that freezer! All right, I'm about to head to the Mythical Kitchen and Josh has asked me to surprise him with a few ingredients from my own freezer. Let's see what I got. All right, we got some Outshine fruit bars. That's a nice sweet treat to have. We got some frozen peas, some frozen chicken, we got some homemade ice creams by Nick Novak. We got also some, let's see, Brussels sprouts, some more chicken, oh yeah, we also got nuggets and burritos. This is tough, but I think I know what I'm gonna bring. Oh boy, Davin, there it is, huh? It is right there. All right well, before we get into that, thank you so much for joining me as my first ever guest on the Nickel and Dine challenge. Didn't Lucas-- Wasn't Lucas-- Lucas? I have no idea who Lucas is. Anyways, we have basic pantry staples over there. We also got our fridge loaded up with just some normal ingredients. And so we're gonna put 30 minutes on the clock but you and I are also gonna take a three-minute brainstorming session to figure out how we can tag team this dish together. Oh, we're tag teaming this? We're tag teaming this. I thought I was here to judge. No, no, no, you're my sous chef today, baby. We're working this together. Okay. You ready to get into it? Yeah, I chose these ingredients. I didn't know I was gonna cook it, so-- All right, move that bus! Who's driving a bus? It's just a thing you see on TV, it's showbiz, it's a showbiz term. No, it's not! All right let's see what's in the bag, Davin, what's in the bag? Okay. Today-- What's in the bag? Brad Pitt. What's in the bag today? Brad Pitt, yeah. I got frozen peas. I tend to use those as ice packs on my body. Oh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. But then it heats 'em up but then I still put 'em back in the freezer and eat 'em. Right. It's a real thing that I do. I go for some burritos that I don't know how long it has been in my freezer. And even if it's freezer burnt there's a way to save a frozen burrito and I love that we're just gonna be using that as an ingredient. Love it. Chicken. Classic chicken breast. Classic. That looks freezer burned as well, I love that, love that. And finally, you know, some sweet treats. Oh, the old chopped basket twist with the Popsicles! Yeah! I thought it was gonna, you know, give you a challenge. I didn't realize I was gonna cooking with you. This is your challenge now too. You've officially made this difficult. All right, Davin, let's figure out what we do. We got three minutes, we got three minutes? Yep! Time! Here we go. All right, Davin, what do you like to eat, man? What do I like to eat? What are you thinking, what are you thinking? I know you love fried chicken. I like fried chicken, pot pies. That might be tough to do in in the time constraints that we have. That's also freezer burned, don't know how long. If I'm looking at this, I'm really thinking of cooking techniques that we can apply. So peas of course you can just throw 'em in some butter, it's pretty delicious, but a pea puree is a great way to sort of elevate a dish. You can add flavors there, herbs, turn it into a sauce. I'm just gonna write down potential-- Pea puree. Pee puree, and then burrito, if you're doing some sort of vegetable dish you can like get this crispy, like a chimichanga, and then you can use that as some sort of like a crouton. Popsicles, Popsicles, Popsicles. If you think about what's in a Popsicle, this is pretty much, this is the natural stuff. I love that you're natural-- Strawberries! Strawberry's the main ingredients and fruit can be used in a sauce. So I'm thinking we got pea puree, we got maybe like crispy 'rito-- Crispy 'rito, ooh. Crispy burrito. Chicken, I mean, I'm thinking we can do some sort of orange chicken style thing. It'd be red chicken with the strawberry. I think that'd be good, yeah! But what I'm thinking-- Look, you got red color, you got green color, you got-- I like that you're just thinking about this-- Orange. From a visual perspective. It's all visual! It's like how do we-- Food is art! This is show business! This is show business! It's all about the colors! Trying to elevate this, I think we can combine more ingredients in this so we can fit this burrito. I think we can fit it inside the chicken. The burrito inside the chicken? I think screw all this. I think we go-- Whoa! He just crossed everything on that list! Boom, scrap it, how much time!? Time! 47 seconds! Oh god! Oh, the burrito chicken! There's something called a ballotine or a galantine. It's like a first-year culinary school thing that I never did, but you basically roll stuff inside chicken and then poach it. Poach it, okay. So I think we're gonna do burrito chicken ballotine, peas might do a puree, might be a way, we don't really have a starch. Burrito chicken ballotine glazed strawberry-- You can use the starch from the tortilla. I think we should leave this inside-- Okay, okay. Because there's not a lot of way to separate it. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. No, I agree. Put in strawberry-- I agree. Pea puree! We can make pea puree, but we can also add the peas as some sort of a starch, we can do some sort of pea pastry or pea paste. How about we put the pea in the chicken with the burrito? No because you're gonna want the peas to sort of act as a condiment for this. The burrito's going inside the chicken, the glaze is going on top of this and the peas, I think this needs to be some sort of a main starch. Okay, I-- For the dish. Oh god, you got an air horn for this, you weirdos!? Are you kidding me? That's too loud! Clock's running, Davin! Oh my-- I'm gonna turn all the burners on high, Davin. What I need you to do, throw this chicken, we need to puncture it so it doesn't explode. Okay. Thumb strike! Almost got it. Can you go ahead and put this in the microwave on defrost? Okay. For about five minutes. I also need you to-- Davin, burrito! I need you to throw that burrito in there. I'm gonna start getting pots of water going because all I know is I need to get those peas, I gotta get the peas boiling! You said defrost the burrito? Yeah, open it up. But you put it in with the chicken. Just throw it in there for like six minutes. Okay, okay! I'm gonna start getting this glaze going 'cause I know I'm probably gonna need to reduce these Popsicles. So all I'm gonna do-- I'm throwing the Popsicle right into the pan. I'm gonna start getting that. We'll see, we probably will need to thin that out and I'm gonna want to hit that with like, I don't know, some sort of aromatic, savory something. Josh, I can't open this thing. Davin, what are you doing? I can't open this thing. I thought you've been working out, dude! I know. This is all delts, you get here, you pinch it back and you just-- You try it. Wait, that's hard. See!? I'll open the open the Popsicle. Microwave the 'rito! I wanna snack on this. Wait, what, oh god, I was filling a pot. I need a plate for the burrito. Here's a pot of water. The good news is it takes our water about 20 minutes to boil in this kitchen. So I got that going. I'm gonna pop a lid on this. Fun fact, if you ever want your water to boil faster, don't add salt to it, that's gonna delay the boiling process. Put a lid on it. Davin, I need a lid! Another fun fact, when we were outfitting this kitchen I made us throw all the lids away for the pots. So I use mixing bowls as lids. Peas, peas we need to get in water. Eh! I'm gonna dump these in here. We're gonna need to puree these eventually. I don't exactly know what we're doing this-- How's the Popsicle? It's really good. Can I eat from the bottom? No, that's unsafe. Yeah, no. Davin, check on the chicken. We've got one minute left. One minute left? All right. So we're gonna need to take the chicken, I need you to get me-- Let's do some like mise en place. Mise on plass? Mise en place, it's French for to put in place, it means getting all your stuff organized when you're cooking. It's honestly a big part even when you're just cooking by yourself. They say, if you got time to lean, you got time to clean. So if you're ever like not doing anything, say you're just like standing in the kitchen eating a Popsicle or something stupid, that means you could be doing something useful. Davin! Oh, you're talking about me? We're gonna need to season up our chicken. Let's figure it out-- We got a whole jar of spices down here. We got pepper, that's exciting. That's black pepper. Instant espresso, maybe, why not? Old Bay, no no no. Coffee? White pepper, thyme. Get some herbs, get any herbs, things, fun stuff you got. Most spices kinda taste the same. My work's done. Garlic powder, herbs, chipotle chili. I microwaved these together I hope these are defrosted. Sticks out! Ow! Davin, I need you to take this burrito and unroll it. Stop eating the Popsicle! Okay. Or finish it. Do something. I'm gonna take chicken breasts-- You want me to unroll this? It's already-- Unroll it! Davin, get the finger in and splay it. So we're getting the strawberry going. Got a pot of water because we need to poach this chicken ballotine, then we're gonna try and glaze it. Davin, can you grab me eggs, milk and flour? I wanna try and make a batter with his pea puree. Also, Davin, I need you to fill a mixing bowl with ice and water because we need to shock our peas. Okay. All right, we've pounded out all the chicken. I got some flour for you too. Yeah I love that for us. So if you see the Popsicles in here, turned into a pretty cool looking glaze. Davin, I need you to grab me balsamic vinegar. Davin, this is a mango burrito, brother. Where's the ice at? Josh, your fricking freezer does not have ice! All right so I'm just gonna roll this up into a tube and you wanna try and make it as tight as possible here and then I'm simply gonna take this, I'm gonna drop it into our water to poach. We've got about 22 minutes, I think we're looking good on that. Oh god, there's-- Davin, you just drop the Popsicle on the counter. Would you do this in your own home? Yeah? Why, you slob? I know your roommates. I clean it up after! So I'm wrapping this up in plastic and what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put this-- Where can I find ice, Josh? Into our water bath. Davin, I can't help you with everything! This is your kitchen! Wait, does he have ice? Where's the ice? We don't got ice? Davin, cold water! What about the ice!? Oh, god, oh no, oh no! You're fine, you're fine, the peas are in the cold water, they're gonna get cold. 'Cause what we're gonna be doing-- That's dangerous. That's cooking, baby. Okay. So I have my chicken ballotine, this is wrapped up, it's unseasoned right now so we're gonna drop that in the boiling water. That's gonna need to poach for about 10 minutes and then we're gonna hit it in the glaze. Right now I'm gonna add balsamic vinegar to this. I think we need to get working. Can I just watch WandaVision? Before we started, Davin was like, I'm gonna bring up WandaVision, I need you to be prepared. I'm like Davin, I don't know what WandaVision is. I'm adding black pepper, balsamic vinegar to the strawberries. Can you crack two eggs into a bowl with about a half cup of milk? I think I'm gonna try and make pea crepes. Are these cold yet? No, Davin, you need to make those peas colder. I'm gonna add some chili powder to this. I think I'm gonna try and make it a little bit spicy. How 'bout I wash them-- Salt, where's my salt!? Salt, salt, salt, Salt-N-Pepa's gonna sue us. All right, I'm gonna salt up this glaze, Davin. I got the cold water. You got butter, butter, butter. Butter, butter! Butter is in the fridge! Mad cow's in the fridge, brother! Josh, cheese looks like butter! Wisdom from Davin! I'm gonna take some butter, I'm just gonna-- Josh, this is a very messy kitchen, dude. Yeah, you know, we were kinda thinking that we're gonna have to really press for time. As it turns out, cooking's pretty easy. Josh, tell me when. When did we even get this bowl? We own this bowl? Pour and I'll tell you when, pour and I'll tell you when. Okay. You're not watching! Yeah, I'm doing-- I got the ADD. Keep going, keep going. That's good, that's good, that's good. Okay. That's probably too much. Crack another egg in there or drink some of the milk. Okay. I don't wanna drink milk with eggs. Drink the egg milk, Davin. No, no, no. Make ya strong! No, no, no! Rocky IV he drinks the eggs! You want a bowl? No! You pop that into a blender. Oh, I don't have to whisk it? No, you don't have to whisk it, you pop it into a blender. So I'm making this glaze right now, right? See, there's a lot of sugar in the strawberries, it's getting really thick. Anytime this happens, add a couple of drops of water. It'll just sort of like loosen it back up. Davin, I need him a glaze looser! Oh my god! Davin, can you find me another vinegar? Leave it there. Rice vin, white vin, anything, balsamic-- If you're adding to sweet, balsamic's commonly paired with strawberries, balsamic does have a lot of sugar in it so I'm gonna hit it with more spice. That's more black pepper. And I'm gonna hit it with maybe a little bitter. I'm gonna go instant espresso. I got you rice vin. I see Nicole like uh-uh. I'm hitting it with a little bit of instant espresso, gonna try and get some real complexity in there. I like that. Vinegar. A little bit of rice vin and then a little bit of extra salt and I think this should round it out. We're gonna continue that glazing. Davin, I need you to find a strainer and strain these peas off. We're gonna add the peas to this batter with flour and salt, a little bit of oil. I'm just gonna do it by hand 'cause I know I can't find the strainer. Strain each individual pea by hand! No pea left behind! I can't find the strainer! Add some more spice. We got some chipotle in here. I think the smoky flavors are really gonna work well with all that acid. It's really good with-- Agh, all the pots turned off again. Can you dump these peas into that? Oh yes. Yeah. This is what you asked me to do, right? Yeah yeah yeah, pea crepe, pea crepe. You know what, actually I'm gonna dump some of the liquid out. 'Cause I think we put too much liquid in there. We'll get to that later. Can you add-- This is very unhygienic. Flour to that. It's all getting cooked! There's like eggshells, there's strawberry Popsicles-- Yeah but it's all gonna get cooked before we plate it! All right can you blend that together? So we're basically making like a crepe batter and then you're gonna add a little bit oil on that. Oh, we're making crepes? We're making crepes, man. Ooh I like crepes. How much time we got, how much time? 16! We're golden, pony boy, we're golden! 16 minutes. Where's the salt, where's the salt? Oh god, glaze is burning, glaze is burning. Should I blend this? Burning the glaze. Yeah yeah yeah, blend that, blend that right now. We'll salt it later. I need to see what the consistency is with the flour and you should like create better rest a little bit. Might be a little thin right now. I'd rather have it thinner than thicker. Don't move the blender like that! Fire, fire! You taste the peas a lot, which is really interesting. I think it's gonna cook up into a crepe. We got this poaching, I'm gonna pull this-- That's boiling water, don't put your hands in there! I'm gonna pull this with seven minutes left, Davin! Seven minutes we pull the chicken. Glaze is done! What do we got? Davin, go find me some garnish. Find me some green stuff. It's like a wall of green over here. This is the problem. When we're eating lunch in here, the Mythical crew and us-- Here's some green stuff. We never have vegetables in the fridge 'cause we never cooked with fresh vegetables. Davin, these are fake plants, buddy. Davin, this is Mike Paisley spent a long-- Dirty P spent a long time making the fake plants look nice. 15 minutes left! I know, what am I gonna do-- 15 minutes! With the fake plants in 15 minutes? Oh, Annalise, you want to cook these in 15 minutes? All right, so the chicken-- Ow! Chicken's cooking, I think I was looking pretty good. Pea crepes. I got all the green stuff in the fridge, we got-- Davin, pan, pan, pan! All right we got a pan, we got our glaze going, we got-- These are all the green stuff. Yes, dude! Yo yo yo, slice this thin! We haven't cut anything today. No we haven't! Grab a cutting board. I left the fridge open, that's bad. This is gross. This is a Popsicle here. What are we doing? They say if you got time to lean, you got time to clean. Crepes, I got this pan heating-- Did the pan turn off? It did not turn off yet. I'm just gonna hit some oil in that pan. 'Cause you don't want the batter to get caught in the oil, I take a paper towel and I wipe it around. You could Pam non-stick spray, A.K.A food lube, and we're not gonna do that. I'm gonna put that in my mixing bowl real fast. This crepe batter is actually looking pretty good. I'm just gonna salt this up a little bit. That's a green c-- Green c-- Crepe! It's a-- Green crepe! Crepe! Oh, cutting board, cutting board, cutting board, slices these jalapenos very, very thin. No use the good knife, man. Where's that? We got the good knives up here, use the good knife. Oh okay! Where's the cutting board at? Can I just-- Oh, do we-- We labeled the drawers but I don't know how to read. Well, 12 minutes, 12 minutes, I'm pulling the chicken in four minutes, Davin. Four minutes, stay right there. I gotta get these creeps made, we got the glaze going, that's looking good. Jalapenos, jalapenos, place 'em in there, man. Jalapenos. I'm gonna take it as crepe batter. I'm gonna take it and if you see, put the batter in, go crepe, batter, go. It's a bit thick, you might need to add a little bit more milk. I don't know, I don't know about this. Oh god, Davin, no! No, no, no, no, grab it here. Lemme demo, lemme demo, lemme demo. Jalapenos got really thick skin so you got to start by slicing in, then draw through. Slice in, draw through. I feel like I was doing the same thing. Davin, add more milk to this crepe batter. There we go, wee got some nice little jalapeno slices. There, ah, yeah! Blend it, blend it, blend it, blend it! But now we gotta touch the crepe-- How much time do we have? 11 minutes, we're good, we're good. I'm gonna pull this-- Ow, ow ow ow. We're gonna let that rest here. I think it's looking good. I'm gonna put this in the freezer! Davin, five minutes left. We pull the ballotine from the freezer, keep an eye on that clock. Okay! Let's pull this, see where this is at. Try a pea crepe, it's a little hot. Oh, oh! You are not kidding on that. That's very good. Your fingers are just like broken? Is that what it is? Like you can't feel heat anymore? Dead. Dead, yeah. Dead to the world. Audible, Omaha! I don't trust the crepes right now, we're going pea waffles! There's this white powder. I don't know if it's baking powder or not? Davin, blend this, blend this, blend it. Okay. Blend it, blend it. Josh? Oh my god! Oh my god! What happened!? I might just broke the blender. Yeah yeah, that happens. All right we got a little chicken thing. I'm gonna hit it in the pan. Davin, butter! Gimme some butter! Yeah, that's good. It's got some jalapenos. Throw the butter in there, throw the butter in there, throw the butter in there. Yeah yeah, just wipe it. There we go. Yeah, there we go. You got a lot of butter in there. Now we're just gonna sear up our chicken. We got seven minutes, dude, we're golden, we're golden. How is this batter looking, how's the batter looking? That's perfect. That's perfect. That's perfect. Throw that in the waffle maker, lube up the waffle maker. You got a waffle maker!? Yeah, dude, we got a waffle maker. We got waffle makers at home, right? Where's the Pam? Waffle maker do it, I got it. All right, we got our chicken going. Davin, how's that chicken looking? I'm gonna chop more jalapeno. Josh, I think you need more spice in you're life. Chicken's going! There you go. Butter's burnt, that's okay. We waited to season this 'til the last moment. Okay okay, we got salt on it. Davin, how about a little Italian seasoning? Come on, how good is that? Yeah, why not? Look at that. Yeah! Oh god, switch it out. We've got this glazer here. We're gonna take the chicken, that's gonna go directly in the glaze. Is this cooking? Pea waffles! That looks pretty. We got pea waffles, we got the chicken. Wait, that's gonna burn if you put it-- Burrito-- No, that's fine, Davin! Don't touch it! That's perfect! Why are these jalapenos spicy? I'm gonna get a little bit more rice vin in there, give it a little douse. Actually I'm gonna hit a little bit of water. Davin, grab me a spoon, grab me a spoon, grab me a spoon, we got six minutes! I should have, before we did that-- I'm gonna go ahead and break the fourth wall down here-- Spoons, that's bowls! A little bit. We were like, we want this to be as natural as possible. Let's not plan anything out, but I also forgot that I don't know where anything is. I've spent three years here. I spent like 10 hours a day for three years in this kitchen that I set up, and I don't know what anything is. So I'm gonna reduce this glaze a little bit more. Normally you do this with a spoon. I know but there's no spoons! Chicken's falling apart. Waffle! Oh god, burning! I told you it was burning! Oh stop, you gotta stop-- Davin, I will never stop! Look at me! Swear to me! All right so we got our waffle done. Can you grab like a plate? I'm concerned about your hands Ah I can probably put it back. Can you get me a plate? If I can find them, yes. Yeah, do you know the plates are? I think check up there, check up there, check up there. Here's the thing. 5 minutes left! Oh, five minutes left, Annalise says. So we got the chicken, we got it stuffed with the burrito. Plates! We're gonna take this and I'm just gonna let it rest. This is just only had raw garnish on it, we're fine. I'm gonna try and-- Yeah that didn't work as well as I thought it would. But you know, I think it's very exciting. So we'll get to keep the glaze here and we're gonna let that rest. We have four minutes, I feel confident. People are saying that WandaVision is interesting. Oh yeah, oh no no, Davin, tell us about WandaVision. You know it's, there's so much stuff. Elizabeth Olsen. Is that who she is? I think so. Yeah, I think so, yeah. Paul Bettany. Yeah, yeah. He was in a great movie called Wimbledon with Kirsten Dunst. British! He's British. He's British. Also played Geoffrey Chaucer in A Knight's Tale, the best sports movie of all time. That's not a Marvel movie. I think technically A Knight's Tale was in the Marvel universe. I don't think so. I think it technically was because if you look at it you got Paul-- Actually I have this theory that 13 Going On 30 is technically a Marvel movie. Care to explain? Yeah, so, I mean, do you think like, right, she like goes back in time or like she can mess with space time continuum because of that magic dust that fell on her at her birthday party. That's the time zone. Teragin dust. Teragin? What's the teragin dust? I don't know, you told me, you said that. I'm gonna cut the waffle in fancy little triangles. I think it's gonna look pretty cool, huh? Three minutes! I want a kind of like bed of waffles for like the chicken ballotine to sorta go on. Those are like the pillows. Yeah, the pillows essentially, yeah yeah yeah. I'm gonna make more waffles. Yeah, make some waffles, dude. Davin, at this point, you do you. Try and get as clean a slice as I can out of this thing which absolutely worked. We got this cooked almost. Oh, I'm glad you found that out before we-- Deep fryer! Zap in the microwave. Microwave it. Yeah yeah. Davin, 40-- Wait, no no, what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna slice it and then microwave it. Sure. Ow! I feel it now, Davin! Feeling it now? Yeah, yeah. Yeah yeah. That's what pain feels like. Hold on, hold on, hold on. It's the pain of defeat! Davin, microwave that 45 seconds. Okay. I'm gonna eat the burrito from the insides. 45 seconds? We have one minute left! One minute left! 38 seconds, who cares? I will do 30 seconds. Gives us 30 seconds to plate. Uh-huh. Is that it? I will say the burrito cooked multiple times inside the chicken, not great. But we did it and I'm excited about it. We elevated it. Davin, grab it, grab it, it's done, it's done! It hasn't beeped yet. Davin, pick me some good parsley. 42 seconds! The chicken is steaming, I think that's a good thing. Yeah yeah yeah, that's good, that's good, that's good. Now what is what we call damage control. Okay. 30 seconds! Oh, 30 seconds! Oh the waffle's burning. We got a giant clock over here, I know. I'm sorry, Annalise, I'm not lashing out at you, I'm lashing out at me. Davin, garnish, start arranging jalapenos around it! No, Davin, no! That's what the-- No! That's the salt guy does! Golly! Salt, you piece of crap, again!? Thwarted by salt. How much time? One, oh god! Oh it's on the plate, it's on the plate, it's on the plate. Oh well we did it. For better or worse, 30 minutes have elapsed, the dish is done. I'm proud of several things in my life. This thing might be one of 'em but are you ready to try it? I'm proud I'm here with you and yes, I'm ready to try it. Let's do it. All right, Davin, here we have our chicken ballotine with the strawberry balsamic glaze and pea waffles. This is the first time you're not screaming at me today. I'm sorry. It was a high pressure environment. There was a lot of screaming. And I owe you a sincere apology. I wanna say that you did really great though. I mean, you can see-- Thank you! The difference in a jalapeno garnish that I cut versus the one that you cut. But otherwise I think we worked great as a team. Next time I promise you I'll scream less. This is the part where I judge now, yeah? Yeah yeah, judge, but I mean like, you know, it's not a competition. I think go in with an open heart and an empty stomach and let me know if you feel like this is something that you can at least take some ideas away from to turn into your everyday life. Okay, shall we start? Yes we shall. How would you eat this? Would you eat like a layer of waffle-- I think take some waffle, take some chicken with the burrito inside, sort of swipe it in some of the glaze. I wish we would've gotten more glaze on the plate. I'm gonna get a saucy-- Cleanse your palette with the jalapeno in between. All right, let's dig in. What are you tasting? Give me your tasting notes, give me your tasting notes. The peas! Mmhmm. I don't taste them. You don't taste the peas, but which is good, exactly. Which is good. You're getting vegetables. Imagine you're feeding the kid. Imagine you found a child on the street and you brought them into your home and you need to feed them vegetables, you gotta feed kids vegetables, they don't even know what they're eating, they're just eating waffles. The chicken, they're cooked. The chicken is cooked! That was a concern for awhile. The burrito inside, for me, I don't know if it's working for the chicken. Oh I didn't want to taste the burrito! But it's good. Kids, you get a strange kid off the street comes to your home, you gotta feed them burritos, you hide them inside chicken. I mean the chicken and the glaze, the Popsicle glaze, is really fantastic. Yeah, I'm surprised you were able to use the Popsicle and made a dinner out of it. And the waffles-- Something savory. Yeah, right? The waffles are really great idea. I mean, you can infuse any batter with any vegetable that you have and this is fun way. I mean, these are really normal ingredients that you probably have in your freezer, you did have in your freezer, and transform them into something completely outlandish that's just super fun. This is actually pretty good. I would finish this. Davin, do you feel empowered? After you yelled at me a lot? Yeah, I feel super empowered. Tony Robbins has made hundreds of million dollars by screaming at strangers. If he can do it, I can at least make 10 bucks screaming at Davin. And now that's the Nickel and Dine spirit. Davin, thank you so much for joining me and being my sous chef and thank you for letting us raid your freezer. I will Venmo you 3.78 for this. Thank you for cooking me lunch. Thank you so much for stopping by Mythical Kitchen. Stop with the air horn! Annalise! What are you doing!? We got new episodes-- I can't think with air horn-- Every week on the YouTube channel that you're on. New episodes of the podcast A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich every Wednesday, I think they're gonna do it again! Every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts, hit us up on Instagram at @MythicalKitchen, pictures of your mythical dishes under hashtag #DreamsBecomeFood. Does the air horn run out of gas eventually? I think so. I think they had to refuel it. Now I'm scared. Bye! You can cook up your own feast while wearing the Mythical Kitchen apron, available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 679,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: nWm9PcfTQjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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