$239 Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos Taste Test | FANCY FAST FOOD

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I need the recipe to the beef, do they put these recipes up anywhere?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/chazol1278 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
Do you need more? I'm like Tom Cruise in that one movie, you know, where he's like? Oh, "Mission Impossible." Yeah, it's how he gets the- Yeah, that's how he gets the bomb to defuse. Yeah, yeah. Hello! [Drive Thru Attendant] Hello. What can I get for you today? May I do six Doritos Locos Tacos Supremes? [Drive Thru Attendant] Okay. And then, one Quesalupa with seasoned beef, and then, can I do two Baja Blast Freezes? [Drive Thru Attendant] Sure. Would you like those regular or large? Oh, large, and I think that should do it. [Drive Thru Attendant] Would you like any hot sauce? Oh, plenty of Fire sauce, and Mild sauce for the boy. What? Thank you, I love you. Hey, Josh, I found a hot sauce packet for us. Besties. We're besties, and they put the mild sauce in there for the boy. Trevor's got a sensitive tummy. Okay, you want a taco? Yeah, give me a taco. The colors of this taco are absolutely gorgeous. The Doritos Locos taco, a marvel, a modern marvel. It set the tone for so many other things in the world. Like when you think about real pioneers of science, Taco Bell, Isaac Newton. Mm, Taco Bell. It's been too long, man. This is really good. Not only do you get all the Dorito flavor from the powder- Yeah? You get the Dorito texture. I mean, this is just a really good taco. It's like, the cheese Dorito shell isn't overpowering. You know? It doesn't taste like I'm eating Doritos. How you do think we're gonna fancify this, chef? I wanna get some really nice cut of Wagyu, like something that has connective tissue that we can braise for awhile. I actually have something special that I got for you. They're called Chicatana ants. Oh! Yeah. Very seasonal delicacy in Mexico, really delicious flavor, and then, of course, we gotta, we gotta use some really dope, awesome Masa to make our own Doritos Locos shell. And then, of course, we gotta use some awesome cheese, dehydrate it, try to make it that powder. They've done it, they've mastered it, and now, we gotta see if we can do it even better. Taco Bell, we're coming for you. Not really. We love you, we'd love to work with you. Taco Bell, hit us up. Email a man named Flanagan. To Taco Bell. I drooled on myself. Trevor, it's about 200 degrees in here. You feeling that? Yeah, it's 200 degrees in here, and also, normally, after I eat Taco Bell, I usually take a nap, so I'm struggling a bit, but I'm ready to cook! All right, so right now, we're working on the meat right now. We've done Taco Bell meat a couple times, we've done like Barbacoa style, you know, we've made some braises, but I wanna do something a little bit different. So we're gonna finely chop this Wagyu hanger steak right here. Hanger steak is the muscle in the cow that is essentially vestigial, which is why it gets such incredible marbling like that. Ooh. Yeah, it's incredible. Right? I can't believe I caught a hanger. What? What is that? You, uh-uh, you know this. I don't know it. Is it Sponge Bob? Ah, Mike, I can't believe I caught a hanger. Oh, it's from like "Rounders." Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've never seen "Rounders." I only know your John Malkovich impersonation from "Rounders." Oh, you only know Teddy KGB. Yeah, that was Edward Norton. Worm. I'm sorry. That's not even a Gen Z thing. That's just, I should watch "Rounders." All right, so we're gonna take this hanger steak, and we're gonna dice it up. We're making something essentially called Picada de be steak, which is more of like a Tex-Mex thing, and a lot of people think Taco Bell is Tex-Mex, even though it's not actually Tex-Mex. It was started in Downey, California. But it's like an Americanized version of Mexican food, so we figured we would make a somewhat Americanized version of a finely chopped beef dish. So we're gonna chop this up, and get it in a pan. We're gonna do it? Well, hold on. You explain the rest of the ingredients, man. Here we have varied spices, which you've probably seen before, not too much fancy about 'em. Purple potatoes, hailing from somewhere, where they grow- Maybe in- You know- Ida- Perhaps. I was looking at the purple potatoes. Actually, they look so funky, and they're almost shiny and I told Nicole, I was like, if you told me this was some weird animal's testicles, I'd probably just believe you. Do people often walk up to you talking about animal testicles? 'Cause they kind of do to me. Yeah. Actually, like, I don't get recognized in public often, 'cause it's kind of a niche thing. Thank you all for being here. I mean, it's a big niche, but you know what I'm saying. I'm not like a real famous person. But occasionally, people recognize you, and someone will just be like, hey, got any animal testicles in the trunk of your Nissan? I'm like, no, sir, I'd just like to buy liquor at Smart & Final. Please let me do that. They have great prices. All right, this is another really cool thing. It's called Sal de Gusano. It is actually ground, dried agave worms from the maguey plant. We're seasoning all the meat with that. Then we're just gonna gradually stir this around. Trevor, you wanna start adding some veg to this pot? What do you want first? Shishito? Yeah, get some shishito peppers in there. Typically, you'd use like bell peppers or something, but we're gonna be using shishitos. How many would you like? You know, a fun fact, that every server will tell you, if you order shishito peppers, about one in every 10 shishito peppers, Nicole's nodding, she knows, it's spicy, so watch out. Is that really? That's a real thing. Wait, that's a real thing? Occasionally, we got a spicy one. Okay. But otherwise, they're just flavorful. 'Cause sometimes, I order shishito peppers, and then, I'll eat 'em, and out of nowhere, I just get one, I'm like whoo! Palm heel, strike this. All the way over there? Yeah. Okay, I got one. I kind of- You got one usable one. Okay, so I'm adding shallots, I'm adding onions into this. This is just to sort of add aromatics to the stew. We got garlic going in there, we got all that Sal de Gusano. We're gonna get potatoes in there. Potatoes are just gonna give it some awesome, lovely sort of mouth feel in there, and we're gonna let this braise for awhile. And then, we're gonna start seasoning it up. We got a bunch of chili powders. We got some pasilla chili powder right here, pasilla's gonna be a lot milder, but give you a lot of that dark, dusky chili heat, gonna dumpy dumpy that. This is ghost pepper. We're just, don't wanna do it. I don't wanna do it. I told Nicole that I wanted to do it, now I don't wanna do it. You wanna do this one? This is marash pepper from Turkey. We're just gonna try and get a lot of things in there, 'cause Taco Bell's beef is so, so, so highly seasoned with a bunch of stuff, and Taco Bell actually does fly in spice all around the world. This is chipotle. You sure? You keep putting the bottles over there, but I have the lids over here, and it makes me uncomfortable. Deal with it. What I do with the lids? Makes you uncomfortable, deal with it! We've got a little espelette pepper. This is from France. Yeah, a little bit of bittersweet paprika. Smell that. This is actually really sort of heady aroma. Ooh. Yeah. You're gonna get a ton of smoke of this. That's gonna be really fantastic. Super smoky. Especially with that maguey salt in there. And we get the Bobby Flay peppers. Get the Bobby Flay Calabrian chili peppers? We're literally putting like nine different countries' chili peppers on this. Add a little bit of tomato paste into this. Do I think I could, if I squeezed it really hard from here, I could launch it in there? Try it. Try and the tomato paste. Okay, I'm gonna like smack it. I think it was the right idea. You had cartoon physics in your mind. Where you squeeze it- It's like toothpaste, like someone steps on the toothpaste, and it goes . Yeah, yeah, yeah, like if you see a banana peel on the ground, and you're just like, oh, someone's about to die. I have tomato paste on my hand. I love it when tomato paste- In my hair. Double that tomato paste. Okay. Yeah, right in the center. I like to toast it. I think there's tomato paste in my hair. Oh, I'm a squirter. You're a what? What? You need a quarter? Yeah. Trevor needs a quarter. Can anyone get Trevor a quarter? All right, Trevor, give this a try. Whoo! So this is called huitlachoche. Huitlacoche, they'll also refer to it as Mexican truffles, because it is a fungus that grows on the outside of corn, really freaking fantastic in a quesadilla. If you go down to Silver Lake, there's a woman who makes quesadillas with the huitlacoche. I don't leave my home. Yeah, well, eventually. One day- I don't go outside. You haven't been 21. The pandemic took away his 21st birthday, and that's one of the many, many tragedies, I'd say. All right, so we're gonna get some of this super awesome, earthy huitlacoche in there. And then, stir that up, and we're just gonna continue to build layers of flavor. Trevor, can you crack open this beer? Can I enjoy your first beer with you? Yeah, first ever beer. Really freaking awesome, craft brewery out of Mexico, so a Monstruo De Agua. It's a dude who is making beer in the foothills of Mexico City. This one is brewed with prickly pear, or Xoconostle, and also a little bit of lemon bomb, so it should get, can I drink this or not? Can't even take a sip? Can I run off camera? I think I left something over here. It's so weird. What, Trevor? No, Nicole, put that, Nicole, take that outta your mouth. Nicole. Trevor, you gotta wrestle it from Nicole's mouth. Dump some of that beer in there. You should get a lot of super nice, light flavors. All we're gonna do is we're gonna add a little bit of stock. Oh man. Just to offset for the water loss, and then, we're gonna let this cook for like maybe 2 hours, just kind of continue to slowly, slowly reduce it until the beef starts to break apart. I'm really excited about that. I gotta say, I'm real excited. We're making our crema essentially right now. This is crema Mexicana. It's not as sour and stodgy as sour cream from Knudsen or Daisy or whatever, but we're gonna create our sour cream to go on these taco supremes. Good. And what we're gonna do is we're going to make really awesome Chicatana ant salsa. So Chicatana ants, they're these flying ants that are super, super thick. Whoo! You can see 'em right here. They got these thick little abdomens, and they're only in season for a couple days a year. They're a big thing in Oaxacan cooking. Do you want me to take one? Just pop a couple. Okay. Super nutty. That's really good. It's almost like when you have like a, you know, like a peanut? It's got this lovely, sweet, earthy, nutty flavor. So we're gonna toast those up, and then, we're gonna get them into a Molcajete, with chili de arbol. Those have simply been soaked. So we're gonna add some avocado leaves to that. Can you add some hoja santa, and some chili de arbol to the Molcajete? How many of the chili de arbol? Like a fair amount, like a mini handful, like three times that. Yeah, that's good, that's good, that's good. And then, we're going to mash that into a salsa, with these Chicatana ants. Ooh. And the avocado leaves. This is sal de chapulin, it is salt that is made with roasted and dried crickets. Hmm. Which are a really awesome bar snack, huge fan of just drinking some Micheladas and eating those. Tastes almost like skin on, shell on shrimp. I like to get it broken up, and then you get the circular motion. Ah, God. I got it on my sweater. Yeah, dude, we're splashing this all over, man, but the good news is, it's just bugs and chilies. All right, so we made this really lovely chili and Chicatana ant paste right here. Make it nice and rustic, and then, we're just gonna stir this into our crema, and this should really, really flavor that all throughout. I mean, are you seeing? Yeah. Doesn't this look like the Chipotle aioli? I tell you what, that crema is gonna make me crema. This is fiery and earthy. Ooh! Add a tiny bit of salt to this. It's got flavor, Trevor, this has flavor out the wazoo. Yeah, no, mm. I'm sweating. You getting the tingles? Yeah, no, I'm hot. I shouldn't have worn this sweater. I'm tingling, I'm gonna take off my shirt. Yo, can I take off- I'm gonna take off my shirt. Trevor, take off your shirt. That's an order. The apron will cover the nipples. Is it okay if I take off- Yeah, I got chili in my eyes, and I'm sweating. Trevor, we have certainly made Dorito powder before. Yes. But we've never made fancy Dorito powder, so what we're doing, we're doing a Double Gloucester Cheddar right here, that's got some chive in it. Take a taste of that. Okay, okay, okay. Mm, it is pretty chive-y. I'm excited to try and get some of those flavors in there. And this is a Gouda from Leiden, in the Netherlands. It's got whole cumin seed in it. So cumin is a big flavor. Oh, yeah, and this one tastes like farts. Tastes a little bit like farts. The cumin seed really perfumes the cheese, but Taco Bell gives you farts. The important thing- Cheese tastes like farts. Huh? How do they taste together? Mash some cheeses in your mouth. Wow. So what we've done is we've dehydrated these cheeses, and then we've tried to blot the oil. Now it's super hard, try it. Okay. It tastes like, when you, you know, when you get a cheese little crunchy on the bottom of something that you baked with cheese? So we're gonna add the dehydrated cheese to the spice grinder, and then, we have our normal Dorito mixture here. You got your salt, got your garlic, your onion, your paprika, your cheddar cheese powder, gonna add that to it. So this little powder's maltodextrin right here. It is a tapioca starch. That soaks up fats. Try to buzz it up, see what happens. It's going. It's making it into a powder. Yes. Let's take it off. Okay, it's still a little thick, but I mean, give it a taste. I mean, that's fancy cheese powder. Wow! So this is gonna be our fancy cheese powder to go on the outside of the Dorito Loco shell that we're about to make, and we're gonna save some of it and mix into the Masa to make our tortillas, add some more things, add some of that marash pepper in there. We're gonna add some of that sal de Gusano. Are these both- And then, we're gonna add our little cheddary Dorito mixture, just so it's nice and orange. Yo! This is so cool! This is that salt, that special salt, the French stuff. Tell them, not me. It's really cool. This salt crystallizes in strands. So normally, when you have little salt chunks, but this salt crystallizes in little fine strands, and it's really neat and it looks cool, almost like little pulled sugar. And we're gonna take some of these whole little pepper berries, these look like little bombs, they got the sticks on 'em. Yeah. These are super, super cool, too. Throw 'em on the ground. We're gonna jazz up the spices. See if it pops, throw them on the ground. Ah! Geez, God! I did the thing in the Wii Bowling, where you throw the ball backwards, and then, everybody behind you goes, whoa! You're old enough to remember Wii Bowling? This feels right to me, to shake it. I'm like Tom Cruise in that one movie. You know, where he's like? Oh, "Mission Impossible." Yeah, it's how he gets the- Yeah, that's how he gets the bomb to defuse. Yeah, yeah. "Mission Impossible." Give that a little taste. Gosh, that's good. That is so good. That's fancy Dorito powder. Next! Get it outta here. Next man up. Next! We're ready to crush it. We're all whacked out on chilies on and Chicatana ants, man. Whoo! Trevor, this is a really special moment in Mythical Kitchen history. Yes. This might be the first time we have ever made a salad. Come on, give it up. Give it up. Here we go. Mythical Kitchen, making salad. Salad. We've got fresh vegetables in the house. So we're using cactus paddles, aka, nopales. These are a really fantastic ingredient. Some people say they don't like the slime in them. You know, they have a little bit of that kind of okra, unctuous texture to it. I am a huge, huge fan, so I'm gonna start prepping these. Trevor, you're gonna make a tamarind and lime vinaigrette right here, so that's fresh tamarind. Technically, it's a legume. It's used in a lot of candies. It's really fantastic. I'm just gonna scrape my knife, make sure there are no spines on the end of this. So we cracked open a bunch of these, pulled the bean part out, pulled the pulp off, and then we soaked them, so the paste is gonna be easier to get off. Yeah, I'm just gonna boil off the cactus paddles for about eight minutes, just to really soften 'em. You could grill 'em. I mean, they are really fantastic grilled, but I just wanna poach 'em. I wanna keep all the spring fresh brightness in here. Hey, speaking of spring, we got some Easter egg radishes, got some cool colors on the outside. I think I'm just gonna toss a radish in whole. Maybe I'm gonna cut these in half. There's gotta be a better way to do this. I feel like an idiot right now. But I'm just gonna keep doing it- Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause all I know. You wanna try something cool, though? Yeah. So this is a black radish. You can see the outside, this is actually a winter radish. This means it's gonna be a lot sturdier. Most people will just cook with this, or grate it raw, but I really like the toothsome texture of it, and it's got this like super funky, almost like acridity to it that I'm a huge fan of that. I think it's really gonna round it out. It's pretty earthy. It's really earthy. It's very nice. So I'm just gonna julienne it, and I'm gonna get it in there. I'm sticky. Yeah, dude, welcome to life in the Mythical Kitchen. Other vegetables we got going in the salad, Taco Bell uses iceberg lettuce. What's fancier than iceberg lettuce? A little endive, and again, we're working with such big, bold flavors in all of this that I really wanna get something that can stand up to all that. From the Belgian region of Europe. It's true. So we got all the endive, all the radishes in there. I'm just gonna get some fresh herbs in there. I don't like to pick my herbs too heavily, man, get some stems in there. The stems have a ton of flavor. Okay, Josh, I'm really not making a lot of headway here. Do you think this is enough? That's enough. You did your best. No, I wanna do, I wanna make it good. Okay, everything- Mash at it. In my mind, this was gonna work. In my mind, this was gonna like get all the seeds out. Well, now you're sticky. Naturally, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're all sticky, man. What are you doing? Squeeze that lime in there. I thought that was my job. What are you, what the hell? You gotta pulverize the lime to get the juice out. Yeah, but just roll it around like a normal person. Why are you punching it? No, bro. I'm a striker, I'm not a ground gamer. All right? Some people wanna roll around with the lime on the ground, getting its guard. No, I'm here, I'm striking. Just punched a lime, and is trying to explain it to me. Yeah, look how juicy it is. Put some salt in there, get some salt in there. I don't wanna get sticky- Eat some cactus from my sticky hand. Oh, you just licked me. Frick. It went into the salad. Ah, that's where it's going anyways. Yeah, but it got on my tongue. This is good. Good. Just get you some- Just gotta open that. Ah! Open it! Ah! Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna julienne- Why would you do that? Julienne these, get 'em in nice, long strips. I'm gonna go home. You always threaten to go home. You never actually go home. I'll get my 2005 Mini Cooper, I'll drive home, and I'll get my shower, and I'll wash this all off. Ah! I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah, it's getting there. You got it. No, that's perfect. That's what we wanted to have happen. I'm just gonna finish julienning up these nopales. Okay, it's already in it. Oh, I got it off, though. Just whisk it- No! Ah, no, let me stab it. Didn't we, is this the thing we were using the whole time? I don't know. Just sticking. I thought it was. Did you grab an unopened one? I don't know. We have so many jars on that dang shelf. I'm gonna have to take a shower in the sink after this like you. We got just crud everywhere. How many beans do you get- I'm doing- How many beans did you put in here? I'm doing my knife work. It's a bone-in vinaigrette. It's rustic. You got so many freaking beans in here. Yeah, well, hold on. I can't open, oh God, I can't open. It was going so well, and it all broke down as soon as we had to make a salad. Last time we ever make a salad in Mythical Kitchen, everybody. Clap it up. Trevor and I have somehow become covered in sticky. All right, we gotta add oil for the vinaigrette. This is salsa negra from Chef Carlos Salgado, Taco Maria, fantastic freaking restaurant. We're gonna use that as the oil in our vinaigrette. It's an oil-based salsa, yeah. And then, we're also gonna put that on our tacos. I'm gonna passive aggressively count the number of beans we take out of here. No, just whisk it, man. Wait, wait, I think we need some like, I'm gonna put some water in it. Trevor, this vinaigrette looks absolutely awesome. We got these nopales cooling right here. All we have to do is add the vinaigrette while Trevor screams at me fishing out the beans, and then, we're gonna add the nopales, and then, that's our salad. High five. Ugh. We did it, man. Trevor, we've done the taco portion. Of course we have. We've done the Locos portion. Yeah. Now we gotta do the Doritos thing. Yeah. Portion? It was never a good beat. We're making the tortillas from scratch. We're using Masienda Masa. It's a local LA company. They make fan-freaking-tastic tortillas. Doritos, when they make their Doritos, they are frying raw masa, they aren't doing tortillas. That's why it gets so light and crispy, 'cause the oil gets in there. So what we're gonna make, essentially, is raw masa rounds. We're gonna cut it out with this little ring mold, and then, we're gonna fry it in little taco shapers. Okay. All right, so can you slowly stream in that warm water to the masa, and I'm just gonna mix it with my hands? I mean, we've got a great record for making tacos. Yeah, we do, dude. Taco shells. I mean, we- Volcano taco. We've never screwed up taco shells before. All right, Trevor, so we've got some of that water mixed in, so we're gonna take some orange food dye. Ah. 'Cause we're really trying to recreate the look of these Locos tacos, and we got the fancy cheese powder to add after, but right now, we're just doing the cheddar cheese and the orange food dye. Keep adding water, I'm just gonna keep mashing. Okay. And we're making these tacos kinda smaller, which is the first time ever on "Fancy Fast Food" that we have made a dish smaller than the original, but we're gonna make like 15 of them, and then we're not gonna leave here till we've eaten all of them. Well hors d'oeuvres are fancy. Hors' ovaries is what my father called them. It's a regional name, Allentown, PA, represent. We're gonna let the masa sit, and then we're gonna roll it out. Then we're gonna put it in these. Where'd you get that from? My pouch. The tacos were shaping? Yeah, little known fact, I'm a marsupial. The masa's been sitting. It's got the cheddar in there. It's got all the orange food dye, so now, we're gonna do, we're just gonna roll out the masa. So I got, what am I doing? Can you take, well, I'll just do it. You're just holding, you got your thing. We have the infamous taco shaper. Tell 'em about the taco shaper, Trevor. So, Josh and I once did an episode where we recreated Taco Bell's Lava Taco, and in order to make that, we had to make our own very, very red taco shells, and we bought this contraption on the amazon.com, because we thought, wow, that's so easy, so intuitive to make a taco shell. You put the thing in here, you put in here, drop it in the fryer, and boom, it's fried. Little did we know when the taco shell fried up, the indentation would puff out through the taco shaper letters and then, Taco Shaper would be imprinted on our taco shell. And imprinted into your lives forever. Yes, so we were eating Taco Shaper brand taco shells, homemade, for our Taco Bell episode. So I don't know. Maybe since they're mini, it won't do the same thing, but who knows? In about five to seven minutes, we might have more Taco Shaper tacos. Did you, how are you doing over there? I did it. Well, great. So I'm gonna take a ring mold, cut it out. Again, we're going for slighter smaller tacos here. Just lift this up. Is it too wet? No, you're too wet. All right, Trevor, we're gonna fold this in half, pop it in there. Not to be insubordinate, but that looks like crap. You can't just say, that was insubordinate. Okay, my bad. Say something positive. Josh, you're so handsome. Thank you. And good at cooking, and I'm just really proud of you and what you've- Thanks, man. You know, I try. Up until the salad, we were doing some really cool things. And then, you know, the wheels have come off the train a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you know, we're still pushing through, and I think it's gonna be really good once we're done. So we're gonna load this on here, and we're gonna fry 'em, and then, right outta the fryer, we're gonna dust in our fancy Dorito powder. Sheesh! Trevor taught me that one. Off we go! Bye, tacos! Trevor, go ahead. You're gonna pull those taco shells here- Put that whole thing on a rack, I guess. Over the- Just dump it. You put the rack over the dough. Yeah. Yeah. Kinda lift it, all right, so right when these are hot out of the fryer, Trevor, dust 'em with Dorito powder. Yeah, I don't think it's gonna dust through that. Oh, it is! Nicole, it's working. Nicole! Nicole! Nicole! Nicole, it's working. Okay, that looks awesome. Now one more. Trevor, crevasse my powders. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, that's it, that's it, that's it. Jumble, jumble, jumble, jumble, jumble. And scene! Okay, we got it. This is really hot. Trevor, we got all of our fancy components here. So we got our awesome Gouda and Double Gloucester, Doritos Loco taco shells right here. We got the Double Gloucester cheddar shredded to go on top. We got that Chicatana ant garlic chili de arbol crema, and we got this little steak picada. Give this a bite. This stuff, I was, you know, snacking off camera. Mm. Unbelievably flavorful. So the way this goes, I'm gonna go beef. I'm the beef boy right now. You're the cream man. Trevor, you've always been my cream man. Yeah, I'm the cream man. Follow me with cream. All right, let's get a little pocket of beef. I'm trying to weight it to the middle. How much cream are we thinking? That's a good amount, that's a good amount. Try not to cover the beef. Okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll get more of a drizzle action. Yeah, yeah. Ah, gosh! Freaking beans, Josh. Ah, beans on toast. People rip on the British for beans on toast. That's a good food in my book. Beans on toast? You donut. What are you doing? All right. That's how they sound to me. Bark like seals. You think I could out-Gordon Gordon? I think so, dude. Whenever he reacts to our TikToks, he's like, oh, come on. Ah, come on. Oh, Josh, oh, no. Oh come on, boy. Oh, no, Josh. Oh, come on. All right, I'm just gonna follow with a little bit of the salad. Is cheese after salad? Cheese comes after salad, cheese and tomatoes. So I'm just gonna put a little dollop of the salad. We've loaded in a lot of stuff into these miniature tacos. These are tiny little tacos. Very small. Not a lot of room to work with. Very small, not a lot of room to work. The beef is really good, so I think Josh wanted to go really heavy on the beef. That is correct. But I mean, the salad, we got that beautiful vinaigrette in there. Put some 'maters on there. Well, yeah, you do that. I did cheese. Use your hands for the maters. Okay. It's mater. Yeah. It's like tomater. From "Cars." Yeah, with Larry the Cable Guy. We have Chicatana ant chili crisp from Chef Carlos Salgado at Taco Maria. I'm pretty stoked on this. So these are those same Chicatana ants that are ground up with a bunch of chilies and garlic to mimic like a Szechuan chili crisp, like Lao Gan Ma. You know who loves Lao Gan Ma? Oh, John Cena. John Cena loves Lao Gan Ma. Oh, you know who else loves Lao Gan Ma? You? Me. We have our Doritos Locos tacos made. Trevor, let's just remind ourselves of what a taco looks like. I'm still excited about this. I am still excited about this, too. So these are the original Doritos Locos tacos. Theirs is a lot paler than ours. Also, it's had some time to steam. Yeah, this hard taco turned to a soft taco. Wait, Trevor. So if you see, ours, for the first time, in "Fancy Fast Food" history, are significantly smaller than Taco Bell's. But I think this a much more compact bite, and we certainly packed a lot more flavor in there. All right, Trevor, take a bite of this? Mm, the taco shell has formed with the beef. It's one coagulant. It's nice, though. Nice paste. Like a dumpling. That's such a good taco. What the- I'm excited about this. Cheers. Cheers. Oh, oh heck, yeah, man. The flavor comes in waves. It's so layered, and there's so much going on. First thing that hits you, the Chicatana ant chili crisp, because it tastes like freaking Lao Gan Ma. The steak picada that we made, all the earthiness from the huitlachoche in there, I mean, honestly, the salad's really nice. Yeah. You get a lot of acid. It's almost like the beef is just accented so perfectly by everything else. It's like, you get the base beef, and then, every other ingredient in there is just adding to it. Like the crema, so good. A little bit of spice, and it's just so smooth and silky. And being real, the crema is an unsung hero, because you're not just, it's not like a reprieve. Like you don't get refreshed from sour cream. Like this hits you with even more flavor, 'cause all that raw garlic. Before I eat another one, though, how much did this cost? So we're pricing this out as an eight taco party pack. That's how we buy tacos from Taco Bell. Eight of these, $239.21. For eight? God dang. Good job, Trevor. Holy frick. Thanks so much for stopping by Mythical Kitchen. We got new episodes every week, got new episode of our podcast, "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" out every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram @mythicalkitchen, and pictures of your Mythical Kitchen, and share your pictures of food. Whoo! That's spicy! And please, go fill out the Mythical Census. Let us know what you think of the show, what you wanna see more of. Tell me that you hate me if you really want to, just as long as you fill out the Census. We got a link in the description. Golly, Trevor. Yeah, you wanna go nap somewhere? Yeah, I'm sleeping. Okay. I need to sleep. Yeah. 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Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 693,923
Rating: 4.9513707 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: 4FcgHGDsfQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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