Cooking With The Internet's Worst Food Crimes

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I like this new format! Commenting on each other's techniques and ideas with both complimenting and trash-talk -- what a fun balance of friendly rivalry. This is a great new show! More! More!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
So now we're gonna deglaze this pan with a little bit of red wine. Just a little bit. Hey, welcome to "Mythical Kitchen," where dreams become food. Just as Victorian England was a hotbed for mustachioed serial killers, the internet has become a hotbed for a different kind of crime, food crime. The world wide web has hosted some audacious, some abominable, some downright abhorrent food creations. And today, we are focusing on one of my favorites. The Snickle. Yeah, so that's a Snickers that someone stuffed inside a pickle, right? And then-- I did it. Alright, so this has gone huge on the internet. Everyone knows the Snickle, everyone hates the Snickle. But today, Nicole, I am challenging you to a food crime face-off. We're gonna see who can better redeem this monstrosity 'cause every dish deserves a second shot at life. I agree! You can snag the time codes right over there and there's a full written recipe in the description below. Food crime or about gosh darn time? Let's get cooking and find out. I like this, I like that you went right there. I just wanna show them. I feel weird, doing a kind of squat. My cool shirt. I'd like to start off by saying, I think I have a rock solid plan not only to redeem the Snickle, but also to beat Nicole. Because I think Nicole is gonna run from the flavor profile of the Snickle, and I'm not gonna do that. Josh is just unnecessarily aggressive. Let me give this a taste in its raw, unadulterated form. Wow! The pickle makes the Snickers taste a lot worse. The Snickers makes the pickle taste a lot worse. It's a food crime for a reason. It's terrible, it's terrible. However, I'm gonna try and make the flavor profiles of peanut, chocolate, caramel and pickles work together and how I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna take this here, big, ol' pickle and shove it into this here, pork loin. Are you ready, kids? Meggie? Aye aye, captain. Hm, I wonder how he's gonna do this. Oh, yep! That's what I thought. Take a knife, just try and make a nice incision right into the middle. I know what you're saying, "Josh, how you gonna stuff this big, ol' pickle in that little ol' hole? How are you gonna do that? Oh, that's what the olive oil is for. Sorry, everybody. This is happening. It's kinda like keto wellington, if you're one of the-- He said it himself, see? Wellington, again with the wellington. Wellington without the carbs. He's just always tryna gas up Gordon Ramsay. So if you see, I sorta made a Chinese finger trap, but out of a whole pork loin and instead of my fingers in there, it's gonna be this big ol' pickle. I wanna just kind of widen out the hole right there. If you can kinda see that, you wanna kind of stretch out the walls a little bit. Oh no! Just so we got enough room to stuff the pickle in there. Shame on you. I think a perfectly good pork loin is gonna be the great way to bridge the gap 'cause you can do a cocoa rub pork loin, right? You can certainly do pork and pickles, think like a Cuban sandwich. Yeah, try to justify your horrific actions. So we're gonna try and really marry all these flavors together. You're just gonna drizzle some olive oil over the top of that pickle and kinda get it lubed up a little bit. And then sort of shove it right in there. Unnecessary. Yeah, you can see the pickle. Oh no! He needs to stop. So all I'm gonna do is pop it in a Ziploc bag. Yeah, this is wrong. It's gonna be good though, because the pickle is gonna, when you roast it, it's gonna steam its pickley essence throughout the pork, we're gonna get a nice, chocolatey rub on it and that, to me is gonna get all the essence of the Snickers in there. And then, we got a sauce coming that's really gonna tie it all together. My hands are covered in pork and lube and I can't open the pickles. Hold on. There we go. And now we're just gonna pour all this pickle juice. If you never had pickle brined pork, I mean, it is a fantastic way. Even if you're not trying to redeem a heinous food crime that everyone's tagged you in on Twitter 8,000 times in the last two weeks, pickle brined pork is really, really delicious. It is really delicious, so I think he's doing a great thing there. But stuffing it with the pickle made me a little bit uncomfortable, I'm not gonna lie. There we go, and now we just gotta let this bad boy brine for about eight hours, and then I'm gonna rub it down, gonna roast it off in the oven, and we're gonna get our Snickers sauce work. This is just going not as great as I thought it would, but I do have faith in his abilities as a chef so we'll see. I think what I'm realizing here is my strategy as opposed to Nicole strategy, which I feel like is gonna be to make some pretty good tasting food utilizing pickles and chocolate in certain elements, I've tried to create an even worse food crime to redeem this food crime. It's like how you make one one crime look less heinous by committing another one. What I'm saying, is I got our pickle stuffed pork out of the brine and you see, it's got a kind of alien quality to it. It's just the worst looking thing I've ever seen. We got a cast iron pan heating right now. I'm just gonna get some neutral oil in there. We're gonna sear this off and we're gonna roast it, we're gonna try and get a beautiful, mid rare blush in there, but you can't temp check it right in the middle 'cause then you're gonna hit the pickle. 'Cause again, I shoved a giant pickle inside of the pork loin. What we're gonna do, I got a rub right here. It's simple, it's paprika, onion, garlic, little bit of cocoa, little bit of cinnamon, kinda playing on some of those kind of Tex-Mex-y spices and we're just gonna rub the pork down in it. That sounds really good, actually, with pork, all of those flavors, especially the cocoa. And the paprika sounds really, really good. 'Cause Emily's gonna be judging this and I do want her to smell the pickle and the chocolate right off the bat. I want her to be sort of inspired by the terror that I felt eating the Snickle, and then overcome with the amount of love and joy that goes into my cooking. Those are the words I would use to describe it, love and joy. I think it's gonna taste good; pickled pork is good and I think that the Snickers flavor can work in it. So we're gonna get this searing off, fat side down. You can sear it right in the cooking twine. All we gotta do, we're gonna let that sear for about three minutes on one side, and then I'm gonna take some garlic. Just gonna hit with the palm heel strike! Palm heel strike! Roll this around, lovely, you see some nice, beautiful char on those strings. That has a good looking sear. Using the Maillard reaction. That's the scientific name that causes that browning. That's gonna really get all that flavor out of the strings as possible. He's talking about the Maillard reaction on strings. I'm gonna take some butter, gonna toss it in that pan. Good, good, good, yeah, oh, he's gonna baste? We're just gonna get our crushed garlic and rosemary into that butter and just let that really express 'cause I wanna hit this with aromatics. I'm trying to use some classic cooking techniques to go along with these heinous anus ingredients. Heinous anus was my nickname in high school. And just spoon all that aromatic butter. He needs to do that with a little bit more finesse. He is being very amateur at that basting. He needs to do the spoon flick, he needs to do this. Come on, give me the spoon. Give me the wrist flick, give me the flick of the wrist. He's not gonna do it. Alright, so this is searing really nice. We got all our butter, all our rosemary, all our garlic in there, all of our aromatics. This is singing, this is going well. Now I'm gonna take this, I'm gonna pop it in the oven and we're gonna pull it out and we're gonna get to our saucing. It looks pretty good to me. Take that, Nicole! Why is he so combative? Are you impressed? Yes, I'm a little impressed. Have you thought, "Wow Josh, you really rammed that whole pickle into the pork loin and what more could you do?" Well, it's this. So we got some bacon going. We're kinda making a bacon chocolate sauce. A bacon chocolate sauce? I was tryna figure out what sauce we could do on this. I knew I wanted to go chocolate based, I didn't want to desecrate molé poblano or molé negro, two of my favorite dishes. So I found this French sauce called sauce Gascon, so what we're doing is we're adding shallots and garlic to rendering bacon and for the rest, you'll see what happens. And then the other side of the pot, we're gonna infuse a whole Snickers bar into this. I'm just gonna get a whole Snickers melting into some milk and it's gonna add some nice, lovely richness. So, gonna let those shallots and the garlic sweat down in the bacon, I'm gonna deglaze it with red wine. So this is like a rustic French sauce that, to my knowledge, did not have a whole Snickers bar in it, but I also wasn't there. I wasn't there in 17th century France when this was invented, in like a rustic hillside after people had a long day of hunting rabbit or whatever. So it could've had a whole Snickers in it, if we're being honest. This man. Another place where I think I'm gonna get Nicole, knowledge of classic French cooking. I'm the one who went to culinary school. I have more knowledge of French cooking than you do. So I got the garlic and the shallots sweating in the bacon, this smells great right now. But next to the Snickers, um, it's clashing. It's a clashing smell, I'm not gonna BS you on that. So once this is hot, I'm gonna take my tomato paste. I'm gonna add that right there. That's gonna give some more body to the sauce and a little bit of acid, 'cause I love the fact that the Snickle has combined just some pickles, one of the most incredibly acidic foods in the world, with chocolate, one of the foods that you typically don't wanna combine acid with. But chocolate covered strawberries are a thing. Strawberries are a little bit acidic, right? Am I justifying this too much, a little bit. That's just your whole shtick, man. All you gotta do is do something really, really wrong and then justify it. So now we're just gonna deglaze this pan with a little bit of red wine. Just a little bit. I'm also gonna add some cocoa powder directly to that to really, again, reinforce all that chocolate flavor. I'm gonna reduce the red wine by about a half. You always wanna cook out the alcohol whenever you deglaze. Not all the alcohol cooks off, and I know people say it's like a myth, but you don't want that raw wine flavor in there. We're going after the savoriness in that wine. We're going after the acid, we're going for that little bit of sweetness. And you already see it's combining with the bacon fat to give it a sort of lusciousness. This thing's gonna be so luscious on the plate, especially after we hit it, we mount it with a little bit of butter, get some salt and pepper in there, was that cool? That was really cool. I wasn't gonna say anything, but it was super sick. The colors looking about where I want it to be. So now what I'm gonna do, is I need to get this combined with the Snickers. So I'm just gonna take it, I'm gonna pour it into a Vitamix and through a strainer. 'Cause I don't wanna blend the bacon in there, I just wanted all that bacon fat for flavor. And then you got some nice wine bacon for snacking. Yeah, I knew he was gonna say that. "Save it for snacking." That might be the best part of the dish. You should take that and sprinkle it over the top. That's what I would do. And I'm gonna take that sweaty Snickers milk, we're gonna pop that in there, and we're just gonna blend it. Godspeed. I don't know how the nougat's gonna react to the blender, but we're about to find out. I forgot about the nougat. Oh, it just looks like a milkshake now, which is pretty cool. Ew, bro. Alright, what we have is a milkshake consistency right now and we're gonna get it back into the pot, and we're gonna reduce this for about 20 minutes. Then we're gonna mount it with butter and it should just turn into a nice, luscious pig milk sauce. For our pickle pork, pig milk sauce for the pickle pork. Pig milk pickle. Your move, Nicole. So the dish is gonna finally come together and I'm very curious to see how he's gonna plate this up. I have an idea, he's probably gonna put some sort of pickle slices on it, probably gonna put some crushed peanuts, maybe isolate some nougat. So you can see, we got our pork roast. It's out, it's fully roasted, it's resting. And now we got the sauce here, it's reduced, it is luscious. All's we gotta do is add some butter to it. I'm gonna add it slowly, take it off the heat, whisk it in there, let the butter melt. We're trying to get a nice, luscious coat on that. Oh yeah, we're good, that sauce is done. That is looking nice. Now I'm gonna slice up this pork. Let's see what it looks like. Take off the end here. There's gonna be a lot of brown on this plate; I hope he's gonna incorporate some kind of color. Oh, the pickle juice is just leaking out and look at that. You ever seen something like that? I never seen something like that! Golly, look at that pickle juice coming out of that pork. That is, whew! Well, ain't no turning back now. It looks like an eyeball. Slice this into some medallions. Oh my God, he knows he's made a big mistake. There we go, look at that. Beautiful, elegant pork medallions, love that for us. Oh, I hate this for us. So we got our pork medallions. I'm gonna take some of the sauce. Butter is emulsified beautifully in there, this is so just shiny. Like a BP oil spill. Give us some cool plating techniques, man. Do some, yeah okay, there we go. Swivel, swivel, swivel, swivel. There we go, it's a bed of sauce for the pork to rest on. I really wanna get Snickers, pickle and pork in every bite. You are gonna make that happen. Lovely! We have different definitions of lovely. Now we will take-- Oh my God, it looks like a calf's eyeball. Oh my God. Just wanna nestle that in there, beautiful, beautiful. Oh my God, if someone served that to me, I would be horrified. Just gonna take a couple chopped peanuts, kinda get them around the sauce again. We're reifying the Snickers theme here. I wanna get a little bit of crunch, little bit of texture. He's so silly. And then now, what we're gonna do, 'cause again, I'm gonna get a little bit of Snickers zest on there, so I'm gonna take a whole Snickers bar and we're just gonna zest it right on top of the pork. Again, when you zest the Snickers, you only want the outside. The inside is gonna be mostly caramel and nougat. We're just gonna get some zest all around this plate. Oh my God. It doesn't look horrific. I mean, it does, but it doesn't, I don't know. I can see the appeal of this dish. It's not for me. There we have our pickle stuffed, pickle brined pork roast, dusted in cocoa. We got our chocolate red wine sauce Gascon. This is a dish that's gonna redeem the Snickle and ultimately beat Nicole. Nicole, you impressed?! Are you not entertained, Nicole? Thought I'd be more impressed, sorry. I know she's entertained, I get her every time. Yeah, he knows. I'm out, peace. Prepare to get your booty beat. Alright, let's get this party started, shall we? I've never had one of these before. It looks very intimidating; that looks illegal. It is intimidating, it should be illegal. Oh yeah, big ol' bite. I'm gonna swallow it. Know what I am? You're a warrior, Nicole! A trooper. Don't you spit out that Snickle. It's actually not the worst thing I've put in my mouth, surprisingly, okay. But I have a great plan on how to incorporate the chocolate, the pickle, the sour, the sweet, all those flavors to combine into a beautiful, harmonious dish. First thing we're gonna do, is we're gonna make giardiniera confetti. Now, I know what you're thinking. "What does that mean, giardiniera confetti?" I'm gonna take all the flavors of a classic giardiniera and here we have, I have nougat in my tooth. Soft teeth ain't good with the Snickle. So I'm gonna take equal parts vinegar and water, that's boiling away. I'm gonna add some salt and sugar in there. This is smart, 'cause she's taking the theme of pickle, but she's not going straight pickle like I am. Immediately, it's less literal and already more clever than what I'm doing. And then right here, we have some beautifully chopped vegetables. We have red bell peppers, carrots, celery, and these are cauliflower stems. These are the ends of the cauliflower that no one eats, but I'm showing you how to repurpose them. Like a hipster, no-waste restaurant out of the "Mythical Kitchen," I love this. And you just throw them right in there, all at the same time. This is gonna get a very, very quick boil because we want these still to stay nice and crunchy and bright, and we don't wanna kill them. We don't wanna overcook them. So we're just gonna let that go. I think I'm gonna win this competition, sheerly based on my colors. I mean, it's a rainbow, baby. You would rely on colors to win the competition for you, no, no, no. It's beautiful. And now we're gonna add some of the green with our big old pickle. Nicole is an incredibly talented cook. She is not going to have the shock and awe that I have. And then in this jar, we're going to add bay leaf, some peppa, some red pepper flakes, and then I'm gonna fish out some of my beautifully cooked veggies. I mean, look at that color. That's smart, getting some extra aromatics in there to really counter the flavor of just pure pickle. I'm just gonna fill this jar up with our beautiful vegetables. She's doing a lot of smart things that I really respect, things that I did not do. She's not necessarily running from the flavor of pickle. She's just changing it ever so slightly just to be a little bit more elegant. I'm not scared yet, 'cause I have no idea where her dish is going. Try your best to do this nicely, try your best, but it's okay if it gets on the counter a little bit. Drink it, drink it, coward! Close it up, and that's our secret little giardiniera. Mm, just our secret little giardiniera, just between you and me. We're just gonna let this hang out in the fridge for like an hour, and it's gonna get beautiful and pickley and flavorful. And this is gonna beat Josh's butt! False, nothing can beat my butt. My butt is incredibly resilient; I do a lot of squats. Nicole does no squads, point me. Hey, welcome back. I don't know if you went anywhere, but I just wanted to welcome you back. Thank you. 'Cause guess what we're gonna do now? We got a Snickers socca coming up. So what are you, a pan-Mediterranean restaurant from 2006? Got her! A socca is a beautiful, glorified chickpea pancake that's very popular in Italian cuisine, but we're gonna put in some beautiful, warm, autumnal spices in there to really brighten it up and help me a segue to the Snicker. So I'm gonna cut this Snicker up really fine. This is an interesting twist to me. I love Snickers, it's not my favorite candy bar. My actual favorite candy bar of all time is a Skor bar. 'Cause I'm an old woman. Nicole came out of the womb as an 80 year old woman. She is Benjamin Buttoning in front of our eyes right now. I love butterscotches. I love a good Werther's butterscotch. She listens to oldies all the time in the kitchen. This all makes sense with the butterscotch candies. I'm gonna pull out a preheated cast iron pan. Wow, that was a cool little dance move I did. And then I'm going to put some oil in there because when we throw our socca in, we want it to get nice and sizzly. So we're gonna add a few glugs of olive oil, then throw this right back in there. So she's cooking it almost like a Dutch baby, so she's gonna have some nice lift on that socca. Take some peanut butter powder. This is actually one of Josh's favorite ingredients, I think, I think he puts peanut butter powder in all of his smoothies? Yeah, I put it in my brogurt. It makes them a brogurt thicker, it makes it like brudding. That's bro pudding, 'cause it's got protein powder and peanut butter powder in it. This is how I'm gonna beat ya. I'm gonna beat you by using your own things, man! That's how I beat ya. Then I'm gonna take all of my beautiful spices. We have white pepper, cinnamon, ground ginger, cumin and salt. This is smart. Getting the cumin in the ground ginger in there is gonna be a real key to elevating the Snickers to a savory component. Olive oil. She doesn't seem to have as much Snickers. She's gonna put that into the socca. I'm curious what our protein's gonna be on this. You want kind of a cake batter texture, and we're not adding any leavening in it too, 'cause it doesn't need any leavening. It's gonna be this beautiful crisp on the bottom with all that warmed oil, and it's gonna have a fluffy exterior as well. I'm plenty sexy with a fluffy exterior. As you can see, that's nicely mixed up, whoa! Oh my God, did you see that? Did you shake it? She doesn't know where she is. She's out on her feet and she's about to be down for the count. Toss in my Snickers. I think it's gonna taste good though. I'd like to try your dish. Be gentle, fold it in, 'cause you don't wanna break up the Snickers. Okay, Martha Stewart ass out here. Don't wanna break up the Snickers in your Indian spiced chickpea pancake! There we go, looks good, swivel it around in there. And then we pour in our socca, there we go. I bet she's gonna serve it right in that cast iron pan. She's gonna go like a TGI Friday's with their loaded tater tots on a Thursday night. That's a fun time. Now, it's gonna go in the oven for about, mm, maybe like five, 10 minutes. And then we'll have a beautiful socca. But wait, there's more! What's more Nicole, what you doin', girl? 'Kay, let's see what our socca looks like. What's going on with Nicole's sweater? It's like half sweater, half suit of medieval armor, and I like it. So this is what our beautiful, bubbling socca looks like. You can see the edges are nice and browned and all of that nougat is starting to seep out. It kinda low-key looks like Dr. Pimple Popper. Oh, that's rich, 'cause she talks about Dr. Pimple Popper while we're cooking and eating all the time. Do not like it, do not enjoy that. So I'm gonna do some pickle fried shrimp. It's really, really simple. It's gonna be made in like two seconds flat. I'm gonna roll up my sleeves because it's gonna get kind of dirty in here. Oh, suddenly the nice sweater, not a great idea, Nicole. So I just have some beautiful, de-veined, peeled shrimp. I removed the tails too, because there's nothing I hate more when you go to a restaurant and you're eating shrimp with a fork and knife and there's a tail. I don't understand, why would you leave something inedible? Nicole doesn't like being very simply inconvenienced in a small way. That makes sense that she doesn't like that. So I'm just gonna throw these into the pickle brine and let these hang out for just a little bit because I wanna infuse the pickle flavor in there, but I don't wanna actually pickle my shrimp. Coward, I let my pork sit in pickle juice for two days. My secret ingredient, Tony Chachere's, ladies and gentlemen. No! No, no, no, no, no, no, unfair advantage. Unfair, referee! Tony damn Chachere's. Unfair advantage. She's not allowed to use Tony C's! Is going in here, and this is how I'm gonna win too. I'm gonna win because I-- Cough it up, Nicole. That's how I'm gonna beat your butt, Josh. You hear that, you hear that?! I heard ya, I heard ya loud and clear. So our shrimp is nicely infused with all that flavor, let's just go ahead and whisk this up. It's not infused, no, there's no way any pickle flavor is getting into that shrimp. She's just putting fried shrimp on there 'cause she knows that Emily loves Vegas buffets. We're gonna go ahead and throw these into our flour mixture, give them a nice toss, kinda pack it deeply in there. I'm gonna do each one individually because it is a little bit of an unorthodox frying method. But this is an unorthodox ingredient I have to work with, the Snickle? Why did we decide on the Snickle? There's so many food crimes out there that are a little bit easier to do. You just pick the most screwed up one? That is correct, we pick the most screwed up one because I wanted to challenge Nicole. I wanted to see how she rises to the occasion. You guys are just trying to make me lose. This is Josh's show and you guys just want Josh to win, but no, I'm gonna win! Don't make excuses, no excuses in the kitchen, Nicole. Now, let's throw our shrimpies in. Let's go, beautiful, they're nice cwispy, two. I hate that she uses baby talk. Her and Trevor baby talk in the kitchen all the time and I can't stand it. "Twevow, can you do the dishes?" One thing I know about Emily, she's a wild card. True. Today I was really nice to her, so I think that's gonna like help me win. You know what I mean? Unfair advantage. Let's see how shrimpies are doing. ♪ These are sweet, but beautiful ♪ ♪ Make your shrimp look really sexy, the shrimp ♪ No, pickle pork with pig milk is sexy. No, I'm not a very combative person and I don't believe in competition that much, but I will crush him! Competition is the lifeblood of innovation. But also, comparison is the thief of joy. So I'm miserable, but innovative. So my shrimp is gorgeously cooked. We got a nice fry on there, a nice thick coating of batter, which is exactly what I wanted. Now, we're gonna plate it up! You guys excited? Yeah. I hope so! Yeah! 'Cause I will crush you, Josh! No, don't crush me! Here we are, guys. All of that hard work looks like this, isn't that wild? Wow, stunning. Okay, so let's open up our giardiniera confetti. Oh, also how I'm gonna win, I have cool names. Giardiniera confetti, don't you wanna eat that? I have pig milk. That's another tactic, you gotta give interesting names and styles to your food, you can't just say pork tenderloin. No, it's pickle pork with pig milk. So I'm just gonna take a little bit of this and I'm gonna spoon it, and just some Japanese mayo and kind of make a pseudo remoulade sauce to go with our-- Okay, so she's avoiding the dryness here. This is gonna be that nice creamy, saucy element along with our fried element and our fresh element, with our celery leaves and that beautiful, caramel-y, I don't even know what to call it, I don't even know. It's beautiful, I mean, look at these holes. It's just a beautiful plate of food. Mayonnaise, chocolate, pancakes and shrimp. We have both made utter grotesque monstrosities, but I think they can redeem the Snickle. Go ahead and add in our shrimps, delicately placed all over the top in a nice little cluster. These are very, very crispy shrimp. Listen, do you hear that? Ooh, it's giving me the tingles. Okay, and then we're gonna add in our celery leaves for garnish. I should have put something green on my plate. I'm all shades of brown, I'm 50 shades of brown. And then we're going to add our remoulade right in the center here, nice little dollop of it. Mm, that's smart. Nice little creamy dollop. I just don't think she has the chocolate and pickle flavor running throughout there. Gorgeous. Unless you get a bite of that socca pancake underneath, you're not gonna get any Snickers. Mine's all throughout, it's unavoidable. I'm gonna take some of the confetti and just sprinkle it on top for some gorgeous color. Okay, I see, Nicole, I'd like to eat that dish. Hot dignity! That's a beautiful plate of food, ladies and gents. I will crush you, Josh! If she dies, she dies. I will beat you, this is my day! I've been told what the name of this is, that it is a Snickle. That's correct. Mm-hmm. And I don't know what that means. Well, look down, lady. It's just a Snickers bar inside of a pickle. That was our first reaction, too. Mm-hmm, gross. That's fried, so that makes me hopeful. God dang it. This is very pretty, but I'm less hopeful. The one time I don't fry something, the one time I don't-- I knew it! Alright, to start this and be fair, I'm going to eat the original, the original Snickle. Why'd you put it in quotes? She's not having a good time. This feels like a makeshift pregnancy test. If I like this, then we know. Oh my God. Ooh. Who's gonna be the godparent? Oh God, it smells weird, hang on. Yeah, that's a big bite. Big ol' bite. Swallow it, swallow it. She might like it. She's a wildcard. Oh no, I like it. No! That favors me. How do you know? Cause I have-- Maybe my dish is tastier than yours. I don't wanna be a single mom right now. I'll take care of your baby. Gimme that baby, Emily. So what is this in the bottom? She's excited to eat my dish. It's like a crispy pancake. See, she already knows. It's easy to read, my dish. Yeah. You know what you're getting. But mine's physically jarring. Ooh, it's like a chewy, crispy pancake. This looks like a shrimp, is it a shrimp? Yes Emily, it's a shrimp Don't know why I yelled it. What else would it be? She thinks I fried a Snickle in that shape? What am I, an alchemist? Mm, pickle. What was that? She said, "pickle." I mean, the shrimp is really good. Shh, let it happen, let it happen! The shrimp is really good. Shrimp is really good. And the pickle's pretty good. I don't taste a lot of the Snickers though. It's there! You hid from the Snickers, it was a cowardly move. Oh, the pancake has got like-- It has Snickers in it! It looks like somebody made a little disk of Snickers. There we go, see, now she's picking up what I'm putting down, it took you long enough. Not bad. See! Okay, alright, but. I'm just not getting a lot of pickle, Snickers. Mine, that's all you're gonna get. This might be disgusting. Okay, I think... Who knows. I'm trying to get a nut. Get that nut, Emily. Get that nut. The nut! I think I got a good amount of this. I'm guessing it's chocolate sauce. Yeah, that disgusting chocolate sauce? No, it's great. It's beautiful. Her eyes are poppin'. Yeah, because it's disgusting. No, it's great. Pretty good. Yes, yes, yes, Emily, let's go! I hate you. A woman of class and culture. I feel like the thing that does this, but then also achieves something really tasty and new, is this guy. Oh man. I mean-- Let's go, Emily! Let's go, Emily. Let's go. It's not easy to make this into a thing. Yes! God, I thought you were a dog. No, I won, I beat Nicole. She hid from the Snickers, it did not work. I put the Snicker, pickle-- Oh, I'm sorry, Nicole! All in there. I've never hated you more, Emily! I know! And that is what the heck I'm about. Emily, you are a woman of class and taste and distinguishment. Emily, do you think we redeemed the Snickle today? 'Cause this is some heinous anus warfare. Well, what's crazy is I would never choose to eat this. No one would. No one would, yeah. I'm never gonna seek it out but honestly, V, quiet down over there, we're making a show. I mean, I think that I could see some place actually having it and then being like, "It's the Chocolat restaurant." So I don't know, I think yeah, you did. Emily, thank you so much for participating in this very strange experiment. Nicole, thank you so much for competing and valiantly losing, and thank you all so much for stopping by the "Mythical Kitchen." We got new episodes out every week. We got new episodes of our podcast that Nicole and I host together very happily, every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram @mythicalkitchen under #dreamsbecomefood, just like Sean did! Sean made the Mountain Dew chicken wings from TikTok. He made it for the Super Bowl and he said he always does a wing sampler every year and that everyone was initially very creeped out by the neon green wings. Naturally. But he said the sweet heat really hit home for a lot of people. So thank you so much, Sean. Thank you to all the people who are hitting us up under that hashtag. Keep doing it and you got a chance to be featured on the "Mythical Kitchen." Let us know in the comments what other food crimes you wanna see us redeem. See if Nicole can get redemption. She can't, I'm unstoppable. I will crush you! Next time. Oh Mommy, Daddy, no fighting. The Mythical Trucker Hat is literally the only hat I wear and I am not just saying that because this is an ad, so get yours now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 615,824
Rating: 4.9197893 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: -TLx6obW-Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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