Busting Steak Myths (How To Make The BEST Steak)

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They've shown us becoming a master-baster will make our meat even better.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NNytsud 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Real G’s move in silence like lasagna

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/thissux2021 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
All I'm saying is once you feel that fork tongue caressing your earlobe, you're never going back. I am a child. Every chef knows there are unbreakable rules in the kitchen, but what happens when you actually break those rules? Do the food God's reign fiery vengeance upon you and your family, or are these just arbitrary myths pedaled from chef to chef, just waiting to be broken? To find out this highly trained team of culinary professionals, this highly trained team of culinary profession, what are you bored, where were you? Are putting them to the test because this is Myth Munchers. Kitchenees, are you ready to munch some myths? Do you have your myth munchin' pants on? Trevor's got his myth munchin' windbreaker. God he's so gen Z, it physically pains me. So today we are busting steak myths, right? There's a lot of steak hardos out there. They think they know the best way to cook a steak. We're putting four of those myths to the test. So are y'all ready to see the game plan? Yeah, I guess. All right, perfect. I'm ready. First mood board. We got to get ourselves in the mood. We got to figure out how we're going to do this. Manifestation is real. I know someone that manifested spending $80 on crystals. So if we look first here, jort time. We got the jorts rocking today. We got this sexy man with his abs out and jorts, there's me in jorts. Pippin graduated from college. We're going to make enough money from the series so we can finally send my cat to college. Pastor Trevor? You called this a mood board, but it says a vision board. Same thing. I just wanted some clarification. My vision is a mood. R.I.P Gordon Ramsey, he's long gone. We get to take over his empire. Then I will transform into a buff butternut squash, and then finally reaching my final form, like a cocoon through the Chrysalis stage, I will be Pippin's head on top of a sexy boxer's body. Also prunes, prunes are going to factor into this very heavily. Also no more food processors. Also finally, we do Nicholas Cage, John Travolta face off with me and Link. Do you have any questions about the vision board? It seems pretty clear to me. Maybe later. Yeah. All right, so here we go. Here we. Here we go, so we got our methods. First when home sous vide machines came out, everyone was like, this is the best way to cook a steak. I personally don't believe in it. I have a sous vide machine. But we're going to put that to the test. Cause we're going to sous vide versus reverse sear, the new cool kid method versus normal, which is going to be sear, then pop in the oven. And no, we're not cooking anything on a grill. Talk to the fire marshal in Burbank. And then we're gonna be testing salting it overnight versus salting it minutes beforehand versus salting it right before it hits the pan. This one I'm really curious about, cause I always do the old zero minutes salt. Who knows what's going to happen. And then you've seen movies with food. They do the little basting thing. You put the butter in and you take the spoon and you flip floppy, flippy, floppy all over it. I don't do that. I don't believe it. I don't think it's going to work. So we're going to finally test it side by side, baste it versus no baste it. And then resting, the biggest scam, in my opinion in steak industry, this will put it to the test, resting the meat for five minutes, they say retains the juiciness. BS, I say it retains nothing. Retain deez nuts, man. We're going to test resting versus no resting. Do you feel equipped to take on this challenge? I just went to a teppanyaki grill for first time and they do all these little like flippy tricks. It's pretty cool. Do you feel prepared to take on this challenge? Absolutely. Thank you, Nicole. You're Welcome. The girl who always raises her hand in class. Not always, sometimes, no. I'm Nicole, I want to answer, Jupiter, the biggest planet is Jupiter, I'm Nicole. You sound like Mickey Mouse. That's Mickey Mouse, bro. Hello, I'm Nicole! Kitcheneers, do you feel ready to take on this assignment? Trevor, why are you so quiet? Real G's move in silence like lasagna. Busting steak myths, not lasagna myths, that's next week. Oh, well then let's get to it. That's munch some myths people, come on, everybody get hype, come on! Yeah! Trevor, you're the most masculine guy I know, look at those masculine body movements. You a big steak guy, you cook a lot of steaks at home? No, I cook no steaks at home, zero. I cook like two steaks a year at home. It's just like, it's like a holiday thing for me. I remember getting the sous vide machine, these things used to be like several thousand dollars. And then now they're like 90 bucks at the ol' Walmart. So a lot of people have been using these. What it does, you stick it in the water, it circulates the water at a specific temperature so it'll never get your steak over the temperature. We're gonna try dropping one in the sous vide, this what like all the sciencey nerds are like, can't cook a steak without a sous vide, stupid idiot. Now the nerds have become the bullies in today's society. True. All right we're gonna do the reverse sear, the reverse sear is like the new cool kid method to cook steak. What you do is, you pop it on this, you put it in the oven at 225 degrees, it's gonna be roughly the same thing here but you don't have to like mash it in a bag so it's gonna gradually raise the internal temp and then you sear it on the outside to finish. The other one is normal sear, we're gonna sear it in a pan, get all those sides crispy crunchy and then we're gonna finish it cooking in the oven, bring it up to temp, so. You got any predictions? I heard that reverse searing is like the way to go, that's what all the meat guys say. We drive big pickup cars, is that what they call 'em? Yeah. And we cook steaks baby. Yeah we cook steaks. All right so let me just bare hand this steak in here. I don't know, I hope sous vide doesn't win 'cause I don't wanna like validate all the people who say you have to buy a sous vide machine. But it might, I don't know, I've had some good sous vide steaks. I do think you can get the meat like a little bit sort of gummy almost. But I don't know man, I'm kind of rooting for reverse sear here. Ah shoot, I hit the wrong button. Stop, abort, stop! Get it out of your mouth, get it out of your mouth! Can you bring that up to an internal temp of what, 115? 115, this is gonna beep when it's 115. I feel like this is the most actual knowledge we've instilled in people. How do you do this? I know right. Trev, I broke it, I broke the machine. All right, there we go. Great, so that's how you vacuum seal a steak and now you have bagged steak. On your first try. And the best part is, like a Gogurt, you can just put this in your freezer and then ring it into your mouth. It's a fun treat for kids. All right, and so we're not salting any of this right now, cause we're gonna test some salting later, this is a steak. This is a steak. This is three steaks. And we want all of these, we wanna eat all of them at the same time with the same amount of rest time because that's the most scientific way to do it, we don't want some to rest longer than others, so while these two are cooking, they have longer cook times, so in a second, we're gonna sear this one and get it cookin' in the oven so that they all are ready at the same time to eat. Trevor, salt it up, the pan's gettin' nice and hot, we're just puttin' this in a rip roarin', screaming hot cast iron pan right here. Gonna add a little bit of neutral oil in there, you can use like peanut, canola, vegetable, safflower, that's a word? We're just using a like, probably like a three quarter inch cut of ribeye, this is a boneless, skinless ribeye. We should get skin on steaks. Just wrap it in leather. What? Yeah, do skin on steaks. I don't think that's good. You don't like skin on steaks? Do you want to pepper this? Pepper it, pepper it. Where's the Tony's, where's the Tony C's? Right next to you. No Tony's, Tony's! All right, great, so pan's screamin' hot, just press it down, get it all nice in there. It's gonna sear for like three minutes on one side. You don't wanna lose that fat cap right there, you wanna get that seared nice and good too. We'll do the same thing on the sous vide. What's the most stereotypically masculine thing you've done in the next week. I had a Modelo. You had a Modelo? Yeah. You drank a beer. I drank a beer. Look up to us for all your healthy non toxic masculine needs. All right, we're gonna flip this steak. We've seared for about three minutes. Nice hard crust on that, look at her. She's going to sear for like another minute on here. This is gonna keep cookin' on that sear right there, we're gonna pop it in the oven after about a minute. Wait first off, I wanna do this. Ah fudge, man. That's dange. You know, I shouldn't do this. That's why you use your hands. Don't use tongs, hands work better. All right so we're gonna sear off that fat cap there. That's just little steak cookin' technique, ow. So what is like the draw back to this method? That, the reason people don't like normal searing. So you can get what's called the gray ring of death, where the internal temperature isn't coming up as fast as you want it, so you're getting a hard sear on the outside, that's gonna make it like gray. It's gonna penetrate through, so basically only like 60 percent of your steak is gonna be cooked to the temperature that you want it, whereas this is gonna be a lot more. So that's the drawback. With that said, I don't know, might still be good. Let's pop this in the oven. Pop it on there, okay. All right, so that's gonna go in the oven till we get an internal temp of probably about 120, get her rested up to 135. And now we're gonna start cuttin' these steaks out of there. Trevor, we've got these rip roarin hot pans. They're about to explode. Let's do it. We've got the reverse seared steak is ready to go, this we're pullin' at temp 115, we're getting a little bit of carry over, ow, ow, god, ow. All right, got that out. Drying off the sous vide. Yeah so now we're gonna salt it cause we didn't salt these before. So I'm just gonna take half the salt, get this all over, get this all over. This is a hot pan, this is terrible. What is it, that's not hot. This is terrible way to do this. The reverse one sear one looks really cool man. I love the way a reverse sear steak turns out. And just drop in the pan, and perfect. Press it down, we're getting a nice quick sear. Since we've already brought the internal temp of the steak up, all you wanna do is quick sear to mark the outside for about 30 seconds, that's why we got the pan so screamin' hot. It look so much different, it's crazy. Yeah, so you get a lot more crust on the reverse sear because you're gonna be losing that moisture, losing moisture on the outside of the steak is typically a good thing. Because that way, you're not getting like, steam on the sear. I'm gonna lift this up, see what we're looking like. That's lookin' lovely, that's great. That side marked, gonna mark this side for about 30 seconds, then we're pullin'. There we go, that's nice, gotta do this a bunch. And you gotta like act like a dad at the barbeque. Yeah, can someone get me a Coors? Someone get this dude a Coors. Yeah get me a pair of white New Balances and a Coors and I'm chillin'. This is done. Are you gonna sear the fat cap? Yeah, yeah, Trevor, fat cap, fat cap, fat cap. All right, mine's done, your's done? I don't know, does it look done? Keep searing a little more. With sous vide, you've got to sear it a little bit more. Okay. Bare handed, you can do that. A little bit harder of a sear on that, cause I want the crust to look like that. Okay. Oh Trevor, I've got another steak. Oh yeah, we've got another steak. Oh crap! Another steak, another steak, another steak. Where we goin', where we goin', where we goin'? Right there, right here, right here. Temp it, temp it, temp it. Bare handed, ow, I stabbed myself with the thermometer. There's so much popping oil. All right trevor, we're at 128, we're good, we're good, we're good. All right that's good, that's lookin' damn good, now we're rockin' and rollin'. Look at us, a couple dudes makin' steaks at the barbeque ignoring their family. Yeah, we're cookin' steaks! All right, that's good. Well, now we're gonna let these rest for about five minutes cause that's what everyone says to do, we'll test that out later. Uh, but yeah, there's gonna be some steak. Oh god, that was so aggressive. What is simple? I don't like cooking steak, Josh. I don't either, I'm starting to think that maybe I'm like a composed salad guy. If I'm being honest, like a nice wedge. Trevor, now that the steaks are cooked, we must commence with the ceremonial dusting of Tony Chachere's, not enough to taste it, just enough for good luck. Just essence, essence of Tony C's. Ah great, should we slice into these? Yeah, what should we start with? Let's go normal, let's go normal. I'm just gonna cut us a couple of bites right here. There we go, there we go, there we go. All right, let's look at it, let's look, let's look where we're goin'. All right, got some nice pinks but you do see, you know, some king of graying throughout. I feel like that steak didn't retain a lot, gettin' a big gray ring right there. Got a big thick crust. That one was tough. This tastes what steaks, like the steaks I had growin' up, which is not bad. All right, let's check out the reverse sear. Okay. All right, check it out. Okay. Reverse sear definitely a lot more even cook on that. Nice and juicy, I'm gonna go back in. Nice thin crust. Definitely much more even cook. Yeah. You really do notice the gray ring of death on that one. It's a much more even cook, it's a lot like juicier, it tastes better, the crust is more snappy. I'm gonna dip in Tony Chachere's. Okay, that's okay. All right, so far reverse sear definitely was the winner. All right. Normal sear, pretty average. Let's try the sous vide. This looks beautiful. It feels more supple. I want a nice suppleness to my steaks. Yeah this definitely feels a lot more supple. Wow, nice and juicy, look at that. There's like barely any gray ring, like it's just a super even. This is how we many steaks, we rub our fingers on them. Well no, this is how like you watch Aaron Franklin in the Masterclass ads, this is how he touches meat. Yeah he kind of goes like. Look at that beautiful brisket. Look at it's juices. All right. And then he like, snaps it in his mouth. Damn it. God dang it. Man science won. You nerds won again. That's really good. That's so good. That's so much better than all the other ones. What the heck, man. We just got owned. This is just so supple. It's so supple and juicy. It really is, okay, well. Sous vide wins. I'm mad about it, can we fudge the results? No, we can't fudge the reselts. Bribe the judges. We have to let our compatriots know. And for that today Josh, I have a beautiful idea. Sous vide's cost like 80 bucks at walmart, honestly if you cook steaks a lot, get one. Might as well, it's good. What are you doing? It's an ink blot but with mustard. So that's how you're communicating to Nicole and Vee. They'll know what it makes Josh. Oh my god, Vee, look. It's a mustard Rorschach test. I studied this in MSC which is community college for one semester. That looks like a butterfly wing and that looks like a chicken nugget. I see, it says, sous vide machine. That's' what it probably means. Sous vide won, that's awesome, what a coincidence. That's definitely what it said. Considering the fact that we have a vac sealer ready to go. Great, so now we're going to talk about salting. So we have no salt, 30 minute salt and an overnight salt. I'm overnight salt girl because I always was under the impression that I really want the salt to sink into the skin. What do you think? I'm really a basic person when it comes to steak to just salt it right after I take it out of the cast iron. Right after the cast iron, you don't even season it when you're putting it in the cast iron. Nope, I like gettin' all that cast iron flavor and whatever's at the bottom, okay, which is really residue. And then eating my steak right after that. Are you ready to do a little testing? I am. We salted this one overnight for 24 hours, as you can see, the color stayed kind of really bright and beautiful and red. And even the, if you touch it Vee, isn't that like oddly firm compared to this which is a little bit softer? Yeah, this one was definitely squatting and this one just did lunges. Just lunges? Just lunges. Okay whatever. So go ahead and bag that one up and then I'm just gonna season this. Have you ever vac sealed before? I've done it one time. Okay good. And guess who showed me? I have so much confidence in you, you can do it. I have a strong feeling the guy's weren't as successful. Hopefully I do a better job than Josh. I already know what the buttons are so that's a start. That's good, getting that start. Okay. You pressed the wrong button. I think you pressed the wrong button. Okay now it's sealed. Now it's sealed, that's good. You did it, now let's do the other two. We'll be back after these commercial breaks. The steaks are all salted, let's just let them go into the jacuzzi. I knew sous vide was gonna win by the way. I've been a sous vide fan for like millennia. So we're gonna let this bathe for about an hour and then we're gonna start searing. Are you looking forward to it? I am actually. Nice. I'm ready, I'm ready. One, two, three. Gorgeous. Hot! It popped my face. No! What's wrong with you? Don't hurt my friend. How do they stand so close these pans? I don't know. Guys are weird. They are weird, they don't protect their faces enough. I think I'm gonna flip it. Okay you ready? I'm tempted, okay ready. One, two, three. Oh we got one more baby, sorry. You got it, you got it. We got three children. Wow these steaks look good. Are you pulling it out? Yeah, yeah, I'm pulling it out. Okay. I'm pullin' out, I'm pullin' out, I'm pullin' out. Almost there, this one's doin' flips. Wow that is a gorgeous crust on all of them. And now we're gonna let them sit for five minutes, take a little nap and then we're gonna slice into these bad boys. Vee, my beautiful accident prone queen. Are you ready to try some steaks? You're really the accident prone queen. I am actually. I get into so many workplace accidents. It's actually like a thing now but I'm trying to surpass it. Oh, okay so we've got this beautiful zero minute steak. I wasn't ready for that but it was a beautiful piece. Cut this bad boy open. Okay now let's give it a little bite. Oh, fingeys? Why not, I have forks but. That's not bad. No. It's a steak but. Let's try our 30 minute salt. Bad boy. I'm just gonna be a little bit more delicate with this one. Ah, thank you. You're welcome. Oh. So we touch it and breath on it like the boys did. I'd rather do this. Eat like a lady. Okay great. Mhm. We're fancy. Wow. Wow. That's like a clear, stark beautiful difference. Mhm. Oh my god, it's like penetrated all the way through to every single crevice of the meat. It's created this beautiful, unctuous flavor. Is unctuous a flavor? Unctuous is a feeling. Any adjective could be a flavor. Unctuous is just a word older people use just to sound fancy. Wack, but it is really good. That might be in the lead right now. Hot fire flames. Okay. Okay. Now the overnight, wanna bring it over? You chop this one. Yeah! Go for it, baby. Yeah. It's like even the texture of that seems kind of suspect. I don't know how to explain it. It's not as pink either. Something about it looks like the striations are just, like the meat cut is just like denser. The flavors didn't go through all the way like I thought it would from just sitting so long. The overnight salt just had that weird snappiness that's just not as enjoyable as the 30 minute salt. Speaking of salt. Yeah we didn't do the Tony C's but you know I have a really, really good remedy for that. How 'bout we just pour it on there. No, you know what you should do, lick here, lick here. Oh like we doin' tequila shots. Yeah, yeah, yeah and then pour it on that little part. Pour it on the part you licked. Okay mom. Thank you. Okay. I don't know if I like this way. Yeah you do, yeah you do. I got you a big piece, there you go, cheers, cheers. I did it already. I don't think this is good. Yeah, see? That's what I thought was gonna happen. Like I don't wanna eat more bites of this, I wanna eat more bites of this. That one is definitely the winner. That one's the winner for sure. Okay we need to tell the guys that the 30 minute steak won. I have a good idea. I have this friend of mine, we go way back, his name is Monkey Snake. Monkey? Yeah. Monkey Snake's gonna relay the message over. Dang bro, where you been? Monkey Snake, it was 30 minutes okay? Come here, give me a kiss. Yeah have a piece of steak. You're welcome. All right so we got the steak's heating, we have the pan. What? Oh dude, no. What, it's monkey snake. Hi Monkey Snake, how'd it goin' buddy? Josh why you so awkward around Monkey Snake? Monkey Snake and I used to date. Do you realize what this means? Cause now I'm gonna fall for Monkey Snake all over again. I really can't grasp what this means. Trev, I'm gonna fall right back into the chat. I can't comprehend this right now. It's a lot to take in. We didn't have anything common but god, the night's were magical. 30 minute salt. We got the pan's heat, we got the steaks, these have been sous vide-ed. They were salted 30 minutes prior to sous vide-ing. Now we have to see if basting is gonna work. Every person, they tell you, you put the, you crush the garlic in there, you take the thyme, you spoon the butter at it, I don't think it does anything, I want my steak to taste like steak, I don't want it to taste like garlic and butter. But we're gonna do it and we're gonna find out. All right, I'm gonna carefully palm heel strike this garlic over the pan. And remember, Josh is basting because he is a master baster. I am not a master baster, Josh is. He master bastes and he bastes. You're a cunning lyricist. All right, get the oil in the pan, get the oil in the pan then we're gonna drop the steaks in there. Hopefully this doesn't just spontaneously combust us. All right, so I'm gonna sear this for like a couple seconds on this side. What are you doing? I was just getting the oil in the bottom of the pan. All right, steaks are dropped in the pan, that's good if you want that amount of smoke. So I'm gonna let this sear, we're gonna, what? That's a lot of smoke, Josh. Now we're gonna disappear from Monkey Snake. Does it remind you of your nights with Monkey Snake? Oh, night's with Monkey Snake were steamier than this. I'll tell you what? With a legless body like that. And did you, nevermind. What? No, I don't wanna ask. Trevor, physical pleasures about more than just the bodily connection. It's up here, it's up here, you know. You said it was purely physical. No I'm saying physical, spiritual, emotional, it's all connected, especially with Monkey Snake. We had a position that we liked called the Aura Boros. I'm gonna take this butter, take this baste and all that butter will start smoking and take that crushed garlic in there. We're gonna add in our thyme and now what you do, you gotta do the ol' un baste. And you take that and you dip this down and ow, Jesus, son of a biscuit. So now it smells like garlic and thyme, it's pretty cool, we're basting it in butter. All right, I'm pullin' it. I'm pullin' mine too. Can I put it back on the plate that it was on? Oh no, definitely get a fresh plate. This is the first time I've ever made a food safe decision. All right. Wait, hear me out though. What's up? The way sous vide-ing works, technically that meat was cooked to a safe temperature. Well, yeah, you know you're right, you're absolutely right. So lick that plate. So it looks gross but it's food safe. Lick that plate. If you're so confident, lick that plate. See Josh didn't make a food safe decision. Ha, I just wanted to pour some more butter on that cause I thought that'd be pretty cool. All right, we're gonna let these rest for five minutes, then we're gonna slice it up and I'm gonna see if I can find Monkey Snake. Josh, no. Take me back, baby. Josh don't-- I love you Monkey Snake. Don't do it! Don't do it! Sorry, thank you, I needed that. All I'm saying is once you feel that fork tongue caress your earlobe, you're never going back. I am a child. These steaks are rested, let's try 'em. Oh, which one you wanna start with? Do the no baste. Yeah let's start with the no baste, no baste, no baste. This looks good man, we got better at cooking steaks as time goes on, I'm not gonna BS you. We're pretty nice with it. Oh. It's a pretty steak. Just as supple as monkey's, nevermind. Pure beef flavor. That's just a banger steak. Yo that 30 minute salt, boy howdy, I'll tell you what. Oh god, I gotta stop eating for fun, this is science, oh my god. You can save it though. Wow. I can't imagine any better tastin' steak than that. Yeah, well, who knows. Let's see where we're at. All right, good and basted, go reach down and smell that. Are you smellin'? Smell it with my face. No reach down your face. Okay, I'm gettin' a little thyme, gettin' a little garlic butter action. I'm getting some herbaciousness. Herbaciousness. It's like a meat accordion. This one's called Monkey Snake, all right. Enough, enough of the Monkey Snake. That's it. Yo. Wow. Oh yeah, that's. You're tasting the redolence, that's like another umptious word. You're tasting the redolence of the fricking garlic and the thyme in there. It's crazy how just having it in the pan and just kind of spooning it over for all of one minute can add that much. Normally with stuff like that, I'm not a thing, cause I think like how much difference could it really make. This is pretty frickin' transcendent steak. Clear winner here. Clear winner here. Basting isn't a scam. As long as you have the master baster on deck. Gotta have the master baster. All right Trev, should we get Nicole and Vee back in here? Yeah. Finish this dang process. Yeah let's do it. All right, Trevor, hold out your hand. Okay. Trevor this is magic fairy dust. No this is not. And when you wish upon fairy dust, your friends appear. Like they say, don't breathe it, don't breathe in the fairy dust. Yeah the fairy dust is incredibly carcinogenic, don't breathe it in. All right so we got our sous vide, 30 minute salted, basted steak, we're gonna pull that off, let it rest for five minutes, we've been letting all the steaks rest. Now Nicole, you can do the intricate dance of death and fly that pan out and put it in the other pre heated pan, we're gonna get that cooking. So we're gonna let this rest for five minutes and we're gonna have that we're not resting and you know, cause I think rested steak is BS. They say you should rest steaks, because when you let it rest, that lets the juices be reabsorbed by the muscle fibers, however, I've gone to so many steak houses, I know Nicole's felt the same way. Where you get burned, well you don't get burned cause your steak is cold. They've over rested the steak, also even if you let the steak rest for five minutes, by the time you get the end of that steak, that steak's gonna be cold. I think it's a scam. I think right when that steak comes off the pan, you should start eating it! I thought you were American, palm heel strike the garlic cloves. Ay, ay! Josh I wasn't listening to you, I was too busy looking good, was there any important information that you said? Vee, Trevor is no longer my best friend, you're my best friend now in the kitchen. Yay! I was your best friend? What am I, chopped liver? I love chop, we should busting chop liver myths. No one will watch it. Yeah number one myth, chopped liver sucks. You didn't flip it yet. Here, okay, okay, stop yelling. Wow, oh my god, I flipped it. All right, how long has this been resting, about two and a half minutes? I would say two and half minutes. Okay, we've got about two minutes left. I say pull that steak. All right, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Freakin' finessed that. Okay, get some, get some, there you go, make it nice. All right, so we gotta eat this one, we gotta eat this one, no rest, no rest, no rest. Oh my god. All right, so we're gonna see what it looks like after no resting, see if we really do get bleed out on the juices, got this is so hot, oh my god, this is hot. Like sexy hot or? Oh god, it's both, oh god, it's hotter than Monkey Snake. All right, look at that, everyone start eating it, start eating it, this whole thing is based on the fact that we're not waiting. Oh my god, I did not. Do we see that, like honestly, it looks like there is kind of less juice. I'm sorry, that was so hot. I can't eat it. I can't eat it, it's hot. That's really good. Fresh steak off the pan, there's nothin' like it. It's magnificent. This is the best bite of steak I've had all day. How do you feel about the unrested steak, cause we've been eating rested steaks this whole time. It is magnificent. This is resting for five minutes, should we cut it open? Go for it. Yes. Are you getting any like, loss of juiciness from that unrested steak. I don't know yet, we have to try that. We have to try it next to it. Cause the danger is that when you cut it open, it like supposedly kind of bleeds out. But I don't see any bleed out. Yeah, it looks red but. It looks more leakier. Yeah this one's definitely leakier cause this, you cut it open so quickly, you get it in your mouth, the juice leaks into your mouth. What's wrong with that? Whoever came up with this myth, I don't think they know how science works. Oh no, they're both really good. Wait a sec. Can't wait a darn second. Wait a sec. What in the Dickens? Wait, wait, wait, uh oh, I think the rest might be better. Uh oh. It's really bizarre, the sensation that I'm getting, it's almost like the rest has had time for the muscle fibers to kind of like, I don't know, almost like firm up. Oh my gosh. That's really interesting. I'm just happy to be here. I'm also happy to be here. Vee, what do you think about the rest vs non rest? I love when it's like this, still kind of tough on the outside and it's just holding all the juice and I like it like that. Dang man, I mean, in my mind, I declare a winner, I'm willing to call it and I'm pretty mad about it cause I hate the fact that sous vide won, I hate the fact that basting won, I hate the fact, all of the things that I do are not the things that we found. That's better. All right, definitely, rest is better, despite me being mad about it. All right, so we decided that resting wins. That makes our myth munch steak, sous vide, 30 minute salted beforehand, masterly basted, and yes rest it. Now to find out who the champion is, you will have to rest the trophy from the Nicole's clutches. Trevor, how many points have you scored? Yo, what up Gucci gang, goon squad, it's your boy T-Bone, I said reverse sear, salted 30 minutes before, baste with no rest. Also what the crap does sous vide mean? That's not bad, all right, Trevor's got two, right? You wanna say which ones I got right? Maybe, I don't know man, I wanna take a nap. Are you kidding, I ate like a pound and a half of steak. I got 30 minute salt and baste right. The first and the last I did not get. If you ever thought it was a myth that you shouldn't eat three pounds of steak in the middle of a work day, nope, that's true. Nicole, what'd you get? I went with sous vide, overnight salted, basting and no rest. I only got two out of four but I think I still did a good job. You okay? Yeah, no, I'm fightin' it. Is that lymphatic drainage? Last time I ate a lot of beef, I had explosive diarrhea. Vee what did you get? Reverse sear, zero minute salt, baste, no rest, all from a beef steak. I only got one. Master baste. Someone. Josh, what did you guess? Oh Josh, what did you get? Hey what up, this is for sloppy squad and the booty hole boys, we got reverse sear, zero minute salt, no baste, no rest, virginity's cool, boo yah casha. Is that what Trevor does? I got nothin', reverse sear, zero minute salt, no baste cause it'll make you go blind and then whatever the other wrong one was, I bungled that one. I think honestly, that's really cool. So Trevor and Nicole, you're co-champions, you can touch the trophy that my buddy Dave made. I really gotta give that back to Marcus cause he won last year. But anyways, this is really cool because none of this stuff is what I do at home. And like honestly, I learned today that my own steak method, despite the fact that I don't make it a ton, is butt. I used to be butt, it could be steak and now I'm gonna be better at cooking steak because of this. Sous vide, you don't have to go out and get a sous vide machine. I mean, they are a pretty cool tool to have, especially if you're cooking steak. Like, we didn't eat a bad bite of steak today, right? And reverse sear is a really cool method that'll get you really close to there. But I mean, wow. This delivered a really fantastic day. How do y'all feel? Pretty tired. Yeah, I'm pretty tired. I need to take a nap and then not come to work for three days. Well let's go do like a nice easy outro. Wow, oh my god, thank you so much for coming down to Mythical Munchers, I'm here to give you a little public service announcement about something called the vegan diet. Turns out when you eat three pounds of steak in the middle of a work day, boy was that steak delicious and boy did we learn how cook it well but you get what are scientifically known as the bubble guts. So now I'll be formally retiring and just eating a vegan cobb salads for the next three weeks. Waiting for all this beef to pass through my system, just the way you passed through our little YouTube channel over here. Thank you so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen, we have, I'm like out of breath. Taking a nap. Is it cause a lot of weight is on you? No, no, it's the beef. Let's me take a big breath and do it. Thank you so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen, we got new episodes for you every week wherever you find your episodes. We got a new podcast out on the podcast channels of your on Wednesdays and hit us up on Instagram, @MythicalKitchen and. Excuse me, mythical dishes under hashtag, #dreamsbecomefood. Do you have any recommendations for a little colonic cafe, we're all about to head there? I'll see you with us. Is that like an internet cafe? Kind of, you can play games. I think I saw a Groupon for one. You got a colonic Groupon and you didn't tell me? Hey you, cook up your own feast while wearing the mythical kitchen apron. Available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 164,154
Rating: 4.9551334 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: lQpSrBtAjHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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