Frozen vs. Fast vs. Fancy Food Taste Test

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Who knew chicken, of all things, would have the most fancy picks of all the food?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/atomsej 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

If anybody has been wondering, the fancy pants dance song is "Hapless" by Todd Carlon!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Detronyx 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

i like it when they fancy dance.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/deadmallsanita 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really hope they develop the film from More.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PuzzleheadedOccasion 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is my favorite series!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/trimolius 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Does price matter when it comes to pick and chickens? - Let's talk about that. (gentle, upbeat music) Good Mythical summer! - Chicken may be the most ubiquitous food item out there. I mean, it's definitely the most common edible meat. Right? (Rhett laughing) Look at any menu. - Edible meat. Yeah. (Link laughing) - I mean, desirably. - I don't know about inedible meat. - Look at any type of restaurant and it's gonna be in the mix. I keep looking at you for support. Come on, help me out. - Right, yeah, it's in the mix. - I mean, chicken is like a bland dish blank canvas for whatever you want to do. If you told me that they were making houses out of chicken now, I'd believe you. - Okay. That logic took a hard left turn, but okay, we get it. Chicken is what you make it and it shows up in all types of dishes at every price point. So the question is how different do chicken dishes from the freezer taste compared to the kind of chicken that's fine, been wined, and ready to be dined? It's time for Naked Foods, naked chicken edition. Naked! - Naked! Now, since the goal is to find out how much price matters when it comes to chicken dishes of all kinds, we're determined to focus only on the taste of the dish and that's why all the chicken dishes that are gonna be presented to us a la carte, no frills, no packaging, nothing except the food itself to influence us. Naked. - Oh, is that why we call it naked? - Naked. - We'll be trying chicken dishes from four different price points, including the grocery store, frozen, or refrigerated section, fast casual restaurants, sit down restaurants, and lay all the way down fine dining restaurants. - Oh, I love a good lay down, fine dining restaurant. Each round, we're gonna pick our favorite dish individually, then Stevie will tell us where the dishes are from, how much they cost, so that in the end, we each know our expensive preference levels and which dishes are worth being smitten by chicken. - All right. (upbeat jazz music) This it's chicken parm. - Oh! - I love chicken parm. - This is a good morning. - Yeah, yeah, oh. - [Link] There's multiple patties here. - That wasn't easy to get through. Might be a sign. - There's one chicken breast patty. Two, three. I think there's like, four of these puppies. - Are you gonna count the chicken? Is that your thing? - Well, they're each presented differently. There's two chickens here and they're much bigger and flatter, which- - That's not great. That first one is not great, guys. - It wasn't horrible. It was just- - Hold on, this one's, the chicken is so hard to get through. (Link slurping) - [Link] That's not necessarily, doesn't taste better than the first one. - That's also not great. - It's just saltier and it looks better. Doesn't really taste better. - This is just one piece of chicken. - See? See, now you're interested in how many pieces of chicken. - Right, yeah. - That's one big, thin piece and this is exciting me because it seems like it's not- - Oh, yeah. - Gonna be crappy. I don't even need the noodles. - Oh, wow. That's special. That's nice. The cheese is good and the cheese was like, under a broiler. Like it actually set in on that stuff. That didn't really happen on this. The others is just like, cheese that just melted. This is cheese that was part of the process. - [Link] Clearly, these two- - [Rhett] This is confusing. - [Link] Are the best. - This is like, 700 pieces of chicken. - Oh, is it? Is it? Yes. Yeah, they cut the chicken into like, nuggets? - It would be helpful if you were left-handed. The funny thing is, you are. - [Link] Well, I could try. - You never eat with your left hand. - It's like a big piece of chicken parm, but then they sliced it and then melted cheese on top of it, after slicing it, so the cheese is one piece. - [Rhett] That's not bad. - It's not as good as I thought it would be. All right. - There's a clear winner here. - Yeah. This one right here is so much more the tastiest. - It's so much better. I'm gonna eat it while you tell us what it is. - [Stevie] Well, boys, it looks like you're both gonna be dancing because you picked the fine dining restaurant Craig's for 36 bucks. - [Link] Oh, yeah? (gentle piano music) It was a chicken plushie involved. - Yeah, right. - In that poor excuse for a fancy dance routine. - Yeah, I was just thinking about getting back to this chicken parm. - [Stevie] From Rhett's side, the first one is frozen. It's Michael Angelo's frozen chicken parm for $6.96. Then we have Olive Garden for $18.49. - [Link] That's a disappointment. - [Stevie] Yeah, then we have Craig's. - But it is salty. - [Stevie] And then the last one is our casual dining place, Victor Jr.'s for $9.95, so I guess not bad. - You're fancy so far. (upbeat jazz music) - This is chicken pot pies. - Wow, they're all so different. I'm going spoon. - We got three in foil and one in a bowl. Oh, you're going with the spoon. - It's so crispy. I mean, it's so flaky. - Yes, I do have a big spoon. - Oh, wow. Oh, I got such a. - [Link] This one- - It's not very creamy. It's just a lot of meat, which is, I'm not complaining. It looks really nice on top. - That's good, but it could be frozen. I'm just going to say. - I think that the vegetables are the giveaway. They're a little bit under cooked and tastes less. - That's the spoon on it. - Oh, my gosh. It does. - [Rhett] It's letting us know that we're using the right utensil. - [Link] That is a spoon. - Now, these are just each just one pie. - [Stevie] Correct. - What do you? No, this is four pies. What do you mean? - But they just do one pie here and they just do one pie here. - You're making fun of me. - [Rhett] Mm-hmm. (crew laughing) - Wow. That is a good pie. - The chicken's way better on this. - And the biscuit-y stuff. - [Rhett] Well, we call it a crust. - Wouldn't you say? - [Crew Member] A crust, correct. - Oh, really? - That biscuit stuff? - [Crew Member] Yeah, I'd cal it a crust. - [Link] This one here. It's like chowder in there. - This is soupy. This is what I was expecting and this is why I brought my spoon to the party. - It's a little better than one. - [Rhett] I think I might like it better than two. - Wonder why this one's in a glass bowl from our kitchen. - [Rhett] I'm confused. - [Link] Yeah. - But how many pies is it? - I can't say. - It could be many pies. - I think it could be many pies. - It could be several pies. - [Link] Oh, my gosh. This is probably gonna be amazing, if you ever get in it. - [Stevie] What is the temperature of these pies? Because the way that you're eating them with reckless abandon is scaring the top part of my mouth. - Yeah, you guys did a good job. You're not burning us here. - No, I'd say they're about 87 degrees. - [Stevie] Oh, good, okay. - I can tell that's pulled chicken. - I want to like that, but they did something with a spice. - [Link] I know. What's wrong with it? - That I do not like at all. It's like a celery died and came back and tried to have a second coming kind of thing. - Yes. It's zombie celery. - Zombie celery, yeah. - All right. I mean, you're eating now, but I know what my vote is. Without a doubt, I love that one the most. - All three of these are doing different things for me, but I actually think I liked the taste of this one the best. - [Stevie] Rhett, sir, you have just chosen the frozen Marie Callendar's pot pie for $2 99. - I like Marie. - [Stevie] That is the pie that I frequent. - Not bad. - [Stevie] And Link, you, sir, need to grab that chicken because you have chosen Wood Spoon, our a fine dining restaurant, for $16. - $16. - Oh, I thought this was fine dining. (gentle piano music) - What kind of things are you doing to that chicken? What do you call that dance move? - The Douggie. The dip. The slow dance. - The slow dance. - [Stevie] And then the other two pies. On Rhett's side, we have our casual place. Republic of Pie for $9.97 and the one in the glass bowl is Mimi's Cafe, our sit down, for 14 bucks and it was all messed up when it came to us, so we had to- - Bowl it. - [Stevie] We had to bowl it. - You had to bowl it, but it did come in a tin? - It doesn't taste good. (upbeat jazz music) - Quick reminder. We want you to check out the Mythical Kitchen Channel. They got all kinds of recipes, food experiments. There's laughing, there's drooling, and even learning. - Yeah. - So go to the Mythical Kitchen Channel. Right, Nicole? - [Nicole] That's right. - Yeah, you're doing great over there. - [Nicole] Thank you. - So proud. - [Nicole] You're so sweet. - [Stevie] This is chicken tikka masala. - This is chicken tikka masala. - Yes. Whenever we would come to Los Angeles before we lived here, people would wanna meet us places. We were like, let's get Indian food. - This is about 14 pieces of chicken. (crew laughing) - [Link] I've gotta get one piece here. - [Rhett] Oh, wow. - We were Indian food deprived and now, I'm just living in heaven. - No, this is how the dish was served to us in terms of the chicken and sauce to rice ratio. We just put it all together in a bowl. Okay? That's good. I've never had it that sweet before. - I like it. - That's like, a signature dish kind of thing. - And you could dish of order it spicier and it would be nice here. - I kinda feel like we don't even, this is obviously the crap, the frozen one. - The sauce doesn't taste bad, but the chicken is scary. Like, what's wrong with that chicken? It's frozen. - It's just been rubberized. Okay, wow. - Get some big chunks. - [Rhett] This is nice. How many? Can you count them real quick for us? - [Link] 14. - Wow, totally different flavor profile. Way different than this. These two, I wouldn't even call them the same dish. - It has a consistency of like, a squash soup. - This is greasier, which makes me think it's more authentic, but. And finally. - I'm just saying, it tastes the greatest in slot number one. See what happens here. - Oh. - That meets all my expectations. - That might be a contender, but I've gotta come back here. - Rhett, the show must go on. You ready? - I'm so surprised by this. - You know what? I just wanna be different than you because they were exactly tied in my mind. - All three of these are pretty good. This one's obviously not anywhere close. - [Stevie] You, sir, are a sit down boy because you've chosen India's Flavor for $16, but Link, Link, you are fancy! You chose our fine dining. Spice Affair Indian restaurant, Beverly Hills, $25.95. Dance with that chicken. (gentle piano music) - That is good. It's real good. This might be one of the best dishes that's ever been made. - [Stevie] And you were right about that one. It is frozen from Saffron Road for $5.29 and then the other one was our casual dining, Royal Curry Cafe for $9.95. - It's solid. It's still solid. This one is the only one that's not worth each enjoying. (upbeat jazz music) - These are buffalo wings. - [Rhett] This is a weird looking buffalo. - I know, I didn't want to say it and maybe it's because it's smoked or something. It's like, smoked on a grill. - It's actually a really nice. - Really nice taste, even without going back to the wing sauce. I'm gonna leave that for more. Moving right along to a redder, more expectedly fried. - The flat on each one. That could be from a bag into the oven. - Something hit me early on that screamed cheap. - Like this may have been frozen at some point. This is a place that likes to put breading on their buffalo wings, which I'm not a fan of. - Are all these hot? Because the first one was not hot at all. Second one was pretty freaking hot. - Pretty freaking hot. - And then over here, this definitely looks too hot. - This is bad. - Like hoity toity. Yeah, that was like, soft and disappointing. Nickname in high school, maybe? (crew laughing) - Yours, yeah. This is definitely was in a bag and was frozen. - Oh, really? - This is doing more what I expect from a hot wing. It's just fried. It's just sauce. It's pretty spicy and it doesn't have breading on it. But I gotta say, the first one is actually the best all around tastes for me. - I know. It's just a fun, surprising alternate take on a hot wing and I just felt like we're in the mood for it, I guess. - In the mood. - [Stevie] Link, you have just completed the first ever Good Mythical Morning fancy feast because that is our fine dining. Maple Block Meat Company. - Join me. - No, no, you know what? I'll let you do this solo. - [Stevie] $18.25 wings. - I'll let you do this solo, Link. - [Stevie] Dance, sir. Dance. - You did all four rounds. You can dance with your chicken. Now, that's just one. It's actually not one chicken. There's a baby chicken attached to it. So technically, it's two chickens that he's currently dancing with. - There's a baby. (Rhett laughing) - [Stevie] And then the other wings. The first one next to it is actually Buffalo Wild Wings. - [Rhett] Yeah, okay. - [Stevie] For $9.89. And then we have Domino's for $6.74 and Tyson frozen for $3.40. - [Link] They're huge. - [Stevie] So if you completed this all chicken meal, the lowest possible total was $18.64 and the highest possible total was $96.20, which is what Link achieved. - Rhett, your perfect meal total was $73.24. - What does it mean that- - When it came to chicken? - I'm all of a sudden fancy when it comes to chicken. - Well, the funny thing is, you haven't had a higher expense level on this game ever than me. And then when you did it, you went straight fancy. I think you're just a fancy chicken man. - I must just be. I must just be. - Just embrace it. I think it has something to do with how well you're acquainted with numbers. - And how long I've been eating chicken. - Right. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking the - - Bell. You know what time it is. - It's- - I'm Dominic. - I'm Kaitlin. - And we're from Leavenworth, Kansas, and which fast food vendor sells the best chicken tender? - Let's talk about that. - But first, it's- - [Both] Time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - You guys need your own show. (Link laughing) You're not supposed to make it look that easy. - Yeah, I'm threatened. - Click the top to watch us try and feel what creepy things we've soaked in chicken marinade because why not? In Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - Nicole, it's time. It's time for you to become the cream woman. - Yes! You guys have to move out of the way. Okay, I don't know how I'm gonna run. Do I run like this? - No, no. - Do I run like this?
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,826,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: q-Id3w621_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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