Josh Reinvents The First Dish He Made at Mythical

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Look, it's like "Stomp." Welcome back to "Mythical Kitchen," where dreams become food. All right, so today we're making a chicken-fried cheeseburger, a dish that holds a special place in my heart, but we'll get to that in a minute. Today's video is sponsored by ButcherBox. ButcherBox delivers a 100% grass-fed grass-finished beef, free range organic chicken, heritage breed pork, and wild-caught seafood directly to your doorstep. They've got top-notch standards for quality and only source from farmers who raise products without antibiotics or added hormones. ButcherBox always freezes orders at peak freshness and packs each delivery with dry ice in an eco-friendly 100% recyclable box. There are a variety of box types to choose from and they have super flexible delivery frequencies too. For a limited time, new members will get free ground beef for life when they sign up for ButcherBox. That means you'll get two pounds of ground beef in every box for the lifetime of your subscription. Plus shipping is always free. Go to the link in the description for more info and thanks again to ButcherBox for sponsoring that portion of today's episode. All right, like I said, this is a very special recipe for me because the chicken-fried cheeseburger, it's the first dish that I ever made for Mythical. This is back in 2015 when the only cooking equipment in the studio was a toaster oven and a hot plate. Oh gosh. Look at that. Oh, I know the answer to this one just by looking at it. Then you got the gravy here. Now I will finally reveal to you the secret that I just took the pre-made cheeseburger and kind of deep fried it. So I don't know what to tell ya, but I will show you how to do that. And I'm also gonna make my updated 2021 version of the dish. It's gonna get a little bit weirder. I mean like real weird stuff. Like delete your browser history stuff. And hey, if you like podcasts, me and Nicole have one of those. It's called "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich." We got new episodes every Wednesday. Go check out the latest episode. It just dropped yesterday, because yesterday was Wednesday on account of now is Thursday, provided that you are one of the 63% of viewers who watches on first day, thank you. Broken the recipe down to three easy steps. You can find the time codes right there, but we also get a full written recipe down in the description. Let's go back to the past of 2015, the thing that I said earlier, let's get cooking. All right, so we are making the chicken-fried cheeseburger. That all starts obviously with bacon gravy. So I'm gonna take some cold bacon and I'm gonna, there we go, I'm just gonna add the cold bacon to a pan. We're gonna get that fat rendering out of the bacon. And then that fat is gonna act as the liquid to our roux. So instead of butter, we're using bacon fat in there. So the whole story. Look, it's like "Stomp." The whole story behind the chicken-fried cheeseburger. This is one of the rounds for "Will It Burger" back in like 2016, the first thing I ever made for Mythical. And back then we can say the food program wasn't as advanced as it is today. And so literally the directive was just to take a whole burger and deep fry it as if it were a chicken fried steak. And so the bun really gets logged with a lot of oil. It is a very delicious dish, but it is incredibly indulgent. So I'm gonna show you all of the nuance that went into Mythical cooking about five years ago. Also, if you want to hear the full story behind my first ever time at the Mythical studio, I literally just talked to Chase about it on "Good Mythical Crew," the podcast that you can listen to if you are a second tier society member and you can watch the video if you're a third-year society member. Head to, sign up for the society if that's something that you are into. It's a really wacky story. It involves Chase and a lewd Russian website. I don't know how else to describe it, but watch the story. So we're waiting, we're waking for this bacon. I'm waking for the bacon. We're waiting for the bacon fat to render out and for this to get crispy. But meanwhile, we got to start cooking cheeseburgers. So I got a nice little grass-fed beef patty right here. I'm just gonna season it up a little bit of salt on one side, a little pepper, a little bit of oil in the pan, check it out. This is the ultimate burger cooking technique. You hit him with like a step back then you kind of underground finger roll it. And then I'm using a two slices of your finest American cheese. So I'm gonna put one on the bottom of the bun, one of the top of the bun, that's gonna act as an adhesive for the burger so when we fry it, it doesn't all just splay apart. Bacon is looking nice and crispy. You're getting all that fat. I'm gonna take the paper and just peel it away. Always season both sides of your burger, obvi, duh. I remember the first time I heard someone say "obvi" instead of obviously, and I was in a fit of rage. You shortened that word. So if you see, I got Maggie, look at, look at how much fat. Are you proud of me? Yeah. Now I'm gonna take this flour and dump it in. You've seen this before. This is a roux, typically made with butter, but when you do it with bacon fat, it just gets nice. Gonna hit this with a little bit of salt and a whole lot of black pepper. Black pepper gravy on a chicken-fried steak, what a treat, shout out to the state of Oklahoma, inventor of chicken-fried steak, one of the world's great foods. So burger patty should be cooked on one side. Give it a little flip, then I'm gonna add a slice of cheese right to that. The roux looks nice and cooked in that gravy. I'm gonna add a little bit of milk to it. Then we're gonna whisk that milk in there. That's gorgeous. I said "that's gorgeous." That's just a thing that cooks say. They just go "Oh, that's gorgeous." Like Gordon Ramsey, when he salts meat, just goes like, "Oh, that's gorgeous." Like yeah, are the white flecks on normal meat gorgeous? No, you just didn't hear yourself speak for three seconds so you said a word, and I know a little something about that. Anyways, we got this gorgeous milk sludge and then we let that come to the boil and it's gonna tighten up very beautifully. Beautifully. What? Have you heard of the hamburger bun? It's like bread, but it's got like more film on top. You can look it up on the internet. You can find it. I'm gonna take a little bit of mustard. I'm using the Irish burger chain's formula. The burger chain, it was owned by two Irishmen. So what I'm doing, I got ketchup, mustard, I got pickles on the top bun. No, not yet. What was on that? Was there raw meat on that? Cheese! Cheese, cheese, cheese, okay, we're good. Anyways, what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna take this bottom bun, I'm gonna add a slice of cheese to it, and then I'm gonna take my hamburger, which coincidentally not made of ham, a little false advertising much? And I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna put it right onto this cheese. Again, if you look at the architecture of this, which is very important, cheese on the bottom, that's gonna melt into the bun, hot meat, more cheese, melt into the top bun, should seal it all together. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flatten it out a little bit. I'm just gonna add it back to the pan. Kind of really smash it, get your hands down in there. There we go. There we go. There we go. Give that gravy a sir. Just need the gravy to boil for about 10 minutes, really want it to tighten up. Yeah, there we go, that's nice. Flatten out the burger, 'cause again, we are taking this whole cheeseburger and we're gonna dunk it in flour and egg wash and then deep fry it, stay tuned. Hey everybody, welcome back. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this here cheeseburger, and I'm just gonna simply dunk it in flour. You know what's about to happen. And then we're just gonna take it and I'm gonna dunk it in this here egg. Yeah, yeah, yeah, kind of roll it all around. And again, you could use any battering method. You could tempura fry your cheeseburger, you can panko crust your cheeseburger, but I'm chicken frying it, which to me means seasoned flour just a nice, you know, Cajun-esque seasoning going on in there, you can use whatever you want. And now that we've got all the flour packed in there, we're just gonna throw it into a thing a hot oil and see what happens. Well not see what happens because we've done it before. And there it is. Now we're gonna do that for a little bit and then we're gonna flip it. I'll wash my hands, give me a sec. I wish I could tell you like the key to chicken frying a whole cheeseburger is there's no key. It's all a raw animal instinct, I think. You know, your body craves the chicken fried cheeseburger, the way I look at it, evolutionarily speaking. Also anyone who ever starts a sentence with "evolutionarily speaking," probably run from that conversation. It's not gonna be good. Evolutionarily speaking, your body is trained to want carbohydrates and fats and proteins. And this has got a lot of all of them. All right, so I'm gonna take this here cheeseburger and I'm gonna flip it, and you see that gorgeous little browning crust on there? That is why we don't deep fry it. That's why we use something like a cast iron skillet because you're gonna get that lovely browning from the direct contact with the pan. This cast iron skillet, it's been in my family for 19 generations. That's right, 19, we've been chicken frying cheeseburgers in that for all 19 of those generations. My Amish great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather. Amish was actually his name as well. He founded Amish-ism. So this is really kind of a cultural recipe for me. Is the gravy doing okay? Yeah, it's looking pretty good. I actually do have a lot of Mennonite relatives, been in America for a long time. So splashed some oil on top of that burger, really get the grease soaking in there. So I'm gonna pull these here chicken-fried cheeseburger. You don't want to drain any of the oil off because that is what we call flavor. That's the, like the water slide to Flavorville. It's all the oil that's gonna be just dripping off this right here, see that? That's the waterfall. That's the waterfall to Flavortown. People hike to this spot. They get married there, Maggie. So now simply plate this up. I don't have any garnish planned. I don't know if you guys think there's any good garnish ideas for this. I didn't have any. So all I'm gonna do, you see we got a whole chicken-fried cheeseburger right here, and now I'm just gonna take, I don't know why I'm using a spoon. Should just use like a, like a mug. You get a mug of bacon gravy on there. I mean, say what you want though, this is good eating, come on. And garnish, you're gonna take a single slice of pickle and place it next to the plate. All right, we got our gorgeous original chicken-fried cheeseburger, first dish I ever made for Mythical. But now I'm gonna show you my updated 2021 version and like everything in the Mythical Kitchen, it doesn't taste better, but it is a lot harder to make. All right, the 2021, this is the futuristic burger. This is the self-actualized version of the chicken-fried cheeseburger. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the spoon that I had hiding in the gravy the whole time and I'm gonna dollop it into this here muffin tin, because what we're gonna do is we're gonna make frozen gravy disks, and then we're gonna take the cheeseburger and we're gonna stuff it with the frozen gravy disc. Then when we cook that cheeseburger, the frozen gravy disc is gonna loosen up into a molten gravy core, and then we're gonna deep fry that whole thing in panko to give it that crunch. So it's like a Juicy Lucy, except it's like, I call this the Gravy Gary. All right, Trevor! All right, so we're gonna put that in the freezer. That's where our freezer is. I throw things over there and a small robot named Nicole grabs it and puts it into the freezer. Also the updated version involves me grinding my own meat. Honestly, a really awesome thing to do is grind your own meat for your cheeseburgers. I'm using a little bit of a leaner beef here. These are sirloin, sirloin. I'm using a little bit of a leaner meat here. I'm using sirloin tips 'cause I'm gonna be grinding it with bacon, and that has fatties in it. There's fatty, fatty, boombalatty bacon, and then we're using some lean sirloin tips here because I want the best of both of those worlds to really coincide, and then you're gonna marry the flavor of the actual burger. You're gonna marry the flavor of the actual burger with the bacon and the gravy. So I'm gonna this meat grinder on and then I'm gonna mash the beef in it. Yeah, yeah, there we go. There we go. You want to mash the beef. Make sure your beef is cold when you're grinding it. And now I'm gonna shove some bacon through there. Whoa, go meat, go! You want about a three to 1.6 ratio of meat to bacon. So I'm taking the bacon fat and I'm tossing that with these sirloin tips. One of the best parts about making your own burger out of fresh ground meat is that you can sort of like loosely pack it. And so it doesn't just get like hard and compact. Hold on. Hey, do you remember the gravy that I freezed? I did it. So they're gonna take a gravy disk. If you see, you can play just a little ice hockey with it, you know, kind of go back and forth and whatnot. So we got a frozen gravy disk. Just take a nice claw full of meat and then we want to hit, oh gosh, let's say an 11-ounce burger patty. And then we're gonna pop that onto some panko crunch buns to sort of like reify? No one says, who says reify? Anyways, to reify the chicken fried steak motif. Nice little thick burger patty, disc of gravy. And now we're gonna create a thin little burger hat. Pop that on there. Now you're gonna pick up the whole thing. just gonna use your fingers to work around the sides and make sure to really press that together. I might be terrible at folding dumplings. I might be terrible at being a father, but I'm really great at hand forming burger patties. I've used the joke enough that I have children. I don't. All right, so you see, this is a little bit of a prego burger. It's pregnant with a disc of gravy, you see. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna sear this off just to get a nice crust on the outside, and then I am going to put it in the oven to get it cooked all the way through. And then we're actually gonna be double panko crusting this because I really want a really thick crust. And then we're gonna drop that in the deep fryer and cover it in stuff. Now that we have this setup, what I was gonna do is I was gonna pull this out and I was gonna put some cheese on it and then put that in the oven to melt cheese. But I really want to deep fry the cheese now. Any objections? Thank you. Flour up that cheese, get it into the egg. And then you're just gonna panko up that cheese, and cheese is gonna go right into the fryer on top of the burger. What you're gonna do is you're gonna angle the cheese right above the burger and just pull it out and there you have your crispy cheese hat atop of your burger. The prestige! Yeah, that's good. That's fun, but this isn't my vision for the burger. What I'm going to do, it was gonna be three slices of Gouda. I'm gonna take two slices of Gouda. I'll pop that on top of the burger and we're gonna pop it in the oven at 350, just for, oh look at that slide around. This is ridiculous. Look at that. You can pop in the oven at 350 for about two minutes just to melt it, and then we're gonna put the rest of our toppings on our burger. Fancy, it's French, idiots. So, what we got here, this is a panko crunch bun. Trevor made this from scratch. Trevor, you got glorious buns. They're supple yet I can tell weighty. So what we've done is we've just brushed the top of the bun with egg wash, and then hit it with panko and that's gonna get the crunch right off the bat. So what I'm gonna do is gonna open that up, we're gonna fly that in there, but first we gotta make our condiments. I'm calling this, I'm calling this 2001 a space island. I'm making gravy thousand island, that's what I'm doing. Gonna take some pickles and add that to ketchup, and then hey, you remember that bacon gravy that we made a while ago? I'm gonna take bacon gravy and add that right there. Thousand island looks a lot different than this. Well, whatever we're doing it. All right, so you're gonna take some of that gravy island that's got all that bacon in there and give a nice, it looks less good than I thought it would. No, no, no, it's gonna be great. The flavors are there, and now I'm gonna take a little bit of lettuce and then I'm just gonna throw it right in the garbage can. We're gonna take our burger and we're gonna put that, just nestle it atop the bun. And then now I'm taking roasted tomato. It's one of my favorite things to add to a burger. This is a lovely beefsteak tomato that we've just roasted off a very hot oven, olive oil, salt and pepper. Now pickled fennel, add some pickled your burger. I'm gonna put a nest right on top. All right, now we're gonna take the rest of that 2002 space island odyssey, and then crown that bun right on top. There you have it, there's the updated 2021 version of the chicken-fried cheeseburger, the first dish I ever made for Mythical. I cannot freaking wait to eat this. Man, I'm getting all emotional here. We got the old school in the new school. I can't wait to dig in. I'm gonna try the old school first. This is a bite of nostalgia for me, and honestly it still looks pretty freaking good. Make sure to swipe it in the gravy. Oh yeah, burger is still a little bit medium. Okay. Yeah. I get the appeal of that. That's a really freaking good though, but can't wait to try and cut into this bad boy. This is a big Bertha of a burger. Oh no. Oh, look at that. Maggie, I call you Maggie? Okay, I'm just gonna go upside down. I'm gonna have to split the hips and I'm just gonna bite into it and try and slurp out all the inside gravies, okay? Meg, are you getting this? I'm going right to you. Um, I uh, I wish I had a beer, man. It's actually really stupid how well this works and how incredibly that gravy cooked inside there, because you get the meat juices falling into the gravy. Then when you slurp it like a nice juicy burger, not only are you getting those burger juices and it's really good beef, but you're getting all the gravy just slurp into your mouth. It's un-freaking-real. I need Jake to taste it. Jake, you ready to be sporked? Hey Josh, I'm ready to spork, how's it going? It's going good, we've been talking for the last like seven hours consistently. Yeah. Jake, I don't exactly know how I'm gonna spork this, but I'm gonna try. I'm at least gonna get you a bottom bun. I trust you. Guys, not every dish can be eaten with a spork. Did we ever think about this when we thought of this idea? Jake, I've made you a burger salad. Jake, choo choo, also the spork's now loose and it's swiveling. Oh, awesome. How is that? Amazing. Did Nicole cook this? What? I did it this time. I mean, it's pretty great. Are you sure Nicole didn't cook this? I'm telling you, my sweat is in that. Okay. That's the seasoning. It's a 10 out of 10. Yes! A little gymnastics, they're not even, I don't even know if they're scored on a scale of 10. Jake, thank you so much. Thank you for sharing in this sentimental moment with me, and thank you all so much for sticking by the Mythical Kitchen and believing in me and Nicole and Trevor and V and the whole crew here, your energy flows through me today. The world is one big organism! We have new episodes out every week. We got new episodes of our podcast, "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" out every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram @MythicalKitchen with pictures of you or Mythical dishes under #DreamsBecomeFood, and a sincere thank you, bye. I'm covered in gravy, man. I'm covered in so much gravy right now. There's gravy in my orifices. Got orifice gravy. 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Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 1,057,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: k6cVgXENcQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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