Josh Makes A Blue Takis Fried Chicken Sandwich

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All I can think of when I see that is the bad Krabby Patty that they give to the fake health inspector.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/PANUS_IN_THE_ANUS 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

This sandwich LOOKS like summer, it’s so freaking colourful

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Yoga_girl_91 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
What's burning? I hear, I can hear the burn, but I'm gonna ignore it. Hey, welcome to Mythical Kitchen where dreams become food. I had this little idea out of the blue that we should make something out of the Blue Heat Takis that is. But no, but we're really, we're going to make a fried chicken sandwich out of the Blue Heat Takis. So you gotta remember when we made the freezing cold Cheetos on here. That was the blue Cheetos. Well, this is blue food two, electric blue-galoo, baby. It's going down. Blue, everything's blue. Da bu dee, da bu die. Also Vi the words are not, "If I was green, I would die." What? No it's not. Look it up on Genius. "If I were green, I would die." It's da bu dee, da bu die. Stop arguing about the Eiffel 65 song! We've broken the recipe- We've broken the recipe down- We had a full Eiffel 65 civil war happening in the kitchen right now. We've broken the recipe down into three easy steps. You can snag the time codes right there. We've got a full written recipe down in the description. Hey, if you like listening to Eiffel 65, keep doing that. Keep doing that. Can we get Eiffel 65 on our podcasts? Eiffel 65, come on the show. We're fans. Listen to Eiffel 65, not just the, "Blue" song. They're like, their other songs they're big hits. You know, "Had I been green," "Should red being I," "Brown, what's that all about?" All of the Eiffel 65 greatest hits that you know and love available right now at "A Hot Dog is A Sandwich" wherever you get your podcasts. Let's get cooking. So right off the bat we got to address the fact that these exists. These are Takis Blue Heat. The thing I love most about these Blue Heat Takis, that Takis figured out the formula. And they're like, people love brightly colored, spicy chips. They love red. Why not blue? Just how Eiffel 65 knew that people loved "I am blue, da boo dee, da bo die" that's why the next 15 songs were just, "I'm green, da boo dee, da bo die," "I'm yellow, da boo dee, da bo die." "I'm orange, da boo dee, da bo da" "I'm cerulean da boo dee, da bo da" You see how it goes on? We're going to start with a little bit of just straight chicken breast right here. This is boneless, skinless, not a single skin, not a single bone on it. I'm going to slice it down the middle. This is called the old butterfly. Now you're going to slice your chicken just so it's a little bit thin. This is about the thickness that we want. When we are eventually going to fry this up. What we're going to do is we're just going to lay a Ziploc bag over it. Then you're going to take a bottle of Crystal Hot Sauce, AKA meat mallet, and you're just gonna get- Yeah, just one little bash to let them know who's boss. I wanted to show you that we did a bit and we filled this with blue liquid but now it's leaking on me. Oh crap. Guys, oh, crud. No we're going on. Now we have to make our buttermilk brine because what is a blue chicken sandwich without a buttermilk brine. But I'm calling this, wait for an Anneliese, blue-der milk. Yeah! There aren't many naturally occurring blue foods like even blueberries. If you actually see the color of the juice, they are purple. We're still gonna try and use as many blue foods on top of this chicken sandwich as possible. I mean, there's the blue waffle, but that's definitely not naturally occurring. So we're going to take the blue spirulina powder. This is very cool, this is an algae powder. I actually knew a fair amount of athletes that didn't eat vegetables in college. They only ate spirulina because it was very, very micronutrient dense. Huh, that's a fun fact. You guys forgot about that I said blue waffle? So here is Tony C's, we're gonna take a little bit of that and just pop into the brine. Always season up your bines. We're gonna whisk this together and this should imbue the chicken with a lovely . I'm breathing in algae and Tony Chachere's. Wow. I'm just going to whisk this together and get a very delicious, natural and appealing blue color almost as natural and appealing as the blue Takis themselves. Do people buy these? All right, I'm going to take the buttermilk brine, we're going to pop that into a little deep sheet, square, deep square. We're gonna pop it into a square thing that is there. So now we can take our chicken breasts and we're just going to nestle them right into our blue. Oh, what are we doing? Wow, what a lovely blue flavor. Oh God, it's everywhere. I blue myself again. We're gonna get this brining. We're going to pop in the fridge. Let it sit for like at least four hours. I always like to do overnight, anytime with fried chicken. And then we're going to get it crusted up in those Blue Heat Takis. And then we're going to just, we're just going to blue ourselves all over this kitchen, man, tell you what. We got the chicken out of, this looks like the purple crap from "Eddie's Million Dollar Cook Off." We got the chicken out of the brine and then we added some eggs to the brine just to give it some more structure to actually coat when we do fry it in the Takis. But first we got to blend up these Takis. This is like the fan made trailer of the chip world. Like someone mocked this up crudely on Photoshop but Takis' like, "Oh, might as well make millions off of it." All right. Let's let's see what these actually look like. Let's give them a taste too. They really are just blue Takis. Tastes like blue. They have a lot more citrus to them. A little bit of sweetness. It's actually going to lend itself pretty dang good to a chicken sandwich. My favorite thing about the Blue Heat Takis is how well the packaging matches the actual appearance. These are like 58 Pantone shades away from each other. And I'm not that mad at, but like, I don't know. And I'm not that mad, I don't know, I think it's kind of hilarious. I'm just wondering who in the boardroom, when they saw the original packaging, it probably looked something like this. Was like, "Blue-er! Like the Eiffel 65 song!" Speaking of which, during the break. There was no break, but I sat down for a second. I was looking up Eiffel 65's discography, the first five songs on their Spotify playlist are all "I'm Blue" or "I'm Blue," remixes. Are we going to add a little bit of flour to this just to cut it because Takis are hella greasy. So we have these Takis in there, we're gonna blend them up. Let it run! Yah! All right, these a little crushed up? Yeah, these are crushed up nice. You see all the fine dust? We have our blue-der milk brined chicken. We're going to get this dredged into the flour. You want the flour to coat all parts of the chicken and then just oh, into the sopping blue mixture. I don't think we will have ever created a food that looks worse, but tastes better than this chicken sandwich. Then that's going to go right to the Takis. Anytime you're crusting something with chips like this that are wet, you want to really pack it in there and then just like let it sit for a second. So that's going to help absorb all the moisture. We probably have about a third of a large family sized bag of Takis stuck on this piece of chicken. And then we're just gonna do a one, a two, a how do you blue. Okay, we're gonna fry this chicken off for about three or four minutes. And then we're going to pop it out. Get it crispy. I'm gonna start dredging up this other one just for backup. Like I know what you're saying, what could go wrong with this banger of a recipe? Guys, let's see! Let's see what this blue chicken looks like out of the fryer! Come on! Let's see what this blue chicken looks like! Let's see it! Let's see! Well... It certainly looks as advertised. If you see there's two sides, indeed. And it is incredibly blue. But hey, now let's let's go ahead and make some... Ah.... Oh, blue-coutrements. We're going to make some blueberry chipotle hot sauce to go on our blue fried chicken. Because why not? Why not? Give me one reason why I shouldn't. Give me a reason, I swear to God. I was about to say, now we have to make the blueberry hot sauce, but have to? That's not the construction that's correct. Now we are simply making our blueberry hot sauce. We're taking a little bit of oil and we're going to get that sweating. Common like formula to make hot sauce at home. You got your chilies, you got your aromatics, you have some sort of vinegar. And then you got more blue powder. I cannot stress enough, you're gonna want to add blue powder to your hot sauce. So we're going to get some onions sweating and then we're going to cook the onions down with about a pound of fresh blueberries. Fun fact, I do eat about, let's say eight pounds of blueberries a week. We're making Kool-Aid pickled onions. Before you go, "Josh, that's crazy! You'd normally make very straightforward food." Uh, Kool-ickles are a big thing in the Alabama Mississippi Delta region. I think they're really cool. Typically they do them with the red Kool-Aid, but we're going to do it with some blue Kool-Aid cause we want blue pickled onions because, what are we everybody? Blue! Da boo dee, da boo da. So I'm gonna take one of these. Eiffel 65, they're not dead. They're out there. What are they, Belgian? They're Italian? God, good for them. We got our Kool-Aid packet in here. I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to get some water going to this here pot. We got some garlic, I'm gonna do a leaping palm heel strike. There we go. What else is going in there? Mustard seed. We got all the flavor of, what is this? Did they even name it? Electric blue raspberry lemonade going in there. So we've got a little bit of berry, a little bit of lemon flavor in that you're going to get a ton of citrus. Wooh! Argh. We're going to add some black pepper. Oh... A little bit of black pepper. Oh God, it's just the outside of a Warhead. We've got some mustard seeds. These are fun. We're gonna take a little bit of chili flake, want the pickles to be spicy. And some salt going in there. You're gonna have a Kool-Aid to all the aromatics. And there we go. What a gorgeous color. And may God have mercy on us for our sins, am I right ? And now we're going to add the rest of our ingredients to our blueberry hot sauce in here before we buzz it up. So we're taking chipotles in adobo. I think chipotle is a great candidate of the pepper to go with fruit. I wouldn't use a jalapeno or something like that. Jalapenos tend to have had this like grassy vegetal flavor, but when you smoke them and dry them, like a chipotle, you get this beautiful smokiness that can encounter a lot of sweetness going in there. Let me take a little bit of vinegar, add that to there for the acid. And then we're going to take butterfly pea powder. And the coolest thing about butterfly pea powder is look at it right now, it's blue. But then I'm going to put a little bit in the vinegar thing. Look, it turns purple. Holy crap. Nicole really wanted me do that and I forgot. I put the vinegar in there and I heard her throw her hands up. But look, Nicole it's purple! We're going to take this stuff and we're going to put in there. Salt, one of the most important ingredients that everyone neglects is salt. We're going to add salt to that hot sauce in there. Going to go ahead and mash this in here. Just gonna blend up these bloobs. Yeah, that's great. And then, oh. Ooh, that's nice. It's smoky, it's salty. It's tart. And but boy, do you taste the butterfly pea in there.N I didn't even know butterflies peed. I'm going to strain this hot sauce just to get some of the solids out. It's a beautiful shade of blue. This is a shade of blue I've never seen before which I think is pretty cool. What's burning? I can hear the burn. But I'm gonna ignore it. All right, hot sauce is done. That's oh, that's what's burning. Oh, okay, great. Well, pickling liquid. So what are we gonna do? I'm gonna take a fresh Kool-Aid packet. Just going to pop that in there. I'm going to just throw the onions on top of that. Oh, you know what? I never turned the burner on. I'm going to fish out the aromatics with my hands. Take a little salt, add that. I'm gonna go to the sink now. Well, hey, okay, we're back. Oh, hold on. That's cool cause you got a nice little soup for later and pickled onions. All right, so we got our blueberry hot sauce. We got a our little Kool-Aid pickle. You let these sit for, you know, a couple of hours and you know, a couple of days, we're gonna forget about it in the fridge. And I'll see you in the next part of this, where I'm gonna make a sandwich. I know what you're thinking at this point, "Josh why? Josh, who hurt you? Josh are you okay?" Answer to all those is it's pretty much... It's complicated, but you're probably asking, "Josh, you only have one sauce here and it's not even blue despite the fact that it blueberries." Which one, false advertising blueberry marketing industry. I'm gonna take some mayonnaise and I'm going to add some blue cheese to it. A couple of shades of blue. Let me take some more than blue spirulina. And we're just going to add that to our mayonnaise right here. And it's going to look lovely. All right, so we're going to take some blue-naise. I'm going to spread some on both sides of the bun. Nice little big rustic dollops of blue. All right, so you got the blue-naise on there. I'm gonna take a little bit of dressed blue cabbage. Just make it blue in post. No one, who cares? We're going to pop that right on there just a nice little nest. Aesthetics are such a big part of food. So for plating you really want as many colors as possible. Mostly shades of blue. Now we're gonna take this big, old thing, of chicken and kind of nest that greenish-gray chicken on there. Oh, we got some onion. Well, let's get some of the blueberry hot sauce on there. Yeah, that's nice. That's a heck of a color contrast. You ever see like food styling from like space movies in the sixties and they're just like, "Well, let's dye everything blue and green." So we're going to take some of these beautiful pickled onions and just scatter that across there. Fried chicken, pickles, you're seeing what we're doing here. What's that looking like to the camera? It looks nice? I'm not seeing it. And there you have it. Blue Heat Takis chicken sandwich with blue-lickle onions. We got some blueberry hot sauce on there. Some beautiful blue cabbage and a blue cheese aioli. Wow. Where's the knife? I want to cut this in half. Let's see what's going on in the inside. Let's slicer her up. It's rare we can't keep a straight face about our food. Okay. This is a really good chicken sandwich. Here's the thing, your mouth doesn't understand color. Your mouth doesn't know that it's blue. All your mouth knows is that spicy corn chips make a damn good chicken sandwich crust. This is really freaking good. Nicole, you believe me? What color is your tongue right now? I got a couple blue cheeses on it. As a person who cares about aesthetics a lot. It's beautiful. Right? It doesn't do anything for me. Why? What do you mean it doesn't do anything for you? It kind of, I'm intrigued. I'm going to give it an honest try, okay? Yeah, yeah. That is so many colors. Yes, yes, yes. It's all the colors of the rainbow. Thanks for cutting me a little piece. No, hold on. Suck the chicken off. I accept. That's cheating, but I accept. That's cheating, but I accept. What you thinking? Close your eyes, close your eyes. Don't look at the blue. Don't look at the blue. Okay, the blue cheese and the Takis work exceptionally well together because there's so much citric acid and it needs that creaminess. I'm going in for my second bite so you know- That's a good sign! It's actually very delicious. Is it? It's very delicious! Is my mouth blue? Nah. You killed it man! Cool blue chicken sandwich! High five! Oh, she wiped it on the apron. Oh, that's going to stain. I'm gonna let you go, Nicole. Thank you so much for being a part of this wacky science experiment. Anytime, my pleasure always. And, what are you? I'm like excavating. It's like national geographic. Who are you? David... What's the guy's name? David... Blain? Chang? A chef, no, Dave.... You just combed my hair with the spork. Did you like it? Condom! Thank you so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. We got new episodes out every week, wherever you get your episodes. We got new episodes of our podcast, "A Hotdog is a Sandwich" every Wednesday, you should go listen to that, it's pretty fun. Hit us up on Instagram with pictures of your Mythical dishes @MythicalKitchen under #dreamsbecomefood Just like Ara did, she's a researcher from Seoul, South Korea. And she made our chicken Parmesan from the cook food good chicken parm episode, despite not having anything in the pantry, other than chicken, and some crushed tomatoes, but Ara that looks delicious. I'm glad that you were inspired. I hope this fuels future research for that NGO you work for. Yeah, I read the whole post. I read the whole dang post. Keep tagging us and doing your thing. We'll keep blue-ing our food. God this is a nightmare. I love it. It was really good. It's good. Do you think there's too much blue? Impossible. 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Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 324,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: fozRcnDnB08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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