Can We Beat Nutella In A Blind Taste Test?

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Josh, can you do the garlic thing where you put it in two bowls and bang it around? Let's try it. Director Ben wants to tell me how to do my job. I just wanted to. So he said, nah, nah, nah, they deserve to know. So he said that I can take two bowls. You spend substantial time in the grocery store asking yourself the question, should I buy that thing or should I make it from scratch? How do you factor time, enjoyment, and budget into your personal food decisions? Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with mesothelioma? If so you may be entitled to compensation. Call the law offices of Everts and Scherer. We're almost accredited. We have a Yelp page. Today I will be creating my own homemade version of Nutella Hazelnut Spread to see if we can beat the brand in a blindfolded taste test judged by my co-workers. Will I beat the brand? There is Nut-telling and either way. There's nut, like no tell, there's no telling. There's nut-telling. There's, it's a pun on Nutella. I'm going to try and beat the brand, find out. All right, so we're making my own version of Nutella. My name's Josh. I hope you know that by now. So I'm calling it J'tella. Not to be confused with Jew-tella. That is the kosher for Passover version. All right so what we have in front of us. These are hazelnuts, AKA filberts, AKA no chola, AKA deer's testicles. These are the main ingredient in the Nutella. So all we're going to do is we're going to lay these out on a sheet and we gotta get these roasting. So when you roast nuts, you express the oils, and we gotta eventually blend this. But first off, I'll talk about why we chosen Nutella as the brand to beat. You might be wondering, Josh, last time you did chicken tikka masala. That's like a whole dish. This you're probably just going to blend a bunch of nuts and chocolate into a paste. That is absolutely true. The reason is I don't like Nutella. Nutella is too sweet. Also, it's so popular around the world, it is an absolute juggernaut, and I want to take it down. I think I can do things better. Nutella, it's too sugary. There's too much palm oil in it, even though apparently their palm oil doesn't kill orangutans anymore. But even if people think that your brand is killing orangutans, you've done a bad job. No one out there thinks Mythical Entertainment's killing orangutans, I hope. 'Cause we're not. We kill bonobos. First things first, we're going to roast this in the oven 350 degrees for 12 minutes. Guys, check this out. I learned I can do this to close the oven. You gotta like fish kick. Hold on. Hazelnuts are done. That's the new catch phrase. Anyways, the hazelnuts are done and so I'm going to take them out of the oven. And then what we're going to do, you see some of the skins have already fallen off these. One of the keys here, the skins are a little bit bitter, especially when you toast them up in the oven. So we gotta skin these hazelnuts. So what I'm gonna do, I'm going to lay down the official Mythical Kitchen towel official hazelnut skinning towel of J'tella. J'tella, it's hard to pronounce. Ow, I'm gonna take this. We're just going to lay these out here. What I like to do when I, shoot, man. What I'm gonna try and do is I'm going to take another Mythical Kitchen official hazelnut skinning towel for J'tella, and I'm just gonna try and rub these around. And don't, stop rolling around, you idiots. Now what we gotta do is you gotta kind of pick out the hazelnuts one-by-one and just skin all of them. This is a laborious process. You could be asking Josh, ah, I'm already lost. I'm not going to make my own. Wait! Wait until my co-workers tell me I did good. All right, so if you see these, wow, perfectly skinned. Josh, can you do the garlic thing where you put it in two bowls and bang it around? Let's try it. Director Ben wants to tell me how to do my job. I just wanted to. So he said, nah, nah, nah, they deserve to know. So he said that I can take two bowls, put them in, shake it around. Let's see, let's see. Oh, hey Ben, maybe turn the cameras, turn the brightness up a little bit. You like that? I'll tell you how to your job. Well, how do we get towel parcel to full. Little diaper. Ah, Mythical Kitchen towels. Great diapers for your kids. All right, let's try this. Oh, Chris, sound guy. Sorry, man. It's workin' pretty good, honestly. If I'm being honest, it's working pretty good Ben. You know, turn the brightness wherever you want. You know, this is your, this is your thing. Honestly, I think you can just let the skins fall out. This is working pretty good, man. Yeah, I like this. This is nice. Look at, oh my God. We have like, Ben! Ben, you just started a new perfect cooking technique. These are skinned! Well, we got her skinned hazelnuts thanks to Ben. They just fall out. Every recipe out there for years has been like, put 'em in between two kitchen towel. No, this. I would've been picking at this for hours. Gosh! Oh, look at it, it's raining gold, man. That's excellent. Well, holy, now perfectly skinned hazelnuts on the fly. Put 'em back in the oven for five minutes to warm them up. Ben, wow, blown away. All right, so the hazelnuts, they are skinned thanks to wunderkind cook Ben. Now we put them back in the oven just to heat them up. No what we gotta do while the, while the hazelnuts are still hot, we're gonna put 'em in the blender. We're just going to blend the hazelnuts. Essentially we are using a Vitamix to make a nut butter. You can also use any food processor that you got as long as something that'll keep it moving. This is just gonna be like an intricate dance with the Vitamix for the next kind of while. 'Cause that's what we're doing. Nutella, I imagine they use like a mill. We ain't got that. We're the underdogs in this. Pietro Ferrero, inventor of Nutella and also Tic Tacs. Fun fact here. We don't have his resource, you know. We're not out there to kill orangutans, you know? I mean, legally we can't say that about Nutella because they claim they use good palm oil. Show me the receipts. I can just do this now. There we go, exactly eight ounces, except for the couple that fall on the floor. Now we're just gonna pop the lid on and we're just going to kind of try and liquefy this. So essentially it's going to bring all of the natural oils out of the hazelnuts. Yeah, and then gradually increase the speed. Then eventually it should be like liquidy in theory. It's gonna start to look like a powder but then all the oils are going to get brought out and you'll see it. Good thing about Vitamix, it is also heating it as it goes. 'Cause you know you can use Vitamix to make soup? That was a big part of Vitamix's early marketing efforts. They were like, you can make a soup without cooking it 'cause the Vitamix cooks it. But you see, we've hazelnut butter. But that's not what Nutella is. People are like, "Oh, it tastes like spread." No, it's frosting. That's why it's got all this powdered sugar and fat. There we go, there we go. Okay, this is looking nice. We have essentially just like a hazelnut butter in there. I mean, if you see, that's what we're working with. I'm going to scrape this down a little bit and then we're gonna add some supplemental fats to it. Like I mentioned, Nutella uses palm oil and then kill the monkeys. Using equal parts peanut oil and then coconut oil, because coconut oil at room temperature is a solid whereas peanut oil is not. That way we should get the best of both worlds and get this nice fudgey texture on it. Pop the lid back on. Let this run. Yeah, crank it! Now you see it's starting to work. We're getting somewhere. We're making the Nutella here, baby. Okay, okay, okay, okay. So now, see, we got all this. It's getting nice and runny from that fat and it is hot, which is great. We're going to add all this chocolate powder. So we're using Dutch process cocoa. This is where we win. No, what the Adam Sandler, "This is how I win." He has the big veneers on, looks all crazy. I liked that movie. So this is where I think we're going to beat Nutella, is by using Dutch process cocoa, giving it a lot more chocolatey flavor. Dutch process cocoa. I don't know. It means something. Okay, all right, so here's where it gets a little difficult. This is like, wow, when you get to that one part of Mount Everest where everyone dies? This is like what we're doing with that. You just gotta keep blendin' through it. Keep blending through it. There we go, there we go, okay. So now check on this. Just gonna mix that around a little bit. Yeah, yeah Let me take, take this kind of mix it, make sure everything's getting there. Perfect, perfect, perfect. So you see we've got the base of Nutella but it's not quite creamy enough yet. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and we're going to add a little bit of salt. Salt, I think is another thing. I think Nutella needs salt. The salt is going to bring out the everything. Salt is the baseline from which all flavor harmonies are written. Add the salt. We're going to add this vanilla and we're going to keep blending. Yeah, yeah. Go, go, go, work, you son of a biscuit. Woo! Okay, okay, okay. Now stop. Okay, okay. It's not moving anymore. That's fine. So we're gonna do is I'm gonna scrape down the sides and I'm going to add in this melted chocolate. We have six ounces of chocolate here. We want some of that consistency in here too. We're using actually a little bit of Hershey's cause Hershey's, although it doesn't have the best chocolate flavor, it does have this awesome consistency that's like a little bit plastic-y. Then we're using equal parts of that and like a good quality milk chocolate. So we're going to add it into here. Don't get any of the water or the steam from that bowl in there. And then the heat from this should help loosen this up as well. It's simple. Simple, just making like a jar with the thing, right? It's easy. Come on, everyone can do this. Now we're gonna blend it and let's play the game. Is Josh going to scald himself or not? Find out 'cause this is Beat the Brand. Yeah, fight it! There we go. Now it's goin'. Ah! Go Nutella, go! It's looking real nice and I'm having a fun time. This is what I like to do. And scene! I got intense there with all the blending noises, man. Wow, that is cacophonic. So this is it. This is the home made Nutella. This is the J'tella that I've created. Let's see how it stands up, just like in looks alone right now to the stuff in the jar. Nutella looks a lot lighter and creamier because they use a lot more sugar and a lot less chocolate. We have a lot more roasted hazelnut flavor and heavy chocolate flavor and salt in ours. I don't think we can compete with texture. But looking at that, I mean, this is gonna have a lot more flavor than Nutella. With that said, if we're looking at price, we spent $7.15 to make our own 12 ounces of hazelnut spread whereas this only cost $3.50. So ours has got to be a lot better. As far as time, this takes 25 minutes. I mean, it's pretty simple. You just gotta blend a bunch of stuff. And this takes 1.2 seconds to open the lid. So Nutella has definitely got us beat on time. That said, food is not just something you put in a blender. Food, you put it in your mouth. And some people put food other places, if that's like a thing they enjoy in their personal lives, you know? I've seen some some Tumblrs. So let's see how this shakes up in the judges table. Mikayla, in front of you there are two dishes. Dish one is a sauerkraut. Dish two is also a sauerkraut. I have made one. The other is the Claussen's brand you can find any major grocery store. Are you ready to taste? I guess. All right, here is the first sauerkraut. Please open up. Did I get you? Not really, but. Ha ha, she didn't take it. I was okay, that's a chocolatey sauerkraut. Okay, so obviously both of these are chocolate hazelnut spreads. I've made one. One of them is the famed brand Nutella. We have them on toast as well as plain. I shall feed you the toast now. How do you feel about the first one? Does it taste good? It's really good. It's really nice and chocolatey. Okay, ready for number two? Would you like the toast or the plain first? Let's do plain first. I don't know why I did that. That was not necessary. Is there, you just gotta, I don't want to like bash it against your teeth. I got a little bit on your shirt. Mm, that's your shirt. Was that my shirt from the wardrobe rack? Mm hm. Are you noticing any immediate differences? Oh yeah. What are you noticing between dish one and dish two? Dish one was like, for sure we're gonna be chocolate today. And dish two was like we're gonna be all the nuts. You got some chocolate on your chin, by the way. Thanks. You're gonna just taste some eventually. I knew you were just gonna leave me hanging like that Yeah, yeah. Scale of one to 10. What do you think about dish one? I'm gonna give number one a seven. What are you giving dish number two? I think that's also a seven. I think I like both of them. We can do a tie. You can absolutely do a tie. We can do a tie? Okay, I think they're gonna be a tie. Take your blindfold off. Hold on, which one do you think I made? On top of me not really caring for Nutella. I haven't had it in a long time so I don't really know which one. Maybe you made number one. Interesting, take off the blindfold. Okay. That probably tells you nothing just seeing it, but this is original Nutella was dish number one. It's going to be a lot sweeter. This is my homemade J'tella, which has a lot more roasted hazelnut flavor, a lot deeper chocolate, and some more salt, which is interesting that you called it like a nut butter. So Nutella, this only costs $3.49 per jar whereas this cost $7.15. Only took about 25 minutes to make. So do you think that like taking the extra 25 minutes to like get that flavor is worth it or if you had them as a tie, you think it's just a wash? I think it's definitely just a wash. Chase, before you there are two dishes. We are calling one dish. Oh, I see them. No, you don't, you liar. If you can, that's a problem. Anyways, we have dish one and we have dish two. One of them is Nutella brand hazelnut spread. The other is J'tella made by myself. Not because I'm a Jew, because my name is Josh. J'tella. J'tella I should say J'tella. Chase, are you familiar with Nutella? I am, yeah. I think the first time I had it was on a high school trip to Europe and I really, I really do like Nutella. Very interesting. Well, your mind's about to be blown, maybe. Let's see, okay. We're gonna start with dish two. I can tell you're interested because of all the follow up questions you asked about my European high school trip. Oh, you played water polo in Hungary, right? You have like three stories and I've heard all of them. And your other one's just about going to Universal. Ben's laughing because it's true! This is a dish two. What? Okay. Sorry. That's my bad. You blew crumbs right into my own mouth. I'm sorry. That's fun. I kinda like that. Really think about the flavor here. Try and try and discern the flavor and what is going to be different about the other one. Can I have one more small bite? Yeah. Okay, don't get the crust here. Just get that. Yeah, yeah. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh! Oh, I touched his stash. Oh, the stash had chocolate spread in it. All right, now try dish number one on the toast. Okay. What are you getting flavor-wise differently? It was definitely a little more sweetness, I feel like in the one I just had. But it's that sweetness that gives me a headache. Then if I had more than a couple of bites, I don't think I can do a whole, the whole piece of toast. All right, what do you feel about dish two? Dish two is the one that is less sweet. Yeah, I think I could put that on more things and enjoy it a little more. I feel like I'm gonna give it a nine. Wow, and about dish one? I really liked dish one too but it's, I have to have it in small doses. It's not something I can use as frequently. So since I'm not going to pull it out as much, I'm gonna give it a six. Nine to six, Chase. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on, hold on one second. Which one do you think I made? I think you made number two. Chase, take off your blindfold. I did indeed make dish number two and that was something we were really going for. 'Cause Nutella, I like it, but to me it is too sweet. It's just like all cream, and sugar, and palm oil, and that. So I tried to really get some more roasted hazelnut and chocolate flavor in mine. For sure. I went to Hungary once in high school. Tell me about it. We're not doing anything. I played water polo. This one cost $7.15 to make and also took about 25 minutes whereas this one is obviously no time at all from the store. It only cost $3.50. So do you think you would pay extra to get this extra nutty flavor? Three points is a big swing. That is a big swing. I'm gonna go with yours. Yeah. Chase, thank you so much. We beat the brand on this one. Right now we are up a total of three points overall. So I'm going to come down to the last person to see if we can beat that brand! Emily before you, there are two hazelnut spreads, one made by the Italian Ferrero company, also known as Nutella. One made by me also known as J'tella. If you were gonna rate both these on a scale of one to 10, I would recommend waiting until after you have tried both. Oh. Are you familiar with Nutella? Of course. Do you love it? I love it. All right, well let's hope you love mine more. Well I'm either, I'm you know agnostic. Here is dish one. Open the hatch! In comes the train. Choo, choo. Why do you eat food like a baby? I always, I don't know why. If you eat sour, are you like, nah. Yeah, I take it from the teat. All right. Dish number two, plain comin up. Oh. Sorry, that was my bad. I went to the tonsils. I see the people COVID testing me, and I'm was just like stabbin'. I always help the lady in a little bit. I'm like, there you go. You gotta breathe hard. You wanna try it on toast? Just for funsies? You don't have to. Okay, okay, I'll do that. Let's try it. I'll do the toast. Okay, okay, okay. Here's, I'm gonna start with dish two. We're gonna go dish two on the toast. Comin' in, baby open. Baby rip with its fangs. Okay. All right, now try dish one on the toast. Hang on, damn. You should give me some milk. Can we get some milk? Baby needs milk! Baby needs milk. Baby needs milk. I get to try the first one again but on bread, right? Taste number one on bread, coming in. Ah! Sorry. I'm very confused now. But I think that thee first one I tried beginning of this was the real Nutella, but I liked the second one better because it tastes like raw cake batter and I love it. Give me a rating on dish number one. Do you think it's the Nutella but you don't like that as much, what is your score out of 10? Okay number one is really good. I gotta give it a nine and the second one is a 10. That leaves us with a final score. My J'tella at 26 and then Nutella, the original at 22 points. Emily, take off your blindfold. I see you're absolutely correct. The number on was Nutella. You gave that a nine, and you get my homemade J'tella a 10 out of 10, which I am so freaking flattered by. After chicken tikka masala last week, I was a little worried that you just hated my cooking. Yeah, I felt bad about it. It affected me. It didn't keep me up at night every night or anything. Me neither. If we're talking about like price and actually making this, it took me about 25 minutes to make this. It's not that hard. You dump stuff in a blender. But weirdly mine cost $7.15 to make at home. That only costs $3.50 for the same amount. So do you think that the flavor of this one is like $3.50 and 30 minutes of your time and struggle more than that one? Yes, I do think it's worth it. Also, what a fun thing to make like at home. A fun, homemade, credible, Martha Stewart. Yeah. And Emily, both you and Chase said that the flavor of this one is worth it, that you would make it at home. Mikayla was the odd person out who said that, she had these as a tie, though. And she was like, well, if it's a tie, I might as well get the store bought. Let me know in the comments if this is something. If you are an Emily or a Chase and it is something that you'd want to do at home, or if you're a wishy-washy Mikayla and you're like, ah, might as well get the store brand. Emily, thank you so much for playing along. Oh man, no problem. Thank you so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. We add new episodes for you every week. We add new episodes of me and Nicole's podcast "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" every Wednesday wherever you get your podcast. I can hear Emily chugging milk over there. She's blowing milk bubbles. Hit us up on Instagram @mythicalkitchen with pictures of your mythical dishes and our hashtag #dreamsbecomefood, and drink milk, not a sponsor. It's just, I'm really enjoying this. It's fun. Get as messy as you want in your kitchen when you have the Mythical Kitchen Towel, available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 468,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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