Busting Pizza Myths

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Pizza pinup Josh is my new favorite thing

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Arya_kidding_me 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
Do as I say, not as I do, but also sometimes don't do as I don't say to do it. That's exactly what my mom said growing up. Every chef knows there are unbreakable rules in the kitchen, but what happens when you actually break these rules? Do the food God's reign fiery vengeance upon me or are they arbitrary myths pedaled from chef to chef just waiting to be busted? To find out this highly trained team of culinary professionals are putting them to the test because this is. "Myth Munchers." Mythical kitcheners, you all have assembled. Hello. Hello. Thanks for being here. All right, so today we are busting myths around pizza, specifically around homemade pizza. We're trying to test out the ways in which people at home can make the homemade pizza from the comfort of their own home while also eating pizza. Does that make sense? At home? At home. Myth number one, they say you gotta knead your dough by hand, right? They say a real Italian pizza, all the soul goes through the hand motions. But what if we could create that in a machine as well? So we're trying to test that together. Second, they say you gotta proof your dough overnight. They say that longer fermentation helps with pizza dough, but a lotta recipes also say to only do it for four hours. So we're gonna test that next to each other. But then also, they say you gotta use a dang pizza stone, what's up with that? I don't know, we're gonna find out. That's wild. Then finally, we're getting down to some cheesidge. We're gonna test fresh mozzarella, they say that fresh mozzarella is always best, but what happens if you use the shredded stuff from a bag? What happens if you use a block? Who knows? Find out 'cause this is "Myth Munchers." And so we're only focusing on the dough, the sauce, and the cheese, figured toppings are all up to preference, so y'all can do whatever you want on that one. Let's see how we are going to pull this off. So first, before we get down to pizza, we need to learn how to cook more better than Gordon Ramsay. Yeah, so I mean, there's a couple of questions we gotta ask ourselves. One- Mr. Slice? Well, this 'cause I gotta learn how to get more knives. Stababy, oh, no, stababy. To cook more better than Gordon Ramsey, we must get more knives. But then we also gotta create our own knife brand. Also, we need a bigger knife. This is a picture of my cutter. That's Josh's cutter. Oh, when'd you grow Here's the thing, your hair out? wait, here's the thing 'cause could we be friends? And how'd you cut it? 'Cause here in this picture, we're friends and I think that's very important. Also, we must elevate. Joshtino, Joshtino, are you gonna let me dye your hair? No, you guys are just gonna keep making fun of it and that's my kind of internal plan, so. First myth up, we are testing the kneading process. So we're going hand knead versus stand mixer knead, and then this is actually Nicole's personal dog in the fight, she makes her pizza dough in a dang food processor. That's crazy. What? That's, whatever, we're gonna bust. Why are you always- Quiet! And then next, we're going to test the proofing time. I'm so sorry, that was a bit violent. So we're gonna test a four-hour proof, which is what a lot of recipes say. We're gonna test a 24-hour proof, so overnight, which is what I personally do with my pizza. And then we're gonna test an even longer one to see if the longer pizza dough goes, the more betterer it becomes. Third up, we're going pizza stone verse pizza pan versus cast iron. I make my pizzas in a cast iron at home, who knows if I'm shorting myself on the great experience of the pizza stone? And then finally, we're getting down to the cheese. We got fresh versus bag shredded versus blocked. All right, so you already wrote down your predictions, what you think's gonna work the best? Sure did! Yeah, Yeah. I'm ready. Trevor's lying about it, but he will write it down. All right, let's get to it. Let's munch some freaking myths. Yeah! Yeah! Come on, it's "Myth Munchers." Yeah! We're back in action. Let's munch a myth. Hey, Vianai, where are you? I can't find you. What do you mean? 'Cause you're wearing like the clothes that Waldo wears. See, how do people not find him? He's in red. He stands out from the crowd. It's like the most obvious color. It's your fault if you can't find Waldo. What if Waldo doesn't wanna be found? He did something bad and he's hiding from somebody. From somebody, oh, you already said that. All right, cool, so we're gonna need some pizza doughs, that's what the heck Okay. we're doing right now. And we need to establish a couple of constants with what we're doing. We're using all purpose flour, that is most likely what people have in their homes. And we are doing a four-hour proof, that's what most recipes say you gotta use. We're gonna cook it on a simple round aluminum pizza pan. We're gonna cook it at 500 degrees because that's what most home ovens go up to. And then for all these control pizzas, we're just gonna use some simple shredded bag mozzarella. And then our very special recipe, Tony Chachere's pizza sauce. Since sauce is so subjective, all we've done is we gonna make some crushed canned tomatoes Ooh. with Tony Chachere's Bold, for the more bold adventurous home cook. So does this make you sneeze even twice as much? Sneeze boldly with Tony Chachere's, I cannot stress enough, How do you sneeze boldly? they have not paid us for any of this, not a dime, I do really love this. Okay, so let's get to it. Okay. So this is Nicole's favorite method, this is in the food processor. Right. What we're trying to do here is, like I guess, get gluten development going on. And gluten comes from tension being added to it, so it makes sense that the violent motion of the food processor would get it to really come together and try pull out that gluten. So simply dump in the liquid in there, then turn it on and let it go. This is called a stand mixer, Yeah! we're using a dough hook in here. And we're gonna knead this for exactly eight minutes, we're just gonna let that go for as long as it can. So hold on, hold on, Do I- hold on, wait, let me pour this in. The pizza dough recipe that we're using, you can find the full recipe down in the description, but it's simply water, olive oil, salt, sugar, AP flour, and yeast that has been blooming for five minutes. Again, in the description. I wanna press the button. Hold up, hold up, hold up, press the button. So I'm gonna let this Okay. run for eight minutes. You're gonna do that 'till it can't go no more. And then for the final one, I'm gonna knead this by hand, gonna simply let the dough come together with a fork, and then I'm gonna start mashing at it by hand. Okay, so we're gonna let that go on low. Oh, yeah! You got that going. Okay. See, that's quick and easy, but is it actually gonna get the best pizza dough? You never know, we're gonna find out later. You never know. All right, so anytime you're kneading by hand, it might be too wet for your hands, just get a little bit more flour, pop that in there and then start working it. Yeah. All right, Vi, you can pull that out. Okay. Don't knead it too much 'cause the idea is that that did all the kneading. This dough's come together, I'm gonna knead it for exactly eight minutes, time, timer! We got eight minute, fourth quarter, running clock, Vi, we're down three, Oh no! grab the ball, and I don't believe in free throws, I don't practice 'em. Okay, good, just give me the ball So don't send me to the line. and then I'm gonna just run down court and shoot it, I'ma forget you're even there. We had a play when I was in eighth grade 'cause I was 250 pounds, so I was bigger than all the kids, Yeah. and our play was just called "Josh." And somebody yelled Josh and I'd run and grab the ball then bludgeon all the kids 'till I scored. That's rude. They called me a monster. Okay, okay, so Vi, Yes. you stop kneading, Okay. just sorta take that with your hands and then just kinda like get it into a ball. Okay. And then we're gonna put this into a greased up bowl, and then cover it with plastic wrap to get that to rise. So just do this 'till it comes together. Boom, and then we're gonna let that rise in plastic wrap. I got another six minutes on max, the idea is that you got all the kneading that you needed. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! And time! Is that it? We're done, we're done, we're done, knives down, Woo! everyone step away from your cook. Okay. Okay. Wow, wow, wow. Whoa. Just flour my hands a little bit, get this out. Get this one over. This looks incredibly stretchy. It's actually heated the dough a little bit. These feel really nice, curious about that one. So all we're gonna do is ball these up, get 'em in a greased up bowl, cover 'em, ferment 'em for four hours, and we'll see you back at the "Myth Munchers" episode. We're here now. ♪ Tony Chachere, put it on your pizza ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ All I'm saying is, there's not a single ingredient in Tony Chachere's that I don't want in a pizza sauce. You got the onion, you got the garlic, Right. and with Tony Chachere's new Bold, when you add that, I don't know if it's new. Don't forget the pepper spray. What I'm saying is, this is just crushed tomatoes with Tony Chachere's, season up your tomatoes whenever you make pizza, you can use a jarred pizza sauce, but honestly, they're all pretty garbo. So might as well put Tony Chachere's and crushed tomatoes. That to me is the best thing on the pizza. Hey. Hey. Speaking of pizza. Let's make some pizza. Let's make some pizza. Okay, so I'm gonna take the hand knead dough, and then, Vi, can you brush down the pan with oil? This is just to make sure the pizza doesn't stick. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna take this hand kneaded pizza dough, it's nice and stretchy, this is exactly what we want. We're using a 16-inch pan. And I'm just gonna press out the pizza until it's nice and even, you want it obviously thin in the center and then press it out until there's like a nice crust on the outside here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So since I fudged up the dough and folded it over on itself like an amateur. Yeah, you sure did, can I help you a little bit over here? Help me, Vi, be an artist, you need to sculpt this. I do. Like Michelangelo scuffled, Scuffled? Michelangelo sculpted David's tiny little biceps. You gotta sculpt. Oh, his biceps. All right, so we're gonna use a half cup of sauce. Oh God, and then Isn't that just smear it around. what the spoon is for? Okay. That happens a lot, a lotta stuff you see me do, I didn't intend to do. And then we're gonna go a full cup of cheese. That seems like the right amount of cheese for a pizza, right? There's never too much cheese. All right, so we're gonna take a cup of cheese and we're just gonna get this all around that sauce. And then we're baking this at 500 for about 10 minutes. We're gonna bake this, we're gonna prepare these two pizzas. Yes. Sorry. What'd you do? Don't hurt my baby. I'm big, I've hurt a lot of babies before. We're gonna bake off the pizzas after, you'll see. Oh, what is that? Some fresh torn basil for the madame. Basil's legal now, okay, grow it. This kinda like looks the best. The crust is definitely The crust is pretty. flatter though, so I don't think we got the same amount of like kneading and rise from it. But screw it, let's grab it. I have to poke it first. Eat the one that you poked. I did. I mean, it looks nice on the bottom. Ooh. Mm. The crust is pretty chewy, pretty crunchy. If you look at it, like, you didn't get a ton of rise on it, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for pizza, this is like a really solid pizza. Now we got the hand. Okay, I touched this one, so I'm grabbing this. Which one? You touched all the pizzas? No, maybe. This one's kinda floppier, which I like. Is there a certain way you're supposed to bite your pizza or do you just taco it? Mm, mm, it's so good. The dough though, it's a lot more tender. Try the crust. To me, this one, the food processor gets it too chewy in a way, Mm. whereas this, you see the dough structure? Mm hm. It still holds up, like, it's a perfectly like foldable delicious pizza, that's what I want in a pizza, but the actual dough structure itself, it's still crispy, but it's more tender, which I really dig. I like that one. All right, so far, you vote processor, I vote hand, but stand mixer. Okay. Yeah, I touched 'em. To me, this is the ideal pizza structure, Ooh. when you can fold the back end, but it still points out. Okay, cheers. Yeah. Ooh. Dude, this is really good. Like, I mean, This one is way better. all of these are good. Okay, what I've found out, the more agitation you add to the dough, you get a more rigid dough. So the food processor one is almost kinda too tough. This one is almost a little too light, you get like a little too much floppage. The stand mixer for me, gives you the perfect amount of like rigidity, but also tenderness Mm hm. and crispyness. Rigidity, yep. You're just vibing. I'm always a vibe. I'm calling it for stand mixer, I mean, this is a really good like New York style, foldable pizza, and for homemade, that is tough to do. So I was about to say something, but I ate my pizza. We gotta let them know. Hey! No, no, no. Hey! No, we're not doing it like that. ♪ We have a message in a bottle ♪ These three were all really close. I was actually shocked that all these pizzas Me too. were just like really dope. So I mean, if you wanna use a food processor, do it, but for my money, stand mixer's the way to go. What'd you write? I agree. Stand mixer yerrr, that's what New Yorkers say. Yerrr. ♪ Yerrr ♪ ♪ Yerrr ♪ ♪ Yerrr ♪ Where's the water? I don't know. What the heck are you talking about? We're in Burbank. Shh, we're on a boat, shh. What, you gonna go to the LA River, it's dry, bro? We're on a boat. Okay, we're just gonna toss it to 'em. Stand mixer, yerrr. Yerrr. All right. So we have a four-hour proof, we just left this at a warm area in the Mythical Kitchen. Josh's grundle area. And this one we proved in the refrigerator for about 20 hours. And then we took it out the last four hours just to come to room temp. And then we did the same thing here, but the mathematic way for 48 hours, I don't know math. Yes, so what you did is we add 24 on top of 24, that's 24 times two, which equals 48. Wow, look at this wobble. Quick maths, whooshy! That damn is juicy. It's like a little Joan video up in here. Who would've thought, the longer you prove, the more gas gets inside? Oh, but woo. Just punch it down. You deflated it. Yeah. You gotta kinda deflate it, so it's easier to work with. I love making pizza. So you gotta get your knuckles underneath and work it and like stretch Uh huh. it out from the middle. Okay. And then what you do is, oh my, I'm gonna hit a microphone. Chris, if I hit your microphone, I'm really sorry. Okay, I got you nice and oiled up. Ah, it's not good. I did that in culinary school and then I dropped a few pizza doughs. Yeah, that's okay, I have dropped so many things on the floor. Do you wanna just get these flat now, get 'em sauced up, get 'em in the oven? Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. Bye. Bye, we'll see you later, bye. Wow. Wow, Nicole, look at this, okay. Wow. There is a noticeable difference actually, like the four-hour, Totally. just between the crust, like, you can see this one starts to get a little bit poofier Yes. and then look at this big hunk and poofy pizza. There's like balls of like rise. Look at it. Crazy. I'm gonna cheese it up and on account of it Okay, go for it. being Passover, you're not gonna be partaking, question mark? No, I'm not, but you know I'm still here in spirit and that's all that matters. Ah, it means it's all up to me. Go ahead. I'll be okay. We do have a little bit of flop. Yeah, let me see, yeah, wow. I'm gonna give it a sniff. It smells like basil. It smells like pizza. It smells like basil. Yeah. That's pretty cool. Okay. Yeah, that's really good. Yeah, nice foldability That is a good pizza. on the top. Yeah. Can you taste that, Nicole? Yeah. What is that? Mm, this is my matzo pizza. Oh, wow, what is that? Yeah, mm, it's great flavor, texture's phenomenal. Okay, we're not getting a lot of ferementy bite on the four-hour, which makes sense. Yeah. Nicole, What? what happened? Take another slice, take another slice. It doesn't matter. How's that one, Trevor? It tastes like pizza. Yeah, did it taste different at all? Is there any like notes? Oh, hold on, this one is definitely puffier, I don't know, I'm also a thin crust man. So much puffier. Smells puffier. I don't taste the difference between these two. You don't taste No. any difference? No. Let's try the 48-hour. My matzo pizza sucks, man, I don't wanna play this game anymore. Honestly, I might just flip a three-sided coin. This is your job, Trevor. Josh can't hear me. I've made my decision. Okay. I hope you agree with it. Okay. I'm choosing the 48-hour. Wow. Yeah, yeah, there was a noticeable difference, like of the fermentation, you got a little bit of that, like, almost sour doughy bite, but not like a lot. Yeah, I sensed it with my hand over it. Yeah, I know, Yeah, I sensed I know you did. the fermentation. That's what sold me on it. Yeah. Should we tell Josh Yeah. and Vi? Yeah. Let's do it. Okay, I have a good idea. Okay, do that, I might keep eating these pizzas. What? Can I have some frosting? Yeah, open up. No, I want this frosting. Oh no, you're giving this to somebody, you can't, no, Trevor, Trevor, no, Trevor, no. I can't resist myself. What is it, oh, it's a four? Yeah, it's my version of a four. Oh no, it's totally. I can't stop eating it, it's good. 48, how are they gonna know what that means? You didn't write hours. I would like to think that they're smart enough to know what 48 means. You didn't write hours, how are they gonna know? I don't need to write hours, they're smart enough. We're talking about Josh here. Yeah, happy birthday, Josh. Okay, well, Vi will know. I8h, I is the ninth letter of the alphabet, times eight that's 72, divided in half that's 36, plus 12 that's the amount of first cousins Nicole has, that's 48, 48 hours. So 48 hours won. So we have two doughs here that have been fermenting, proofing for 48 hours. Now we're testing what is the best vessel to cook a pizza on. Okay. Ooh, I'm excited for this one. This is normal, this is the pizza pans classic aluminum that we've been cooking on the whole time. Home pan. I'm going cast iron 'cause this is how I cook at home. But the problem with cast iron is that they're typically smaller, so we've shortened the dough a little bit. This is a 12-inch cast iron, it's standard. So that's kinda the limiting factor, but this is how I do it at home when I make my pizzas. I'm convinced this is like the only dish you have at home. I'm one of those guys that has like one bowl, one spoon, and I wash my body with shampoo conditioner hybrid. Ew. And then the next one, we're doing a pizza stone. So we have a pizza stone. Okay. We don't wanna lose too much heat in the oven. Ooh, excited. We got a pizza stone in there, pizza stone is gonna get super hot, so you're gonna get a crispy bottom, which is something that we've been missing a little bit on here. But pizza stones are tricky because what we have to do is build the pizza Right. on the paddle. He doesn't say, we're missing a pizza too. So where is it? Take a bunch of flour. Okay. Get a lot of flour in there, not like a lot, a lot, maybe put it over there so you don't get it on the pizza. Like poquito, like? Nah, nah, like, like, like, like, like. Your a little bit is different from mine, see, look. And you just said don't get it on the pizza. I got it on the pizza. Okay. Well, do as I say, not as I do, but also sometimes don't do as I don't say to do it. That's exactly what my mom said growing up. Do you see a lotta similarities with me and your mother? Okay. You guys both have nice hair. Aw, thank you. Thank you. I like your edges. Oh, I just taught him that today. He didn't know edges were. No. It's these little things right here. Okay, okay, sauce, sauce, sauce, sauce it. Okay, okay, okay. 'Cause you gotta work quick because otherwise the dough Yeah. is gonna get too wet through the flour and you're not gonna be able to like unsheet this onto the stone. The stone. On to this stone. I don't know what accent that was, It's Australian. but it works for this pizza. That's how they talk down there. It's how they talk. Cheese it, cheese it. Okay, okay. Cheese it. Yeah. In eight seconds, I'm gonna tell you to open the oven. Okay. Nine, Wait. eight, seven, it's already been eight seconds. Six, Vi, open the oven, go, go, go. Okay, okay. Okay. All right, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot. Yeah, dude, this is gonna be awesome. It's gonna make you sweat more than normal. This is gonna be awesome. Ah. Ya! You practiced that, didn't you? High five. Ah! Yes. Ooh! Nailed it, okay. Holy crap! Yeah. These are all wildly different. They really are. So part of them is different because of the size, but I mean, when you have a pizza pan, you can stretch it all the way. Whereas with the pizza stone, you gotta worry about shuffling off of this thing. But I mean, these are pretty equivalent in size. Cast irons, it's very hard to find a really big one. So this is like, that's Pizza Hut. It's a deep dish pizza. This is a deep dish, like puffy pizza pressed. High. If you see another difference, I mean, this got just straight up more rise on the crust. And I think it's because the pizza stone, you're preheating in the oven. And when you cook things at a higher temperature, they get a more immediate rise. So right when this hit the pizza stone, it just started to rise and I think with that 48-hour ferment. What are you doing? I was listening. All right, all right, let's take it, let's take it, let's take it. Okay, yeah, we basil bay. Pizza pan, this is the one that we've been rocking with as a control the whole time, let's eat it. We know what we're doing. Ooh. I mean, it's nice, this is a standard, this is what we're working with. Next. This one looks significantly, I don't wanna say better, but it looks better, right? I mean, it has this signature like puffy pizza bubbles, right? Yeah, that's my favorite part about this pizza, I just wanna poke holes in it. Wait, okay, got a little flour on the bottom, that's okay. Okay. There we go. Ooh. Yeah. This one's fluffier, like slightly. It's fluffier. It's still very different from the pizza pan. It's interesting 'cause if you look at this, like this got crispy on the bottom, but it cracks. Mm hm. This gets crispy, but it's like folding. I'm a huge fan of the pizza stone, I didn't think I was Me too. 'cause I've never used one at home. I'm leaning towards this one. Wild card. Yes. We got the wild card, deep dish Pizza Hut. Oh no. No? It's like Shemwell. A Shemwell? It's like a pizza flavored Shemwell. Wow, is it really? Feel the texture on the bottom of the crust, it's just like, you can just kinda poke through it. This to me, it can't really compare, I mean, it got like a nice fluffy rise. The dough's really good, but the problem with the cast iron is it creates steam on the bottom. If you maybe hit it on a burner or preheated it, it might be different, but if you're already preheating a cast iron, you might You might as well, as well get a pizza stone. yeah. You wanna call it for stoney baloney over here? I am super stoney baloney. Not literally right now. No, we don't do drugs. We don't, no, we eat pizza. We're going for the pizza stone, Yeah. so we gotta let Trevor and Nicole know, come back here and we're gonna do the final test. We're gonna test what cheese works the best. I'm gonna send him a tweet. I'm gonna say, Do you toilet tweet? I only tweet on the toilet, please come back, I'm so sorry, I miss you, I miss us. Are you tagging? Dang, you already got like 13 likes. Ooh, you popular. Bro, I'm popular, man. You're popular, yeah, dust that pizza crust off your shoulders. "Myth Munchers", we have assembled. What did you want us to say? I didn't have any plans. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. We should make pizzas though, so we figured out the pizza stone, the 48-hour ferment with a stand mixer knead. Now we've gotta figure out the cheeses. So we've been using the shredded mozz the whole time and found out that we enjoy pizza. We enjoy eating it in a 110-degree kitchen, that's pretty fun for us. Very hot. It's hot. Wrong day to wear a sweater. I'm sweating everywhere. I'm so wet, there's a river running through there, it tastes like olive oil. So, Trevor, you got fresh mozz right there, start breaking that up, Okay. getting it on there. Vi. Kinda a nice rustic dot? Yes? Nice rustic dots, you know, try and get some spaceage. Vi, we got shredded mozz, Yes. you're gonna dump all that on there. And then, Nicole, holy crap. What? Look at that, Tell me what to do. it's a block. Oh, this is blocked mozzarella, so the difference between this, these are both low-moisture mozzarellas, this is a high-moisture mozzarella. You're typically gonna find that on like a Neapolitan pizza. And then what we got here, shredded mozzarella has an anti-caking agent on it called cellulose, which is why I believe that block mozzarella's probably gonna give you the best meltage because you're not getting that anti-caking agent. We've taken it, we've cut it into cubes, we've put it in the food processor. What we're gonna do, we're gonna pop these onto the pizza stones. We got two in this oven, we got one in an oven over there. I'm gonna run this like the runner at Marathon in Greece did to relay the message of wartime strife. I will run this to the other oven. You were there? You're probably just gonna like kinda shuffle Yeah. over there like you do. Yeah. Ooh, ooh, ooh. You're not gonna run. He's not gonna be in a full sprint, he's just gonna be like, "I got the pizza! I got the pizza!" Who left the rack in there? Oh no! Yeah! Woo! Are you not entertained? Pizzas, out of the oven, everyone, basil up your pizzas. So the fresh mozz got wet. You can see it's got- I don't wanna eat that one. Yeah, it got really wet on my matzo pizza, wow, It's quite a little pizza. so wet. So this is dripping. I don't wanna eat that one. The fresh mozz is dripping. We can see the difference between the block mozz and the shredded mozz. The shredded mozz got more caramelization on it. And it's 'cause the block mozzarella doesn't have the anti-caking agents on it. So when this melts, the oil can release and the cheese almost fries on itself, giving some lubrication on there. So this is actually gonna burn more easily. This looks better off the bat, but I mean, that looks. That one's the sexiest. This is a sexy pizza, like if we're really Yeah. looking at, that's sexy. You guys didn't even mention the sexiest pizzas of all, the matzo pizzas of every single cheese that is represented here. It looks really good, Nicole, I'm very excited. Chag Sameach, if I was a better person, I would also be doing it. Okay, Nicole, try your fresh mozz, let's everyone. Why can't we grab a piece. We're trying fresh mozz first? Grab. Did you cut that Someone with a spoon? grab it. What's going on? Who cuts it with a spoon? Okay. Why you bullying me? My fresh mozz has gone, what happened? Mm. It's a different pizza, it's real wet. I just ate a leaf. And it makes the dough get real kinda soggy. The flavor of the cheese is really nice against the spicy Tony Chachere's. I'm taking it all in. Yes, it is. Not a sponsor, maybe a future sponsor. I mean, its not bad pizza. Also, it turns out we've been mispronouncing it, it's Chachere. Yeah, oops. It's Tony Chachere's. Tony Chachere. Tony Chachere. All right, let's pick up the shredded mozz. Who cut this one with a spoon? I don't know, dude, look, budget cuts, all right. What? Budget cuts? What is this? It's the size of my face. This is a good classic flavor. I mean, it's like a nice salty low-moisture mozz, you got a little bit of cheese pull, it's not super chewy. You kind of don't even notice it's there too much, like, this is very standard. But, again, good. So we know what these two taste like, let's move on to the block. Okay. Another big slice. Why is there so much Wait, love this. flour over this? Oh God. I don't know, all right. I've eaten so much pizza. I mean, if you look at it, right, look at that, I mean, this is what you want from pizza, right? That cheese pull right there. Whoa, cheese. Oh, that's a beauty. Mm. The flavor's so different. Ah! It's like cheesier, more pronounced. We got a hitter! This bangs. This is sexy cheese. This bangs, dude. Yeah, it bangs on the matzo pizza too, guys. I'm banging, Aw, I'm so happy for you. banging on it. The crust is excellent, we found out with the stand mixer, you get a little bit more of that chew, some light tenderness. With the 48-hour ferment, you don't smell that yeast anymore, you get a little bit of fermentation on it. For me, I don't know if y'all have got a different opinion, but the block mozzarella is infinitely better than all these. Yeah. Absolutely. Block mozz. Amen! Block is the answer. In summation, we have found that the best method to knead dough is using a stand mixer. And then we found out that a 48-hour proof was the best method, but it was very, very close. Then we found out that a pizza stone is the best way to cook pizza, gives you that lovely crispy crust. And we found out that block mozzarella is absolutely the best. Honestly, these two things kinda didn't matter, they were very, very close, right? As long as you're using a pizza stone, something to get it really nice and crispy on the bottom and are using block mozzarella, that is what gets you the best pizza. The rest of it, you can kinda do whatever and you're gonna get similar results at home. Everyone expose your wieners and then we will read from the cards of destiny. Trevor, what did you say? Hand knead, 24-hour proof, on a pizza stone with brick mozzarella. Nicole, and you? I said food processor, 24-hours, pizza stone, and block mozzarella. But none of that matters because it's Passover. And finally, Vi? Hand, 24-hour, pizza stone and fresh mozzarella. But also, Josh. Hand knead, 24-hour proof, pizza stone, block mozz, Gordon, please love me, Gordon, why don't you love me? Why can't you see me? Gordon, please love me. I shot two for four. What did y'all shoot? One. You got one, Nicole, how many did you get right? I got two. Nicole and I tied for the lead. I got two. And Trevor, Vi, you are the odd personnel. We're gonna throw you Woo hoo! in the dumpster and you can eat all the leftover dough. Hell yeah. We gotta hang out there 'cause thems are the rules and that's what he decided to do it. But what we learned today, if you really come down to it, all pizza is good, some pizza is better, a lot of pizza is best. And in the words of the late John F. Kennedy, "Pizza, pizza everywhere, pizza, pizza in my mouth." Thank you so much for stopping by. Thank you to all my lovely coworkers for testing out these lovely pizza myths with us. And if you wanna make some pizza using the tips you've learned today, hit us up on Instagram, under #dreamsbecomefood. I will personally repost a photo of you and your dog or a loved one and pizza. Take care and good night. The Mythical Trucker Hat is literally the only hat I wear, and I swear to you I'm not just saying that 'cause this is an ad, go get yours at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 867,663
Rating: 4.9407759 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: _3GSZNv0u20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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