Rosh Hashanah Celebration at Church International! 9/7/2021

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one two three [Music] so [Music] praise the lord [Applause] we have a party going on in warrior alabama [Applause] this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it hallelujah welcome welcome welcome by live stream welcome live tonight we are going to have a great time in the lord there's going to be mysteries revealed and a path cut out for us to walk in 2022 hallelujah [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is we're gonna run [Music] i want to see [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] uh [Music] up [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] one time one time one one [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one god [Music] is [Music] [Music] machine [Music] good morning me one dog [Applause] [Music] it's not a mythical being that we serve it's the true one and living god the god of abraham isaac and jacob the god and father of our lord jesus christ the king of glory we lift up our voices and our hearts and our hands to him let all of heaven record this night that we raised our hands and forces to the one god and we serve him with all of our heart we serve him with all of our heart we [Music] all of these other ideas that men have are just that they are ideas it's not the true and living god but there is a god in heaven yes lord and all this earth is about to be introduced to the one god from afghanistan all the way to the other end the one god [Music] the men's ideas will begin to crumble and men's tyranny will begin to fail for god is going to make a sweep through this earth together in souls into his sails for the sails of the ship have gone up says the lord and the wind of the spirit has begun to fill it so get ready says the king of grace and get ready if you can hear it the one god [Music] the lord says you're going to see a gathering of eagles for you'll begin to hear them talk of these eagles as they begin to come in for the lord says they are symbols of freedom that go around my throne for i have the face of an eagle in my face constantly and the lord says i have heard the prayers of my people and i am fulfilling the prophecy of the eagle for from the very beginning of time [Music] the says [Music] and the wind began to blow [Music] and as the eagle put it was the holy ghost as an eagle broods over her young the holy ghost brooded over creation getting it ready for me to speak says your god when i spoke when i spoke it was when i spoke it was when i spoke it was as i saw it to be says the one god [Music] the one god [Music] right now the holy ghost is brooding over this nation like an eagle [Music] with his wings preparing this nation [Music] for a great revival for i have begun to speak says the lord [Music] and the eagle is brooding [Music] but those forces may have been arrayed against you and against this world coming through this nation for they said four said they four said they if we can take them down we will have it all we will have it all they said hear their voices for they had said in a gathering if we can take them down the rest of the world is of no problem to us and we will have what we desired but the lord says nay [Music] nay for the prophecy of the eagle was given in the very beginning for you have dared to try to break a covenant i made with a nation the lord says you will not have israel and you will not have america [Music] [Applause] before i see them i see them as they sit around a table saw us [Music] and i see traitors gathered around them traitors yes traitors who wear red gathering around them plotting to destroy a nation but nay says the lord you would have to destroy me first and i have drawn my sword and wet the blade [Music] i have bent my bow says the lord i've bit my bow and though i am from everlasting to everlasting you says the lord have a grave [Music] for eons of time go by in the blink of my eye and you look to your pettiness from year to year well i'm looking to my heritage in generations to come says the lord so you tyrants of the world best listen and hear for i will not tolerate you to take my america down for it will be you who crumbles to the ground hallelujah [Music] oh says the one god [Music] oh [Music] as it cries i have gone to the cross says the lord and i have enlisted their eyes for already the land is being spied out so that i may put it back in a habitable place for though wicked men said they would destroy it all they never counted on my grace [Music] that if my people called to me i would forgive they have [Music] and so i have hear the cry of the land groaning and travailed together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] some say that's too far out [Music] but i can hear the cry from around the world [Music] as they cry out [Music] save us save us from tyranny what has happened to america the nations say what has happened to them who stood up and defended the world in their special way [Music] where have they gone they cried america america america america [Music] america america they cry you land of the free they say who put hitler in his grave you land of the free who defeated mussolini and brought tyrants to the ground rise up rise up rip the mask from your face throw it to the ground rise up [Music] [Music] it's gonna rise up rise up [Music] america is going to rise up america is going to rise up america is going to rise oh shake off the dirt shake off the dirt shake off corruption come on [Music] shake up the dirt shake off the dirt shake off corruption shake off the dirt shake off the dirt shake off [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] rise up [Music] everybody watching around the world rise up come on come on [Music] [Music] shake off the dirt my [Music] rising [Music] right now [Music] oh [Music] now give the lord a shout [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] sounds of freedom [Applause] jesus told the man at the pool of bethesda he said do you want to get well he said you don't understand i don't have a man and jesus was saying yes you do he's standing right here so jesus is telling you yes you have someone it is him the son of the living god he's still here he still has america [Applause] and he told the man rise take up your bed and go your way rise he said you have to rise up in spirit hallelujah you have a god a real one and the world is about to find it out [Applause] hallelujah [Music] watch the greatest might that a man has in his submarines and watch what takes place you have a god and the world is about to know it hallelujah well give the lord a praise in the house [Music] hallelujah oh how many are still excited how many is excited from last night steal the excitement just stayed with us all day i'm telling you it it transferred into the 11th hour today how many of you watched the 11th hour today was it was it not so strong you could feel it and and there's nobody else here at the 11th hour but but just just the team and the ones running the camera and john that you all met here and and and that's it so i know if we felt it here that you you felt it right on the other side of that camera so it it has just moved into tonight and we are not done we are just getting started amen amen well how many knows what time it is it is offering time here at church international hallelujah well all of you watching by live stream welcome in tonight we just want to say how honored we are that you would tune in with us and that you would join this celebration it is such a joy to have you here with us and remember like always just because you are not here physically does not mean you are any less a part of what god is doing in this place tonight you just simply stretch your hands toward wherever you're watching and we send it straight through the camera and you just say i receive it in jesus name and you become a partaker of what is going on in this building tonight and so if you are wanting to give uh with us tonight to sow your seed then if you're watching by our website which is and you're watching by ci online there's a blue button at the bottom of the screen that says give you click that button and follow the prompts from there also if you're watching by youtube the link is in the description you click that link follow those prompts from there also if you're here physically or watching by live stream we have text to give the number is on the screen or you can look that up on our website also that is safe easy secure in a way that you can participate in this corporate time of worship amen amen so as you're getting your seed together and also you can do the old-fashioned way with an envelope and if you need an envelope raise your hand if you don't have one and somebody will see to it that you get one you know we forget that the old fashioned just works just as well and it's that old-fashioned god right that's it it was him all along it was him all along well tonight i began to to ponder last as soon as i got home i was like lord i was like it was a it was a great message that that you gave over the offering last last night i said i said what what else is there to say i mean i got people excited over the camels are coming everybody's pumped and they're excited i was like do i i can't let them down i was like so and and of course he never lets us down and so he begin to prompt me to do something that i do all the time if there's ever a significant gear whether it's a birthday or whether it's something or or a time like this or just a specific number and i look up the corresponding psalms to it and just to see some of them you don't want to correspond with your birthday number but some of them you do like when i turned 23 that was a great psalms but um you know you you look and you correspond with everything and i begin to to look up psalm 22. and psalm 22 is what the psalmist recorded what jesus said on the cross when it starts out my god my god why hast thou forsaken me and he begins to go on down the line and he begins to explain what is happening to him as he's dying that is what the 22nd psalm is and it didn't even occur to me when i looked up psalms 22 it didn't occur to me that that's what it is and i've read it my entire life but and then i began to look and i said well this is the crucifixion psalm this is when jesus was hanging on the cross and he was dying he said i am the fulfillment of the 22nd psalm that's what he was saying in the scripture because everything that the psalmist david recorded is what jesus said years later on the cross and he was telling everyone as he quoted it out loud i am the 22nd psalm i am the fulfillment of this this is what is happening to me right now he talks about the bulls of bashan uh coming up and he talks about the dogs and and he he's talking about these things that are trying to rip his his soul his spirit out of his body he starts to talk about how his heart is melting like wax into his stomach he said i'm nothing but a worm and he begins to explain what he looks like what he feels like every single thing on the cross and he's telling us this is me this is what i'm doing right now i am the fulfillment of the 22nd psalm and and i'm i'm putting it into motion at this moment well i began to ask the lord lord what what are you saying showing me psalms 22 he said this is what you need to remember coming into the year 2022 you need to remember that he was the fulfillment of the 22nd psalm he was the one that not only when he got up there and he he bore your sickness he carried your pain he became your sin and up on the cross but he also was the fulfillment of the one who destroyed the poverty mentality he destroyed the poverty spirit that would try to come against you also that day that he said i'm the fulfillment of this psalm he said i destroyed lack i destroyed debt i destroyed these things you know when you get into a mortgage you do you know what mortgage means it means a death agreement a death contract that's what it means he's saying i was the fulfillment for that for you that you wouldn't have to sign a death contract because i went into hell and i beat death for you and you don't have to tie yourself to it anymore so as you're going into the year 2022 remember the 22nd psalm whenever the enemy tries to face you with something whenever he tries to call you into the ring and fight you with death with with lack with uh with poverty you stand on the 22nd psalm and you say no no my god fulfilled this psalm for me and so i stand on this that now i can be prosperous physically financially spiritually i can have full prosperity because my god fulfilled this for me that day when he died on the cross and then when he died and and he went into hell he paid the ultimate price for you and but he didn't stay there because the holy spirit roared down into hell and he shadowed jesus and he pulled him up out of hell and when he came out of that tomb he said that he said that all power in heaven and earth belonged to him he said that i have the keys to death hell and the grave he was saying these things so going into the year 2022 all of that is beaten it's all beaten and if you'll begin to speak that into your future in these few months that we have that we're ahead of time if you start speaking those things out of your mouth in faith what god has paid for you and what he has done for you yet you don't understand he fulfilled this he fulfilled it it's not just words in the scripture he fulfilled it and so if you're speaking that fulfillment into your future then by the time you get to 2022 it's already established for you so tonight as we give and as we sow remember what he paid for you remember he doesn't want you in lack he doesn't want you in poverty he doesn't want you in a death agreement you know you might have that might have been where your faith was at at the moment and because he is an absolute good and merciful and gracious god he met you where your faith was but as you grow in the wisdom and the knowledge of who god is and what he did for you and and what he is continuing to do and who you are as as a part of his body and who you are in christ jesus then your faith level begins to rise and when it rises god meets you at every level where your faith is and so one day you're going to get to the level where it was your only faith was to be in a death agreement but now it's to obliterate that contract and to obliterate that death agreement and guess what god is there to meet you where your faith is so if it is in your dream if it is in your vision to get out of that death agreement in 2022 whether it be it with your house whether it be with your car whether it be just to have a steady paying job in 2022 then you start declaring that why start declaring what he did for you in the 22nd psalm and when the enemy says no you can't do this no you can't have this you say wait a second this says that my god did this for me this says that he paid the price for me in the 22nd psalm it said that they cast lots for his clothes they rolled dice they gambled for his clothes why would they gamble for a poor man's clothes i've never seen anyone gamble for a homeless man's clothes that but they might be gambling for something that came off rodeo drive in beverly hills but they wouldn't be gambling for some something else he said they're rolling dice for my clothes which means he gave up every single bit of prosperity he had financially physically spiritually so that you could have it and so that you could go into 2022 with that mentality saying i am the head i'm not the tail i'm above i'm not beneath i'm prosperous poverty move out of my way step aside let me walk through to fulfill my destiny that god has set before me come on give the lord a shout of praise tonight come on stand to your feet stand to your feet come on don't don't lose this don't lose this your faith is high your faith is high god's going to meet you where your faith is he meets you wherever it is so tonight as you're giving i want you to hold it up come on we're going to speak the word tonight luke 6 38 over our giving it says give and it shall be given unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto my bosom for with the same measure that i meet with all it shall be measured to me again you say i believe it i receive it i call it done in jesus name now if you're a tither whether you're tithing tonight or whether you're just a tither period we're going to go ahead and speak our promise into the new year malachod 3 10 says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine caster fruit before the time in the field sayeth the lord of hosts and all nations shall call me blessed for i shall be a delightsome lamb sayeth the lord of hosts say i believe it i receive it i call it done now say this i call it done in my 2022. and you better be waiting for me when i get there in jesus name amen give the lord a shout of praise hallelujah you can bring your gifts tonight we have two places up front a place in the balcony and i don't i no overflow tonight so we're all in here together amen amen come on just don't let that excitement die give the lord a shout of praise come on you got it hallelujah [Applause] [Laughter] man i'm going to tell you something music like that and music like what we did earlier that gets attention doesn't it amen are you excited [Applause] yeah is that that good you have that yeah play a little bit of that right quick just just just for just because it just came up in my spirit yeah just turn it up though be sure it's up when you start it you listen to something a covenant a little bit of a covenant song if we can do it if not it's all right yes [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] mercy more than life america [Music] america [Music] make god thy [Music] success [Applause] [Music] and you know when i was in school we used to sing it something like this listen here [Music] spacious skies [Music] [Music] majesties [Music] you know god don't shed his grace [Music] [Music] i wish i had somebody [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i just uh i came up in my spirit back there a while ago and i i wanted you to know that god made a covenant with this nation and he has not forsaken it maybe i can tell you something in a few minutes the lord gives me it gets me there where i can hallelujah all right you got your bibles with him all right we're about to go somewhere now hold it up like this give the devil a nervous breakdown oh yeah you know i realize that all you know this is not i per se a service like that but i'll tell you what i thank god for every american soldier that's ever drew a breath hallelujah i just do [Laughter] all of them right now all that's ever been all the way from washington's army to now praise god we thank you thank you so much we can gather here tonight because of god in you amen now lord give us eyes to see and ears to hear that we can learn your word together as a family i give you praise and honor and glory for it in jesus name amen now i want you to open your bibles up to matthew chapter 7. and we're going to head somewhere tonight and we're going i don't know how long it's going to take us to get there but we're headed there look at your neighbor and say we're headed there amen matthew chapter 7 praise god now let's start in verse 13. now well we'll start in verse 10. or if he ask a fish will he give him this is matthew chapter 7. yeah and if he ask a fish will he give him a serpent if ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him therefore because of this all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you do even so to them for this is the law and the prophets then he starts talking about the prophets enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it now it seems like that suddenly he just starts talking about something but actually he's already mentioned the prophets then he starts in verse 15 beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves now notice this then it comes on and he says you shall know them by their fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits you shall know them not every one that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven and to show you what time frame he's talking about here he says many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works and then will i profess unto them i never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity now i want you to to notice something here in matthew 7 15 he's talking about false prophets it's false prophets and notice it said they come in in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves you will know them by their fruit now would you listen to this this is talking about yes primarily prophets he knows or he don't know this chapter at least from 10 through 23 is talking about prophets now when he got through teaching the people were astonished for he taught them as one having authority it says authority over what the prophets he could even judge the prophets they answer to him now i want you to notice something here in the scripture that we read that these prophets are in sheep's clothing not shepherd's clothing see they come in and people always say well you know they'll look at a pastor or something they'll say false prophet false prophet wolf and sheep's clothing wait a minute sheep is not the shepherd so the false prophets come in among the congregations that's where they come in among the congregations they show up in the congregation prophesying real ones do also they'll show up in the congregations the only way to know them and know the difference in them is by their fruits it's talking about their words now see the bible talks about in hebrews 13 it says that he creates the fruit of the lips and so forth it's talking about words so you'll know the difference in a false prophet and a real prophet by the words they use now i know you're thinking man this is a new year's this is a new year's message well we're going somewhere i told you we're going somewhere and you'll be amazed when we get there look at your neighbor and say we're going somewhere now inside these false prophets they are ravenous wolves and they're among the congregations they like to infiltrate there they are rapacious uh ravenous it means they are aggressively greedy seeking to snatch someone up with their words now well i'm going to teach a minute and we'll get there it means they're an extortioner a robber it also means to catch up or to take by force to catch away to pluck to catch to pull to claim for oneself eagerly it's the same word we use for catching the way of the church said these false prophets come in to catch you up it's going to turn out good in a minute now the false prophets come in to use as extortioners they're like extortioners to catch you away in their thoughts their ideas using their words for this their prophecies are for their own gain they will use them for you for gain in their own lives jesus said you'll know them by their fruits and you will become thoroughly acquainted with them by their fruits you will know them adequately recognize them by their fruit it carries with it the integr interrogation sense he said you are to interrogate them now remember this is all going on in the congregation not on the pulpit oh well brother robin you got to give us make a shout here now i will just hang on okay to interrogate question you'll know them you will perceive them by integr interrogation ask questions because inside these false prophets are cruel greedy rapacious destructive men but it also has an akin word to it in the greek which talks about light now we're about to make a jump now remember he's talking about in the last days and it talks about light and it starts using this word for bright or brilliant it's a word for garments of angels those exalted to the splendor of the heavenlies but it is also used for the phrase dead white dead white let me just stay with me a minute it's used of whitening color like a ripening grain so that it comes in just just as it's time for harvest and he comes in using these words to catch you away they have a whiteness about them but it's a dead white now get this it's tied to the the white horse of revelation 6. and it says that these false prophets will come in with their words among the congregations riding a dead white horse so to speak now in revelation let's go over there right quick because you know you came to you wanted to hear something and and and i'm i'm endeavoring to tell it to you i've already made a lot of people mad tonight you know and so forth revelation 6 verse 1 and i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts came saying come and see and i saw him behold a white horse and he that set on him had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went forth conquering and to conquer now notice this it talks about this this white horse it's dead white and this false prophet is riding him and he said in on that false prophet he's wearing a crown a corona and he's got a poison dart in his hand that's the word for bow so he's got a corona and a poison dart he's on a white dead wide horse and with this he's going out conquering and to conquer now watch this so it's talking about the false prophets riding this with this corona and so forth this dead white horse now these riders i'm convinced that's about you're about to see here these riders it never mentions who's writing it it just mentions the horse and what follows it but what's writing them i'm convinced is these false prophets that jesus was speaking about and he's going to write them into the middle of the congregations this is what this is who's riding these horses they're false prophets they're not even real prophets they're doing it for gain and they come in to catch you with their words they come in conquering and to conquer and the very first false prophet that will come along is coming along with a corona and a poison dart and he said it's for greedy gain they're extortioners he said oh come on now i'm just all alone in here and they're extortioners he said and they come in among the congregations and the first one that's coming is riding a dead white horse with a corona and a poison dart and he's coming in to catch up the people in his words prophesying only for greedy gain and he said once this happens then another horse follows it and he said this horse that follows it he said what was a he said and there went out another horse and it was red but it never says that this other horse it never says they of the horse never says who was writing it it just said power was given to him that set thereon to take peace from the earth that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword who will kill one another them in other words whatever is this horse is tied to the corona and the dart whatever follows the corona and the dart will cause people to rise up and kill one another whatever it's whatever happens with this corona and this dart is tied to that next move they begin to kill one another then it says and then then there was a third horse and he says a measure of wheat for a penny was a black horse he that said on him had a pair of balances in his hand so after they begin to turn on one another there's coming a great famine and shortages there's not enough in the grocery stores they limit you to two cans you can't only buy or sell just so much and it says it's a black horse the prophet riding that horse we saw it rise up it was called black lives matter they didn't care about black lives these were marxist self-proclaimed communists said themselves we are marxist and community organizers and when joe biden became this fraudulent thing that he became this you know the first thing they said was joe biden in the democratic party owes us it was amazing how all riots stopped just as soon as that was done and shortages followed it all and then the fourth horse comes along and it's a pale horse the word pale is not white it's green actually it's yellowish green it speaks of islam islam and it actually if you want to know it speaks of christianity mingling with it into chrislam already it has begun so these are the spirits that's riding right now and these are the false prophets that everybody seems to want to point fingers at pastors in churches and say they're wolves and sheep's closing wolves and sheep's clothing no the woven sheep's clothing is out there you have to watch for that for here they come hear them the rider the first false prophet you must this this corona this poison dart let me tell you something my brother and sister if for no other reason on god's earth that that ought to appall you is that somebody looks at you and says you must take this no hell no i don't have to it should be in the voice of freedom never says you have to and in order to start registering on you when they say i'll pay you this i'll pay you that you can get paid this much money you can do that what do you mean pay me what is so important about that jab that you would be willing to pay me are you listening to me this is the false prophets jesus was speaking of and not pastors that you've misjudged now you see how this is already trying to happen this is the spirit of these four horses that's already at work is it not but these are not even real prophets they're false prophets real prophets are saying the opposite now i want us to i want you to look at something because i want to give some clarity on something and then we're going to do something that's just really wild here some of you still are trying to get over hell no well i mean that in the very literal sense of it this is all from hell and i say no hallelujah now [Applause] see there's a law first mentioned in the scripture whenever you see it happen first then that is that is the that's the way it works now when god created man he made the image of the man in the dirt before the man ever arrived yes he did so there was an image in the dirt of what was coming the body of the man was the image and foretold to the earth and was actually a prophecy in the dirt so that the dirt would know who it was looking for when it came so it was a prophecy and there's always the event if it has to do anything with a man god promised you at that point that from now on there would always be an image in the dirt before the event ever gets there for instance go over to revelation 18. i want to show you something in revelation 18. we're going somewhere y'all y'all with me right okay okay okay now now watch this i remember when just like some of you do 2001 september 11 and when all of that happened i was like everybody else except i had had i had had so many i had this terrible heaviness i couldn't get off of me weeks before that event and then i came in i found i just i just got up i've never done this before got up on the couch feet and all and just i looked at robin said looked at me and i said i don't know what's wrong it's too heavy something or i said something is terribly wrong well that's what it was and then two nights i think it was before it took place i was i was dreaming and i i would dream of the empire state building and planes flying around the empire and people falling off or people hanging on something i i couldn't get it oh and i couldn't get this out of my thinking and when i would think of new york of course i thought of the empire state building and so that's the way it registered with me and then it happened well after it happened then we saw in an hour it took place and we saw the first plane then we saw the second plane hit and then i remember when mayor giuliani came out and addressed the people y'all remember that and it was on a split screen actually it was four screens on the television it showed uh one view here of the towers burning one over here of him there was one of something and then one with the sailors on on barges with cameras looking at it from offshore and i'm sitting there and and just like everybody else just shocked at all this and then all of a sudden mayor giuliani says this he says oh new york new york what cities like this city and i came out of my office because i knew that statement it's right here in revelation 18. babylon the greatest fallen has fallen and it says what city is like unto this great city and he quoted that whether he knew it or not he quoted that i want you to listen to this and after these things i saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying babylon the great has fallen has fallen and has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every fowl spirit in a cage of every unclean and hateful bird for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth have committed fornication wither and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies now listen to this we come on down here and it says this verse 9 and the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her and lament her for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying alas alas that great city babylon that mighty city for in one hour is thy judgment come and the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her for no man shall buy no man buyeth their merchandise anymore the merchandise of gold silver precious stones pearls fine linen purple silk scarlet thigh and wood all matter of vessels of ivory and all manner vessels of most precious wood of brass and iron and marble and cinnamon and odors and ointments and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beast and sheep and horses and chariots and slaves and the souls of men he's looking at the trade capital of the world and he's telling what they trade they trade every all goods even the souls of men and that day verse 15 the merchants of these things which were made rich by her shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment weeping and wailing and saying alas alas that great city that was clothed in fine linen purple scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls for in one hour so great riches has come to naught and every shipmaster and all the company of ships and sailors and as many as trade by the sea stood afar off and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning saying what city is like unto this great city and it happened almost exactly like that day just like you're reading it even to the screens even to the quote from the mayor you'll find later when you read in there it speaks of when the con edison plant blew up and stopped and the light and the candle went out and new york blacked out everything happened just exactly like it says and i'm standing looking at this and i said lord this is at the end of the tribulation period i said we're not in the end of the trip we're not in the tribulation period he said no he said you are in the impressions in the dirt before the event comes there's impressions in the earth of every event before the event arrives it was a covenant god made with the earth that he would tell it before it came how many of you see that i mean it's exact these things happen over and over and over again in ancient israel the great impression was made and america is tied to israel no matter what anybody else thinks or says or likes and that bond will never break i don't care what jackal says it will it will not there was a king in ancient israel who had the crown but his wife had the power during their days there was a huge land scandal a man was murdered it was over a vineyard during their days the killing of babies offering them to baal just skyrocketed during their days the king got wounded in his chariot but he managed to hold himself up and hold on to the end of the day then he died and when he left his chariot they washed his blood out of the chariot and dogs licked it up his wife decided i'm not through with politics so she went back to the capitol in samaria and she wanted to run the nation but she was wicked and so god raised up a war captain who was famous for having a grandfather named nemtshi who was freed from prison and this war captain drove furiously across the land and went and confronted this queen and he came up by a wall and he told he looked up on the wall and said who is with me and two or three eunuchs stepped out and threw her off the wall and her blood splattered on the wall listen to the words splattered on the wall it was all over a wall and when it splattered over the wall the war captain never even checked up he was a reckless driving captain he was known when someone saw him coming across the land one of them said who is that coming in that chariot another beside him said it's driving like jehu because he's driving recklessly wide open no slow down had no filter and he comes along and he approaches the wall and when they throw her down he just drives over her he goes in and sets down to dinner and as an afterthought he said she is the daughter of a king go bury her they went out there but all they found was her skull and her hands and the dogs had eaten her because a prophet a wild camel-haired prophet had given a bold prophecy that said that king ahab is who it was said that king the dogs will lick his blood up by the vineyard of of naboth and the dogs will eat jezebel by the wall of jezreel oh it that unnerved everybody i mean that's a bold prophecy even for those days don't you think i mean you know there's a lot of prophecy going on it's really bold but when even in those days to tell the queen these wolf wolf dogs are going to eat your body by that wall over there that was really disturbing and to look at the king and say he's going to lick your blood up by that vineyard over there where you killed naboth for it and so all those years later god raised up now watch now suddenly there was a president come on on the scene because we're connected to that so a president comes on the scene his name was bill clinton he had the the title but everybody knew his wife had the power during their time there was a huge land scandal someone was murdered after that happened they vacationed at a vineyard called martha's he got wounded in the middle of his second term but he managed to hold himself up to the end of his terms the most amazing thing he was impeached but yet he didn't leave office but at the end of his second term he left office and the dog party cleaned his chariot out as if nothing happened they're called the dog party they call themselves blue dogs so his wife decides i'm not through with politics so she heads back to the capitol she wants to run the nation god's raised up a war captain famous for being a prisoner of war his name was john mccain he ran against her and he debated her and just like the old story her own people threw her off the wall and they propped up barack obama in her place but when they threw her off the wall mccain did not have what it took to run over her and so the walking dead got back up you want to know what the apocalypse was the zombie apocalypse when she got up off that ground because nobody was there to run over her don't you see satan is a shadow being he was looking to fight with a timeline he has to have a timeline he operates from the past and he's looking for something to happen something he can seize and so he watched this very same impression happen again he watched it as it happened as it took place ahab and jezebel was the impression bill and hillary clinton was what came and now here it is it's all happening again and satan's standing there watching this and he's thinking as soon as she hits the ground if i could somehow get rid of that war captain i could take one of those eunuchs and make him the king and i could seize that timeline and i could run this thing i'm talking to you about spiritual warfare on a level you may have never seen and so he watched it and he watched it and the war captain just like the one in the bible he was famous for for his grandfather being freed from prison this war captain was famous for being a prisoner of war and when he came to debate jezebel which was hillary he debated her they saw said he could she couldn't beat him so they he they took her own people and threw her off the wall when they did the war captain didn't have whatever it took to just run over her he backed off when he did one of the eunuchs became king we had no precedent for it are you listening to me there was no no impression to follow now because that never happened but what did happen after that was that when jehu ran over her the bible said israel had peace for 28 years 28 is the number of eternity they had peace for 28 years so if he had have ran over her he would have won he'd just ran over her but he didn't because satan stuck someone else in her place and there's no story to back that are you listening to me now so by putting up obama in her place he was the 28 years now watch what happened in that 28 years baal worship was stopped the slaughtering of babies stopped but it didn't stop not in america because he didn't run over jezebel so the new president was able to seize 28 years of the future and it threw us 28 years into the future because obama was not supposed to come along that spirit for 28 more years did you realize that barack obama after he was out he was in peru talking to one of his his advisers and he looked at them and said something very strange to them he said i don't know maybe we pushed too hard maybe he said oh you would have won if you could have run again you would have beat trump and this and that he said he wasn't so sure he said maybe people watch now why would he just listen to these words maybe people wanted to fall back to their own tribe what is that maybe people wanted to fall back to their own tribe he said i don't know watch maybe i was 10 or 20 years too early somebody knew what i'm telling you right now somebody somewhere knew that so mccain goes off the scene do you see the impressions in the earth the fulfillment everything the way it's happening it's just perfect parallels and satan watches the timelines now where are you and me well if you'll stay with me and be patient we're about to find out and we're about to find out what's about to happen but we have to know we have to understand these things people say spiritual warfare spiritual warfare spiritual warfare and they shout and scream and holler and dance and jump and praise and all of that's part of spiritual warfare i guess but nobody knows the strategies that the they're fighting not many and satan counts on that he counts on the ignorance of the church in order to succeed because the church by and large won't read the word they just want a word i want a word i want a word i want a word i want a word here is 66 books of them right here all of them prophetic [Applause] and in it is the answers to it all now see how many of you saw that timeline maybe you hadn't saw that before two people's the only people everybody else knew all that i'm picking at you you know what now watch this so you see that about the the twin towers you see that about uh ahab and jezebel bill and hillary clinton you see all that now i could jump so many different directions right here when when obama became president he was spiritually anointed to be president by a prophet a real prophet now he was anointed that's why they called him the anointed one and did you notice how he could speak and thousands upon thousands upon thousands would gather because he was anointed he was absolutely anointed man he could have done so much but when he two years into his presidency he threw israel under the bus he supported uh homosexual lifestyles he signed a way the first thing he did was sign abortion on demand just did everything and the same prophet the lord came to him and said he lied to me he said if i would let him be president he would do these things but he didn't remove him so the prophet removed him with his words 2010 it happened barack obama steps up in front of thousands of ladies at a women's conference just several months or so after that not not too many maybe seven months and all at once you hear this bounce on the floor and his presidential seal fell off the podium that's unprecedented he did just like this and then he said these words did i lose my yes you did you lost it right then and from that point on he couldn't get anything done he couldn't get anything done he just got gray even though he controlled everything he couldn't get anything done at that point he became saul and like the prophet samuel he was removed from office even though he maintained the title but he had no more authority to be the king it's quiet in here y'all probably knew all of this and so and so he had no more authority to be the king and so he just got older so when he became saul he threw something in motion that god was going to raise up a david that would take his place a man better than he but eight years runs out quick so after the end of his second term we saw who david was it was trump and when trump came on the scene david had a real good friend named stone they locked stone up but david released the stone [Music] when he did the giants started staggering and so they had to do something and that's the whole fraudulent thing that took place after that they had to do something now what you see in the office right now is the second half of saul's kingdom after he was removed and another one had taken his place all of saul's kingdom and his crown became for one reason stop david from becoming coming into the palace and saul lost his mind the person that's there right now the jackal that's there right now obama said he's my third term he's the second half of saul's kingdom that lost his mind do you see how all this works now see how it works see how that stuff works now where are we now okay i know i'm trying not to be just kind of redundant i've taught a lot of this before over the years but i want you to hear where we are and i have to go ahead tonight since it's new year's eve i guess actually new year's now but since it is you need to know where you are now you say why would you teach it to tonight why would you go to all the trouble to recap everything and bring us up to this thing it's because see the the rosh hashanah rosh the head of the year so rosh hashanah is actually god's timetable of when the new year begins right okay so this is september the what seventh all right it's it's 2022 57 82 in israel it is the new year but it won't become the new year here to january the 1st so that's about three months and so many days until it turns new year so right now you're three months and so many days in the future you're already in the future so that you will have three months and so many days to declare what you want to come before january gets here so that you can start speaking it now and you speak it from your future where there is no sin and you're speaking from a place god gave nations a place of purity if they would just start talking righteousness for the next three months or so and every year it's just that way so that you can walk over into january 1 and you step into it you've already been in 2022 for months now and all you're going to do now is recognize the rest of the year as you walk through it you already know what's coming for you does that make sense to you that is that is a new year's eve message preached from a prophet's view so you're in the yeah yeah that's right so you're in the future now right now oh yeah the rest of the world won't walk into 2022 until january but we as god's people are already there and so you're about to learn how what's going on and what we're going to do in this three-month period hallelujah now now and yeah i will lord and in 2012 i was standing right up there in that sound booth and i heard this word from the lord hit me hard i just turned all the way around a circle and landed like this on my notebook and the lord said write it down write this down so i started writing he said the time of moses has begun the time of coming out has begun he said a sequence of things in the world has begun and a sequence of things in the church for the time of coming out has begun i didn't say anything for a couple weeks but he said the time of moses had started well after a couple weeks the longest river in china turned blood red lake irma turned blood red longest river in beirut turned blood red a fiery pillar was caught by the news cameras going across the australian desert a swarm of locusts hit cairo egypt at their marketplace right before passover a snake showed up swallowing another snake on world news it was it was on the time of moses had started 2013 came along 2013 two plus one plus three six the year of the six what happened that year thanksgiving and hanukkah fell on the same day what else happened that year a meteor a comet went over called iceland and when this comet went over it was exactly 666 years from the time the first comet i think called curse went over the earth and the black death hit the earth 666 years later was 2013. when it came over the very day during that time suddenly isis arose the militant group isis wearing 666 on their headbands and 666 on their armbands and they were cutting the heads off of christians and jews the year of the six had started and on and on it went it just kept coming kept coming one prophetic thing after another and then 2019 hit 2016 came first and i heard i heard the lord say i was standing about right here on the stage maybe right in here and in 2016 i heard the lord say he said there's a harvest of sickness coming to the earth he said it's coming after the children of the wicked one and then in 2019 april the 30th i was standing here and looked at rob and i said there is coming a plague it's going to be a plague it'll be international and when it comes the unscrupulous men will take advantage of this we need to pray and he came as soon as everything started shutting down the lord told me he said you're headed for a red sea time well i'm looking at all of this i'm watching this and suddenly the saint mary's river ran blood red other big bodies of waters turned into blood there was so many locusts swarming around africa that they were the swarms were biggest small nations another snake showed up hanging on and wrapped around another snakes eating it made world news he said you're still in the time of moses we had every plague happening even the bubonic plagues showed up everything was happening everything was moving everything was going but we didn't have a death angel until the coronavirus came and then suddenly people were locked behind doors they were locked behind the doors and they hung red ribbons on their doors it's the time of the second passover and then while everybody was shut in they didn't have nothing else to do so social media started a brilliant game called show me your pictures of your firstborn so now the firstborn was in the news the ribbons were on the door water was turned into blood snakes swallowing snakes and now a death angel going by every door all of this was happening so you're in this time this timeline so we approached the red sea see god had defeated every god in egypt and there was one god he was after it was baal he wanted baal suddenly arches of baal started showing up in england italy new york they're bringing out 3-d printed pictures uh uh replicas of the arch of baal where they marched the babies through to kill them and they printed a thousand of these and so god is calling out baal and so we get to the red sea and i'm in washington dc on the 6th of january and i stretched that rod right over there against the wall i stretched it out over the the reflecting pool and told the red sea to part at the order of the lord it went crazy that day everything just broke out and went crazy and the red sea the republican party divided yes it did yes it did and we were at a red sea time now it's going to get ready see the lord said it's going to close so you have to be ready it will close i hope you're ready for this now i'm going to show you something and i want you to watch this close you're you're this this would be steve schultz would really like this on an intelligence briefing what i'm about to say so if steve's watching i want you to go to the book of psalms and i want to show you something tonight where we are and there's so many timelines i could tell you so many timelines i could say but you know the one about the the towers you know the one about mccain and and hillary and bill clinton you know the one about the passover and the red sea time and all that now you see these timelines i want to show you something right here and i know it seems like i've skipped around maybe but just stay with me now the creation of man in the jewish teaching happened in the year 3760. now you need to know that 3760 is when it took place now the hebrew calendar is different than our calendar you know that this is this is what 57 82 okay now who's got a calculator i want you to look at this and and participate with me just a minute so if you take 57 82 that's this year right now now take the creation of man 3760 and subtract it from 5782 and tell me what the sum is 20 22. every single year of the jewish calendar if you subtract the creation date of man from it it will always be the year you're in the two nations are forever connected now it will work on any of them okay okay let's look at this okay so we'll just take one uh let's see here um so this is 57-82 last year was 57 81 subtract 3760 from that what does it what do you have 20 21 it will always work that very way now satan is looking at a new timeline and you have to understand he knows this okay here's something you may not have known okay psalm 1. someone if you took all the dates from psalm 150 and you started doing it on jewish dates and you went all the way back all the way back psalm 1 is 56 61. that would have been the hebrew year 56 61. subtract 37 3760 from that and tell me what you have huh 56 61 subtract 3760 from it 1901. so 1901 coincides with psalm 1. 1902 is psalm 2. 1903 is psalm 3 1904 psalm 4. 1905 is psalm 5. 1906 is psalm 6 and on and on it goes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's true and you start going through the psalms and you find like when hitler did what he did and read the psalms that coincide with the years you'll be amazed what you're reading but there's an end to the psalms satan knows that and it all lines up and this is what he's working off of i just need to hush and just we'll just [Applause] well i don't i don't want to put you to sleep okay now i want to show you a mystery here that's hidden in the psalms now i got to show you one so let's see let's do um let's do psalm okay well okay we'll do psalm 1. we'll start there okay 56 61 okay all right now add those numbers 5 plus 6 plus 6 plus 1. what is it huh 18 yes yes i'm talking about adding plus you know five plus six plus six plus one okay but see god's people you may not know this but you live in the sum of numbers god they would god would have never counted past seven had sin not came in the scene it would have been seven that's as far as he would have ever counted there's no need for it until sin came then god added two more numbers to it for the church eight new beginnings and nine power and finality that's it now all the numbers mean something but not to you to you you always add down to the single digit because you're in the holy ghost so you're not going past nine i i'm i'm alone i don't i don't need to do this i don't need to do this i i was thinking we had warriors in the house that want that want to know strategies my kids call this my jewish math so you've got you've got you live in the single digits so if 5 plus 6 plus 6 plus 1 equals 18 then you can't live in that so you have to add 1 plus 8 which is 9. so you put 9 down and then you look at psalm 1. so you've got 9 and then it starts over with 1. go to psalm 2 5 plus 6 plus 6 plus 2 equals that's right 1 plus 9 is 1 plus 0 is so you start it over in psalm 2. so psalm 2 equals 2. so you have 1 in the hebrew year and 2 for the psalm 1 2. you go to psalm 3 and what do you have you have five plus six plus six plus three equals twenty two plus zero is two so you've got two but psalm three so you've got two and three so you went one two two three so now you go down here to psalm four five plus six plus six plus four equals twenty one two plus one is three and it's psalm four so it's now it's three four so now it's 2 3 3 4. it'll keep going all the way through the psalms this way you've got psalm let's just go let's skip over here we go psalm 8 you've got 5 plus 6 plus 6 plus 8 psalm 8 is the year 5 6 6 8. that equals 25 2 plus 5 is 7. you got 7 but it's psalm 8 so it's 7 8. and it goes all the way to 9 every time and starts over all the way through the psalms all the way through it it does this it never stops so let's go up to the year 2022 which would be psalm 122. and that right sure it is so we'll get over here to psalm 122. you ready psalm 122 is the year 5782 that equals 22 2 plus 2 is 4 but psalm 1 2 2 sums 5. so it's 4 5. it's always that way so it's 4 5. and 4 plus 5 is 9. power and finality but four or five should mean something else to you oh come on now four or five should mean something else [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Applause] let's see how the psalm reads just a little of it i will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from which cometh my help my help cometh from the lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth israel shall neither slumber or sleep so now here's a psalm that is talking about that's psalm 21 right we're going 22 i was glad when they said let's go into the house of the lord now you ready for this our feet shall stand within the gates of jerusalem jerusalem has built it as a city that is a compact together whether the tribes go up now you just learned in 2022 a lot of the jews were going to go home because 45 made them a place to be well come on now now watch i don't know well i hope it's good i i'm letting you in on an intelligence briefing yes i am now watch this close i want you to see this now so you begin to see this in 45 now i want to show you another mystery so if you got psalm 122 57 82 which equals 22 2 plus 2 is 4 and psalm 1 2 2 sums 5. so you've got 4 5 45 but 45 is 9. so when you read the psalm in 122 you look over here at 4 5 and you go back to psalm 45 and you'll find the support psalm for that psalm every single psalm every single one of them you ready for this now watch this now if you just went just say for instance last year psalm 121 5 7 8 1 equals 21 2 plus 1 is 3 psalm 1 2 1 1 2 1 is 4 so you got 3 4 so the support psalm 4 121 is psalm 34. and if you sum the 34 together it's a completion of something that would have happened in 121 which is psalm 7. i'm all alone i i know i know i know and think about it people people they asked steve the other day on an intelligence briefing he said how do you study brother robin how do you study i said well so i want you to look at this so you've got psalm 122 which is the year 2022 you've got a 45 that shows up here and 45 and psalm 122 is talking about jews that are going home their tribes are going home but it's because 45 made an embassy that they could call the capital of jerusalem forever and so he in his authority did something there but you got to remember in 45 it talks about cyrus [Applause] this is the year this is the very year we go back to psalm 45 let's just see the support psalm for this we go to psalm 45 since this is where we found 45 already so we go back here to psalm 45 and what does it say it says my heart is indicting a good matter i speak of the things which i have made touching the king my tongue is the pen of a ready writer what did you just learn well in 2022 45 and we go back to 45 and it says there's going to be written indictments how many of you saw it it took us long enough to shout [Applause] do you see it so you find out in 45 there's going to be written indictments as touching the king [Applause] gird thy sword upon thy thigh o most mighty with thy glory and thy majesty and in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things he said that in your majesty when these written indictments and all this starts coming down the pike he says gerd on your sword oh my most mighty with your glory and your majesty so now the glory of god is going to show up this is the year of the glory and he said in your majesty you will ride prosperously there's going to be great prosperity come this year yes yes it's going to be great prosperity come this year and watch this it says because of truth meekness and righteousness because it returns with the authority of the glory and the majesty so you start to see it psalm 45 truth means truly right faithfully now you know what word it comes from are you ready verified confirmed come on now i hope everybody watching got it [Applause] [Laughter] oh yeah oh yeah how are you going to tell all that brother robin i can't but only the holy ghost can do this now you ready are you ready watch this now he says truth truly right faithfully it comes from the word confirmed and verified it says that will happen and then it says the next one is meekness it means poor humble afflicted he's talking about what could that be talking about you know he's not poor you know he's not humble you know he's not afflicted but his policies raised up the poor the humble and the afflicted and help the people of the nation hallelujah [Applause] and notice all of it's tied to the glory [Music] you ready for this watch now it says meekness and then it says righteousness righteousness means justice it means of judges rulers and kings are you ready for this i hope you're ready for this it's also used for the word in the bible when it talks about cyrus cyrus [Applause] we must in this year coming up we must pray for the peace of jerusalem like never before so what is some of the things going to happen this year well you just heard a lot but if you look at psalm 122 which is 2022 which reveals 45 which reveals power which is 9. which 45 psalm is the support psalm for 122 which verified 122 that showed well all was hidden in it and so on and so forth so when you start seeing these things you you start looking at psalm 22 since it's in 222 and you start looking at psalm 122 and you start looking at these things that some of the other things you're going to find out is that you'll be able to go to church in 2022 and they won't shut it down [Applause] the jews will go home a lot of them this year and we'll be able to go back to jerusalem and visit there will be judgments this year then the 45 president shows up written indictments show up the glory and majesty of god shows up prosperity shows up truth meekness righteousness righteousness returns with authority and glory and majesty all of this shows up in 2022. the lord also told me this he said this year is the year that slaves go free [Music] [Applause] this is the year of possessing the land and this is the year to decide now these are the things the lord has shown me and about the the four horsemen that we started with and i know you're thinking brother robin you just skipped around everywhere i don't even know what you said but that's why it's on live stream and you can go back and listen now so the four horsemen and the and the the corona and the poison dart and all of that this is what the lord has told me he said the strength the strength of the vaccine is being measured right now the strength of it is being measured to what it's going to be and what it's not going to be and that all depends on you it's being measured right now you know i gave a prophetic word today on the 11th hour and i guess a bunch of them but but this one i remember the lord talked about the jab master said he would fall i know sooners got in my at my desk this evening later this evening and linda sent me this text and said did you see it rand paul with 900 pages caught falci and all the lies [Music] jab master [Applause] now now that you know how timelines work and you say i wish you could have explained it a lot simpler than that you know i do too i really do but since i've never told a crowd that now the next time i can tell it easier and by the time i tell it 20 times i'll know more about it these are prophetic things how many of you believe that's all prophetic you can't make that up you can't do that you can't just make that happen and it goes to psalm 150 and if i could show you a corridor they're trying to build into that year somebody knows what they're doing and somebody knows what they're doing in spiritual things and somebody knows exactly what i just told you well how did you know it the holy ghost came and showed it to me nobody told me that i don't even know where i would have went to learned it he came to my desk one day and he i was just sitting here while robin was preaching this was way back he said do this and i just started doing it he said you see that then do two or three of them i did two or three of them and then until i did the whole book of psalms and it all works the same way every single year so the book of psalms is an unending thing because every year's every psalm is a jewish year and the sum total of the jewish year and the sum total of the number of the psalm is always coincides in the two consecutive numbers which which put together is the support psalm for that and it'll result in a prayer on the support psalm and it will tell you whether it's a finality sometimes it's five which will be grace sometimes it's three which is divine completeness sometimes it's all sometimes it'll show different numbers like that and let you know what's happening satan don't know a lot of that he just has to operate on legal time so this is why and i'm going to say this and i hope you've got something out of tonight but i'm going to say this and i'm going to say it just like this people keep saying the rightful president you know who i'm talking about so that nobody goes wild on youtube channels but the rightful president people keep saying 2024 2024 time will run out there's timelines and anointings for these lines you pray that it's not pushed that far because there won't be an anointing for it after that it has to be now god has me tell a lot of things and mark has called me and has to call me and tell me well now these people hate you now all over the world i don't hate anybody and i'm not mad at anybody but i'm going to tell you something what's what's trying to happen right now is they're trying to push the four horsemen into being before their time all you're seeing right now is impressions of what's coming but they want to push it into being we don't need and i sent a message to the rightful leader of the nation today and i said don't wait don't wait if you move now there's an anointing they have to give you back what you lost and there will be an anointing for it but if you wait too long the next time will move and the time was spent in a dormant place does that make sense to y'all so we have to so you pray hallelujah so did we get any insight to the coming year so now you know take everything you've learned from sunday morning last night tonight go back and listen and take the notes of the points of what's happening and you can take those psalms and you can have a lot of fun looking at that because you'll be amazed it's a never-ending thing it can go from 45 to 78 back over here to 16 to something else and it'll be the psalm and that number will be the support psalm for that and it'll either be a prayer you can pray or a prophecy you can speak or something concerning that year or that time god don't want us ignorant but we have to be we have to be brave enough to look hallelujah she hallelujah hallelujah let's lift up our hands and thank god we just thank god for i hear my spirit about rising up now rise up as a warrior in the spirit rise on up and get ready to walk forward it's what i hear in my spirit rise up now on the inside and begin to hold up the supernatural word and say everything i need is here everything i know is here everything that will tell me what to do tomorrow is here it's all in this book and i've had it with me the whole time this is why there are movements out to try to tell you there's missing books so that your confidence is gone because you don't know what's missing so they try to say add this book because this is not complete so add this other this is where it's at this is what's missing this is what's missing and poor old god couldn't get you his complete word by the end of time and so you you spend your life looking for something you can't mix your faith with the only parts of the book of enoch that is inspired as the parts that made it into this one [Music] and i don't believe that will you just go on mix your faith with the book of enoch and it not be in here and see how far you get so the enemy knows you know where that came from the serpent in the garden you know what he said you ready hath god said hath god said there's something missing woman that he didn't say you didn't hear it all he hid something there's a missing word and you know what else they said the serpent said eat this and your eyes will be open you know where that is right now it's called the woke crowd nothing new this is god in written form the sooner you believe that this will become final authority well it just can't be all in there really did you know that was in there with psalms do you know what a never-ending cycle that is in psalms because it's not just say if it's some 78 it's not just 78 that's the support psalm for that psalm but it could be seven and it could be eight and it could be the sum total of the two more added down to the single digit and you've got another one added and it's enough to carry you through till the trumpet sounds [Applause] hallelujah be a warrior rise up and be a warrior come on let's stand up on our feet come on come on come here dean and interpret that that tongue that you just heard come on and give that word for i found naphtali bennett i am weighing him in the balances i have found him wanting says the lord pray for him that he will not commit the same sins as sharon for he has said with his mouth things that has not been in his heart and he is trying to give away some of the land that i have ordained that i have given to israel for a thousand generations so pray for him says the lord netanyahu has not been thrown aside he still has a place and the prophets that are calling trump back the time will come they will call bb back it is not quite yet it is not quite yet says the lord for i am giving naphtali being it because of generational blessings i am giving him a chance pray that he will not suffer like sharon says the lord for sharon divided the land and came under a harvest [Music] pray for my people israel says the lord but this is the covenant i will make with the house of israel after those days says the lord i will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts i will be their god and they shall be my people no more shall every man teach his neighbor and everyone is brothers saying know the lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them says the lord for i will [Music] forgive their iniquity and their sin i will remember no more thus says the lord who gives the sun for light by day the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a lot by night who disturbs the sea and its waves roar the lord of hosts is his name if these ordinances depart from before me says the lord then the seed of israel would cease from being a nation before me forever thus says the lord if the heaven can be measured and the foundation of the earth searched out beneath then i would cast off the seat of israel for all they have done stay right here dina the lord says this concerning you he said for your heart has been seen in heaven for the love of israel and your heart is marked by israel for the lord said i put my fingerprint on your heart just like i put it on israel and so your compassion and love for them is seen this very night and your blessing will not be lost for you are going to experience the blessing again for even the seeds that you have sown into this ministry even the seeds that you have unselfishly released out of your hands is still yet to bring the harvest and i'm going to bring it up in your life says the lord and your latter will be much much much greater than your former hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how we bless the lord how we bless the lord did you get a lot out of the rosh hashanah weekend [Applause] was a lot wasn't it thrown out there tonight huh a lot oh yeah yeah i know i know i'm thinking on it myself god is going to bring us up to another place because we are going he wants his people on another level to be able to outrun the king's chariots at all times hallelujah lord i speak the blessing of the lord over the people the blessing of the lord that makes them rich and he adds no sorrow to it be blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed coming in and blessed going out be blessed be blessed in the name above all names the name of jesus all over the world be blessed be blessed now it is time i heard the lord say for entertainers musicians and i heard in country music said it is time for you to use your talents and to be sure when you do and you say oh i'm popular the lord says yes so tell them of me talk to them about me for the lord says i will use you in a great measure and do not worry and do not be concerned about what you would say that would make some mad the lord will make a new industry so go ahead and be bold now i hear about hollywood entertainers for this is your time to shine or your time to dim out and go away for the lord says my glories coming in the earth and the petty lights of hollywood will never stand in its presence but should your heart turn toward me i'll show you how to take what you do and reach a lost world with it i'll show you how to take what you do and prophesy and no one ever know it's happening but it'll pull on their hearts i'll show you how to do that says the lord yes i heard there's one such actor your grandmother's name or your mother yes maybe both his name irene and the lord said they prayed for you so i'm coming to visit you and i'm going to give you an opportunity to turn your whole section of the world upside down hallelujah and i hear the word of the lord coming to musicians in the rock and roll industry the lord says this to you for you have prophetic gifts you have gifts that think into a deep realm for you have thought into the deep realm without my spirit and ancient spirits have grabbed and arrested your thinking and pulled it aside that's not me but the lord says look toward me look toward the sunday school jesus and i will show you the hidden mysteries that your music searches for that your ideas long for for this is the time of the glory of god and it has begun in the earth and i am giving you opportunity after opportunity i hear a word for steven seagal for you now have seen the difference in buddhism and the real power of the holy ghost turn toward the holy ghost that you may flourish and i will use you as a witness to turn a whole segment of people around says the lord for you've been searching for years that watch the truth what is right and all you've found is the solitude of your own thoughts but the lord says i'm longing to give you my thoughts so i'm inviting you to come think with me simply look toward the sunday school jesus call upon him and you will see hallelujah hallelujah to the lamb of god hallelujah to the lamb of god hallelujah hallelujah now i heard that there was many many actors and actresses that gave their heart to jesus during the fires and the shakings but you are afraid to tell it the lord says trust me i'll see to it that you don't get fired trust me and i will show them the love of god through you for they are scared themselves and when you see the government change it will be a chance for you to spring forward hallelujah hallelujah come on and give god praise give him honor give him glory for he is god and beside him there is no god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of the lord this has been awesome will you get ready for an action-packed year coming up hallelujah glory to god we want to thank everyone that that came you that drove that flew however you got here you got here and that is such such an honor to us that that you came we love you i'm so excited i got to come out and speak to a lot of you and meet you and and robin and i just want to to on behalf of church international we want to tell you that we thank you for your prayers we we feel those we feel your prayers and and you're our partners you're in our hearts we love you and and all of us together is going to make a difference we're going to make a difference hallelujah glory to god we speak safe travels over you i'm going to pray over you what we pray over our family that we are a family free of tragedy free of destruction and free of a bad harvest in jesus name go forth ahead of them and clear their path of any destruction before they ever get to it in jesus name in jesus name amen amen well next the next time we do this we will be in a much bigger place much bigger celebration a lot cooler hallelujah and maybe we will get to have that fellowship i want with so go somewhere and eat some apples and honey or something sweet amen we love you don't forget god loves to be sealed you the sound of the shofar yes yes you're right hallelujah yes we thank god for dina dina spent many years in israel i'm going to use this one [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] come on michelle [Applause] glory to god okay hold on we're going to get the full blessing here we had we want to say that we're so excited we had our brother uh a lot of our brothers and sisters of in israel that was watching tonight yes yes may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year say elohim in the book of the lamb of god hallelujah we receive it jesus name glory to god well remember god loves you we love you and god is absolutely good shalom shalom [Music] you
Channel: Church International
Views: 80,413
Rating: 4.96275 out of 5
Id: V0R1eR4OjI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 55sec (9475 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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