Let's Get Thankful - Dr. Kevin L Zadai

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you seen [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] try to [Music] joyce [Music] fears [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] cage with the heavens to engage with the heavens father we're after your heart [Laughter] [Music] oh we're after your home [Music] we've come to engage with heaven [Music] we're here to encounter your goodness [Music] and holy spirit come oh we welcome you to come and fully be yourself and holy spirit [Music] to fully be yourself or we open ourselves to to fully engage fully engage with you holy spirit holy spirit god and [Music] to come and be fully [Music] to come and [Music] to come and be fully yourself no matter what it looks like all we want is you all we want is you no matter what it feels like what we want [Music] is you [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come any way you want to come anyway you want to come anyway you want to we invite you in [Applause] to come anywhere you want to [Music] [Applause] [Music] you come anywhere you want to come anywhere you want to we invite you in to come anywhere you want to [Music] we just want the fullness of your presence come anyway you want to come anywhere you want to come anyway you want to we just want you jesus so come anywhere [Music] so come anywhere you want to come any way you want to come anywhere you want to all the fullness of your spirit [Applause] [Music] we just want you father [Music] we're not afraid of how you move so come any way you want to come any way you want to come anyway you want to we [Applause] [Music] we just want the fullness of your presence in our midst it's all we want to talk we want all the fullness of your spirit yes [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] all the fullness of your presence [Music] let your glory come now resting us resting upon us all we want is you let your glory come now resting upon us resting upon us [Music] your glory come upon us [Music] is all right [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] for the weight of your glory it's resting upon us it's resting upon us here now all the weight of your glory it is resting upon us [Music] resting upon us here now [Music] is resting upon us it's resting here and upon can you feel all the weight of his glory has its resting upon [Music] feel the weight of his glory as it's resting upon resting upon [Music] you're now here you open heaven open heaven open heaven open heaven ah oh [Music] sweets [Applause] oh thank you yes [Music] my heart says thank [Music] you are so worthy you are so worthy [Music] in and out of every season you are worthy of our adoration every moment every season every season no matter the circumstance circumstances [Music] i don't have to understand [Music] i don't have to know every detail cause my heart i don't have to know every detail i just choose to lean in and to trust you cause you always know the way [Music] so thank you for taking me beyond all my understanding beyond everything i thought i knew thank you for taking me further further than i thought i could go thank you for taking me far beyond all my understanding into the realm of the unknown oh i gladly follow to the place you are leading me to to the place you have prepared for me cause i don't need to understand it all [Music] i just choose to trust you and know you are good and i don't have to see how it all ends up for me cause i know it's far beyond what i could dream cause you make miracles happen every time you move for me i've seen your head time and time and time again and you make all things beautiful you make all things beautiful [Music] yes you do everything beautiful [Music] beauty from ashes beauty from ashes beautiful marshes you do the impossible thing beautiful marshes beautiful marshes beautiful mashes you do impossible things of beautiful ashes beautiful mashes mashes you do impossible things beautiful mashes beautiful mashes [Music] you do impossible things like only you can do like only you can do we sit and stand and say only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this no man could ever comprehend the greatness you do only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this we're gonna sit back and watch you move only god could have done this god could have done this only god could have done this the impossible things [Applause] only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this yes only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this the impossible death only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this yes only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this [Applause] only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this we're gonna stand back and watch you man only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this this is my anthem of my whole life only god could have done it only god could have done this only god could have done this yes [Applause] only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this this is my testimony [Music] only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this this is my testimony only god could have done this only god could have done this only god could have done this we believe it we believe it hey yes god [Music] lord [Applause] only you could have brought us this far only you could have saved us forgiven us healed us set it free only god could have done this and lord we give you glory we give you glory [Music] because we know we wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you only god could have done this if you believe that say amen amen you may be seated [Music] wow i like that speaking of that uh phrase only god could have done this i like to share this to glorify god and give the devil another black eye for those who don't know you're sitting in a room warrior notes paid the rent for this for two years this building amen [Applause] that's that's one black guy as a pastor we give the devil thank you kevin and kathy and warrior knows listen the building you're sitting in used to be a restaurant then it was a strip club then it was a gambling joint that got busted by the feds now jesus has it amen so so we're we any time we do anything in here for god it's always messing with the head of the enemy so we love that and we welcome everybody in overflow we know there's a group of people over there thank you for having such a sweet spirit walking in love over there in the overflow and um you know because we're at capacity in here but we're thankful that you're here my name is ryan brust i'm blessed to be the pastor here along with mike and chris and others but we're just so glad you're here and i talked to many of you you've driven a long way just to be here some from michigan even and so uh some all the way from south carolina came all the way up here they make it sound like it's a big deal come on it's a half hour away but we welcome everybody i want to give you uh before we take an offering you you have an offering envelope on your chair you can make your check out the warrior notes we're going to do that in a moment but i want to tell you what's going to happen in the next three days tomorrow uh kevin and kathy and the team we're all going to be in missouri and then tuesday we're all going to be in oklahoma and then wednesday we're all going to be in san antonio so anybody that's watching online if you live within two three thousand miles of any of those locations please come and see us there's room on the website on the event page excuse me where you can still sign up for that we'd love to see you there in missouri tomorrow oklahoma on tuesday in san antonio on on on wednesday so we're thankful for that also i want to make note that area over there that's where kevin's bookstore is and if you want to go over there afterwards you feel free to do that you can go over there and get any a lot of his materials and i know uh many of you watch him online and and how many can't get enough of this ministry huh come on and so and so uh i get to proof read a lot of the books and look through them i get a first chance at it uh we got a book coming out this fall you know should i mention it or no encountering god's normal and i'm telling you when i read this book it brought my spirit up to a new standard in other words through the whole book kevin's saying listen it's good what you're doing glad you're a christian but this is god's normal come up higher and he tell he he the whole book is about raising the bar where you and i need to be and so that book's about to come out here in the next few weeks so be looking for that so again we're thankful that you're here ushers if you come come forward you'll be great so if you're you can do text to give you can do it here or you can do it online the number should be on your screen right now you can do text to give we're we're so thankful for everyone who can give and as a pastor um if you go to this church you know we don't stand up here every sunday would you please give would you please tithe i'm going to i'm going to tell you a little secret about our church a little secret because i see it in kevin's ministry i find that when you lean in closer to god you just want to give and so we never have this ministry uh kevin's ministry he never pressures people to give same with this church i've learned that from kevin just you're going to give because you want to give to the kingdom amen and so father we thank you for the opportunity to sow into the kingdom thank you lord that this is just another opportunity where we can give back to you one way for all that you've done for us lord we love you we we're thankful for everything you've done in this in this meeting already and we thank you for what you're about to do we bless you in jesus name amen thank you ushers [Music] okay [Music] let's go ahead and take communion now if you would grab your elements that'd be great i'd appreciate that [Music] i'm believing one day they'll find an easier way for us to open these things [Music] it's a very serious thing this this morning kevin we talked we sing about the blood we sing the medley what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of jesus what what you know he he his love and his blood it reaches from to the highest mountain the lowest valley you know all that's all that's old songs still work because the blood is enough jesus is enough [Music] and as you take this bread in your hand if you would please i know some of you are still giving i'll give you another moment [Music] as you take this bread in your hand you understand that this is a representation of the bread that came down from heaven [Music] he is our life source he is our sustenance he is listen i am about to turn 48 years old and have learned the hard way that he's all i need he is everything he's my joy he's my peace he's my love he's who i run to and not run from when things get tough one of the greatest secrets of intimately knowing the lord is that in your dark most darkest time you can say with confidence you know what i am loved he loves me that's because of the blood that's because of forgiveness and as we take this bread if you need a healing in your body i want you to just just receive the healing power of god receive your miracle so father in jesus name we thank you for your body and lord we prayed like david prayed in psalm 51 creating us a clean heart oh god and renew our right spirit within us i thank you lord that you will never turn away a broken heart and lord we come to you [Music] we surrender to you saying you are our everything heal set free make us whole lord but lord we thank you for your body let's take together [Music] and then the blood of jesus you know the old saints that are with jesus now used to say you you we need to sing often of the blood and i'm telling you if you're having a rough time just sing about the blood the enemy can't be anywhere close man i feel the presence of the lord he can be anywhere close to that the blood represents the sacrifice that jesus made the blood washes away every sin like kevin says so many times like he saw in heaven we have no past when we repent there's no past there's no accusing voice there's no condemnation you are clean and pure before god as you repent before him and that's what his blood has done for us let's partake together i'll take it i'll take that so hello everyone thanks for coming are you excited [Applause] thank you brittany and jason hallelujah yeah it's really it's really getting good isn't it you know this is our fourth year of doing this and four years ago as a flight attendant so this is amazing so we we uh have so much to be thankful for and i want to talk to you tonight about thankfulness and i guess i guess uh everybody assumes that god knows we're thankful it's interesting because sometimes he just likes to hear it and i like to hear it so that's why i read all your comments half the night on youtube and facebook and all the different um you know social medias and i just make sure i i acknowledge each person um even when the devil's talking i acknowledge them and then i block them but you know all you all you other ones that want to build up but um i'm thankful and it's it's amazing how just someone saying thank you it can help you make it make it through another day you know and just to know that somebody's thankful for you and appreciate you it the your reward is in heaven but yet down here it does help it does help to have encouragement to have each other and we just we just want you to feel like your family and these are really just partner meetings you know every one of you has got an email that you're a partner in this area and so everywhere um we're having to expand it from 500 to sometimes a thousand in a city just because that we have that many partners all over the world but there's so many things going on in the world that if we focus on that we will become like our environment which may not be good and sometimes you just have to sit still and wait on god and let god raise up within you what it is that he wants you to do not always just react and i just want to encourage you that and you know being thankful to god and telling him that it will go a lot further than what you think because he's a person you got to remember that he does have feelings he does get he does get happy or excited joyful but he's also been upset at times and sometimes he just likes to hear from his children that that they love and appreciate him and just like a father want to hear that from their child and um so i want to talk to you about that tonight um i just stayed in dalton georgia for the last week and decided just just to um come here from there instead of going back to louisiana which is more than more than a swamp now it was a swamp now it's more than a swamp so we're going to let we're going to let the swamp be drained and just like in other places it needs to be drained but anyway but um anyway so i uh i'm very thankful to the lord for not only just saving me but also sustaining me and giving me tools giving me a like a standard um i just want to introduce we were talking about this today on the flight here i want to introduce you to sven levski he's the one that sold me the jet and he's my pilot this week he's also my instructor if you just want to say his fingers you can wave he's right here he is an awesome he's an awesome instructor and he there's just so much i could say about him i'm just very thankful for him but he he felt that he came with the airplane so [Laughter] and so he took care of our our baby because it was his baby for since it was brand new you know he actually uh there's a story behind all this but we were talking today on the flight here and we were still paying attention to what we were doing but we were talking and one of the things that he doesn't even know that i was coming out with a book called god's normal which is actually going to be a lot higher than our ways so his ways are higher than than our ways and he was just talking as though he had read my book and i thought he doesn't know that i had just written that um that it's not even out yet but uh one of the things that that he said was talking about excellence and that it you don't stand out and unless you're a notch above and it it takes a little bit more effort but in the long run people gravitate toward excellence they they gravitate toward value and if you just set a a standard of value or or excellence and you're integral you stand out but if you if you just want to like just blend in then you won't stand out you'll just be like everybody else around you but you can't really i i don't think you can actually help people unless you at least offer them something better than than what they have and i would rather wait until we got to a standard that we could offer something at a higher value i'd rather wait and develop it and and get whatever it takes to get that presented i would i would rather wait even if it was years to be able to to present something at a higher standard well that's the way the lord is he's already higher and yet he's he's not represented correctly of course his enemy is not going to represent him accurately so you can't watch cnn you can't walk you can't watch certain certain um outlets because they they will give you a certain standard but it might not be correct all the time whereas if you're a christian you adhere to the bible because that's our manual that's our operating manual so if you want to be a christian then you adhere to that manual if you want to be something else well then you adhere to that but let me just tell you that people like that we call extremists or um you know get into the verge of the the border of being terrorists we might consider some religions extreme but you have to if you really look at what they're doing they they actually are practicing their religion they're very strong about it but they do adhere to their manual and you think well okay they say you know some religions are a peaceful religion and yet the the people that really read the manual say no you know this is this is who we are and we consider them extremists and you can be an extremist in christianity but then you'd be called like like the apostle paul you'd be you'd be a history maker enoch walked with god and he was not because he pleased god but how many other people disappeared moses up on the mountain received the law he he stood with god 40 days twice and his face was transformed how many other people's face was glowing from from an experience with god at that time no one but you know he he knew a higher standard and so did enoch and so did paul paul preached from jail and i can name a lot of other people that you would just you would just you know you love you have their books but some of them spent time in jail for what they believe so i i found a key when you're in a tight spot i found a key and it's thankfulness and what you do is you you don't wait until you have something to be thankful for you don't wait till thanksgiving or thanksgiving week just like you don't wait to get spiritual just when you go to church you are spiritual you wake up that way even before coffee you know you're spiritual because you have a spirit you you are a spirit you live in a body and you have a soul we we are led by the spirit of god which is a spiritual being which is in your spirit and you understand all this because you've heard it so many times from me but i want to present to you a way out of a pickle and that is is to start thanking god and when when when the devil asks you what do you have to be thankful about you just say none of your business you say you know i'm just thankful that i have breath that i can praise god i have the ability to help someone else so being thankful is when you you you release yourself to god and you say you know what god can find me right where i'm at and from that point he can start to lead you it's never too late so you shouldn't you shouldn't um discredit yourself if you made mistakes you should just find find find your way and start by being thankful and it's almost like your locator starts to broadcast your position and satan if his whole idea is to get you into depression to get you into discouragement if you feel in debt if you feel you know you can't seem to get ahead well you can start to be thankful and god will come where you're at and then he'll give you wisdoms to start your steps out of where you're at and i i will always be confident in him no matter what you know but you know if they put me in jail i'll still have a pen i'll write that's what paul did paul wrote all those wonderful letters that we read in the bible he wrote those a lot of those from jail and so no one owned him even though they incarcerated him he still wasn't owned by anybody right okay so that in um i'm going to go through some scriptures here tonight just because that's what i feel that i'm supposed to do but your value is determined in heaven it's not determined on the earth it's realized on the earth but it's not determined on the earth your your value was determined before you were born and so psalms 139 says that each one of your days was written in a book before one of them came to pass that you saw my future you're standing in my future it says in verse 5 the passion translation says you psalms 135 in the passion translation says you've gone before me to my future and you're standing there and you've paved away to it and you also come behind me and protect me from the hurts of my past so really if you're born again and you have the spirit of god inside of you you're not lost even if you feel like you're not in your way you're not lost you can be located god knows who you are but your value isn't determined by your circumstances this happened before you were born and this is the thing that shocked me when i was with him and i was sent back i was shocked at how little we know about the bible i was shocked how little we know about our creator and how we have more questions and i sit through bible studies sometimes and i have more questions when they're done they're supposed to be resolving things i'm supposed to i'm supposed to be built up supposed to be coming into maturity and that's what the church is all about church is in ephesians chapter four and paul was talking about the five different ministries the fivefold ministry of the church he calls it the apostle the prophet the pastor the teacher and the evangelist in in verse 11 they're all to build the body up so that we reach unity and maturity or in the faith those are the key unity and maturity well if we reach maturity and unity we're a higher standard than anything around us and the only way that we're going to help and make a difference is not to allow ourselves to be compromised in any way in order to do that we need each other we need the word of god we need the spirit of god we need we need help okay but you have at least six bibles in your house you only need one and the one on your ipad is fine okay so you start to feed on that and even though the communion those emblems are just they represent something that jesus explained in the last supper and then paul told the corinthians explained it all and said you do this often and acknowledge and remember me but you know that wafer it's probably keto it's probably like less than five it's not even a one carbohydrate it doesn't have much value to it it's keto okay but it's value it represents a higher standard that that your sins are forgiven even if you don't feel it right and even if you're experiencing sickness god has provided through jesus christ healing you can be healed okay so that's a higher standard but it's just emblems it's not really it's not really jesus blood but it's a representation and when you take it something happens inside of you see value in you i i invest in all of you because i know that the word of god will not come back void so when you preach the word you speak the word of god it says in isaiah 55 it will not come back void whatever god speaks it comes back around and it accomplished what he fully intended but it doesn't happen necessarily in the government that you're under or even sometimes the church that you're under it might not happen in your family all your family but the important thing is is that happens it can happen in you and it has happened in you and so when i sow into you i affect seven people for every person that i affect i actually essentially every one of you affects seven people and the connection between everyone is only like four levels so in this room you can contact there's so many connections all over the world just by the people all of you in here and then you have you have sometimes 10 13 10 to 15 000 people logged on like right now i don't know how many are logged on right now but by the end of the week just last week in dalton the first night which was friday night you know you have 50 60 70 000 people already watched that in a week but see i see that as affecting seven times that so it's important to me to keep the value high because inside of you it's high your value is high because it was predetermined okay so why is it that some people succeed and others do not well well really it's it's discerning value in you but it's also discerning value in others and when you invest in others then you're transferring your value to them but if you don't discern your value it's a wash so i encounter you you encounter me if i do not bring something to the table for you then it you know you might you might give to me but see then there's a deficit but if we give to each other i just don't want it to be a wash it's not it's not good enough for me to think well i survived that there's got to be something that comes out of it that's better because romans 8 in that last those last couple verses you know when you start with verse 26 and go the whole way up to i think 37 and i could be wrong but at the end there it says we're more than conquerors not just conquerors we're more than conquerors through him who loved us and and it says that in verse 20 it says god works together he always he always makes it work out better he works for the good to those who love god they're called according to his purpose he always works out everything so that it's better no matter what just think of the cat you throw it up in the air it comes down on its feet don't try this at home but it does work but you know today i was i got up i've been up since 2 30 praying because i always get up and pray before i minister because i have to you know doing everything we do all day and so i don't have time to pray if i don't do it the first thing so i was up at 2 30 praying and when the sun came up where we were staying i was looking out the window and there was this what they have they have a couple they have animals everywhere but this this one black cat all week you know he's kind of like looking at me and then he'd run and then yet you know the day before he's all of a sudden now he's wanting to be my friend though this morning i saw him there was a frog on the driveway and he was a jumping on it and playing with it i'm thinking just leave that thing alone you know his heart i like and um anyway he stopped because the the frog stopped but it's like the holy spirit said to me the frog's not dead he wants the cat to think he's dead [Laughter] and i was mad i was gonna go down there and teach that cat a lesson i guarantee i was going to take him to 35 000 feet and see if he could still land on his feet because you i just don't like to see that kind of thing it's like you got nothing better to do get a job it just sat there and finally the cat gave up walked away the cat as soon as a cat turned the corner that frog leaped the whole way across right into the woods i could just hear him laughing and what i'm seeing in people is is that sometimes you just need to sit and wait no matter what the enemy does against you you just need to sit and wait and you need to be thankful because you can't hurt a dead man you can't offend a dead man dead man but paul said listen for me to live as christ and to die is gain but he said it's no longer i that live but christ lives in me and so the life he says i live now is by faith in the son of god he said in one translation it says paul said it's as though jesus is borrowing my body and doing his ministry through me and i found that those kind of people have a higher standard because they discern their own value and then they transfer that out and create a higher value in others they raise the bar okay so being thankful has caused a lot of breakthroughs in my life when when it was that time where i'm just sitting and waiting and i feel like we're in that period now so in in first chronicles chapter 16 i'm just going to read through these and talk you through these and by the end i'm going to have inoculated you and you're going you're going to be thankful because i i really sense that that and then i want to talk to you about some other things you know um just to offend those who are not offended yet i'm going to make sure first chronicles 16 34 says give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever okay so we know that god is love right the scriptures say god is love but it says that there is no fear in perfect love god is love and perfect love drives out fear okay so if we know god is love so when he shows up he drives out fear because god is love and there is no fear when you're made perfect in love so i believe i've been a christian for 41 years now i'm convinced that when god when he captures me when he wins me over he fully convinces me that he's good no matter what when he wins over me then whether i live or die you see i know my value in heaven but my value on earth needs to be realized it needs to be recognized how he has to work through you expressing himself at a higher standard than what's around you that is why it feels uncomfortable at times because it's so easy to just be like everyone else but i don't want everything else you know i'm 60 years old i've had every kind of hamburger but i've had the best and after 60 years i just want the best i don't want a watch that's going to break in a week i'd rather just wait and get the best it's the same way with revelation of the word of god i'd rather wait until god wins me over with his word on any subject and then i speak it forth from a place of knowing it not just trying to believe it i know that you can shift your atmosphere but you have to be at a higher standard and you have to be willing to face resistance you know i was just i was just up and i think it was in wisconsin at the museum there at oshkosh and they i think they have they i think that's where i have so many been so many places but they had oroville and wilbur there you know just the make-believe ones but they had their airplane replica there and i'm looking at that guy and i think that's where it is because i think they have one there and uh he's laying down and he's looking at his brother because they're about to launch well see it's easy for you but for them they were history makers and then when you find out oh it only flew you know maybe six feet six feet high you know and so many feet yards or whatever but they flew and if they hadn't done that you couldn't get on your airplane now someone had to do it i know you wouldn't want to test the first parachute you let it you know it's just like everything else give them a year to work out the kinks right but somebody has to be a test person a test pilot or whatever so oh yeah new car you just get in it and it drives itself it goes well then just show me i'll stay back here show me right but what if god placed such a value in you that you knew that you knew that you knew that you could do something and you started to let that permeate you well it's his goodness it permeates you and others benefit from that so god's going to give you ideas he's going to tell you listen here's a need start a business just meet a need you have permanent customers and if you make the best hamburger i'll be the first in line see what i mean because people determine what they want what they need but if they find value in what you're offering them then they're going to go toward you and you have permanent customers so you let god tell you what that is you meet that need okay in colossians chapter 3 verse 15 says let the peace of christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace and be thankful all in the same breath okay here's another thing you know we hear about the love of god we talked about a little bit about that then we have the peace of god which is a higher standard than the peace of this world because jesus said the peace that i give you right he said a peace i give you it's not like the world's and then he said didn't he say this he said when you go out and you if you tell people about me he said if they receive you then let your peace rest on that house that you're at or that place or that relationship or that business or whatever you it says but if they do not receive you let your peace return back to you is that amazing so some people are not worthy because they mistreat you but you shouldn't let that stop you you just let your peace return to you it doesn't oh my god it doesn't diminish your value because you weren't received because there's plenty of people out there that want your hamburger or whatever you offer okay so what i found is is if you treat people like you want to be treated imagine that but if you treat people correctly and and sven and i were talking about this then then it's a notch above and i would rather pay a little more and be treated nice i can actually stay home and be treated nicer because it's just me and my wife why would i want to go out to get beat up so all of you were connecting you all over the world all your partners are about to get an email you're all going to have we're going to have our own social media platform it's it's almost finalized warrior chat so you don't need my face or space book you could chat among yourselves and build each other up no matter who's president it doesn't matter the body of christ is is uh the church jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against the church so you build each other up you choose to do that you choose to strengthen each other and communicate and you treat people correctly and it creates a culture i've seen this i've seen this because i studied history we in college we had it was amazing with cr cultures and cross-cultural communications when you study anthropology all these different sociology psychology you know very little emphasis on spirituality but it is important to understand human beings it's it's important to understand yourself what i found is that christians don't understand themselves and they don't understand why they react the way they do why they certain things they get they get in a ditch they can't get out but they know that god is greater and this is what i found is they don't discern their value christians don't discern their value they don't understand that god gave them love because he already showed his love through jesus christ he gave them peace but he said if people do not accept you bring it back to yourself jesus was rejected in his own hometown so your peace is not represented or it's not gauged by how people treat you they he said the peace that i give is not like the world so you just bring it back you follow me so you're not diminished that's my point god's love is not diminished his peace is not diminished this is all by being thankful because the standard inside of you is actually already through the roof but it has to be expressed out you have to be able to yield and manifest through your actions through your words what is in you it has to be released that's why i'm doing what i'm doing all i'm doing is giving you permission to be christians permission to read your manual that's all i'm doing it's kind of silly in a way to have to say all this when we should know it by now after two thousand years since jesus hung on a cross you would think that the church would have excelled but since it hasn't the fivefold ministry of the church was sent to build up to to create an environment for growth acceleration like i've told you this i believe in total immersion i can learn more in a weekend if i'm just left to myself and i study and i study i can learn more i can accelerate i can take a 14-day class and accelerate and create an environment where it's all i do all the time and it becomes a norm it becomes my normal but 14 days ago i didn't know how to do anything concerning that subject but as you saturate yourself it becomes your reality it becomes your second nature to react according to how you have learned to to do things now one of the things that happened to me is feel like i should insert this right now is when i was outside my body on the operating table i could discern god's voice but it's not easy down here but when i was outside my body i could hear i could discern very easily there was no disturbance there was nothing you know hindering me i saw jesus i heard the holy spirit i heard angels i i had all the all that without any filters and the old but went down here it's not easy so i you know i didn't come to you to to make you like look at me like i'm some something special because i'm not i just caught eclipse the other side and was sent back but i've talked to pilots that well one of them was a professor in college he flew the sr-71 he was a wing commander at beale air force base in the sr-71 which you know today is still a marvel even though it's not flying but he got shot at every mission he wore a spacesuit he flew higher and faster than he can tell me even though he gave me hints and and now that he's passed away you know i keep his integrity but it is amazing the stories he told but he had another friend neil armstrong who said when he was on the moon he said there was no demonic activity up there and he said as he could hear god answer him when he would do his devotions he would be reading the bible and he would say something and he'd hear god answer right back and that when he said that he said what even up where he was the professor i mean he would he would be flying he would it was just shorter to come over the polar ice cap to come home to beale in sacramento california then go around the world it was just easier just to go up over and he said he would be on dissent over canada in a turn for he was on his turn to final lining up with the runway in california over canada trying to slow down they called it the sled ride home so he went from over you know i mean he told he i can't say but it was over 3 500 miles an hour way over but he's coming in from way way high and the plane just wants to keep flying and he's managing everything from way far away because he made he said in my turn i went through three states on my turn for final but he said up there he said i could feel the peace of god and he said the guy behind him was watching the radar and they were launching because he was over countries he shouldn't be over but he said they would never be able to keep with him because he said it was just like a 30 odd six bullet trying to hit another 30 odd six bullet but he said he could feel the presence and the power of god because he he was asked to take the the sp he was asked to take the first shuttle space shuttle up that's what he told me to be commander of the first space shuttle but the lord said that you're supposed to be a pilot for kenneth hagin and so he went to kenneth hagin ministries left the sr-71 and became a minister but he told me that neil armstrong had told him that that there wasn't any hindrance on the moon there was no evil spirits up there because there was no people up there so the evil spirits had nothing they had nothing to do with that except collect moon rocks which you know but anyway there's no influence up there is my point okay so down here down here it's hard but it's easy we were talking about this it's easy to be normal it's easy just to blend in it's hard to yield to the value inside of you and also it's hard sometimes to invest in others value i found that by being thankful it starts a domino effect when you acknowledge god in all your ways he directs your paths that's what it says in proverbs if you acknowledge god in all your ways he will direct your path so acknowledging him locates you but he already knows where you are but like i said he's a person he likes to be told he's god almighty but he still needs fellowship because obviously he made man put him in the garden and then came down and had fellowship with him so that's why he made man that was his whole purpose so god placed value in man because god invested in man because he wanted to have that relationship and you can see that all through the bible that even when the israelites would not go up on the mountain he was hurt jesus the night before he was crucified he went up to the mount of olives and he's he he said it's recorded the disciples heard him say it jerusalem how i long to gather you together but you would not have it you did not discern your day of visitation right so he was reaching out to people in his three and a half years of ministry he lived to be around 33 in a couple months but even even he couldn't convince people okay so he appears on the isle of patmos in about 95 a.d 90 john exiled and he said right to the seven churches to the pastors of the seven churches and he said he who has ears to hear let him hear what the spirit is saying now he said this he just kept saying that after every address to each church so the question was asked to me i mean i remember i remember we were in our house in phoenix when we had a house there were i mean we're literally awake and jesus walks in and he said i need to talk to you i said go ahead he goes alone i turned to her and i said jesus wants to talk to me i'll be back and this is he took me in my office and i'm not making this up i wish i was i wish this happened every day it doesn't it takes years and years between when it happens but this is what he asked me he said he said why did i tell john to write to the seven churches of seven pastors i go you know what that's a good question that's a good question because he could have just talked to himself men the men of god women of god right so i just i was waiting for the answer he said ask me i had to verbally ask him because he wanted to have that exchange with me he was trying to show me something and this is what he said he said because they weren't listening what happened to all those those seven churches they're all in northern turkey but they're all gone some of them are just ruins others are mosques which is not christianity but jesus warned each one of them and he tried to convince them he even went as far to say listen he who overcomes and is victorious you will sit with me on a throne and you know we're we're there again right now you see god is not working against himself jesus said when he was accused of having a demon by the pharisees you think about the pharisees the religious order of the day they said you have a demon jesus said if i he says you cast out devils by the head of the devil's beazlebub he said well if that's a case then the kingdom of the devil is divided because if he's casting himself out he said a kingdom divided can't stand so he's done it's that's what it says if you read the original language he's he's done if he's if he's casting out himself but then he said this but if i am casting out devils by the finger of god it says the finger of god then the kingdom of god if that's true then the kingdom of god has come upon you but when he said that he said the phrase which they knew which is quoted in exodus that god gave israel the law on tablets of stone written by the finger of god so he said if i'm casting out devils by the same finger that they gave you your law do you understand why they wanted to kill him jesus would say i am and everyone would fall backwards but he's like all the time like don't make me do this sometimes they wanted to kill him and he would walk through the crowd but they want to throw him over the brow of the hill he would walk through the crowd why it wasn't his time yet right okay so this is a mentality that i believe enoch had that paul had that all the church fathers they understood god's will to be something from the other realm that was inserted into people that was manifested through them to others and they changed their environment they were not changed by their environment they changed their environment because they were changed from within so most of the time like when you talk to people it doesn't take a lot of adjustment it's just a little heartfelt adjustment sometimes god can do anything he wants but he does include us in on what he's doing not all the time but we're all connected inside with him and we can participate with him and thank being thankful causes what we call a dead reckoning find out where you're at you know when i was at southwest airlines first thing when you went in the airplane is you got power to the airplane and then there was an alignment that happened it took 11 minutes in the 737 but you waited for that naval line light to go out it was 11 minutes and it found where your airplane was what gate it was at within like three feet on the globe it located you and then from there the computer no matter what you could tell it where you wanted to go and it could tell you everything about your flight including if how far you would make it on a tank of gas and what time you would land and take you within just a few feet it would but you had to find yourself first the lights are going off inside of you see so you you let god locate you but once you find yourself you can go anywhere i don't i'm serious i don't i don't care if i'm preaching to you from jail i will never let go of this gospel i will never stop preaching it no matter what because this is paul this is jesus jesus died for this for what he believed in paul all the apostles died for what they believe in so if they can die for it i know you can live for it right amen okay all right colossians 4 2 devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful first corinthians chapter one verse first corinthians 1 4 i always thank my god for you because of his grace given you in christ jesus second corinthians 9 11 you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion did you notice how strong this language is you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to god this is paul you ought to read that ninth chapter paul says listen you shouldn't give out a compulsion being forced to do anything he said god loves a cheerful giver he said this is not for my benefit he said this is for your benefit so they could be laid up so that you'll always that god will prosper you could always have in every it says every occasion to be generous in every occasion to help others so there's nothing wrong with letting god bless you and prosper you but until you until you realize your value you're never going to be able to transfer what god gives to you to someone else do you understand what i just said or do i need because i can expand it out do you understand the words you can take you can take a truth but it has to become alive to you it has to become part of you then you transfer it out it's the same thing can god trust you with money can he trust you in a relationship can he trust you with riches jesus said it's hard for a rich man to get to heaven but he didn't say it was impossible it's like the narrow way you you want to preach hard jesus said this he said salvation he said this life this salvation it's a narrow way and few find it and when everything's going fine you don't pay attention to this type of scripture scriptures but now when you look at what has happened in the world and you look at how people have fared through adversity when you look at how churches if they were if they were ministering to just your soul and it was just feel good well then what happens when the feel good is taken away then feel good isn't good enough anymore well i call that down here and that what you were was the the the churches became ineffective in adversity but jesus didn't become ineffective and that pastor didn't mean for all that to happen however we find ourselves in an emergency we find ourselves having to deal with doing the right thing and not having the training to do it we're not able to carry out and do the right thing so you have to have been programmed a good programming about what the word of god says and you have to act out of that you've got to act from your heart and no hesitation i don't i don't give to get i give to people that can't pay me back because it creates an opportunity for a miracle when you give to the poor when you lend to the poor god it says that that god repays i want to put god in a position where he has to pay me back which he doesn't have to do anything but you get my point is that i'm not going to manipulate i'm going to allow god to give the increase i'm going to sow but i'm going to let him give the increase so you should always give but not out of compulsion but you don't give to get even though there is sowing and reaping that is just a law you give because you love god but you discern your value and you also discern the value in others right first timothy 4 4-5 for everything god created is good even that black cat and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving because it is consecrated by the word of god and prayer in other words if you commit your weight to the lord he is the one that causes it to have value no matter what so he works everything to the good to those who love god and are called according to his purpose god is a supernatural god only because that's his normal he's supernatural because he's he's above natural that's what super means super above the natural so when you encounter the living god it's going to be above the natural right because he is a spirit jesus said this to the woman at the well in john 4. he said he said woman there's come in a day when you won't worship on this mountain or any mountain he said you're going to worship god in spirit and in truth god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth it had nothing to do with that mountain or the one that the temple mount was on because the samaritans believed that they had the right mountain there was an argument going on and he was just informing her if you knew who stood before you you'd ask him for water that you would never thirst again and she didn't get it she said give me that water because she's at the weld having to work for it he goes well go get your husband she said i don't have a husband yeah actually you've had five the one you're with now is not your husband i perceive you're a prophet that's what she says okay what's happening here jesus is introducing the supernatural something above to cause her to engage him on a higher level you've got to remember something there's there's keys in the bible you think you're being limited now especially if you're young you think it's you're limited but jesus told pilate he said don't you know pilate said don't you know that i have the power to release you he said jesus said you'd have no power unless god gave it to you he said my kingdom is not from here so he said oh you are a king and then he went silent why because it was god's will that he be handed over but jesus said that it's like no you're just a puppet in this whole thing i'm trying to help you here you've got to start looking at things the way that jesus did only god can change the way things are but i'll tell you one thing god sent jesus to raise the dead heal the sick preach the good news cast out devils and he said those who believe in me will do the same things even greater things than these will they do okay i will never back off i will always believe for you to be healed and for me to be healed i will always believe that i will be delivered i will always believe that you'll be delivered i will always believe that there is jubilee because he said he preached a year of jubilee that was the debt cancellation on the seventh seven 49 years the 50th was jubilee where all debts were canceled he preached that he preached that cancellation period now think about this and in greek it says jesus said talastai it's translated in your bible as it is finished but telescopes means paid in full so when you paid your tax the roman government just stamped and you got you got telescopes right paid in full so every month you pay a mortgage two words mort which means death engage which means grip death grip so that's good okay i'm just saying you ought to start studying the words you find out some stuff you don't you say oh that's amazing it's not a maze no think about it our words unbelievable well no it's believable you're watching it no think about how we we it's called crooked speech the bible calls a perverse speech you don't see jesus kidding because he created the universes with his words he's not going to kid they're gonna say watch that elgato might eat you you're not gonna say stuff like that so the domino effect starts right now you are going to be thankful i still have another 30 scriptures on thankfulness and that's just a sampling but i'm not going to get through them this week however thankfulness causes you to be put on the map it lights you up and you're located and god will favor you when you acknowledge him you know i could wear a tank top i could wear shorts but the lord told me because i asked him what should i do there's all this cultural stuff should i he said just dress how you feel what's inside of you what's your role what's your status what is your assignment how do you feel i go i like to wear a tie and a jacket a nice shirt one that if you pull a thread the whole thing doesn't disappear it's it actually like survives a whole year i dress how i feel well i feel i feel respected by god i do i feel respected by god that might offend some people but i feel like god looks at me and says that's my son he's doing what i asked him to do right well he does the same with you he you came here you want to hear the word of god you're going to get it but i'm not going to hold back i'm going to tell you you can outlast the devil and how you outlast him is you let god live through you and you have that eternal part of you that will not take no for an answer and i've told people they say you won't quit you know i i don't take no if i no i know then i don't take no i don't i don't back off no matter what there's a part of me that will not die inside it will not bow it will not give up and as long as i'm here i'm going to have the same message i'm never backing off i'm never going to let go of you i'm never going to stop telling you the truth but you might want to take a clue that if this is going to go on for years and you're going to hear this you might as well just go ahead and yield to it just come in come out of the rain stop allowing people to traumatize you you just let your peace come back you love you love but you don't have to expect it back because you're already loved you're a fire hose there is no backwash there's nothing coming back and i have to tell you this i can tell now there's a difference between a learning curve and wanting to learn desiring to learn and that process there's that's not what i'm talking about before i say this i realize that everyone is not where they want to be i understand that some people have had experiences that accelerate them they have opportunities to accelerate them i get that but this is what i found is i found i mean i could make you cry telling you stories about stuff that's happened to me but you could make me cry more by what's happened to you but that's not a testimony service get it okay the devil comes to steal kill and destroy that's what jesus said so you can label if you've been stolen from if somebody's attempted to kill you steal from you or destroy you it's the devil jesus said it i have come to give you life and life more abundantly okay this is your test it's easy you just run everything through what i just said jesus went around doing good in acts 10 38 healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil so he gives right there in that in that scripture it gives a whole bunch of information that you can take it and as a template and just just put it up against everything and you can discern so i'm not talking about the learning curve what i'm talking about is i know that when people are still victims the victim mentality until you get out of that you're going to always go back into a tailspin if you do not resolve that god did not do those things to you that he didn't steal kill and destroy he came to give you life and the discrepancy the discrepancy you you've got to favor what you know about god in the bible not by what you're being told this is what i found is that when people stop being victims they've they somehow develop a resistance to it by discerning their own value and the value of others and not allowing the past or people to determine the future you don't have to fail again you haven't even tried yet so how could you think you're going to fail you haven't even done anything yet you haven't even you haven't even made one step toward it yet and that that's a victim mentality if you get rid of that this is what i found first of all your face changes because you start to have joy the second thing that i noticed is that pastors notice that they're not as needy anymore i noticed that when people are not victims they want to help others because they realize their value and their value of others and they realize that whoever ripped you off that's that's not your case anymore you hand that over by forgiving and let god deal with them you your future should not be determined by what people have done to you in the past why would you why if somebody stole in your business why would you why would you never want to start another business man i feel the spirit of god so strongly now there's there's the fire of the holy spirit the holy spirit came on the day of pentecost the holy spirit is not changed a bit he's still fire he burns out the chaff in your life he burns out that stuff that you don't need anymore so i don't want you to have a victim mentality anymore but my desire is further than than just telling you my that i want to do something about it and this is what i found is is we will go into worship and i want you to just have some time with god for a few minutes it's still today it's not tomorrow yet we're still fine i want you to create an atmosphere where you just thank god and you say you know what you gave me breath today and i seriously i want you to start to pray for god to give you his ideas about what you're supposed to be doing and not let anyone rob you of your dreams and i can we can create an atmosphere where you can meet with god it's more than just desiring it i'm going to make a way for you to meet with god tonight you know and i'll be back next month and i'll have something else to say but tonight this is what god's saying he showed me a domino effect when we're thankful because very few people just like the lepers not the leopards the lepers one came back they ten were healed one came back he said where's the other nine right jesus want to know where the other nine were that got healed do you remember that we're the other nine that's what i feel like tonight see it was important to jesus yes i'm telling you you're on that you're so close to a miracle and it's as simple as treating god as a person he's not a human being but he's a person and he does have feelings just ask pharaoh and all the people that didn't make it through those feelings isn't it time to just let it go because your success is not determined by by the people in your past relationships are everything but god can send you the right people david was in the cave of a dollar which in hebrew means god of justice and he started his government with 400 people who were it says were broke in in debt they were discontented discouraged and 400 of them formed his government and when saul was killed in battle he became king happened in a cave i don't know anybody that's living in a cave in here so i think you're further ahead anyway let's let's come up and worship and um this is all i'm just telling you by the spirit of god this is all up to you god has already expressed his desire to do something about this but i'm telling you i have seen this the people you talk to the people that are successful they didn't give up and they discerned value they knew it and you know the story oh i'm gonna finish with this and we're gonna we're gonna bring the lights down we're gonna let you have a couple minutes with god i love you all thanks for for loving us amen you've heard this it changed my life herb kelleher herb keller he gave me at my 18th year with southwest that he gave me the president's award for southwest airlines that is like you have no idea what like that is it there's nothing bigger than to get the president's award especially from him so i was in a tuxedo my wife was all dressed up beautiful and he called my name and he gave me that plaque and he hugged me when he hugged me i felt his suit i had never felt anything like that suit it was an armani [Music] this feels like a trash bag and it's ruined me forever his suit was more expensive than the car that i was driving at the time but the quality that was there i mean it was an honor that he honored me [Music] and the check that was taped behind there i could have bought an armani suit he didn't have to do that but what what i touched there was value that was higher than i had ever ever touched before so now if you see me [Music] if you see me shopping for suits this is what i do i walk down and i close my eyes and i feel it i i touched the reel and now i know when it's real i know the value because it i've never had it's just it's the same thing it's the same thing with when you when you gave your life to the lord you touched value you touched some someone from the other realm he changed your life he touched you and this world its whole goal is to diminish you that spirit of the world is is there to diminish you it's the warfare isn't with flesh and blood paul said it's with these demonic spirits their whole goal is to diminish your value but see your value can't be diminished because i'm telling you the lord said to me when i was with him he said you'll always be kevin you'll never cease to be kevin you'll always be kevin you'll always be what i spoke you to be you can't change that it's just like his love for you you can't change that love for for he he loves you no matter what it's more about your response to him okay i'm going to pray for you and then we're going to worship a little bit and we'll see you next month beginning of october amen i love you all let's pray father in the name of jesus we come to you and by the blood of jesus we ask that the revelation that paul prayed for the ephesians that the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you would flood us now that we would have eyes at sea that we would know the hope to which we've been called paul said and also that we would know the inheritance that's in the saints the glorious inheritance and we would also know the power that rose jesus from the dead that's what paul prayed and we pray that now father for everyone and we release [Music] we release victimization we release trauma misfortune we break its power right now [Music] i break depression in the name of jesus disappointment father i pray that every person watching this and in this room would meet their appointments and have no disappointments that they would have their courage and not have this encouragement [Music] and this is what the spirit of the lord is just saying i'm just going to tell you there is no randomness in me that's what he's saying the spirit of the lord is saying that there is no randomness [Music] he knows your value he placed it there and now he's going to place a demand on the gift that's in you and your value is going to go through the roof because people are going to need what you have telling you come on thank you [Music] i just i keep seeing this i i see people putting their foot down i just i see i see moms just put their foot down for their children and just saying enough is enough and just take your authority parents need to take their authority enough's enough [Music] i'm serious i can hear parents saying get em lord get em get em lord there's mighty doors going to open for you mighty doors of opportunity it's all there [Music] come on raise your hands receive come on not none of that half-mast stuff i want the full full flag straight up come on hallelujah [Music] i receive my miracle i receive father hallelujah come on now receive your healing receive your healing right now you don't need your hands laid on you come on you can receive from your father your father god come on [Music] amen pastor ryan close it up [Music] let's just worship lord everybody stand will you please come on this is a holy moment [Music] i i plead with you as a pastor to put these words in the practice right now i am telling you just start thanking the lord thank you for salvation thank you for his love thank you for his mercy thank you thank him that he's always with you just keep thanking him listen don't be in a hurry i'm going to turn it over the worship team don't be in a hurry to leave until you received what you came for we love you and we'll see you in october [Music] [Applause] thank you for my miracle i say thank you for my breakthrough father my heart says thank you i can't thank you enough i say thank you for my miracle i say thank you for my breakthrough oh father i say thank you i can't thank you enough i say thank you for my miracle [Applause] [Music] i say thank you for my breakthrough [Music] [Applause] i can't thank you enough oh thank you for my miracles [Music] and thank you for my breakthrough oh father i say thank you i can't thank you [Music] say thank enough for my [Applause] [Music] can breakthrough you for [Music] [Applause] and my you for my breakthrough father i just have to thank you [Applause] miracles say thank you father for signs and wonders and miracles [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you yes [Applause] [Music] signs of wonders and miracles we say thank you we say thank you oh we can't thank you enough oh he's moving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a miracle [Music] so we say thank you for signs wonders and miracles [Music] signs and wonders and miracles we say thank you we say thank you for signs wonders and miracles [Music] manifesting your signs wonders and miracles like all that you can do and signs wonders and miracles our god is [Music] you for all that you're doing yes we say thank you for all that you're doing god and we say thank you we can't thank you for signs wonders and miracles for signs wonders and miracles we can't thank you enough for signs and wonders and miracles we say thank you so thank you for my miracle thank you for my breakthrough [Music] thank you we can thank you [Music] i can't thank you enough oh his healing rain is coming down [Music] [Music] is coming down [Music] [Applause] [Music] rain is calming down [Music] every broken heart and you refresh every weary heart that's your healing [Music] thank you for your healing [Music] his healing rain is falling down [Music] with the goodness of your heart [Music] here's my thankful heart you're so good to me you're so good to me you're so good to my family you're so good to my children will you hold my world in the palm of your hand with such general kindness [Music] you hold my whole world [Music] you hold my every moment [Music] you hide me in your heart in the safety of your presence i can never thank you enough for all you've done for all you've done for all you've done [Music] i can never thank you for all you've done yes [Music] don't fight it any longer shake the dust off your feet come rest in my [Music] don't fight it longer [Music] shake the dust off your feet [Music] please [Music] don't fight it any longer [Music] shake the dust off your feet [Music] come on [Music] don't fight it any longer shake the dust off [Music] just come on come on [Music] you don't have to fight it any longer the dust off your feet [Music] oh come on [Music] don't fight it any longer shake the dust off your feet [Music] father we won't fight it any longer we're shaking the dust off our feet [Music] oh we're shaking the dust [Music] all surrounded by [Music] oh shaking the dust off our feet [Music] surrounded by [Music] and this is where we'll stay leaning in coming closer to you listening closely to your voice [Music] silencing all the noise [Music] leaning in [Music] leaning [Music] i'm here with you [Music] whatever you tell me you have my i have no reason to fear no reason to be afraid [Music] you have [Music] whatever you tell me [Music] just tell me and i'll do it just tell me and i'll do it for you [Music] you have my [Music] here i am listening to every word every word [Music] i can't get [Music] i can't get enough [Music] so [Music] [Music] fully satisfied [Music] is [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 29,639
Rating: 4.9582505 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: QIUxHtZ0Bhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 50sec (9170 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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