HOLY FIRE! Live Spirit School - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] hello everyone dr. Kevin's a tie with you with warrior nuts school ministry and welcome to our spirit school this weekend this is an awesome weekend we've got holy fire all the time all the time every day Friday this is Friday night and then we've got tomorrow all day so we're gonna we're gonna get right into it but I just want to encourage you that the Lord has told me that it's time to talk about holy fire and he told me that it's time to let people know that Satan is nervous it's time that Satan gets stopped by Christians he needs to be stopped Jesus everywhere he went he cast out Devils he didn't negotiate with the devil he drove him out the Devils knew who he was and he would tell them to shut up and leave and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna tell him to shut up and we're gonna tell him to leave and holy fire this is the key now every time that I teach on this every time I mentioned I'm gonna teach on this something will happen where Satan will try to stop it and I don't want to get into what has happened even even in the last few days just just to try to slow this down and stop it but here we are we're gonna talk about holy fire now I've always said this and so as you're as you're getting your paper and pencil ready and taking notes remember that that this is in-depth study and I'm doing this because the Lord said it's time it's time to be aggressive toward the enemy and don't compromise don't step back in any way and he's told me he's told me that that the secret to holy fire is is that Lucifer Satan who is hello knew and understood holiness more than any other being that was ever created and because of that I'm gonna spend the whole weekend talking about it and I'm gonna tell the Satan's dirty secrets on him I'm gonna let you know exactly what's going on with you all around you in the spirit realm because there's a war going on and what it really is if that's a war on walking with God in holiness it's a it's walking with God and hearing his voice allowing the work God to be inside of you coming out so the work of the Lord is coming inside of you by the spirit impartation right and the Word of God is igniting the Spirit is igniting and it's working out your salvation with fear and trembling but then it has to start working out to a manifestation now what's happening in this day with all the things that are going on around us is that people are starting to realize that they don't have the manifestation they have what they what we call belief system but see if real faith is the substance of things hoped for it's the evidence of things not seen it's so I'm gonna talk to talk to you this weekend about the key it is the actual key to manifestation of the Spirit of God in your life the Word of God in your life the supernatural in your life all of these things are based on your walk with God in holiness being set apart now now you know a lot of you have these ideas about what holiness is but hopefully by the end of this weekend it'll clear up some things as we get into the scripture so getting started in this and and enjoying this thoroughly because everywhere I've gone in the world I start talking about holy fire that the devil's just have a fit because they know if if Christians understand what holiness is and what the fire that's in the altar of God what all the fire that's in heaven if they understand what the fire was that came upon all the people on the day of Pentecost and the word were to be baptized in fire if people understood this in the earth today if Christians understood this the Satan couldn't do the things he said of him triumphing over him through the cross that fire from the altar causes you to participate in the spirit you see because we can't yield to the flesh anymore as Christians we got to learn to yield to the spirit not the flesh now the holy fire causes the Spirit of God inside of you it causes your spirit inside of you all of these things to ignite see if you joined yourself to this to God you joined him with in with him in spirit so your flesh your body is still the same after you born again but your spirit is joined with the Lord and Paul said if you join yourself to Lord in your one with him in spirit so that's what's happened here so the fire of God the holiness of God walking with him separate from the world this causes you to become full to the overflowing with the spirit this causes you to start to manifest the power of the Resurrection and this is the key that's missing you see we have a lot of teaching on faith a lot of teaching on the gifts of spirit that the offices of the Apostle and the Prophet the pastor teacher evangelist we have all these teachings on all these things we got the the ministry gifts we got the gifts of spare we got the you know all the manifestations you know just you can imagine but but we talk about it but do we really see that is in a believer because this is not just for the apostles and the prophets and the pastors and the teachers and evangelists this is for the common believer we're supposed to be raising the dead and so what is it that's missing and that's what it is it's holy fire so I'm gonna get right into it and Jesus showed me all these things and when he showed me this from the other side I was so surprised at how Satan had had somehow extracted all the important vocabulary out of our language you know it's in the Bible but we don't talk about it very much and it seems like some some leaders in the church they're afraid to talk about certain things because people get offended you know when they talk too much about the crucified life you know people don't like to be told what to do and and so they'll they'll stop giving to the to the church or they'll leave the church if people don't get their way they'll leave the church and so that all the leadership in their church is kind of pressure at a time to only talk about things that are like a feel-good message but see the Crucified life is is is the main the main message that Jesus talked about he he was going to be crucified but then he said you're gonna have to carry your cross you're gonna have to pick up your cross and deny yourself and follow me and this is the missing ingredient today we we have kind of migrated it over to this feel-good message which really isn't the gospel the gospel is good news but it's good news that you have you know you don't have to deal with Europe your your body anymore because you can discipline it and you can crucify it you don't have to deal with your your your mind your will and emotions because your going to be transformed by the renewing of it the renewing of your mind your your will and your emotions that are renewed by the Word of God that's what Paul the Apostle said and so he disciplined it his body daily so that he wouldn't be a castaway he also renewed his mind by the Word of God and those two things caused his body and his soul to come in line with his spirit okay so you don't understand that's why it's so important to live set apart holy life is you come out from among the world and you you get all the benefits just like we talked about the Goshen you know we're in in Egypt all the Israelis they didn't participate or partake of any of the plagues that came upon Egypt during the Exodus so all the other people they didn't have all those plagues they were protected so that is a way it is now with us as Christians the secret place this place called Goshen is where we're protected now it's a type in a shadow of what happened in the Old Testament now what it happens in the New Testament with us okay so here's the key here's the missing ingredient a lot of people don't understand who Lucifer is they don't understand anything about what happened in the garden and I was shown all these things and it surprises me that not a lot of people if any are talking about any of these things but yet it's so important for me and you to live a victorious life down here and really see the the enemy back off and get pushed out and start to see favor come in to start to see the Lord working with signs and wonders and helping us with our finances helping us with our health helping us with our relationships there has to come that place where God comes in and he comes through for us and I'm really not seeing the needs of the people met in the body of Christ like they should be so I asked the Lord what it was and it was he said well there's a baptism of the Holy Spirit but there's a baptism of fire and there is a crucified life and there there is this denying of yourself there that there's there's a message that that the young young church understood when when the church was being born in the day of Pentecost when the Spirit of God came those people were persecuted they those people were scattered all over all the disciples became apostles they were all killed for their faith and they were persecuted so they had to leave everything about themselves and go and follow Christ so you know just like all the disciples did then after Jesus left and the Holy Spirit came then Peter all these different apostles started to help form the church when the Holy Spirit came and during that time there were manifestations of the power of God without Jesus physically being there to help them so what was that well they lived a a set apart life they weren't of the world and those who were mentioned in the book of Hebrews chapter 11 when we call the Hall of faith all of those people were commended for their faith because they did not they did not include themselves in the world they considered himself chosen and set apart and they did exploits for God and I know that's what you want to do and that's that's why we have awareness school ministry that's why I'm doing what I'm doing you know because even even though I'm retired it in the world sense I'm just getting started I have years and years and years of of teaching to teach and the key to this that Satan fights me more than anything else any other message is this message on holy fire so God started holy fire in the throne room and before man was made he created angels he created these beings called cherubs that so you have that cherubim it's a it's it's a class of beings that that protect they have this ability to cover okay they have huge wings they're very beautiful and there's two of them one on each side of the father at the throne and they cover him and there's a glory that comes out from the father and the the glory is so bright even though it's bright in heaven already there's no shadows there but there is degrees of glory there's degrees of light in heaven and I saw that this shadow it wasn't really a shadow but it was there was a greater degree coming from the face of God the Father even though I couldn't look at his face I can see that there was glory around the father and this glory was protected by the wings of the cherubim just think about the the mercy seat you know what they had the Ark of the Covenant and Moses was given that plan on the mountain to make the Ark of the Covenant he's and God said make sure you do it to the exact specifications that I gave you on the mountain because it is an exact replica of what is in heaven so God told Moses to do this and when he did this it was amazing we got a snapshot of what the throne the mercy seat looks like it's amazing so these creatures these these these beings are on each side of God and they cover him and it's just like the mercy seat those two cherubim and there's there's a there's a place where the blood of Jesus was placed when when Jesus came and he presented his blood before the Father and he placed it right there on the same spot that the high priest put on the Ark of the Covenant on the mercy seat in the Old Testament after they sacrificed the high priest went into the Holy of Holies once a year presented blood announced the name of God which Moses had been given on the mountain by God when he passed by him in the cuff of the rock then he told Aaron and so Aaron had the name of God and then when he passed his high priest hood on to the next person he he whispered the name of God to that and then it just went from there no one knew how to pronounce the name of God except the high priest and he could only do it once a year okay so that with all that being said everything that was institute in the Old Testament is really just types and shadows of what is coming and when Jesus came and you know of course now it's fulfilled by Jesus so we get into this because one of those cherub was was named hello and this is in Isaiah chapter 14 I know that in English it's translated Lucifer in in Isaiah 14 but in Hebrew it's hello so they just used a word that was a Babylonian God Lucifer but his real name is hello now the way that I found out about this is because I already had noticed and is if you notice this names of angels usually have the name of God in them somehow so we have Gabriel L is a name of the name of God okay so then we have Mike cow you know we have Israel we have all these different words these names that have the name of God in them so when I looked at Lucifer that word it didn't have the name of God in it and I realize you know that Lucifer is a falling beam but you know his original name would have had the name of God in it and the Lord said you know you're absolutely right so when I looked it up because I kept giving and getting this word and I saw that it was with the LEL on the end of it so when I looked it up I saw that Hallel which is in the Strong's Concordance is 1984 and it has the idea of brightness it's a bright and shiny one it's the morning star and it became a Babylonian God named Lucifer and he is really the Light Bearer and so he was able to to shine very brightly and he was a morning star he was became the king of Babylon when he fell in his name was Satan okay so we have this this describing the king of Babylon in Isaiah so I'm gonna I'm gonna read Isaiah 14 to you and just a section of it just just get you up to speed with what's going on here and just just so you know I'm not going to read the whole chapter 14 I'm just gonna do selected verses for you just just so that you can get an idea of what's going on here with with this study in it says thou shall take up this proverb against the king of Babylon and say how happy oppressor ceased the Golden City ceased the Lord has broken the staff of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers he who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke he that ruled the nations in anger is persecuted and none hindereth the whole earth is at rest and is quiet they break forth in seen yea the fir trees rejoice at thee and the Cedars of Lebanon saying since thou art laid down no feller is come up against us hell from beneath is mood for thee to meet thee at thy coming it stir up the dead for the even all the chief ones of the earth it hath raised up for their thrones all the kings of the nations and they shall speak and say unto thee art thou become weak as we are art thou become like us thy pomp is brought down to the grave and thy noise of thy Veals the worm is spread under thee and the worms cover thee how art thou cut down to the ground which weakened the nation's how are their fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning for thou has said in the heart I will ascend unto heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High Val yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider these saying is this the man that made the earth tremble that did shake the nations of the kingdoms that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof ok so here in this in this passage of Isaiah 14 I just wanted to read this section to you to show you that there is a prophecy that Isaiah that prophet is giving he starts out as though it's the king of Babylon that he's talking about but as we get into it there's a parallel he starts to prophesy to the spirit that's behind the king of Babylon isn't that interesting so we also see this in Ezekiel which we'll get into in a little bit but I want to show you this that that prophets have this ability to prophesy to the physical but they also are speaking to the spiritual so when a prophet speaks he's addressing both he or she is addressing both but they also they also know that the root of everything physical and this is this is because the office of a prophet they understand this they understand that they if they address the spiritual that it will affect the physical as well so this prophet Isaiah is exposing what's going on behind the scenes and there's so much here but I just wanted to show you that Lucifer is actually the word hello it was changed by the the the way the scholars translated that they just inserted Lucifer in there but the word is halal which means bright and shining one so this this is showing the same idea of the serpent in the garden and etc we'll get into that later okay so you can see the effects of what happened with Lucifer halau when he fell all these different things happened hee hee it looks like he destroyed the earth they shook kingdoms there were all these things that happened and people were so happy when he was judged according to this prophecy anyway and you can go over this Scripture you'll have to go over it over again but well Hallel Lucifer does not want you to understand any of this so please study go over this watch these videos over and over again because I'm doing this spirit school you know I know that that it's just Friday night we're just getting me into it but it's gonna get really really strong because the Holy Spirit wants you to get all this and understand what's happening in your life right now so that you can deal with these evil spirits and understand what's going on and that that Satan hates holy fire because see he used to walk in that holy fire so he understands holiness better than any other created being and we'll show you why here in just a second ok now I want us to skip over now that I've got that out of the way where you understand that that Lucifer or the devil used to have a godly name it was hello and that word is talking about the bright and shiny one of God the Morningstar he was a beautiful being very large being big wings and and um he was the epitome of perfection and he walked on the holy stones of fire the Sapphire stones it was amazing what this being did ok now in in Ezekiel Ezekiel now sees the same thing in the Ezekiel 28 and we're gonna get right into that so remember that that uh Ezekiel was actually born into a priestly family and he was was alive during the conquest of Judah by Babylon and he he had this vision and he saw all these these amazing things and some of them were futuristic you know if you read the Book of Ezekiel it's sometimes hard to understand but you have to you have to catch the fact that the prophet will not be able to give you a time timeline or anything like that he just is he or she is just seeing flashes of the future flashes of the past flashes of the now and and so anyway the bottom line is is that the Ezekiel sees all this and he in particular has a a vision about the Prince of Tyre and he has to two different laments that he prophesized he has a one for the Prince of Tyre and he has one for the king of Tyre those are two different Hebrew words so they're not talking about the same individual so it's interesting that when he gets into this mysterious prophecy about two different rulers that that he separates the spiritual from the physical okay so so keep that in mind okay so the city of Tyre as we read it in the in the in Thomas Thomas Nelson The Voice Bible it has a description of this I'm just going to read this to you entires trouble start not long after Judah is destroyed in 586 BC Nebuchadnezzar marches there and begins a siege that lasts for almost 13 years the part of the city on the mainland is captured by Nebuchadnezzar but the princes of Tyre continue to rule from their Island palace for two centuries so in 332 BC Alexander the Great will will use the rubble of the mainland City to construct a bridge to the island soon the island of Tyre will be in ruins as it will remain forever because of tars occasion off the coast she receives daily supplies and survives a long war therefore her roller earth Bell the third has every human reason to be confident such confidence and wick wickedness is bred into him F bells ancestor was f Bell one was a priest of their goddess Astarte and seized the throne for himself he was a our full prints making political connections and spreading the worship of his goddess all over the region f bell ones daughter Jezebel was famous for entrancing peg pagan worship in Israel and you all heard of Jezebel and that's the Jezebel in the Bible this is her heritage here so they they entrench pagan worship so tyre is indirectly the root of Israel's wickedness and so this this is just part of the background and I didn't mean to bore you with all that I just need you to see that this this had to do with Jezebel this had to do with two different places that were tyre which was the island and then also the mainland one okay so first of all Ezekiel does this amazing thing he's he's addressing the Prince of Tyre this is what he says Lord of the Lord came to me saying I'm reading it out of the Ezekiel 28 son of man say to the Prince of Tyre thus says the Lord because your heart is lifted up and you say I am a god I sit in the seat of God's in the midst of the Seas yet you are a men and not a God though you set your heart as a heart of a God behold you are you wiser than Daniel there is no secret that could be hidden from you but your wisdom and your understanding have gained you riches for yourself and gather gold and silver into your Treasuries by your great wisdom in trade you have increased your riches and your heart is lifted up because of your riches therefore thus saith the Lord God because you have set your heart as a heart of a God behold therefore I bring you bring you strangers against you the most terrible of nations and they shall draw their swords against you and the beauty of your wisdom and they will and they will defy the file your splendor they shall throw you down into the pit and you shall die the death of the slain in the midst of the Seas will you say before him who slays you I am a god but you shall be a man and in the hand of him who slays you you shall die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of aliens for I have spoken says the Lord now this was Ezekiel 28 verses 1 through 10 okay okay now the second part of this this is where it gets really really amazing you see the devil and all the demons they do not want you to understand anything about this because they're all their secrets are going to be revealed this weekend and they don't want that to happen so listen carefully there was another lamentation given to the king of Tyre now so in the original Hebrew language the word for king is different than the word for Prince and so there are two different prophecies given this one is taking up a lamentation or a prophecy against a spiritual ruler that is behind the scenes as you'll see here because the king this king of Tyre wouldn't have been in existence in the Garden of Eden because this is later on in history but it says that you were in the Garden of God so now we know that it was Hallel that he's talking to Ezekiel is talking directly and pronouncing judgment on on hello or Lucifer okay so here it is the moreover the word of the lord came to me saying son of man take up a lamentation for the king of tyre and say to him thus saith the lord you are the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty you were in eden the garden of god every precious stone was recovering the sardis the topaz the diamond the Beryl the onyx the jasper the sapphire the turquoise emerald with gold the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes were prepared for you on the day you were created okay you were an anointed cherub who covers I established you you were on the holy mountain of God you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones you are perfect in your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found you by the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence from within and you sin therefore I cast you as profane as a profane thing out of the mountain of God and destroyed you Oh covered cherub from the midst of the fiery stones your heart was lifted up because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor I cast you to the ground I laid you before the kings that they may gaze at you you defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities by the iniquity of your trading therefore I brought fire from your midst it devoured you and I turned you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all who saw you all who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you you became a and became no more and this is Ezekiel 28 11 through 20 okay so you can see that there is a similarity in the prophecies between the Prince of Tyre and the king of Tyre however we know that there is no ruler of tyre that was in the Garden of God so this is talking about the head honcho the king that is behind the Prince of Tyre so this ruler is is hello which became Lucifer and we see all the secrets of what happens he he was a Hallel was set apart and holy it says here that he was the epitome he was that the top the sum of perfection there was a seal on him there was the he was the top and this all came came down for him when he was lifted up in pride so I just want to emphasize a couple things here the seal of perfection so remember that there is mentioning here seal of perfection as also mentioned eat in here so there was no nobody nobody that was perfect like like this at the time of when Ezekiel lived and when he spoke against higher and Prince of Tyre in the king of Tyre you can see that there was no physical person that had that seal of perfection on him also Eden was not in existence anymore because it was destroyed by the flood so before the flood Eden existed but then after the the earth was destroyed you know there that all changed so there there is a key that the key here is that Eden was in that area the mountain of God on the earth so there is a there is a mountain of God where where the the City of David is now today if the mountain of God is right there in in Israel right there in Jerusalem there is a mountain of God right there that he'll and it's interesting how how we today can go to Israel and we can go to Jerusalem and we can see the topography but think about this before the fall that used to all be Eden I used to all be the Garden of God right all that area and there was different there were different places in within with within the the right here in the scripture in Genesis chapter 15 verse 18 and then Genesis 17 verse 8 there are different places where it talks about the borders of Israel and they were a lot bigger than they are today and I get all this information from these studies that I've done and I don't want to get into all of it right now but I do want to tell you this that there were certain things that were said in the Old Testament that show that Israel should be very large and when you take all those biblical boundaries that are mentioned in these scriptures you you start to see that the the area of Israel was supposed to be 1500 square miles there's 1500 square miles of of Israel so that meant that that that whole area of the Middle East is is supposed to be Israel that means that all the oil that is there today should have been should be Israel's it shouldn't be all those Arab nations and this is because it was taken from from Israel and God is saying that this is his land so when you look in the book of Revelation and you see all of these all these things happening in the book of Revelation you see the City of God which is 1,500 square miles coming down and setting there in that area you can understand that the borders of Israel that are mentioned in in the Bible will fit perfectly with that city so if you you know I I get all my studies online and and I read I've read a lot of books and you know you could check out Perry stone he gets into a whole study on this and I get a lot of my information from him and for it because he studies and does this kind of thing all the time but my the idea here is that eating used to be all that used to all be a garden there was a there's a huge garden in there and the fifteen hundred square miles is where the City of Jerusalem is going to be the big the new city of Jerusalem is going to be so remember that that this is the hot spot of the earth Satan has disputed this territory because he used to be the one that covered he was the one in charge of all that so you understand that that the whole Middle East all the oil in the Middle East the reason why there's so much going on there all the time in is because it's a disputed territory so so understand this understand that we we are in a war in the Middle East because Satan wants that back ok so when the earth flooded all the foliage of the Garden of Eden which is all that whole area of the Middle East got covered with sediment front with sand so as the the floodwaters receded all the sediment was on top of that so oil was it was fermented foliage so all the oil that's formed is trapped foliage from the flood and it's in that area because that was the rich part of the world was Eden okay so I hope you understand all this so Lucifer Hallel was over he was the the cherub that covered he was the the minister that was over Eden and it says that right here and he had all these different timbrels and pipes in him it says that he was the anointed cherub that covers or protects and it gives the idea that Eden we had a hedge around it and that he was assigned to it and it was the holy mountain of God which is where the City of David is today it's Mount Zion so the Mount Zion when talks about that in a Bible it's talking about the holy mountain of God okay so we have the anointed chair of the covers we have the holy mountain of God we that we know that that the scripture says that's that Satan was covering over that he was he was the one that was in charge of all that area okay he walked on the fiery stone so there were there was the holy mountain of God with the fiery stones and he got to walk on those so he was the epitome this some the seal of perfection it says so he could walk on these holy stones he sapphire stones that we see God walking onto these he's on a platform in Exodus 24 10 so so the seal of perfection is is is an end or the top mark in the Hebrew it's 2856 and it talks about the it's a measurement or it's a seal that's put that is put on him by God he is the epitome in other words he's the top he was the the pattern the some and this is also in Strong's number 80 508 and the these words these words you can look up on your own but when we get down to the fire and the flames and the beauty it said talks about he that he's bright that Hallel was bright his beauty we needed a 36 32 in the in the Strong's Concordance and 3308 beauty that word there and then also the the bright one is 3302 as well okay so we've got all this going on in in this prophecy which shows us what was happening before man even arrived on the scene so we see that the garden had had this cherub over it okay this is very key if you understand this then you're gonna understand the war that you're in that is why the Middle East is such a hot spot right now that that is why is because the Satan wants that territory this is where Hallel took the rights of the garden away from man okay this is where he he was it put himself in between God and man and stole man from God in in the Garden of Eden he was never supposed to do that he was supposed to guard and protect the garden okay now the idea also of the of the serpent is the word Nakash which is 50 175 and the Strong's Concordance you can look up that number and it is the the idea of hissing so it's from the word hiss like a snake okay so it's pronounced na na Kosh but the idea is it's a hissing like a serpent so this this idea of Lucifer and being a serpent is more of the magic spell type thing where they whisper they mutter they prognosticator idea that is the word Nakash that it's 51 72 that is the root word of that okay alright so he's in the idea of enchanter enchantment these are all the things that came from witchcraft and magic so remember that that this is the root of witchcraft is it is actually in his name of the Serpent and Nakash okay now Eden in Hebrew is the word for pleasure so when you say the Garden of Eden you're saying the garden of pleasure in Hebrew so it's a delight it's a it's a word in the Strong's Concordance is 5730 okay so you can look up that yourself and and you can see you essentially essentially can find out that this was a area that was a garden 1,500 square miles and that it was hedged in and so that we have the garden of God which is fenced in the idea of it being fenced in is 1588 in the Strong's and also the word covering which is 43 at 99 is is talking about deputy deputy deputy ship so it was like a ministry so he was like a deputy and so this cherub was a minister over the property so he / she / saw everything in in the whole garden area and he was a deputy and the word is is the word for covering that you read but it really means a minister or a deputy so so the anointed cherub that covers is this deputy this minister that is assigned to protect okay when man comes in something happens because man is in the image of God and so Lucifer or Hallel sees this and he sees that he is not in the image of God he is a cherub so Adam and Eve when they were created they looked like God they were made in the image of God I see no other being was made in the image of God so remember that that that God is is telling us as human beings that we are special and that is why is so important to understand holy fire is that we were made in a different class than any of the other species of creation so God made us special we have a free will we are in the image of God and this cherub was not in the image of God this chair was assigned over Eden okay the holy mountain of God there were fairy stones and this is in Exodus 24 9 through 18 where talks about the the Sapphire pavement and I just want to talk about this because there is this understanding of the Sapphire platform that is in the throne room that I saw and and this this idea of of God bringing his own platform his own sapphire platform and then of course it's mentioned that the fiery stones which is is talking about this sapphire as well in in the the prophecy of Ezekiel in Exodus 24 verses 9 through 18 it says then Moses went up also with Aaron Nadab and Abihu and 70 elders of Israel and they saw the God of Israel and they were under his feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone and it was like the very heavens in its clarity but on the nobles of the children of Israel he did not lay his hand they saw God and they ate and drank then the Lord said to Moses come up to them to me on the mountain and be there and I will give you the tablets of stone and the law of the commandments which I have written that you may teach them so Moses arose with his assistant Joshua and went up to the mountain of God okay and we'll just we'll just end it right there and it gets into how the glory of God came down on the mountain and and Moses went into that area but I wanted to emphasize that there is this idea of the Sapphire stone and the holy stones and God stands on that because he's holy okay so we now have established Isaiah chapter 14 and Ezekiel 28 which are the two main scriptures on the origin and operation of of Satan who is Lucifer who is originally hello okay so now we've got that all that background and and now I want to get into exactly what happened to him that he fell he says you were fallen from heaven and it's interesting no no hear me out really listen closely now this idea of falling from heaven is the word the fall so in in Hebrew it's 5307 in the Strong's it is the word 'no fall and now if you would change that to plural it would be Nephilim so you that's just where you get the Nephilim the Nephilim that you hear about are mentioned in the Bible that it says that in he's in Genesis chapter 6 it talks about that the Nephilim were on the on the earth in those days and the sons of God went into the daughters of men and we have this hybridization of of human the human race here where there was interbreeding going on and people mistakenly say that the Nephilim were doing the actual interbreeding but they the fallen ones the angels they don't have the right body parts to to procreate okay so they can't do the things that some people are saying they did so they were influencing the sons of God so there were two different things that Nephilim were on the earth in those days and the sons of God went into the daughters of men okay this word nephal is is what is used here talking about Lucifer when he fell Hallel fell and he said how thou art fallen I just think it's interesting that that this idea of Lucifer falling and then the fallen ones Nephilim came and in Genesis 6 verses 1 through 4 I'll read that to you so you can see this now at Keena pass that when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and the daughters were born to them the sons of God saw that the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wise for themselves of all of whom they chose and the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with a man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his days shall be 120 years verse 4 there were giants on the earth in those days and afterwards when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and bore them children that they were the mighty men who were of old the men of renown so there's there's a lot of things in this scripture verse but a lot of times people don't know how to understand what's being said there it's very complicated excuse me I admit I'm it that to you but here's the thing the whole idea was is that there were spiritual beings on the earth before man came when man came then the the angel or the angels that that were assigned to to help some of them left their abode and that they were chained according to Peter's as they're chained in darkness outer darkness right now so those who left their abode who fell the Nephilim the fallen ones they're chained up right now so they're not the demons okay there's a whole other thing that happened there with the interbreeding but this this is not this is not the time for me to get into that and extensively because I'm talking about holy fire here I'm talking about the idea that fire was involved and that at the the final judgment with Lucifer was is that the fire came out and consumed him and it says a that he was perfect in his ways remember Ezekiel 28:15 through 19 it says this you were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created till iniquity was found in you by the abundance of your trainee trading you became filled with violence within and you sin therefore I cast you as pervane out of the mountain of God well where was the mountain of God is Mount Zion that is in the city of Jerusalem it's where the City of David was it's it's actually off to the side where the Temple Mount is today okay this is where Abraham brought up Mount Moriah it's called as it was called in the Old Testament that is where Abraham took Isaac up to offer him on the altar the same spot where where Abraham took Isaac is the same spot where Golgotha is okay it's also the City of David there there's there's this whole area is the disputed territory of Eden from the very beginning okay the disputed territory is because Satan fell and he took man away from God in the Garden of Eden then they were cast out they were they were taken out of the garden okay men Satan wants that territory back so God and Satan are continually at each other over this because Lucifer had and which I use these words interchangeably Lucifer Satan and and Hallel they're all the same person they're there they're just been renamed because Hallel was before he fell and then Lucifer is the Babylonian God that they named him in the Old Testament and then it became Satan and you know that this is where we have even with Judas where Satan entered into Judas so we have all these different things where we're there there's the the idea of Hell came to pass in our vocabulary whereas where before we didn't even know about a hell but there they started to use the words they started use the words for demons and and Satan rose up to to come against David and and there were all these mentions in the Old Testament about evil spirits but up to a certain point evil spirits weren't even mentioned but then we have an evil spirit bothering Saul and so King David who wasn't King David at the time he would play a harp and those evil spirits would leave King Saul then we start to see the Satan rose up to to attack Israel and attempt David to count the fighting men and then we have all these different things happening with Jesus in the in the beginning of the New Testament where these evil spirits need driven out well what happened you know all this all this was behind the scenes the whole time it's just so there wasn't a lot of light see when Jesus came with with as the son of God and the son of man there was enough light where those demons they responded they were always there but they respond to the light of God coming in so that it is with us too you have to remember that you are the light of the world now God is not asking you to not hide yourself under a bushel but to set yourself up in be the witness be the manifestation of Jesus on the earth be the manifestation of Jesus's ministry on the earth you are you are the example now you're the ambassador you are the disciples of Jesus Christ you know he God has sent us out into the world ok so you see now that there is a mountain of God and that God destroyed him with fire it says here that fire came out from him but he used to walk on the fiery stone so his judgment is is that he will encounter the fire of God he will encounter that holy fire so he doesn't he doesn't any longer have access to the stones those holy stones those fiery stones in heaven he he doesn't function in these spiritual things anymore and he knows that there's going to be fire that there's going to be judgement and he hates holiness because he knows that if human beings he knows of Christians walk in holiness in this in the fire of God in these in these places that are set apart as holy unto the Lord when you crucify your flesh Satan knows that he's lost the war he has lost a war with you if you walk in a set apart sanctified holy life so you get this now ok so this is why this is why Paul said this in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 15 through 20 I'm reading from the New Living Translation he says is the you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ should a man take his body which is a part of Christ and join it to a prostitute never and don't you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute he becomes one body with her for the scripture says that the two are united into one but the person who is joined to the Lord is one with him in spirit run from sexual sin no other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does for sexual immorality is a sin against your own body don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and who has been given to you by God you do not belong yourself for God bought you with a high price okay so you must honor God with your body okay so you have this this supernatural being who was holy names Hallel he falls he's corrupted and he but he understands holiness he understands how God works and he understands how human beings have flesh now they have they also have a mind will and emotions but they are in the image of God they're redeemed by the blood of Jesus if they choose to follow God and they walk with God in the fear of the Lord they wait on God they they are constantly crucifying the flesh denying themselves this kind of lifestyle do you understand that Satan doesn't want people to operate in the ways of God because he knows how effective a Christian can be if he lives this kind of life okay so this this being was told by God you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was finding you in so we know that that he was perfect Lucifer was perfect we know that he was created because it says he was created we also know that iniquity was found in the word for iniquity is the word twisted so it's it's partial truth but it's twisted so so there you can understand the personality of this being okay so iniquity or perverseness is is is also can be translated as unrighteous this and it it's a primitive root 5765 this Strong's that talks about distorting or twisting okay so you can see what happened in him he was twisted and then he caused all this to happen now what no this is what happened just within a few chapters after they're kicked out of the garden in in Genesis chapter 4 verse 26 it says this and Seth to him also was born a son and he named him Enoch now this is an anak this is another person named Enoch then it says this then man men began to call upon the name of the Lord and this is in the King James or the New King James Version however in Hebrew because this was kind of confusing to me that they get kicked out of the garden and all these bad things start happening and men are doing all these terrible things and it says here the man began to call upon the name of the Lord but in so I checked it out and if you look in the original language in Hebrew there is a word it's uh it's too low it's twenty four ninety and I might not be pronouncing that right so please forgive me but it is it is actually not translated even though it's there but it means it means to profane or to profanely to break one's word to to cause a wedge open a wedge between and it's interesting because I'm not kidding you but this is what it really says in Hebrew it says that that there was a son born whose name was eNOS then man began to profanely call the name of the Lord they began to profane the name of the Lord that word that word there is too profane and for some reason they didn't translate that in into English they just left it untranslated even though it's there which is a no-no because it is something that causes a defilement to break your word it's a to prostitute yourself to profane that word should be there which is showing how the Fallen man has just gone to - - from bad to worse okay so with that idea and with knowing that now Jesus he announces in the New Testament one day in Luke chapter 10 verse 18 and 19 he says this he said I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven okay alright so he saw Satan fall which is talking about what happened in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 okay so if God has bought you at a high price and your temple is your body but your temple is the Holy Spirit's temple and so your body has to be set apart it's not your own anymore according to what we've already read in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 then we can see where Satan would want to appeal to the flesh he wouldn't appeal to the carnal nature so that he can get you off course and gets you body rolled he can get your body to roll you tell you what to do instead of your spirit so he has to influence you in your mind so you have your soul which is a different word than the word for spirit and these three are mentioned so you have your body your soul and your spirit these three this is in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 and 24 it says now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless at the of our Lord Jesus Christ and who calls you he is faithful and he will do it as far as 24 okay so you have the three spirits soul and body okay so your spirit is born again if you are a Christian you are a new creature in Christ old things have passed away behold all things have become new this is the way it is you have a born-again spirit you are totally different change by the Spirit of God renewed okay but your soul your mind will and emotions your the psychological part of you that will not change necessarily just because you got born again see it's a spiritual thing the soul is a different area and then your body of course will just still want to do the same things that it always did you have to discipline your body and you have to renew your mind and if you do that then then your spirit will rule because the two agree the other two agree so you have your body agree and your soul agreeing with your spirit okay in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 60 and 17 it says therefore from now on we regard no one according the flesh but even though we have known Christ according to the flesh yet now we know him thus no longer therefore if anyone is in Christ he's a new creation old things have passed away behold all things become new so he's saying here that we don't regard anybody anybody anymore according to the flesh we don't even know Christ according to the flesh anymore that's what he said here he said that this new birth causes us to go up a level and we're restored back we are now children of God those who are led by the Spirit of God our children God if you are born again you are to be led by your spirit by the Spirit of God inside of your spirit okay this this is all in in first Corinthians and I wanted to I want to also tell you that that in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 10 through 16 you need to read through that and and and you know what I'll just read it to you right now because this will will help you it will explain to you what what your function is in all three realms of your your spirit your soul in your body in verse 10 first Corinthians chapter 2 it says but God has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God for what a man know what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God these things we also speak not in words of man's wisdom but with the what the Holy Spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned but he who is spiritual judges all things yet he himself is not judged by by no one talking about they did not judge by carnal people for those who for who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ okay so he you need to know this portion of scripture to understand what's going on with you now that in order to win down here and and and operate correctly we need the holy fire we need the cleansing fire of God to ignite our spirit we're already born again but it ignites our spirit and that also causes your flesh to come under the command of the Lord Jesus Christ you submit to the fire you submit to holy fire be your body needs to be told what to do and your mind needs to be told what to think and and Paul clearly talks about this and even Jesus he said this in John 4:24 he said God is spirit those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth okay so you have to yield to the spirit you can't just you can't just function down here without yielding to the spirit because your body and your your your will in mind and emotions your soul they're going to fight you if you don't do something about it I'm just being honest with you this is what Hallel who is now Lucifer understands about fallen man is that if a Christian is going to get on fire and want the will of God and yield to the spirit and one holy fire and and one God to work out it their salvation with fear and trembling then Lucifer he does not have any way of controlling a person like that because God has control of them so you can see where he does not this is Lucifer does not want anyone to understand or know about holy fire does not want anyone to hear about the crucified life or using the name of Jesus using your authority walking as a son and a daughter of God he does you know that this causes Lucifer to lose a grip on Christians so I was shown that I need to talk about this that I need to teach this and need to let everybody know that this is the warfare that's going on you know the bottom line is is that these evil spirits that are the hybrid race of people that live before the flood they were destroyed in the flood their bodies were destroyed but their spirits are still roaming the earth and they haven't been judged yet you know they've been judged in the flesh but they haven't been judged spiritually yet so the only ones have been judged are the spirits that are in prison those those angels the angels are judged they're in Chains and then Jesus went down and preached to the people of the Old Testament that are in Abraham's bosom he talked to them and preached to them and he brought them out and also now these demons they they they had even told Jesus you know have you come to torment us before our time so their time isn't yet and also they said don't send us out of the area so that the area that they were in they wanted to stay and they were allowed they you know Jesus just drove them out of people but he didn't tell them to leave the area so this is this is the kind of thing that we're going through right now is that Paul said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and everybody quotes that verse is in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 however if you keep on going it talks about the fact that anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God every thought needs to be taken into captivity to the obedience of Christ so you have to bring down any high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God so whatever you know about God how you know him the truth has been giving the word you have to measure everything that you see and hear by the Word of God and if it doesn't match up you have to bring it down and it this is this is the the warfare that we're going through right now and the works of the flesh are obvious and and Paul says this but he said that one of the works of the flesh is witchcraft he lists one of the works of the flesh as being witchcraft so you know we say well I thought that that witchcraft was a spiritual thing well these evil spirits they have to get you in the in the soul realm to agree with them they have to get human beings to work with them and so they are trying to get into your mind your will and your emotions all the time so it's it's what we call weapons of our warfare they're not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling of strongholds and any high thing any thought that exalts itself above knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and above the Father the word of God causes Satan's works to be exposed in your thoughts as well this is where the war is going on see Satan and all his demons cannot do anything unless he gets a human being to side with him so if a person doesn't agree in their mind with the thoughts that are being sent then then they don't become manifest so a person can't manifest the demon if he doesn't consider the thoughts Satan got Eve to consider what what was being said then she got Adam to consider it and then they both fell when they ate this is the warfare that's going on right now but see holy fire yielding to holy fire causes us to be set apart and we can see these evil spirits working we can see their devices we can discern and if the sermon just becomes off the charts this is this is the way we're all supposed to walk this is not just for apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers evangelists this is for the believer we're supposed to look at something say hey this isn't right we're supposed to discern well that is the the fire of God okay so we see some fire in different places of the Bible but one of those places in Isaiah chapter 6 and I would just want to read to you something that is that is really interesting to me that Isaiah saw he had a vision and you know about this vision he had in chapter 6 and and we're gonna get right into he saw he saw fire he saw the altar of God and there's a know there's an altar there that's on fire it's got embers of coals it's very holy the whole throne room is very holy but let's get right into this in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up and the Train of his robe fill the temple above it stood Seraphim each one had six wings with two he covered his face with two he covered his feet and with two he flew and one cried to another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out and the house was filled with smoke so I said woe is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips and dwell in the myths of a people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts the one up one of the Seraphim flew to me having his hand in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar and he touched my mouth with it and said Behold this has touched your lips your iniquity is taken away and your sin purged so so this this process that Isaiah went through was is that he was at a phase of profit he was doing fine doing what he does being a prophet but he had this vision when he had this this visitation and he had this encounter he saw the Lord High and lifted up and he became undone and this this is all the sudden his lips were unclean his words were unclean he saw that the people that he was sent to that they had unclean lips and and it changed him just by having this introduction to the throne room and having this glory of the of seeing the lord high and lifted up and realizing the truth about everything it it caused him to become undone so the introduction of the spirit realm the introduction of the throne room into a person's life will cause at first the the fact that they will cause this these these ideas to come to you that you just don't measure up at all and this is what happened to me I thought everything was fine and I met the Lord Jesus Christ and I realized that that even though I was a Christian I when I encountered him encountered heaven it exposed that what what was possible and what was actually there and available that a human being might not know on their own but I was shown all this it changed me and I became undone so it took years you know you've you've seen me in ministry for about three and a half years now but it took years of of me yielding to the holy fire and in God walking me through this - to see these these things implemented that I saw there but Isaiah was given a coal from the altar and when he was it cleansed his lips it cleansed him and it caused him to be able to go back and and finish his work so there is a standard of of heaven that can be given to you that is is beyond the born-again experience so we have John the Baptist preaching repentance then Jesus comes who is told who is the people were told by John that that one is coming he's not only gonna baptize you in those spirit he's gonna baptize you in fire okay so Jesus comes and then takes over he begins to preach repentance and preach the kingdom of God then then all of the standard the standard of heaven is this he said John the Baptist's up until now there have been no one greater than him but he said from now on he who is comes from now on it is is leaving the least in the kingdom is greater than John and points right to John he said from now on everybody's greater than John well why it's because the standard of Heaven was before that Jesus Christ Jesus came down and he preached the kingdom took over but then he kept taking it further and further he started to talk in parables he started to teach he baptizes in the spirit but he also baptizes in and fire so there there is a standard that happened in in Lucifer that where he was at the top and then he was degraded he fell and now he is the rebellious one on the earth he is in the heavenly realms but he is also coming against human beings right now in the flesh because he's cloaked he's behind the scenes causing people to stay caught up in themselves caught up in the flesh and and God comes through Jesus Christ and he introduces the standard of heaven and people start to repent people start to turn and then Paul says stand out from among them and be ye separate the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians you got to come out you got to be holy and all the apostles taught on holiness be holy as I am holy says the Lord you know and that be imitators of God as dearly loved children then he he the Lord the Lord had raised the standard through the ministry that Jesus had on the earth the Lord walked about doing good healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil Jesus talked about all these wonderful things and how to operate in the kingdom and here we are today and we have come to Mount Zion it says the Hebrew says we have come to Mount Zion where there the righteous the spirits of righteous men made perfect it's the same language now we are the sons of God now we are on the holy mountain with God now we can walk if we walked in the fear Lord down here we can walk on those on those sapphire stones those holy fiery stones that the the judgment is not to be on man it's supposed to be on Lucifer it's supposed to be on all those disembodied spirits that are roaming the earth that's the judgment side of God he's coming against the the wicked but see man in his fallen state not redeemed is put into that same group of beings so that's why God he make hell for human beings he made hell for the demons for the devil and the demons according to Jesus he said hell was never made for man it was made for for Satan and the fallen ones okay so Moses Moses encountered holiness in the cleft of the rock he encountered holiness on the mountain of God Moses encountered the glory of God he can cook encountered the presence of God he was up on the mountain for days on end forty days twice that we know of that the the Lord said to Moses come up on the mountain and I'll give you the tablets of stone he was he was a friend of God he hadn't encountered all these things but this this process now that we go through is that we have come to Mount Zion we have have not come to Mount Sinai Hebrew says where there's trembling in the mountains on fire and there's fear that we've come to to the mountain of God as a friend of God we are redeemed and we are to walk as holy and we're acceptable to God when we walk separate from the world so you're not of the world you're not you were never supposed to fit in and see the demons operate in rejection they know how to get people to feel rejected because of a man's fallen state they're they feel rejected because God rejected mankind and kicked them out of the garden but then Jesus came and bought human beings back so that if we believe in Jesus and we confess him as Lord and Savior then the Spirit of God comes in and with we are reborn we are born again now if Satan can stop the Word of God from being preached in its fullness we will just stay as born-again spirit beings in a body with that will be body rolled and will be mind world so we'll have our mind will and emotions rolling us we'll have our body ruling us so Satan and all those demons their whole agenda is to keep Christians in a small place so that they never operate in the fullness so how he does that is he gets the Christian to appeal to the flesh he he does that to the world and traps people so that they never get born again and they go to hell but they're not supposed to this is never it was never meant for a man to go to hell and I saw this when I was in heaven I saw books that were written beautiful books that were written about people that are in Hell right now they were they were supposed to never go to hell they were supposed to do their books so the Lord showed me I wrote he wrote a book about everyone but Satan Satan doesn't want people to know about all the good things that God has written about a person so he traps them he keeps the body rolled he keeps them in their mind in a small place and then they go to hell now as a Christian it's not about like you losing your salvation because the you know it's not it's not easy to lose your salvation you in fact you would have to walk away from Jesus Christ to lose your salvation because God when you committed your life to God and you said Lord I'm following you he takes you at your word but if you say if you reject Jesus and you reject what God's doing your life you you live in a small place then because God's blessing isn't going to be on you because you're in disobedience so that's why Christians today they must walk before God in holiness they must they must be convinced fully of what God has done for them and set themselves apart say no to the flesh say no to all these terrible thoughts that have nothing to do with God that that don't match up to what the Spirit is saying you know and what the word is saying you you have to you have to yield only to the Spirit okay so I know this has helped you but just just to summarize this session this Friday night session which is the groundwork for this you have to understand the mindset of Satan you have to understand who he was you have to understand the agenda of all these demon spirits is they want to keep Christians from being able to walk in the power of God they want human beings to not be kept they want they want those the demons want that human beings to not accept Jesus as Lord they don't want a person to become born-again so they fight the world keep them flesh bound and in the mental realm so that they never come to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ okay that way he the demons can just take those human beings to hell they'll go to hell because they didn't receive Jesus they didn't walk according to what God had planned for them okay however as a Christian he can't keep a person you know from going to hell now you know like he can't drag a person to he'll be in unless they they just totally say Jesus I don't want you anymore you know you get rewards for what you did in the flesh I mean as a Christian you should be doing everything that the Spirit of God is telling you to do because you get rewarded for that if you don't if you don't do what God has asked you to do you don't get any rewards but you don't necessarily lose your salvation just because you're disobedient you just you live way below what God has for you so I understand it's hard to lose your salvation you have to actually just purposely walk away from God and and just reject Jesus and you know no Christians don't do that now so it's a there there are times where people renounce Jesus and they don't want to serve them anymore and they walk away from God that's different than what I'm talking about here God wants you to walk in victory these demons do not want you to walk in the favour and power of God okay so the onslaught and why I'm sharing this with you this weekend is the Lord wanted me to get into this and we're gonna spend you know all tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening on the benefits of holy fire because there is a place to walk on in this holiness we're demons they cannot operate Satan knows that if a Christian understands these these things about walking in the spirit and walking in the power and the resurrection that that he can't do anything about that that the demons are have no power against Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ is fully manifesting in a person's life this is possible as a Christian I saw this so I was sent back from from heaven when I had that operation I was sent back to tell people listen I saw that it is it is true we can walk as sons of God on this earth we can walk in power we can drive the devil out we can drive sickness out we can drive poverty out we can drive and lack out everything that is a curse we can drive it out and it's it's this holy fire that causes us to walk in this so I know you want this I know that that that God is not hiding or keeping anything from you and I know that you want this so because of that there is no reason why this weekend you can't see a breakthrough and an overthrow in your life the the the demons know if you start to figure it out that they work through rejection then then if you're free of rejection then you can't you there's no way you can stay the same see if you think about it right now as I feel I fill the Spirit of God so strongly as we finish out this Friday night session just just think even though I I had a lot of background information I had to establish tonight the power God is so strong because those demons know that if you don't go on with God and mature and get to where you're accepted see yes you are accepted you have the spirit of adoption in you Romans 8:15 that word for adoption is the word acceptance you've been accepted you you have been grafted into the family of God and now God looks at you just like he looks at Jesus Christ Jesus says that the that you everything that I have you're going to have you know he's John 17 it talks about this where you're one with the father just as I am one with the father he loves you just as much as he loves me Paul talked about the fact that we were Co heirs with Jesus we actually get what he gets and we are fellow heirs we're heirs of God heirs co-heirs with with Christ Jesus and these things cannot be denied there in the scripture so you can understand why is so important for you to get all these sessions in because I'm gonna be coming against rejection these demons want to keep you in a small place that's what's been happening to you is that they don't want you to gain any momentum they don't want you to to encounter holy fire so that you start to yield to the spirit instead of the flesh the holy fire will will purge and burn out all the junk all the things that are that you're fighting that the demonic is going to stop think about this the demonic is going to stop because there's going to be nothing in you that they can use that's what Jesus said the evil ones coming but he has nothing in me and that word theirs is flesh hooker there's nothing to to hook me and jesus said that as I was in the world so will you be Jesus is is at the right hand of God and now we are down here as ambassadors we can do this you can do this this is this is the final night of you operating in rejection you're not going to operate in rejection anymore every devil in hell is screaming right now because they don't want you to know these dirty secrets but I can't hold back any longer I got to tell you that you got to stop operating as a victim you're not a victim in this world you you the devil's the victim and he lost out you can see that he lost out and that you are in now Adam and Eve came into the garden and and Hallel was no longer needed and Hallel because he saw what that man was made in the image of God and he was not he became jealous he did he devised this plan to steal humans away from God that's what he did and now he wants to keep Christians in a small place so I told the Lord if I'm gonna come back I'm gonna come back swinging I'm gonna tell everybody about the dirty secrets of Satan and I'm telling you these evil spirits don't want you to know any of these things and I just believe that this has helped you let me pray for you and then we'll come back tomorrow morning and get right into coming against rejection and coming against the the the demons that are trying to slow you down from getting into the plan of God after this weekend you're going to walk you're gonna walk in the plan of God you're gonna walk in victory you're gonna walk in an overthrow and breakthrough God is with you in a mighty way let me pray for you father in the name of Jesus thank you so much for for for coming and breaking the power of the enemy for all humanity and I thinking that we believe in you Father we believe in you Jesus and we accept you and we thank you Holy Spirit for being here in a mighty way and I just break every evil entity off the people right now I break every line devil I tell you to shut up I break rejection I break trauma in the name of Jesus and I thank you Father that you will have your way with the people thank you Father for holy fire in the name of Jesus well thank you for joining me this is dr. Kevin Zeta I thank you for join me on this Friday night and just be ready at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow a Saturday 10:00 a.m. and then a 2:00 p.m. and a 7:00 p.m. this is Central Time it's so it's 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. a central time and also remember that that I have a lot of special offers this weekend that you'll see on the screen I've cut a cut just to help you out in this time that we're going through to help you out financially I'm making stuff available at a really good discount so we'll see you tomorrow at 10 a.m. we're gonna get right into this we're gonna come against rejection in your life and the Devils are gonna have to let go they're gonna have to let go of your destiny because God has a plan for you it's a bright future god bless you see that many people go through life wishing they could understand the realm of the Spirit and the warfare that goes on behind the scenes in his brand-new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 dr. Kevin Z die helps you to develop your ability to engage the enemy on every level Kevin's brand-new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 will help equip you to learn to recognize God's direction for your life encounter clarity and knowing God's battle strategies against your enemies exercise your authority as a believer walk in increased discernment through the Holy Spirit's power and much much more in this exclusive offer Kevin also prays impartation prayers on each CD to help you in your advance against the enemy order today Kevin's brand new study guide an exclusive three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 for a donation of $29 u.s. shipping and handling included to order call eight eight eight three four zero one four six zero with offer code one zero zero T or go online to Kevin's a.com slash offer it's time to stand up for your rights as a Christian and give the devil a headache [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 172,477
Rating: 4.8733878 out of 5
Id: Cx70OHxzK6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 45sec (5625 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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