Everything You Need to Know About Speaking in Tongues - Revelation and Activation

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so for those of you who pray in tongues this message will cause you to appreciate and to understand the gift of speaking in tongues in greater depths that will actually change your prayer life and those of you who don't yet pray in tongues who want to pray in tongues who've been facing obstacles to praying in tongues this message is going to bless you because it's going to break off religious thinking it's going to break off thoughts that come from the flesh it's going to break off paradigms and mindsets that are unbiblical so that once your mind knows the truth you can receive this gift and you will receive this gift if you simply obey the word of god so it's my prayer that you're praying in tongues by the end of this message and by the end of this message that those of you who pray in tongues have a greater appreciation for and understanding of this wonderful gift so i want to begin this message by first explaining to you the foundations of praying in the spirit and there is a difference between praying in tongues and praying in the spirit this is what the scripture says in jude chapter 1 i'm going to read verses 20 and 21 but you beloved building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the holy spirit keep yourselves in the love of god waiting for the mercy of our lord jesus christ that leads to eternal life so building yourself up in the most holy faith and praying in the holy spirit now there is a difference between praying in the holy spirit and praying in tongues and when you understand the difference between the two it actually helps to clear some of the clutter from the mind that prevents you from appreciating understanding and operating in the gift of tongues here's something that i wrote concerning praying in the spirit to pray in the spirit is to desire in agreement with heaven to speak aloud those petitions which originate in the will of the father true prayer begins in union with god praying in the holy spirit is praying in harmony with the will of the holy spirit with the guidance of the holy spirit and in the power of the holy spirit so praying in the spirit is to allow the desire of the holy spirit the will of the holy spirit the nature of the holy spirit to flow through you in your prayer life praying in the spirit is praying in cooperation with the holy spirit praying in the holy spirit is praying with the guidance of the holy spirit praying in the holy spirit is praying with his power praying with his backing when i pray in the spirit i am uniting with the holy spirit or rather i am praying from that union with the holy spirit that i have through christ you see when you were born again your spirit and the holy spirit became one and so when the holy spirit prays that union affects you that union affects your spirit so really to pray in the spirit is to pray from that connection with the holy spirit now many believers approach prayer much differently when they approach prayer they imagine that prayer is the means by which they connect with god we hear it said often well if you want to connect with god go and pray well not for the believer this is not the case for the believer we don't pray to connect with god for the believer we pray from our connection with god we pray because we've been connected with god we're already one with him we're already united with him by the holy spirit and so it is out of that oneness that the believer prays it is out of that union that the believer prays so when you are praying if you are praying in the spirit then you are praying according to that oneness you are praying from that union now first thessalonians 5 23 makes it very clear that everyone or every believer rather has a body has a soul and has a spirit it's possible to pray from the flesh and when people pray from the flesh they're praying from their emotion they are praying from their own thought patterns they're praying from their own ideas about who god is they're praying in their own effort they use their intellect they use their emotions imagining that god is going to respond to those emotions and god doesn't necessarily respond to emotions he responds to faith and then there are those who try to pray from the outer man the shell the physical body and what i mean by that is they think they have to enact certain postures on certain days in certain ways and these become religious bondages in our lives well should i kneel when i pray should i stand when i pray is it okay if i pace when i pray can i lie down when i pray do i need to be dressed a certain way when i pray do i need to be in a certain place when i pray so they're praying from the physical body they're praying from the physical realm so some believers pray from the physical body that's religion some people pray from the emotion or from the thought life and that is another form of religion but most believers should pray in fact all believers should pray most believers do not pray this way from the spirit from deep within praying according to the holy spirit's desires praying according to the holy spirit's timing praying according to the holy spirit's will that is true prayer so to pray in the spirit isn't necessarily to pray in tongues though that is an expression of true prayer rather to pray in the spirit is to pray from that union with god it's to pray from the fundamental depths of who i am it's to pray in harmony with the breath of the spirit oneness with the holy spirit is the key to praying in the holy spirit so let's make that distinction again one more time to pray in the holy spirit is simply to pray in harmony with the holy spirit with the guidance of the holy spirit by the power of the holy spirit now when i pray in the holy spirit it positions me to pray in tongues but praying in the holy spirit is not the same as praying in tongues praying in the holy spirit is much deeper praying in the holy spirit i would argue is much more important when i pray in the spirit i'm not praying from the physical body that's religion i'm not praying for my intellect or my emotions that's religion i'm praying from my spirit not trying to connect with god but rather praying from connection with god now this oneness that i'm talking about really is the key i was ministering in orlando florida at a conference and as i was entering the church building i passed a lobby full of church greeters who were welcoming people into the conference and as i began to shake the hands of the greeters i noticed a woman she was standing there with her cane and when i reached my hand out to shake her hand i noticed there was great effort exhibited on her part just to simply reach out and shake my hand and i could see that one side of her body just wasn't full of strength like the other side of her body and so i took a mental note of her the woman in the lobby with the cane i went on to preach and as i'm preaching it was like i was interrupting my own sermon as i'm preaching suddenly the words that i think i'm saying begin to change i began to say something else that wasn't in my sermon notes and as i'm hearing myself saying this i'm going what are you saying why are you saying that i'm calling i heard myself calling for the woman in the lobby i said get the woman from the lobby get the woman from the lobby the one with the cane i said bring her here god's going to heal her right now now i do believe that when you pray for the sick you're supposed to believe that they're going to be healed i pray for every sick person as if they're going to be healed but to say something so presumptuous as get her here god is going to heal her right now well that was pretty bold but it wasn't necessarily just me saying it sure i had control of what i was saying but there was a flow to what i was saying i just knew that i knew that i knew in my spirit that this woman was going to be healed so they bring her up and we prayed over her and i remember there was a collective gasp that came over the room as this woman picked up her leg picked up her arm got rid of her cane and began to dance and worship and jump something she hadn't done in a very long time now what was that moment there that was union with the holy spirit that was oneness with the spirit of god that's what i'm talking about that's oneness this is what i wrote concerning oneness i want you to hear this oneness as i am describing it here is that flow of the spirit that is so natural that you don't even know you're flowing it's obedience inspired from such depth that you're not even aware that you're obeying in moments like those there is no gap of time between when the spirit speaks and you respond it just is move your hand shift your eyes tilt your head it's so very natural there is no thought given no mechanics to be forced and it's just like that when you realize oneness with the spirit it's as though you are a member of a great body and the spirit is the mind that controls even the most subtle of movements your movement becomes his movement your intent dissolves in god's will your presence and his presence become indistinguishable from one another indeed you are joined with the lord and in that union you find the beginning of true prayer galatians 5 17 says the sinful nature wants to do evil which is just the opposite of what the spirit wants and the spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires these two forces are constantly fighting each other so you are not free to carry out your good intentions it's galatians 5 17. the scripture describes this warring between these two natures now one of those natures is you one of those natures is not the spirit nature is you the carnal nature is who you used to be but you mustn't identify with that person anymore that's no longer you but still the scripture says that the spirit gives us desires that are opposite of what the sinful nature desires so then the holy spirit desires through us he wills through us he thinks through us he operates through us that is what i'm talking about that is oneness because the holy spirit will give you the desire to be spiritual and he will also give you the power to be spiritual so he doesn't just give you the desire to pray he adds with that desire the ability to pray he doesn't just give you the desire for the word he adds with that the ability to understand the word he doesn't just give you a desire for worship he adds with that desire the desire to the ability to worship that's the power of the holy spirit in you that's the power of that oneness that flow that inner working of the spirit of god and so out of this oneness we pray out of this connection we pray stop begging god to hear you stop begging for god's attention as if you don't have it stop begging for his presence as if his presence doesn't dwell in you stop asking for him to give you his attention in prayer when you should know by faith that you already have his attention in prayer do you realize that is one of the biggest struggles that christians have when trying to pray it prevents them from praying because they think that when they get on their knees to pray that they're going to have to work for this connection that they're going to have to spend hours and hours trying to get god to pay any attention or to look at them or to hear them no that's not how it is and that's rather discouraging which is why most people don't pray because if you think that prayer is work if you think that you're going to have to go and pray and beg for the attention of god well what fun is that why why would i go on a date with my wife if i thought for the first hour and a half i would have to work for her to get off her phone and look at me who would who would want that no but when you go to pray rather you immediately have his attention you immediately have his ear you immediately have his presence why because i'm already one with him so i'm not praying to connect with god i'm praying from connection with god now this leads to the next thought here which is found in romans chapter number eight go there right now romans 8 i'm going to read verse 26 27 20. this is going to be a very key verse for your understanding of the gift of speaking in tongues now as i said this is all foundational i'm not necessarily talking about the gift just yet rather i'm establishing by the word of god spiritual foundations upon which you can build your understanding of the gift of tongues these principles are all in play when you're praying in tongues and we'll get to that in a moment but first let's go romans 8 26 27-28 these are going to be very key verses right here and the holy spirit helps us in our weakness for example we don't know what god wants us to pray for but the holy spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words and the father who knows all hearts knows what the spirit is saying for the spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with god's own will and we know that god causes everything to work together for the good of those who love god and are called according to his purpose for them so here the scripture describes i mean there's so much pact in these verses here first the scripture talks about these groanings now what is a groaning a groaning is this expression of an intense desire it's this yearning it's this this this deep wanting so the holy spirit prays for you with groanings when he prays there's there's a mighty roar that comes out of him on your behalf think about that when he prays there's a mighty roar that comes out of him on your behalf he prays and he pleads and he he he beseeches on your behalf with fervor with vigor with life with passion so when he's praying for you the holy spirit has groanings think about the fact that the holy spirit prays for you that's wonderful and then think about the fact that the holy spirit prays for you with groanings like with intensity so think of how maybe your grandmother might have prayed for you or your parent or a sibling or a loved one the holy spirit prays for you with more passion than a parent prays for a child really think about that the holy spirit prays for you with more passion than a parent uses when praying for a child the holy spirit prays for you with more passion than a spouse uses when praying for their spouse then a grandparent uses when praying for their grandchild that's how much passion the holy spirit has if you could see into the spiritual realm and see the holy spirit in physical form i dare say you would see him on the floor face down tears streaming down his cheeks with his fist pounding on the floor on your behalf praying and groaning for you he prays for you with passion and love with tenderness and kindness think about the fact that he knows you better than anybody else knows you he knows all of your good qualities well at the same time he knows all of the negative ones he knows every secret thought he knows every secret action he knows everything you've done good in secret he knows everything you've done that's evil in secret yet the holy spirit who knows you like nobody else knows you prays for you like nobody else can pray for you mom the holy spirit knows every detail everything there is to know about your personality your mind everything and he prays for you with groanings the holy spirit understands you better than you understand yourself really think about that the holy spirit understands you better than you understand yourself and he prays for you with might and with power and with strength that's the holy spirit's prayers for you so he prays with groanings now watch this the holy spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words verse 27 and the father who knows all hearts knows what the spirit is saying for the spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with god's own will you know how i know i'll never miss the will of god you want to know how i know that because i have the holy spirit who knows me like no one else knows me i have him praying for me like no one else can pray for me with more passion and love than anyone else can ever have for me and he's praying for me what according to the will of god he prays for us in harmony with god's own will so the holy spirit's prayers produce a purposeful pool in our lives and and he draws us to divine destiny he keeps us on that right path you know we have these sudden bursts of spiritual energy as i call it maybe there was a season where you were lacking in your prayer life or there wasn't necessarily a hunger for the word or for worship to do these things your your spiritual strength was diminishing and then all of a sudden out of nowhere you just got a fresh wind behind your back and you had a fresh passion for prayer and the word and worship you don't know where it came from you don't know how you broke out of it you didn't do anything to cause it that was the holy spirit praying for you that was the holy spirit causing those desires to burst through you and into your life that's what the holy spirit does he prays for you with great passion with great groaning with great love with great care he knows you like no one else knows you and he prays for you like no one else can pray for you and better yet he prays for you according to the will of god and it keeps boundaries on your life he will never let you go too far and that's what the holy spirit does so when i pray in the spirit watch this now when i pray in the spirit i'm praying according to what the holy spirit is praying you see we pray on godly prayers all the time we pray oh i want this i want this i want this or we pray for certain things that we think we need that we don't actually need certain relationships that we want to work that the holy spirit's praying against you realize that it's possible that you're praying for a relationship to work when the holy spirit's praying that it would end you realize it's possible that you're praying for an open door that the holy spirit is praying would be shut in your face this is why sometimes we run into that tension that struggle we don't quite know why is there all of this chaos and sometimes chaos is a sign that the enemy is working against you or that you need to get your your flesh in check but it can also be a sign that the holy spirit is praying in a different direction than you're praying have you ever stopped to consider that maybe you should ask the holy spirit what you should pray for see some of us are afraid to pray with the holy spirit prays because the holy spirit's prayers once they're prayed will always work jesus said ask anything in my name and i'll give it to you what does that mean in my name by my authority so therefore by my will ask anything according to the will of the father it's going to happen that's why when i unite not with what i want not with what i desire not with my vision for my life when i unite my prayers with the holy spirit there's no stopping those prayers no one could do a thing to stop those prayers this is why we must come into the place of yielding where we are aligning our prayers with the holy spirit's will and when we align our prayers with the holy spirit's will nothing can stop those prayers i mean it jesus himself said it ask anything in my name and i will perform it you ask for anything according to the will of god it will be done the reason we have unanswered prayers is because we're praying according to our will not god's will when if you ask according to god's will there is no stopping that prayer there's no keeping it from occurring it's impossible it's impossible to pray a prayer according to god's will and it not come to pass that's just impossible so when i align my life and my prayers with the steady stream the unchangeable river that is the will of god there is no changing the fate of what i prayed that's it it's sealed it's done god ordained it and when i pray according to that there's no stopping that prayer and so we ask ourselves how do we pray according to the will of god how do we pray according to the desires of the holy spirit my friend that's where the gift of tongues comes in you see i'll show you something here oh i'm getting i'm getting all stirred up here steve okay what is the gift of speaking in tongues because i think sometimes we imagine that the gift of speaking in tongues is just speaking forth gibberish and and it has some type of special power on it to some degree yes that's true it does sound like gibberish and it does have special power on it that can cause miracles and so forth but it's so much more it's so much more it's so much more than that you see when i'm praying in the spirit i'm praying according to the will of the holy spirit when i pray in tongues i'm praying perfectly according to the will of the spirit you see if i pray with my own understanding and i just start praying for different things i may mention a thing or two that doesn't necessarily align with the will of god but when i begin to pray in tongues my desires begin to change and when my desires begin to change my prayers begin to change when my nature begins to change my prayers begin to change when my thought patterns begin to change my prayers begin to change so the holy spirit prays for me with groanings and when i pray in tongues this is what happens watch this now first corinthians 6 17 says but the person who is joined to the lord is one spirit with him okay so i'm united with the father i'm united with the lord by the holy spirit and so the holy spirit's desires are my desires i and the holy spirit are one we are one together now romans 8 26 says that we don't know what to pray but the holy spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words first corinthians 14 2-4 watch this now these are key verses first corinthians 14 2-4 for if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to god since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the spirit but it will all be mysterious but one who prophesies strengthens others encourages them and comforts them a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church now i'm going to address that portion of scripture a little bit later when i cover the eight myths about speaking in tongues there are eight lies that people believe concerning the gift of tongues that just aren't biblical one of those lies is that paul discouraged people from speaking in tongues now they use these verses that i just read to try to argue the point that paul was against the gift of tongues but that's just a misunderstanding of these scriptures here and i'll address that in a moment for now what i want to pull from these scriptures is the fact that the bible says that when you pray in tongues you're being strengthened when i pray in tongues my spirit is being strengthened i'm being edified so something happens to me when i pray in tongues when i pray in tongues i am being strengthened and edified now watch this go down to verse 14 of first corinthians 14 first corinthians 14 14 for if i pray in tongues my spirit is praying but i don't understand what i am saying now remember just a few minutes ago i said that romans chapter 8 doesn't speak specifically about the gift of speaking in tongues but that it has a connection to the gift of speaking in tongues this is what i meant by that so let's put these truths together first corinthians 6 17 says i'm one with the holy spirit first corinthians 14 2 4 and 14 make it clear that something is happening when i pray in tongues that my spirit is praying and my spirit is being strengthened so then if my spirit is one with the holy spirit and my spirit is praying when i speak in tongues that means when i speak in tongues those prayers that the holy spirit prays mentioned in romans chapter 8 are coming out of me in other words when i pray in tongues the holy spirit prays for me through me when i pray in tongues i'm praying the perfect prayers those groanings of the spirit to the gift of tongues now there are many benefits to this think about that that when i pray in tongues the holy spirit is praying for me through me what a powerful powerful benefit now whatever is strengthened by my spirit is strengthened when i pray in tongues think about this now if my spirit is being strengthened when i pray in tongues this means that when i pray in tongues yes my spirit is being strengthened but also those things that are strengthened by my strong spirit i'll give you an example holiness how do you walk in holiness where you live according to the spirit what is strengthened when you pray in tongues the spirit so whatever is strengthened by my spirit is strengthened when i pray in tongues this means holiness boldness when i pray in tongues there's a holy boldness that comes over me it causes me to hear god more clearly it activates and intensifies the spiritual gifts it causes me to receive revelation from the spirit as i read the word do you know that when you pray in tongues you're more likely to see dreams and visions now i don't believe that there's anything that we can necessarily do to cause ourselves to have dreams and visions the scripture doesn't give us that but when i pray in tongues my spirit is strengthened and therefore i position myself to make myself available to be more attentive to a dream or a vision if god wants to give it to me it produces a heightened spiritual awareness things like discernment are very very sharp when i pray in tongues prophecy very very sharp when i pray in tongues when you pray in tongues it's producing all of those things that come about as a result of a strong spirit why because again first corinthians 14 2 and 4 make it clear that my spirit is being strengthened when i use the gift of tongues so therefore if my spirit is being strengthened i can live holier i can walk in greater levels of boldness greater levels of power the spiritual gifts are stirred and intensified all of the things that come about from a strong spirit are intensified when i begin to pray in tongues so these are wonderful benefits the holy spirit praying for me through me strengthening my spirit causing all of these things to manifest what a wonderful truth so why don't more believers pray in tongues why do some people leave this gift unused well a primary reason that people don't use this gift or believers don't use this gift is because they have improper thinking when it comes to the gift they've been told one thing or another and so now i want to talk to you about the eight lies that people believe concerning the gift of tongues in the meantime i'd like to know how this message is blessing you let me know in the comments steve how is the chat doing chat's doing amazing i love couple comments here i'm going to read diana g wrote i used to be so skeptical of praying in tongues but once i got past my own pride and overthinking i started to see a change it just clicked praise god now read one more erica k writes i've always tried to explain what tongues is to my unbelieving friends but it was so hard for them to comprehend your teachings have helped me speak to them about the topic so really really awesome chat you guys are amazing again guys like comment and share right here on this stream and that is key that you like you comment and you share if you're watching this on the replay make sure you're also liking commenting and sharing let me know actually in the comment section did this help to clear up what you thought the gift of tongues was and did it help you to see the difference between praying in the spirit and praying in tongues also what are some common lies that you've heard concerning the gift of tongues or questions that you have about the gift of tongues let me know in the comments section right now if you are watching this 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really search your heart your mind and make sure that you're not putting up walls of defense based solely upon what you've heard because there's a lot of thinking that's out there concerning the gift of tongues that really and i'm not saying this as an insult this is just the reality it's really religious and because of that religious philosophy or mindset it's very difficult to receive what god has for you but i want to see you receive all the benefits now if you pray in tongues already it's important that you know these because i'm going to equip you to overcome these lies so that when you hear them you go ah yeah i've heard that before and here's the biblical answer and if you don't pray in tongues this is important for you because you could be believing one of these lies about the gift of tongues that possibly is preventing you from speaking in tongues so first i want to establish before we get into these lies that really the scripture describes three expressions of the gift of speaking in tongues we read first corinthians chapter 14 verses 1 through 4 and this of course talked about the personal edification that comes about through the gift of tongues so this is number one the personal tongue the personal tongue is what strengthens me personally number two we see the proof tongue this is found in acts chapter two i'm gonna read verses four through six and everyone present was filled with the holy spirit and began speaking in other languages as the holy spirit gave them this ability at that time there were devout jews from every nation living in jerusalem when they heard the loud noise everyone came running and they were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers so here we see the proof tongue we see that the people who were present heard the disciples the believers speaking in their own languages and that became proof to them that the holy spirit was with them so that's number two the proof tongue and that one is heard as an earthly language so number one is the personal tongue it edifies you personally number two is the proof tongue this is heard as an earthly language and number three the prophetic tongue the prophetic tongue is is a tongue that's used in the context of a church setting and we see this in first corinthians 14 i'm going to read verse 26 27-28 first corinthians 14 26-28 well my brothers and sisters let's summarize when you meet together one will sing another will teach and other will tell some special revelation god has given one will speak in tongues and another will interpret what is said but everything that is done must strengthen all of you no more than two or three should speak in tongues they must speak one at a time and someone must interpret what they say but if no one is present who can interpret they must be silent in your church meeting and speak in tongues to god privately so the prophetic expression of the gift of tongues is ones that one that is used in the context of a church setting typically it will look something like this someone will stand up begin to pray in tongues and the collective attention of those in attendance at that church service will be focused on that one individual who's praying in tongues then that person will sit down another one will stand up and interpret what god is speaking through that prophetic tongue so the personal tongue edify self the proof tongue it's heard as an earthly language and number three the prophetic tongue this is used in the context of public church meetings and it demands the attention of those who are assembled in that church service now allow me to embolden the lines of distinction between these three think of the benefit the bible does say that there are different expressions of the gift of tongues and it's very clear because number one think of the benefits we're shown different benefits therefore there are different expressions to this gift the personal tongue benefits the individual first corinthians 14 4. the prophetic tongue benefits the church that's first corinthians 12 7 and 1 corinthians chapter 14 verse 26. the proof tongue benefits the unbeliever that's found in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 22. so as far as benefits go we see the distinction between the three in that the personal tongue benefits the individual the prophetic tongue benefits the church as a whole and the proof tongue benefits the unbeliever so different benefits means different expressions now look at the interpretation requirements the personal tongue requires no interpretation or interpreter to be beneficial to the individual again that's first corinthians 14 4. so with the personal tongue you don't need it to be interpreted in order for it to benefit you because the bible says that when you pray in tongues you are edified personally even though there's no interpreter first corinthians 14 26 makes it clear that the prophetic tongue requires an interpreter in order to benefit the church so if i stand up in the middle of a church meeting i start praying in tongues and i sit back down nobody interprets it how does that benefit anybody else but me so the prophetic tongue requires an interpreter in order to benefit the church and the proof tongue requires no interpreter for the interpretation to be understood by the unbeliever we saw that in acts 8 2. so that's a very big distinction between all three of them personal tongue it benefits me whether there's an interpreter or not the prophetic tongue requires an interpreter in order to benefit the church and the proof tongue didn't require an interpreter because the people heard them all in their own languages so very clearly we see more lines of distinction the three expressions of the gift of tongues become more apparent now how about how it's understood look at the difference between the three and how the gift is understood number one the personal tongue is understood by no one but god we see that in first corinthians chapter 14 verse two nobody understands what's being said except for the lord number two we see that the prophetic tongue is understood by the church but with the aid of an interpreter that's first corinthians chapter 14 verse 27. so who understands it the personal tongue only god understands it the prophetic tongue the people present understand it with interpretation and the proof tongue watch this now the proof tongue number three is supernaturally understood by the unbeliever that's acts chapter 2 verse 8. so here we see some very clear lines of distinction in the scripture that make it absolutely clear that there are different expressions to this gift so number one is the personal tongue number two is the prophetic tongue or the proof tongue excuse me and number three is the prophetic tongue we see there's three different benefits three different interpretation requirements and three different ways that it's understood i mean think just for a moment how the tongue described in first corinthians 14 where paul says there must be an interpreter for it to be beneficial is completely different than the gift of tongues being expressed in acts chapter 2 where no interpreter was present and people heard their own earthly dialects being spoken aloud miraculously so very clear lines of distinction make it very clear that there are in fact three expressions to this gift personal proof and prophetic so with that frame of understanding now in place let's look at the eight lies that people believe about speaking in tongues that people believe about speaking so lie number one or myth number one is that paul discouraged believers from praying in tongues let's look at the portion of scripture that seems to indicate that first corinthians chapter 14 verses one through four let love be your highest goal but you should also desire the special abilities the spirit gives especially the ability to prophesy for if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to god since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the spirit but it will all be mysterious but one who prophesies strengthens others encourages them and comforts them a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church now this is an often misunderstood text but keep in mind here that paul the apostle is comparing tongues to prophecy he is not condemning tongues so comparison not condemnation here's what i wrote paul was not against the gift of tongues but he definitely favored the gift of prophecy he was comparing not condemning he was not saying the gift of tongues has no purpose he was saying that prophecy has a greater purpose in fact paul encouraged people to pray in tongues first corinthians 14 5 says i wish you could all speak in tongues but even more i wish you could all prophesy first corinthians 14 39 says so my dear brothers and sisters be eager to prophesy and don't forbid speaking in tongues so there clearly we see that paul the apostle did not discourage believers from praying in tongues and whenever someone tries to say that they're gonna use first corinthians chapter 14 verses one through four wow but paul the apostle was not condemning tongues there he was comparing tongues to the gift of prophecy the second lie that people believe concerning the gift of tongues the lie is praying in tongues should not be practiced in public or in group settings now let me give you an illustration here imagine that we're sitting in a church service and you come in and you're sitting in the back with me and we're enjoying the preaching the pastor's teaching a solid word it's blessing our lives we're hearing a wonderful message and we're enjoying every minute of it now imagine that in the middle of that pastor preaching a powerful sermon that's blessing our lives somebody else stands up and begins to pray in tongues aloud disrupts the whole meeting disrupts the service gathers everybody's attention and then sits back down and nobody interprets well that wasn't very beneficial was it and it was probably better it probably would have been better had that individual just stayed seated and allowed the pastor to complete his sermon why because it's more fruitful that i hear preaching like that than it is just to hear someone speaking in tongues who i don't understand and they're not edifying me they're just edifying themselves so this is the situation that paul the apostle was dealing with when he wrote first corinthians 14 context is key that's what paul the apostle was trying to prevent he was trying to prevent services that were so overcome by the gifts that no one ever heard the word or benefited individually people were interrupting the service with the gift of tongues with no interpreter so with that in mind let's read first corinthians chapter 14 verse 6 and then i'll run down to verse 19. dear brothers and sisters if i should come to you speaking in an unknown language how would that help you but if i bring you a revelation or some special knowledge of prophecy or teaching that will be helpful but in a church meeting i would rather speak five understandable words to help others than ten thousand words in an unknown language so here he's saying look if all you're gonna do is disrupt the service pray in tongues sit back down with no interpretation no one is ever gonna receive any benefit from that and your gathering will be fruitless he was not saying that you should never use your personal language he was not saying that you should never pray in tongues in front of another individual rather he was trying to bring order to a very specific situation namely that people were disrupting the church services with the gift of tongues now first corinthians 14 26 says well my brothers and sisters let's summarize when you meet together one will sing another will teach another will tell some special revelation god has given one will speak in tongues and another will interpret what is said but everything that is done must strengthen all of you so he's talking about the collective gathering of believers the assembly of the church in that setting do something he says that's going to be beneficial for everyone now this however does not mean that we should never pray in tongues collectively paul the apostle is not condemning praying in tongues collectively nor is he condemning praying in tongues in public what he is saying is that we should not pray in tongues in a disruptive way in a church meeting that would cause nobody else to benefit but ourselves now watch this acts chapter 2 verse 4 and everyone present was filled with the holy spirit and began speaking in other languages as the spirit gave them this ability happened again in acts chapter 19 verse 6 then when paul laid his hands on them the holy spirit came on them and they spoke in other tongues and prophesied wait a minute here how come nobody stood up in acts 19 and said wait a minute everybody we all need to calm down everybody relax there's some restrictions here that we have on this gift no that's not what happened in fact what happened was they all prayed in tongues and god moved but in this particular instance acts 19 acts 2 no one was disrupting the flow of a church service which is why they weren't condemned for praying in tongues collectively or publicly why would the holy spirit pour out a gift in a public setting if it was meant to only be used in private think about the fact that the holy spirit pours out this gift publicly upon the believers and then they began speaking in tongues publicly the holy spirit knew what he was doing he didn't pour out the gift of tongues on them and they go oh wait a minute actually oops we're in public here everybody go home and pray in tongues to yourself or actually wait a minute let's get some interpreters before you all begin praying in tongues no so the bible is clearly giving us examples of believers praying in tongues collectively and publicly so in first corinthians 14 remember paul the apostle is trying to prevent a very specific instance of church disruption he is not saying we should never pray in tongues publicly or pray in tongues in in in a in a collective manner first corinthians 14 22 says so you see that speaking in tongues is a sign not for believers but for unbelievers that's what first corinthians 14 22 says listen to that again so you see that speaking in tongues is a sign not for believers but for unbelievers how could the gift of tongues be assigned to unbelievers if we were supposed to only do it in private there's just it just could not be a sign to the unbeliever if it was only something we should do in private so first corinthians 14 is not paul saying never pray in tongues collectively never pray in tongues publicly he's simply saying never pray in tongues in a way that's disruptive to the church service that makes let's move on to lie number three lie number three tongues is only an earthly language not a heavenly one interesting here because you'll hear this said quite often those people will say well the holy spirit came upon them they spoke in other languages and then they try to condemn you saying well you shouldn't be speaking that gibberish it's not gibberish it's an earthly language given to you by supernatural empowering of the holy spirit which is partially true yes now it's a popular view that many people take it's repeated quite often but it's not necessarily scriptural first corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 says for if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to god since people won't be able to understand you you will be speaking by the power of the spirit but it will all be mysterious so it's still beneficial if i praying as an individual with my personal prayer language that should be noted in first corinthians 14 2 but look also here read this again for if you have the ability to speak in tongues you will be talking only to god since people won't be able to understand you so no one can understand the gift of tongues referenced here no one can understand the personal prayer language so this obviously cannot be an earthly dialect if nobody but god understands me first corinthians 14 4 a person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally so it's still beneficial first corinthians 14 14 says for if i pray in tongues my spirit is praying but i don't understand what i'm saying so first corinthians 14 2 makes it absolutely clear that nobody understands you but god that couldn't possibly be an earthly language now what about acts chapter 2 let's look at this very closely acts chapter 2 verse 6 now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language so think about this each individual heard the crowd collectively speaking in his own language so let's say i'm in a crowd i have a friend who speaks italian i have a friend who speaks german i have a friend who speaks french i'd say i also have a friend who speaks spanish i speak english we're all together and there's this crowd of people in front of us they all begin speaking i hear them in english and my friend hears them in french my other friend hears them in german and so forth speaking collectively was heard individually in certain languages so it's possible that the interpretation actually took place on the listeners and not the speaker's end we don't know if the believers were actually speaking in earthly dialects all we know is that the individuals supernaturally heard them speaking in their own language but if each individual who spoke a different dialect in a different language heard the crowd collectively speaking in their own individual language the only explanation is that this happened on the listener's end in fact in acts 2 13 some people thought that they were just drunk why because they likely heard nothing relevant or coherent being spoken aloud so then some heard their own languages others thought they were drunk to say the gift of tongues is only spoken as an earthly language is a big assumption a huge assumption to say well they were speaking in earthly dialects how do we know how do we know that the interpretation didn't happen on the listener's end there's no way to know that so to say that speaking in tongues is only earthly languages first corinthians 14 2 makes it clear that's not the case and then a careful examination of acts chapter 2 makes it clear that it doesn't necessarily have to be the case and so we can throw out this myth this lie this idea that tongues is only an earthly language not a heavenly one myth number four the gift of tongues is not for every believer this is probably one of the bigger ones that that that ha that i've encountered when people are struggling to receive the gift of tongues this is probably one of the bigger problems that they have is they think well i don't want to be presumptuous in thinking that it's mine or that that there's an issue with you know my gift and i i don't wanna i don't wanna upset god and so forth they have all these different thoughts that are happening when in fact if they just looked at the scripture it would be perfectly clear so i'm going to cover this right now but steve let's visit him with the chat yeah so i'm looking at the chat right now i love what you guys are saying here so a follow-up question or a question that you asked earlier did this help clear up some thoughts you had on speaking in tongues i want to go ahead and read a couple of those haley wrote it's clearing up something i thought about and reiterating some other things as well enya wrote i heard the gift of tongues is another version of an earthly language which you covered earlier miles yes way more clear now and our friend kat i had no idea it had benefits so really really awesome stuff people continue to comment like and share it's been such a blessing today and if this is blessing you go ahead and comment down below right now in the comments section let us know how this is blessing you so really great stuff so far so okay what tim wants to do tim you want to reset something so we can sync up the audio or something like that okay well do what you need to do am i going to be on camera on microphone okay so those of you watching the replay just skip ahead to when we when we come back check out the chapters and all that we have to just pause just for a moment to reset the audio here okay so we're back now they said there was some issue with syncing the audio i have no idea what that was about but myth number four the gift of tongues is not for every believer and again this is some issue that some christians have in fact i would say most christians have when trying to receive the gift of tongues they think well maybe it's not for me i don't want to be presumptuous i don't want to upset god and so forth so let me make this clear right off the bat you can't teach people how to receive the gift of tongues in fact this is probably one of the primary questions that people have for me when criticizing the teachings that i put forth on the gift of speaking in tongues they'll say something like well only the holy spirit can you know can give the gift of tongues and of course we know that in fact there will probably be comments from people on this video if you look in the comment section you may see somebody commenting and saying well only the holy spirit can give the gift of tongues i guarantee you if you see that comment it's because they didn't watch the video because they're not hearing me addressing that comment that question that assertion right here right now yes we acknowledge only the holy spirit can give the gift of tongues only the holy spirit can deposit that but the scripture also makes it clear that we can stir up the gifts that he has given to us so the question really is has the holy spirit given the gift of tongues to every single believer and this is where there is some misunderstanding so gives cannot be taught in this sense now it's not like you can take an e-course and learn how to prophesy or take an e-course and learn how to speak in tongues when i say how to speak in tongues really what i'm saying is here's how to surrender to the holy spirit to where that gift that you already have can manifest which is very different than saying you can go from not having it to having it so that misunderstanding i'm addressing now very clearly so that that is not something that people um get stuck in their heads now having said that you can stir up the gift so the question comes down to did the holy spirit give every believer this ability to pray in tongues and i believe he has first corinthians chapter 12 verses 29 through 31 this is the scripture that confuses people are we all apostles are we all prophets are we all teachers do we all have the power to do miracles do we all have the gift of healing do we all have the ability to speak in unknown languages do we all have the ability to interpret unknown languages of course not so you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts but now let me show you a way of life that is best of all okay so then first corinthians chapter 12 verses 29 through 31 is a very misunderstood scripture or portion of scripture i should say but look at the context here in first corinthians 12 what are some of the gifts that paul mentions word of wisdom we're the knowledge faith healing miracles prophecy discernment tongues and interpretation of tongues now notice a couple things about these gifts one all of these gifts are used in public church settings they're used in a public setting toward another believer what if i were to apply the same logic to all of the other spiritual gifts that many people apply to the gift of tongues why do we single out the gift of tongues why do we single out the gift of tongues say maybe that's the one that god doesn't have for everybody look at word of wisdom that's a spiritual gift does this mean that no believer anywhere should ever exercise any form of wisdom no does this mean that every believer everywhere has to ask the holy spirit's permission before asking for spirit inspired wisdom no the word of knowledge same thing faith so should we now just set aside faith for all believers the gift of healing none of us can pray for healing unless we've been given that gift none of us can believe for a miracle unless we've been given that gift the gift of prophecy none of us can hear from god now because here in first corinthians 12 it says that we can't have that gift or not all of us anyway discernment okay so only a few believers can discern between good and evil only a few believers can discern between god's spirit and an ungodly spirit is that really what the scripture is saying here i mean what if we applied that to the gift of the evangelist well not all of us are evangelists well of course not does this mean that not all of us should evangelize not all of us are teachers well of course not but does this mean that not all of us should help one another understand the word so now not all of us are allowed to understand the word and maybe teach a new convert the word no what paul the apostle is limiting here are these very public offices and gifts that god has given to certain individuals first corinthians 12 7 says a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other so each one of the spiritual gifts is intended to help the body of christ in other words the one who uses the gift isn't the one who benefits from the gift we are given spiritual gifts to benefit others not self so the gift of faith couldn't be having faith it would have to be the ability to stir faith in others the gift of healing isn't being healed it's the grace to heal others the same would apply to every gift about which paul wrote in first corinthians 12 all of the spiritual gifts in first corinthians 12 are others focused and public expressions so let me make this clear i'll try saying it another way because when teaching these things i try to come at it from different angles maybe someone understood it a certain way but if i explain it a second time the understanding becomes clearer what i'm saying here is that in first corinthians chapter 12 verses 29 to 31 paul the apostle is talking about the public expression of spiritual gifts he is not talking about the personal prayer language and my question is what if you applied the same logic that you apply to tongues to all of the other spiritual gifts word of wisdom is spirit empowered wisdom but does that mean that none of us can have any form of spirit empowered wisdom the gift of faith is the ability to stir faith in others does this mean that none of us should be able to ever try to help stir the faith of another believer healing and miracles that's a big one so unless i've been given this special public expression of the gift i can't even believe for healing i can't even believe god's gonna heal my body i can't believe that god's gonna heal the body of a loved one of mine if my child is sick i have to wait for the one with the gift of healing to come lay hands on them well mark chapter 16 speaks against that so if i apply that same logic what about to the gift of the evangelist now only the evangelist can evangelize no because the scripture says do the work of an evangelist so only teachers should be able to understand and explain the word or does the bible not also say to be ready to give a reason for the hope that is within you to to be a workman that needed not be ashamed before god so what i'm saying is there are public expressions that are areas of gifting that are being described in first corinthians 12 and that personal prayer language is not listed here so the expression of the gift of tongues that paul the apostle is talking about in first corinthians 12 is that prophetic expression look here in first corinthians 14 a person who speaks in tongues verse 4 is strengthened personally one who speaks the word of prophecy strengthens the entire church i wish you could all speak in tongues but even more i wish that you could all prophesy why would paul the apostle wish for something that was contrary to the will of god and why would the holy spirit allow for that desire to be recorded in the holy scriptures if it is indeed contrary to the will of god i mean think about it i wish you could all pray in tongues but then the bible says we can't why would paul wish for that and why would the holy spirit let that be recorded in scripture that's because in first corinthians 12 the bible is not talking about all expressions of the gift of tongues it's talking about that prophetic expression of the gift of tongues that spiritual gift that is paired with tongue's interpretation now look in acts chapter 2 the bible doesn't say some were filled it says all were filled acts 2 4 all of them were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit enabled them what did peter teach about the gift of tongues look at acts 2 39. yeah peter when he got up on the day of pentecost he spoke aloud he says the promise is to you to your children and to those who are far away all who have been called by the lord are god okay so peter stands up on the day of pentecost he says this promise right here it's to you and to your children and to everyone who's called peter makes this very clear says everyone who's been called this promise is for them what was he talking about well look what the scripture says acts 2 33 and the father as he had promised gave him the holy spirit to pour out upon us just as you see and hear today what did they see they saw tongues of fire what did they hear they heard the gift of tongues so what you see in here is for you for your children and for all who have been called so don't allow a misunderstanding of first corinthians 12 where paul the apostle is talking about the public expression of the gift keep you from receiving and operating in the private expression of the gift your personal prayer language number five lie number five the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation this is this is just um this one is interesting because you know we could really actually do a whole message on this before i do i want to check in with the chat uh steve just commented congrats all we just reached 1k likes you have unlocked our first book giveaway well that's awesome um then i see here um a question here why people are confused um yeah with the gift of tongues it's a big topic of confusion because so many are misquoting the scripture twisting it to fit their world view and someone says do you have to pray and ask god for the gift of praying in tongues i'm going to get to that in a moment but let's get back here to myth number five the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation now i could do a whole lot here um i really cover it more extensively in my book praying in the holy spirit but i do want to at least satisfy that question even if just a little bit for this particular live stream let me first say that i don't want to demonize anyone who doesn't believe in the spiritual gifts being in operation today but really when it comes down to it there's only one portion of scripture that anyone can give you to even hint that the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation i mean it's really astounding to me that anyone would believe that the spiritual gifts have ceased now you'll hear someone say something like well the apostles were able to lay hands at will and they were able to heal the sick at will and so we don't have that today wielding of the gift and wielding of miracles to it happens whenever and wherever we want it now wait a minute that's to assume that the apostles were able to do that themselves in the first place i disagree i think the sovereignty of god applied even in the days of the apostles so the spiritual gifts are not exempt from the sovereignty of god even though god gives you a gift as an operation you still have to use that gift in operation with his sovereignty so no moses did not wield the red sea to split open no paul and peter did not wield that gift of healing to where they decided who was healed everyone they laid hands on god decided they were healed so don't let them don't let them i'm not trying to make enemies out of them but those who believe such things don't let them convince you using a weak argument like that saying well we don't have it like they had it so therefore it has ceased well they didn't even have it the way they imagined they had it it was always god from beginning to end now the portion of scripture that confuses people first corinthians chapter 13 i'm going to read verses 8 through 10. it says prophecy and speaking in tongues and special knowledge will become useless but love will last forever now our knowledge is partial and incomplete and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture but when the time of perfection comes these partial things will be useless so they'll say aha there it is when that which is perfect has come then the spiritual gifts will be done away with wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute what is that perfect that needs to come before the gifts are done away with we have to keep reading the scripture when i was a child i've spoken thought and reasoned as a child when i grew up i put away childish things now we see things imperfectly like puzzling reflections in a mirror but then we will see everything with perfect clarity all that i know now is partial and incomplete but then i will know everything completely just as god now knows me completely now some have said well the perfect has come and the perfect is the bible the word of god but this cannot be the case because the scripture says all that i know now is partial and complete but then i will know everything completely just as god now knows me completely i don't know everything completely just as god knows me this is describing a heavenly reality in eternity there's no way this could be today because i don't know everything now some cessationists might imagine that they know everything but that's just not the case with them either so this is the only portion of scripture that they can ever give you that even hints that the spiritual gifts have ceased so you can dismiss that lie the spiritual gifts have not see it's not even debatable it really is i don't even understand why there's a debate on this it is so clear that from genesis to revelation god has been interacting with this people and by definition god's interaction is miraculous and therefore god has not stopped interacting with us and therefore miracles have not ceased the gifts have not ceased i can see why prophecy is no longer needed when i live in a place where there is no time i can see why healing is no longer needed when i live in a place where there is no sickness and so forth but we do in fact still need the gifts the perfect has not come we don't know everything even as god knows me we need the spiritual gifts myth number six because jesus didn't pray in tongues neither should we now this one's kind of interesting let me say right off the bat i agree jesus did not pray in tongues but this isn't a reason to reject the spiritual gifts jesus didn't repent of his sins either you're gonna not do that because jesus didn't do that why didn't jesus pray in tongues is the more important question why didn't jesus pray in tongues the same reason jesus never shared a testimony of being saved from sin he was perfect praying in tongues supplements my inability to pray jesus lacked no ability to pray praying in tongues helps me when i don't know what to pray jesus always knew what he should pray praying in tongues helps me to pray according to god's will jesus was god's will in action why didn't jesus pray in tongues because he was perfect he prayed perfect prayers we need the gift because we're not perfect and we don't pray perfect prayers line number seven you could become demonized if you attempt to pray in tongues now this one i always thought was especially paranoid why would that result in demonization first of all we know biblically speaking that a born-again believer can't be demonized possessed oppressed or cursed or anything like that we've covered that extensively those are those are more myths that we need to get rid of so now that we know that that can't be the case for the unbeliever why is this even a point of contention think about this if i pray in tongues let's just say for a moment let's say i'm wrong let's say those who believe in speaking in tongues for today let's say we're all wrong and let's say that i lift my voice making noises in worship and praise to god with a heart filled with faith and sincerity toward him well then at that point speaking in tongues would be more like humming or like crying their voiceless wordless meaningless expressions of my love for him if i hum a song am i going to be demonized no well why why would i be people would say well let's apply the same logic here if i pray in tongues i'm not meaning anything i'm not intending anything i don't know what i'm saying i could be inviting a demonic spirit especially paranoid that's especially paranoid so no speaking in tongues would be more like humming a song crying tears emotional expression why that would result in demonization no one's ever really been able to clearly explain that but luke chapter 11 verses 11-13 says this you fathers if you ask for a fish do you give them a snake instead or if they ask for an egg do you give them a scorpion of course not so if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask him i trust not in my ability to receive but in his ability to give and finally lie number eight and this is another one that prevents people from praying in tongues lie number eight you cannot control the gift of tongues well think about the fact that first corinthians 14 contains clear instructions from paul on how to control the gift now why would paul the apostle give me instructions on controlling the gift if the gift couldn't be controlled paul the apostle gave instructions on controlling the gift precisely because the gift can be controlled all spiritual gifts require some exercise of faith on the part of the one using them why would the gift of tongues be any different well i don't want to evangelize i'm just waiting for the holy spirit to grab my mouth and make me speak the words well i don't want to pray for the sick i'm waiting for the holy spirit to grab my hand and put it on a sick person well i don't want to prophesy i'm waiting for the holy spirit to open my mouth think about if we treated every other gift like we do the gift of tongues i'm just going to sit here and hope this holy spirit does the rest it doesn't work that way all spiritual gifts require your participation with the holy spirit the gift of tongues is no different now i'm going to insert a little q a here a really short one do any of you have any questions on any of these myths that we covered i'll go over them just real briefly and then i'm going to look out for your comments just for a second see if i see anything that we may have missed myth number one paul discouraged believers from praying in tongues in short that can't be true because paul actually encouraged believers to pray in tongues he was not condemning tongues he was comparing the gift of tongues to prophecy myth number two praying in tongues should not be practiced in public or in group settings paul the apostle in first corinthians 14 is not discouraging the public use of the gift of tongues or even the corporate use of the gift of tongues he's speaking against the disruptive use of the gift of tongues and also in many instances throughout scripture we see that the holy spirit came upon people publicly and the holy spirit wouldn't pour out a gift publicly that was meant for private use lie number three tongues is only an earthly language we know that in first corinthians 14 2 the scripture makes it clear that no one understands you when you're praying in tongues but god that's the personal prayer language and we're making an assumption if we think that those in acts 2 were actually speaking certain languages they could have been speaking what we would call gibberish because it was a collective group speaking individual languages it had to have been on the hearer's end it's a big assumption to say that the interpretation took place actually from the individual speaking in earthly language so we do know that that doesn't necessarily have to be the case and that in some instances it's a heavenly language and has nothing to do with an earthly dialect line number four the gift of tongues is not for every believer we looked at first corinthians 12 where paul the apostle said to all do this do all do that do all pray in tongues but then we discovered that paul the apostle here is talking about the public expressions of spiritual gifts not the personal prayer language that you and i are given for our own benefit and edification and also we went over the fact that if we applied the same logic that we apply to the gift of tongues to the other gifts that none of us would ever do anything to do with believing for miracles or stirring the faith of others so that gift was the public gift that he asked about so it had nothing to do with the private use of the gift myth number five line number five the spiritual gifts are no longer in operation we saw the one portion of scripture that cessation has used to try to demonstrate that the gifts have ceased but we see that that couldn't possibly be here and now that has to be then and there because it's a reference to eternity when it says that we will know all things even as god knows us completely so that cannot be the case and also nowhere in scripture do we see that these spiritual activities have ceased myth number six because jesus didn't pray in tongues neither did we well jesus also didn't repent of his sins why because he was perfect so just because jesus didn't pray in tongues doesn't mean that we shouldn't pray in tongues myth number seven you can become demonized if you attempt to pray in tongues this cannot be the case luke chapter 11 tells us that if we ask the father god for the holy spirit he won't give us something else and if speaking in tongues if for some reason is not an actual spiritual gift then it can be compared to humming or crying it's a it's a meaningless expression toward god with sincerity like humming or clapping or things like that and then myth number eight you cannot control the gift of tongues that's not true either you can because paul the apostle wrote all throughout first corinthians 14 about how we should in fact control that gift in certain settings those are the nine or the eight lies about speaking in tongues that many people believe i will now take some questions on this particular subject on the lies about speaking in tongues and then i want to show you how to activate this gif we're going to pray right now that you receive the baptism with the holy spirit and prayerfully all of these intellectual blockages are removed now um cindy says thanks for this explanation not all have the gift of tongues and tongues interpretation does that mean only god can give this gift excellent question we're going to take a look at that right now actually we actually kind of looked at that already where we covered not every believer can pray in tongues and that we saw paul was just talking about the public expression and then in acts chapter 2 we saw that peter said what you see in here is for you and for your children and for all who will believe what did they see they saw tongues of fire what did they hear they saw gifts of tongues so the prayer language the personal prayer language is for every believer but not necessarily the gift of tongues that's used in a public church setting b granger on the day of pentecost couldn't the miracle have been both the speaking and the hearing well it wouldn't need to be both the speaking and the hearing because if it happened on one end the other end would fix itself so what happened with the speaker and the person heard well they heard because the person was speaking it but if it didn't happen with the speaker and the person heard well it happened because the person heard it so only one of those is necessary either the interpretation happened on the speaker's end or the listeners and it wouldn't be necessary for both um geraldine chavez brother david thank you for praying god bless you someone else celebrating the 1k likes congratulations to you all that will trigger a book giveaway um question on the demonic a pastor prayed over my daughter in tongues and she began to pray in tongues she cried was lightheaded and felt drunk she said since then she has had anxiety depression and anger always remember correlation is not necessarily causation maybe that anxiety and depression may have begun at the same time it doesn't necessarily mean it was caused by that pastor and if she's filled with the holy spirit born again then any mixture that may have been there uh will not affect her so long as she continues to walk with the lord a question why i can speak in tongues but i cannot understand what the words mean well first corinthians chapter 14 verses 2 and 4 tell us that you won't understand what it means but you can still receive the benefit of that can we teach in part speaking in tongues well paul the apostle did write to timothy that there were spiritual gifts imparted to him when he laid his hands on him i don't know if the gift of tongues comes with that all i do know is that jesus is the baptizer and he will give you the gift if you ask for it um cairns says can you talk about tongues in intercession prayer well when i'm praying the holy spirit is praying for me through me but the holy spirit can also pray for others through me so that can definitely be used other comments i'm going to read a couple more and then i'm going to get into the activation portion of this teaching let me see here nikki or yeah nikki says i feel blessed with these teachings thank you nanette says can you be filled twice with the holy spirit not necessarily ephesians 5 18 says but do not be drunk with wine for that will ruin your lives instead be filled with the holy spirit that word that phrase be filled in the greek literally means be filled again and again now this isn't necessarily saying that we can receive the holy spirit like we do at salvation ephesians 1 makes it clear that the holy spirit is present at salvation rather when you pray in tongues you're releasing that gift not necessarily receiving it so the fresh infillings can come upon you but you don't need another infilling within you now let's look at some of the obstacles here obstacles to receiving the give you're watching this right now you want to receive the gift of tongues you want to receive this wonderful spiritual expression in prayer and maybe you've been trying again and again you've gone to the altar calls you've gone to the conferences you've read the books i'm going to show you what's keeping you from praying in tongues and many of you are not going to like the answer but please hear me i'm saying this a because it's the truth and be because i love and care about you i want you to receive this gift now the advice i'm going to give you it will work period but if you don't apply what i'm going to give you it's not going to work i've had people listen to exactly what i'm going to say and they say well it didn't work for me and i've had thousands of people message me saying i was never able to pray in tongues i applied the scripture that you gave me applied those truths and now i'm praying in tongues finally and every single time the people who said it didn't work after speaking with them i find out they did not apply what i'm telling you to apply right now so remember this if you cannot pray in tongues it's for one reason and one reason only and that one reason has many different expressions but it comes down to one reason and again this is not an insult but you may not like it the reason you cannot pray in tongues is because of your ego now let that settle in for a second i am not saying because of your pride pride is an expression of ego but ego is simply self you're getting in your own way i can't tell you how many times i've had people come to the altar i lay hands on them to receive the gift believing with them going before jesus the baptizer they just stand there staring at me or they pray yes lord yes lord yes over and over and over they fill their mouth with words that have their own meaning attached to them yes lord yes lord hallelujah yes yes yes yes yes and they don't even they're waiting for the holy spirit to come down grab their tongue and start moving it around for them he's not going to do that that's not going to happen now people have fear they're afraid to do it they have fears like am i going to look ridiculous yeah probably we all look a little ridiculous when we pray in tongues but that's okay they overthink is this just me is this the devil is this just me is this the devil oh this is just me i don't really feel anything what's happening what's going all the activity in the mind preventing them from receiving this beautiful expression of the gift you want to receive this you have to overcome those objections thoughts like well i thought you can't be taught to receive the gift of tongues only god can give it to you that's an excuse come on that's an excuse we all know and i addressed this earlier we all know that only the holy spirit can give you gifts but when i talk about how to activate how to receive the gift of tongues how to praying things i'm not saying how to use something the holy spirit didn't give you i'm saying here is how you use what the holy spirit gave you here's how you surrender to that so you want to receive the gift you can receive it right now right now right now whether you're watching live right now or you're watching on the replay right now you can receive this gift number one request just ask him and then number two this is the harder part number two realize realize that he gave you the gift realize that he has given you the gift of tongues realize that the holy spirit is within you how do i know this because the holy spirit's in you and romans 8 26 says the holy spirit prays for you and that expression of the gift of tongues is for every believer every believer to all who have been called the book of acts says so you have it whether you felt it whether you didn't whether you believe it whether you don't if you ask him for that gift he's going to deposit that gift in you so then it's not a matter of receiving the gift but releasing the gift now there's a step that comes before releasing the gift and that is you've got to relax i know that doesn't sound spiritual but it is spiritual because relaxing is a form of trusting you've got to relax stop over thinking it every single time i've talked with some and i'm saying 100 of the time that i've talked to people who say i can't pray in tongues it's because they're all wound up they're all stressed out they're all overthinking it and instead of just releasing the sounds they're going that's not me that's that's not that's me that's not the holy spirit or is that a devil or is this right am i doing it okay and this on and on and on and on request it realize he's given it to you then relax calm down and then release it there's a story i like to tell to illustrate this point a father was teaching his daughter to pray at bedtime and every night he would kneel with his daughter at the bedside and he would pray teaching her to pray then one night he says i'm gonna back out of the room and i'm gonna let you pray on your own and you'll pray on your own from now on because he wanted her to learn how to talk to god so the next night the father comes to the door puts his ear on the door and starts listening for his daughter's prayers and to his surprise and amusement the little girl was just saying the alphabet she was singing it a b c d e f g and so forth singing the alphabet he thought it was funny and went off to bed the next night he comes back puts his ear to the door again as his daughter's getting ready for bed she's praying and he hears her once again praying the alphabet singing the alphabet now he grew a little concerned because he thought well i hope she understands what prayer is he says tomorrow night i'll come back and if she's still doing that i'll have a little chat with her so he comes back the next night the daughter is doing it again she's singing the alphabet and so he gently opens the door kneels beside her and says sweetie listen when you talk to god you have to talk to god you have to say things sincerely from your heart you can't just say the alphabet and she says daddy i am talking to god come on she says i'm just giving him the letters and letting him arrange them however he wants that's what it is to pray in tongues praying in tongues is the language of faith praying in tongues is the language of surrender when you speak with your own words you're putting your own intentions in those words and when you put your own intentions in those words you fill them with your own meaning and therefore the holy spirit can't feel them you want to pray in tongues just release the syllables and no don't overthink it stop saying this is just me of course it's partially you he's not going to completely take over and make you speak against your will he's not going to give you a demonic spirit just start releasing the syllables and sounds and then here's the hard part and then trust that the holy spirit is filling them with his meaning and that's it it is that simple and anything else is just ego getting in the way questions and doubts and cynicism and worries all of those things that we clutter our mind with instead of just saying lord i trust you in releasing that sound he's going to do it for you now i believe with all my heart he's going to do it for you now now again you have a choice to make because you can either be that person that says nothing happened well did nothing happen or did you do nothing because you can't just sit back and hope that the holy spirit he will not force it on you and again people try to hide behind that excuse well well it's a gift and only the whole yes it's a gift but it's a gift he gave to you and like any other spiritual gift you have to exercise so let's pray right now let's go before the lord we're going to ask him to fill you we're going to ask him to give you this gift and then by faith you're going to release it so father in the name of jesus i thank you lord for your people receiving this word now father i ask in the name of jesus that you would baptize them with the holy spirit and with fire [Music] just lift your hands receive it now lift your hands receive it now god's doing something god is doing something right now close your eyes don't think about anything else right now close your eyes and lift your hands and forget about all that troubles you give it to jesus now [Music] holy spirit i pray fall fresh upon your people afresh upon your people just begin to pray right now now i'm not going to pray in tongues because i don't want you to just mimic me what i want you to do right now is say these words say jesus baptize me in your holy spirit [Music] now with hands lifted and eyes closed what i want you to do is believe believe whether you feel it or not believe that he's filled you and some of you are feeling god's power right now but believe that he's filled you and now by faith here we go by faith let every doubt be cast aside this is the moment this is the moment let every doubt be cast aside begin to speak syllables and sounds not words don't speak words just release the sound and trust that he's feeling it right now again someone just had a thought oh this is just me oh this is odd is this is is god going to be angry with me for trying no no no cast all that aside right now that's the ego lay it all aside yes you'll look a little silly that's okay close your eyes lift your hands and begin to speak it out loud right now that's it that's it even if it's just a little sound begin to to capture that sound and be bold with it thank you jesus let that be stirred in them thank you lord thank you lord jesus is doing it he's doing right now eyes closed hands lifted just begin to speak it out speak it out release it now if you began praying in tongues right now tell me in the comments section right here tell me in the comment section here if you began praying in tongues [Music] this works if you will work it this works if you will work it don't be negative and doubtful and cynical well it didn't work for me don't do that just just lift your hands close your eyes release the sound yes it will be partially you yes it will be yes it will be it will be partially in your control but god is going to fill it god is going to fill it with his intention and his meaning i see a lot of people commenting and encouraging people to release the sounds release the sounds trust the lord i see tear emojis alejandra i prayed in tongues wow wow god bless you alejandra i believe that was the lord emily larimore wrote thank you jesus dawn says yes it works hallelujah someone else encouraging people selka i prayed in tongues and goosebumps she said christian i prayed in tongues praise god lillian it is beautiful some of you are receiving isn't this awesome there are people receiving their prayer language right now this is so beautiful someone wrote that's how i learned well praise god uh servant of the lord said i began praying in tongues uh beatrice says my body is shaking susan said i'm not sure if it's tongues just again don't let that be in your mind right now christ alone now i start praying praise god isaiah clarke i prayed in tongues this is just beautiful to see this is one of my favorite things to see is people receiving their heavenly language and if you're watching on the replay let it be a public thing acknowledge that write it in the comment section i prayed in tongues what a wonderful blessing that is um i'm going to read a portion of scripture to you here before i do make sure you like the video give it a like whether you're watching live or on replay leave a couple comments make sure you share this and don't forget to subscribe to encounter tv on youtube click the notification bell when you do subscribe so you can receive alerts whenever we put out new videos i want to read something to you found in proverbs chapter 11. i'm going to read verses 24 and 25. give freely and become more wealthy be stingy and lose everything the generous will prosper those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed you know we look around the world sometimes and we perhaps even listen to the news they talk of the collapse of currencies the collapse of economies the collapse of political systems and it can all sound pretty scary in these talks of inflation and economic woes in the future and if we're not careful we can allow fear to kill the generosity in us hear this now this is so important because many christians fall for that trap of fear they go from faith to fear and it destroys generosity in their lives generosity is a key to fruitfulness to financial fruitfulness generosity is so key and if you allow fear to kill your generosity well then that's that's not a good place to be people look at their bank account they look at their bills they look at what they know they have to pay and they become worried well i can't send that 25 i can't send that 30 and they start to hold back why because they're worried they're worried that if i give this i won't have enough for that and that's not even everybody's situation some people are struggling that way others they're doing well financially and they say well i don't want to give just because i don't want to give in they're falling for that trap of the love of money but i want to encourage you to do what the scripture says and it says give freely and become more wealthy that's a promise from the word guys look you you have to understand this is in the word i'm just going to read straight bible to you look at this give freely and become more wealthy be stingy and lose everything the generous will prosper those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed it's right there on the word so i want to encourage you right now you're watching this live or you're watching a replay help our ministry continue to take the gospel all around the world let your generosity be activated that god might bless you and he will but you know why we give we give because we love him we give because we want to see souls saved we give because we love the work of the ministry and you are generous and you are giving and you are loving and you care about souls and you love the lord and i know you love this ministry so i want you to consider right now going to davidhernandezministries.com donate will you consider becoming a partner for thirty dollars a month will you consider giving a one-time gift of thirty dollars fifty dollars a hundred dollars some of you can do more there's a couple people watching you could do those thousand dollar gifts or even more we have very generous supporters from all around the world but give something don't give nothing give something if you receive from the word of god today give something to the ministry so that you can help us keep going and growing strong this is a powerful ministry that god is using i can say that because it's not mine it's his souls are being saved people are being healed delivered set free filled with the holy spirit and empowered for ministry this is something wonderful spirit family and you're all a part of it so become a partner today give a one-time gift or do both whether you're watching live or replay you can go to david hernandez donate but do something do something do something right now for the sake of the gospel again david hernandez ministries dot com slash donate go there now give a one-time gift or become a monthly ministry supporter or do both do one or the other or do both and do it now give a one-time gift 25 30 50 100 become a partner dollars a month a hundred dollars a month whatever you can do make arrangements make sacrifices but don't let fear kill your faith don't let fear kill your generosity the generous soul shall prosper that's a promise from the word that you can bank on he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed don't be afraid of the future don't be afraid of the future you're in god's hands and so you can freely give
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 45,849
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Keywords: Speaking in tongues, Speaking in tongues church, Speaking in tongues prayer, what is speaking in tongues according to the bible, What is speaking in tongues in the Bible, How to pray in tongues, How to speak in tongues, Speaking in tongues exposed, Sermons on speaking in tongues YouTube, How to pray, David Diga Hernandez prayer, Encounter tv prayer, David Diga Hernandez holy spirit, Speaking in tongues worship songs, Sermons on prayer YouTube, Praying in tongues, Tongues prayer
Id: N9N9csnyylQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 21sec (6021 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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