If I Die, Minecraft Gets More Scary...

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this is minecraft but if i go through one of these doors i die and everything gets scarier look at our scary bar that's increased once the zombies they look like humans oh this one has blood it kind of looks like they got their hands in the paint jar but this is a little bit more scary i'm gonna be completely honest wait what is that oh it's a creeper oh that was a little scary oh the creepers dude wait a second i did not see those obviously i'm still not what the heck was that we have to get to the door before we die otherwise unspeakable things might happen yes oh we're at okay we're second level of scary ladies and gentlemen we've been given a diamond sword and a shield wait a second there's two doors wait there's a third door wait oh something is wrong here do i want to touch this oh my god oh it's a mutant skeleton oh go go go i gotta find the no wait i died and things didn't get scarier so if i die regularly without dying to a door the world stays the same well surely all the doors can't be bad look this has got to be it this is the only door in the area and it's up in a tree oh please tell me this is enough blocks yes yes what tier three killed the queen spider okay all right you know what thanks queen spider for providing me with this gear you're so likable just like this video is that an explosion oh that thing is freaking cute oh i don't think my shield's gonna work oh it kind of works but the spider's so freaking big i've got the high ground spider queen it's it's useless what in the heck is this thing that it can move so fast and it's so big these mushrooms for whatever reason are conveniently holding these massive boulders can i use the string to make something string rope this is how i'd be custom all right boulder let's see if this works yes oh i'm gonna squash you yeah stay there my queen stay there yes not so scary now are you i was obviously never scared also look what spawned behind us take me away here four find the eight hidden pages oh no always watches no eyes what does that mean villager wait why is there a villager why is there a random green villager here okay nothing's behind me grabbing this i know this is gonna be scary what was that what is that what was that it teleported that wasn't a goal it wasn't am i seeing things audience hello i'm scared please subscribe to keep me at bay why does this page say leave me alone friendship is important paige what is that oh chase oh my god no yup okay this has got to be slenderman i played this game when i first started doing youtube how many pages are yet he left us alone so far i hated this game oh please let me get this yes is that cyberhead oh dude it sounds like it's getting closer to me that's gotta be siren head nope i'm getting my page and i'm getting out take any creature but me i have a wife i found the next page but it's next to siren head i'm eating this apple god dude hey hey there's somebody how are you doing i'm just here to give this you know i mean i just want to take a little okay if this is only level four scary how scary is this video going to get i got my eight pages buddy i'm being carried by siren head is he gonna eat me is he taking me back is he gonna mate with me what's happening i'm already married but he let me go why did you bring me to this tree there's a door you know sometimes i think siren head's just misunderstood tier five find five codes wait also i just want to go and point out a potential grammatical error is it scariness with a y or an i let me know in the comments i don't i don't know okay i've been graduating for a long time dude this looks like some kind of abandoned laboratory oh gosh wait but we've got a code oh nine baby nine is so fun okay this is actually gonna be easier than i thought what is that oh my gosh it's sprinting towards me oh wait he can't fit just in case maybe you should skip on eating as many people as if you've been eating okay six oh that's not the lord's number oh man i don't like this okay let's keep the order 96 it's a good number what happens if you reverse them nice what is this suspicious room there's numbers on the whoa oh hello hello oh hello i didn't expect him to be able to break snuff why are those poison potions three three three is the next number come on we're going upstairs right now i don't know man last time i looked inside this room there was that plague doctor guy but there's a note i have to do it okay 9-6-3-1 we are missing just one more digit wait i missed this room this is the one room downstairs i didn't see yes and ladies and gentlemen we've got another one which means the code nine six three one one sheep what are you doing what are you spinning on this chessboard uh okay well there is a conveniently placed chest with tnt dude they say curiosity killed the cat but i hate cats i have to know oh oh my god why did i do this oh please tell me this is gonna work oh they glitched through the blocks suck on this zombies we've got the codes the door is here ladies and gentlemen oh yeah what is that hold on hold on if i look at it it doesn't move how am i supposed to do both at the same time i only have two hands come on come on come on we have three more numbers to put in on this code go kill me yes tier six we have to build a bridge to escape look the door is on the other side we are still by the way two scary levels away from reaching the final level of terror in this video so you can't go anywhere and that's not a tactic to keep you around until the end great dude oh i hate mazes oh this is a bridge parts dude this is sick looking look at this if we have one part how many parts are there there could be so many more parts okay well that was good great diamond um yeah so bad things oh god beg you distract you killed my pig i'm not even gonna try to fight these guys nope what was that i heard a really creepy sound and then a bridge part spawned oh it's a blank nut no no no flight doctors leave me alone why are these bridge parts randomly spawning next to me is somebody giving me these oh god but dude i'm getting lost no it's that sound again every time i hear that service you bridgeport something is definitely feeding me these bridge parts oh this might be the last one come on baby yes a freaking i promise this thing gets bigger no no no can we use this thing please work yes oh gosh yes yes yes yes goodbye zombies i'll see you in tier seven the second to last tier defeat five video game dot exe bosses video game boss is very different than video game exe bosses i'm sure you and i will find out here in a second is that a poke ball like that is a poke ball oh man what's in the chest okay we got a pokeball oh it's a pokeball in the chest on top of a pokeball i mean what was that oh my god oh jesus save me jesus that is an exe boss okay boom oh yes actually i don't even want to catch this please die i don't want anybody to deal with this so i'm gonna kill it see ya idiot oh my gosh dude this looks like a castle do i really need to go inside god this place is looking oh what was that no dude there was something in there wiggling and it wasn't a cacti why are there bow and arrows here oh frick me dude what was that oh of course yeah i knew i know i saw something through the hallway what is this campfire oh oh that was that's what it was in the name of jesus die oh my gosh this thing is terrifying what is it doing it's not moving i see you back there buddy you're lucky i'm bad at aiming oh like that did some damage oh that did some damage stay back oh okay well it wasn't on fire but that's fine it's dead oh no no no the mushroom kingdom it's got to be mario oh and that confirms it the fire flower no that is not something we sell at firemerch.com but we should and you should buy from us because we're broke we're not but we'll be less broke we're not broke by please buy our stuff we got shirts squishies more what else could you ask for it's the least scary thing in your life what was that i was plugging merchandise and i oh it's scary mario oh he's shooting what are you doing oh you okay you could spit fire i could spit fire too buddy wait isn't mario invulnerable the fire did he die is he dead i think i killed him it's luigi all right dude honestly nobody really cares about you compared to your brother so i'm gonna make this swift okay buddy we're gonna make this real swift yeah yep i'm sorry dude i i just there's no game other than luigi's mansion which nobody even cared about i'm sorry yes that's three down two more to go wait a second dude wait wasn't i in this movie why does this look so familiar run from what oh i won't listen to sonic we can talk curse sonic probably the most terrifying boss we've seen so far oh i'm inside of dr robotnik's mouth this scotch thing ate some of this oh it has no effect he's too fast it doesn't do anything please oh wait he died oh it's because we beat him in a race let's freaking go what no no no no no i recognize that that's patrick's house that's squidward's house it's spongebob's house it's okay it's confirmed bikini bottom huh this is cursed this is i mean it's like they're how i can recognize the framework of their house oh why do i have a water blaster what am i gonna do with this okay what is this gonna do a versus a video game boss guys don't wanna get a water blaster i'm gonna get you wet so scary what is that wait it's just spongebob hey spongebob okay spongebob wait no no it's a prank why are his eyes so red hey spongebob what you've been doing that makes your eyes so red buddy huh we need answers no no no that's okay that's it spongebob stay back stay no safe stay back i'm doing this for gary he just exploded i killed america's favorite television character but that's all the bosses wait so where's the door oh no i'm not ready for this it's fine it's time for the scariest i'm closing my eyes tier eight look behind you
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,048,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: YdL2LeRMimY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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