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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called timberborne we're gonna be playing on the planes today because i have an idea it's an idea i tried in the past but it'll be exciting this time because i'm actually gonna function it if you don't know what this game is you control a colony of beavers who make a beaver city and it's pretty cool i like it still in demo and i've gotten a lot of really good comments and emails about how i can modify the game or different strategies to play the game and i appreciate everyone sending those comments but i'm not gonna really follow a lot of them i don't want to modify the game because 200 000 people see this and then they go to the game and then they break it and then they send it to the developers and developers like hey bro why did you tell everyone to break our game and send us feedback for game breaking bugs that are because he modified the game so hope you guys can understand that we are not going to be modifying game files just because i want to respect where the developers are going with the game and they're delaying it a little bit to add a bunch of features from the demo stage that they got which is really good i love it when developers focus on um community interaction and stuff like that so our little beer dudes are building their building uh the goal for this video i wanted to damn everything up i tried that i flooded the world i tried exploding things but i really just want to fill this thing up with water we do start with 15 explosives so if i make let's actually see if i make like a a waterfall from over here or like a river one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen haha we have just barely enough explosives to bring this water into this field so that's the goal today it's gonna be a little bit hard because beavers they can't go away from their stockpiles so we're gonna have to move everyone over slowly while continuously giving them food and water so we're gonna have to move our stockpiles and everything as we progress to i'm gonna call that the west now speaking of food and stuff we're gonna start up over here i don't really like doing this since we i want to abandon this side of the world um we do need the food and we also need water badly so i'm gonna put the water machine in right here doesn't even make sense because it's not really a machine and then i'm gonna build up this across here like such as this plop in a few water pumps to begin with that should do the trick that we do have this farmhouse that i'm actually gonna delete we don't need that and i'm gonna turn it around i kind of want three of them i know that's a little bit a little bit dumb we'll just start with two and then i'll probably move three over to this area because there looks like a lot of beautiful gorgeous farmland that we can work with also if we flooded this all of this area would flood that would be extra special and i also totally forgot to turn the trees on to get shop down whoops there they go little beaverlings eating up their things this one's name is mad tuna tuna's gross i really don't like tuna it's nasty like tuna fish sandwiches why why would you eat cold fish on a bread with mayo right you put it with mayo he's even worse i don't know how mayo could make anything better just nasty although i feel like wars have been fought over that statement so i feel like mayo i still love you don't worry just kidding i don't you're gross see now one of the weird strategies we're gonna have to deal with is stockpile management which kind of sucks never fun trying to manage stockpiles oh also food i forgot to put a gathers hud in now you might notice the builder flag it says employees builders extends range of building paths much less efficient than a builder's hut but it does the job and does not require any materials can be built by a jobless beavers also if you click on it you can see that it transports good between warehouses when idle we have to have warehouses there's a small warehouse there so if i make a bunch of warehouse chains they should auto magically transfer all the goods that's my hope anyway and then nobody's gonna die of thirst poisoning let's crank up the working hours to like 22. all right farmhouse number a has been completed it is time to start building up some fields we are going to plant carrots because i actually like in real life carrots are good so i'm going to do that they're a lot better in potatoes i don't know anyone who'd rather eat a carrot than a potato or other way around you know what i meant okay let's do this i need houses so baby beavers can be built because they're adorable now what i would like to do is have enough house area somewhere to put a house here oh let's just do this one so i can connect it and we're gonna oh we already have a house right here delete that what are my builders doing they're lazy slugs i tell you there they go lots and lots of stuff actually we still don't have houses we need more houses we need lots more houses also you don't need to work we're just going to get rid of you eliminate your position maybe you'll come work over here no you'll just go over here and start making science that's fine i appreciate you for doing that now let us do the dirt path this way and then over this way finally we start making our way to freedom the lake just have to make sure that our builder flag is in order and we build up a proper warehouse somewhere in here build a flag and a warehouse we also need to get this is weird one but we have to get water so like we have to have water to the water thing so they don't drown dry die they don't if you whatever the anti-water one is dehydrate thirst poisoning something like that kind of wish i should put in another gatherer's flag but i think we're all right i think we got enough here that we're good to go plus we're starting to get carrots so we've got that going for us hey noises your beavers are happier than ever jokes on them they don't know what happy is yet i should just try to make like beaver nirvana like the best place ever for beavers it's kind of weird i've never had that happen without having houses for all of them which i really should do because it's foolish not to um i have two houses which just means like a lot of people a lot of beaver people aren't even in houses yet so i'll do that real quick and this entire forest is almost gone which is amazing time to find more forest to murder and even more forest and more forest see this is the problem i was talking about earlier i've got this builder flag way over here but nobody's there because the only persons that live here in range i already have jobs so i have to keep moving the workers over by building lodges and i have to do that while maintaining a proper amount of food back at the main area which is difficult maybe i should slow down the production this way or you know just cancel the dumb stuff like building a road halfway across country that way beaver bro can pick up a log walk over here and then come and drop it down into the proper thing also be nice if this guy worked oh it is that same one never mind oh dang this ain't good at all we don't even have a worker on that gatherer flag someone died of old age which brings me down to 11 beavers i totally need more beavers maybe i have too many cutting down trees you guys you're fired go do something else we don't need those logs right now yeah there we go we need plants so i'm not gonna lie i'm actually a little bit concerned about this upcoming wet season or dry season oh we got the lodge built beautiful so 10 out of the 11 i'm building up a plant gathering thing here and then we should be able to start moving our little dudes over here a little bit yeah this looks good all right so stage number two now that we have stuff built over there we're gonna build a dam right across here blocks water just like a levee but it allows some water to pass through a spillway at the top which is a good thing also it's more expensive like arrows but we don't have arrows in this game oh no here comes the dry season i'm a little bit behind this is not good why didn't i build it one more up if i would have built it here i wouldn't have to make that one well we have we have one one of them built um maybe two of them no it's eight of 20. there should be plenty of logs here though we can build what seven more so we have enough just out of that one stockpile which is that entire forest i really want another person to be working right here maybe you uh oh hey oh we need two we need two there we go okay you can come back and play we need more science and we need two people to harvest and bad people i mean beavers i knew i was gonna be a little late on that that's unfortunate but we do have quite a bit of water here i think five of them should i pop in another water pump no not a water pump another water tank i don't know how many i need i'm feeling like that's enough okay the dry season is here they are not gonna fill this up fast enough i really should have moved this over so i could pump here too should have thought ahead that's hard to do sometimes oh there goes the river no okay we still have one never mind we don't have any water anymore water's gone yep that's too bad we did get this filled up so i'm happy with that and the growth progress of these is emptied we have 274 berries 72 carrots it's gonna be close it is going to be close is there any i don't see any crops to be harvested there there are a few blueberries up here to grab but that just means it is time to expand we can turn this off because nobody's gonna work on that we can turn this off because ain't nobody working there nobody's gonna need to gather from that and all the trees are dead here so we definitely don't need a lumberjack i really want to start exploding things too so we're going to do that if i can figure out where the exploding button is there it is dynamite i'm going to make dynamite and i am hoping that this is pleasantly in range so i could just chug right through here and blow everything up let's try it that's not good when they're hungry already oh man okay there is food in here evidently yeah we have some berries over on this side of the world i'm excited for that these guys might get hungry too oh they're so bored here go chop down more trees i'm sorry i told you not to is that full not quite oh they can't reach it never mind don't chop down trees okay the dry season has ended we are still alive just with 95 waters so not terribly that much but uh we do have quite a bit of food left i'm just hoping that water cascades through here nicely again here it comes yes my favorite part of the game watching the water come through and it gets everything nice and green kind of reminds me of minecraft water flowing a little bit except not making things green now we don't quite have that dam created yet but it will be shortly and it should hit just nicely and fall right through there beautifully oh that's fantastic everything's nice and lush and green again trees are starting to grow dynamite is being placed nicely and the dam has been completed that's great that is successful for our big beaver colony now we're building the explosives so we'll be able to build another dam in here and then open this up oh we don't want to build the dam yet do we is there a bridge a platform raised platform can act as a bridge or foundation on top of the buildings that's what i need let's buy that and i'm so excited for this it's day time now time to explode things yes oh that's great i don't know how beavers learned how to explode things but i'm glad they did let's go ahead and put that bridge right into here oh we're gonna need planks for that i totally forgot about planks um where should i do that it's got to be somewhere where i have lots of wood i'm gonna do it right here just real quick where we where we had lots of wood they're absolutely destroying my wood pile and they're walking around this that's okay too hot dang man this power wheel takes a lot of power and by power i mean logs 40 of them i was not expecting that look at this little dude he's carrying a water bucket how adorable he's gonna go fill that up so his friends don't dehydrate yes our planks are being constructed now good job zuljin first plank has been placed second plank has been placed the third plank has been placed and more explosives are being placed even better yay okay that one's in can i build a road on top of that now no i can't i guess it's just gonna act as a road all right we've got our stuff going on we got our lodge over on this side now it's time to plan out the city center um if i can get water in here which i'm hoping happens pretty soon then everything's gonna be good on this side of the world except we're still lacking food i really wanna know how far is gonna made green here too if that was words good news is that i can unlock the forester now i'd also like to get the builders hut because i've never actually done that so if i put the builder's hut here it really expands how things work and it'll be our new city center right here along the waterfront it does take a lot of planks though which we have most of same with this we'll have enough i'm a little bit concerned because it says it can't get all the required materials um we have x five explosives there we have zero explosives here so if i turn off explosives on this one can i move oh wait nope let's go to zero and then we can turn the explosives to this side yeah then maybe it'll move the explosives from here over to here can we have a hauler do that for me real quick that'd be cool i promise man i really hope they can make it over here i'm a little bit concerned because those explosives aren't moving and i think i think it's in what happens if it's like in that one corner right there and they're not touching i don't know can i make a different path like a shorter path would that do something different that's not really shorter but i'm gonna do it anyway that actually helped i'm not sure what part of it helped but we have explosives over here now this thing is entirely full wait i only want 20 berries in there guys and you just have a beaver just camped out laying on the ground silly beaver i really need more houses over on this side too there we're starting to move the berries over good no i really wish that some of these planks would get moved down where did the planks go hold up where the planks is i don't want planks over here ain't nobody want planks on that side we want planks down here give me the planks and just for the fun of it we're going to detonate these unless they're going to come build more i just really want to detonate things yes yes oh that is so satisfying watching that water fill in behind it we just need explosives over here okay i got the explosives i got some of them put over here and it looks like they're installing them yes yes yes it's gonna work there comes the second bomb i'm hoping that this fills up entire oh i can't get them all maybe maybe i can there's an explosive here you can do it somebody can i promise yes yes wait look the dude's carrying a little bomb in the package he's gonna put it in good job little beaver he's so excited actually i'm really excited yes ready for this here it comes the waterfall haha it's working it's working it's working i have created a flood i have flooded an area oh man okay let's speed it up because that's also exciting i'm hoping there's enough water flow that comes through this that it fills that second layer up too there isn't it's still filling though oh oh yes yes yes it filled that second layer up that's wonderful big stonks i'm proud of myself okay now we can expand now we have life we have greenery i don't know for how long but we do i'm going to make stairs which is kind of not great but i'm going to do it anyway my forester just got completed i'm going to start building some houses up over here i'm going to delete that road i'm going to tell my forester to plant this entire side of the world with birch trees even though he can't reach over there oh just in time for that wet season big yikes oh i don't know if i have enough food i don't know if i have enough water well i've got this big pond so that could that could work i do need to build up my houses just to make everyone come into the side i also want to demolish these just to see what happens if i fill that up because that's a big area back here we can flood this is a nice bustling little beaver city over here i love it it's actually functioning hey my beamers are happier than ever i am too we got the lake unlocked which is awesome i'm so excited for that lake i'm not too excited about this uh this dry season coming up because well we have plenty of food but our water supply sucks and it's a really really long wet season so or dry season so i don't know how much water we're gonna have i can also buy this but i don't have any gears or planks so i'm just gonna make lots of little ones all right dry season has arrived things are gonna be oh that's so cool like a little waterfall it's so pretty i like this game i wish the lake was like down in the front that actually might be the thumbnail with the waterfall coming down flowing into a big lake here and then the beavers on the other side of it with maybe a little beaver in the boat i like that idea you probably know you know the thumbnail before i do that's kind of exciting also what do you guys think of the thumbnails they've been pretty cool like she's been working really hard on them and i think they're really amazing lots of people have no idea how much work and effort goes into youtube videos there's a lot of stuff that happens behind the scenes as assumed the dry season has dried up the entire bottom side of the world we still have some plants that are being done everyone's harvesting those or they will in the daytime we still have a couple things here from the water that's left in this and this might actually survive the entire dry season oh i'm so excited if it does and i do want people to start moving from this side of the world over to the other so i'm going to shut that off uh that's already off that's off these planters are gonna be done pretty soon that lumberjack hut we can go away with that these are already paused and i might start deleting some of these houses over here so they move yep that one's already gone and then these ones aren't full yet so that's cool more water oh that's adorable this is so cool i love this game now somewhere around halfway through dry season number two this river dries up and i'm not sure at what point that is i think it's like right when the that bar hits the s but i think i'm gonna be okay i've got plenty of food we actually have stuff still growing which is amazing did is is still gathering we have plenty of food things are still growing dented is still gathering i feel like i'm in an endless loop should i stop i'm gonna stop i'm gonna grow up these and by grow i mean like build them but i put all my planks way over here which i don't want i told them to empty this so if they grab those planks they're just going to grab the planks and they're going to throw them away if i throw them away i hope they move them somewhere else but this one's full of berries so we might have to move those somewhere else and then all these beavers over here are just bored out of their mind because they don't have anything to build with because all of the planks got stored over here i don't want i told you i don't want planks in there go take them out please i have actually no storage at all that's the real problem there we go i found some trees to cut down this should help out the pro process i really need another storage facility because that one's getting full so we'll build this one here and then all of these trees are growing up too so i can chop those down and then all of our water facilities got built they're gonna start working on the farmhouse and then the small warehouse will be completed too very good very good new carrots are being planted and then i'll plant all of this area over here with more trees and then a big old tater farm what's tater's precious boil the mash'em stick them in a stew i kind of want to fill this area with berries just because there's something special about berries in this game the water oh hey look we still have water oh that's what i was hoping for very good okay so there's still a little bit of water i can still build this thing right here oh no let's build it right here okay so we still have some hmm i'm i'm happy for that i'm happy that we still have some water that means if i build this we can still survive fortunately i don't have any locks i don't have any logs and there we go the water machine is active we are pumping pumping pumping i kind of want to come down here and put in some um planting area for carrots like why not we could plant carrots right next to the river it seems like a good spot to do it and by river i totally meant lake i've been doing that a lot in this video like misrepresenting my words properly better not say anything stupid hey we did it we did it nobody died of starvation or poisoning oh that's awesome there were only 17 beavers alive though so i think the success here came from uh from having like small amount of beavers like we didn't have 70 beavers they were eating and drinking everything we just kept a lot we kept we kept a small group what's a group of beavers called i don't know we kept a small group we migrated them over to the lake because we knew the dry season was coming that was fun i hope you guys enjoyed it i'm not sure if i'm going to do another video of this until the game gets updated but if you haven't a great idea let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dickie james palo bunny auto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 292,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn blitz, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam
Id: zC_a9vNFhus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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