Building The PERFECT MONUMENT in Timberborn

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a beautiful game called timberboard you remember the game where we build up a beaver city with beavers and it's really fun and exciting and they're like what's what are we doing why are we playing this game again well there is a couple things uh the game got updated a little bit we're still in the demo free to play demo on steam and there's new like new colors and stuff for the buildings i wanted to check that out but there's also something in here called the monuments the laborer monument wow setup satisfies ah within seven tiles requires 200 logs and 1 000 science points now i haven't done this i've not built any of these these are actually some of these are really incredible check that tribute to ingenuity i don't even know what it does but it looks incredible but i really want to try to build this laborer monument so that's what we're going to do i'm going to try to use all my beaver building skills and build up the best beavers possible that's the objective anyway so i'm going to queue up a few jobs get everyone to start chopping down the trees because trees are evil let's not lie about that yup all gone oh i don't care about these actually nope sorry deleted goodbye trees all right little beavers you gotta do your thing please work please build all the things they're they're doing it okay you know what we can actually increase the priority of things now which is pretty amazing and we don't have what's wrong with this why is there that thing no storage in range that's because this isn't created yet work faster beavers there we go now these guys the lumberjack beaver is going to chop down the trees and the other beavers are going to start building things because that's what they do and one of the first things i'm going to get is these things i want two of the adventures hut so we can start inventing things like science points so we can make that monument of ingenuity it's a fun word to say i also really want the farmhouse because well we need it we need a bunch of logs and we're gonna put that up to higher priority get some fields going on if i can find them it's been a while since i played here we go field number a and we're gonna work 20 hours a day because we're beavers and we don't need to sleep and just like that zero koi here is sleeping i wish there was a beaver name i could should find one should be a beeper named blitz yeah that'd be a fun beaver name that'll be good we'll have a beaver named blitz can i rename them oh i can you can beat blitz you're gonna die i'm so sorry there we go okay there's two guys here that are starting together berries one of them we're starting to gather berries turn down the number of builders in the builder hut so some of this stuff gets populated and let's go ahead and start throwing in a couple water tanks because well water's good it helps us drink also these things are expensive so we'll put those on my lower priority and increase these inventory huts yes little carrot master plant us the carrots our heart desires also we need houses so little beavers can be made there we go inventors huts are going nicely and i can tell the the colors are a little bit different a little bit more yellow looks more natural i like it now we do have plenty of range up here so i'm gonna pop in some houses up on this side of the world good one house is created and we already have a baby beaver in there adorable all right this might sound like a dumb idea oh you know what uh before i do dumb ideas let's do the woodworking we're to unlock the forester yes i want the forester now if i pop down a forester probably in the forest would be a good spot for a forester you'd think then i can go ahead and plant a bunch of birch trees all the way up over here and schwoop perfect that looks good maybe okay let's not let's not birch tree this side of the world or we could do this one yeah because i can't click today good oh nice our carrots are green constructed too constructed they're growing carrots grow they don't get built unless it's like soylent carrots which should be strange i don't like that idea hey your beavers are happier than ever yeah they haven't been alive very long that's probably why they're happy and i entirely forgot that the forester needs planks so we have to build that i'm gonna build that up here i think let's chop down these trees because they're gross and stuff no dye trees we don't really need much power in this early version of the game i could do the water mill but yeah i need to build the carpenter it might work this might be okay and we'll shove in a water mill right next to it just like a soap that work can they do the thing where they do the thing it also looks like we are out of storage area yeah capacity is maximum we have explosives though so that's good this water wheel takes 50 logs to construct that's incredible amount of logs come on water wheel come on water wheel get building faster oh boy two new babies were born wonder how that works but even more excitingly that was the last of it nice we have a carpenter now somebody please care you know what please become a carpenter oh you dummies please become a carpenter i need a carpenter yes no joke that construction down there that carpenter shop with that water wheel that's pretty cool looking look at that like there's the the big grindstone at the top maybe something pulling uh i don't know probably a big saw blade but how do they have metal maybe they use teeth maybe they just stand on it and their teeth go around in circles like a saw blade it doesn't even make sense but i'm going to go with it we also have 300 science points which is probably enough to build this mind you're just kidding haha requires a thousand yay they're happy you're never times five now it looks like a lot of our buildings are actually getting constructed we just need a few more planks oh we got a lot come on dudes get this working we depend on it yes we need a forester now somebody to come plant the trees who's gonna get a promotion maybe one of the babies that grows up can they can they become my you know what i'm gonna fire you can you become yes qui-gon jinn he's gonna be our he's gonna be our new forester i feel like that timing was pretty good we are planting up the trees they take quite a long time to grow we have a couple extra trees here for our beavers still to cut down all of the area is good so there's a lot of stuff they can still do most of our buildings are completed which is awesome and now i think that means i'm gonna build a dam across the river in addition to the dam we're gonna build this wooden stairs and we're gonna put that down right here might seem weird but i like weird oh yeah i knew it i knew dry season was approaching i sensed it i'm just hoping they can get this uh the stamp built before it happens it ain't gonna happen they're not gonna get it in time it's gonna be so close i don't think they're gonna get it though maybe not before the dry season anyway that's fine because after the wet season we'll be able to cut all of these down and then plant up new tree farms over on this side of the world and we're gonna work 24 hours a day because that's what beavers do i don't actually know that are they nocturnal are beavers in real life nocturnal oh dry seasons here this sucks everything's gonna die stay with us river please don't go away oh it is so stinking close yeah on second thought i kind of want that river to actually dry up so i can plant explosives in the riverbed and they all just collapse because they forgot to sleep in their houses that's why you work 24 hours a day get up get up meal water stopped flowing oh no oh no no no no no no no not dry season oh no well the good news is i can unlock dynamite and i can start placing it down periodically that's the word through here so when i pop these must be built on dry ground if i pop these dynamites it makes a little hole in the ground which is kind of exciting because i like blowing things up i'm just hoping we have enough water to make it through the winter or the dry season oh wouldn't it be cool to have a winter month in the game too where it actually froze over how neat would that be all right let's pop these open detonate detonate and i definitely want these over here to be detonated yes just because these make up nice little beautiful areas for our plants to grow we're going to turn these off to uh i do want the harvesting because there are some carrots that are ready but i want really i want beavers to do this okay someone is here let's harvest so we can still gather the blueberries from those and we have eight explosive yet so i'm gonna pop some on this side too good news we have dynamite over here beautiful all right we got two left do i want to use it anywhere specifically i'm gonna use them up here oh no oh no water's coming back oh no not the water again no i was just blowing things up oh please work yes yes build progress that one's flooded dang well we'll cancel that nice it worked pretty well oh no okay uh detonate that one nice it will detonate this one beautiful the wet season is back excellent now we have beautiful dry things now i can come to this side of the world and make all sorts of fun stuff mainly just one of these guys and i do want to make a hauling thing if i can ever find where that is hauling post there we go i also want a building post over here not metalworking okay a builder flag right there and then we will put in another forester in the woodworking okay forester nice i just want to make sure they go a long way right there's fine you know what let's cancel this and i'm going to centralize the forester a little better i'll put the hauling post over here because we can we're gonna slap in two more lumberjack flags right there and one right here and then fire up some more housing i'm gonna actually build a stair up i think there's nowhere i can stare up i wonder there actually is isn't there okay if i build a platform it's a hundred science points it's expensive i can build a stair and then a platform and a stair and another platform and another stair maybe i hope nice they're chopping down the trees i didn't realize they could come across here i'm going to demolish i don't know this one and then i'll build a platform across it like this maybe eventually you're probably saying blitz why are you wasting so much wood over here well the answer is because i want to build the houses up here on this dry ground so i don't waste all of this ground oh hot dang our beavers are dying oh no no no no no they're dying of lack of water poisoning oh balls that's not good here you go away i need people to work here prioritize building why are they not working why are we not working here hey hey oh there we go kermit hay is gonna work no no no no no no no no no back to work we don't want to die right now ain't nobody dying on my watch except for that one who died over here okay that was scary i didn't realize that job got turned off too poor to pay attention i guess all right look at that we got stairway all the way up to heaven up here and i can build this over and then we'll just build in a bunch of housing i like this idea i like it a lot i'll lock it i lock it a lot perfect and then those little beer dudes can work on this side of the world and they're going to be my workers and i will call them squishy and that was a massive death six buildings i lost so many beaver dudes okay we don't oh i can't i gotta keep my inventing going because i have to have enough stuff okay we can turn i don't know what i can do we can turn this builder hud off it'll give me two we need four we definitely need people working in the farm houses we're gonna turn these off because those are kind of a waste of time okay there we go we need someone working here we don't need this one because we have 21 planks already um i just need the basics done oh yeah sorry you guys can go to bed again so you can make baby beavers that's what happens in beds if you're wondering i can't believe i had so many beavers die look at that look how many died here that's terrible that was three okay that's not as terrible as i thought it was yay some of the beavers grew up that's awesome okay i'm gonna build like a buttload of trees actually before i blow that up maybe i should go down in here just real quick fast and in a hurry and place just like a couple of explosives this also sounds bad but i'm gonna do it i'm gonna kill off all these berry bushes and eventually when they get time they're just gonna rip them out that's my thought anyway and i can demolish this and i can plant in more crops along the shore that's my goal anyway that way with these holes in the ground that i did they should be able to work nice and then i can get a little bit more water down here all right let's check this out i have how many explosives i have one that's not really enough for anything so i'm just gonna place that there and then we're gonna open that up all right we have a butt load of water too oh should i get the bigger no i want this one but i can't because that's not available in a demo harper derp okay we're gonna go like this we're just gonna make a lot of water things because we're gonna need them and i feel like another water pump is pretty much a necessity too oh look more explosives yay oh they work underwater okay i'm gonna turn this back on maybe somebody can work on it oh wow our warehouse is full i did build up another warehouse here they're going to build some of this stuff together and all the houses on this side are good too so we have plenty of adults and children and they're still not unemployed hopefully we can get some more people working in here and i feel bad for wasting this crop space so we're going to kill these and build up a road to go behind the world and then fill this with water tanks yes this is better and i'm getting scared that i'm not gonna have enough science points so more science another inventor's hut do i really want another forester over here that's my question right now i think i just want more people building in the farmhouse and by people i mean cute little free beavers and i have a buttload of wood i mean that one's a hundred percent this one's almost a hundred percent i don't really need anything here except if i wanted to build a really cool super amazing dam which i could right i could flood the whole world and it'd be exciting realistically i just really want this monument hey we got water flowing in here that's pretty cool look at that i could damn this i should damn this how far does this builder flag go all the way to here hmm they can walk over on that side so that's kind of cool we'll see how far they can build the road before i have to build more stuff oh look more explosives yay that was a good one that was satisfying that is one big beautiful bodacious field look at all them trees i feel like it's working oh why are we building this up though because there's no builders in the builder head where's the baby beavers make me more beavers and where's blitz the beaver i don't see him anymore i didn't get the message that he died no oh i didn't get the message of dry season is here oh no okay well that's fine uh we don't really need to build a dam over there anymore i guess so we'll cancel that and luckily for us it looks like all of our fields are nicely irrigated i like what i see oh this is wonderful everything's irrigated we also have 950 science points so i get to build the monument of blitz topia pretty soon look at this guy he's so excited up here he's like oh boy we could build a monument soon and all of our wood stockpiles are full so that's awesome too hmm where should i put another one i don't know i feel like over here is a good idea so they don't have to walk as far but i do wonder a lot about the uh that stuff going on any more builders i need more builders this might not be good we're gonna turn you off we're gonna turn you off i have lumberjacks here already don't i yep and i'm gonna turn you off and you off everything was going so good until blitz realized he didn't have any more water for his people and by people i mean beaver people but this is a really good trick dropping the tnt down in the corners yeah look at how good the idea that was oh we're so close to the science too so close to having the science and then once this bar is done it's demo over so we're getting really close we have to build that as soon as i can uh huh come on just a little bit more i guess i can cancel this because ain't gonna get there in time come on science yes science okay i can do it monuments we get it the laborer monument oh hot dang that's cool looking um where do i want it i don't even know where i want it i'm feeling like right here might be a good spot maybe right here no where's on my workers you know what let's delete this building so we don't need that anymore and then we'll shove it in there yeah we'll put it right in the heart of the science industry i like that idea there you go there you go dudes build it build it 200 logs thankfully i have 267 so everyone's just going to go to town throwing all the logs into it look at them go look at all those little beaver people i'm just really concerned that we're not gonna have enough water once this thing dries out entirely but it'll be okay because i'll have the labor monument completed maybe they're destroying all of the trees oh man okay we do have enough logs probably this thing yeah this thing's got plenty of a minute three more logs three more logs come on one more yes there it is oh we did it we got the beaver statue of beavertopia that thing looks cool does that have like i wish you could make it a house for the king the beaver king wow i can just click on that all the time that's amazing we inspired ah i wonder if i can build a second one that would be fun should i try building a second one oh i don't know i don't have enough time oh they're working over here now i don't really care that you guys work over there because everything is done and stuff i mean you could put it no just not oh you have to that sucks i do want to damn over here just for science purposes build it oh no oh no that's a bad day when blitz dies of old age i never want that to happen oh the beavers are happier than ever yeah oh no oh no things are drying out a little bit more that's not so bad because we still have water pockets hiding yes it's working and everything literally everything is at 100 capacity full of carrots because i've got 500 of them which is amazing this is actually pretty good though the river is nice and clear we have plenty of trees growing in there some of our fields are still irrigated and all the very bushes would be too and i kind of destroyed them we don't need anyone working there beaver has no jobs times five really well let me increase the amount of forestry commission that we have going on here and i could do all the birches i kind of like the idea of birching everything over here like like this because i mean there's something very satisfying about it and then we can turn on the lumberjack flags again lumberjacks and then we build up a lot because we're beavers we need wood and stuff i think that's what beavers need i've never been a beaver before you know what these guys need i know what they need let's clear this area right here and we will give them a monument of laboring because they like that over here too there we go another one oh yeah and if i click back and forth wow wow wow wow i love it it's so simply satisfying i just think stupid things like that are stupid and i love them it's not stupid it's cool i like it a lot you know what i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna delete that water pump because we aren't gonna need it just so i can get a better look at what this thing looks like yes and it's probably gonna be our thumbnail no joke something like that just with a giant beaver there probably a blue background that will have like water in the front i like that idea that thing looks so stinking neat though for like doing nearly nothing yeah and just because i feel really bad i feel like i should plant back uh these things a nice little field of berry bushes because i did murder them all and all their children and everything and it was sad i mean it wasn't sad for me but it was sad for the berry people hey we did it we only had 17 beavers alive i guess the cap is 20. there's 15 born nine dyed logs 1 200 logs and 1 200 carats that's pretty cool anyway guys hope you enjoyed our video today of timberborne if you did go ahead and wishlist the game on steam and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason 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Channel: Blitz
Views: 223,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn blitz, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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