DEFENDING the VIKING Homeland - Bad North Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome to brand new game called a bad north this is a strategy game where you take the role of a bunch of Vikings trying to defend your homeland well or going into other homelands kind of weird you'll get the hang of it really soon game coming up on Steam pretty soon all the link down below in the video description if you want to check it out where are we playing on normal mode today and I am going to skip the tutorial cuz I put a few hours into the game already and it is absolutely amazing alright this is your home of word Vai and our goal is to take these little dudes and defend our island against these dudes over here all right so let's do it we're going to move up to the shore bring both of them up you see I love the sound effects and the music to the game it looks like he's gonna come in right here so let's move over or drop you back because when the boat comes in it does a little bit of a stun all right they've landed let's move up Oh Vance we're dead we defended our first island our first wave the island after we beat the island these will give us coins we can use that to level up our troops I'm gonna move back again like that looks like that could be a pretty good ascent yeah we'll get this come on in it picks up quite a bit to a game gets pretty punishing but it's still really really awesome alright little dudes you've made it oh that's so sad if you do lose if your troops do die including the guy in the center then I mean they're gone they're dead zone so you can't really do anything more you can go recruit more and I'll show you that in the next screen here I'm gonna move you back a little bit try to defend our house if you have six guys coming in we have nine 18 of our units okay hold up hold up ready and they're in um go go go oh I was probably too bad oh they sent me that's fine we still won we have the victory has been taken so we had five coins we can use that to level up our dudes let's just send all five to one to begin with it will continue one alright this is your home we were going to my kins next yeah that looks good we do need to rest as our commanders are available and you can see that there's the wave coming behind us we're not allowed to live past that if I click on these guys we can level them up we can turn them into archers into soldiers or into pikemen as soon as we have six coins so let's just move up to this one it's like it had four houses for us to defend yes there's one two three and four let's deploy the map and let's check it out all right so if they come over here they can't actually get up so that's pretty good place to defend and oh look at this this whole way over here - all right this is a pretty good one I like this love to see where the Vikings come in and we oh they're coming from this way all right where to move you over the first roll is here if they land on the back of that side it's like a really really easy attack for us okay I'm gonna move there they're gonna come in and as soon as they land they're probably gonna grab their torches and start burning down our church here oh okay we're here move in move in ah you're not allowed to destroy my buildings oh we got another one coming up this way this is what I love we have a nice chill point there's no ladders for them to get up and once they land we'll start coming in one by one through that little tunnel and we'll destroy them perfect oh nice a double load coming through they did kill one of my guys so we'll switch our groups I never mind that one has two missing we'll bring you up that'll work aha the final wave is coming right after this they still come through a little bit of time out guys are nasty we've destroyed them pretty good it will bring you up here wow those guys hit us hard and Oh nope nope nope we got to bring him down here okay it might actually lose a guy this is bad this is really bad okay there is there's six of them and we have eight of us great Hey March March March okay take them out oh no they got torches take em kill him get him get him get him think about yes we did it whoo what it didn't burn down all the way perfect that's surprising we had one little guy left here okay Oh get on a lot of coins today let's give this guy one one we'll turn him into an archer and yes we can do six we have one left we'll just give it to you perfect we can level both these guys up now oh and that little red banner down here allows us to pick up another person but we can go to rat Isle next but what I want to do is level Kelvin up and we'll put Kelvin into a Archer well by that upgrade and Irwin here we'll make him a infantry very good so we're gonna rat Island here and we'll try to defend it this looks pretty good looks pretty good not terrible I'll see what we can do all right we got our archers I like putting the archers up on the top have we got the guys with the shields the shields do block Archer arrows so if there are any archers against us we'll have to make sure to get our shield guys up front here we go we got these guys over here I'm gonna block them like this and we're gonna make it so they're gonna come in here and we'll just be able to shoot them take em out archers take them out use your range attack there it is oh that squeaky sound aha archers are so deadly oh yes okay who's next oh the same place well maybe not oh I can't tell if he's landing here or there it looks like it's right here regardless we should be able to take a few out beforehand we one down oh it is over here two down yeah marchers yes good work okay archers come over here now never bring you back to here bring you up one and they should take these guys out really quickly too Oh perfect archers are overpowered in the early game move them across yes also if there's a long boat like that one I think we could flee if we had a problem nice nice oh just destroy them all I think we can oh that's the flee button right there we don't have a big enough ship yet it's probably a bad idea because there's nowhere for these guys to plead to I want to take him out first yeah they're gonna attack come back oh we got another room up top great oh they're going up top to burn our house down you guys up go go go go oh those archers go nice we did it and didn't burn down poop so we only got four a warhorn item that sounds cool we can get four let's give them all to here and we'll continue all right I'm gonna go oh man I'm gonna go to vigor next I think we could go to stack let's see this will move up hmm I don't really want this other other group yet let's go up to vigor after we the rest of turn maybe not maybe stack is the way to go because if there's four buildings here but only one on this one and I want to get that or that let's check out what this warhorn does calls instant reinforcements from a house ooh I like that that would be good I'll use that up okay I'm gonna go to stack yep stack it is whole deploy up on this island this looks good I like this one especially at this high ground up here where oh where are the Vikings at earlier right over there oh they got shields okay so I'm just gonna leave you up not the best I don't like attacking shielded or defending shielded guys let's move you over one more cuz they block all the arrows alright come on in he's made it move it attack nice work nice destruction we got another group I'm gonna let him come up a little bit and here he is ready tech mode boom in nice nice nice yeah we got a double row over here let's bring you down here and you up here try to get some of these guys out before they attack us okay the final wave is incoming oh come on archers come on archers no our just did nothing nice work archers did nothing that wave okay whatever move over I feel like this needs to be a double wave here but we're all right and that item that we got we use that and it instantly brings people in so we get more people coming over and otherwise it takes a long time to heal or to recruit different houses nice work so we still got the three coins from it - if you were wondering that okay and I'm gonna give you 12 just so I can get that leveled up Archer okay I'm gonna go down to shape and say and there is a local commander he wrote right axis map I forgot I'm gonna level you up level you up to veteran our deals death remove afar but struggles with close encounters that's okay higher accuracy let's go get this guy deployed moded yes there's the local militia ready to fight on our side yeah we got a big boat coming in let's move you up we'll move you down and you down watch eats archers just rip these guys apart guessing there's not even gonna be any one that gets to ashore come on archers don't prove me wrong a nice word there's double kill oh never mind someone got short not many though one day that poor little fella we got to go to the other side now here it is moving in come on archers Oh beautiful beautiful first of all a little monsters big mouths they let my house on fire who's next who gets to see the wrath of the Blitz dopey at Empire you do archers attack there might they occasionally can get a kill see this stuck in the code stuck in the shield oh okay Gordon ship very nice very nice see how easy that was we got a double squad going in here and I think our archers will take them off maybe not they need to be upgraded again maybe final wave oh my word his archers are proving me bad oh that was good see that's what we needed other side okay this is the final wave move up we got it now the game does start to get pretty complex later on as more and more waves come through we should oh there's a long ship right there we should be getting very difficult enemies soon the giant Vikings I think they are hey move in nice work victory again then we get a lot of coins and we got another commander on our team - all right I'm gonna give you six that we can turn you into pikemen we have one left skitter one going I think I can make it I think I can make it to Hester so if I go to pepper horn that's what I was afraid about I want to go here then across the swing but I have to level you up into becoming a pikemen first yes pikemen time okay this looks fine looks a little bit of rough we'll see how it happens okay the pikemen are really really cool they're like avoidance interesting get up top this is a little bit harder to defend we'll see what we get okay we got oh we got the big ones oh maybe not let's bring you down here it will bring you across here are they big another regular size watch these pike been destroyed though this is amazing well watch the archers destroy and then the Bayou missed eeeh nerds good work two down and Oh missed it ah pikemen oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I didn't see them getting faster good job they stopped just in the nick of time bring you over come on down here and I want you down here - oh we got shielded ones I'm gonna bring you over Oh No well I guess it'll have to work ah get in there I'm gonna stun a little bit knock back Oh massacre oh okay I want to bring you over here with you and we'll bring you down to here take that first hit just need to get those archers working we got a bigger area to defend here come on archers take them out nice work I'm concerned ready get stunned a little bit that's okay we're all right there we're all right here we're good we're good final wave okay and then or take you over and we'll take archers up these guys never know hope for survival today no hope they're gonna tech here he poked it once a victory we got like seven more coins I'm gonna go to Hester next so it looks about the same as the rest of them I can level up I could put some points into this guy or this one I think it was but I don't want to yet I want to level him up to 20 coins first and then we can improve them again who what are these guys archers okay it's what I was concerned about archers coming in cuz these guys are weak and these are weak to archers but are shielded ones are okay yeah we took it up we took an arrow to our shield Hey oh there goes my archers hey some down boys chase them down ha ha nice work and we got the same thing happening let's bring you in we have another group up here I'll bring you over these guys shouldn't have no problem getting hit from two sides there they go oh no this is not good so the problem oh no this is the problem with the pikemen Oh mad bat bat bat come up you little monster problem with pikemen okay now I need you to replenish your good dessert there I'll bring you over and the archers are no problem no problems oh hey over here ha ha hey I think I think we just killed a guy the one died we got more archers now shoot damn gonna replenish you from here oh I was going to use your special horn oh oh oh yeah this is not gonna call back ok wait oh there's stuck there's stuck EEP right away hey no I can't kill him there you ready are you ready yes go archers Oh Archer down then do it nice ok we got more archers Wow what's with all the archers today in a final way of incoming oh this is it not gonna be too good for catchers that's ok we got it we got it now he's just showing a guy into the water a little monster ok come over here good thing we leveled him up let's bring you down over here hey I'm gonna bring you in here uh-huh alright arteries get a couple kills get a couple kills nice nice nice go hey yeah Jack we did it victory again dude we got a warhammer item sounds nice somebody give you a few more points there's the one I wanted okay so you'll have twelve and then we have four left let's upgrade you guys next okay Irwin needs to upgrade his infantry and I'm gonna give the Warhammer here to these guys so the war emmert is like area attack on one square this looks pretty good we got new shields our dudes have new shields so it looks great and move you up just in case here's the first group three a little larger it's coming towards oh you shot me you're supposed to shoot my games here ah nice you have nowhere to go now one more one more one more felt like we got hit by somewhere else okay we got oh this is a big round not bad that'll be good will flank I'm with my archers switch positions I want this but fix we have a big planes here that there's no houses so these guys are gonna come right into our plank here there they go oh my word how's that look looks pretty good against three little innovating Vikings they won't have a chance are they Vikings I don't even know aha stab him real hard ah okay now we go over here now they might try to hit my archers I don't know if I like that position they're in if we can kill them beforehand yeah Oh perfect nice I knew it Hey oh the same spot perfect oh no not just the same spot bring you over bring you over archers up Hey archers up oh boy this is not good this is not good oh all right we might lose some arches here okay we need troops in it let's bring you up top hey that worked that worked that worked yes yes we did it okay we got a few more coins let's see if we can get up - yep there we go oh that's the advance that's a powerful one but we can upgrade the Warhammer let's just do that one quick and then we'll level up you the rest of it okay that'll work let's get this advanced move pike charge charge your Pike's across the straight line I saw some and now we're gonna go to muckle scary and we're gonna know their item I always like these ones with the high clips like this cuz it makes it hard for everything to get up plus you have these little areas that are good for archers up to see where the Vikings come in it okay they're coming down here we'll do that and we'll do that and we'll do that it's a pretty big group we have some nice cliffs to defend against though there's what eight people archers oh come on there we got one yay yay archers go yeah arches Oh money that's awesome destroyed the other side we have archers over here we'll just leave our our pikemen on the other side I don't think this will be an issue whoa we got skewered these guys must be upgraded upgrade our archers chase him down we yeah we're getting another attack here this is why I wanted um let's see I kind of want to switch we have time cuz the pikemen can defend this spot really really well we got time okay we do have the Horde we can use we'll have to move in we didn't even need the pikemen over there yeah well let this guy land the bull charge it that's a pretty nasty attack right there we got to go to the other side of the office you whoa skewer tamal can't bring you down here got a height advantage we'll move you into there we'll bring the pipe in there and i think i'm gonna use this horn to call from here just begin her a couple more people back we're bring you back one you guys need a land and then we charge in good work good work good yes that's all they're coming in the same spot yay archers know what to do with two long boats full of bad guys oh this isn't even the final wave oh what a what a massacre that was oh we got big arches on the other side okay we'll bring you down shoot and you over here let's bring you down here archers yep that was that was easy it's busy easy peasy lemon squeezy yeah we only got oh there's another one down there we got eight new coins and a bomb yay I like the bomb so I can't quite level up this which I'm going to wait for but I can give the bomb to the archers which is good Bob so it's an explosion that you can throw it seems pretty good to have it with those guys let's go here here and then these are bad Islands so I'll just grab these for the extra coins well there's a big long ship full of baddies we'll take them out real quick they'll land right between us archers in the wait I mean it's only six guys give me a little more challenge than that oh five hey we made it to shore oh that was easy okay other side we got archers you guys are mean try to shoot my little guys oh nice Bali perfect volley only the sides that boat coming in you know over here that's a gigantic boat of gigantic proportions um let's go you guys have right here archers below this could be bad and there's a lot of dudes coming in I think we got our archers leveled up up top we can also use the bauble I'll show you guys what the bomb does now ready get set and as soon as these guys get off little Chuck the bomb down should be here now oh just read so many of them ready go Hey missed it those too late that's okay we still destroyed them all archers over here okay this is not a too bad of a fight either now I could use I was gonna use like a hammer attack nice Oh dirty hole look at all these dudes okay we need to get back to battle positions all wrong wait you guys need down here and now I can use that pike charge I'll have you fun wow I've never seen I don't know if I've seen four boats like this lined up I should try that Pike charge see where these guys go yeah they're gonna go this way oh I can't charge over there well that's easy enough oh this is bad war horn reinforced beds yay war horn for the win we don't want to lose these guys either that could have been very bad we're gonna lost all of the coins and all the money we loved those guys up with and look at all the coins we got in this one beautiful okay they'll give me that one do we have six seven eight nine left yeah we'll do that so we can level this guy up with the Pikes and then we can level our Archer up next I could go back and get that one no I don't want to do that cuz I ways to turn we'll just go forward well keep marching forward we want to get as many of these islands as we can oh shoot I forgot to level them up height might written pikemen and I need 20 for the elite archers this is interesting up here that's a little tunnel you can walk underneath isn't that cool oh wow look at these ships coming up top let's go see all those aren't as big as I thought they would be are they gonna really go to this one spot it looks like it pinky they're gonna land on the same one right in front of my pikemen and that's gonna go very very very badly for them goodbye Oh dirty I love it okay we got some archers over here bring you up bring you up and we bring you up six archers there should be nothing for our troops comes our Archer volley in perfect this looks great Oh No looks like we have more archers over here it's just not good I don't like this little island here we're they gonna land Wow if-if-if a regular unit landed here like the the they calls like these dudes landed in this area there would be a total massacre when they tried running through here good work oh they're coming this way more archers come on by Archer take them up say well pastor I was trying to land in the mud puddle I did it yeah there's only three houses here so that's six more coins um not quite you need to get you up to 20 look at this cute little island it's so tiny and cute we should almost defend it against evil monsters and attack us it's almost looks like the first island we ever played okay we got was those four guys we'll bring in the archers to kind of cross attack them and those were easy sorry I didn't talk through that one bring you up we'll bring you in archers come in oh oh yeah a single Archer on a boat how cute is that nope don't be this guy's though then this could destroy like totally and entirely destroy this whole army yeah Oh what what you hit what we're here take em up take em out I said take em out yes uh three dudes here we'll get that Flint going with archers he get it get it good work good work work yes come on over and it says final wave incoming oh we got five ships coming in this is good no okay that's awesome isn't that cool I think we can do it if we play it this way I need to back you up Oh Tech here now started by building gunfire Oh No archers archers archers archers defend the archers down get him get him get him aah attack him I said we surrounded him he's dead he's dead Jim you killed him ok now is that enough it is perfect we got the elite archers so I'm gonna level Kevin Kelvin up to an elite Archer buy that upgrade and I don't think he can get any higher than the elite Archer we're gonna go to muckle row here we're gonna not do that one because it only has two houses and there's like one set of four here so if I can bump into here and go through without this wave catching up to us I think that'll be better so let's just avoid pay P and we'll do this beautiful beautiful map come on troops I mean this isn't that cool looking like that right there that's thumbnail material for the video that might actually be the thumbnail cuz I love it so much but way these guys coming in okay so our new guys aren't that exciting they're pretty small they don't really have much going on for them I mean they don't have anything I want to use that charge use that charge attack up this would be fun there goes the archers why do the archers have to ruin the hey stop it stop shooting them we have to charge ah ready get set go charge that was awesome Oh what are these what is this I don't like it we got big brutes here okay what do we have we had we have the grenades up there whoa so the our arrows just bolts out they are doing damage okay that's good you don't come down come into our pikemen yes all that music got creepy okay lots of lots of shield men here I don't like that either you know what I do have these guys have that hammer we're gonna use that to rip some people apart we also have that bomb oh can we not throw the bomb down here oh we can I think so as soon as they land oh let's throw it now ready it's set Oh still move is just slow enough yes oh that was beautiful that was perfect oh we got more guys coming in here I wish i oh they that has a cool down timer he not just at one's time for a game we might actually get it when these guys land Oh hurry up I want to do that again that was so cool oh we don't even need it her shoes are too good what oh that was that was cheap oh we got bad guys again Kate come on down here come on down here and archers up top I want to use it on oh I got it yeah we're gonna end up with the hammer too look at those arrows going in I'm gonna smack him with the hammer I think give him a little hammer time here it is and grab out how how we knocked a guy off yes oh we got more we got more okay this is all right this is all right we can do this these poor guys up here they're just newbies they didn't know anything oh wait you back up you back up now we're gonna hit him come back here we're gonna hit him with the good old-fashioned choo-choo train of death the Pickett's Charge Oh we might actually kill it with the archers Oh final wave okay we're just gonna let these guys die come on sticks we got a final wave coming in easy easy I love the music this game is awesome you ready a big ugly's choo choo choo right - that was great yeah we get money money's so we didn't get six more money I think I'm gonna take up a win here and then so I can give him a shield I wonder how far like how far this game goes I'll tell you why guys that'll wrap it up for today's first video of this beautiful game called bad north if you enjoyed I'll let me know go ahead and check out the link down below in the video description and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,679,050
Rating: 4.9002271 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, bad north, bad north gameplay, bad north game, bad north part 1, bad north ep 1, indie game, august2018, BNS01, viking, vikings, viking game
Id: eGBHsWnaApU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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