I FINALLY Pressed The Button in Stray (Ending)

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hey there i'm blitz and i'm a cat stuck in little tiny kitty jail here in the game called stray welcome back i think i'm gonna escape today and hopefully rescue my friend clementine who is also trapped and that is adorably sad come on smash yourself against that little kitty and one more time yes one more one more one more oh oh i made it out jump jump yes okay we have to make sure not to show the sentinels or anything can i get up out of there oh i can't oh man how do i get out of here up there up there let's try that or there's another pipe down below that i wasn't aware of or i am aware of it okay up up okay now can i get over anywhere else oh i can let's get over this way we don't need to go to the door we'll make our own door because i'm a cat okay i feel like i'm stuck now i feel like i'm just gonna meow oh i'll go up here okay there we go nice and then can i make the one final jump yeah one final jump oh man okay there's plants and stuff a big shiny red light and i'm back in the sewers we have to go rescue clementine jail i'm not a big fan of this because i feel like that's gonna turn yeah it is okay then i have to go up here and i feel like i have to turn that other pipe back yes this one move that one over too now i should be able to jump down hopefully yes i can jump and can i jump onto the cage i can now can i jump from the cage yes yes we're making it we're escaping the jail oh is that a it's not a camera wow this jail is all sorts of messed up is that clam oh my word this is bad what was that so i could interact with something clem where are you not in that one not in that one ah here we go i can jump up here yeah there we go and i'll jump up on top of the pipe good they didn't make this prison very cat proof if you know what i mean excellent let's continue this way oh we have a security camera how do i avoid that one maybe there's another way to climb up somewhere high let's try this pipe negative maybe instead of jumping up i should jump down that'll work okay can i just make it oh okay into the open door into the open door into the open door is that a human that is not a human but there is a little hole in the wall there's another dead robot yikes they are not very robot friendly in this prison where is the thing where is the thing i need to go into this one no no no no no that was so close i'm so scared i'm gonna hide under the bed robots can't look under beds it's against their programming all right i just thought pass by let's go back over here clem is that sunlight nope that's uh not sunlight [Music] okay we're good i was hoping to find sunlight again just have to wait for that robot to come back i'll hide on this side what is that hold up ah it's just a traditional box okay we got this running running running running going in this box going in that box i see platforming things above me we can do this i just might want to run up those stairs there's another sentinel up top i can make it oh just barely okay sneak behind i can't sneak behind can i go up anywhere i cannot go up anywhere either hmm guessing it's that stuff we'll wait here for a second ah scratch that i don't need to wait oh that was good i'm so sneaky there it is up and over and we go what do i get now clem i found you oh but i don't have my backpack so i can't talk with clem but he's pointing ah the keys sparking a square spark squaring a square square can i just walk right into the door yep that was easy maybe it was easy ah we'll just jump up there and then jump into the window good i'm outside oh that's still not that's still not outside though this must be a break room of some sort i got it let's grab the keys now i need to get out of here i want my backpack though because my little robot friends in it my little robot scientist man it's fine maybe clem knows where my robot scientist friend is here go bud i'll drop it for you that is so adorable okay did you make it out you did now how am i supposed to get both of us out of here clem how are we doing this your brain's gonna get erased if we can't figure our way out can you just like straight up open the door maybe you shouldn't trip over all the cans bro oh never mind it's a multi-use key i wasn't expecting that oh okay down the steps down the steps i hear another robot tripping out somewhere a little scared oh there's there's no guards here oh interesting there's nothing down there okay we found a room oh don't do it don't do it don't do it yeah you're looking for your robo friend aren't you inside there wow hmm hey i love this little kitty meow we got to go get him we got oh there's lasers down there and all sorts of guards on the side squad squawks croc okay we can go for this maybe we have to scientifically proven that we're gonna capture our scientist friend again open the door for me clam before i bite your ankles okay we're going downstairs now oh okay [Music] oh boy oh no no no like that do not like okay yeah leave me alone okay and then we're gonna yes that's that's the place we need to go what is that for though man i can't wait to see if there's actually like a human here okay i want to go back that way i can't anything else i can translate or anything negative uh oh here here we go i need a an energy drink remember all right we're gonna try to jump over these way up way up all right so i think i can jump across here i can nice down we go moving red lines easy pipe to jump on i can just waddle my way across that like a little kitty cat waddles this way jump down oh no no no that was so close okay ready get set run in here there's a box in the box whoop in the out of the box run run run run run run run oh that was bad nope bad bad bad bad bad bad in the box again ha wait how did they not see in boxes that was so scary leave me alone i didn't do anything i promise i'm just a little feline somehow they left me alone without caring all right let's do this again without being seen all right now we'll do this properly jump up here probably jump there that's better of the hole into the box [Music] okay what's gonna happen next okay yeah then turn not back this way turn around go go go go go go go okay there's a fire alarm i can listen right let's pull this one instead oh oh yes it's the little robot jail for a little friend the scientist man now how do i get to him do i be super sneaky or do i just run full steam ahead running full steam ahead running a full state this is actually working why is that working oh it's not working jump down hide underneath they're robots they can't see underground okay let's try this again okay quick queue run run kitty run run run oh no no no no no no board mission into the box into the box got it we're good everything's fine everything's super fine and jump aha robots also there was a door there i could have just ran into that door all right whatever wait did that guy move he did sort of he's on patrol now is there a box in here there isn't but i can jump up on this i'll just wait right here hey that's awesome and the lasers are gone very nice let's jump up and jump down and jump up and jump up and jump down i found it buddy i found my friend please turn it on for me i don't have any thumbs he's so cute little robot man squeaking squeak squeaker meow meow oh but the backpack is a holographic one ah i felt like i was trapped in my lab's computer system all alone but you came back from me i can't believe it you're a good friend unfortunately my lifespan is only about 14 years need to find a way out of here can you open that door just there i mean yes that was easy by our one and a half brains combined we've managed to try to escape a maximum security robot prison sort of we haven't fully gotten out of here yet but i see what was that noise why is there a box i can interact with are these bricks am i gonna throw bricks maybe you can throw a brick because i don't have thumbs remember yeah grab one of those just eat it right over there eat it at the window not at me dingus why do you have a brick bro i'll just carry one oh shoot okay eat me just throw me up there just pick me up and toss me oh it's gonna work i'm on its head i'm on its head i didn't get eaten but that's fine and now i guess we have to open the door for our friend yep don't be suspicious don't be suspicious don't be suspicious well sentinels are blocking the way again they will spot me instantly maybe you can try to bait them into the cells and lock them in that sounds fun oh it's so so friendly that one's alive that people was alive hey hey hey hey is this a cell yeah i can use the door okay it needs to be more than one sent no maybe not hey dingus i'm right here ready inside can't shoot me now can't shoot me now ready get set and eat got him got him [Laughter] get trapped nerd i gotta see if this guy's alive though hey you alive it is alive just been in robot prison forever this one just gave up on life recovery center has done me greatest good my mind is clear should i give him the battery sorry i don't know how to use that i don't know where you'd put that maybe i do do robots have those kind of parts i'm not sure a lot of these guys are in bad shape oh this one's a memory why is that one in memory this poor fellow it seems the sentinels are ruthless when it comes to un to defying them huh they've completely erased him no more emotions no self-awareness no more memories please don't let us get caught okay that's fine i'm going in i'm going in okay we have another cell over here we have another cell back there are they connected that's the real talk they are all right shouldn't be too hard all we have to do is say hello gentlemen it is i your worst nightmare a furbane feline whoa that was so close i almost died come on inside okay that wasn't good oh balls i trapped him can't touch me it's just like a cat playing with its food hello friend i want to be this one's friend he looks lonely and sad please have memories ha ha what i did that was funny oh poor lupin i miss you i miss your brain oh okay clem's up here already like hey let's get out of here i need to get through that can you just put me up top and i'll jump on the lever just lift me i know i can jump on you hey dingus stay alert we are in the clear i know that i can i can get through the top i'm small like a cat uh clem you're working on that there big fella kind of trapped ourselves in here oh you know what i'll just go through the tunnel because that's easier okay be super sneaky super sneaky we're good perfect now what we're gonna get a boss fight aren't we is there gonna be a boss fight like i have to drop bottles on them it's the only way out of this jail i don't think we can open it from that control room find it get away okay we can do that i mean can i just open the door just go around oh no that one's locked okay but i can stand on your head again if you let me do that there must be something i can jump up in oh we're going to drive a car oh we're notifying clap oh we're just going to they left the keys in the door hop in the back of the truck jump over to the fence to access secure area oh i could have just used your head there bud yeah get in get in chap talk talk talk talk i mean whoa oh you almost crushed me there and zoom oh you want me to jump over now we we literally just used your head like six minutes ago but now i got to go in yeah that's fine whatever it's a video game not real life thinking processes this is easy enough i feel like this is a trap it is a trap sentinels for days door is fully opening i gotta get out of here how do i get out of here whoa sentinel okay another one jump up jump up oh clam where are you going big fella are you gonna leave me behind what the actual world clip no not me oh dodge duck diving weave clem slow down i want on there help go that's awesome that is so cool oh oh no no i don't like this don't like this um [Music] okay no no no no get out get in no way no no clem don't do it we must go inside at any cost i wrote that no i don't like this clem was my best robot friend you're one of us now not everyone could get the outside but one of us has to i gained the subway key no go i'll keep you in my ram little outsider until your brain gets erased oh no i do not like this at all i don't like it at all this might be the saddest thing that's happened in this game i mean do we just go back in the subway start it out and escape to the surface is that what happens here i mean where does the where does the power cell go there's a gigantic power line that goes down here into the little area use the power cell oh boy the necco corporation cells are online is the door going to open the subway is turned on music is is slapping too i love this everything about this game just super cool okay do i go into there let's see oh yeah use the subway okay select a key subway turns on door opens up and we're going for it we're going for it i feel like clem could have made it with us i feel like he could like we could have shut the door on the other side and locked in maybe we can maybe we can find a way to get climb out i really just want to ride the control room i don't like this idea but controlling things oh man it's so dark too i can't see anything they won't let me jump anywhere because i'm scared of moving objects wouldn't it be crazy if there was actually humans out here oh that's a bad noise i don't like it or what enjoy the world's safest city oh yeah yeah yeah energy drink oh bottles why can't i have an energy drink hey open that i hear somebody sweeping oh you're not a human hello how may i help you i'm the first person to go through that trade in like 400 years and you're like how can i help you he's probably been sweeping that same spot for 400 years give me an energy drink escalator up escalator up because i'm a cat in the world's safest city wow everyone's just so bored out of their minds hey what's your name inhabit of walled city 99 are there other walled cities hey who are you i am currently painting this area please be careful of wet paint have a nice day i am an expert in jumping in wet paint i am i've done that like 17 times in the last two hours there we go up we go up we go to another area the city is sealed how do i unseal it greetings inhabitant the door leading to the surface currently locked through the confinement procedure he's referred as certified engineer inside the control room if you have any requests i am going to be the control room operator where oh where would the control room be oh the lights are at the top we're getting super close to the top of the world the slums are down below that was midtown that we were at and there's the lights of the surface do you think we could actually open up the surface like shine real light down on everyone that'd be so cool i just need to figure out how to get in this control room inspect it control this grows by some sort of security protocol only humans are authorized to enter i'm not considered humans that's offensive if you work together i'm also not a human i'm a cat okay insert human dna nothing goes in that we have to find some sort of thing oh hey one of those power boxes if i drive this over maybe i can stand on it hello little power box oh it worked on its own interesting okay cue i just want to claw it off can i claw it off with my fingers my cat fingers the meowi parts maybe if we find a picture of a human all right so i see no human pictures that i can show what happens if i just like look at it again oh yeah i can inspect it again oh and it opened up the door of course oh you're going to be over there i'll go over here do i just get to scratch it yeah i could just scratch it and just yes just rip all the wires off the wall we did it we actually opened it up i'm more human than i knew i mean i am a pretty smart for the kitty hello what's gonna happen now this is a control room for the entire city they controlled everything from here and it's empty what i remember hating them so much they had everything clean space limitless power freedom to move little goodies did them where'd they go the plague i remember now everyone was dying and they thought they were above it all they did nothing to help us i watched my family die i felt helpless i couldn't do anything to save them but i can still help we can go outside together i will carry the memories of humanity the people i loved can i open up the hatch like oh okay we have all of the main quest memories done can i get an energy drink oh that would have been so cool i can pull that all the way back i just want to like knock things off the wall perfect i'm so good at knocking things down oh my word look at this control room it's huge what do i do there's a giant shiny white button do i press it i do we inspect it okay this is the main computer okay we're activating it this is good things are being activated 95 according to the mainframe no one has been here for years obviously well city is stuck in lockdown cycle for mom ago if we disable it we should be able to leave we need to bring the rest of the systems online these computers hold the data we need we need to turn them on while you do that i'll look for passwords encrypted keys to get into the system can i just write on the chair like spin it in circles real fast go into room 22 like wood paneling from the 80s hello computers oh these are turning them off i actually have to walk on them properly that's stupid i love it donk okay turn him on there we go walk on the keyboard good keyboard cat keyboard cat keyboard cat keyboard cat the one time in human history where cats have been useful were walking on keyboards and not just being adorable i did it it worked good job my friend thank you i have found it i know to open the city something's off here wait maybe there's a way around it we're gonna oh man roof control i knew it system is locked can i bite it there that works to open the city there are several layers of security preventing us from using it i'll just bite them i'll hack the machines and you destroy some stuff yes okay there's a machine over here i can destroy maybe not okay you can you hack that one i need this in my life i'll just pee on it it doesn't work either hmm there's a little thing just exploring around up here can i push that over i can push it over yeah well done little kitty can i just scratch the snot out of this too yes high heightly conductive wires that was it wait can i look at it now no oh it's and hacking okay i just need to do that two more times and the thing should whoa you better survive that system is taking more than i expected don't you dare die on me oh balls can i just lock the door oh we gotta keep going yes obviously let me run okay there's another one here oh really how do i just peel it off wow that was an awkward animation but i'll take it because we're saving all of robot humanity one scratchy boy at a time okay that one's on are you on hack it please don't electrocute yourself little robot or do that's fine too that's how i talk most times don't worry i can recharge once we open up that workstation no you can't because we're gonna get bombarded okay there's something else here another one over here oh it's smoking okay i gotta jump on it maybe oh here we go open this up yeah it's like my cat opening the bathroom door wearing them in there just scratch it okay good and then you go hack that again i'm gonna have to pick you up aren't i is this the time where we save all of rob mod humanity i to get you again i think this little body is done for it's okay i'll be all right just carry me to the workstation we can disable the alarm ah you better not die on me workstation was up here or the other workstation the other workstation whoop okay drop you in here you'll be all right little scientist man i'm just gonna watch you do your magic that's it we're safe roof control station listen i have something to tell you i knew the power required to disable the city's central control would be immense more than this drone body could handle but with the security now disabled i can take control of the system and open the city overriding it could destroy my software but i made that choice we hooked into that first computer don't you dare leave me alone no no [Music] no all of my friends are leaving you please stop don't we can put you in another robot head there is wiped ones down in the prison lair and you can be like a walking talking robot man no stop that oh no [Music] why why does it have to be so sad [Music] dude why do you do this to me game [Music] why oh but the door is opening he made a sacrifice for all of the non-sentient robots the door's opening though [Music] that's good down to the slums i wonder if the sunlight is going to kill the zerk my guess is they pop did the zerk pop when the sunlight hits them they do they do is it warm is it warm momo that's momo right i think that's momo no that's the guardian there's doc and everyone laying down there all my friends yes oh yes yes yes didn't get arrested i get to see the sunlight the plague is over please turn back on please turn back on please turn back on get a little spark just a little bit just a little spark just want a little bit a little bit of a spark we did it though we opened up the sky oh it's so beautiful actually wow and it's still opening is there another layer to open oh my now the real question is how do i actually get outside or do i want to get outside i could go back down there and the slums would be with my friends okay it's fully opened extra walls are going up we've done it we've done it the city is now open i should just close it again just to be a jerk like some cats can be like oh sorry guys you saw the sunlight once we're closing that so you never have it again ever and i'll be talked about for the rest of eternity okay it makes me wonder if the doors down here are open the sealed ones and if so what does the robot man say robot man you've been standing here for literally decades enjoy the world's surface city i don't want to i want to enjoy my friendships out here maybe my cat friends will be ready for me since all of my robot friends have failed me please kitty friends i just want to just want to find you again oh wow it is beautiful what a unique cool game and there we are back in the sunshine the wind rustling our whiskers please other kitty friends can i i can't meow yeah don't go back in there there's nothing but sadness inside you just keep walking and go find your other kitty friends and make baby kitties or oh yes this is the sound that was our friend that was the friend the guy the robot man what a cool game anyway my friends thank you for watching this series i hope you've enjoyed it if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank all of the patrons and channel members who have supported the channel last month including autodave ben dickey teddy hippies zarnoff maxer rail bc engineer whipped good deegan eagler jason baron fox spencer whiskey destructo man splatter sex joe doug rules fury arrow skunk chest corey and lewis rob the block red katy psycho dalton hevorah mr m gaming kyle secander tyrion grayson monkey bills and mark
Channel: Blitz
Views: 622,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, stray, stray game, stray gameplay, stray blitz, blitz stray, cats, cat, cat game, stray cats, stray steam, stray steam game, cat games, cute cat, cute cat games, cyber, punk, cyberpunk, cyber punk, stray review, stray ep 1, stray sewers, stray sewer, stray cat game, stray walkthrough, stray ending, stray game ending
Id: U0OP7WfXZl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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