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we're back with some old trail makers i am so excited for this episode what are we going to build for brains of dreams okay guys this has been like a massively requested episode guys so josh thank you guys leave more recommendations for the next one guys what should we record next exactly what exactly what does what did you make here this is a little airplane thingy whoa whoa it actually whoa jelly whoa that is not mine oh thanks dude it is surprisingly stable whoa whoa look it's flying this thing unfortunately [Applause] yeah anyway can we just get started building this damn train let's go build some trains boys see you in about an hour and we're back all right what's up back everybody all right that was fast wow building these drains mine only took about 20 minutes guys i hate when you say that because it makes it sound like they're going to be good are has jordy ever built a good vehicle josh people she has oh how long will you spend on this all right maybe you should show us then george yeah jordy how about you start you guys want to see mine first yeah let's go man hey well here we go are you all right so before we start what are we raiding our trains on performance and looks like performance books and performances easy man easy very original are you guys ready i am i get squished jordan sorry i just burped the train of the century guys okay better be modern all right okay whoa oh oh wait wait wait what did he build a train wait get in the back get in the back jelly oh whoa in the back whoa all right don't press any buttons josh okay okay it is surprisingly white it's got a lot of wheels terrain so everybody can fit in here funny enough functions way better okay cool yeah it functions great guys yeah i have always have a few little surprises i like your exhaust that looks good slowly um but yeah this is performance but i have so many more little things to show you guys what else come on i had to give it us give it to us that's some flag tagging all right what else so we got a train horn and um this was really was that the that's actually the only performance special thing and mine is very basic it drives forwards and backwards don't drive backwards so it's gonna glitch okay steers a little bit a little bit well we do have to test the back parts i gotta be honest with josh oh okay well there's gaps jordan you finished this poorly no i i poorly look at that tell finished guys all about the design in a second but first all right let's finish performance before we move on to the design what else do you got with the performance look at these wheels look at these wheels in the front yeah i just have two wheels josh you can still yeah oh it left them right wow that's a steering mechanism i like it and uh and press space there's a horn in the front too oh um and then it looks nice it's loud yeah it feels it's the horn at the back and no no it's really not but i think it is it sounds a little on the back jordan it comes from the center of the vehicle or something but it's actually right that makes no sense all right so what else do you got except for the horn all right so that is uh that that's actually all the performance i think i heard about the turning circle josh you gotta go slow you gotta go slow really slow slower josh lower pretty much stand still yeah yeah yeah it's because the vehicle is so long it just took away is it gonna fly of course it's a damn train guy it's not a plane it's true good point oh my god okay that's a good thing then it's a good thing it doesn't fly really good like i'm right here josh it's not built for that this is a train you've got passengers in your vehicle be careful i hate the passengers josh park the damn train and let me go over the design yeah open space okay this is so good jordy wow wow jordy it's so good stop it josh if you guys think is good you're up for a treat man okay i want to see julie's now okay yeah so can you get out josh all right so let's rate performance he's already still talking about the design so performance i haven't actually haven't tried it myself but um it looked good it looked good you know i really i don't give a high rating i'll i'll show you my other one in a second that one turns but a little bit too much the other hand please i mean i do like it but i think like the design is just a little blocky to me you know like jelly but we're rating literally performance right now so i don't know why you're talking about the design oh i thought we switched to the design guys what the hell i haven't even talked about the design yet okay talk about the design no really performance oh my god i'm sorry even listen i'm giving it i'm giving it a seven for performance i actually haven't tested it myself guys okay anyways thank you no no i'm testing it okay the steering is poor i'm giving it a seven yeah seven you gotta go slow but it's still poor my steering is better together my steering is a lot better okay okay i'll show you comparing to himself okay well i mean i'm giving myself a tan of course see zero goes great if you go slow wow anyways let me go over to design with you over here so first of all here in the front we have the uh the the cockpit oh you used to use the new uh seats yeah for the windows vip ones so i don't know how you call it with a train but this is where the engine's at too and i guess you call it a cockpit out of here i have two it's two little exhausts i also got some hatches in the top wow you see do they open it okay they don't function do they oh yeah yeah exactly josh and then here and the windows i used some uh some other panels to make it look like yeah what did you use they're like grills or something aren't you yeah grills i believe grills and then yeah you can you can barbecue on them like a barbecue tires i kind of went with like a train design where the tires aren't outside but they're on the inside okay but it caused a bunch of problems because the train is so big i had a limited amount of resources i could use that's why tons of wheels are missing that's why you know jaylee says it looks very blocky because literally i can't i couldn't all right at anything else all right well uh and then what what's up jelly will you just shut him out for a second okay explaining my design so so that's the front here and then what i did i got three cards and i copy pasted them but i had to des uh delete a few parts from the box yeah i had to delete the other side what was that like i didn't have enough parts really so i have to make up but that doesn't make sense did you like build them completely or is this just an outside layer like is the inside full there's there's nothing on the inside almost nothing but that doesn't make sense to me at the bottom yeah and then because i wanted to create another one yeah then it didn't want to pay so i had to delete a few blocks to put like wheels to do with is to do different blocks jelly a different valley yeah like this okay yeah okay i'll i'll take it i'll take it okay and then and then right over here you have the hinges so they they make it so you can steer and yeah we i gotta lie we all have those i think we all have those that's the only way you can make a change that's a good explanation and that's a train that's all right guys so performance i said is seven josh give it an eight right yeah all right so now design i think the design is very important oh these these look like containers with windows all right i'm sorry every train that's everything daily no every train no container you just disrespected every single person who designs trains okay they're not driving containers you know that right that's a cargo train all right that's a cargo maybe this is a cargo train with windows well yeah yeah right anyways thanks thanks for defending me all right design writing the three oh my god yeah i'd say i think the design is very bad bailey's going a little bit too hard on that i'm sorry count that you could i feel like you could have maybe minus the one and made them all a little bit better probably give you like a five point five and it's six bba okay i'm sick it's a little high it's a little high in my opinion but see what you guys made now all right josh who's up next all right i'm excited for josh's i'm really excited all right [Music] are we ready i am ready yup all right so welcome to [Music] oh whoa the battle train yeah it's a bit short okay josh dude i actually like it like i love it i i think it looks a lot better than dory's i would have loved it do you need had a few more uh i couldn't do it i i wish i could but i already is it is it i would have got the magical numbers yeah i would have to strip everything down honestly i love how low it is to the ground is it because it's heavy or why is it so low it's a mixture yeah it looks super futuristic oh you got wheels there it's got wheels on the inside i kind of like it right but i would have loved to see it much much more yeah are you sure it was impossible oh trust me i've tried okay i wish i could say game creators if you're watching this make it so we can put more blocks down yeah exactly because this is literally half a train it really okay i'm gonna get it photoshopped so it now looks much longer oh yes me too photoshopping short things to look like exactly and if it looks longer this actually looks super sick josh i do like it josh i do like that do you have some extra seats it feels like it's easy wait no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait have extra seats so you don't have it's just a battle train we can't be your passenger no no no it's just it's literally just for death not for his life sorry that makes me cry are you driving now yeah so uh take it take it for a spin okay i mean it works surprisingly good it's okay the steering is a lot better than jordy's but it flips yeah look i've got cannons whoa yeah i i was hoping for that jelly you jump in try out the slide cannons [Laughter] josh that didn't go uh he just blew up his own plane the battle bus let me explain what happened so so the ball touches the shield right basically you need they've updated i think so the drop is way more intense right now you're just clear two blocks below it oh my god and i was just at this point i was like i have to ruin the whole thing to do that so yeah that makes sense oh so it doesn't really drop can you try that again oh my god josh this dress so poorly it doesn't even what the hell jack can i give it a try can i give it a try pressing forwards and literally no he's going left and right trust me no i'm not i'm actually just pressing forward it's because because you've got some friction maybe it's because it's so low it's completely because of the friction but it's going to ruin it by changing it dude i want to give it a try because i need to rate the performance so i want to drive it a little bit oh my god oh my god here you go jesus oh wow you're right this is that is just happening automatically okay so which button is front shoot okay there we go again well gosh i i have to say yours looks wise is probably the best train i've ever seen it's green now guys what the heck the the bat and and the theme josh the theme of your your i think it's unique right it's very unique and very very cool yeah my theory is like imagine it's smashing into things but josh and it has and it has cannons so yeah well you do understand yeah it looks like a bit more work i could raise the wheels down a little bit like i could right it could be better but this is what you showed us and you're not gonna expect the high rating on performance are you it's true this is probably the best thing you've ever built in any of the trail makers and it doesn't work all right no no no no exactly if this was extended this would look sick okay oh yeah it does have um it does have boost as well so my oh my my rating on looks josh is an eight all right it looks okay it looks it looks really good okay let me look at it look let me seriously so you get a nine on average yes oh nice this is intense train and look at this yes jilly have you seen this train it is well built brain lovers can appreciate this this is okay for sure i even hit the boosters that are in there a little bit all right you know what it's oh it's good all right i'm going to say with my hair you make like some terrible stuff but now you sure you made this compared to jordy's you deserve a 10. i agree but compared to mine if it worked you would obviously doubt that i made it but because it doesn't work all right so jordy performance rate the performance hormones is trash it's a three we're talking a three we're doing pretty damn bad uh well it goes forward so there's points there well not really does it josh it goes left and right guys it's supposed to be under yeah if it was on the track it went perfect yeah but that's not possible that's no we're reading it on like can you can you use it can you go left right forwards can you decide over the vehicle it's kind of inaccurate writing performance yeah exactly i agree i'm gonna have to go with the three josh yeah i'm going with the three as well so and very glitchy although i do like it this is beautiful you you nailed it in the lips whoa look i detached it i i guess the cannon is a part of the performance as well guys oh definitely it's definitely it deserves that flag only if it would drive and and be a bit longer technically i want to i want to try like taking the back off it at some point but not now all right we'll try that later because it's an engine well guys uh i i guess it's time for me to show my train okay okay wait wait wait can we take a moment too jelly's been hyping this up jilly's way too much um yo i am gonna go first because listen before i spawn it i'm gonna hype it up even more in my opinion this is the most beautiful thing and most accurate thing i've ever made all right oh okay got it got it here it is guys here it is welcome to jelly enterprise that way so we've got we've got three uh passenger areas and two cargo areas got it jelly this looks amazing so on the front we've got a beautiful old timer you see that got you see this thing no this is beautiful guys it's amazing it's really hard to look at the front seat guys look at the front seat i used this new front seat you can look out how long did you spend on this just as long as you guys no way so so we've got a passenger area over here i actually worked on the doors guys see there's a little door area here with like a little fence you can hold on you can climb to the next one i made this i made this i'm telling you all right so we've got time as we worked on ourselves yeah yeah all right so well yeah do you just want me to drive it do you just want me to show you what it does i do have seats in the pasture area you guys can sit down how did we just go from like what i want jordy to downgrade my ratings yeah no josh your stills look sick but what the heck yo get in get in okay okay all right wait don't don't press anything choo choo are you ready okay go oh what the hell that's very impressive oh you like it you like it it performs perfectly fine howdy unlike you guys you do this in the same time as we make you jelly so you had nothing at the start no i have nothing i am telling you i was looking back how can you have this many tires i have no idea jordy that's why i was wondering why you had these like i literally limited like i'll show okay i'll show you mine in a second and then i hit the limit and i was like oh i guess i'm done maybe it's this new tire you see slim tire and actually this tire works perfectly for the old timer i looked at this thing i was like it's going to be an old-timer if i use those tires so uh this is you guys like it ray jelly of 15 score wise i didn't think this was ever going to be possible what do you guys think performance wise compared to you guys well i mean it drives it drives i mean yeah it does have a limited performance don't they yeah i guess this is the first 10 out of 10 and [Music] [Laughter] i just had a little bit of inspiration i know it still goes it still keeps going so uh yeah thanks thanks for the ratings guys now i know let's do something let's do some proper ratings here guys okay definitely was that right was i right guys hyping it all up was it worth it put this on the steam workshop it's gonna get a million downloads okay so you see how i guess let's go over design a little more it looks great i added a little door here at the at the entrance you see it this is a little door right here this is where i uh this is this is my engine against usain bolt we've got a grill in front with headlights i feel like i want to see the evidence of this being built like yeah but i'm not joking i am not joking this is oh this is very suspiciously the epic the one episode where we didn't record the building oh you guys can go look around and see workshop you won't find it okay how much did you pay somebody to make this chili nothing this is i made this jesus christ guys i made this what the heck this is i genuinely am like so too good do you have a train fetish no i don't no i don't i just made you guys you're not going to find anything wrong with this thing so if you want to see her no listen listen if you want to steer you don't hold it you click on a or d and then you just let it go you just click and let it go okay that's how you step over the design a little bit with us yeah sure josh get back what the heck well i'm stealing this one for my thumbnail [Laughter] parts is crazy what's up design wise i also went for like an old timer like sound i used an engine which is like like kind of like a like an old engine what the heck oh also my like underside is also perfect you see i don't have any weird gaps oh oh josh josh you're spawning in the ramp perfect josh you're breaking my train get out and respawn guys uh oh there you go this is crazy so literally i spent like 90 on the time i spent on the front part to make that perfect and and the rest was copy paste as you can see like it was easy and for the cargo area i pretty much just removed the windows that's about it that's crazy okay okay guys give me give me some ratings you haven't properly rated mine jelly 10 out of 10 10 out of 10. whoa josh there's nothing actually that's cool probably the best thing you've ever built really that's what i said i think so too but josh honestly it's like uh the looks are pretty much a 10 i don't i don't know how you could improve it and then i agree i guess like a 9.5 but because the steering's a little odd but that's yeah it's a little out of 10 let's make it the one episode yeah i'm giving i want my ratings to have value no no you can't not next to this thing this is great this is gucci and we're walmart okay guys really come on this is walmart the clothing brand jordy oh my god so what do you guys think about the doors in between every single car bailey everything loves jenny did you guys see the winner winner chicken dinner sign on the cargo area yes shelley we've seen everything that was beautiful there's nothing we can say bad about this thing that's that's what i thought guys that's what i thought there's only one thing you could do with a beautiful train like this drive it into the water go actually the front floats it's closed floats josh yeah because it's got that oh it looks so cool from a distance go go go go go add recipes yeah i do but we got to delete this real quick so guys i built that i started working on my train and like not even 200 blocks in it hit the building limit so yeah and that's why and that's what you were saying with the blocks right you couldn't like make it beautiful okay guys so this is what i built and then it said maximum amount of blocks reached so i do like the ladder on the back oh this one doesn't steer oh uh it doesn't must have been pre-steering oh oh this was pretty searing yeah so with the steering i have to delete tons of things josh josh josh stop dodge why does josh always ruin everything look at this beautiful trail here guys oh wow oh god come on josh come on i did i did oh oh my god it's ready like working on it and i was like not really happy with the design in it and then it was like maximum building blocks i was like it only has two train carts it doesn't make sense like a train so like if you compare it how long mine is why did it say that so then you ended up having to gut it yes i had to gut it and look at the wheels i had to cut the nose off i had to remove the flags okay i was making a statement here yes oh my goodness doesn't respect pride they don't expect that oh wow probably can't say that because i had one with you it's a little fast it drives super well super fast you got to give it that yeah it is super fast but the moment you add like more and more stuff to it it does become slower and slower really so yeah oh yeah of course the more heavy this was one of the early designs i had too i thought you said the more engines you had better i mean oh i like the flags drive steer steer so steering does is much better here jelly i did i i am not doing anything [Music] is happening so look right here at the back i made it that was my solution to a door julie okay because i couldn't add too many parts because but then again the door i have is only one part and you have two yeah no for my for me it's only one julie all right we get it you you no because you have a block holding a shield right this is this is this jordy you have a block holding the shield up it's two parts let us let us crash your servers i'll pay for it okay how about we make our own servers all right wait okay well i think what about you guys did you guys design any more trains no no that's that's the only one i made dude i spent all my time on that i don't have time for other chains journey i'm gonna spawn mine back in guys thank you guys this train next time wait wait next time can we pick something where jelly sucks at wait guys wait i do want to sell you i do want to show you my first prototype okay okay is this the one you downloaded no i'm falling through the map yeah same here you guys see this yeah i'm glad you didn't share this with us so this is no no josh no this is what i started with right this is what i before i built like the passenger areas well it's too fast oh my god oh careful careful are you guys happy i didn't go over that i'm glad you upgraded it now we have a good thumbnail so what the hell it's my vehicle guys jesus yeah it's my video i gotta go really slow anyways guys if you want to see more drill makers drop a like i agree drop for like 10 000 likes recommend ideas in the comments and uh guys we'll be back right yeah julie didn't cheat this episode i did it what the hell we think we think dude you can look on the steam workshop there is nothing like this there i made this myself all right bye bye josh hi jordy bye everyone adios amigos thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it make sure you go to we're hosting a really really big summer sale with up to 50 discount on cop yourself some merch come on it's waiting for you right here on the shelves thanks for watching guys i'll see you over at the jelly store bye [Music] you
Channel: Jelly
Views: 7,050,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new, family friendly, train, building, how to build a train, games, tutorial, kid friendly, trailmakers, challenge, jelly, funny, 2018, kwebbelkop, game, build, BUILD THE BEST TRAIN CHALLENGE, child friendly, comedy, trail makers, slogoman, download
Id: YPmPnsO1h8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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