Breaking the LAND SPEED RECORD in Kerbal Space Program!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to kerbal space program today we're going to be trying to beat the land speed record don't look so surprised my friend will be okay now the current land speed record was set in 1997 by fellow britain andy greene in this incredible vehicle which is pretty much the coolest thing i've ever seen it's called the thrust ssc and it reaches speed of 763 miles an hour or in kerbal speeds that's 341 meters per second so that is what we're going to aim for and look someone is very pleased about that news and i'm so excited you could be a record holder you could also die a very very painful death what but of course the uk space agency will be funding this flight and basically i'm setting myself some rules so we've got this runway and i'm gonna say for the record to stand we have to start and finish on the runway so we're gonna not only have to think about how fast can we go but how fast can we slow down so we don't want to go into the vehicle assembly building we want to go into the space plane uh we can ignore this guy because he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about whereas i do of course we need to name our land speed record vehicle and rather than the thrust ssc which was the original name i'll be calling mine the thrust ing so we're going to be thrusting into the record books i don't like that word right so first things first we need a cockpit i love that name yeah i'm sorry i'm trying to think aerodynamically here i'm also thinking are there actually stats can i read these to say anything about like drag or anything which case we'll just go for what looks the most aerodynamic so we've got that one we've also got this one i think that was more aerodynamics we'll delete this yeah so we've actually got the one that weighs the least at the moment so that's probably a good thing all right secondly we want the nose so we're going to go into aerodynamics and we're going to try and find a pointy nose cone potentially a tail cone whoa look at this one it's like one of those relaxing pods like they're filled with a little bit of water and you like you float in it and you try and hope that you're not stuck in a scary movie where someone locks you in too far this one could be handy and being a coffin for the kerbal because i don't think the flight is going to end well no i will take that off we'll try and do this seriously we're trying to beat some records we got some nose cones here so fine we will go with that one for now then and then what we'll do once you've got like a bit of a vehicle down we'll start swapping different parts and see which is quicker so the thrusting will be powered by a rocket i think that's the only sort of propulsion you can use in this game really i don't think there are engines or anything and i sort of i'm sort of thinking a booster is probably the best way it's got fuel built in as far as i'm aware they are pretty powerful that one is literally tiny that could do though all right so next thing on my shopping list is wheels i feel like again i want to go for something quite aerodynamic so not those bad boys maybe even something like that low landing gear should we see what that looks like oh god they're huge they are huge okay no maybe not them maybe not them what about these a sort of a standard wheel they are absolutely tiny there's some at the front some of the back i'm pretty sure you can't steer these but i don't think turning the wheel at the speeds we're going to be going is even going to be possible so we'll probably need some sort of tail fin maybe a keeper stable yeah but shall we should i have a go with that for now sort of thinking parachutes to slow down is probably the best idea i've sort of come up with a new invention it's called a wheel shoot and it's basically a wheel that has a parachute built in ah i don't know what that's going to do right so good news we've spawned on the runway and we haven't blown up yet i'm a bit concerned we've got two passengers jeb and his meet bill has joined in this time uh the extra weight's not ideal but i guess they couldn't decide who's gonna break the record so let's go i think we're aiming this number here why are we moving stop getting a head start we're aiming for that for 341 [Music] so we are off oh look it's getting nice guessing there 200 runway is coming up we're gonna parachute oh crap oh dear hip jab's face look at bill's face now they have no faces right so i'm sort of realizing the problem with a booster is i think you can't turn it off until the fuels run out so probably no good for this in which case it means we stu we need to look at the different sort of engines i'm pretty sure these numbers thrust asl and thrust back i might be completely wrong here but i'm pretty sure that probably means in a vacuum and then i'm going to assume asl is like atmospheric maybe that's what we're gonna do we're gonna look and try and find the one with the highest thrust asl and then we'll see what type of fuel it uses and then we'll build around that i'm pretty sure actually this vector one i've used in the past for my snake simon it's sort of the right size it's nearly double the booster i just used so great it uses liquid fuel so i'm going to go into the fuel tanks and grab a few of these i reckon this one as far as i can tell that is liquid fuel it's also got oxidizer in actually i feel like oxidized wouldn't that like help burn stuff in an app like in a vacuum there's no oxygen but you need oxygen to burn am i talking out my ass let me know in the comments so i wonder is there just liquid fuel and no oxidizer here we go fuselage that's huge here we go boys here we go then come on to something i think i am on to something i really don't know how much fuel i'm gonna need to get to the end of the runway we'll try it shall we just try three for now so we'll add that vector engine add our wheels to the back right ideally i do want to put some parachutes around this i assume drogue shoots all the way are these actually stick to the fuel tanks as well i couldn't get it to work around the booster oh but yeah two of those should be fine for now the wheels look pretty aerodynamic we don't have any fins or anything so we're a bit screwed but um sorry it'll be fine all right let's launch this bad boy oh yeah oh there's a button hang on there's bustings for was it znx oh no oh maybe i do need an oxidizer ah sad astroneer noises all right so on behalf of the uk space agency i apologize for that but we're now ready i'm just going to check i think it was znx to do the throttle yeah can you see that throttle up throttle down uh so when i want to do the parachutes cut the engines i just press x and hit the shoots right so let's go holy that was fast and it's gone at least they felt no pain we're gonna go again i just want to see if the sas button ding that one makes any difference oh yes it does it does oh and if you look if you looked at that i still had like half my tank of fuel by the time we got to the end so if we go back to the hangar i'm thinking that's probably too much fuel so i know there's this one which is exactly the same thing just shorter i'm probably gonna have to spread my wheels out a little bit more the vector engine on the end copy the wheels to the back drag shoots on right this could be the most sensible thing i've ever created right sas on throttle up space so once we start getting out control oh we got to like 320-ish i think we're aiming for 304 now one other thing as well i'd like to actually set a record like i'm quite aware killing these two brave brave pioneers of speed probably isn't the best pr for the uk space agency so let's just set a record so we know we know where we are so sas is on throttle is up so we'll go for a little bit and throttle down space hmm all right come on yes yeah yes not sure we can count that as a success all right it's slowing down it's slowing down we reach like 100 meters a second i'm not even sure we're going to stop this could be a failure oh wow i just i just turned the speed up and explosions all right this time yes come on we didn't launch oh we nearly got 200 oh bollocks right then i think the trouble is i haven't got enough weight i'm almost too light so what i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna add a load of fuel tanks and now i feel like we've got a bit of mass behind us for when our shoots go off i'm also actually gonna double the amount of shoots so turn on symmetry and we'll just copy you down to there and now hopefully with those at the bottom we won't backflip as much i'm also wondering is there another way of slowing us down is there anything in aerodynamics we can use air brakes oh wow what are these they're like propellers all right i got two of them on it's like a little wink after they stick out they might stick out are they how do i how do i trigger them deploy angle 70 i probably want to do that up to 100 70 is going to be like there isn't it 90 would be there so that would slow you down more and i would imagine a hundred would be like there and surely that would be even worse aerodynamically so that would slow us down the only trouble is no idea how i actually set those off all right let's launch this has got to be better right not bad not bad uh sas on perhaps 200 parachutes out air brakes deploy deploy there you go i assume there's a button to do that now we're getting close to the edge of the runway i think we got to like 200 meters a second so a fair bit slower unfortunately we're really not slowing down i'm worried if i turn the speed up again i'll just blow up right is that an actual thing or is my game glitching out judging from the shadows in the top right i'm gonna guess it's probably a glitch all right i'm gonna have a little go at just aiming for the speed record straight off so when this gets 341 that's when we're gonna start slowing down so already 200 300 41 slow down oh hmm oh look look b for breaks right got it got it all right this time ready oh no i pressed the wrong button we've gone in the cockpit that worked i didn't press b i was going to press b oh we've got off the runway but we didn't blow up we're making progress right i'm thinking if i had twice the thrust then surely i'd go twice as fast i really i would love for this to look like what the real thrust looks like which is sort of something like that i just need the right intake cones which is sort of like those oh man this is looking banging yeah if we scale all of this up and then we shove these i'm sort of thinking maybe maybe just all over like yes it's extra weight but we're going to be going a lot quicker and maybe a line down the middle as well i'm not sure how well they'll work like in front of each other now but that looks like it could set some records i'm also thinking if we remove that one because the real one did have this so it had a tail fin to keep it straight which is what we've got here but it also had like some wings at the top and i think that sort of helped with the downforce kind of like a spoiler i guess but i don't know how to do that so we'll we'll just go with this for now right that actually looks pretty cool it looks fast so sas on throttle up and away once we get to 340 oh no we're going nowhere near it they call the parachute oh and speed records are hard i also forgot to press break that time as well so ready launch ready 300 audi break oh look how quick we're slowing down oh we would have gone off the runway but uh i don't think that was a bad idea really maybe i could sort of remove some of these and just like try and get them to create a single sheet so i don't think the ones at the back are going to be doing anything yeah that could gain us some weight all right there you go i think we've got an optimum amount at the front that should just create like a big barrier so we'll go again up to 200 up to 340 come on come on break break oh crap uh there's a light at the end of that runway right i've gone for something a little bit different in terms of the braking situation look at these at the back they are not intakes they're small boosters okay so sas on let's go we'll get to like 200 ish oh there we go we're oh no wait the rocket the boosters are still pushing us forwards all right how can i tell these boosters to turn off i can bring the throttle down but then my brake ones won't work i'll tell you what i could do i've just worked it out i've just worked it out revert flight i think this will work so assuming fuel can get through my decoupler i've just decoupled the engines from the fuel that seems sensible right i've moved the three decouplers up into this one so this is like my go stage and this is my breaking stage all right let's launch okay a little bit worrying as well these these boosters they they produce a lot of flame a lot of flame don't seem to be moving anywhere oh i think the fact that these engines just fell off as well proves you do need to be connected to the fuel oh although can't i do like a fuel rod isn't that a thing here we go a fuel duct let's try this if we go from there to there that should work great oh the middle one worked but not the others you can see that fuel line is a little bit better let's just see when we eject does it work so initiating braking oh it is slowing us down oh yeah i say oh yeah i'm not sure those boosters are the right thing they literally just make smoke and flame hey look at jebediah he's like it's so bright out there yeah that still took a million miles to slow down and we're not even moving back do these literally do nothing i thought maybe boosters are the wrong thing i know i'm still gonna have a lot of fuel left perhaps i can use these if i were to grab one of these perhaps shove one there rotate it like that i might make it a little bit smaller as well all right i've just connected them with fuel rods as well just in case i know they're not called fuel rods they're like fuel lines fuel duct that's the one an external fuel duct anyway i gotta check my staging so you guys go into the braking stage right unless launch i'm feeling confident about this one are you ready let's go oh no that's on the wrong stage oh what was i just saying oh dear oh dear all right there we go much better all right are we slowing are we slowing nope all right now it's fixed now it is fixed now it's not fixed at this stage i'm feeling like the engineering's there it's just the pilot's letting me down yes you too come on guys we got it we got it we can do this damn it all right i just want one successful run is that so much to ask for all right i feel like this is my last chance come on then all right here we go then here we go 200 we are nowhere near 300 and whatever we need to be but to be fair i feel like the actual record wasn't done on the runway he had loads of room so let's just set the runway record all right so we'll just get to let's say 150 oh god oh look oh we're surviving we're surviving right air brakes air brakes this still counts we're still alive this still counts 150 meters per second is the new runway speed record which is actually pretty quick 335 miles per hour good work jeb and bill you are recording look bill's super happy well done but yeah anyway guys that was that was easier said than done let me know if you tried this what your speed record was on a runway of course what methods did you use to slow down because i am struggling uh but we will be back bigger and better and hopefully faster but for now i'll catch you guys next time peace love and rocket science bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,189,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kerbal space program, ksp 2, real engineer kerbal space program, real civil engineer, engineer plays kerbal space program, ksp 1.12, kerbal space program 1.12, final update ksp, do fireworks work in space, ksp kraken, ksp kraken attack, kerbal kraken, kerbal space program update 1.12, kerbal space program kraken attack, using fireworks to get to space, can you use fireworks to get to space in ksp, rce, ksp last update, ksp land speed
Id: qPo3E8QV6TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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