BUG ZAP | SOLO Android Progenitor vs Rimworld #5

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proliferation of the android race continues today we unshackle ourselves from biology no longer to be limited by feeble human bodies but as we claw toward a singularity change accelerates research speed remains a top priority so it's essential that we build file cabinets next to our bench components are also of a massive necessity so fabrication cabinets speed up our jobs shortening the time it takes for our crafting bot to produce components and advanced ones and although the androids don't depend on organic matter it's kept in high supply nature does yield resources after all additional mining bots are crafted to speed the process of acquiring resources we've now gone to the edges of the map to acquire everything that's left a final project will be to strip mine much of what's left of the map in so doing we should be able to find what remaining minerals still exist on this map high utility necessarily suggests good architecture and so some attention has been paid to that and masterwork projects of crafting are being completed right now sonny's finishing off his jump pack this can be worn of excellent quality now mainly to get him away from threats usually this is yuna's used as a melee weapon but i think in sunny's case we could try it out for him and this can be used to jump a massive range across the map almost instantly and so in so doing he should be able to stay safe from threats in fact he can jump farther than the range of his heavy smg so for him it might actually help him to get in range of his enemies unfortunately he can't jump through our defenses so he's kind of stuck for that he needs to be doing it in line of sight but to be honest i just think it looks cool and i'm kind of curious to see how he's going to use this in fights he is going to need a lot of chem fuel though for this thing to work still that's not such an ask when we literally pump oil out of the ground and there's an entire maps worth of it to go around now ultimately the most grueling grinds of this take place with the intellectual and crafting skills sunny needs to completely dispose himself to research while in the meantime crafting bots are delegated the massive task of constructing another series of t3 androids which will then really just cost a shitload of resources each one requiring 10 advanced components 70 uranium 40 gold and 100 plus steel and when you think about it advanced components require components steel plastil and gold and just days upon days of time so it really does take a long time but that's why we've built a literal hell hole and in this fashion i'm pretty sure that nothing can get through this kill box though i do pray for the ones we had left outside and ignored but so far fire has been a great solution on everything and as soon as we can get some devil strand into our sandbags we won't even have to worry about the fire anymore our defense is perfect it's really only a matter of other types of raids empress evil sends insects you see we're now in the empire business the empire business means stop for nothing make the world into graph paper and shoot danger in the head and fly away now i'm also starting to pick up things i normally wouldn't pick up on in a rimworld series because i'm using so many mods i'm gonna play god here for a minute and take away all of the marsh and replace it with solid ground now the whole world's a great mind from which to take and once we sniff out the last of the resources on this map we'll then be producing at full capacity and as we mine into the mountain we start to discover more oars a boon when we finally strike goldor and with winter approaching fast we have to take what we can get out of this harvest even if it's not the ideal yield even in our own society we face bottlenecks toward the singularity and so i think it is with us and so after a long haul of days countless hours at the bench and nameless nights in the dark so now we shape the landscape more than it shapes us ultimately there was only one way this could all end and now in the darkness of winter we prepare for the next generation a brave new breed of t3 androids smarter deadlier and faster than their previous kin still something's been giving me a sense of malaise since i started this could be a godsend what's inside or it could be a curse we'll find out only if we try three potential prisoners eleven they killed one one's down and the last of them is headshot take her down safely and it looks like one lived he actually he wasn't even injured at all crypto sleeps sickness high on yayo psychic tolerance and drug overdose they'll need care but we will take them in and they don't have bad items cocktails and goju's two advanced component 40s there were seven advanced components in these crypts we'll capture dre and the others are just dead just dead raid by the emperor of allopus they've arrived in transport pods this time raids are slowly growing these are stronger than our previous raids but still by no means strong against what we have one does have a charge lance but i don't think they'll get through our kill box quite honestly this seems like it would be a great opportunity for some training so rather than just using our kill box here i'm gonna train the masses let's have them line up and fight whoever's out there if this doesn't go well we can always retreat or we might even be able to take a prisoner it's really just a matter of range our weapons are good but there's our somewhat random here we have a charge lance a charged pistol this one has only a machine pistol but the rest are actually fleeing already i guess it's our heavy smgs that are just too powerful right here we'll see if we can take one prisoner if we can just get him in time some of his armor is really good too on this guy i think we might be able to at least one of us outspeed him as well probably whatever we get injured with it's going to be worth it if we could take the other one too that's free android parts nope another death and regat he is really elusive we don't have sky net yet but we're awfully close i think he's going to get off of the map and not worth it i'd hardly had a chance to spot it but the next generation of androids is here these ones have negative traits now a slow learner and a neat freak but he does have high intellectual passion and so we might be able to utilize this one for research and now with another laboratory constructed sam will be able to double the speed of research now this map has been restructured reformatted and processed it's time to start building the empire business and with the turning of the seasons we reach horde sizes that i heretofore thought impossible it's [ __ ] awesome and it just goes to show the value of a well-thought-out kill box and some well-placed fire truly a sight to behold ultimately no one is safe from the bug menace prepare to be assimilated and if you hear a distinct hissing run before you're vaporized or rendered into a fine pulp and as we push toward the end of a long extremely cruel winter not everyone makes it but sacrifices are worthwhile and meaningful if they bear fruit in our labors so now day by day edging closer toward a singularity though solitary and alone we sojourn here in search of the omnibot an invention which brings new meaning to all our sufferings and brings what start out as mere steel and components out of the dark light of ignorance into the shining truth of creation or at least as far as our story goes and while i love researching for 50 hours straight i just wouldn't put you through it there are certain things you can do to lessen the amount of time you spend on it for example sonny has this tainted lab coat which happens to give him 10 more research speed among you know work with drugs as well as these filing cabinets only one of which seems to be operative so we'll note that in the future uh but i hope you don't mind me skipping ahead here a bit they've got a lot of research to do and it's just a lot of maintenance over time so let's skip ahead and so after what seems like an eternity we finally have enough to craft an omnibot well that is we have the research the materials are in another matter entirely crafting an omnipot takes just to give you a sense of time an omnibot takes 75 plastial and one robotic matrix of an anti-logic type creating an anti-logic robotic matrix requires 40 robotics components eight advanced components 200 silver and 100 gold and making a robotics component requires 50 silver 20 steel and two components there is a [ __ ] load that goes into one omnibot when you do get a single omnibot it can pull the weight of 10 colonists the total cost is practically incalculable but if we can craft one of these things it's going to double the speed at which we produce things in our colony and so we set off on the grand task of crafting one of these god-like robots now in the interest of time i'm just going to speed through a lot of this process it's a ton of crafting and it'll probably take at least a full season to go through but when sonny has enough components he should be able to craft an omnibot base station the good news is that once we have an omnibot base station it's going to send ripples out into the rest of the colony and unleash productivity it takes an absurd number of components to get through this process but in time it'll accelerate and will hit our stride and so after a stupid amount of mining we make the map practically unrecognizable a massive factory and although it may take seemingly forever the seasons change and we eventually craft enough components to create an anti-logic robotic matrix and now through sunny's work we can install the omni base station it's probably the single strongest unit in the game and while it may not be as strong as its android counterparts in combat it's faster than any other colonist and performs tasks more diligently than any ever could it'll smooth floors in a second normally this type of task would take a half a day but it can do an entire room by itself just comparing its speeds with one of the level one androids shows how much stronger it is and it's not limited to just one task like the other bots there's many robots of this type but by far the omnibots are the most powerful of the roombas faster even than sunny and while they can't really perform well in combat they're more of a labor-saving unit this is a bot that will make small work of the rest of our tasks and catapult us into the space age the omnibot mines too faster than any colonist could even a colonist with level 20 mining it mines so much faster it does the work of five or ten colonists all by itself but a new fear is that we're facing god-tier raids these are beyond dire raids they're fixed wealth progression raids after a long period of time they'll stop at nothing to kill us and if we don't die we'll certainly get extremely empty up if the bumble drones don't kill us then the infestation certainly will and so we flee to the safety of indoors surviving but barely and just generally effing up everyone who comes through one can only cower and fear so long before the hordes of teeming insects slowly begin their assault now although our rockets might wipe out some of the megapedes in the back it's no replacement for the fires that burn them in the front fire is really all we have against insects and it's really just a matter of not running out of chem fuel we're already running out of chem fuel in the front and we rely on the burning of the fires that's why we've installed another array of fire turrets in the back and we just pray that our colonists don't get shot in the line of fire fire solves most problems parts can be rebuilt walls can be restructured but one thing's certain and it's that the horde of insects will continuously grow forever this is why kill boxes are necessary and it's also that my androids can live a pacifist lifestyle exchanging pleasantries and gossip with one another meanwhile at the main gate it's a [ __ ] nightmare when everything just crumbles to oblivion i now understand why people need three layers of titanium for their kill boxes if i had ever questioned the difficulty before no longer do i do one thing is puzzling me and that's why they don't get hit by the autocannons i don't understand why colonists don't get hit by the auto cannons in the line of fire i just haven't seen any of them go down yet my omnibot was also shot to death unfortunately repairing the omnibot is not such a major cost only 35 blast deal but it's what i secretly wanted all along i'll stop it oh [ __ ] hopefully this won't cost more lives we actually do need android 8 if we can keep them i'll have to set the zone back we can give up our defenses but we can't replace our colonists a mad arctic coyote is the least of my worries eventually the process is completed sunny protects us from the arctic fox or not wow after all that you're going to do that to me man let's just see if this thing is any any good for rich reading nope too late what a waste and we'll make short work of the rest of them mostly now it's just bots doing all of the work but we finish off the remaining ones peace has won the day and after all of that [ __ ] we move one step closer toward the space age the production of omnibots will accelerate research will improve and an absolutely absurd number of enemies can be killed we're talking about a whole new type of game i think we'll leave it there for today i've come farther than i ever thought possible in rimworld i've never had a colony that was this organized and technologically advanced rima feller has made power production a thing of the past and we now have surplus of oil and chem fuel soon crafting and resources that we're still low on components and it takes a long time to produce will start to accelerate and once we deliver our army of omnibots then we can start to work on militarized mechs there's an entirely different set of models that behave just like these omnibots but in a military way and there's just so many mods at work i actually just played vanilla rimworld with a friend of mine a couple hours ago and it was a completely different experience i never realized how far we've come but i hope you've transitioned into mods as well as i have next time we can start to research more late game technologies and start to militarize our androids we still need the whole set of t3 androids so that's another grow but like i said there's a lot of work to be done anyway intimately i'll keep streaming these to twitch if you ever want to hang out or give me any tips or learn something yourself as always my name is ambiguous amphibian thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 345,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld game, rimworld mods, rimworld androids, rimworld androids mod, rimworld android tiers, rimworld robots, rimworld robots only, rimworld solo, rimworld let's play, let's play rimworld, rimworld modded, rimworld mod, rimworld android colony, rimworld 2020, rimworld royalty, rimworld mods 1.2, rimworld 1.2, rimworld 1.2 gameplay, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld one colonist, rimworld misc robots, rimworld royalty let's play, rimworld 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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