Breaking out at MINIMUMS - LPV Approach to 200ft (Cessna 182)

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we're gonna have some solid ifr let's use the resource yeah crm that's right what's the lowest you've flown in approach uh 200 that's how you do it yeah that's uh it's not pleasant getting lights off the side yeah there's 300 to go i still do not have the runway nope number 4300 [Music] [Music] level 330. i'll set the context up for y'all so you all know what's going on here troy and i just finished up doing an angel flight with randall who is battling cancer for the fourth time in his life and he's using the volunteer efforts of troy through angel flight to get to md anderson near houston to get the regular treatment he needs for his cancer definitely check out that video all about angel flight if you haven't yet randall is now in a car on his way to the medical facility to get the treatment he needs and it's time to get back in the plane and head back to midway airport on the south side of dallas but we have some weather in our way the following day is supposed to yield a pretty strong cold front with storms so we opted to run randall down to sugarland today and while we're not dealing with storms necessarily at low ceilings do prevail along our route i went ahead and rolled cameras on this flight just in case something interesting happened on the way back to midway and i was happy that i did because we really utilized our instrument ratings on this one troy and i had some really good conversations along the way about crew resource management and procedures as well and i feel this is a super educational flight for the both of us if you want to catch the full length cut of this flight which is about an hour long you can head over and see that on cockpit club the link is down in the description we start this video on the ramp at sugarland regional airport in sugarland texas where troy is about to pick up our ifr clearance to midway airport sugar land clearance delivery skylane 855 whiskey hotel at global select information juliette ifr2 juliet whiskey yankee okay that's colleen 855 whiskey hotel shooting ground i don't have a flight plan out on you just yet let me check this just to see where you at okay i wonder if it went under angel flight 5269 which is what we came in at so i can refile okay i've got angel flight 5269 flight plane if that's who you are you're ready to copy uh we are but can you change that to 855 whiskey hotel we're no longer an angel flight we're ready to copy okay i'll make that change for you scotland 855 whiskey hotel shooting ground club to julian whiskey yankee airport beltway six departure quiet transition for recountry arrival direct maintain two thousand expect eight thousand one zero minutes out to departure departure frequency one two three point eight squawk two five two four eight five five whiskey hotel we're cleared to juliet whiskey yankee beltway six cried rico three direct two thousand eight thousand after ten one point 123.8 2524 colleen hotel rebecca and 855 whiskey hotel we're ready to taxi for 1-7 well with julia well if i okay give way to the challenger one seven via mike find whiskey hotel all right everything look good to you everything looks good whiskey hotel turn right heading four zero maintain two thousand runway one seven four take out heading two four zero up to two thousand cleared for takeoff one seven eight five five whisky hotel well we got out in front of the jet yes little uh hold okay we got strobes landing lights taking a look down final right yeah trust but verify in the words of ronald reagan go ahead yes sir i did the coordination four years ago time now two two one eight okay two two five zero uh can we taxi back to the uh ramp all right six five eight you can do that now they may change your departure time that's very possible uh if you like to do that uh enter the runway at lima and back taxi down the road here's the carry is there okay just pull up here and shut down and just sit here with you running for over to houston angel flight 52-69 november 85-5 whiskey hotel i'll get it yeah houston november 855 whiskey hotels off sugarland hitting 2-4-0 out of 1100 climbing 2 000. whatever 855 which could tell you departure contact how to maintain four thousand four thousand angel play november eight five five whiskey hotel old habits die hard no problem cheese number five whiskey hotel contact departure on 132.25 will get you going towards cried here soon 32-25 november 855 whiskey hotel 32-25 that's one way you could help me is listen for the frequencies too okay yeah i was listening for it and if you want me to do radios too i can do that yep that's fine you gotta talk right there they're yours houston skyline 855 whiskey hotel four thousand dollar five five whiskey hotel houston approach the envelope temperature two nine or eight niner eight nine or five let's get down thank you we're gonna have some solid ifr let's use the resource yeah crm that's right that's a that's a video that i want to do sometime soon oh yeah you know about you know crm isn't just for the jet pilots no it's not might as well utilize it absolutely [Music] that's why like when you got your clearance i had to kind of sit on my hands because i'm like so tempted to put in the squat code and put in your departure frequency i pointed at it like go ahead but then i was like man you said i was that you didn't do it so it's okay we hadn't talked about it right right and that's why yeah because i respect that i try to not be this that cfi that just gets handsy and starts touching doing what you well and that could be a problem right right the other guy thinks it hasn't been done or you think it has but the other right you're disconnected exactly or they get used to the cfi doing it right you know or if you set a frequency and it's it's like the exchange of controls there's that verbalization i shouldn't confirm did he say three five nine or three six zero right three six zero right hotel so once we get closer let's look at what's going on with the other weather and pre-determine what our plan will be yeah yeah absolutely i've got a flashlight right here not a d cell but and then of course we have the lights in our phones i've got a flashlight in my flight bag back there too start sneaking up on it got it oh yeah we're on top five whiskey hotel tops four thousand four hundred clear above our five let's go to roger thank you sir 33 what's the lowest you've flown an approach uh 200. that's how you do it yeah that's uh it's not pleasant oh i remember that video was that the one where you went to addison is it that that was actually one of them yeah you were hand flying it yeah me too yeah i've hand flown all of them um but uh and you need to be prepared too so that's right an important discussion too we got a great autopilot it's a good tool yeah you shouldn't be launching into these conditions using this if you're not prepared to hand fly it right exactly exactly so let's talk through something for this approach the one thing that this doesn't have is you can't set minimums i did notice you do that too and that made me happy every now and then you push the heading sink i do it for two reasons one is it helps me keep track of what the winds how the winds are changing right we go right i mean that worked for now but after a time you know if it's if it's moving to the left i'm getting more of a crosswind from the left because it's right vice versa but also if gps failed or something i can quickly go into heading mode right or if you get a quick vector you can hit heading and it's not going to start turning the opposite direction that you want or whatever i always tell my dad leave no bugs unattended absolutely you don't want to be going this way and have that bug over here right unless you're expecting that turn exactly okay our backup plan will be the uh rnav three one and two red bird so the the winds there right now they're overcast six hundred times five whiskey hotel contact fort worth center one two six point seven two two six point seven two five whiskey hotel goodnight 26.72 fourth center sky lane eight five five whiskey hotel level eight thousand five whiskey hotel when we get switched over to 25.2 that'll be our final controller i think i said that already but just i'm thinking ahead yeah across dodge and maintain four thousand five whiskey hotel there's 400 so we're gonna do four thousand and if you'll let them know we're vacating eight yeah five whiskey hotel vacating eight thousand all right let's go into approach mode as a crew all right especially since we're going to be going imc now sterile cockpit sterile cockpit unless we see something wrong call it out for sure okay we're out of 5.4 that's it whistle and center five whiskey hotel tops are five thousand four hundred number five teleconnect regional approach one two five point two two five point two five whiskey hotel thanks that's your final controller all right weather regional approach skyline eight five five whiskey hotel five thousand descending four thousand we have the weather in nodes at midway gonna be uh asking for the rnav runway one eight five was good though what was it for um [Music] hotel about 48 170 or better now let's see 170. little 170 1986. six zero 260. whiskey hotel yeah there it is procedure activate approach so we want activate back here's the final right there we go now we've got the five five miles from the final approach fix turn left heading two zero zero maintain three thousand so that's on the final first course clear darn average approach midway two zero zero maintain three thousand cleared for the r have one eight midway eight five five whiskey hotel i've activated the approach right so it'll capture it perfect glide path is enunciated three thousand until we're there and then we can go down to twenty six i think two two three four twenty three forty five number five hotel change five seconds advisory will cancel on the phone five ways a good time we're come back to you right or come back to you all right midway traffic skylane 855 whiskey hotel approximately an eight mile final for runway one eight we're on the r approach will be a full stop midway gills on both cow flaps are open here comes the mixture here comes prop full for the go around here comes the glide path where one mile to go here comes the gear at your speed i'm guarding the controls in case anything let's go i can feel what's happening okay here pumps off here comes flaps 10. all right and on the gear i see a green and two gear out this mirror thank you i got a wheel too okay got a 24 for 930. and as we get a little closer i like to give it seven clicks again just to make sure those lights are on absolutely it really sucks when you get down there they're not on midway traffic skylane 855 whiskey hotel about a three mile final for runway one eight will be a full stop midway 500 to go your eyes are outside i'm inside yeah i'm looking for the runway 400. yeah there's 300 to go i still do not have the runway nope runway's inside there comes 20 gears down air is down airplane's configured uh gumpsy right kill the odd amber [Music] arrival oh it's good to me it's really hard to gain depth perception and missed is what i got out of that yes man that um that's going to go in the books as one of the lowest approaches i've ever been a part of thanks for grabbing those yeah so troy what do you think about that approach and that that flight as a whole i've done an approach down to 400 before and so that wasn't a problem it was forecast to be 400 but we hit 400 and we called 400 and we weren't seeing anything right you know so uh and we called 300 we weren't seeing anything yep 200 to go we're not seeing anything 100 to go oh there's the lights i'm really grateful that we came in on one eight that had those runway end identifier lights i think that helped you spot it's what i saw first yeah and then it was almost like it was almost instantaneous then i saw the rest of the runway lights but it really helps you know where to look but hey procedures work this is fun because it teaches that you're training right right that's what this is that's how we go get an instrument rating is so we can get home and hey if we didn't get in here that whole thing is a good demonstration of working as a crew you are glued to the instruments i have my eyes glued outside trying to find the lights right um and meanwhile yeah oh absolutely when you have a second pair of eyes because you can stay on the instruments and you were sitting there counting down every hundred percent it was ready to toga button i was ready to do it i was starting to think we might not be getting in right yeah it was definitely i mean it was right down to minimums and we got in got on the phone canceled so we're good to go there but uh yeah that was interesting fun stuff we talked about a lot of cool stuff too like habits and all that we'll go flying angel flight together again yes great i'm totally down for that awesome absolutely thanks man we'll do it again this flight was definitely more technical in nature but it had so many valuable tidbits that were definitely worth sharing that approach is definitely going in my logbook as one of the lowest i've been a part of i caught the reels or the runway end identifier lights which are the strobes on either side of the threshold about a hundred feet above the decision altitude that is technically part of the runway environment so that's why i called the runway in sight at that point it's the end of the runway those strobes are there to really pierce through the fog and mist specifically for these conditions so you can get the runway in sight as early as possible of course having a full set of mouse or approach lights or something is a totally different story but this particular runway is not equipped with those it wasn't until right at the decision altitude that the rest of the runway lights started to emerge out of the mist needless to say this approach was about as low as you can go but we made it in and troy and i worked really well as a crew to make that happen if you want to see the full-length version of this flight which is about an hour in length you can check it out on cockpit club these are super educational for even myself to watch over again and debrief so definitely check out those full-length videos on cockpit club if you're interested if you like the video be sure and hit like and subscribe if you haven't until next time i want you to stay happy healthy and current but most importantly stay proficient go out and get some instrument proficiency in your logbook that proficiency makes flights like these so much safer we'll see in the next video fly safe you
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 73,778
Rating: 4.9712696 out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, general aviation, air traffic control, atc, radio, intercom, audio, cockpit, takeoff, landing, training, vfr, ifr, flight, vlog, flight vlog, pilot vlog, aviation101, josh flowers, cfi, flight training, private pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, hd, 4k, minimums, low ifr, fog, clouds, cessna, tr182, turbo, skylane, 182rg, angel flight, sugarland, texas, dallas, rnav approach, lpv, garmin, gfc 500, autopilot, garmin g5, foreflight, private pilot license, microsoft flight simulator 2020
Id: pq3FuEhRDtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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