This Feels Illegal! Flying the Hudson River Exclusion Zone | Coast to Coast II: Pt. 1

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my buddy arnaldo and i are setting off on another adventure that started out as another crazy idea and here we are loading up his 1982 turbo mooney to turn that crazy idea into a reality from florida up the east coast to massachusetts new hampshire and maine across the midwest through wyoming and montana ending in the pacific northwest welcome to part one how do you hear this [Music] number seven three trailer you're ready to contact eight miles south and a minute airport clearly the most broadway space as requests along the charles river for now maintain vfr 2500. [Music] 21173 golf jack star good morning good morning mooney one one seven three golf for a moonee over jackson lake southbound wanted to do a flyby of the grand tetons here we can uh stay a couple miles west of your runway for you stay out of the approach path at 1173 golf we're going to orbit mount hood then we're going to head up to mount adams and do the same then arrange near st helens and then we're planning to go out to the coast fly down around towards tillamook and then back into aurora oregon i'm going to turn off the camera here and i'm going to enjoy this sunset over the pacific ocean on this sheer cliff on the west coast in oregon with my own eyes [Music] all right arnaldo is doing pre-flight and we've got the plane all packed so we're here at shelter at uh orlando executive airport the mooney is all ready to go we've got our fuel we've got good fluid levels in the airplane ronaldo is checking the rest of the stuff on the airplane so we should be good to go here pretty soon what do you think richard he's ready to go you got snacks for us absolutely he's got snacks for us nothing but the best that's right everything looks pretty good so we'll be good to go here in just a little bit and we'll be heading up to conway near myrtle beach north carolina right i think it's north carolina i don't know somebody in the comments will correct me i'm sure 73 golf traps going up when we found a local pattern on the parking lot heading zero five five may seven alpha seven clip it they go zero five five on the heading runway seven clear for takeoff one one seven three golf zero four two number two from minecraft coming up number two gears up and indicating good morning orlando departures mooney one one seven three golf one thousand three hundred climbing one point five zero five five a sign number one seven three call for lender parks good morning raider contact climb maintain two thousand floating three four zero three four zero up to two thousand how's the coziness back there richard it is wonderful i mean this is like first class on singapore airlines when i had their suite the only thing i'm expecting is the steak from him we're working on it up here okay about 30 minutes i'll be ready can you make my bed so i can recline as well yeah we can do that too perfect i appreciate him 4173 golf give him a minute to your clearance yeah i wanted to see if we could put on request charlie pop and charlie as our destination reason being we're getting better wins up here we can go a little further uh number one one seven three golf roger now clear presentation direct cpc maintain seven thousand present position direct cpc maintain seven thousand thank you one one seven three golf the town of loras richard we'll get about eight minutes of this okay i always think of it like a lake in the morning versus the afternoon once you're into the afternoon there's been all all these planes turning up the atmosphere and the heat and and everything all the air is moving around in the daytime it's just like plowing across a choppy lake on a boat yeah i'm pretty sure i have a field yeah okay i think i see it too yeah i've got it mooney 1-173 golf house columbus county inside cancel ifr moody 7-3 golf 5r cancellation is received and i just want to verify you see it's columbus county 12 o'clock and 15 miles we do see it uh 12 o'clock yeah about 15 miles is about right after golf mr golf thanks our cancellation is received squawk vfr and chase advisory's approved i have no observed traffic between you and columbus county see you all right squawk vfr going over to ctap appreciate the help 73 golf we are inside of 132 i'm about to capture the glide slope so gear down gear down gear down bit of a crosswind columbus county mooney 1173 golf short final runway six full stop columbus county and it's shifting on me whoa that's a gus do you feel that yeah that was a big gust that was a big gust that got us airborne like immediately yeah that's the strongest ghost i've had this way uh it's it might be the strongest i've ever felt like right there on the runway it wasn't super bumpy coming down definitely had a crosswind but it was right i mean the stall horror was on right i was like no you're going flying again by the way i i was very confident that i had that but if you feel like a go-around is needed you just say go around like i'm i'm used to if if you're a pilot and you say it dude the fuel is self-serve that if you need to come inside using facilities you have to have a texture cover all right you got it appreciate that um that's one thing that i do okay person here is a pilot you say go around i don't question it i go around i will keep that in mind and i have to probably say it a lot on this trip because you're in left seat that's a joke we're moving north into cooler weather so i threw on a pullover and we headed inside to have some lunch that richard brought for us oh man you should uh we should run a catering company i'm telling you this is prime um sandwiches it is all the fixings on it it's called the ham and cheese perfect i love stopping at little airports on these trips because these tiny fbos usually house memories and stories from all kinds of local aviators and the case at columbus county being all of the first solo shirt tails hanging in the hallway we fueled up ourselves and the moony and we were soon on our way to our second fuel stop for the day ocean county airport toms river new jersey 1173 golf radar contact four miles northeast of the columbus county airport altitude indicates 2600 cleared to the mike juliet x-ray airport via as files fun to maintain seven pounds all right clear the mic juliet x-ray as files quantum maintains seven thousand passing two thousand nine hundred now one one seven three off so did you answer richard's question of what happened if you throw banana peel out the window from the airplane no i did not so if you roll down your window and do a banana peel out would it hit the wings 6260 [Music] but as soon as it hits the slipstream of air that's on the exterior of the aircraft cabin that slipstream is going to just take it right back because the air is standing still you're assuming we're not flying with the tailwind centerpiece the tail would be absolutely negligible so you're telling me the rate at which the banana drops 32 feet per second squared is less than the rate at which we're going you're you're basically speed with acceleration they're not equal it has to accelerate first and as soon as you let it go no it doesn't have to accelerate you're saying it decel rate so i'm saying the speed at which it decelerates has to be greater than the speed at which it drops over the length of the wing this is what i deal with yeah no no i like this i like this all right you deal with it so we're talking about two axes here right the horizontal and the vertical [Music] if you look at the acceleration in both the y and the x-axis individually individually is the key i think if you aren't moving at all basically however much it's going to accelerate in the y-axis doesn't matter whether you're traveling at zero meters per second or a thousand meters per second in the horizontal it's still going to accelerate in the y at the same rate right it's going to drop by the rate of gravity exactly okay so the current velocity in the x is way more than its current velocity in the y so relative to us it's going to appear to move in the negative x right off the bat because we it won't even be in our field of view long enough to witness hardly any acceleration in the y [Music] okay so i could drop a banana peel out the window there yeah it would go straight back i'll go to another one we'll see how you answer this one can't you throw a curveball in space arnold i had to put up with this one many years ago i wouldn't think so why because there's no there's no uh aerodynamics affecting the ball it's a friction it's just like if you're standing on a dam or a bridge or something and you get like a basketball put a backspin on it and drop it it's going to fall and curve away from you because the air going over one side of the ball is at a different velocity than the other side of the ball because of the spin and the friction so it causes it it actually creates lift in one direction so you answered no i couldn't throw it the same way i throw it on earth correct but i could use the gravitational pull of a celestial body to affect it and make it curve yeah absolutely could because it needs an external force on earth the external force by that logic you can consider throwing a ball in a straight line and it falls to the ground a curveball i like these conversations i have tons of them that's what i deal with on flights and fishing trips hey i like it it's good it's good the puzzles for the brain all right same deals before our v-riv is gonna be 72 we're landing with roughly the same amount of fuel as last time maybe a couple gallons left 27-3 golf contact mcguire approach one two six point four seven we'll see it 26 47 73 golf today for nine four alpha reader contacts seven miles northwest of maguire maintains vfr vfr for alpha good afternoon maguire approach mooney one one seven three golf descending through four thousand four hundred down to three moonee one one seven three golf aware approach team of wild timber three zero three one verifies the weather at ocean county airport and states our bridge question 3031 we have the weather looking for the visual senate through golf project expect visual perspective availability 1173 golf field insight cancel ifr observed between you and the airport all right squawk cfr going to advisory 1173 golf thanks all right remaining landing gear down inside of 132 and you're coming down [Music] down down down all right fuel pump off yes parking brake off your outer marker marker beacon yeah fuel selector on the fullest tank yes uh prop full four whenever you're ready fixture set rich it is flap set as required yes trim set yes and final gums check [Music] pre-landing checklist complete we'll land long yeah tons of runway tons of runway and it's a bit windy [Music] oh too high beautiful yeah but i rounded up a little too high but that's okay a little bit but we took a short coffee and fuel break at ocean county then we briefed what we're going to do on the last leg of the day which is going to take us right through the heart of new york city many of you from the area or that fly already know this but if you don't there's an exclusion zone over the hudson river allowing aircraft to fly below the bravo airspace right in front of new york city the vfr procedure calls for staying within a range of altitudes hug the right-hand side of the river and make position reports at the significant landmarks we briefed up the hudson river exclusion procedure on the second leg of the day and we suited up with life vests before departure because if we have an engine issue the only safe place to put it down is in the hudson the plan on this leg is to fly through the hudson river exclusion and get flight following on the other side through new york approach to provincetown massachusetts that's where we're going to drop richard off and spend the night and then arnaldo and i will be on our way the next day but flying at building height along the new york city skyline is easily going to be the highlight of today yeah just don't exceed 140 knots any collision lights and position lights are on landing light is recommended we got a current new york tackling realizing it familiarize themselves with the information contained there and we're all good to go okay verrazano bridge in sight all right 20 25 inches gives me laguardia altimeter 30 30. yeah i'm on 30 30. 1100 feet 120 knots okay hudson river traffic skyhawk verrazano one thousand northbound hudson river traffic uh mooney entering the corridor from the south over verrazano one thousand one bridge northbound 7 gonna be doing a 180 course reversal over the month the site man new york city traffic skyhawk governor's island 1000 northbound mooney you got us in sight now we see on the ipad we're kind of trying to feather our speed so we don't catch up to you too much we're in between verrazano and the statues river traffic long range helicopter orbiting the lady 500. looking out for the morning hudson river mooney 1100 statue of liberty northbound hudson river [Music] and always a helicopter coming around the back of the lady gonna be switching to new york wow this is just incredible that's hudson river mooney one thousand one hundred being the clock northbound hudson river at four counterclockwise all right i got the intrepid inside so let's just stay a little bit outside the intrepid so we can avoid the tfr for trump tower traffic skyhawk intrepid northbound one hudson river mooney 100 100 over the intrepid northbound hudson river [Music] and money are uh we're not too far ahead of you we're our speed's about a hundred worked away 100. we're actually doing about 102 we were trying to kind of match your ground speed there spacing looks good so far this is incredible this really is incredible [Music] hudson river mooney 1 100 approaching the george washington bridge northbound hudson river at the traffic by going long range one world north night and hudson river traffic skyhawk is north of the gwb we're going to be 180 course reversal back to the south all right mooney behind you how's you inside bravo starts at 1500 where we're at 1300 sorry yeah 13. and then 3000 once we cross get past alpine tower which i guess is that thing radio tower hudson traffic mooney 100 feet alpine tower northbound [Music] new york approach mooney1173 golf vfr request 1173 golf how can i help you one one seven three golf just at the hudson uh quarter northbound and uh we're exiting to bravo to the north we're at 2700 feet wanted to see if we could pick up flight following to pop up victor charlie 7500 we're vfr 2700 now 1137 question 1173 golf club zero two zero five zero two zero five appreciate it for golf seven three golf your radar contest six miles north west of western airport uh 7.5 at your discretion on course encore 7.5 our discretion seven three golf thank you [Music] just gonna maintain 8 000. all right man on course up to 7 500 our discretion we're clear of the delta and the bravo found it that was awesome that was beautiful good time of the day too good time of the day what'd you think about it richard you know right back there it's gonna get smoother here in just a couple minutes the back of my eyelids were pretty much the time but when i opened my eyes it was beautiful i'm scottish got some pretty good video i'm sure so [Music] i think we got that situation covered we'll get you some smoother air here in a second as instructed by new york approach we climbed on course toward cape cod and before we knew it nightfall was upon us and we were receiving a handoff to boston approach remember 1173 golf contact boston approach 133.0 one three three point zero have a good night time to go good evening boston approach spoonie one one seven three golf seven thousand five hundred seven three golf boston approach three zero three one and verify your current option three zero three one seven thousand five hundred seven three golf thanks 173 golf traffic two o'clock two miles eastbound airbus jet blue colors descending out of ten five science center golf three golf maintenance separation with the traffic launch points turbo caution wake turbulence will stay away from another 73 46 56 traffic at eight o'clock and two miles eastbound okay who's behind the so that big island right out there is martha's vineyard that is where john f kennedy jr was flying to when he got specially disoriented at night out over the water and came plummeting down to the water killed everybody on board almost see nantucket out there [Music] hey boston moonies one one seven three golf we're ready to start our vfr decent golf outfit your discretion thanks [Music] american 25 79 you can maintain published feeds or greater if you like i'm published speech or greatest thank you american 25 boston mooney one one seven three golf beat out of sight number seven three dollars service terminates close bfr change your advice for you good night squawk vfr going to advisory thanks for all the help tonight we'll sit down promise down traffic mooney 1173 golf about three mile final runway zero seventy full stop province town going full rich oh there's the runway lines beautiful all right we made it provincetown massachusetts at the very very tip of uh of the cape got a good look at boston on the way in and uh super pretty out that way right over providence rhode island and here we are provincetown massachusetts so we got the airplane tucked away on a tee we're gonna tie it down tonight long long day of flying but a good day of flying we covered some ground orlando florida to provincetown massachusetts through new york city through the hudson corridor which was absolutely amazing what'd you think of that arnold that was pretty amazing i want to see the footage because i was it was pretty intense flying i want to see the footage too because i don't remember it it's uh it was a lot tighter than i expected yeah flying the car because he got traffic both ways but uh no it was a cool experience yeah no it wasn't having some of the buildings be higher than you the top of the buildings are higher than you when you're going through the corridor so that part was super amazing and yeah i was super super busy on our way in there but not bad at all just absolutely beautiful kind of surreal sitting there like wow this is that's new york city right there like that's we're just flying right over that and we're super close to the buildings and the buildings are above us so anyways we're gonna call it for the for the first day we're gonna go grab some dinner i'm gonna get equipment charging and footage transferring from today and everything we're just gonna kind of lay low and relax for the rest of the day we earned it we covered some ground it's the first day of what's going to be just an absolutely amazing and epic trip going forward so we'll see you tomorrow [Music] after flying just over a thousand miles to reach our coast-to-coast starting point in new england we earned a solid dinner drinks and a good night's rest provincetown is the original site of the mayflower's landing in the year 1620. so as a guy that's fascinated with colonial and revolutionary history it's a pretty cool place for arnaldo and i to start our coast-to-coast endeavor richard won't be continuing with us since this is his final destination which is a shame because he's gonna miss out on some absolutely amazing locations that lie ahead of us in the coming weeks in part two arnaldo and i relocate to the other side of boston pick up one of his friends who showed up in one of my t-shirts which was awesome and he accompanied us for ice cream in new hampshire mount washington in the afternoon light and some lobster in maine for dinner we'll then request with boston approach that we circled downtown at night and the controllers were so accommodating and we were not disappointed stay tuned for part two to allow a little bit more time to thoroughly edit these episodes for y'all they'll be released every other week with additional topical videos in between so definitely give the channel a subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss out on future episodes if you'd like to support aviation 101 head over to where you can shop merch and gear as well as gain exclusive access to content on cockpit club the link is down in the description until next time everyone i want you to stay happy healthy and current and you guessed it stay proficient go out and plan your next adventure we'll see you in part two fly safe [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 87,934
Rating: 4.9725437 out of 5
Keywords: new york city, hudson river, exclusion zone, sully, miracle on the hudson, world trade center, mooney, m20k, turbo, cross country, coast to coast, new england, provincetown massachusetts, cape cod, martha's vineyard, flying, aviation, general aviation, air traffic control, atc, radio, intercom, audio, cockpit, takeoff, landing, training, vfr, ifr, flight, vlog, flight vlog, pilot vlog, aviation101, josh flowers, cfi, flight training, private pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, hd, 4k
Id: 6y_tlXuIaGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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