Rainy IFR (400ft) Morning - SiriusXM vs. ADS-B Weather

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[Music] i'm painting a lot more weather than yours because you're just picking up adsb this is coming from siriusxm yeah and the awesome part about this you get this data when you're just sitting on the ground nice that's pretty cool see them yeah what are they two t-38s in formation no way yeah i'm probably gonna go back there and pee two out of ten don't recommend that maneuver heavy turn right heading three five zero was that turn right to three zero zero four five fifteen heavy five fifteen heavy hitting three five zero [Applause] so it's a rainy cloudy misty morning here in san marcos and we're getting ready to go flying miles is cherokee six now today we're going to do something a little bit different sirius siriusxm sent me a garmin gdl52 to review with sirius xm weather service this is a perfect day to try it out so we're going to link it up to four flight miles is going to be hooked to his 80sb coming from his garmin transponder i'm gonna be hooked to adsb and siriusxm coming from the gdl52 we're gonna basically just compare today and see what the difference is between adsb and siriusxm so our mission today is to take kevin here kevin is in texas from alaska you can see on the back of his shirt there right so kevin what are you doing down here in texas getting away from the cold you're getting away from the cold yeah i think for some heat i i wanted to wear shorts more this year so i brought my shorts and uh and i came to some shorts weather so what's the temperature at your house right now in anchorage it was five when i left yeah we're gonna go down to harlingen and uh i've got a buddy that lives down there my buddy jason so uh you guys are gonna drop me off down there and uh we'll grab some lunch at first and then do some flying and first time for me for a lot of a lot of aviation things today i've never flown in a low wing i've never flown an imc and i've never flown outside the state of alaska so i'm pretty excited so this airplane's got an aspen on the panel he's got a garmin 530 wasp and an s tech 55x stick 55x autopilot so this is actually a perfect ifr platform right here and long range tanks tip tanks are are on this airplane and it's got an air conditioning which i don't know if we'll really use it today but you all don't really have air conditioning's in your planes we just opened the doors yeah that's right so he's got a super cup he owns a piper but he's never been in a lowing i think that's kind of funny you own one of the very few piper high wings but a very common airplane in alaska oh it's the state plane it's the state plane they're like mosquitoes it's the state bird state bird it's the state bird yeah the super cub but that's the plan for today so we're going to compare sirius xm to 80s b weather gonna use four flight for that and we'll see how all of that interfaces and show you guys the difference should be good all right your flight plan khya guard san antonio three reverse corpus harlingen perfect thank you all right around four five three seven nine uh ready to taxi four five three seven nine roger um do you have information charlie and uh are you parked at the t hanger hey primitive information charlie and uh over the teeing there's four five three seven nine four five three seven nine uh runway one three actually alpha bravo charlie and juliet class roma eight one three alpha bravo charlie jewett across from eight four five runway 45379 one cool thing about siriusxm is i'm already seeing the radar on the ground nice which is nice when there's like weather rolling in and out like this we can already see if something's like about to get crappy all right you are clear right all right clear right there left birds on the windsock that must be pretty calm get the scatter again got dinner we'll get the scanner gun we're having buzzard for dinner benjamin get my benjamin get the musket so we don't i don't see any weather except for a little bit of rain popping up on radar around guards and victor 17 to san antonio wow we might get a little bit of precip out there that's it close your window all right landing lights on strobes on all right everyone's strapped in and ready i'm strapped in a regular i'm strapped in ready all right he's clearing marcus tower four five three seven i'm holding short one three ifr four five three seventy nine san marcos down turn left heading zero eight zero runway one three clear for takeoff curve takeoff one three left heading zero eight zero four five three seven okay nine bro all right make sure it's rich props will forward pumps on lights on what not your flaps what's the proper tank we'll expect to go into imc about 500 feet off all right power set instruments are in the green we got air speed there's 50 knots there's 60 knots two thousand feet left heading zero eight zero all right ceiling is at four hundred flashlight three seven nine connect austin departure today departure four five two seven all nine working on a left turn to zero eight zero austin approach four five three seven nine heading zero eight zero four flight 379 awesome departure radar contact ultimate 299 or 5 climb maintain 1-0 000 10 000 turn left heading 3-6-0 [Applause] 360-1010 45379 what do you think about that kevin that's wild that is wild climbed through a little layer and now we're on top and got another layer up there that we're probably going to go through we're 2000 climbing heading 360 third up to one zero ten thousand all right climb uh airspeed's good throttle mixture good fuel pump we'll leave on instruments are checked [Music] turn left heading two seven zero join picture 17 southbound 270 victor 17 4537 yes give me a check out turn left direct to the system vor descended maintain the different weather we're painting oh that's cool i only put this on ifr damagers i'm painting a lot more weather than yours because you're just picking up adsb this is coming from siriusxm yeah and the awesome part about this is that this stuff like you get this data when you're just sitting on the ground nice so if you go if you zoom out and go up toward like oklahoma city you see all the crap on radar up there yeah so this is what it looks like on siriusxm field of vectors pointing where it's going and there's tops seven minutes ago a storm cell tops 30 000 feet moving at 226 degrees at 43 knots oh wow and you can tap on any of those then of course you can animate it and it populates like that whereas adsb takes a second to bring it all into the ipad it has to basically like download it i wish i had that when i was flying in florida right so the funny thing is siriusxm reached out to me that day that i departed pensacola i knew what the weather looked like before i departed got my ifr clearance took off started going out like toward the shore and i was going to track the gulf and uh but the weather built on the back side of itself and i was going to have to go way offshore to go around it and i like immediately told atc i was like like as soon as adsb populated and i got some altitude i was like that's not going to work told atc i was like i just need a 360 heading for now and i need i want to route myself around the north side of this weather instead i'll get back with you with a requested route in a second and he was like uh approved and uh and then later that day actually i think it was while i was on that leg siriusxm messaged me and they were like have you ever used siriusxm weather i was like funny you mentioned that that would have been really useful today outstanding timing i know i was like outstanding timing leaving yeah so we're gonna go over to san antonio down to three rivers over to corpus christi and then down to heart oh wow okay yeah we're going like 50 miles out of our way it's just ifr it's what the computer wanted us is that what you filed no i filed from here to corporate vor then direct okay and then that's what the computer spit out 7500 for 1 11 000. i'm at 250 feet a minute we're halfway there a little over halfway there [Music] so i'm gonna go to devices in for flight here and it shows i'm connected to the gdl52 capabilities gps altitude cabin pressure oh crap we're almost wearing the same color oh man data i'm getting from adsb general notim's local radar heading two one zero national radar i've got five radar frames cloud tops update icing update lightning update turbulence text updates of weather text report count is and that's giving me account of like how many text reports and i'm getting good 80sb signal now for all the stuff that siriusxm gives us all the wonderful features like that's adsb this is siriusxm wow yeah composite radar lowest tilt radar which is cool we can get that up here storm cell attributes air meds and segments tfrs metars taps pi reps temperatures aloft winds aloft which is awesome i love wins aloft lightning cloud top surface wind analysis icing now cast turbulent surface analysis freezing level and surface wind or surface visibility forecast actually let's see what the winds aloft are up here because we can actually pull that up here at 9000 we're showing win240 at 30. we are currently seeing 2 36 yeah 236 at 35 knots approach 45379 traffic 12 o'clock three miles westbound fly to two t-38s at eight thousand look at four five three seven nine insight inside four five three seven nine that's pretty cool see them yeah what are they two t38s in formation no way yeah okay i'm moving again you're not going to be able to see them maybe out the side window here inside uh on that final approach of course so they're one o'clock now i'm probably going to go back there and pee kevin you want to come up here for a little bit yeah i could do that [Applause] trek one kind of keystone spanish 10 1-4 yoker one four flight 379 contact houston center one three four point six thirty four six four five three seven nine it's the center good morning four flight three seven nine niner thousand ranger eight four one clear kings four corporate celebrities seven 379 at 7 000 i could approve direct carl engine okay we'll let you know on that uh we're trying to stay above this layer uh 45379 welcome welcome thank you good to be here so that's what it feels like to be a russian gymnast that's it zero hotel so they gave us direct if we go down that's seven thousand four seven yeah [Music] [Music] okay so you said that they'll give us direct if we can go down to seven yeah let's see what the cloud tops are with siriusxm i'm showing in this area the tops are barely breaking five thousand okay i'd say let's do seven yeah let's ask for seven approach four five three seven nine uh we can go down to seven for direct carlington number five six zero hotel defend and maintain four thousand four flight three seven nine descend and maintain seven thousand uh leaving eight thousand clear direct harlem i will say it's much easier to pee in the back of a cherokee six than us in the front seat of a skyhawk i've always said that two out of ten don't recommend that maneuver you need to do some yoga butt all right adsb sorry siriusxm cool 18 minutes ago says 160 at 1 9 gus 28 ish windy it's breezy that's breezy that's pretty easy breezy cups girl pretty neat that's our slogan that is a slogan in it easy breezy beautiful cover girl yeah yeah probably going to get sued now more sponsored of course i mean uh one six zero three thousand he'll establish uh clear the ls one three right and uh once a family for the tower ups 9871 thank you welcome sir let you turn left heading two four zero tower four five three seven nine two thousand uh mile and a half of that b for flight 379 good morning clear land runway one seven left go to win one seven four five three seven nine not gonna say good morning back i didn't you're one of those you're one of those people and you wonder why he's in a bad mood brakes pedal test for good landing lights on on autopilot i'm using it ac i'm using it seat belts we're using them mixture let's go full rich uh prop i'll set it fuel pumps on lights on flaps required all right free landing checklist complete southwest 2942 push back your discretion seven right the alpha cross one three no delay i have other aircraft and i got your eating time all right another way one seven right via alpha quarter cross one three scott was thirty twenty six beautiful [Music] oh yee hot is windy we are about to put push the airplane back on a t here we're in harlingen texas down by the mexican border this is almost as far south as you can get in texas really cool seeing the differences between siriusxm and adsb i definitely think if you fly ifr a lot my eyes have been kind of open to how much data especially on the ground before you even take off and get adsb reception sirius xm gives you so so much data and i'm really excited to start using it on some of my upcoming long cross countries really appreciate the opportunity from siriusxm and garmin frankly for the gdl52 to check out all of these features and stuff you can follow the links down in the description if you want to learn more about siriusxm weather and radio so we're here in harlingen we're dropping off kevin where he's gonna stay with a friend here and we're probably gonna go into town and grab some lunch if we can find a car kevin's friend jason picked all of us up and we gorged ourselves at a local mexican restaurant in town but miles and i couldn't indulge in margaritas since we were flying back of course but we completed our mission got kevin to his destination and got a good ifr cross country in the books if you want to see the full-length ifr video which is about 40 minutes long you can sign up at aviation 101.com cockpit club and get exclusive access to all of the full length videos i hope this video answered at least maybe some of the questions you may have about siriusxm and the capabilities it adds to your toolkit as a pilot i know flying with it has certainly opened my eyes to what it can do in conjunction with a powerful app like for flight i have some pretty long trips coming up in the skyhawk as well as some other airplanes and i'm really excited to put sirius xm to use on these long ifr cross countries and dealing with true weather be sure to like the video if you did and subscribe if you haven't yet and until next time i want you to stay happy healthy and current and most importantly stay proficient we'll see in the next video fly safe [Music] you
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 42,585
Rating: 4.9194379 out of 5
Id: yUARXGdItgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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