Turbulent Flying in Pensacola - Rainy ILS Approach

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that is a pretty good win yeah you could definitely feel it oh yeah [Music] you're more than welcome to fly if you want wow 0.6 12 o'clock and five miles eastbound level at 5 000 bc 45. [Music] i'm in pensacola florida to hang out with the gang at co flight along my way back to texas go flight has been an amazing sponsor to aviation 101 and they make this awesome desktop and mobile app that helps you keep track of your aircraft's maintenance status and for my dad and i who use this airplane several times a week it makes it extremely easy to check the status of the airplane at a glance be sure to check out co-flight if you haven't it's great for private owners partnerships clubs flight schools operators you name it and you can use code aviation 101 to get two months free when you sign up this guy right here is tal he's the owner of coflite payton here is tal's daughter well i'm starting to get my pilot's license or wanting to at least um i went with the marketing team at code flight so we're just going to go up and check it out so the plan today was to put you in the left seat and let's go you know do a low level flight over the beach or something like that and get you the kind of the feel for what stick and rudder feels like and what it's like to kind of be thrown into the environment of not necessarily just being a passenger in your dad's baron but hopping into the pilot scene right well that's not gonna work today because of the low-level clouds that we've got the ceilings really weren't gonna get above 900 or a thousand feet all day so i opted for us to still fly but i'll take the left seat and we'll go ifr over to jack edwards alabama shoot an approach and come back to pensacola to shoot another approach for an absolute beginner flying an imc is not a good intro to stick and rudder skills so we decided to make it a weather proficiency flight for myself and go ifr so it's only 28 miles from here from pensacola so i filed an ifr flight plan we're going to pick it up here on the ground and i'll talk my way through the procedures and show you everything ask as many questions as you want i'm gonna ask plenty perfect so that's what we'll do we'll uh we'll taxi out we'll take off and we'll head over to uh gulf shores alabama shoot an approach get eyes on the airport and say okay that's good enough and we're gonna give it full power and climb back up into the clouds and head on back to pensacola and along the way we'll play it by ear if the weather looks like it's actually looking pretty good we can cancel our flight plan and stay below the clouds and come back up the beach come right in here and we'll just play it by here we'll do whatever we want it's the beauty of flying your own airplane right it was a pretty bumpy ride the whole way back to pensacola and peyton asked a lot of questions about flying which was awesome and i put her to work too by having her read the checklist to me we departed pensacola and shot the ils-27 into jack edwards alabama and we begin this video with a touch and go at jack edwards before heading back to shoot the ils into pensacola fuel selectors on both and flaps that's true all right flaps are good we're good to go complete that was a pretty nice approach you can see how much we're crabbing here jack edwards traffic skyhawk 809.1 is on short final runway two seven i'll make it a touch and go and then we're gonna be a right turn out to the north v4 ifr rather see how much that wind is pushing us yeah all right so the power is coming to idle we got a pretty good wind here let the energy in the airplane bleed off so we're gonna straighten it out there hold that rudder in there and let the airplane just bleed its energy off a little windy down here isn't it all right flaps coming up and the car peeds in airplanes clean there's takeoff power air speeds live that is a pretty good wind yeah you can definitely feel it oh yeah okay so now we're off at jack edwards we're going to make our right turn to 360 up to 1 700. jack edwards traffic skyhawk 809.1 just off runway 27 we're making a right turn out climbing through 300 feet we'll be uh heading three six zero ifr jack here's traffic faa vehicle entering the movement area will be traveling uh eastbound on alpha jacket works traffic that's a cola eight zero ninety-niner one one thousand on the mist okay zero ninety-nine one since good departure idea and pins called temperatures two ninety-nine three two nine another three ident eight zero nine under one turn 991 radar contact team i'll go with the jack edwards clown maintains three thousand up to three thousand eight zero not another one okay so we're gonna hold this heading we're climbing up to four thousand are we gonna take the beach route or head straight i think we're gonna have to head straight faster i'm actually i'm looking at the weather and i'm like oh we're actually gonna have to fly through some range heading zero zero just to maintain one thousand five hundred seven five approach course this is where i was gonna get freaked out because you really don't know where you are yeah i mean it's all flying by reference to instruments i mean i've got you know a sky and a horizon here 991 turn right hand zero three zero and contact approach one one nine point zero zero three zero nineteen zero eight zero nine nine eight six three nine or five your radar con let's go approach skyhawk eight zero nine another one three thousand one hundred climbing four got eight skyhawk eight two zero nine another one pennsylvania but i should climb to four thousand we'll give it the best rate not another one yeah we're actually in some legit rain now oh yeah so if you wanted to fly up could you or do you have to get permission to do that um so for this for this flight um we filed that was pretty broken but barely readable for not another one uh yes we are requesting the ils 107 full stop november 8th 991 just to verify you did have information victor correct oh we can get victor here in just a second okay remember he's here 991 roger just advise when you have that you can expect lower than one zero miles expect lower and one zero miles on another one thanks [Music] thank you vectors and we'll go ahead and we'll just load it for now what is vectors vectors is when basically the controller is going to steer i said you're more than welcome to fly if you want oh no no i think so we're in the clear storm okay so we are being vectored now so i'm going to hit procedure and activate vectors to final that goes green charlie maintain five now it's pointing straight into the runway in pensacola i'll switch over to in just a moment and hit activate or vectors to final and we're now being vectored and i'll consider that approach briefed there's our little airplane showing up is moving to the north east they're going to cpu charlie we'd like to see around it 340. did you have information victor april man we have a question thank you so what's the line right there anything for that previous that was basically just an extreme precipitation nowadays a direct point from where i hit the bound to vector to final um so basically what we're paying attention to here is this magenta line okay and they're vectoring us right now to intercept that so right now we're in the hands of the controllers kind of makes me laugh that you knew that color was magenta i think most guys would like it's p well it's it's actually a uniform thing in aviation yeah so you got you got green which at least on garmin green means uh that's coming from a vhf radio signal okay magenta means it's coming from so like if i switch to gps it went magenta that makes sense magenta means gps yeah we're in a little bit of precip here looks like we're about to pop out of it um there it is that's cool and then yeah like the magenta is kind of the uniform color for a gps course would you ever fly commercial like uh for the airlines yeah no i've gotten that question a lot and i did give it some serious thought for a little while i just can't see myself doing that i do find bigger stuff on a contract basis but i have a lot of freedom with that i can say no if i don't want to yeah or i'm free that day okay yeah i'm fine we'll go fly down one thousand five hundred players so technically i am a commercial pilot because i do fly for months okay 2 700 991 we're going to export right here 991 you can expect x's across possible back to the cross final space thank you number two behind it pilates at two o'clock [Applause] what she basically said there is you can expect to be vectored across the final so we're gonna actually see that like we're gonna blow through it and cross it and then she's gonna bring us around on the other side for spacing because there's another plane in front of us that she wants to get in first okay three four from 10 degrees left 10 degrees left five three four that's cool departure citation files here at kilo delta so 1 200 for three and we're wrong jerry kilo delta interceptor localizer inbound all right right to one eight zero intercept the localizer not that's why [Music] so it was for spacing she thought she was going to have to take me a little bit further in or a little bit further on the other side uh but i mean just like that we just we actually intercepted it we didn't even go through it okay yeah she did it on purpose for spacing she didn't want us to be too close to that plane in front of us basically we're lined up with the runway now the runway somewhere out there nine one six north of brick with ios 217 approach cleared is one seven eight zero nine one all right so we're cleared so now we're just waiting for that glide slope to come in again and then that's gonna guide us down to the runway right now and you notice the plane doesn't have any windshield wipers right it's a rainbow really quickly is it yeah oh yeah i see it i got all this you ready to get your license now you have a lot more to learn getting your license your pilot certificate is it is a license to learn i mean like once you get it you're not done learning i learned something new every time i fly one time frame of actual training it depends on how fast you want to train like how often you can train um is it both in class and yeah so there's a ground school there's some ground school portions of it and there's some proportions uh the knowledge and the skills but if you wanted to like fly two or three times a week yeah and and really like hit the books and all that kind of stuff you could get it done in probably four months five months november is here nine nine one kind of tower one one hundred point niner nineteen nine good eight nine one today i'll switch the tower that's cool the tower skyhawk eight zero nine another one ils one seven november eight zero niner niner one pen squirrel tower runway one seven clear to land one seven clear land nine another one f a seven so we are intercepting the glide slope now so we're slowing down i like to see like 75 knots across taxiway alpha and just hold short of runway 1 7 at all times we're looking for 320 feet on the altitude if we don't see the runway by 320 feet we'll be straight out to 600 right turn up to 3 000 back to the vor but the weather should be just fine we should see it like a thousand feet off the ground if you don't see it you have to turn back around and redo the uh yeah basically we go full power and pull the flaps up and everything and basically just climb out and climb up and over the airport and then according to this we'd make a right turn and continue to climb and basically yeah come around and try it again or go to a different airport which is what we call an alternate uh yeah you just got to figure it out so if i took hold of this yolk what'd you call it a yolk a yolk with this control and my side controlled the whole yeah yeah i mean you're like you notice they move together they're mechanically linked i got the right site there's the runway all right so we are done with the pre-landing checklist and we're all configured yeah it's nice to just get up and go i like getting up into the weather and kind of getting some experience with the weather two mile final runway one seven all right two mile final we are stabilized the pre-landing checklist is complete and all of our lights are on so why do you do the lights on when it's daylight uh just somewhere as visible as possible um the landing light is actually um is pretty uh pretty bright so i mean somebody's standing down there on the runway they would be able to see our landing light pretty easily whereas if it wasn't on we're so small that they may not even be able to tell if there's an airplane out there until we get closer it's a very long final approach when you've got a strong wind like this you just kind of watch it's like watching paint dry watching the runway get closer it affects the plane so much you wouldn't think that oh yeah i mean we've got a pretty good headwind right now it's about 20 knots okay so we're just going to let that glide slope slide underneath us here since we've got the runway in sight i'll actually show you here if the weather was bad enough we could still be in the clouds right now it'd be right here is where we'd see the runway really yeah that's how low this particular approach allows us to go do you feel that downdraft yes that's all it was it's it's like a it's like a choppy lake it's just air moving all right let's get the power to idle we're gonna kick that left rudder straighten it out and we're just gonna hold it right above the runway until it stalls and falls down to the pavement come on there it is that's a product of the gusty wind we made it we made it back it says the 99er one uh taxiway delta and remain this frequency taxi to parking via delta charlie delta charlie to the ramp but i'm always talking about currency versus proficiency in the videos and i feel like this is a pretty good example of that i've been flying ifr a lot on this trip so i'm obviously current and legal to fly ifr but it's really important to be proficient in flying around real weather too when we noticed the weather wasn't exactly cooperating i saw a good opportunity to get two real approaches that will keep me an actual imc passed the final approach fix and that's what we got [Music] well that was a fascinating flight yeah it was great definitely definitely a day to kind of knock the rust off weather flying for meats that's a pretty good example of what real world flying is okay a lot of people go through training and they you know they're used to vfr stuff and just being in good weather and you know they have like a crosswind limit by their instructors so they only fly on days with good wind and all that kind of stuff uh today was kind of gusty it was ifr convective stuff around uh we went shot and approached did a touch and go and then got back up and headed back so that was that was real world i'm ready for a solo uh yeah yeah let's uh not at this point no just kidding i'll definitely be back in pensacola to hang out with co-flight again soon and i haven't a doubt peyton and the rest of the co-flight crew will be in more videos soon so stay tuned again be sure and go check out co flight if you're an owner or operator of one or many aircraft this product will make your life easier and be sure to use code aviation 101 on sign up for two months of co-flight free they've been an awesome sponsor to aviation 101 and i'm honored to be working with them the full length cut of this video is already up on cockpit club so if you'd like to support the channel you can sign up at aviation101.com and get access to all of the exclusive full-length videos and more you can also shop merch and gear on aviation101.com as well until next time everyone you know the drill i want you to stay happy healthy and current and most importantly stay proficient we'll see in the next one fly safe [Music] you
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 161,868
Rating: 4.9539189 out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, general aviation, air traffic control, atc, radio, intercom, audio, cockpit, takeoff, landing, training, vfr, ifr, flight, vlog, flight vlog, pilot vlog, aviation101, josh flowers, cfi, flight training, private pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, hd, 4k, florida, thunderstorms, weather, imc, flying in the clouds, microsoft flight simulator 2020, msfs 2020, peyton clark, coflyt, ils, approach, aviatrix, foreflight, lightspeed, zulu 3, sierra, flying eyes, flying eyes optics
Id: DmoYrkw_F3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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