She's a NEW PILOT! Ferrying a PA28-180 with Katey - Texas to Arizona

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โ€œIโ€™ll give you further instructingโ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/1234cantdecide121 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Does this dude smush with all the gorgeous women he flies with?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Mr Aviation101 casting couch.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ChillaryClinton69420 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Heโ€™s lookinโ€™ for a touch and go

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GobbleThisHiccup ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Fucking guy is hard to take!

-Thatโ€™s what she said

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/climb_maintain5_10 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I understand you recently got your private I did about three weeks ago now so how many hours do you have since that certificate has been printed probably two or three all right Julie at radar contact twelve miles south of Ferrell that's two thousand eight hundred that people beyond senators three zero zero zero three triple dinero five six Juliet doctor in the area of a better monetization presentation expanding for the next about this to five miles we are visual with the new vary around the weather five six Juliet so Katie what the heck are we doing here in East Texas with this Cherokee 180 we're gonna wait it out and see when's a good time to fly it home so you said fly at home where the heck is home Phoenix Phoenix Arizona in a Cherokee 180 alert traffic cherokee nine one five six juliet departing runway eight right turn alert [Music] all right I don't like how that looks up there so I would say let's make a 90-degree right-hand turn your daughter got her private pilot's certificate pretty recently what do you what do you say about it she did and I gotta say that I was very impressed she went heads down and knocked it out in about two and a half months and I'm proud of her so let me set this up here Katie here is Cory's daughter and she just recently passed her Private Pilot check ride Cory owns a Piper Malibu and you may have actually already seen it before on YouTube if you haven't go check out his videos on Malibu flyer they recently bought this Cherokee 180 to be used in a flight program at the ministry they're a part of an East Texas but first the airplane needs work and upgrades done to some of the systems and engine before to be used for training and Cory wants it to be ferried back home to Mesa Arizona for that since Katie just got her private he wanted to see if I to accompany her on her first long cross-country trip and I got the call so here we are we're in Big Sandy Texas getting ready to start heading west but the weather doesn't look super great they're scattered thunderstorms rolling in and out of the area bringing in low ceilings and winds we were faced with one of those situations where we had a safe enough gap in the weather where we need to depart soon or we'll probably be grounded here for most of the day once we start westbound it won't take long for us to hit clear skies and we'll be on our way to Arizona so we finished our pre-flight inspection and briefings and we decided to punch out and start the journey yeah I've done all that well here just because of these low low clouds they were in class Gulf airspace right okay so this is legal we're perfectly fine here it's one mile clear of clouds because we're so low yeah see that's the direction we were gonna go screw that I don't like that to the right a little bit so here's what I'm kind of thinking of us doing right here got this big seller right here I kind of go up through here almost actually what your dad suggested because as soon as we got off the ground I looked out that way and I said oh I doesn't look good thank these long cross countries it's fantastic because you can totally get used to flying the airplane hands off and get it all trimmed out which is not hard to do in this plane right that's for flight warning me about that tower right there well good you see where you can see the nice crisp horizon out there yeah that's kind of ham that way which pretty much aligned we're right here right where there's no precip you see where the horizon gets a little bit more crisp but that way maybe just to the right a little bit and we're gonna be mindful of the bravo airspace and all that good stuff whichever still plenty good oh yeah yeah yeah we're gonna go just to the south of their airspace underneath it for flight shows our track in real time yeah okay and it's leaving breadcrumbs where we were cool yeah no I love for flight that's I just don't take long trips about it anymore hashtag monster okay yeah we can find up a little bit now okay you can kind of see those waves and the clouds that's indicative of some wind up there so it's true yeah go over its on the mixture okay so we're here and I'm curious about this stuff right here but we'll just see as we can since I'm kind of moving this way they'll just have to see we also got to watch this stuff because it's moving toward us keep an eye on it right now we've got a nice what looks like a nice gap and we may have to go underneath the Bravo just a little bit boom a big lightning strike right out there look plenty far from anything actually what we're looking at right out there is a really bad cell the big one it's like 40 miles away hold still when you grabbed another oh man seriously crap but what I'm doing constantly is I'm looking at the weather looking at our off schools and airspace and then comparing that to what I see outside like we're obviously not going that way yeah that's that that way is bad and obviously we don't need to go either of those directions this is almost on course to Odessa right here almost exactly like if I were to hit direct up were on course so we'll just see with what the sky has to offer us up here according to this there is some precip it's okay if we fly through a little bit of rain we're in some rain right now in fact but what was kind of keep an eye on it but it does look very ominous off to the left out there luckily we're almost 40 miles away from that yep yeah me too like with that and off or something we want to make sure we're not going to accidentally look at that rely on it anyway does this kind of proved to be unreliable fix my affiliate radar contact 12 miles south of Barrow has 2800 that people beyond senator a3000 reachable zero five six Juliet under an area of a better position expecting for the next topic two five miles we are visually maneuvering around the weather five six Juliet so now we're getting on the other side is precept and then the Dallas just kind of a purchased up with 123 retail a frigerator would you like through and left is droning we defined it would take three one one 1:43 Christopher going left moderate said three gun for 7,500 n25 don't we picked our way through someone died see whether back there that's for sure now aren't clear skies welcome to the West dry atmosphere but we done good we got through there no problem the key is to just you know don't let yourself go into IMC they clear those clouds if you can't see through the rain like if you can't see their horizon something others on the other side of it don't go through it doesn't at that point you're just going to die emcee and we've navigated her right around that well and then we got flight following and they were pretty helpful to you they are definitely in West Texas all the oil fields and all the wind turbines Cherokee things I've Juliet Jack big three o'clock that me I feel left in Z mile same direction of flight they not see to develop ineffective they're got my dad at site traffic it's nine five six Julia don't stain your fingers jafek three o'clock you see miles that's doing say no fat fold yet they go we then traffic inside as well if you would have said I've got my dad at site I bet you anything any went to said I got my daughter in sight as in the control you probably would have heard another like airline pylon the frequency or something say on offer because if you did that then you're no longer just a number on this radar screen it's like oh that's it's like a father and daughter thing going on there I'm pretty sure I see it do you see it I think that's I see like some Criss crossing clearings and I think I see pavement so whenever you're good with it I I'm good with ever fighting Juliet keep us walking for landing change to divide to bring me the fruits for his being aircraft on final at the Malibu Roger tonight six Julianne and it looks like yeah he's he's at your dad yeah that is so he's on final four zero two I think we ought to do the same thing and I don't see any right traffic patterns all right we are spring loaded ready proving around so whenever you're ready to fly your pattern though with wind like this I recommend no flaps okay have you done no flap landings nope so the thing is is you're just gonna come in a little faster we're just gonna stay above that DMMs until we run final and we're just we're gonna come over the numbers a little bit faster than you're used to but we're just gonna hold it off right above the runway until the airplane is ready to stall and it's gonna be nice and gusty yeah I start to reduce it maybe a little more power out let's go ahead and get that rudder in so let's get some left rudder rudder there you go keep that right wing down let's bring her to idle nice and gently yeah well it's kind of feather it back to that center line little right rudder here all right pretty good yeah center line we want to be sure we're kind of I was just about to tell you to do it go around and then we were and then before I knew it we were touching down yep yeah well we'll get off the runway what kind of debrief okay what did you think of that of the landing coming into here it was gusty little gusty it's still gusty the wind really hasn't died at all it's still gusting up to about 30 knots out here but that's West Texas welcome to West Texas right Midland Odessa there's absolutely nothing out here no terrain really no obstacles to stop the wind so it just picks up to a pretty good clip what I would say on that on that landing the reason we drifted left of center line I was like about to tell you to go around and then we touched down it was a night it was a nice touch down too and we had plenty of rudder Authority just to snap us back over to the center line but what I would say is that you added plenty of left rudder we were good there I thought you were gonna undershoot you actually did really well with that it was the aileron that we were lacking that's why we slid over so once you put that rudder in you got a really dip that aileron in and dip the wing down and that prevents you from sliding left or right going up and over the mountains it's the bumps are gonna get worse but I think we'll be okay we're gonna go up high we're still gonna have a tailwind up high Safford Arizona it's always a trustee trustee fuel stop out there in the valley and then from there it's not far to Falcon field we're gonna get down the road as best we can all right let's do it this one approached cherokee nine one time mix julia cherokee nana one five six juliet made that brooch philadelphia meters be 0 to 1 November nine one five six juliet just also desta slide VFR to stafford via Zubin VOR 4800 climbing to 8,500 like to pick up VFR flight following cherokee five six juliet squawk zero five three zero zero five three zero five six juliet Oh so when I was gonna say about the fuel pump is so high basically any time I'm gonna change something with the engine like if I'm gonna start messing with the mixture start reducing power cycle the fuel pump move the tanks or whatever I always just kind of look out the window and I'm like where would I land if something happened okay that's a good field right there then I'll do whatever I was gonna do and basically like if I'm if I'm over mountains or you know over some water or something and there's just no good place for me to put it the engine is running fine right now I'm not going to touch it November 5 6 Juliet contact Albuquerque Center on one three 3.0 30305 6 Julia Center Cherokee nine one five six Julia 8800 is pump number nine one five six to eight Africa Center in Silver City on Center three 0 to 1 3 0 to 1 5 6 Juliet okay Roger but didn't have a radar out it today I don't think I'm gonna figure back up if you're gonna be doing and it's a sentence to staff Roberto services term it's going to be apart because he came through today squawk VFR quickly change approved today by six Joey n - 1 5 0 with zero eight zero zero eight his abilities one zero sky conditions clear temperature three six Celsius dew point minus zero three Celsius altimeter two-niner 936 remarks density altitude 6,200 I almost want to kind of respect that DMMs that's or I'm final that's the one thing that I will just like have no exceptions a hundred like cuz right it's right here this is where we're losing airplanes in this spot right here yeah this is where people are putting it into a stall spin and you overshot the final just a little bit you handled it just as you should just don't panic keep the turn coming don't try to like steep in it up or leave with rudder or anything like that yeah so you can fix that by pulling power out alright [Music] beautiful okay [Music] that last 45 minutes seemed like it was three hours it just kept going on and on and on and I'm like oh Mountain Graham which is right here by Safford and I was like oh there's Mountain Graham oh no that's not no that's not it Ponderosa aviation here they've got an awesome facility awesome FBO and you know decent gas prices and it's just a good big airport with lots of accommodations instrument approaches as if Arizona needs them and yeah your landing is great approach is great things get you getting used to the plane yes so smooth and its landing it's just like okay we're all not on the ground now we're on the ground not cuz of me right well yeah you just hold it off there let it deplete its energy and it gets to this is a critical angle of attack yeah and when it reaches that point it literally stalls out and just kind of plops down on the ground it's like okay we're done flying now so we've got one more leg it's gonna be like an hour and ten minutes something like that president Trump is in Phoenix were there's departing Phoenix for right now so we are expecting the presidential TFR to be lifted over the Phoenix Bravo which we will have to go underneath to get into Falcon so the TFR should be lifting here within the next 30 seconds technically and we'll be good to go short flight from Safford Arizona into Falcon field Mason can do it we can do it oh yeah we're gonna get there with plenty of daylight to spare and we even left way later than we wanted to this morning this chair with bad weather and we had a rip and tail in the first couple of legs the end of that last leg is kind of it started to deplete a little bit but we'll see what we have on this leg we could even have a headwind on this leg and it wouldn't be that bad just because it's not we're not taking the airplane to his range limit so that would be okay it's gonna be short I think we're both getting tired I was yawning like crazy and trying to stay awake on that last leg so it'll it'll be nice and short one little hop over to Mesa and we'll be done for the day will be done moving this Cherokee 180 alright let's hop in and get it done it's doing we've got a nice long runway we're not super heavy we're not at max gross we just want to be patient and let the airplane tell us when she's ready to fly you just added some distance compared to what you'd normally do because we're at a higher density altitude the prop doesn't have as much grab there's a little bit thinner the engines not going to be producing as much performance the wings aren't gonna be producing as much lift just because of the higher density altitude basically there isn't as dense yeah so we're just kind of giving the airplane overall more room to get what it needs to get airborne and climb okay that makes sense yeah all right in aborting to takeoff is essentially a dialogue on the brakes yeah or parent idle let it roll out yeah cuz we probably have enough runway all right okay doors shut all power and the idea is we just want to be patient let it speed up that she's flying flying there you go you feel you feel it pop off the ground yeah as soon as it broke ground it starts crabbing 5 6 Julia the Phoenix up to 92 or in the system hey hey throw one Red River contact about 20 miles east that and I thought carefully she received maintain VFR just on summers tune in eternity so wherever nine here one five six Julie contact over at the center one three five point one five thirty five one five five six Juliet so tell where they fell breathe I mean if you want to protect your pride you can get back up to eighty five hundred so you don't have to admit it but definitely don't tell them eight five when you're actually at a three because anything I think the transponders off okay five six julia 8,300 number 9 or 1 5 6 duly to have a figure Center Phoenix up senator to nine or eight to nine or eight to six Juliet so we pretty much flew across all of Texas all of New Mexico and a good part of Arizona today yep yep Wow you ever done this much flying in one day as fire it have you ever done this much flying than in a day period probably in the back of an air-conditioned Malibu is your imagination no that's better citation over four seven one the old Pop Idol fellow a300 14 floors RIT 2.75 yeah we could actually you think you know to Shakespeare double carry stuff with a 24 well three four zero at this thing one two three internet suspicious my face 24 hours change of plans main things to five is gonna stop state twenty fourth inning South simmer at any rate to maintain q50 not so 85 down 2,500 close up of a foot okay starting I don't want to do the public bath you do the public bath okay 85 to 25 12 I concur and I see Falcon out there I can see the runway complex going this way along kind of a lighter strip every request that one four five six to eight traffic no factory keep you could kind of cabal Kentucky the Delphic at eleven o'clock to mouth about that outfit indicates 5500 Falcon tower Cherokee Niner one five six Julia about 4 . with Sierra Turkey nine one five six - if I can't enter a lot based on chinchilla left space for two - left five six Juliette I'm like I immediately can tell you're in your comfort zone math so now you're talking like you're familiar tower familiar runways the friend that's right that's weird when you're approaching an airport from like a direction that you're totally not used to right right when I approached Saint Marcus from the south I'm like wait what yeah what am I looking at here it's probably have a lot lower most of the time I come from Chandler okay champ our arrival easy right just a fountain Jeter and cleared option take your regular for the office every hour though 3600 five six Julia 22 left we're going whoo - luckily - Lance five six Juliet sweet alright right our first notch flap what - I can [Music] perfect ray welcome home your home yeah your home yeah I'm home the plains home temporary oh all right Justin Foucault patellar wearing teacher equity option CC Radcliffe the opposite Elie Wiesel rich by 60 other texts work Delta foreground delta up on her to Grandma's Juliet [Music] mags master so what what did you expect from today like what did you did it meet your expectations exceed fall short what happened I don't know that I even really had many expectations I knew that it was going to be a really good learning experience growing experience that I'd be able to just kind of get more of a grasp for across countries and what those entails because I have not done a ton of them myself and just more experience overall and so I feel like whatever expectation I had of that was met [Music] so the plane does not have abs be so we had to get a waiver we got it yes so we brought it into the Bravo right here and we had to get a waiver for all of that right so it's due for an annual this month and needs new attitude indicator and some other minor squawks so we wanted to bring it to Arizona here because we've got a good mechanic a guy that I know well we'll take it back to Texas later this fall problem and I think you all have got a good airframe on you yeah yeah well we're very grateful of you for your help in always here always happy to fly a little airplane any chance like yeah I love this airplane it flew so smoothly landed smoothly every time despite the excessive temperatures that we had that a couple of the stops airspeed I felt like power it was it was easy to control I didn't feel like I was fighting the plane and we had a lot of wind for us it was ridiculous oh yeah very and and then even the winds aloft - we were getting tossed around a little bit and so I felt very much in like we were in control of the airplane and it wasn't in control of us absolutely I really like how you worded that like I said it's a dance somebody's got a lead right might as well be you super well mission accomplished right we got the airplane the Falcon field safely intact the airplanes were usable our spines are reusable and everybody's gonna move on to fly another day this airplane is gonna get some maintenance done get some upgrades and y'all are gonna enjoy the heck out of this airplane so I'm excited for y'all and I'm glad I could be here to be a part of it it's fun day yeah thanks for coming absolutely we had a clearly defined task for the day and we made it happen some convective weather made for an interesting morning and thermals and mountain waves made for a rough afternoon but that's all part of cross-country flying the overall concept that I think is a good takeaway from this is that flying an airplane for hours and hours in a single day is a great way to build your proficiency skills confidence and most importantly your judgment Katie had just passed her Private Pilot check ride and this was such an awesome experience for her to apply everything she's learned and kind of connect the dots and put those skills to use in the real world and I'm happy I could be there to mentor her through that I've flown this route many times before in many different airplanes but something always makes it different right down to the people I fly it with and that's why I like to share it with all of you if you liked the video do hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't if you'd like to support what we do here on aviation 101 you can shop merchant Gil as gain access to monthly live streams giveaways and exclusive content on aviation 101 dot-com until next time I want you to stay happy healthy and current but most importantly stay proficient we'll see you in the next one fly safe [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 445,965
Rating: 4.9584355 out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, general aviation, air traffic control, atc, radio, intercom, audio, cockpit, takeoff, landing, training, vfr, ifr, flight, vlog, flight vlog, pilot vlog, aviation101, josh flowers, cfi, flight training, private pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, hd, 4k, piper, cherokee, piper cherokee 180, n9156j, katey, kory, koryn hawthorne444dt, malibu flyer, texas, new mexico, arizona, desert, mountain flying, ferry flight, falcon field, ffz, thunderstorms, weather, rain, flying in clouds
Id: Vgv_pvdYZfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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