Engine Problems at Night in the Mountains

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as pilots we learn to always maintain control fly the plane you do your best to stay on top of all the variables but there can be so many at one time we try to control as many as we can but some of them are just out of your control well i would say this has been a very successful day tower bonanza three six seven hotel papa flight of two ready to go one three november three six seven hotel papa fly haley tower runway one three cliff take off report uh five mile one three clever takeoff report five miles bananas with three six of an hotel papa flight taxi out on the runway go through your flow one more time make sure everything's in order when you hit that throttle you never know what's going to happen you have to have the confidence that you've done everything you can and you kind of don't look back you're ready okay airspeed's live six thousand feet remaining and uh we're boarding what we're boarding how much do you think we're losing i don't know but how did that happen [Music] november 7th hotel uh flight right uh your discretion if you require any assistance right turn our discretion so i'm going to deal with flight negative uh again a couple would go right our discretion and uh negative on the assistant same reason for the abortion now we're missing a gas cap we're missing a fuel cap standby yeah we just need to secure a fuel cap [Music] project [Music] all right [Music] and i don't know that it's not going to okay so that's [Music] we lost at least a few gallons [Music] so yeah uh right fuel cap came open on take off um we got out to secure it and it was definitely in the latched position so i don't know what happened or how that's possible but we're gonna do a single ship take off this time because we don't want to do that again knowing that the exact same thing could happen this time no idea what happened there november seven hotel papa runway one three taxi via bravo one three via bravo's no pop thank you i have no idea what i said i'm sorry i yelled at you i just thought you were about to like point out you know some fireworks or something like that and you're like i'm not giving you the time of day leave me alone like not now oh yeah you said gas cap yeah and i was like i don't even know what to say here yeah i hope they're not like you know rolling crazy fast behind us so i was saying like okay do we just take off come back and and land single ship or do we abort right here and i was like well given how fast we're going they're probably fine we got plenty of runway we'll just stop right here all within tenths of a second but yeah no before i was telling tower what was happening or trying again to tell tower what was happening i was making sure that owen was good and clear and you know we didn't have to worry about any of that i could have taken on a different tone than my fireworks stone matthew the gas cap has flown off and we're losing fuel hopefully i won't have to do that again you know november eight five eight alpha lehman haley tower runway one three clear for take off say directional fly one three cleared for takeoff and will be a straight-up departure for adaf lima bonanza three six seven hotel papa's ready to go one three be straight out november three six seven hotel papa haley tower runway one three clear for takeoff for four or five miles one three clear for takeoff report five miles three six seven hotel papa okay so there they are let's try this again you guys all set yes yep set okay we got here it's open yeah november 7 hotel papa turn right your discretion do you need any assistance we made the whole day and then taking off from the long paved towered airport we can't figure this out and haley tower bonanza eight five eight also would like to return to the field okay well i don't know what the hell happened there something's messed up with that fuel cap november seven hotel papa taxi department you like you latch it down like that and that's how it was so it just popped open like that and then this is open so i think is this well it feels like that's not supposed to come out like that well that's probably our issue um is that right on that this this little ceiling i mean you can look at the other one yeah but i mean it's like i think it's retained by this and none of this is worn really yeah it's all pretty fresh and some of these grooves yeah it's amazing do you wanna look at that i'm trying to find your mental match no no man so this one does not have a little piece like that little ring that falls off you open it you know so you open it like this you turn this the cap itself doesn't really mean it maybe moves you know that much yeah and then you lift it up and it looks like this it doesn't oh so this just stays oh so this is our video yeah this is um so does it just lock in there yeah it's got some sort of clip fits thing going on okay so can we look at the other one let's have a look at this right now i'm just testing that that's right so okay okay now we're getting there this is why you bring a mit aerospace engineer i'm not a um so this so do those clips just like slide under here yeah uh yes okay here we go so that clip has to go in here right it's got to go in and then you slide it in probably keep the sheet metal in the same position so if we can get if we can get the other one banged in so it looks kind of like this this tab's here we got the labeling there it's probably all the same i can't see how this relates to that other feature yeah let's let's try and do that and then i think it's worth another shot the other thing is with knight coming can you actually see this if it fails yeah okay do we have like something heavy and like it's good even your um even your tow bar we just need to do some like ding ding ding you know kind of well we could do that we could get the fuel nozzle and just whack it back the same way that it probably just got wet that's all over there so it's probably yeah i don't know do we have anything metal we're trying to so this thing rotates right so if you hit this with a fuel um nozzle it's too hard it goes the other way and this whole retention thing comes off the tank and then the caps just free willy that's what holds the cap to this this little thing that we just screwed up by hand oh this [Music] so i'm thinking maybe this is good enough okay [Music] so we took a look at it we think we figured out what the problem was this little retaining piece just kind of came loose so we just slid it back in no tools required anything like that it's kind of rotates comes out rotates comes in just like the fuel cap so basically just part of the fuel cap so we've rotated that back in and hopefully this thing stays latched this time and tower bonanza three six seven hotel pump is ready to go one three straight out november 367 hotel papa hailey tower runway one three clear for takeoff report five miles one three clear for takeoff report five miles bananas three six seven hotel bomb third time's a charm let's hope for work all ready to go how's it looking all good so far good good we got airspeed went up on the threshold and uh got almost what we need still good still good ears coming up hey third time is the charm now we're just going to follow the road here because it's pretty dark but we know there's no mountains over the road because we can see all the roads [Music] how long is this flight uh probably 45 minutes rachel's not gonna set her eyes off literally stop looking at it do you have a flashlight um yeah okay let's we could try just to make sure that we're not missing like some nice little blue fuel streaming out i don't think so no i don't think so i think it's i mean it's basically kind of like it's in or out it's not there's no in-between on this but yeah looks good yeah tarpon and the seven hotel papa's five south [Music] november seven hotel pop-up fragrance strange proof see seven o'clock thanks for the help by the way what did you say after you said third time in the charmer i was gonna say something and i stepped on him he said i i've got the paperwork ready again thanks siriusxm we got weather right after takeoff so we can see what's going on here frankly as all that unfolded we weren't checking the weather in between now i'll be honest you know that's just you know the focus was okay let's try it again let's try it again you know by the time you try it the third time uh you know it's probably a half hour after we briefed any of the weather or anything so it's really nice to have that picture right in front of you right away well that was eventful yeah very event eventful end to a awesome day of flying but so far so good i think i think we're good at this point yeah oh we're showing about a one knot tailwind maybe two knots wins one eight zero five right here i'm only indicating 135 over the ground we're doing 164 over the ground oh you got the gear up yeah everything's up it's weird gear up flaps up cal flaps closed all indications are good so i don't know what's going on what are you showing uh like at full throttle for manifold pressure yeah i'm at 20 inches 2500 115 indicated and 137 over the ground yeah we're at uh 2400 rpm so 21 inches but we're doing 139 indicated 164 true and 165 over the ground but all indications are good so i don't know what's going on do you have egts there i have one egt for everything ah same with ch2 yep do you uh what's your mileage from drake's about a hundred eight okay so you're about nine miles behind us showing 11 31. yeah we're showing all 11 20. wow certainly feel it running rougher than usual it's probably that damn oil cap again because i'm loose you want to stop somewhere and check it [Music] out getting any better no getting anywhere else um it's uh closer to 20 now we gained 0.1 inch okay well i can't measure that precisely but put that on the 20 line now so it's good but also it didn't like 2300 rpm either so uh you went to like 2400 or something that was better well 25 salt like okay well we're coming up on idaho falls here pretty soon if you want to stop take a look you know that's exactly what we're going to do it just got a little worse walking i can feel it okay going to idaho falls what's here what are you showing for eta do you want us to do a circle till you get here you want us to stick o-m in eight minutes okay we'll just circle it until you get here all right thanks i think we got you there you're below eight right yeah it's not like me bringing the power back either we'll just head your direction to come in behind you and i hope it's traffic bananas hotel pop there's a left downwind runway two one falls [Music] i have to move around problems it was kicking pretty good when you brought down the power i don't know how that behaves and the back firing is normal on rollout it's probably just a little rich did you try messing with the mixture at all when it was rough or anything no well a little bit i tried enriching it did that make it worse but i didn't i didn't pull the power back until i had the runway made and i just didn't with it i mean you could have you know a couple cylinders not firing at all and still yeah i think now that the oil caps on there tight and i have some better luck was it rough on the ground at all before takeoff or when did you start noticing it climb out [Music] you just have to accept that everybody's getting a bit of a later start than anticipated tomorrow yeah that's fine i'll wait here idaho hotel papa's departing runway three idaho falls oh yeah so owens have some engine problems now so uh we're just gonna ferry everybody back and forth here the last 20 minutes to drinks and uh call that a night okay i don't even have a camera to vlog this on but when things don't go as planned we ended up with airplanes in idaho falls haley idaho a rental car in jackson a rental car in drigs an airbnb between drigs and jackson and four hotel rooms in idaho falls if i never see the vsi at 2200 feet per minute down in the mountains at 100 knots in full power ever again i will be perfect like you were just hand flying pulling it i was i was hand flying like trying to get us out of there the battle what planes your homies bring looks like hotel pop always wins right the rescue ship the lifeblood
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 82,379
Rating: 4.8835082 out of 5
Keywords: aircraft, aviation, airplanes, pilot vlog, flight vlog, pilot, cockpit, beechcraft bonanza, matt guthmiller, night flight, single pilot, aborted takeoff, airplane diverting, emergency landing, engine problem, engine failure, airplane emergency, general aviation, pilot life, atc audio, mountain flying, flying, takeoff, landing, aviation weather, airplanes taking off and landing
Id: E5USHz8eCgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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