HARD LEFT Deviation - Severe Storms in Florida

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we're going into the soup uh looks like you're aimed right between two areas of uh moderate and heavy precipitation that was some lightning off our left we're starting to think about just turning around and saying no no no this is too much we're picking up the ifr uh in the gainesville area here we just want to pick our way around some of the weather and then we'll pick up the ifr once we're north of it our 151 juliet alpha jack supposed to departure identifying maintain uh eight thousand now around the south side of that contact tampon one one nine point niner have a good one nineteen decimal nine good day i hope you're not too busy diverting everybody thanks i've been on the east coast for about three weeks now spending time with friends and taking care of some work projects and it's about time to start heading back west with one more stop in pensacola florida on the way the weather departing apopka for this flight was vfr with lots of convective activity along the first part of my route and atc was working constantly to help all of the aircraft transitioning that area to safely get around all that bad weather this flight definitely stretched my personal limits as to how close i like to get to severe weather and i certainly learned a lot from watching myself do this flight after the fact on video and i hope to give my audience some insight into aeronautical decision making and judgment by sharing this video as well looking back on it there was no pressing reason i had to depart for pensacola right that second and in fact a couple of hours later the weather had really dissipated and the departure would have been relatively uneventful so after debriefing this flight to myself after the fact and if given the chance to redo i would have saved myself the headache and just waited on the ground we start this flight on the ramp at orlando apopka airport where i've already filed an ifr flight plan but i'm still undecided as to whether i'll pick up the ifr and the air or just go vfr and visually avoid the weather okay so we have filed a flight plan from x-ray zero four through the attucks intersection if i can spell it right add a x to pensacola all right and for flight did return the flight plan to us and says we got as filed so we are going to go ifr and actually what may even be a better option is uh is going vfr out of here and then we can pick up an ifr later we can always get off the ground and if we don't like it we could always turn back so let's do the pre-taxi see both shoulder harnesses are on the fuel flaps are all the way up heat vent defrost is often the avionics are on and totally set adsb we've got at radios taxi light brakes and gyros on the taxi we're gonna depart runway one five and we'll make a right downwind departure since it is right pattern one five here right downwind departure and we'll basically play it by ear um one good thing that i like to do while messing you know while trying to avoid weather like this is stay visual i did file ifr and i have an ifr on uh in the system with orlando and i'll basically i'm gonna make a judgment call when i get off the ground and when i call orlando i'm either going to pick up the ifr or i'm going to tell them i want to proceed vfr so we're just we're just going to have to make a decision and then of course we also have the decision at all times to just turn back to the airport if we don't like it and we're going to use our eyes in conjunction with nexrad and then of course what air traffic control is going to be telling us what they're seeing on their radar as to what is going on out there so we're going to come to a stop here and execute the run up and pre-take off checklists and the abort plan let's look at the taxiway diagram here if we're not off by the time we reach that first uh the first bit the north side of that hangar complex uh something's obviously wrong we got a 4 000 foot runway here we're not heavy um we're going to be really paying attention to windshear paying attention to the speed in fact right after rotation we're going to probably nose over and keep the speed a little bit higher just to give us that a little bit of a buffer apopka traffic skyhawk 809.1 is taxiing onto runway 1-5 will be a right downwind departure to the north apopka we're going to utilize all of our runway all right wind degrees it's down the runway bringing the power up and take off power is set there's 40 knots engines in the green rpm looks good and we're already getting light there's 55 and tap the brakes we're just gonna hold her in ground effect as we accelerate here let's get her up to v y so that's well above our defined minimum maneuvering speed and we're just gonna climb on out i can already see some rain out there it's just it's a big plus when you uh when you're visual and you can actually see what's going on out there all right we're out of runway so we can go ahead and begin our turn spring loaded for an engine failure apopka traffic skyhawk eight zero niner one just off runway one five making a right hand crosswind turn we're going to make a right downwind departure departure to the north and i'm just going to kind of watch the weather up here [Music] a pocket traffic skyhawk one one thousand five hundred climbing just a part of the airport on a right downwind departure runway one five apopka i'm gonna i think i am gonna go and pick up my ifr and uh and we'll just be able to kind of navigate around the weather as best we can we will be flying through some rain but we're going to avoid the real heavy stuff orlando approach skyhawk 8-0-9-9-1 8-0-1 orlando eight zero niner one just off apopka ifr to pensacola eight zero nine on one squawk three four four one three four four one in the squawk now another one three four four one nine one radar contact and you're cleared to uh pensacola airport as filed for now just continue present heading i'm gonna try to miss all this precipitation up ahead of you and karma maintain three thousand you can expect eight thousand with jack's approach okay as file present heading for now three thousand up to eight eight zero niner one we'll expect up to eight that is all right we are now ifr collegiate twenty three sixty three descent upon us discretion maintain one thousand six hundred present heading which is two eight zero two thousand three hundred climbing up to three thousand he's going to help me through the precept nevermind 9-1-1 there is heavy precipitation 1 o'clock 3 miles extending to the northeast you'll stay west of that and then 12 o'clock and 10 miles mod at precip on the northwest side of that's heavy precip and then to your one o'clock in about 13 miles there's a small area of light precipitation about i'd say five miles wide i'm gonna take you through that on the east side of that as more heavy precipitation eight zero nine one roger we appreciate the help and none on one one able fly hitting a three three zero three threes are on the heading one sixty three turn editing one eight zero there's a a gap of a few miles wide of noah precipitation and then dayton i'll climb you up once you're clear of all that [Music] number nine on one uh this heading looks good it should take you in between that area like i said it's about i'd say five or six miles wide of light precip and then on the left and right hand side of that moderate to heavy precipitation jack's approaching keep you advisor you can contact jack's approach on 118.6 1869 thanks for the help no problem jack's approach skyhawk number eight zero none another one three thousand level three three zero sign let's go okay turn uh figure out why they have you stopped at uh three thousand i'll get you higher and on cliff in just a second hey zero nine roger we'd also like to put one zero ten thousand as our final request uh i have the request thanks we're going into the soup not super bumpy right now not too bad yeah so he's just going to help us get through some of this weather and we're going to try and stay visual as best we can um and he's gonna snake us around some of this stuff looks like he kind of lightens up there we're gonna go through some puppy stuff we're gonna go through some moderate precip that's generally okay it's the the like heavy to extreme stuff that we don't want to get close to all right on our one uh do me a favor look up your gps the six bird bravo uniform romeo romeo delta let me know if you can go direct we can go direct bird if that works for you eight zero nine we are painting some some pretty heavy stuff on the next round between us and that fix but we don't know what it looks like on your end i'm showing a small gap i'm trying to thread a needle with you there's not too much room for you to fly i might turn you westbound before that but for now that'll get you into my airspace and clear of a restricted airspace okay direct bird for now and uh yeah we can take that westbound turn whenever you see fit on another one roger our 809.1 from what i can see uh that heading that i have you on for about 22 miles per bird will keep you just right at the heavy precipitation and in about 15 miles i can get you turned westbound towards 8x eight zero nine one roger array zero nine or nine one turn ten degrees right heading three actually you know it just kind of cleared up looks like it's dissipating 12 o'clock and three miles you might encounter a small gap of light to no precipitation it's going to start raining again moderate presets for about the next eight miles 100 roger will maintain the present heading we're leveling eight number nine or nine or one did you want 10 for a final if we could get it from 991 maintain one zeroth house up to one zero thousand not another one yeah we had a pretty good updraft right there all right up to one zero ten thousand and jacks eight zero nine number one number nine and one go ahead after our nine o'clock we actually got a pretty good gap in the weather if we can get deviations for build-ups we can make a 90-degree left-hand turn and visually navigate our way out of this going westbound number nine and one left deviation is approved as far as you need maintain one zero thousand maintain one zero thousand left deviations about another one thanks all right let's take this number seven six one november alpha standby for coordination might have so look at that right out in front of me there's blue sky and jacks eight zero nine one like we'll need to hold this uh present course for about maybe 15 or 20 miles but we do have blue sky up ahead of us number nine roger when you come around the end of those two cells so like you said i see the channel you're flying down any deviations are approved um out the other side there is another cell due south of ocala about eight miles south of ocala seven miles wide heavy precipice okay we'll be keeping an eye on that we are visual at the moment okay so he sees the gap that i'm shooting right now see this is the pilot working with air traffic control don't let air traffic control be the sole you know source of everything i'm looking at next route i'm using my eyes whenever i'm in vmc and i'm also going number 991 instead of chasing out in front of that next cell you might elect to continue that heading for about 22 miles 20 22 miles present heading ish um and then eight acts after just to get around everything up to you okay yeah we got plenty of fuel so that should work just fine i'll i'll keep you posted with what we see out the windshield here roger i'd much rather navigate around this stuff visually which is exactly what we're doing right now in between them and air traffic control is also looking at the same thing that we're looking at but he has a much more updated he has an instant like the radar is sweeping and he's seeing the image that was taken seconds ago of the sky we're seeing a delayed image on next ride it's delayed by a good 10 minutes nice slow climb 9600 climbing 1-0 10 000. that was some lightning off our left oh yeah this is looking much much better and that's the controller understands he sounds super understanding about what's going on up here in the cockpit what are we facing up here in the airplane 80991 some of the area ahead 12 o'clock and about 10 miles it's 10 mile wide gap of only light precipitation if anything but it looks like it's throwing in just a touch eight zero nine one roger we also see that on next round and we do see it out the windshield here we're just going to kind of steer around the build-ups and jacks eight zero nine another one how would a 330 look for us right now number nine or nine or one you might need to come a little bit further right three four zero is what i would suggest okay three four zero looks pretty good to us it doesn't look like there's too many too much activity out that way and then if you start looking at a route over ocala or about eight miles north of ocala to go on course up to you okay yeah that's kind of what we're looking at right now i'll keep you posted number nine or two eight seven seven area of modern precipitation twelve to one o'clock one zero miles about six miles in diameter contact tampa on 119.99 [Music] this fat cell right here is uh that big cell that he was talking about that's populating south of ocala and then the one off to our right here is the one that's the couple of them actually a couple big cells that are populated to the north of leesburg i'm happy with this present heading and i think when we when we get around the horn of this stuff we can go direct addicts actually looking pretty good we're utilizing all the tools we've got in the cockpit and perhaps the most important tool that we have in the cockpit with us is our eyes i'd like to stay visual around this stuff you could go into some clouds then oh it doesn't look like those are too bad but what's on the other side of them or what's in the middle of them that you can't see there's a there's a whole lot of complications that going into imc adds to flying around weather so whenever i can i try to do it visually i was feeling a little iffy there and i was for a little bit back there starting to think about just turning around and saying no no no this is too much but uh but then i saw that clearing i get i had yet another out and uh and that was a particular out that was going to be able to keep me heading toward my destination jack's approach skyhawk 80991 we are direct addicts at this time uh we might have to ask for some deviations for just some build ups up ahead but it looks like that's the end of the convective stuff for us sure i guess you're not out of one barrage just let me know when you're ready for those turns in this area at least it's looking like that's pretty much the end of the nasty weather being out of the weather and leaving most of the bad stuff behind me was a good feeling atc's intention was to keep me on a heading to the bird intersection and give me slight vectors to steer me where they saw that the precipitation wasn't quite as heavy but on my next rad in the cockpit it was looking too thick for my comfort and there's no telling how fast it could close up even more as soon as i saw clearing out my nine o'clock leading the blue sky i didn't hesitate to ask atc if i could make a 90 degree left turn to stay in vmc and visually navigate around the build ups and atc immediately obliged and said i can turn as far left as i need and after that i stayed visual for almost the rest of the way out of the bad weather now that that situation is behind me i can focus on watching the wind and weather in pensacola and start mentally prepping for the possibility of shooting an instrument approach down to the airport eight zero nine i don't want any chance uh left and right deviations for some build-ups you're not have a great day 27.8 thanks for all the help senator skyhawk 809.1 level one zero ten thousand deviating for build-ups one jacksonville city rogers get uh afternoon they also direct now i have 295. two and then another five eight zero i'm kind of picking this it seems like i'm arbitrarily picking a heading here i'm picking this heading because i know that this isn't going to put me in imc for very long see look at that boom there's my corridor all right we're making our way into pensacola the weather is looking pretty good not going to have too much cloud cover or convective stuff around here level at 10 000 we've got a piper low level ahead of us 991 contact pencil approach 199.00 good day no no 19080 pensacola approach skyhawk eight zero nine another one one zero ten thousand direct vari got eight zero nine one fence called risk two nine or eight four expect uh i left only one so procedure select approach ils one seven let's real quick figure out what initial approach fix we should choose so approach ils one seven and uh let's we'll choose uh brent has the iaf and gps guide that's got it and we're just going to load it we're not going to activate it yet so we still are direct avari and we've got the approach loaded in there let's uh go on fourth flight here and just do a quick briefing 111.1 put that at the radio there that is a vhf frequency so we'll need to identify it 169 is going to be our inbound approach course and the g5 will automatically slew that we'll look for the mauser lighting and we're going to start the approach out or above 1700 under about 1800 feet if we go outbound for the full procedure and then upon being established inbound at or above 1700 until we cross uh brent or intercept the glide path whichever happens first our straight and ils minimums are going to be 321 on the altimeter that's 1800 feet rvr on the visibility 200 feet agl that's what we'll be looking for so 321 on the altimeter this approach is going to be straight out climb to 600 feet right climbing turn to 3 000 feet we've got etus we've got towering radio number two we're ready for that that's all queued up i'll consider that approach brief the only thing we need to do is identify the signal when we get a little bit closer we're still way too far out i'll consider the ils one seven briefed [Music] chestnut 991 turn 10 reason right descend and maintain four thousand ten to the right down to uh was that four thousand eight zero nine another one enter i want it for about four thousand all right ten to the right down to four now another one there we go we are now being vectored i'm just going to go ahead and activate vectors to final i'm going to do the same on the ipad activate vectors to final maintain one zero thousand ten thousand november eight zero niner niner one year four question make that six miles from brent turn left hitting two zero zero maintain one thousand seven hundred dollars on the localizer clear last round one seven approach two zero zero one thousand seven hundred till established cleared ils one seven nine nine one maybe four four one three five term right heading three five zero intercept that copper aren't have zero zero four pressure we just passed the glide slope gonna start to ease the power out and approach eight zero nine nine jewels over to tower november 991 contact tower tower not another one getting a little close for not talking to tower i wanted to ask pensacola tower skyhawk eight zero number one ils one seven eight zero ninety nine or one pence quarter runway one seven clear land wind one niner zero one under gus two four one seven clear land eight zero nine one all right yeah we're just not going to use flaps on this landing which just means we're gonna come in a bit faster i mean goodness we're doing 80 knots indicated right now and we're going 60 over the ground we got a 20 knot wind in our face and it's bumpy i don't want to put flaps out there for more you know more of a grab on the airframe we're just gonna bear in mind that without any flaps our stall speed is 47 that's our clean stall speed i don't want to get too slow because there is a bit of wind shear i'm feeling it that was a five knot gain right there we got plenty of runway to bleed our energy and let the airplane come down we're doing 90 knots so we're gonna start slowing here start trading off some of this energy give it a little nose up trim for the flare power's coming idle we're just going to hold it straight let her stall out and come right down onto the runway beautiful good good sky zero nine nine one continue down the runway left turn to icy wave delta to the right of this frequency okay left turn delta to the ramp this frequency not another one thank you hey ball zero seven zero roger pass behind that traffic and then uh departure of 119.00 all right delta charlie with the rams behind zero good day all right welcome to pensacola aviation once again now that i'm on the ground and the airplane is tied down at pensacola it's time for a beer this flight definitely challenged me in a number of ways and if i could do it all over again i probably would have just stayed at apopka for a while and waited i had a car a free place to stay if needed and it would have easily been worth it to not have to deal with the headache of avoiding severe weather on the climb i opted to pick up my ifr in the air because i knew there were going to be some areas during that climb that would yield imc but i made sure i wasn't going to fly into or near anything that wouldn't be safe it's super important in these situations to keep solid communication with air traffic control about what you see and what your intentions are as long as you keep in mind that all the other airplanes in your area are dealing with the same stuff that you are so as long as you're clear and concise and listen up on the radio everyone can navigate safely around it if you like this video you can catch the full length version of all the procedures and communications on cockpit club that video runs about an hour in length but it's very technical by nature and shows the entire flight from start to finish if you'd like to support what we do here on aviation 101 you can shop merch and gear as well as sign up for cockpit club at aviation101.com i hope you got something out of this video and until next time i want you to stay happy healthy current and of course stay proficient we'll see you next time fly safe [Music] you
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 70,082
Rating: 4.9648852 out of 5
Keywords: florida, thunderstorms, severe, weather, imc, rain, lightning, foreflight, radar, adsb, flying, aviation, general aviation, air traffic control, atc, radio, intercom, audio, cockpit, takeoff, landing, training, vfr, ifr, flight, vlog, flight vlog, pilot vlog, aviation101, josh flowers, cfi, flight training, private pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, cross country flight, pensacola, ils approach, lightspeed, coflyt, flying eyes, hurricane, msfs 2020, microsoft flight simulator 2020, flight simulator
Id: On2xPQjgq6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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