100 year old dump finds! braving a blizzard to buy some antiques!

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there is an amount we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antiques store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity it's the most wonderful time of the year and I'm out looking for antiques hey everyone welcome to today's episode on this blizzardy morning I stopped at a lady's house this morning to pick up some other antiques that she had kicking around that she wanted to be rid of I bought a whole bunch of the state boxes which I'll go through in an unboxing video afterwards it is just a real Blizzard out there for those of you warmer climates it's like a rainstorm but colder but the old ambulance is just plugging away nicely I have not winter tires on it or snow tires I should say so it get through to get sure this kind of stuff just fine I just finished loading the whole vehicle we're gonna get back to the shop I've given a heads-up to Bob the bottle man I'll let him know that there's boxes of bottles yet unsearched so I'm sure he's gonna be popping by at some point today to have a look with any luck I'm gonna have a lot of this stuff sold before the end of the day and the goal with owning an antique store is that you want to buy stuff that you think you might have a customer for right away because you don't be sitting on stuff forever and I think that's what I did today hopefully you got some cool stuff we're gonna go through and I'll show you what we got I had a park in the backyard today because they're clearing snow up in the front and it's probably I don't know like a half foot of snow that's come down in the last hour hopefully I can get out of here after but I was able to unpack everything from the store at the shop safe and sound and this is my assortment of stuff that I got in today well not the Lionel chain said I had that before but all these little boxes here did come in today and we're gonna go through them one by one and lay things out and I've not gone through the majority of these boxes I was told and sometimes when I go to a state they say listen that's a bunch of bottles you got to take the whole thing take or leave it so that's what I did I just took a bunch of stuff without going through it some of the things I saw in here I knew were kind of oh I think based on the price I got everything for it should be alright but we're gonna unpack put stuff on the counter and yeah hopefully we're gonna put a few gems in here today we'll start with the first box because well it's open already and it's gonna be easy to access things I want to point out that's I don't normally buy cups and dishes and things of that nature but I do buy them when they're from a railway and that is an early Canadian national system that's C n R so that they had steamships trains all sorts of things Canadian national is still around known as C n that's a little coffee cup that came off probably one of their trains or ship that's a slightly newer version that's their new logo you can always kind of tell how old something is from the logo but things that are from a railway like northern Alberta Railway things that have logos on it like that are much more collectible especially if they're used on a train so when I do buy cups or glasses usually it has to be like you know OfficeTeam ship or off of a train like these are that's where the interest lies for me as we're going through this box here there's a few interesting little phase now I'm not sure this is a screw top lid off of what presumably was a bottle I'm not sure what type of bottle that was maybe somebody watching at home knows and you can put it in a comment but I liked it because it's a figural piece of like you know a little kid kind of with a whoops what did I do face and be curious if I ever found the bottle that that went off of that would be a piece that I'm sure somebody would be missing out of their collection that was just kind of fun also little garniture this is probably off of the way it clasp like that it locks in that's probably off an old ice chest or locking icebox nice piece and if you're rebuilding a cabinet or want to put some fun hardware on it a lot of times people do buy old hardware like that because it looks so cool there's another this is their way already lock now this one was dug out of the ground it's not in the greatest shape it does work still though you can see the difference in condition between the key which was brass and it's in perfect condition and the lock itself which has started to rust now there are some rusting agents you can put on there that will take the rust away I've used some before the fact it's working is a good sign but this is CNR Canadian National Railway with its matching teeth that kind of goes with that Canadian National Cup same kind of idea here's another cup that's kind of interesting I'll see if I can hold it up to the light maybe you can see it says the Macdonald Grand Trunk Pacific now the Macdonald hotel is the hotel MacDonald here in town it was only the Grand Trunk Pacific for I think just a handful of years and then it got change over to canadian pacific big old grand railway hotels there all across the country in Canada and the US and you know it's like a five-star hotel and so this would have been a very early piece maybe for sipping cognac or who knows but very nice early glass at fine glassware and a nice green glass and the fact that says the McDonald well that hotel is still in existence and I bet they don't even have something like that in their own collection it's a rare find a rare piece especially the fact it says Grand Trunk Pacific right on it garniture off of a train there's a few little railway type accessories here this would have been inside of the cabin this is uh I believe a foot warmer you just put piping hot water into this thing it's made by medalta potteries Medicine Hat would have had a little stopper that went in there and you heat it right up it sits on the base and I guess you'd just probably set your feet or warm something with it it's kind of an unusual thing you don't see them too too often because it's not a commonly used item people don't use them for you know making pickles or things like that so not as common this I thought was cool because I know exactly what it is it's off of an old cabinet like mine if you see how I've got that little says bicycle accessories that's one of those I've got I think one of these was missing now it's not exactly the same but I could put that on his filler again something useful that I can make use of right away a little railway book Canadian Pacific Railway Company general train and interlocking rules and that's dated 1928 gained Pacific they're fun little books that tell you how to operate a train how the signals worked peace this is kind of cool now for those of you that collect gasoline and oil and gas-related stuff White Rose and an arco is one of the more collectible this would be from about the 1920s and it's a miniature version of their large oil can that would have been out at that time now this is probably about a quarter the size of the real one but the graphics on it are exactly the same as what you would have found on an original can you can see the anarcho boy who is famously holding his chalkboard his slate and one of the more desirable oil brands so to find this one it's Canadian which makes it a little bit more rare because there was less stuff up here condition is really really good it still has the bottom on it that's a good collectible piece very very happy to find an oil piece in this box but I noticed that there's a little glass there's a couple of glass bottles in here these two are both Watkins in Watkins is still around but those are early Watkins for liniment bottles but this is an early iodine bottle you can see the nice thing about it is that it has the skull and crossbones on it the original stopper with the the rubber is all completely dried out on it but nice to find it complete and with the skull and crossbones that makes that a really special little piece here's a little lock you have to be careful with these skeleton keys it's not for house again that is can you see I'll see if I can focus it it says n/a our northern Alberta railways on it that's what that is I'll put that with the other train stuff over there and we've got some more pictures I had some really great early pictures of em into from the 1800s and any luck we'll find some others in here too some of these are gonna be marked with what the location is that looks more like a European scene there's a fancy looking fellow here is the neat one this is again Edmonton NWT that stands for Northwest Territories that's before we became a province and this would be probably mid to late 1800s judging by the scene but sometimes these pictures aren't even in the archives you can see there's buildings that have me put off yet this is early early Edmonton history with a nice picture of an early home you get an idea of how they dressed and what their fence would have looked like I love early photographs like this because it gives you a sense of our history and to find some nice early ones like that that's just a real treat this book was in the bottom of the box at smart electric fixtures from the safety car heating and lighting company and it shows every type of unique and interesting early turn-of-the-century light fixture that there was well you could go back in time does order a bunch of the stuff for your house but really neat reference piece for people that are doing design or architectural salvage to get an idea of what these would have been labeled as or what their uses would have been just a neat piece I kind of really liked looks like that because this would have been a like a store copy this would have been something you really took home would have been a countertop copy would it'll leave through that it was store very much like my own here they would have said okay we 20 interested in I needs to yeah we like that one with the reflector then they'd order in part number 8 0 9 4 and probably in you know like a month it would show up on a wagon but you know that having a book is a really fun thing to have I love going through this stuff that's just the first box already some real neat treasures in there who knows what else I'm gonna find didn't even look at this one when I was at the house because I knew what was gonna be inside I have a typewriter just like this at home and yes it's an Underwood portable nice smaller size and ribbons intact which is good and mechanically seems being pretty good shape Oh a nice little piece like that people do collect these put them on display and there's a big I would say a big but there's quite a few younger people younger isn't like in their teens and 20s that are buying typewriters and using them so there is a market for these for even you know for folks to come and purchase now I'm looking at the keyboard here and you can see it's got the British Pound on it so this would have been well in Canada you know we would have been using our Canadian dollar at the time this came out so this is a British like an imported typewriter but glass keys good condition really good condition actually that's just dusty that'll shine up nice and it's got the original case good little find this box is not full of edible seeds and knocks it's full of bottles on the first one that kind of stands out actually does not look like it belongs in there it's a little firetruck it's not even a bottle it's just sort of an ornament but it's cool set that aside um going through some of these many of them would have had paper pharmacy type labels that are now missing like that it would have just said what drugstore was from what was inside and so this one oil of musk forms lightly I don't think it's still completely full that's probably why it's in the plastic bag this is a stopper from one of those old McLaughlin bottles that Bob picked up the other day where it's really rare bottle probably want that so I'm going to keep that aside other bottles are embossed so if it doesn't have a paper label on it you can still read what it was this was a palette palette annoyed those were like an indigestion type I think they're made of cloves they have a lot of stuff back in those days to really help keep you well let's say regular everything from you know a little bit of poison to keep you regular to whatever palate annoyed I mean clothes aren't the worst thing but I mean what were they eating back then that they constantly had to worry about flushing out of their system either way a lot of this stuff you find these medicine bottles are somewhat collectible especially if they have an interesting sort of name some of them and would be considered snake oil like it was that's an expression that you use for something that really did nothing for you but they marked it as being having medicinal properties thank uncle Willy's you know snake oil medicine have a drink of this and it'll make you ten years younger and then you find out it's just like whiskey Ellis cream bomb this is an old it looks like Vaseline yeah that's a really really Vaseline container they don't come in those little jars they do come in little I think the jars are blue or they come the plastic tubs now but that's a fairly early one turn of the century lots of neat little bottles in there and sometimes people craft with these they do other things with them you can tell if they've been buried in the ground there's calcium on it and you can use some products sometimes like a CLR will take the calcium off of the glass I don't have any CLR anything able to try otherwise that would others you can see they they come up really really nice I'll see if there's any poison ones in there anything they're a little bit more valuable otherwise these will probably just go out you know kind of at a price buy to each who people can do whatever they want with them sometimes you just need a little bottle for something and look I'll have lots of little bottles unpacking some boxes and going through some things if you remember last week we also had a variety of bottles come in and Tim has come here all the way from Minneapolis to come and visit he had some work to do here but you've ended up finding something cool yeah actually I did I found the same the old ink bottle what we haven't got it now you were saying you have a an older home filled with antique furniture and you have a desk a hundred-year-old desk yeah 100 year old desk and we will be putting this on there yeah and I was seeing this interesting story about that isn't a lady I got this from had dug this out of the ground about 50 years ago and has a patent date of 1893 on it and there's your rest for your pen so that was in last video and now here we are just a week later and it's going to a new home I saw the last video and I was looking through the store I saw that and I thought this is what I need to have well I'm so glad you came in today thank you and I did manage to get some other nice early soda bottles this one's from starlight capital city this is Edmonton Alberta that's an early local bottle capital beverages there's also a few other interesting ones in here too prairie rose with a nice twist another early JJ McLaughlin bottle oh that's not quite the right lid for that but that is a McLaughlin lid off a different bottle fine some good soda bottles mixed in here too I'm just digging through this box now which is pretty much all these little medicine and sort of bottles and we'll see if there's any kind of interesting ones in the mix here as I go through one bottle that kind of stood out was this it's in really good shape for starters but it says winged Li Y so it is a Chinese origin bottle could have been like a rice wine a lot of times wine bottles have that indentation on the bottle pretty nifty pieces in fantastic condition this I notice it says evangeline pepper sauce made in st. martinville Louisiana Louisiana you guys been known for your hot sauce for ages but look how tiny the opening is on there a little dab will do you it's like um you know mind you who knows back in those days what they thought was spicy it might have been like what does that catch up on this thing he's trying to spit it out of their mouth but yeah that's kind of a neat hot sauce it's an early hot sauce bottle and I just know there's got to be somebody out there who collects antique hot sauce bottles it seems like this sort of thing someone's gonna collect I'm gonna keep that one aside to do a bit of research on and a lot of these other ones look like they're more a little medicine bottles things of that nature I'm gonna sift through and try and organize a little bit of this stuff too this is about a 1904 or so daddy's sauce bottle this was bought out by Heinz over the past many years long time ago they manufactured like a steak sauce it would have been like a meat sauce kind of like HP sauce if you're in Canada or you might know that it's like a heavy Worchester sauce with vinegar would have been with dark brown kind of color there's all kinds of neat little things in here history of food plays history of food bottles now there are some people that will actually buy a bottle like this that still has the stuff in it and they will try it and that just seems gross when I went through the Potteries those people wanted to buy the food out of the fridge and eat it on camera did not send it to them because I didn't want to inadvertently kill anybody but there are folks that do all sorts of stuff oh here's something that's not a bottle I've been kind of taking out the bottles from the boxes that were a little bit more on the interesting side like 100 year old beer bottles or whiskey and Scotch bottles that were kind of neat though this is probably from the 60s or 70s but it is a railway cloth cn with the 24-hour time this would have been in a station or terminal pretty neat piece even the bag is old zellers hasn't been around here forever I'm finding that there's I mean I ended up with a lot of bottles I mean these are all boxes of bottles here and in this situation I don't normally sell bottles this quantity so I'll probably I'm trying to wholesale these out to another collector I am interested to see what little unique things in here like this whole Pepsi bottle salt and pepper shaker I might find that are kind of standout items that I can sell in the store so I don't think that's a little bit more unique I'm separating and anything that you know is trying to in mass quantities I'm gonna time move along I've got all these old that's white whiskey Buchanan's what buchanan's black and white whiskey there's tons of bottles it's a little piece of copper says something on it to em Mick McKenney we can't make McKechnie stand for it Montana it's hard to read might have come off a little trunk or who knows what that's from you kind of this is a old lantern Piper usually made railway stuff but that could have something to do with the railway take it up and see if it's all there it looks like this one is new old stock meaning it's never been used or sold it had the original instructions there it says yes care of oil signal lamps this would have been an insert for a railway signal lamp with that tiny little glass this is just kind of unusual it's all there and it's obviously in like brand-new condition still has the instructions it's a neat find this was another neat item that came in today this is another arcade machine as you know I'm always on the hunt for cool old arcade machines this one is an English Smarties machine now Smarties for us and it looks like it was then too they are candy coated chocolate kind of like an M&M it's like Canada or England version of an a MEMS this is an early piece you know probably teens or twenties kind of era and you'd put a penny in you'd fling your penny out if went around would spit out a roll of Smarties at you now the person I bought it from she said that it's almost impossible to win well that's how most of these games go in fact that's how casinos make their money that said it's a cool piece it's gonna need a little bit of TLC but the graphics are amazing and that's what people are after this would be a great display piece and I might even keep it and put it up in the store some really neat find today going through some of these old pictures you know you look back and you reflect on times that have gone by and you think you know you're left with the impression that a lot of these people in these photos we're raging alcoholics because most of the bottles that we find dug up in our River Valley and the old dumps are whiskey and gin and you know apparently they they like their hoje back in the old days though 1800s Wild West kind of Edmonton yeah they were finding other ways to keep warm in our winters but I found some neat stuff I'm really happy with the collection of the things that came in today I'm certain that I'll get a call from Bob our bottle friend about at least the poison bottles and some of the other ones and one of the other things that I'm really happy with this little anarchic and that's just such a cute little thing and a nice little collectible so some fun stuff I have a lot of work ahead of me to put all this mess away but that's what we do every day stuff comes in and stuff goes out and hopefully we'll find new homes for it thanks a lot for watching today's episode if you have not already don't forget to hit that subscribe button you can check us out on instagram at curiosity inc of yeg we're on facebook under curiosity incorporated as well we're all post pictures of things that are for sale and give some updates and information on what's happening on the store here in Edmonton Alberta Canada come by and see us live in person here or located on 127th Street in the lovely historic West Mountain neighborhood in this beautiful 106 year-old General Stores thanks so much for watching guys have a lovely day and bye for now update probably not a surprise but our good friend Bob the bottle man showed up and we ended up wholesaling the whole pile of bottles out to him are you happy Bob to go through and you're gonna probably do a video on your own now bob has a youtube channel now I do what's it called just BOM harder Bob harder okay not Bob the bottle man yet nope Bob harder okay I'm on Instagram with Bob's little bottles and you can friend me on Facebook okay well maybe you'll go through all the bottles you got on your page and I got a lot of research or Dirk I'm glad you stopped in today [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 105,634
Rating: 4.9733334 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity inc, bottles, mud larking, dumpster finds, treasure hunting, antiques, collectibles
Id: yNq318dQ9GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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