We visit Canada’s stunning East Coast!

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity morning everyone it's 5:00 a.m. in Edmonton and we are off on our way to the airport pretty soon we will be in Halifax and a couple days Prince Edward Island for the very first time this is our vlog for our family channel the it is the travel adventure tour of the east coast Canada it all begins now so Melissa Jason and Abigail got separated from us their few rows up but Stephen and I thankfully are side by side on the plane and yeah guess we'll get to hang out for a bit yeah as we go out and we're right over the wing - he's not waiting they're waiting for the bag hey Melissa I remember that one time that our bag came down and it was plastic and broken all over the place okay so the first little hiccup in our plan here the rental car you didn't see the book does their system is down and they said basically tough luck huh so we have to go and try and find a new rental car company even though we booked this one well in advance we're stranded at least it's really nice though it's not raining or snowing or anything yeah but it's a little bit of a hiccup in the old plans here well admittedly this kind of sucks because we've booked well in advance so we get a deal on a car now we have to try and find one last minute because they are unwilling to help us out so not super excited to vocal service of a store discount right now as they've left us stranded at the airport well success we were able to get a rental vehicle from budget last minute and good thing to when we turned around half of the people on our flight probably had cars the other place and they were behind us and we got one of the last ones so now to go find the hotel what we stopped for some dinner and I noticed that had we been here a little bit sooner we could have hit the brunch special where they serve a Eggs Benedict with your choice of cocktail bloody mary bloody Caesar or a screwdriver that's an early morning start today [Music] so the last time we were here we were told that we missed out because we didn't get cows ice cream look at the line up it's an end of the day still tons of people here but this is the day kids using an ice cream okay here are the flavor choices pretty kitty ones like the Royal Canadian Mint Nanaimo bar which I don't think you guys see in the States there's a pretty good mix of stuff if I was gonna eat one myself boy I don't know I usually go for something chocolaty I probably do the cookie dough but that's not gonna happen today today it's all about the kids and what they want to get what's yours called Jason and how is it is it Callie does it taste like do they call it that because it has hamburger makes everything and they are sitting down and join their ice cream sailboats going by people walking along the pier beautiful day here in Halifax it's our second time here the East Coast and every time I come back I think what a way to live it's beautiful hanging out here by the pier people out boating and sailing just absolutely stunning if you've never been to the east coast of Canada you definitely come check it out [Music] hey Steven you look utterly handsome yuk yuk yuk hey number two here in Halifax I woke up this morning with the worst backache I've probably had in years like complaining about being an old man here this morning but hopefully I'll be able to stretch this thing out we're going to go grab breakfast right guys and then at noon we have we're doing a meet-up here in Halifax so if your watches from the Halifax area later on you'll know I woke up feeling great we're gonna put on a show and lots of jazz hands for the for the meetup so we're gonna eat some breakfast and go find out where the restaurant is for the Meetup okay we made it to the meetup of course somebody brought a guitar I sometimes have pens when we have nice little crowd here we're all hanging out chatting and visiting and people from all over the place even my hometown Edmonton's we know people from New Brunswick and I feel bad now he almost traveled well here we are we have some fun today we are now at the armed ale Yacht Club we're gonna be taking out of the water my new friend who's name is Trish I'm kind enough to take us out on the ocean today we're near what used to be an old prison which is still there that brick building behind me there was a prison story though that we have a data stream you'll find them so the old prison that's on site here is a remnant of the war of 1812 which is why there's a lot of American soldiers that are buried here as Canada and the UK fought against the United States of America 1812 1814 surprising that there's still pieces here and it's just being used for storage scale one to ten odds of this place is haunted her losses as a ten you guys you were inside you saw it like that [Music] as a deterrent the top of that wall is covered in broken glass bottles few structures remain and a cross from here is an island they called dead man's island where they buried all the prisoners that passed away in perished could it be haunted it's certainly creepy let's go check it out 18:05 okay I thought mid to late-1800s oh yeah it definitely has a creepy sort of feeling about it inmate number one that's a pink door look somebody really somebody was trying to get in there this is how they would have handed them their food probably if they probably would have set their food or their drink whatever in there and so the prisoners can't reach it from either side Wow so people just use it for storage now there's lucky fit this is like a horror movie in here this is terrifying there's Trish there who's invited this Oh Tish I'm sorry my bad once it's decided not to come well it's less creepy up here than it is downstairs it's still like you know I wouldn't want to be locked in one of these rooms at night [Music] look there's a hole downstairs at the kitchen I'm looking for lifejackets safety first here I was excited coming out of Harbor beautiful day [Music] so we're going pastor they call Deadman's island it's a little hill they can't develop it because as I started to develop but they found it's full of American Revolutionary War soldiers that were held here by the British and as they passed on or were killed they were married on that island and they're still there to this day so it is a cemetery of sorts it's where a lot of American soldiers were buried and it's still sitting there as a monument of that time the sightseeing is always a little bit different from a vote because you get to see the city as it was meant to be seen hundreds of years ago there were no cars there were no trucks or buses or airplanes when you got to a city it was fun Horton and that's how we're seeing it with a lot of the historic building is kind of peeking out and the visuals at this fantastic era on the water [Music] there's a lot of people that are trying to pirate shipwrecks these days there's lots of shipwrecks around here is a ton of shipwrecks around Nova Scotia yeah so I guess they had the government-issued succession show back okay and it basically allowed for underwater and archeology archeological study of shipwrecks and they could extract artifacts but they did away with that now so there's no real way to extract anything off of a shipwreck so people are just feel easily it's like a huge issue but one of the wrecks we're at today a lot of people have already been to so there's a lot of stuff missing that used to be there right what was the wreck you were trying to find today [Music] we are passing by the famous pier 21 where many immigrants came from the UK and all over the world really into Canada for the first time the spirit they would have died [Music] [Music] well it's time to dock just in time to the weather looks like it might turn on us for long so the timing was good a couple things happen on this trip down there somewhere gravity has worked against me and somewhere down there went my Ray Ban sunglasses a sign that I should have been wearing we've lost the Hat something happened to my hair [Music] here in Nova Scotia the highway is a toll highway to pay four dollars to travel on it better be pretty entertaining with all kinds of jugglers and stuff all along the way be worth my four bucks and what's happening out the window right now we have stopped at Bauer's berries where Melissa and the kids are paying for what I can only assume her strawberries judging by the fact as a giant strawberry there who knows maybe they have other sorts of berries but it looks like she's bought something I guess I'll find out soon I'm guessing strawberries okay I got to try one of those no you know I got a share they're all red no they're like super I don't want one that's black that's for sure [Music] on this site this little patch of grass that we've stopped at on the Northumberland Street the you so I the French fort fort guess parole built in 1751 it was captured by the English and subsequently burnt in 1756 very little remains but there are still the headstones and partial cemetery from the fort from nearly 300 years ago amazing that it still is here the fort has not remained here's a little fixer-upper sweetie and it's for sale you know if this was in the city though I think that's pretty cool I like that second floor Winchester style door like the mansion it goes nowhere you just drop the oles have got a little balcony now so you don't fall right out to your death little play so I'm a little bit bummed that I lost my sunglasses we found a sort of the sells them yeah I should try someone there's these nice and subtle about Elton John kind of look for the smaller version kid size Jason thinks these ones actually match my shirt other guys well I guess that's what you get you wear a pink Hawaiian shirt and up the pink sunglasses too next one it's getting better better [Music] hello hungry was the first person who saw one of those crawling around and thought now that looks like dinner huh you guys a lot of bite that's crawling right up to my feet I'm gonna back up low tide right now as you can see there's no water here anymore and I decided to walk down very close actually right near the spot where the old fort was in the 1700s the French for it and first thing I spot why don't why not the first name one of the first things I bought is this old log with some really old looking spikes through it let me show you now I'm guessing if this thing was from the 1700s it would be pretty darn what waterlogged and probably a lot more ancient look into this but there are some pretty old spikes dug through here and they are squared off they're round head it looks like they're hand hammered it doesn't look like it's forged it looks like they've actually got irregular hammer marks on it when I put the log over I can do this here see the spike coming through the other side there she's rusted out pretty good but stuck on to something pretty good it looks like they had maybe two spikes one here one there one in the middle which is gone now if I had a hammer I might people knock that thing you know got a meat table actually pull this old spike out look at the way it's formed at the end there I mean surely salt water is done its fair bit of damage there but interesting old spike take that show the kids do you know why clams don't like to share I've trained you well we've noticed that this town is home to Atlantic Windows which is probably a good thing because a lot of the buildings in the area seemed to be potential customers so if landok windows might be in business for some time all these old buildings get re fixtured oh that guys use it an eco air meter is still on the side of his barn I should pop in and see if he wants to sell it there's nobody answering but that thing's probably been there for like 4050 years it's in fantastic shape and clearly it still works it's got a hose on it well maybe next time it is our last day now in New Brunswick before we head over to Prince Edward Island we're about to hit the confederation bridge well not hit it we're not gonna drive into it that's good I'm not planning on it we're about to drive towards and then over peacefully the confederation bridge which is one of the largest bridges I think in North America are one of the longest ice how many kilometers long is it other takes about ten minutes to drive across it yeah it's uh 47 dollars and 75 cents to cross the tulle hope they take debit yeah so we're getting really close and Melissa super happy because the bridge is way up in the air yeah that's where we're going already my mouth it's gonna be some lint they do not move great doesn't it's it's a 10-minute drive across maybe we won't notice I not house took a little bitter it'll break let him stop talking it'll be swinging back and forth alright oh and there's some ease on it No well you can't really see anything it's not a very exciting film that I'm making right now we'll just wait Oh Sood says no cellphones what if they can see me holding the cell phone oh yeah but it's no texting it's no distracted driving you're okay if your whole life oh you can't see over the eyes very much oh I can see enough well it doesn't feel like you're super high for anyone curious all that shaky filming oh me yep sorry it doesn't look like we're really high up we're high up you can't really see let me see if I can I'm sorry I'm not trying to get in here I can't really see it but there's like you can't even see my finger hold on let me find it there goes up even more that's part of the bridge still so weird these stoplights here are square I'm not used to seeing that pretty strange well we made it to pretend island and you know you're at the island because everything is Anne of Green Gables here I mean they've got statues you can even get yourself made up to look like an agreeable that's terrifying we're gonna have look around the gift shop here and see what we can see look at all these people who dress themselves up like an I think cameos about to make the first purchase on the island she found a little stuffed cat it's flattened out kind of looks realistic except the back side most cats don't have price tags on them yeah it's only ten bucks so you gonna buy that honey okay of course n of Avonlea and of Green Gables is a very famous very popular book series which is available probably pretty much everywhere all around the world and it originated here Prince Edward Island but I don't think Stevens up for dressing up like anti Green Gables over there today he's good you guys might have seen these that your tourist stops but you stick a penny and they see if it's you pay a dollar pay a dollar and you put a penny in and it squishes your penny and we don't have pennies in Canada anymore so they might be giving out American ones here all right you got your penny Jason really wanted to try this penny goes on the right Looney goes on the left now you have to make sure is this wait wait wait before you stick it in hang on you got to make sure it's on the one you want okay so now we'll put that in there you can Jason okay give it a try and now turn the handle turn the handle clockwise six to eight times to recline slides out blow okay you gotta turn the handle until it comes out the bottom where you gonna hold it up again you're gonna have a better look at it cool there's no longer a penny anymore old technology still catches the kids attention every time Steven made a purchase which I think we're gonna regret I know we're gonna get oh no in the distance you can see confederation bridge big massive structure right over the ocean pretty cool actually [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you guys ready 1 2 3 ha ha I'm taking the video so this is it this is our place for the next week here fantastic vacation rental property it's set up kind of you know Cape Cod East Coast style very beautiful I'll do a little walk out and give the full tour here in just a second nice little kitchen the Reading area view of the ocean out the window I think Steven szczepan you guys have to go upstairs to figure out what room is gonna be yours [Music] Oh Jason which room to do I think this is a double but it is still a little bit bigger than the other beds yes now it's huge and over here there is and bam and they came with decorations chips was my room well I mean I junking Lee said I was gonna choose the bathroom as my room and while I said that everybody else picked their room so I mean I still get a fairly big room on top you this I got two beds you have a view of the ocean oh yeah the other kids don't have a view of the ocean one for me mr. chicken mr. chicken got his own bed I know what he has to say about that melissa is most impressed because it's fully equipped with okay what's in there open up the work this is basically just toothbrushes just in case you've actually forgot us dude this is what the press is Melissa why did you pick this one it looks like it set up for a girl maybe it has the line degree Gables doll in it it's very nice maybe you'll realize why you're here you're like a tiny little painting hello fancy sunglasses oh hey Melissa what do you find oh why didn't you bring a hat that one look oh I see you have found the traditional everything Gables that oh yeah I can see it it's weird that your hair is gone two-tone all of a sudden yeah I think you should wear that out today I think that should be your new look Stephen Stephen I have a Gil what's your brother doing upstairs Stephen why did we let him buy a rubber chicken why did we let him buy a rubber chicken Abigail I can see you up there I do what I mean mocking I did nothing that won't get any way at all getting a picture [Music] [Music] what Stephen Stephen what what do you have in your hand is it a rubber chicken yes why why first thing in the morning today we are checking out the Anne of Green Gables heritage site it's the the home that inspired the book series we're gonna go to the ocean to cavendish beach but right now we've spotted the sign for Cavendish boardwalk so we're gonna get out and go check this place out too looks pretty fun [Music] [Applause] this just looks like your mom said this is like taking a gun to everything that's in grandma Marlene fed right now even everything well well maybe not the Fox know wouldn't surprise me if your mom had that understand - next time we're at the farm do not go in to shoot stuff inside grandma's dead [Music] [Applause] the boardwalk was fun but there was this place to stop any and get some snacks we decided to stop now at the Green Gables heritage site funny I don't remember in the books there being a big visitor center and parking lot but I guess you know never seen a person before we're gonna go on site and have a look around and see where the houses that inspired the book series and here we are at the actual home that inspired the series and was an orphan in the book series 11 years old adopted mistakenly by a brother and sister who owned this little farmhouse they were looking for some boy to adopt to work on their farm and it said they were sent a girl and the book series follows her basically trying to make her way through life being a sort of an unwanted addition to the family and having to work extra hard but a very interesting book if you've not read it before for those of you that have I'm sure if you've never been here before it's probably kind of exciting to see and here we are gonna go through the house actually a pretty little place took place in the 19th century so mid to late 1800s it's floral wallpaper throughout and it's a busy spot there's lots of tourists looking through here you can see they've spent some time and put attention to detail and making it look Victorian everything is very floral very patterned the smoke would then travel up this is to talk to you were here that is that was a smoker now for that your means 14 to those things like that but they did use it as an oven as well then insert a metal or ceramic liner inside top area there and that was ever to come up and wait and what they're drinking for trafficking center so bright surprise right with that pretty cool the kitchen cupboards are almost identical flooring that Josh and I built at our farmhouse and I can see they had the same problem the roof is on a bit of an angle so it had to compensate interesting sue that would have been her little room there the sewing room makes me want to hands little dresses right there they painted their floor is red in this room people thought I was crazy to paint them Brown of water soaps hey Jason do you think when clowns die their kids have big shoes to fill yeah Melissa's over there taking a picture for another family Stephens hiding around the corner because he's done he was basically taking Kimmel isn't going up because there's an aunt agree Gables impersonator here he doesn't want he's too cool loss is not keychains erasers they have an of Green Gables everything but I you know one thing I haven't seen Melissa spam of Green Gables Wow marketing opportunity hey guys hey Jason look out the window it's like a giant transformer out the window yeah well we got to check this out it's the Ripley's Believe It or Not auditorium here on Pei litter the giant bear made out of nails and you know for good measure a massive transformer I think the kids are pretty interested to see what's going on Oh MIT I am too it is pretty creative although I see some good usable car parts in there some hubcaps no but truly if you were standing underneath the giant transformer you'd be a little bit more nervous than that like all you'd be able to do is bite his toenails or something yeah he's got toenails that bear has lots of nails because it's made of nails you guys want to go in well this driftwood horse is really cool that's super neat I actually like that quite a bit are you posing for a picture Abigail this guy that's pretty creative hey Jason he's made up of like touristy type things like parts of Pennsylvania license plate topper an ice scraper it's all stuff you'd get as a tourist so he's a tourist made from tourist items his feet that one looks like it's made from an iron it's got a fisher-price little person for a big toe see that he's got little cards toys that's funny that's probably 20 play bran Chiclets this would have been a store display these flatten out part of a helmet what else you see Jason oh yeah rotary phone dial but I don't think we should touch him we should just look oh look there's a han Solo and his ha fit who's strapped around his neck and that Pennsylvania license plate toppers from 1946 that would have been probably a fairly collectible piece before was stuck on there all the name of art oh yeah oh look there's a hawk there's a camera on the back of fire alarm pole screws nito mosquito was the cost for entry 57 bucks believe it or not yeah the whole Python is made of welded washers other than the face itself our parts robot so far it's a lot of over-the-top crazy both cards hey Abigail how would you like this why would you not like it there's only a couple of reasons why a little girl might not want a spider web dress okay so when you look over it looks like there's a lady with the towel and when you keep walking she disappears I'm guessing if we looked around the corner we'd see a mirror but it's pretty stupid strategically placed okay so Melissa how did they make this painting so they just smush the fish right there look there's these little fish lips [Music] two-headed cow to body blam a drunken Fox okay so they brought the African fertility statues here if you touch it apparently you'll have no trouble having children got three already stay away stay far away says this guy got impaled by an auger went through miss dolls vital organs he got injured on a Friday went back to work on Monday I don't know I feel like that would at least give me another couple days off or so I thought we'd do a little sorting at the world's largest library and I was working on this I tried to make a little heart DC there's the arrow going through the heart is that that I need another yellow one right so it looks like it's going right and through don't look like the arrows going in and out of the heart we didn't have enough of these oh we can fill in some of the pink over here after doing a little bit of research I found what's supposed to be one of the locals favorite spots favorite beaches that not many people know about so we're gonna go and check it out it's called Thunder Cove so we're gonna go to Thunder Cove beach it's not very well marked but I do see there's lots of the cars [Music] [Music] well we found a place for Abigail it's called Island chocolates why do those sign is missing the ice and ice land I said it's a pirate shop because it's not no no hi even these floors are like me they're old and irregular what do you see just look at this election [Music] there they are in the back making chocolates [Music] [Music] I was gonna go in and then I changed my mind but I think I might still going later ah I don't know maybe well can't decide so the family and I have stopped at 20th century decor in downtown Charlottetown PEI all sorts of wonderful amazing things mid-century decor there's my kids hanging around all kinds of neat stuff but I've managed to find a few treasures and let me show you what I got right off the bat notice a few really interesting things these are probably we suspect might have been on the wall for holding your curtains back but with the general store we're putting together that'd be a nice piece just to have for a display there's an antique wall an older Johnson Johnson poison bottle and nice period hanger but what I was really happy about is he had an unused pair of Raven that are exactly like the ones that fell off in the ocean about two days ago so I have found myself a replacement for my lost glasses I'm pretty happy about this well it's our last night at the cottage it's been a beautiful time here it's little overcast today and kind of starting to rain so the timing couldn't be better we have been going through the house like crime-scene investigators trying to put it back exactly the way we found it we spent today doing laundry getting the sheets pressed getting the beds made so with any luck tomorrow when we leave everything will be perfect and ready to go melissa is going through and doing dishes and cleaning hopefully they'll not even notice that we were here and it will be in the same kind of shape it was in when we got it the other thing is that the owners husband James is a musician I noticed he's got a acoustic guitar upstairs and an amplifier so I did a little picking when I was in Halifax if you recall and caught a wonderful 1960's 12 string guitar and I think it's only right that we leave it here as a thank you to them for helping us out with his lovely cottage for the past week it's just been absolutely stunning and we can't thank them enough hopefully this little guitar will be a sign of our appreciation to them and we're gonna leave it in hopefully tip-top shape and with that we say goodbye to the lovely little cottage by the sea we've got everything well back in place way it was when we got here the house looked fantastic again even after having five people in it for a week and really can't thank the folks enough for letting us stay now it's time to start heading back to Halifax we're gonna spend a couple more our last two days here on the East Coast before we head back home how to make sure the kids are all in the car don't leave one behind no home alone incidents this time that's me sad to see it go it was a beautiful trip the kids are up to Steven do you bring a rubber chicken with you yeah I change into a musical instrument you ripped its little neck off no it comes off so that's so disturbing it's got a ridge low and say goodbye to our little Santa Fe it's been a pretty good park and now we take our new bags full of stuff and no to the airport we're here on time I was a bit worried I'd be late but we made it so let's go inside we had an amazing adventure on the East Coast so beautiful and so rich with history we had a lot of fun we had a lot of great moments we got to see the beaches in it is outstanding if you're ever out here you have to check it out it's just simply stunning thanks so much for watching today's episode tune in for more and bye for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 46,706
Rating: 4.9797845 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, travel vlog, vlog, travel, tourism, prince edward island, family vacation, vacation, tlc, television show, full episode, curiosity inc, alex archbold, adventure, discovery, learning, history, people, fun, family friendly, family fun, tourist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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