Stored since the 80’s! I clean out an old rec room and find treasure!

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity hey guys well it is the middle of the night well not the middle of the night it's late evening here and I just got back from going to a ladies houses she was clearing out her basement she's gonna be moving very soon and I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity by her kids toy collection that they didn't want it was left behind I guess was a situation where she said come get your toys or else they're gone they said they didn't care so now I got them it was pretty fun because you're going through this isn't a toy collector this is someone's like 1960 70s and 80s toy collection that's just been sitting there the whole time just waiting for me so I'm gonna unpack these boxes some of the things I saw what they were some of them are just boxes full of stuff we're gonna unpack these together on camera today and see exactly what we got but stay tuned we're gonna go through some toy Estate boxes and hopefully find some treasure and this is the general assortment of stuff that I have to carry in so you can see it's kind of wide variety some rolled posters no idea what they are saw that could not pass up a Velvet Elvis some boxes of toys and of course you start seeing things like Star Wars and stuff like that you know you have to try and grab the collection so I'm gonna unpack this stuff in the house and we'll go through it this is the scene inside our front entrance now it might look like just a big pile of stuff but for me it's treasure I've got a good variety of different things in a lot of these toys come from the 70s and early 80s which if you're collecting nowadays is kind of a prime time to collect I am going to sort through all this stuff in just a little bit and hopefully get this mess out of our house before too long but I can already see a few little treasures hiding in there can you let's dig through some boxes I'll probably start with the obvious one right here that the old guitar that's on top now you can see it's got the original dust donít have to clean that off but this is probably 1930s Stella guitar they went out of business to around 1972 they started in 1899 I can see this is the original finish on it a lot of similar details to what I had in that 1930s dobro that I picked up the other day with the painted beadwork on the edge got likely a Depression era guitar but it looks entirely original and intact other than needing likely a really good cleaning and new strings this guitar looks like it's pretty much ready to play the neck is nice and straight good action nice little piece here brand-new strings clean it all up look at that finish that's original patina original finish on this guitar and it really does have a nice sound very warm [Music] I like it a lot it's really easy to play action is nice and low with no fret buzz an excellent guitar in outstanding original condition and think it was sitting all those years those strings that brought it had to have been like 4050 years old they were old they were rusted on but this thing is great I like it a lot really debating keeping this one a lot of you might have had one of these when you were a kid to cleco vision um yeah it's in a cleco vision Donkey Kong that what I think that's the first or one of the first Nintendo games ever made si by Nintendo that's pretty cool on its own that it has that but the ColecoVision system is neat but it's made even better by the fact that I was searching through a closet at her house and found the original box for it to so look at how they sold these things it's like you got the arcade right at your house and this wasn't cheap either $109.95 back in the 70s or early eighties that was a lot of green but at least I have the whole system here I can pack it up in its original box and that's a good little collectible piece to have Cliquot vision is all boxed up that's the little expansion pack he could have bought there that's all packed away when I go through some of these board games there's a show that's been on TV for a while family feud of course this is the 1978 version of the board game that's pretty neat and a local thing for us Edmonton awfully this came out in the 80s and it's just kind of a fun thing to see you know all the different stores that were around some of them are gone now heritage mall is in here boy that hasn't existed in like 20 30 years they toured that was a fine shopping mall and they just decided to knock it down uh yeah it's kind of a neat for a local piece that's kind of cool and of course Star Trek the game collector's edition wow that's a limited edition already collected edition of two hundred thousand you know it's not very limited if they made two hundred thousand of them but still there's a lot of Star Trek fans out there and you know even though there's probably a ton of these out there well 200,000 of them out there that'll still probably sell pretty quick in the shop as long as people use their logic for the next little bit I need to call in an expert from my household here who might be able to share a little advice Jason I need your help or something yeah Jason is somewhat of an expert on Pokemon you collected and played this for long you still have a lot of cards right here once I found a whole bunch of old pokemon cards in here maybe some of the original ones there you know in 15 20 years old can you go through them and tell me if there's some good ones in there but Jason how do you tell if one is a good one or not there are abilities so see how it's just like 10 they're like the higher that is the more important it is and like the HP here that's their health their power their house okay so you're gonna go through and see if there's any good ones yeah okay and while he does that I'm gonna dig through some of these little assorted toy boxes and see what kind of stuff I got in here this box seems to have a little variety that's an old 1960s probably a matchbox king series the King series were the big ones kind of like the size of a corgi Thank You toy not the greatest shape but you know it's it's all there even has them tell you Don it it's kind of a neat piece I always look for the older ones that's where my interest is it wouldn't be a sort of toy box without some plastic cowboy figures here's a cap gun with a real it's a real metal cap guns slightly better quality than the rest but it looks like it got a little bit damp or something maybe they left the caps in and it's become corroded that's gonna greatly affect the value but you know as a little decorative piece or something and still kind of cool they put the end on there so you don't think there's an actual 9 year old running around with a little pistol but you know good sellable thing for the shop toy car Firebird now this isn't any kind of brand name it's been squished so it's probably pretty well worthless condition plays a big role in whether it's a Hot Wheel or matchbox like a brand name plays a big role too so that's probably not going to carry any kind of value whatsoever there's little figures in here I mean they're not unless they're marks or they're there they are marked on the bottom what brand they are these are the sorts of things you would kind of get like at the dollar store so not not super valuable but if you are missing figures for your play set and you want to have them well you know we might put this whole lot of figures out for you know ten bucks or something like that we get any plates on it that looks like it would had a cowboy on it see that's where his feet would had gone probably had a little saddle and a cowboy on the back of it but yeah neat thing my dad always had toys like this kicking around does this sort of stuff you played with and he was a kid back in the 50s this box has sort of just a variety of kids toys in it I can see it looks like somebody probably cleaned up around the toy room and things just ended up wherever they ended up Katie's action figures I think that's from the he-man he-man series if I'm not mistaken that looks really familiar look his tongue works he moved the whole thing on the back I had a friend that had me I never got into this stuff when I was a kid I wasn't into him and I was in the hot wheels and transformers and gobots and I had Micro Machines and mask if you guys remember the mask toys those were pretty cool I had all that never had a man but there are collectors for this stuff and I'm sure this guy with his original tongue still working is worth something I'm gonna put that in the better pile of things that's for my slightly more collectible stuff is going there's some wrestling figures you can kind of tell Hulk Hogan well everybody knows Hulk Hogan recognized him and it looks like if you pushed a button one back it looks like he's doing the maybe he would have had a bath towel and he's like mobile though and the shower opens but I think is supposed to be more threatening and kind of go like this like he's gonna punch somebody I liked my way better though it was more innocent but anyway you know wrestling figures to be flexible and these are the older ones the the rubber ones like this typically go back to the 80s a lot of times you'll find the year on the bottom of the feet or sometimes in the small the back this one is labeled 1987 so that is yeah 1980's wrestling figure a little variety of action figures I'll lay these out and see if there's anything cool in there and Jason tells me there's really no pokemon cards of note in there that he can find no real super great ones but that's okay I just found a little box of hot wheels so this might be one of the better boxes so far it's not a huge box but I mean there's lots of stuff to go through still but I always been excited about toy cars early Hot Wheel cars can be very collectible of course the red lines the ones you're looking for but lately black wall cars which is that type of tire there have been really picking up in value so certain ones with the Blackwall tires can be just as good if not even better than some of the red lines and when you're getting a car like this you want to look for condition so are there scuffs are the decals chipped or scraped this one's not in bad shape at all but I'm gonna go through and see what there is this is an early black wall because they made this in the flying color series as a redline and if I'm lucky because there's a crossover period where they made the same car in a redline in a black wall there might just be a couple red lines in here so let's sort and see if maybe I'll luck out and find a redline they made this in a red line too that was out of the chrome series I had lots of these when I was a kid is the paddy wagon space cop that's kind of a cool one science friction 1977 and you can go online and look up prices of some of these cars based on condition and based on what they are I don't have the prices of all these things memorized but I do know which ones are sort of more rare than others I know just enough to be somewhat dangerous when it comes to collecting because I kind of know what I'm looking for enough to go and look the stuff up later and honestly that's all you can sometimes you can't expect yourself to know everything this is a redline I did find one it's in terrible condition though that's a fairly unique casting if this thing was in really good shape it would be obviously worth some money in this kind of condition not so hot but people are restoring these things in fact this whole YouTube channels based around people who do nothing but restore old hot wheel toy cars and matchbox and stuff so that will still have value even in that condition because it's restorable I'm gonna keep that one separate in case I find any other red lines in here but that's one well that's the assortment of what was in that box a little little cap gun little flintlock it's pretty cool some interesting Blackwall Hot Wheels one redline some other neat early Hot Wheel cars and for someone who's a Hot Wheel collector this would be a fun thing to find I got the little Starsky and Hutch Torino the stickers on the side are getting a little bit dirty but otherwise is in pretty good shape but that's made by Corgi a lot of collectors are the Starsky and Hutch cars I'm gonna go through this other box now and it looks like there's some bigger things that's an old Tonka booty van looks like a Ford Econoline or something this is the Tonka oh look that's the backboard Tonka truck and trailer I have collectors that come through the storm pretty regularly looking for topic and stuff so always excited to find that that looks like a McDonald's toy probably funny little sandbox type toys what I'm hoping for is that you know at the bottom of a box like this you'll find the one thing that's just a little bit more of it unique or special size it's worth a little bit more or makes the bob is more valuable tanka stuff I mean I'll be able to sell that that's not a problem and that's a matchbox superfast the seventies few interesting things in here some old match boxes and stuff so I'm finding a couple stuff I'm gonna lay these out and see what the gems were out of this box well out of that box probably the best up was the Tonka toys and then I had a few old matchbox super fast some early rubber toys little Volkswagen Beetle Oh few little odds and ends and even a couple Micro Machines and that's the stuff house time what earlier I used to have a ton of that stuff when I was a kid I'm gonna add those to my toy a bit over there and a lot of this other stuff will go off to charity yeah I saw this and I can hear it's full we're gonna crack it open and see what's inside this would be the second time I found vintage Star Wars figures in the past month and yeah it's full let's see oh did not find another vinyl tape jalwa that's the actual the one that came after but there is a vinyl caped Darth Vader and he's got his full lightsaber in good condition that's pretty good his capes in good shape too and same with Luke telescopic lightsaber the little end I think if it was telescopic would come out farther than that but often I think that little busted off that one's all there c-3po he's not all worn out he's in good shape Yoda with his cane the nice thing about this plot is it looks like the little guns and stuff but the figures are in there so there's snow trooper with his cape and his gun everybody's got their little accessories there's Toyota's one there and one there I guess you know twice as wise probably a Christmas feel like you know really like Star Wars and then he ends up get the tooth and figure at night everybody has their accessory that's pretty cool I think there's one of these that has a little bit that pops out on the top that's more rare that guy does not but still Betsy oh he's missing his lightsaber maybe it's in here somewhere pretty cool little selection though I have a fondness for this stuff because what I grew up with Star Wars and all these toys my generation kind of stuff and what's super cool it's got the original carrying case to another box of toy cars see the 1980s Corgi Greyhound bus they don't have Greyhound bus service in our area anymore they used to have it all over the place in Canada just really doesn't have Greyhound which is kind of a shame because sometimes you need to catch a bus or move something hoping there's a few older ones mixed in here that I had is either for husky or matchbox trailer if I find the trailer I'll know where that went oh look another Red Line again not in great condition special delivery but that's the second one I found so far that's two red lines out of the box so there's lots of these I mean who knows what's on the rest of this box I'll do a little sorting and see what we have here lots of do you boys are in kind of tough shape there's little airplanes that are broken the remnants actually it's almost the whole thing of a FX slot car that's the spider-man car which the roofs a little bit squished but it's missing the back piece it's still still cool though poor little beetle somebody squish this beetle its wheels popped off but all it has to be is just one good toy in a box like this to make the whole thing worthwhile well there's the cab for that little buddy al I thought it was Tonka I guess it's a buddy al car hauler that means there's probably a little plastic or metal cars that go on that thing to walk to keep my eyes open for this box oh that's too bad that would have been a cute little honker car but the wheels are off but that's the thing I've been finding things that are neat but the condition has been great there's a couple little things that have been nifty like that little mini and there's like a big pile of toys in front of me here these are actually from the Red Line kind of era - those are made by Hot Wheels they're called I think Farbs or Wow he's I can't remember somebody watching at home is gonna say whoa it's fill in the blank another little red pair and Red Line guy they're kind of an unusual casting I haven't really seen that one a whole lot before but that's a good find I mean that probably makes up for everything else in this box it wasn't in good condition and some of you might recognize that that's the Hazzard County police car from Dukes of Hazzard I haven't found a Dukes of Hazzard car in here yet but there's one two three Hazzard County police cars but where the Duke boys they must have gotten away and this is like the stereotypical pile up of Hazzard County cop cars after they trying to jump and they fail if I season this is it much earlier piece tin plate made in Japan so it's gonna be 1950s little fire chief card not bad conditions missing a hubcap but overall that's not really too shabby that is cool right it's always nice to find at least a few really good things mixed in there's little talking cars complete that's a type you wind up and you push this button and it takes off on you I've got a big pile of cars that go through but I thought I'm gonna take a break and look at the model kits now these are kind of 1970s 80s era AMT model kits this one's NPC this of course is he Threepio and is he built instructions are there no he is not built basically so that's still an unbuilt kit she looks largely complete it's always a people buy these things even if they're built but it's better to find the one built in good condition the next people will decide what they want to do with it so two really cool model kits there and I'm gonna take open this afx set and I'm really hoping I'm gonna find something inside I'm hoping the cars are there a lot of times it's just track but let's see okay this was the blazing brakes afx set let's crack it open please have cars please house have cars and we'll just track oh no no look there's cars right there and actually there's even the SEVIS those are super neat these I had this when I was a kid while I didn't have that one I had this one and it had this back these are from the racing rig set and they'd go around the track they own on these trucks would always fly off they're fun to watch because the headlights light up on them but that's neat okay you know the track is virtually I mean it's almost worthless what you really want with these sets is are the cars that's odd made by tow that's Tyco I didn't recognize it but that's a Tyco car it's an early one though and there's a strong market a lot of collectors for these sorts of things oh he's missing his grill okay well see maybe if some of these extra bits are in here more cars that's got the grill in the back yeah it's any FX and that's probably the one that came with this set this so these are the cars that actually came with this set those two and these others were ones he'd go in a hobby shop and buy I used to go and buy these things they weren't they weren't cheap I used to have to save up many allowances to go and get an e FX car when I was a kid let's see I'm hoping I can find sometimes there's a little baggie with extra parts or pieces I'm sure that that is maybe I can find the grill for the cop it wasn't yeah the cop car is missing its grill I had a couple other FX cars I found in the other pile too I think I've got a good stack of these things out of here a good little variety of a FX cars right there opened up this box and it's full of old hockey cards from the 80s and 90s so we'll go through and see if there's any good ones in here I don't know what the reason was for the plastic wrap around this stuff but maybe there was a method here all these find some older ones who might have some value still the stack of old comic books which I'm gonna go through I mean yeah hope that you're gonna find a you know spider-man number one or something but oftentimes it's just a broken Dennis the Menace with no cover but you never know I'm still gonna go through them just to make sure there's nothing really super great in here how do I not remember Dazzler who clearly looks like a disco girl in a white jumpsuit wearing roller skates I guess they were really searching for things he can actually the kids back then but a disco girl beaten up Incredible Hulk hmm oh and they're mirrored disco ball rollerskates well at least she had some style I'll give her that [Music] another cool fine sold Marx tin playset with all the figures probably from the 1960s or so the tin carrying case Marx was a big deal back in the day and that's a fighting night set in the carry case I guess he could take it to a friend's house and play there started to separate some things into lots for auction so some of the old cards comic books these are all the things that albeit collectible are things that I really just want the best of them at the store and so the excess one is the extra ones those are all gonna go off to auction or go be donated somebody go through some of these posters now I think see what we have well that's not a poster that's the cardboard sandcrawler for the Jawa play set that goes over the Star Wars stuff I missing the bottom piece but maybe it's in here somewhere it's not heard of killer dwarfs before but it's autographed behind the band which is pretty neat and I noticed that there's a few of these that seem to be autographed mcj and cool G autographed that definitely looks like 1980s or 90s rap stars to me I wonder how many of these are graph - a lot of really early kiss posters in here - some of these are the type that would have come with your record you can see where they're folded others are probably promotional ones for magazines flipped out and then if you're lucky find one that's from a record store or you know from a concert just yet what I have here is essentially a giant pile of hair band hair band posters lots of kiss stuff which I'm sure I'll be able to sell some of these are autograph not buy kiss but buy every other band that had long hair and crazy tight pants at the time I've got this big mess doll I've really got to start cleaning up because it's getting late I'm gonna start packing some of the stuff that I've sorted to the car [Music] that's it everything is in the store just have to put it all the way now and find home court luckily a lot of this stuff is gonna be pretty easy to sell the Star Wars figures a Hot Wheel cart couple of my favorite pieces that came in though for these Velvet Elvis and the 1930s oscar schmidt made stella guitar which is just a joy to play I think they just had a lot of fun to this store these other items like the plastic model kits are great of course the original container full of Star Wars toys lawdy washing away that's the best thing that's pretty good I got all these antics slot cars and Tonka trucks and it's a really good haul of interesting things the rest of it either went to charity there was a lot that had to go to garbage but really a very decent collection or things that I'm able to put out the shop and find new buyers for it thanks very much for watching today's episode guys don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already for more adventures you can check this out on facebook under curiosity incorporated you can check to throw it on instagram under curiosity inc yeg or you can come visit us live in person at our store and well not so tropical today Edmonton Alberta Canada but it's a lovely spot to visit and yeah come by for sometimes we can have a wonderful day guys we'll see y'all soon [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 137,593
Rating: 4.9345007 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity inc, american pickers, storage wars, pawn stars, antiques, antiques roadshow, collectibles, treasure hunt, time capsule, star wars, afx slot cars, pop culture, funny, interesting, old toys, collectible toys, 1980s, 1970s, alex archbold, making money, selling antiques, entrepreneur, amazing find, found in a basement, neat old stuff
Id: w9_FKss3KRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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