100 year old dump finds! what's inside these boxes?!

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there is an amount we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antiques store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity well good morning everyone I continue today on our Arctic expedition and all I have to do is leave my house to face arctic temperatures because it's really really cold here but the ambulance started this morning yesterday I had to boost it today it actually started it's equally as cold it's freezing cold it's I think minus 40 degrees or minus 44 degrees Celsius which is like - I don't know death outside and it's really really bad but when I was in the store the other day I got a cool leaf so it was a busy day I had a lot of folks come through and a nice lady came through and she said she's been collecting her whole life you know 70 80 years of worth of stuff and she wants me to come by and have a look at it this morning and that's just what I'm gonna do so who knows what I'll find I'm gonna pack up in the ambulance get bundled up a little bit and go check her house out it's kind of this weird fog floating around out the sky sitting here I don't know if I'll be able to film inside because she's a private lady you never know but if I do get some stuff I'll show you what I was able to buy hopefully something cool I have no idea as of right now I've got the boxes inside there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 boxes and a blanket this is one of those situations where it was kind of cleaning out the basement I understood that one point they used to go dumpster diving looking through old garbage dumps there's all kinds of stuff who knows what I'm gonna find here but it was I take the whole box or take nothing kind of heals find it I'm just taking everything this will be an unboxing episode I guess we're gonna go through this stuff together and see exactly what's in them and kind of guess maybe milk bottles gonna be in that one but we'll go through it all and see what's in here now you might ask yourself Alex you crazy why are you buying blankets while I by Hudson Bay blankets the wool ones those are very popular this is a wool blanket too but it's a little bit more unique and the reason for that if you can kind of see there I noticed this on there it says na R which stands for northern Alberta railways and now in long-defunct railway line here in our province and many people collect railway related items so this would have been you know a fancier nicely fitted blanket probably for a first-class passenger to stay warm while on the train so that's a steam train item very interesting still says any are very clearly on it you know good collectible piece if that's an indication of what's in some of these other boxes I might be okay here total investment I think I had to pay 450 dollars or so for all this stuff but I'm assured that it's gonna be worth my time and I could see you know on some of the boxes were open and I could kind of look at the top to see what was in there but I think I'll get my money back no problem sometimes it's a gamble but I had to get to work and had to move fast so we'll see if it pays off this box is marked Inc and open up the box you can see it is just a massive amount of pink bottles now a lot of these I guess they found when they were digging through old dump sites and things like that people would have discarded them and you know they last a long time certain ones like that's a Waterman can be more collectible than others but generally old ink bottles aren't overly valuable unless they're really really ornate or it's a brand maybe you don't see too often that's kind of a neat one peerless ink but maybe they're like you know five ten bucks apiece kind of deal but it times that by how many are in here start stand up to something a little bit fancier at the bottom I can see some copper in there I'm gonna try and get down to that and see what that is oh it looks like a stand for a for an ink bottle see if I can get that out too little inkwell desk sets this is for resting your quill the glass of the ink would wipe off real easy and then this one is pressed in it's definitely got some early early piece you can see the patent date on it July 1899 that's a nice early piece I'll see if I've got a square bottle to stick in there so you can kind of see what it was meant to look like okay that's about the right size right there something like that you dip your pen in use it and then you'd have a rest here to rest your pen on it's not that interesting a little set like that's probably like a good $40 little item there with the bottle somebody might want that for a vintage looking death set or if you're looking for movie props to do a little movie that's kind of anything so first box is a bunch of ink bottles can't tell you how handy all these drawers come in and put stuff in there I'll put a little label on it that says pink bottles and people can open it up and just pick out whichever ones they like I don't mind buying in bulk you never know somebody might use those as a you know like a tabletop or for putting flowers in or have a fun idea people get crafty with things and you never know and you'll just suddenly get a run on ink wattles but there we go well this one should be pretty self-explanatory but some pop bottles can be quite valuable like the early you know drugstore style bottles coca-cola and so forth I'll go through and see if these are just you know common bottles 7up or whether some of these are a little bit more on the rare side what's interesting about a bottle like this is that most 7up bottles are newer bottles from the 50s and 60s have embossing right on the glass and even if it gets worn that doesn't come off this would have been a paper label bottle which puts at pre World War two probably the 1930s or so it still has the embossed 7up on it sometimes they'll be dated on the bottom this one has the diamond D which I think denotes it is about a 1935 or so that's an interesting piece it's not the one that I pulled out of here to is a lot earlier and you can kind of tell there's imperfections in the bottle earlier glass techniques they weren't quite as well quite as good as doing it so you'd find little bubbles in that that makes this a much earlier bottle and this is a soda water bottle from Vichy it's a is a French sparkling water essentially this would date to around 1900 so some of these bottles already I've only taken two out of the box are pretty early I'm going to unpack them all and see if there's anything maybe jams in here so here's an earlier one actually McLaughlin soda Edmonton Alberta and you might better know mcLaughlin this product of Canada Dry and mcLaughlin his brother was the one who had the McLaughlin Buick that is a very early very early bottle and the fact that it's a McLaughlin soda bottle makes it all the more cool with Edmonton right on there my hometown but she must have hit a dump like circa 1900 when she was pulling these bottles out of the ground because that's another flat side and mcLaughlin there's a Calgary Blue Label these are all really uncommon bottles like there is another coca-cola this is circa 1900 and yeah property of it's a Canadian one too says Canada right on the bottom there some of them have the coca-cola embossed on it this is like you know the second coke bottle ever made with a it would have had that paper pharmacy kind of label on it who knows what else is in here so far everything has been really really interesting gold seal Cola man there's some unique bottles in with this collection so far probably one of the more impressive halls of bottles I've ever had I've never even heard of some of these gold seal soda there's Felix some of these flat sided ones are very early to there's several of the very first type of Coca Cola bottles but what really caught my eye was this Calgary brewing and malting this has gotta be you know around 1900 or so and it's got that great buys in that Buffalo image on there and there's one in blue and one that's clear and those are particularly collectible people like that brand because of that logo that's on there that embossing there's McLaughlin several McLaughlin just a really wonderful collection of really early and unique soda bottles like who's ever heard of whistle brand soda you know just so just quite the variety oh there's another box of stuff here I'm gonna go back to that other one but yes early dental implant um Bob you bob has come back because he heard that there's bottles here you bought a whole bunch of toothbrushes but no bristles on them so you can't help me out with cleaning grandpa's old teeth there that's pretty gross but you know there are people who collect that sort of stuff what was unique in this though were these really early cobalt blue poisoned models and you know there's there's several in here and I I think yeah that's poison too people do collect this stuff because they're they're not as many all that one's nasal spray but still kind of unique there's brackets that might be an opium bottle really light fixture probably from uh this looks all industrial I could be out of a hotel or something nice cast piece and lots of other little things wrapped up and there's more bottles there's the the traditional style coke bottle that you see went 1934 that's an early one usually you see these in there from the 50s but that is a pretty early coke bottle and if you read that backwards it says shipment just arrived it is for looks like gramophones RCA Victor gramophone and there's another one here too it looks like it's maybe an advertisement for a car tire really neat national railways sleeping car conductor here's a fun little handful Minnesota licensed chauffeur some tie clips this is a neat pin there if you look at it it says NW MP that's Northwest Mounted Police that's really early that's Mountie that's like the original Northwest Mounted Police that somebody's button off the uniform rare stop even in Canada to find and that is a little token from Massey Harris from their 100th anniversary in 1947 that pins a little sharper I'll be careful see what is in this box another little container and this one looks like it's full of maybe chauffeur badges there we go so there's one from Alberta 1937 but you can definitely tell that's been buried for a while but then others that were probably buried and made out of better materials stood up nineteen forty nine fifty one I think these are all chauffeur badges that's pretty cool have to unpack those I've got some old photographs this one's from a hotel I'd probably try and find out if that was the Alberta Hotel or where this was but judging by the outfits I'd say that's 1800s that's Wild West looking stuff right there alright guys almost got hands his beard might say on the back here if I can read it I can kind of read it old-time Edmonton Northwest Territories Jim Gibbons and there's numbers I might be able to decipher some of the writing that's on the back here but it's a little difficult to read cool old photograph the stuff that people sometimes throw away can become priceless parts of our heritage that would be lost otherwise 1892 it says interesting old-timers Association back when being an old-timer meant you were probably 37 years old getting the old timers Club grandpa that's pretty neat I kind of legitimately feel bad because Bob bought all the bottles I had here there were some really rare ones in there and he didn't want to leave until he had them in his hands which is okay he's a collector that stuff and now his collection is like over the top cool he's a happy guy which is what this business is all about you take something that's been sitting in someone's basement for years unloved and then it goes to someone's house risk me on display and taking care of for years to come but I saw a bunch of boxes to go through here so let's see what else came in this one is marked shaving we've opened it up and kind of see that there is in fact it is what you'd expect especially having stuff while Henckels if that's in their ankles of course a very good brand that's gonna be a straight razor and yeah the one thing you want to look for in a razor blade is is the blade unmarked run check this one has a little bit of a nick in it right there that would not be much fun to shave with a shame because it's a good blade people can restore these but sometimes the cost of what the the blade is worth but let's see what else is in here - there are lots of collectors that's a sharpening stone right there there are lots of collectors for vintage razors I think this is a Gillette Fat Boy that's actually like like a hundred dollar razor just kind of hanging out in there with the red dot on it this type of razor is very collectible and I actually shaved with that type of razor myself so I recognize it that's super cool the back early I would not want to shave with one of these I know people that do but it's a single edge safety razor very early style they look like an ancient lawnmower I wouldn't trust that on my face but I mean apparently they're fine I've never been brave enough to give that a try so if you use one of those you can leave it in the comments that you've survived funny little holders this is just all stuff that there's the chicken injection style razor with the case nice bakelite handle some shaving brushes a few of the straight razors all kinds of fun stuff in here of course I'm gonna have to look and see what's in the wooden box English leather cologne I could smell like my grandpa smelt it up Old Spice to last a lifetime if you want to smell burly bum bum bum I don't I don't think of wanting to smell burly like if somebody says uh that guy he probably smells burly I don't know I don't think that'd be a great smell but all these old spice things are full still hmmm little razor blade holder it probably came out of a shaving kit that's cool stuff it's all good salable stuff the things that are more collectible would be like the razors themselves and some people might remember getting their hair cut with one of these before you use electric razors you put that against your head and rip your hair down to a fine buzz cut yeah there you know there's people who collect all sorts of things and shaving supplies and grooming that's one of the things people look for but that Fat Boy razor is probably the best find out of this box for sure going through some of these other boxes there's a lot of salvage old hardware Maltese Cross that's kind of neat there's all kinds of stuff that's kind of hanging around in here early bakelite drawer pulls which can be very collectible especially here restoring something you need hardware these sorts of things come in handy you can buy replicas but when you need something for your you know like a door pole or something for a cabinet if you want to build something and make it look old those come in very handy another box full of more inkwells I need that I need the equivalent of Bob who collects soda bottles come in who collects ink wells and be like you have the mother lode of ink wells and I've got a bunch apparently including one that has cats on it okay well I did that to my pile of ink wells now that is not hardware I know what that is that is a national park pass that you would wire on to your grill and what is the age see the eight there that's 1928 on this one later on in the 30s they would write nine one nine three eight and then they had I think these went up till World War two and then they had a little piece that came down the bottom that is a really really early one 1928 and people like him because they've got that cool Buffalo that baizen on them but that's what you would have had to have when you went through the Canada national parks through the mountains otherwise the Ranger might say hey get out this box is mainly milk bottles and I'll tell you right off the bat most milk bottles that look like this and they don't have any kind of lettering or embossing let me try and be gentle with that if they don't say anything on them they're just generic milk bottles and not really worth a whole lot unless you're gonna use them as a craft or do something with where they start to get a little bit more collectible is when you have let's see one kind of like that and see that says ECD that's for Edmonton commercial dairies you can trace it back to the dairy that it came from people might have childhood memories from going to that dairy this one's just kind of fun it needs a better cleaning but it has KC it's a happy face son this says mission on it and that's more like a creamer style it's a smaller one like a half pint maybe oh there are a whole bunch of bottles in here I'm going to see which ones are a little better there's one that's got some embossing woodland milk and cream those ones will be a little bit more collectible than your basics so I'm going to separate out the basic ones the basic ones that's the sort of stuff I'll just send to auction where I'll sell it dirt cheap says that we can do a craft with it but the better ones there's collectors for and that's what I have to sift out one of the final boxes here today was marked tobacco-related so we're gonna unpack this and see there were a couple cans in here now that can what do you think that's worth $100 $50 no it's worth like maybe five bucks if somebody would buy it not worth a whole lot of money you get the right tobacco can though and they can be worth thousands that's not one of them that's just use it to various store and stuff in but I'm gonna unpack I think the best thing for me to do is kind of go through this and unpack everything put it on the counter and you can see exactly what we've got here a couple little ashtrays these are Nippon where Japan and I know this is I've got one of these this is like a little I wouldn't say salesman's sample but it's like a little advertising cream separator it's an ashtray but you would have had that probably came from this separator company and just a cute little thing that says hey don't forget about us when you need your cream separator bits that's pretend I'm tiny to set of tiny little ashtrays smoking collectibles are not all that popular anymore because not as many people smoke well you don't smoke cigarettes let's say but you know little things like that little decorative fifties asters and stuff they do they don't they have their home they're just a lot harder to find people do to buy but you get a few cool things like that because it's a cream separator somebody will buy that that's gonna stay in the store some of these new pond whereas trees are cool let's get the rest of this stuff let and see what's in the bottom of the box okay it's like a little set German kind of dishes like a novelty maybe a novelty lighter take it out of the plastic and have a closer look yeah this is a novelty lighter so it looks like a little lamp and when you pull the dangling little switch that would pop up in and light kind of cute definitely got that 50s vibe with the pink flamingos that's a cool piece for a table top that's kind of nice a bunch of little Astros I should say that advertising ashtrays are pretty collectible if they say it like a gas station name or company name on meat and Crawford Canada that's a funny little one looks like it's Gillett never seen one like that four is cast iron it's always fun to see things that I've never seen before kind of exciting some of the stuff will be a little bit more common oh let's take a tobacco cutter at the bottom there take this little pour someone out of the box pipes because you never know this is a back button that's actually a little bit better you can probably see why it's got them the Mounted Police on it so that's like a five dollar ten this is probably like a twenty five thirty dollar ten so because it's got the cool graphic and a lot of that will clean up like that old paper label on there if you gave this a good clean and a polish it probably come up looking really really decent I might just leave it for the next person because some people actually like that look versus having it all cleaned up I don't want to take that away there's a little veil but these are called a pocket tune and they would fit right in your pocket velvet unfortunately is really common you want to get like forests and stream or taxi tobacco there's a few different brands there's a little bit more difficult to find that's not one of them that's still like a twenty dollar kind of thing maybe in this shape not that's like a 5-10 dollar ten in that kind of condition but if it was meant to be like you know 15 20 bucks copenhague and snuff not worth a whole lot cardboard tin not very flexible very common to find a vogue paper roller keep that aside that's another cigarette roller I believe this is coming from a nonsmoker guessing what the smoking stuff is no see this one see it says service station on it people who maybe they don't smoke but they collect service station memorabilia Edmonton herb Oxford Leyland so maybe it was British Leyland you know I'm guessing that's probably what does Leyland automobiles it's kind of easy keep your hands-free because that thing could be a little bit brutal if you got your fingers stuck in that but that's for cutting bulk tobacco probably would have been I don't know if this would have been home use for used as a store but it's certainly been used many times over the years yeah cool little variety of things if somebody took that from the forest burg hotel and restaurant if you were missing your ashtray forsberg hotel and restaurant guess where it went to that lady's house now it's at my store oh look yep bullet lighter these were really popular just after the Second World War oftentimes they need a little bit of attention to make them work again because they weren't really they're kind of a novelty thing that one needs a new wick as a flint on it but the condition of the lighter itself is really good though those are a popular item and there are people who just collect bullet lighters I've got one customer all he collects is all the different types of bullet lighters neat thing well that was a very fun and busy day the bottles were really big surprised I knew that there's gonna be something cool in there but do not expect them to all be turn of the century and early up to the 1930s nice rare find and very glad that they went to a good bottle collector like Bob I also got some northern over two railway items which were really cool and I just really had a fun day going through a basement burning up some treasures and finding the home port so if you haven't subscribed already make sure to hit that subscribe button and you can like the video you can check us out online at curiosity Edmonton dot see on facebook under curiosity and can appreciate you guys watching have a great day in five four now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 313,331
Rating: 4.925591 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, unboxing, dump digging, dump finds, alex archbold, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated
Id: nBmvmipQJL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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