Ghost town general store! we search through a boarded up general store looking for treasure!

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity well good morning everyone so I got a message the other day that a person a couple hours outside of town owns an old general store now I have been looking to move our business into a general store this one's too far away but it is apparently full of all the original fixtures and what I do find a building that's gonna be suitable for us it would be really cool to have some of that old stuff the cool thing is it's kind of in a ghost town that nobody I maybe there's a couple people who live there still but the town is pretty much empty though I'm heading out this morning you would check this place out and I'm bringing along my brother-in-law Patrick for the ride and hopefully it'll be a fun adventure and who knows this place is gonna hold apparently 100 years worth of stuff packed in there here's the man good morning border patch are you ready for a highway trip are you ready to be like I don't know if we're gonna be the Mars rover or whether they're gonna be like a monkeys in space but we're gonna go check this place out and that's exactly what this is I'm not taking a really big vehicle with me today because the items that I'm going to look at might be massive you know giant shelving units and stuff so that'll require me going back on a second trip with the moving truck if this all works out I'm just gonna go see what there is maybe purchase it or come up with the price and then come up with a game plan so I've never been to this place I didn't get pictures of the inside of it could be a bust I don't know it could be something cool like what we're gonna find out [Music] I've been driving for about an hour and ten minutes or so taking a pit stop at the town of Boyle where we're gonna pop into Boyle for a quick visit a town that will grow on you and also a town that doesn't invest in spaces in their signs here I guess you know when you got to get a message out why stop at a space that is the healthcare auxiliary teen farmers market you gotta say really pass altogether so we're gonna go there and check this place out grab a bite to eat at the delicious sounding Boyle cafe and then head off to go look at this ghost town and I'm not really sure how person ends up owning a building in a ghost town I guess maybe you just you hear about it and you find out that there's something there but I've heard there's no running water in the town there's no washrooms either there's I think a couple people still live there but we're gonna try and get all that out of the way here in the town of oil kind of a quaint little downtown here in Boyle I always appreciate a good pun looks like the hair salon is called hair I am Here I am there you are there's a Patrick walking across the street in the diner now as noticing that this little shop which is called low in the hole that's where this little metal sculpture is they sell diamonds silver fashion jewelry this hel appliances with warranty new mattresses antiques looks like possibly ice cream they do dry-cleaning that is one diversified store and we're here where I can stand in the middle of Main Street and not worry about getting hit by a car there is what used to be some sort of store behind me it's all boarded up and the one we've come to look at is actually right there pretty big place actually I'll go 40 feet by 60 feet I'd say and the folks are here and they're just trying to break into their own building cuz I guess it's all kind of stuck shot should be an adventure we're gonna go dig around see we can find what year was this building put together what years is building from okay so had the post office in it general store okay and then they bought that 20 years ago and how do you end up with it it's the daughter the daughter is okay as she felt she had to have an old general store well as her husband okay anything in here for sale yes okay what is that what is the car that's under here oh it looks like a 1980s or 70s sort of I can tell from that sharp roofline well let's be in good shape it's not just elegant it's elegant a original paint everything Seville you know what my dad used to love this particular body style he was a big fan of Seville because it's a smaller body style yeah wire wheels yeah pretty well perfect honor one little Dan - looks good I'm curious to kind of see what other sorts of little things are around light fixtures yeah the giant Archie Andrews head and a woman it's unusual old drill press Santa these are subway cards advertisements those are from Everton actually well we might be making a bit of a dent today I think we'll find a few things hey so I've started to kind of dig I'm on top of a pile of stuff finding a few oddball things already I know it's behind me there's a Harley Davidson tank yes snake sitting right there looks to me like maybe I'm standing in the top of a horse or Volkswagen transmission who knows what else is back here's tons of stuff I'll have a look so it looks like lots of tools odds and ends as the the fellow whose collection this was worked at the county dump and collected and so he'd bring back stuff he thought was unique and different see anything Pat Oh probably tank hanging onto clumping or whatever they're called dutch shoes wooden shoes think they're clumping somebody tried to educate me on that once I'm sure they will again part of a spring horse I'm interested to know you think he'd they would have kept the better stuff in the plastic bins and boxes car stereo what I really want to do is get inside the old building have a look in there currently the only way is up the ladder and through the door well should we follow you or are you gonna go open a different door can we count off this one okay I'm gonna climb all right the smell of must be a any fries well this is the kind of place we're gonna find stuff you'd hope well it's not super packed I mean compared to what I've been through old army helmets that one doesn't look all that too old oh I see there's one of the old general store cows there's a Coke machine right there fridge and it's still stocked salad dressing and stuff yikes so I see that's one shelving system they're talking about it's a little rickety but it's kind of cool about this it's got all the old flour kind of bins still built into it might have some promise you've probably been in this building forever syringe what does it looks like a flavor injected always gonna use an extra hand well see the the building comes with stock all ready to sell part of an old gun hmm just kind of little stuff all over the place don't really trust the roof in here copenhagen tins that somebody made a display out of it music stand oh yeah Pepsi machine upright alright mid-sixties late 60s no not terrible shape actually would you find Oh castanets yeah careful what I'm standing on because I don't know what's what's inside some of these bags well you know at night time that probably be terrifying during the day is not so bad well the Pepsi machine is kind of worried it's not worth a whole lot it's not that old but actually what is this thing here somebody's used to Copenhagen looks like it was part of a shelf perhaps or is another Coke machine big one this style isn't very popular not a lot of people like these big chest style coke machines even though it's kind of cool literally because it's a cooler but it's the uprights that people want so I don't usually buy these because they're very difficult to sell let's see what else is going on oh look there's another another door there after all that digging and prying the wall off oh that's neat this is a advertisement from probably looks like a afford like i modeli it's kind of cool put that in our to Google file set that there for now what do you see that battery charger strange mix of new and old it might be part of a sometimes these are like service station light fixtures that just looks like old work light I tell you it does not smell phenomenal in here it smells like the locker room after wrestling class that was like walked up for 30 40 years I figure basil put that and bring that one with this somebody's put it in here after the fact but it's an old frame and it's old Ford advertisement so it'll be cool let's check some of these other rooms is there is there a basement here too yeah I'm surprised it was covered my dream yeah well they're rough I'm gonna attempt go down into the cellar here how sturdy of these steps as I step all those steps you know I'm going down fat others some dealer here oh yeah oh it's fallen in pretty good you're a little bit of water down here traffic light events look at this the is probably isn't super safe considering the foundation is collapsed right next to me and I can see daylight uh don't know how far I'm gonna go down in here cuz albeit for me I still value my life somewhat and that roof is caved in right above my head with people walking above me and frankly I don't see anything down here that's you know I say I value my life but if you know there was a box of treasure in the corner that was worthwhile I would probably go for it but to me it looks like a bunch of junk with my educated eye even though there's a traffic light sitting over there it's a new one I'm not gonna risk going in there steps or caving in lunch a junk and the fact that the Foundation's fallen in yeah are you going down yes may be careful that roof is completely caved in above the top there oh I wouldn't I don't think any nobody should really be walking in that area over here right where the bowling ball is the roof caves in you'd be frustrated then the bowling ball comedic Lee would roll towards you and land on your noggin well as an old pram and I think that's it Gendron that's actually that's a pretty good brand name I'm not in the business of buying selling fans but if you're gonna get one that's not a bad one they have this big e Karen I said that that company the gender on brand is a pretty good one so like that would have some resale value there whether it's right for me or not it's another story but well yeah I'm pretty full up but you know I'm always looking for little things that are kind of cool there's stuff everywhere I can see not sure I have a reason I'll tell the story I guess no this stuff was on the move yeah well I can understand why well the old general store itself was a little disappointing it had been picked over pretty good and in rough shape the original shelves that were in there they're very simple to replicate and the cost of moving something like that just wouldn't really make sense but I did get some pictures of it so if I decide to build something look similar I could always you know do something like that at the shop I'm gonna do a little bit more digging in this room though because there were some interesting things turning out so I'm gonna spend a little more time searching in here see what other sorts of treasures we can find we've got some records here they would take these clouds of 1 billion these weird organ albums they always had some pretty girl on the front let's see oh look they had chitty-chitty-bang-bang there's a lot of car movies back there they around the world in 80 days this is the story of the gnome mobile which I'm not familiar with you'd think those little gnomes be worried about flying off I guess that one never caught on old Disney the best one in here is this it's a the Rolling Stones now on mono it's an original London album it's in terrible condition so it's not even worth bringing back sadly mold and age has sort of rotted and ruined that whole stack of vinyl and trust me vinyl record collectors are very fussy well I didn't really find a whole lot today you know you always hope that you find a bunch of treasures but the old spotlight school Ford advertising and old 60s or 70s is 10 cents of all 60s probably payphone some creepy heads and Archie fiberglass in which is kind of weird some old subway it's comic books and stuff so there's a little variety thing so I'm gonna see what it's gonna cost me to square up and then we'll hit the road and stuck waiting for a train a little while back we drove over a banana peel and a part of me thought that could have been dangerous and then I thought with uh you never hear about you know when they go like Jane Goodall goes or whatever to the you know you never hear about a bunch of monkeys just continually slipping and falling and the jungle floor is the amount of bananas they you know they show them like all casually hanging out but I'm sure there's another shot where they just like walk your hand and slipping every five seconds the feel problem the things I think of so I decided before I would head back but stopped at a fellas place has been selling off a die cast collection and I bought a whole bunch stuff in fact more than what you fit inside my little wagon here today I wasn't expected buy so much now he is offering to bring some of it by to the shop possibly tomorrow or the next day which will be good but there's days like this you wish you didn't have a massive three foot tall Archie Andrews head in the back Yukari enough all your space I'm gonna get as much of this stuff in as I can again get into maximum capacity here but you know if you do what you gotta do and as if I didn't have enough to do tomorrow I've added just a little bit more because this is the pile of stuff that I got today so what did I get a giant Archie from like Archie and Jughead mascot head have no idea what era that's from but it looks pretty old tons of diecast toy cars which went back to the guys place so lots of these every box is full of either 164 hot wheels or 118 these are old lithograph subway cards and I've actually had some of these exact same ones before so they must have made a lot of them when shipping around these are not subway I should say streetcar or bus is where they would have been from license plates this was kind of cool as we're leaving they found some old cards and I was going through the box and seeing okay well you know there's typical kind of stuff in here there's some Superman cards a little bit of hockey Lackey packages of you guys remember those I actually somewhere at home have a collection of those but I did notice in the bottom there was an open Star Wars v series 1977 looking it's never been opened since 77 so somebody who is a Star Wars fan might think that that's kind of cool oh there's all kinds of neat stuff in here but unopened Star Wars collector pack probably a cool thing all kinds of toys and 20 cars and all kinds of neat stuff this is fun going through the boxes it will be fun tomorrow as I go through all here let's see what there is the other couple surprises that I got the old now this is a payphone it's unusual about it it's a rotary payphone you know most of the ones that you see are like push buttons look local calls 10 cents pizza if you pay call free how else you get pizza you run away with it I see it a free pizza but you don't get a phone call and little knickknacks and odds and Anthony boxes these are all old oil cans spotlight was kind of cool I'll do something with that it looks like it would have plugged into a little bit more of an industrial land but you might be able to switch it out and put a it's a signaling lamp 1940 ok wartime kind of a neat thing so lots of cool stuff I'm gonna have to sort through this so you have to look on the Instagram and see the pictures as I upload them of the stuff that I found well thanks again for watching as Patrick and I a whole hint on an adventure today so tune in again as we go on more adventures and I start to ramp up for finding a general store that's gonna be the mission going forward is trying to find a new building for this store as much as this is a cool shop we want to do something a little bit more old-fashioned so that will be an upcoming big adventure but for now we'll continue going these little fun runs and find some cool stuff follow us on instagram at curiosity inc yeg or Facebook under curiosity incorporated to see all the fun treasures and finds that we have and if you're interested in buying anything right is right away because a lot of the stuff does sound pretty quick or come into the store because well heck we've got lots of stuff sent me on the store so thanks again for watching guys we'll see y'all soon and bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 254,090
Rating: 4.9386621 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, antiques, american pickers, ghost town, abandoned, boarded up, derelict, urban decay, alex archbold, alexander archbold, hoarders
Id: Z39eep2eJcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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