Blender - Colorful Space Animation in Eevee Blender 2.8

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alright so in this tutorial we're gonna be making this really vibrant really abstract kind of spacing I'm going to show you everything you see and if you want to see it some more you can head over to my Instagram right here I posted it it is a seamless loop so it'll just loop and loop all over and you can check out some of my other work so let's get into the tutorial so this is the original scene file if you want to go and download this file right here you can go and get that on Gumroad for a dollar I'll be providing the link for that in the description so let's get into it alright so let's just open up a blank document here in blender 2.8 I'm gonna be switching through the Eevee render engine make sure bloom is turned on ambient occlusion screen-space reflections and if you want motion blur but we're gonna stay away from that for now so that's the ones you should have clicked in your Eevee settings so let's go ahead and just quickly add a sphere I'm gonna subdivide it once make it smooth and this is what we're gonna have for the center now let's make those planet things those little circles that go around it super easy it's add in a circle let's give vertices 100 vertices and make the fill type in gone and we can just scale it out like that alright now let's hit tab go into edit mode and right here let's click in set faces and we're just gonna bring it in just like that it doesn't matter how thick you make its will be all editable so I'm just going to start out with this hit X and click faces so like I said it doesn't matter how thick you make this because if you go back into edit mode and go here to edge select if you hold down alt and click here in the center it'll select these Center ones and you can scale it back in and out so this will all be editable and we will be utilizing that so I'm gonna make this right about that size and we're gonna go in and I'm gonna show you how to make the notes set up for those super colorful stuff so let's click the shading tab here I'm gonna click look dev and kill the background here and I'm gonna kill this sphere for now so hit H to hide it so first thing we do we're gonna click new right here and I'm gonna delete the principled so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add a mix shader' just like this and we're gonna add a we're gonna add a transparent texture shader I mean our node and we're gonna get also a [Music] emissions shader so plug those both into the shader tabs let's go up here plug this into the surface here so now we have it back and let's tell where to go so let's add a color ramp just like this and boom all we have left to do is add in a wave texture just like this plug the wave texture here and let's add a mapping node just for semantics and texture coordinate now let's plug in the object coordinate here the vector to the vector and now we have this you can see nothing's happening because it's super bright let's just kill the bloom for now so we can just see what we're working with so now if I take this white portion here and just slide it in you can see it is not behaving the way we want it to behave so all we have to do here is change bands to rings and now we have what we want now let's quickly make this black portion transparent like we want click the shader tab here here in the evie we just have to change blend mode to alpha clip and now it is transparent so if you just bring up the scale here you get more rings so I'm gonna give it about that many rings for now and now we have this really really cool now we have to break this up and add little particles and things like that to make it really look like a very colourful very vibrant abstract ring so we have to make another set so we have to make another set of nodes so I'm just gonna highlight these bring them down here and I'm gonna detach this and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take these right here duplicate it bring it up here and then plug the shader in put back into the surface alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a Voronoi texture just like this and we'll take the Voronoi plug into the color ramp and now we're getting some polka dots you might remember this from ape from a past tutorial so we're just gonna take the vector here and up the scale by quite a bit and we'll play take the color ramp and just play with it it looks like some nice star ish particles kind of what we're looking for so this looks about right maybe too big I'm having too small all right this is what we're going for so now we've made that second set of nodes now what we have to do bring them together here just so we can have organization and let's add in one more mix shader' here plug them both into the shader sockets plug this mix into the surface and you're gonna see it kind of break up there kind of mixing together like we kind of want but it's not quite doing you can see the the the lines just sort of disappear we want them to sort of interact with each other so let's go up here I'm actually going to take these two i'ma hit G to get more space here because we need to add add a color ramp bring this one all the way back plug the color into the factor and we need to add a noise texture plug this noise texture into the color ramp and what we're making here is the factor of the mix shader' that controls these two so you can already see it working this is what we want so let's go ahead and take this mapping node and plug that into the vector as well just to even everything out and now we're actually getting what we want we got some splitting up and if you play with the noise texture here you can get more fun just like that I think I really like this then I'm gonna play with the color ramp and bring in more of the lines so it's more line less stars you can play with distortion as well I'm not gonna touch that for now but bring up the detail bring up the scale tad and now we have this really cool ring with all these little specks and stuff it's really really cool so now we need to add some color to this whole ring that's just white and that's because these emission shaders are just white so what are we gonna do let's go ahead let's take this color ramp here and we'll duplicate it bring it all the way back here and also let's take this noise bring it back here as well plug plug the mapping into the vector and plug the color into the color ramp and then what we need to do is select our color so I'm going to go with green red and blue RGB I guess and we're gonna go it doesn't have to be exactly RGB just sort of eyeball it of course you can pick whatever color you want for this I'm gonna go RGB for this so bring this blue here and then the next thing we need to add is a sort of orangish red so this is the color palette we're going for now let's take the color ramp and plug it into the emission of both shaders so just like that both on the emission so now if we start playing there we go BAM now let's just bring up the strength of the emission I'm gonna give them both a strength of 10 just like that and Wow we already have a lot of great color here let's just go and play with this color ramp bring it over here for less space and let's play with it so we can bring in these and start showing the color it's areas that we want let's go ahead and bring that balloon back in so we can have some fun BAM now let's go to T I'm gonna go and kill the world brightness so now we have this crazy colorful thing and we can play with stuff just like that and just move it around and the way that you want to see your piece so I like this we're gonna stick with this so let's go ahead and add that circle back in this guy and let's start going around and just placing these and all this crazy stuff so now that you have this we're gonna hit render and let's duplicate it by hitting shift D scale it up I'm gonna hit tab and hopefully your edges are still selected and I'm gonna bring it in just a little bit I noticed that the bigger they are let's just you should make it a little bit thinner just for composition and we're gonna make this one a good bit thicker just to give if you want the focal point to be the center make this one the thickest one so this will be the center focal point here so we just have this we're gonna work with this for now and let's shade this sinner circle it'll be super easy so click on it go to shading will bring this over so we can get more space here let's take this principled add a mixed shader just like this add an emission shader and plug the emission into the mix now very very simple let's add a color ramp and a noise texture just to give it this little planet a little bit of abstract look so noise texture just like that plug the noise texture here and let's just crunch it like that let's go in let's add a color ramp and add these same colors that you have here or any colors you want but I'm going to keep it in the same cohesive look so now I have my color let's go ahead and take the noise texture plug that into the factor and plug this color into the color now we're gonna start seeing some stuff all right now let's bring up the strength to whatever you want bring it around there and it looks pretty ugly I'm gonna bring this green in farther I'm gonna bring this blue and just like that and I think if we bring down the color a little bit so we're just gonna work with this for now it looks pretty bad but you can perfect it as you go so now we have the earth and those circles around our planet so now all you have to do is just go ahead and duplicate a bunch of them and position them around your object in a composition that you like alright so now I've placed all my stuff around I've played with the nodes here in my in my planet and so now we have this now let's animate it so for the actual nodes here all you have to do is take this right here on the mapping node and you rotate it by 360 degrees and now they're all I rotated is e so rotate the Z by 360 degrees I have it at 120 frames and you have this loop but it's kind of cool but it's not quite cool enough for me I want to have a camera rotating around it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit shift a and we're gonna go and add in a curve circle specifically and let's also add in our camera but before you move the circle or the camera go to the camera constraints right here object constraints right down here add object constraint and follow path and select that circle so now when you scale up the circle like this your camera is pointing in the way you want so now I'm just gonna take my camera and I'm gonna hit R twice to rotate it to be looking at our object here so just rotate it by hitting R twice in your mouse and you just sort of position it the way you want just like that doesn't have to be perfect so super close of course this could be a look if you want it's pretty cool you can rotate your scene around that's actually not a bad animation but I want to make it look farther out and a camera trick for those of you who photographers we're technically gonna change the lens so I'm gonna go to a right here in the camera settings on focal and change it to about 15 so now we have basically a 15 millimeter lens if you go back to the object constraint and you play with the offset here now we're going in a circle so I'm gonna take the circle Bezier circle here and bring it in a little bit I want to sort of interact with my scene so I'm just gonna hit R twice on the circle and bring it around till I want it to start interacting go back to the camera and play with your offset tell you like the animation and then here on the camera I'm gonna rotate it so that the planet is the center of attention and now we're going around and playing with that so we have 120 frames all you have to do here on the offset is first go to edit preferences and in your animation tab make sure your default interpolation is on linear so I'm gonna go to offset hit zero I'm gonna right click hit insert keyframe go to the very end I'm gonna hit the right arrow to skip a frame to go to frame 121 and on the offset hit one zero zero enter right click insert keyframe and so now you have your animation the last thing I'm gonna do is add some volume it's still lacking just visual interest and the reason why it's because we have this crazy not so good look plain black background just doesn't look that good we need to add some atmosphere so what what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go the to mesh go to echo sphere and I'm gonna scale this tail it fills the scene just like that and we're gonna add so then now let's hit shift eh sorry we're gonna hit control a and apply scale so what we're gonna do here is make sure that this object is selected so it's selected now let's go back to shading click new and we're going to delete the current principle that had a principled principled volume we're gonna take the principal volume and plug that into the volume socket now you could see everything messing up I'm gonna take the density and give it 0.01 on the density but still nothing happens because these are just emission shaders they're not really gonna affect the volume when we're you and Evie so let's add an a color ramp just like this and we're getting a noise texture we're gonna plug this noise into the color ramp and plug the color ramp into the emissions strength that's when we're gonna start okay see now it's too bright so let's just take the color ramp and click the white portion and we're gonna bring it all the way down so we can start seeing what we want to see so now we have some volume here and let's bring it in just like this we can bring up the scale of our smoke here and we could start playing with it so if you start playing with the color ramp you could start seeing some fun stuff happening so let's bring the scale down till we get around this and then if we take the other one we would just want to sort of even out everything we have going on now let's color this really quick so that it matches the scene is just not plain and white so let's take another color ramp here and let's bring everything back so let's take a color ramp take this here take the noise texture plug that in there plug this into the emission color and let's add two colors that we want so I'm gonna go I think I see a lot of blue in this scene so we're gonna add some blue and I'm also a second one I'm gonna add some purple so as we play with this strength we can bring the strength up now you can see this purple smoke and we can just play with it until you like it and if we hit play we have pretty awesome scene I'm gonna hit my camera here and we have this really awesome it's lagging because of the volume if I just take our volume object here and hide it we have this really awesome animation and you can use for whatever you want super vibrant super abstract and take this scene back in last thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add some depth of field so we're gonna go and click on our camera click on the camera here click depth of field I see some stuff happening so I want the depth of field to have it to where this is sharp so that would be here on focus distance so we can just start bringing that focus distances until so you can see the line sort of happening here that's helping us with the bloom so you can see the focus line right about there so it looks like it's about 5.4 M for me and then if you want the the sort of what's its called bokeh to be more extreme you can take the f-stop and just click it smaller and smaller and so now the stuff close to me is out of focus and you get take the f-stop so now it's super EXTREME you can go and play with the focus distance and really make sure you have it correct if you have the f-stop really far down so just like that and you can bring your f-stop back up to something reasonable so right there that looks really cool and if you press play it looks really awesome very nice really cool motion graphic you have here so let me show you how to export this really quickly so you go to the export settings I would recommend keeping it at 1920 by 1080 right down here change it to ffmpeg video it's usually at PNG so FF change this to mp4 and go from medium quality to perceptually lossless quality and you would just save it just like that and you would go to render render animation so there you go you made a really awesome animation I hope you like this hope you learn something and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 21,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender procedural shading, Blender Procedural, Blender nodes, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru
Id: h77SdP65kdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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