Blender - Sci-fi Alien Animation in Eevee (Blender 2.8)

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[Music] okay so in today's video we're going to be tackling a sort of alien-looking weird corridor animation so let me show you what it looks like and then we'll get into it okay so here is the animation that we're going to tackle we're gonna do this depth of field this animation here the camera movement texture on the side we're gonna do all of this except for this glitch transition that was done in After Effects so first thing shift a and let's add a cylinder so when your vertices give it six vertices and then we need to rotate this by thirty degrees so make sure your cylinder is selected go over here and on Z I believe yep so Z type at 30 and now we have it like this is sort of hexagon look now let's hit our X 90 and we're gonna leave it just like that okay so in the transform on your scale this would be on the Z just scale it up a little bit I'm gonna scale it like this and scale it back a little bit more that looks looks about right alright now let's hit tab right click and we'll subdivide it we're gonna give it twelve subdivisions that's 20 all right so we'll give it twelve subdivisions just like that now let's go up here to face select and then we need to hold down alt and shift and we need to select every other plane here not a plane but every other section of vertices so go right over here to inset faces click that and you're going to use your mouse to click and we're gonna inset it a little bit to write about that thickness now hit e to extrude and then s so we can bring them in so we have a problem here and that is all these are kind of extruding sort of going into one medium point which is the middle here they're kind of going in like that and we don't want that so what we have to do right up here you'll see this little chain link kind of icon click individual origins so now when we hit B for extrude s we can it scales up at their own individual origin so let's go back in the tube so we can see and then just bring it in just like that and then we'll inset it one more time just like this and the hit e s bring it in like that and then we'll do it one more time and set e s and then scale it in just like that so now we have this interesting thing make sure that you keep these inside faces selected let's add two materials here let's get one will make it metallic and then let's make it fairly dark so when we add our lights it's not going to overtake everything so just sort of get that done now now let's add another one we're gonna click new and then let's make it an emission shader give it a strength of 50 and make it blue now go back to edit mode now that these are selected click make sure that your emission shader is selected and click assign so now when we hit Z got a rendered view we have this now if it's not glowing I've seen quite a few comments and I've neglected to say this but if you go to this little camera icon and your Eevee settings make sure you're in the Eevee render engine here make sure bloom is selected otherwise it won't glow the way it's glowing on my screen so for this particular render you need ambient occlusion bloom and screen-space reflection selected the next thing we need to do is make this this animating object here a little alien look so shift a at an eco sphere and then we just need to subdivide it make sure it's perfectly smooth here on the smoothness and go all the way up to ten subdivisions now right-click and shade smooth click on your I coast fear go to the modifiers and add the displace modifier right click new click this little tab right here and we'll go to the textures tab and we're gonna pick a clouds texture this is completely up to you this part but if you want to follow along just keep doing what I'm doing that's totally cool scale it down a little bit so it's not overtaking the cylinder bring it to right about there we're gonna change that a little bit later let's add a mirror modifier so on XYZ click all of them we have this now we need to go to the new bisect tab and bisect them all and kind of see what it does they're they're both pretty cool but bisect is gives it that really weird look to it and it's a little more organized and it's in the weight animates so make sure bisect is selected now we need to animate this displacement so shift a go to the curbs and click and click circle now we need to shift a go to empty click a plane access now click your plane axis go to your constraints it's gonna be right here this little circle kind of lasso looking thing click add object constraint and click follow pack and right here on target click your Bezier circle okay before we animate this go to edit preferences make sure an animation tab your keyframe interpolation is lint is on linear for some of you who have older builds the animation tab is in the editing tab but in this particular the newer builds it's its own thing so make sure it's linear and we'll go on with animating it so click on the empty go back to the constraint and right here an offset this is we're gonna animate it first right here on end we're gonna give it a 120 frames and that'll make this off 5 second animation now right here on offset right click insert keyframe click at the very end arrow here and then click the right arrow make sure that you do that otherwise this frame and the first frame are gonna be the same thing and you're gonna have a slight one frame pause and that's not gonna let it loop so hit the right arrow to go 221 now an offset click 100 and then insert keyframe so now the empty is just rotating in a circle now click on your icon spear go back to the modifiers and then in displace where it says local click object and then click your empty and so now when you click play its animating by the location of that empty so I'm gonna make it a little bit more extreme on the displacement and then go back to the texture and I'm gonna change it just a little bit I think that works right there okay so if we look at it rendered this is how it looks it's a little bit too big so I'm gonna click the Bezier hold down shift click empty and I go sphere so they all scale together it'll bring it right about there and then we need to add a material to our ecosphere so go to the materials here give it a new principal shader and bring your roughness all the way down to zero so now we get this crazy reflecting it's kind of gray in the middle that's because of the world settings so go to the world settings and bring it all the way down to black and so now we have this going on now there's no reflection going on here we're gonna bake some reflection later but that's why does it look good at the moment but uh just hang hang tight and we'll get to that all right I want to send it back a little bit so I'm gonna go to the wireframe view so I can see what's going on and then click the ICO sphere empty and Bezier circle and we're just gonna send them back a little bit right about right about to there all right let's quickly add our camera so go your camera here go back to the view you want try to be in the very middle then control alt 0 snap the camera to view I'm gonna hit G in the middle click and I'm just gonna bring it so that it fills the camera object here all right we need to add a point light to bring it behind this so we can add some emphasis to our composition so I'm gonna go to wireframe view here and I'm gonna hit point light bring it right about here hit zero to go back to the view of our camera and now it's way back here it's way too bright so we're gonna give it an energy of two and a red color right we need to add some interesting stuff to go on in here on our shading so click on your cylinder go to the shading and make sure that this metallic material is selected and let's go up to the the shading preset that we have in 2.8 all right when I hit the render button and so we can see it and we're gonna check out this area just to view see what's going on so first we're gonna add a noise texture and we're gonna add a color round and we're just gonna plug the color into the factor into the color into the roughness all right let's bring the detail all the way up and then we're gonna scale all the way up now we can kind of see what's going on so in the color ramp just make it more extreme so right about there you kind of see where the color is now I mean where the light is so just bring it right about there make the white areas a little more extreme and then overall make the scale a little bit smaller now what I like to do is add one more noise texture to this to make it a really interesting look it's kind of like adding turbulence but it looks a little bit different so let's add some turbulence to this and then scale it down some so now you have this really interesting texture next thing we need to do is add a bump note plug them normal into the normal and then plug the noise into the height super crazy right now so just bring down the stress - it's barely there - bring it up just slightly we want up just a small bit of bump going on so now we have this really really interesting look you can kind of see what's going on here okay so I mentioned that we need to bake some stuff so we get more reflections in our ecosphere so what we need to do is shift ate and add a light probe a reflection probe and scale it up till it completely fills our scene just like that hit zero to go back to the view click render view now click this little camera icon here and go to indirect lighting and click bake indirect lighting so watch what happens boom now we have all this reflection and what it's doing is it's reflecting all the stuff over here that the camera can't see but our object can see so now we've got a lot more interesting stuff going on in the reflection and it kind of gives you a little eyes gives it a little bit more of a creepy look whenever it animates okay so the bloom is a little bit too much it's overtaking our scene so click on the bloom and on intensity just bring it down a little bit just like that and that kind of does it for the bloom changes last thing we need to do is add our camera movement so in your camera hit G middle click and bring it out till it passes up our cylinder that's where it passes it up so right right here we'll start the animation so I'm gonna go back and change our keyframe interpolation I'm aware of the shortcut but for the guys who have never done this I want to show you where it's at so right here on animation just click Bezier when to a Bezier animation here and then on the camera go to the transform settings here and it's gonna be on the Y the wide so it's going to animate it so we're gonna animate the Y so click this little circle and then go to the very end I'm gonna stop it right here at 120 we don't need to actually hit the red arrow because we're gonna add a little bit and then just animator bring it all the way to the end here - right about there and then click a keyframe and so now our camera is going straight up to our object to our creepy little object just like that now I want it to kind of pause and sort of admire the animation here so we're gonna click on the end and just sort of drag it to add some more frames to our animation I'd give it about 40 and so when it stops we can just sort of admire the weird animation that's going on now we'll see right around 20 it stops the animation stops but it needs to keep going so here's a little animation trick to make things loop in a longer animation so we have our object here that's a rotating at 360 degrees basically but how do you make that rotate more we don't want to add maybe 720 degrees or 1080 degrees because we'll have to keep adding and adding that number so what we can do right up here in the animation tab we'll use that here I'm gonna go up here hit C to render it right here I'm gonna switch it to the graph editor I'm gonna switch into the graph editor and then select your empty because that's what we're gonna add to it so it has some animation going on right here we're gonna drag this over click the modifiers and right here where it says add click cycles and what that's going to do is it's going to infinitely loop that looping animation we did so if you watch here at the end of our animation we'll click play even though it technically stops it continues going so if we were to add maybe 500 frames to this animation our animation would be rotating would continue so now we can just check out the animation really quick the weigh-in and there you go so there you go you made a weird abstract kind of alien animation again if you make it send it to me on Instagram I'd love to see it you've got been sending me a lot of your work and I really like that so keep it coming and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 46,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender beginner, Blender Tutorial, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, CG Cookie, alien 3d, Blender sci-fi, blender alien, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: EIow89Zj0yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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