Blender - Easy Sci-fi Style Animation Loop in Eevee (Blender 2.8)

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all right got quite a few requests for this one I used a couple little subtle tricks this is super super simple VJ loop if you want to see that if you want to see the loop some more you can head over to my Instagram that's right here it's kind of a low quality preview right here on my computer but you can go if you have a mobile device you know check out this mite counting so my other work and send me your work so let's get into the tutorial so we're gonna be using blender 2.8 let's hit shift a and we're let's go ahead and add a cylinder right now here on the vertices we have 32 which makes it that circle let's bring it all the way down to 3 now making it a triangle we're gonna hit our X 90 ever hit sy8 scales it by 8 now keep that in mind when we start animating the camera that's gonna be really important to make it loop let's hit tab let's go here to the face selection we're gonna hit this one hold down shift hit this one X and faces so now we have really quickly we have this really little triangle this is pretty much gonna be the whole loop so let's hit tab hit a to select everything and we're gonna go here to loop cut and we're just gonna click once right here in the middle right down here in this drop down on number of cuts I'm gonna go in here so I can eyeball how I want it to look so number of cuts we're just gonna add maybe so it looks like for me 26 loop cuts looks good and we're gonna hit go out of edit mode so now we have all these loop cuts which we're gonna add a wireframe to now but our first ctrl a and apply scale to it so the wireframe is an even distribution so let's go over here to the modifiers add a wireframe here and let's go ahead and bring your thickness up just a little bit now let's hit shift D on this and let's remove the wireframe and then right here on transform we're just gonna scale it up just a little bit right about there looks good so take this one on the X ctrl C to copy that and then we're going to paste that into the Y ctrl V and now we have this around here and this is going to be reflecting all the lights that happen within our wire frame so let's take our wire frame and up the thickness we don't might want to make it too thick because then the lights will be too much but I think I think this thickness probably works maybe a little bit more but that looks around about right now we're gonna apply this now keep in mind once we apply it you can't change the thickness so you might have to redo it if the lines are too much but I believe for my last time doing this this is this thickness that I want so I'm just going to apply the wire frame and now it is a solid object so now we're gonna actually apply those lights so you can kind of see as you can kind of see they're sort of placed randomly and that's not done in the nodes or them a procedural shading that's done in selecting random vertices with a really cool trick so go to your face select select that right up you're going to select select random and you can use this percent bar to select how many you want to select and if you don't like these you can click random seed and it picks random ones unfortunately you can't and I made this random seed that'd be really great but can't do it so I'm gonna take my percentage and I think this looks really good I'm gonna go on to some random seed and just click around I really like this placement may bring the percentage up just a little bit more so go out of tab we're gonna add two materials first we're gonna add the standard metallic material and make it fairly dark so the lights don't get too reflective and then we're gonna add a blue emission shader so right here where says surface go to emission and let's go to strength of 20 and give it a bluish color now go back to tab so all these vertices are selected make sure your new material and click assign so now it'll assign all the yellow ones and if you go to look dev so if you go into Eevee now you can see them glowing now if they're not glowing I get a lot of comments on this it's because your Eevee settings are not turned on so right here the most important at least in these two is screen space reflections so you want those reflections and also bloom so turn on those alright now let's go ahead and do another set of random selections so do that again select random and let's do the random seed until like the placement I think right about there looks good let's go ahead let's add a new material new make it emissive and let's give it a strength of two right now and give it a kind of a cool-looking red and assign so now we have a sort of a pinkish now this you can always change so I'm gonna bring it maybe this red and in our world settings it's really great it's adding some light to the scene so we don't want that bring it all the way black and now we have this alright now let's take this outside triangle here and add a simple sort of mirror shader to it so new make it metallic and bring the roughness all the way down now have this crazy mirror look everything's too much and that's because of the bloom so go back to your Eevee settings on bloom bring your bloom down some and then also on your color management you can go from high contrast to very high contrast and then bring down your gamma and now you have really good contrast and super really cool reflexive reflections now let's go ahead and add our camera so right here add the camera hold down control and bring it all the way to here so that the anchor points at the beginning if you want to know where it's located right here on negative eight and then on the rotation I'm just going to give it a night ninety zero it looks like zero so let's go back to the view rendered view and let's go to the camera and I'm gonna make my lens pretty wide go from fifty to say thirty perfect and I'm just gonna preview how it's gonna look that looks about right in hindsight I would have made the wireframe even thinner but for the tutorial we're just gonna keep it here for now you guys understand what's going on but I would change that and make it look a little bit better and then I'm gonna take this triangle here on the outside I don't like how close it is don't like the reflections what they're doing now so I'm gonna take this one bring it out and then copy that and paste it into the Y and so you can make it you can widen that out and keep it there but you want to keep it exact so everything loops correctly and then and then here on our blue material I'm gonna bring it down to a strength of 10 maybe less maybe right about there looks really good okay so now we have some nice color last thing we need to do is to animate our camera so before we do that go to your preferences here on the Edit preferences and make sure that in the animation your inner your default interpolation is set to linear so let's click on the camera do the transform settings on the Y hit the keyframe right here on end I'm gonna give it a hundred and twenty frames right down there I'm gonna click this arrow go to the very end and then click the right arrow to skip a frame so you want to make sure to do that so you don't have a duplicate frame when you go back to the beginning and then click go from negative eight to eight and that brings you all the way to the end of the model which is why when I hit s eight by scaling the model by eight we know exactly what's going on rather than just scaling it to some random number so that animated it you could see it happening all we have to do now all we have to do now is take these two models here so hit B select them hit em new collection and just titled something random does it matter and then hit shift a collection instance and we're gonna hold down control so that it snaps bring it to the end it shift D and what I'm gonna do is just duplicate a bunch of them and the reason why we're using instances is because we have a lot more objects and sometimes array modifiers kind of mess up when you're trying to instant thing instance things they don't fit into the grid instancing just keeps everything in that grid actually in the grid so they're just better to use and they don't add and they don't add anything to the scene so no faces so you have the same so you have the same amount of faces that you had before you duplicated all this but it does some math and it just it's an instance rather than a copy and now if we watch the animation we can just watch it go through and if it looped correctly there we go that little glitch you see that's just a viewport problem when you actually export it you won't have that last thing if you want to add some motion blur to your scene you go down here in your Eevee settings go here in the Eevee settings and add some motion blur and it really adds some special look to your render and there you go the last thing we need to do is actually export this so you'll go up here to the printer icon right here you would select where you want to save your animation right here on P&G change it to ffmpeg on encoding go to mp4 medium to high quality and there you go you would render render animation so there you go you made a really cool sci-fi render you can have some fun with it and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 277,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, vaporwave eevee, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: mxUupHWoMLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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