150 MORE Blender 2.8 tips you might not know about. (Blender 2.8 tips)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FilmReale 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
what you thought i only had 100 blender tips left you underestimate me tip number one everybody already knows that if you select an edge in edit mode you can bevel it with ctrl b in fact you can also open up this panel down here to change the segments and things like that but we all know that but did you know that if you check this box that says custom profile you've got all these presets that you can choose from to make some really cool looking bevels if you up the segments it becomes really apparent the power of all of this you could make molding you could make stairs and so much more in fact you can even create your own custom bevel profiles i'm sure that you can create some abominations with this and well that's what we care about so let's move on hey daniel from the future here just got to leave a quick disclaimer to make sure that you're mentally prepared for this one all right good luck out there sometimes your objects really need a uv map i mean look at all these seams but i don't want to make a uv map so here's what we're going to do instead you're going to go into the node editor add a vector mapping node add a input texture coordinate node drag this object output into vector this vector output into vector on the texture and immediately that looks uh much worse because it's on flat projection and so it's only projecting it from one side which i'm presuming to be the top and it's causing stretching on all the other sides and we don't want that but if we change it to box projection it's gonna try and project the texture from all six sides which is awesome but it's still gonna cause some seams here and there but the real tip here is this magic slider called blend just just watch what happens try to identify with your eyes some of these seams and then watch what happens when i slide this blend slider did you know this feature was available it just blended everything together seamlessly and that was probably the most convenient thing i've ever done so if you're looking to get some quick texture mapping on without any cutoffs or repeating patterns there you go tip number three you've heard people say that you should be naming your objects but i don't know a single person who has time for that so i decided to come up with a way to make it less of a hassle and it turns out if you press the f2 key a box will pop up allowing you to just type in the name most of us know at this point that if you take a cube and add a subdivision surface a bunch of times but as some will adamantly tell you it's not actually exactly a sphere to fix that all you have to do is add a cast modifier and make sure that it's set to sphere now it's nearly impossible to tell the difference except for the topology which of course is all quads tip number five if you're trying to create a complex curve and you're having problems with this nonsense you can actually enable this tool right here and just draw the entire thing with figery's pencil and it'll maintain basically the entire form that you created just smoothing it out a little bit now i'm sure this would be really easy to create some tomfoolery with oh who put that there we've all been there you're in the middle of a complex operation in edit mode everything is going great and then all of a sudden you accidentally select a vertex and it all just disappears your life your family gone before your eyes but the good news is if you press the f9 key it'll all come back and you can continue editing as you were i'm actually shocked that more people don't talk about this it is such a lifesaver tip number seven if you press ctrl tab on the timeline it becomes a graph editor how convenient don't you love when you can open a blend file and just expect that all the textures will still be there well apparently in my early days of blender i didn't like that and now look what happened to all my old saves to make sure that doesn't happen to you if all your textures go away under file external data there's an option called pack all into dot blend and that'll add in all the fonts and all the images into your blend file itself so that when you open it it'll all still be there there's also an option to automatically do this i can see it being really convenient especially if you want to upload a blend file for someone to look at and things like that walk navigation is pretty cool it allows you to move around your scene from a first person perspective to enable it all you have to do is either go into your search menu and type in walk or you can press shift tilde and that'll do the exact same thing so that's the tip the shortcut also doesn't this scene look cool but we're going to make it later in the video so stick around tip number 10 if you've got unused mesh data or images in some of your blend files you can go to file clean up and purge all and as you can see in the tool tip clear all orphan data blocks without any users from the file click that and you may see your memory usage go down tip number 11 there's a whole host of options for you to check out for vertices if you press ctrl v for edges if you press ctrl e and for faces all you have to do is press ctrl f one of my favorites from there is that if you press ctrl f while having faces selected one of the options for you is wireframe you can click that and it'll turn whatever you had selected into wireframe and you get this box down here where you can choose the thickness and the offset and all that it's a really cool tool especially if you don't want the whole model to be a wire frame you just need a little bit of it another one of those cool features is under your control f you can either shade something smooth or shade something flat now that's really convenient because otherwise you have to go into object mode go into object shade smooth and that doesn't give you the option to just choose select faces and things like that lastly for the control f menu if you press ctrl f one of the options is beautify faces as you can see that just makes the topology for things usually much nicer this next one is a website it's called this person does not exist dot com if you want to use face builder but you don't want to take pictures of people this person does not exist dot com will use artificial intelligence to randomly generate faces that's we may or may not be living in a black mirror episode but until we find out this is a great source for face textures i talked about this one in my last video but it's just so good i have to talk about it again it's called lily's surface scraper it's an add-on you can find all the links in my 100 add-ons video essentially what it does again hold on to your chair real fast they got all these websites up for you on the side and it's a bunch of texture websites so you go in and then you pick a website that looks real nice to you okay that one looks good to me so i'm gonna go there copy the link and then i'm gonna go back to blender and it's actually even faster than i showed in the last time i just have to click this button that says import from clipboard i have to choose the texture resolution ladies and gentlemen it takes the url you provide and generates an entire material oh it happened again there's a program called pepakura that allows you to make 3d models into paper models i've heard it's very good but it costs like 40 but there is a free add-on for blender called export paper model here you can see something that i did with that are you tired of having to do all this trickery just to move the pivot point around well at the top of the 3d viewport there's an options button if you click that and then effect origins then you can use your transform keys to affect the origin in fact you can turn on the move gizmos and all of that and then you can move it without needing to even use the transform keys at all now this next one is a shortcut i've been using a lot in the note editor if you press ctrl and right click and drag it'll create this line that will cut any node connection that it goes through it's actually really fast and so if you're just doing things see how fast that was and you'll end up playing fruit ninja with no connections but in the end of the day it's worth it all it saves me a lot of time from having to do all this pin sniping i guess definitely give it a try now we're going to get a little more philosophical with this one so a lot of beginners sometimes have problems uh understanding uvs and the seams and all that basically you know that uvs are laying out an object as if it were flat on a table and then the seams are kind of like incisions like where you would cut so something i would suggest as a beginner exercise for kind of figuring this out is look at an object you have on your desk and then figure out how you would make the cuts to lay that out completely flat on a desk so for instance i have a water bottle i would probably chop off this bottom part cut down the middle and then separate the curved parts so that there's no bending or stretching when we try to lay it flat on the table it's just kind of a way for you to visualize how uvs work and i know other people might already think of it like that but just for the beginners in the audience that's kind of the way that i figured uvs out and so i just wanted to share that with you speaking of uvs if you press t while you're in the uv editor you've got a whole bunch of brushes in here and you can actually sculpt uvs now i would imagine this would be useful especially on really high res objects and you need to just make some adjustments to the texture mapping but tip number two do be aware that stretching does occur quite often in this process so i would recommend going in adding a checker texture that you can then preview and see where all the stretching is or you can go into your uv editor and then under the end panel in there you can check this box under overlays that says stretching and then it'll show you where all the stretching is the blue means there's no stretching and i believe red is the worst now these next few tips are about the add-on node wrangler now everyone already knows that you've got this viewer node by pressing ctrl shift click but in fact node wrangler does a whole lot more than that and so i figured we'd have ourselves a bit of a node wrangler bonus round here the first thing i want to talk about is shift s that's a node regular function that allows you to hover over a node press shift s and then just switch it to a different kind of note so you don't want to have to redo all the texture stuff i mean there it is you just switch it to like a brick texture or something tip number 24 if you don't want to be pin sniping to get all these outputs into the right inputs all you have to do is hold alt and then just right click drag from one node to the other and it'll lazy connect it that's what they call it you could be all over the place it's super easy to do that way and adding on to that one if you hold shift alt right click and drag you can do the same thing except with the menu i could bring it from the color to i don't know the roughness or something like that something else that node wrangler allows you to do is ctrl shift right click drag and it'll create a mix shader right in the center and then of course you can do with that whatever you want i've been using this one a whole lot recently node wrangler allows you to add a texture setup by pressing ctrl t it does everything you could need for a texture now all you have to do is go find one let's say you do want the texture as well with the principle bscf node wrangler allows you to do ctrl shift t and then go find a folder with all your textures for a material in it select all the textures usually with click and shift click click principle texture setup and it well it does the whole thing for you and this time it adds displacement unlike a lilly surface scraper and the mapping nodes are a nice plus so if you need an advanced material this could be a better option but it is going to be that millisecond less convenient anyways clearly it's a very helpful tool as a time saver so but now we've got some nodes that are unused up here now we could do it the hard way pan over select them all and delete them but if it was more complex that would just be ridiculous so instead you can press alt x and click and it'll delete all the unused nodes in your setup have you ever thought huh maybe i should organize my node tree i know me neither but node wrangler has you covered if you select all the nodes you want organized and then you press shift equals it'll lay them all out real nice for you and this works especially well if you have frames like this because then you can just look and see the names of your groups and it's just really nice oh also you don't have to do it with everything you could just do it with a little part let's say this whole thing got out of whack well you could select just those shift equals and it'll organize them for you in what appears to be a vertical fashion it even works with reroute nodes speaking of reroute nodes did you know that node wrangler allows you to add reroute nodes to either all outputs loose outputs or linked outputs just by pressing the forward slash is pretty incredible i wonder how the ocd people are going to take the news i'm not one i was just wondering tip 31 don't you hate it when you have to go through and just mass edit notes one at a time real it's just a putrid experience so what you can do is change one select all the rest and then press shift c settings from active keep in mind that this is also going to affect the actual image itself in the case of an image texture node so just make sure for maximum efficiency that you do this before you put the images in and if there's any other nodes that you've used repeatedly this would be indispensable for that so you know mixed nodes right you connect two different nodes and then they're never in the right spot so you switch them like that well it turns out you don't have to click at all you can just press alt s and it'll switch them for you it's very convenient speaking of mixed nodes oh boy if you select two shaders and press ctrl zero and then i'm pad it'll create a mix shader control plus will add an add shader and with color data such as image textures you can press control minus to add a subtract and control star to add and multiply control slash will add a divide shift control period will add a greater than shift control comma we'll add a less than shift alt d will detach all outputs and finally once you forget everything i just said you can always press the shift w key to remember all of these keystrokes whenever you have node wrangler enabled now this next one is about paid add-ons sometimes the developers will put up the source code for their paid add-ons on github so if you search the name of the paid add-on plus blender github you may be able to find them oftentimes they'll offer a free demo version of their add-on for people to use not always but but sometimes i've managed to find it specifically flip fluids offers a demo version and in some cases you may be able to compile the source code yourself obviously i would encourage you to support the creator of the add-on as its existence is improving the value of blender as a whole increasing the likelihood that it will be developed into something even bigger than it already is but it may be worth investigating if the price tag is something that is going to be a problem and always you can search for free alternatives let's talk about some good old interface shortcuts did you know that to open and collapse menus all you have to do is just click and drag on them and they'll open just like this i think it's actually i think it's pretty satisfying you just speaking of the outliner wait we weren't speaking of the outliner hey did you know that in the outliner there's this button up here where you can set different restriction types such as selectable so i could turn this cube off from being selectable and now i can't select it well and that's awesome and there's a lot of different restriction toggles you should just look through them to see if any of them will be helpful to you speaking of the outliner if you press the plus or minus keys on the numpad it'll open and close outliner levels it's actually pretty cool simulations they're awesome we live in one just kidding maybe do you want to make a rigid body simulation here's all you have to know you can select an object that you want the rigid body to crash against go under object rigid body add passive and then use the actual object go to object razer body add active and now if you start playing it boom rigid body and if you go into the physics tab on either of the objects you can go under all the settings and make different things happen i could make it really bouncy for example let's see what that looks like oh that's beautiful this next one's called randomized transform so i'm going to add an array here i'm just going to add a little offset offset apply array offset apply i'm going to go to edit mode press p and separate by loose parts now we have a whole bunch of different objects now i'm going to go into randomized transform and here you can do a whole bunch of things to randomize the scale rotation and positioning of your objects i did make a mistake though because well the origin for all these objects i'm going to make sure to go into the search menu press set origin origin to geometry so they all have their individual origins and then i'm going to type in randomized transform just to give you a look of what this does you can set all the parameters and basically you can randomize the positioning rotation and scale so do yourself a favor and try random things with every single grid of objects you can come in contact with by the way what i just did is turn on orthographic random and just die wow that's actually super cool so tip number 41 is to use more text i mean come on you don't have to use the default font you can do all sorts of cool things with it i mean just from a quick google search i found three free font websites 1001 free fonts duff font and urban fonts the one that i've used the most so far is defont it's most of them have just worked for me so far and you can find some real neat ones like this that's adorable you can even put it on a curve just select the text object go under font transform hit this eyedropper text on curve select the curve and well there you go you can just type whatever you want around that curve combine this with the other tip you can make something pretty funky and tip 44 what is this you can change the interface font let me tell you this is changing blender forever all you got to do is go up to edit preferences interface text rendering and then choose your interface font it's really that simple i'm already having way too much fun with this anyways if you do happen to be typing text you can press control backspace and then i'll give you a lot of options for deleting you can either delete the previous word the next word or entire paragraphs at a time either way it's much faster than just the normal backspace now this one is really nice because all these shortcuts and everything it's kind of hard to remember all of them but if you press the q key it'll open up a quick favorites menu so if you want something to be in that quick favorites menu all you have to do like let's say it's make links materials all you have to do is right click on that add to quick favorites the next time you click cue you'll find it right there if you want to remove it just right click and remove from quick favorites if you press alt z it'll enable x-ray so you can see what's inside and what's behind your objects the f4 key will bring up the file context menu it's like the file menu except it's right at your fingertips so you could create those new general files i was just messing around with it and i figured out that it's probably the fastest way to open preferences if you can get the keystroke down it's a f4p just boom it's things like this that make me wonder what if someone actually went and memorized all of this stuff they would be flying so fast no one would be able to keep up they would just be typing the model into existence hey that's actually a good video idea here's a fun one if you press control and page up or page down you can switch through all these workspaces along the top keep in mind you can create your own workspaces at any time and finally since it's tip number 50 which is a nice number i can't stress enough keep saving your files over and over again whenever you're working on something important save up here or you can just press ctrl s it's nice when you have a file that you're working on already because then you can just control s control s it's super simple your hands are probably resting there anyways one day you'll you won't regret it i promise you ever wondered how to switch between cameras in an animation well i've got the answer for you you're going to start at one spot press m to add a marker then you're going to have that camera selected that you want to start with and press ctrl b while hovering over that marker next you're going to move forward to whenever you need to switch to the other camera select it add a marker with m and then press ctrl b to attach that camera to that marker now if you press 0 on the numpad to go into camera view and start playing the animation you'll see that it does indeed cross over to the other camera so you can use that to make multiple shots or whatever else you're planning you ever wonder how to make cell shaded renders like this well there's a way to do it in ev that's actually really easy for tip number 52 we're going to be learning about this node right here shader to rgb and it can do some pretty cool things like produce renders like this so let's start add your base shader in this case we'll use a principled bsdf next i'm going to add in our converter shader to rgb and what's going to do is take that shader value and then turn it into a color output how cool is that that means that you can use any kind of color node to alter the shader in this case let's use a color ramp immediately we can begin to adjust how the light works on this object which is really cool but if we change the interpolation to constant this is where you're going to start to get that cool cel-shaded look frames of color to adjust the shading as you'd like what i did in the other model is i used purple orange and a tinted yellow i found that it worked really well in this case and it's not baked or anything so you can of course still rotate things freely around and it will just kind of work and that's the beauty of it tip number 53 bsdf stands for bi-directional scattering distribution function the more you know am i right number 54 is a website called solarsystemscope.com they've got a whole bunch of really nice planet textures that i've used multiple times for renders the level of quality is just extreme here and if you ever make space stuff you definitely should check this out speaking of space stuff nasa has 3d models too link and description it has a whole bunch of space related things like the apollo 14 landing site in edit mode if you go under the overlays you can enable edge length edge angle face area face angle all that kind of measurement but if you have those on and then you go out of edit mode it all disappears but there's an add-on called measure it which allows you to make all sorts of measurements and it has an extensive list of tools and the good thing is that if you exit out of edit mode it'll still keep all the measurements there if you want now some of you might know about this but beginners definitely might not and so i just want to make sure that people are aware of this if you accidentally close a file without saving even though you should always be saving you can go up to file and recover and under there you'll find auto save and if you find the most recent one you might be able to recover some of the work that you lost before you quit without saving but always be saving just ctrl s just keep pressing ctrl s okay and landscapes was a fan favorite from the other video once enabled you can go into the create tab press landscape and it'll just generate a whole landscape for you and you can of course mess with all the settings and everything there are so many different types of presets something new that i figured out after after that video is that you can actually make it a sphere and then you can make like a cool globe or something maybe for an asteroid or a moon it is just incredible to me what all the settings can do and it's completely free default with blender alright this one's more about tutorials in general be careful when you're be careful following any tutorials or tips that involve blender's file system such as startup files and things like that it's easy to make a mistake and sometimes that can corrupt the system that ever does happen to you don't really worry about it because you can always just repair the install but just be cautious doing things like that all right if you press backspace on a set of parameters it'll reset them however if you only want to reset one such as the x or maybe the x and the y you can hold ctrl and backspace and i'll just reset that one and alternatively if that one doesn't work you can right click on any parameter and choose reset to default values and that one's a good one to fall back on this next one is a website it's called cheapitrenderfarm it's essentially an entirely free render farm based on using the computers of people in the community like this guy has rendered 41 000 frames that's just incredible so if you're in a hard spot where your hardware doesn't render very well it is an option to consider and if you do end up finding it really useful you can always donate or lend your computing power the bisect tool allows you to click drag and bisect an object just like that and it's really cool because you can check these boxes to like clear one side or clear the other side it's a cool way to get a cross section of something and just a nifty thing to keep in mind if you need to add quick subdivisions you can use the control 1 2 3 4 and 5 keys to add a subdivision service modifier and change the subdivision depth according to the number that you press did i mention you should be saving all the time control s yes i did and also you can go into preferences and you can go down to save and load and you can change the interval of auto saving the minimum seems to be one minute but if you tend to be kind of erratic with your saving methods that could be useful hiding objects is pretty useful if you don't want to go in and individually hide things there's a few things that you can do one select the object that you don't want to be hidden press shift h and it'll hide everything except what you have selected or if you have nothing selected it'll just hide everything when you're ready for everything to be back you can just press alt h and everything will come back alternatively if you want to isolate an object you can just press the slash key and it will hide everything else and zoom in for that on that object for you and then to get back out of the isolation mode just press that key again a video editing tip what is going on actually it's not a video editing tip it's actually an animation tip believe it or not if you need to sync your animations to audio it could be useful if you could kind of see where the drops are on the audio right well if you have your audio selected there's a checkbox over here that says display waveform and if you check that it'll generate the waveform for the audio so you can see when the beats are and that'll really help you when you're creating animations trust me you can even condense it like this and just imagine how useful this would be is your viewport laggy because of a ton of objects or something like that well did you know that the viewport is actually using anti-aliasing and you can adjust the resolution of that and you might be able to get some frames back if you do so if you sculpt a lot i'm about to save you so much time it's not even funny so if you're sculpting and you want to open up like different views and perspectives of your object all i have to do is press ctrl alt q it's that easy and now if you go in and start sculpting on something you'll be able to see it in all the other viewports as well so that you can see all angles and well you know why you need that cc0 textures is a website i found myself using quite a lot recently it's available with lilly surfer scraper and i would say that it's probably my favorite website out of the four that they include there they allow you to preview materials on objects before you download them and this is really just one way to make that whole process more seamless this one here is a recommendation i nabbed from blenderguru it's called neat video and it's what he suggests you use to get rid of noise and video as you know noise can kind of change per frame and so it looks funky if you try to put all those frames together denoisers are getting better and better but they still leave changing patterns and it is noticeable so neat video for premiere or after effects is something that i didn't even know existed that handles noise pretty well despite the old looking website so you know that cool look where they do this well basically the way to do that is go up to this arrow up here and change the color from material to random it's super easy video textures they're really really useful and i'll see people using them a lot all you have to do is drag in a video into a shader editor drag the color into the base color or anything like that turn on auto refresh specify the number of frames that you want the animation to run for and there you go easy easy video texture it's really fun to make them like an emission shader for example it just adds some life to it and it just looks really cool to watch the light reflect off of other surfaces i think this would be really good way to add some atmosphere to any area that might have a projector or something like that so i asked viewers for help with the bend tool in my first 100 video and it turns out that it's really good especially for things with like pipes or things like that and you do need a lot more subdivision than just a cube or a subdivided cube and once you have that you press shift w and then you can begin to to bend an object i'm still fiddling with how the motion works but i can see how once you've got it down it would be really easy to create pipes and things like that with this all right let's bring it back for number 75. if you hold if you hover over a color area press ctrl c and ctrl v over another one it'll just paste that color over however it's actually even easier than that if you have a color that you want to copy over to another color parameter all you have to do is actually just click and drag the color in it's that fast it's just one click if you want to try out experimental blender builds all you have to do is go to blender.org go to download then you're gonna scroll down to this big red bar and then choose download blender experimental and you'll find all the bleeding edge builds where you can try things out like the cloth brush if you're trying to stay organized in the node editor one thing you can do is press ctrl j to create frames out of your nodes it's extremely useful for staying organized and making sure that nothing gets messy here's a cool topology tip ctrl t will triangulate faces and alt j will convert faces to quads all of these options are still available in the control f panel has there ever been a time where you want to play your animation in reverse well don't worry about pressing the button anymore because now you can just press ctrl shift space bar and it'll do all that for you if your renders are taking you a long time but you don't really have that much glass in your scene you can go down under render light paths caustics and uncheck refractive caustics blender guru has a pretty good video about render time so i'd watch that if you have the chance sometime those integers after your operations for instance if you want to move something on the y-axis you can go g y three but then let's say you need it to be three times uh i don't know 86 but you don't know what that is you can just type in the asterisk and then 86 and well it'll do it for you that's really far away one of my favorite things recently has been animation modifiers one of my favorites is the noise modifier if you select a curve in the graph editor that you want to modify and then you press the n key or click on this little arrow over here it'll open up a side panel in that side panel is a modifiers panel you can go ahead and add a noise modifier and it'll add all this little noise to your animation which is awesome you can if you drag this out you can see what all these settings are do and you can hover over them to figure that out as well one of them is strength that's probably what you're going to be using the most and now if you look at it you got some nice upward movement with some noise really cool oh by the way keep in mind that you can do this with pretty much anything and you can animate pretty much anything so you can make lights flicker you could make textures pan you could make colors transition it's really up to you something i found out recently is that if you want for some reason to change the default interpolation from bezier to something else under animation and blender preferences there's an option for that it's right here you can change it to any of the interpolation types in blender and that means that whenever you add in any other animation it will by default be whatever interpolation type you just specified you can of course change that but you don't even have to be in a graph editor you can do it from the timeline you can press t to open interpolation type or v to change the handle type this is just something that you'll learn from experience but with larger and more complex models something that is kind of important to keep in mind is to do details and passes start with the biggest details which in this case as you can see is still just a big detail it's a big hexagon that i started with and then once you've done that you can go in and add your secondary details such as all of these beams and things like that and then after that go and add all the fine details like these i don't even wear those speakers or these grates or these vents when you think of it in terms of primary secondary and tertiary makes your it can make your whole process a lot less daunting this is actually one of my favorite renders i've ever made and i didn't even expect it to go this detailed just know that adding detail doesn't need to be a nightmare just break it down and it should make it a lot easier speaking of animation modifiers if you select part of an animation that you want to add a modifier to as i said you can open up the end panel go down to modifiers add a modifier this time let's talk about cycles basically it's going to attempt to take what you just to take what you've got already and just repeat it a bunch of times and something that i found to be super super cool is you can change these parameters right here such as repeat with offset and then what it's going to do is it's going to just play the animation that you had except it's also going to offset it even further so you can just repeat the motion up and up on whatever access that you're trying to animate or really whatever parameter at all or you could choose repeat mirrored and it's just going to do the same thing except well mirrored as you would expect there's a lot to this modifier and if you animate this would be something that you should definitely check out if you want to reset an animation to the start you could do one of three different things you could slide the timeline thing all the way back you could press this tiny button right here or you could press shift left arrow without even moving your mouse ever heard of knife project while some people are having a little trouble getting it to work in blender 2.8 so i thought i'd clear it up a bit you select the object that you want to knife project onto the other object then you select the object you want to be projected onto go into edit mode on both of them type in knife project and make sure you're looking in the direction that you want it to be projecting then hit it and there it is essentially what it's done is taking your object and then just cut the shape of it into the other object as if you had just cut it with a knife i can see how this would be useful especially if your booleans are giving you grief if you're making a test render and then you hit f12 and then whoa why is there this random object even though you have it hidden in the outliner well it's because you didn't hide it from the render if you hide something in the viewport it'll still show up in the render so by default all you can do is hide it in the viewport but if you toggle the view in render here you can also turn it off in the render alternatively you can go into the object go to visibility and uncheck show and renders you've got a mesh that has a whole bunch of holes in it either after sculpting or something else and you want to 3d print it or just don't want to have a bunch of holes in it you can go into edit mode and choose select non-manifold and then press f or your fill option of choice that's a really easy way to get rid of them if you're feeling like you need to take a break from the whole tutorial grind and you just want to learn about some topology there's this website called topologyguys.com which has some great great stuff about topology any beginner learning about topology would benefit from starting here do you have edges that are being whack well did you know that if you go under control e there's these rotate edge options you can either rotate them clockwise or counter clockwise it's a great way to reshape topology across all these keyboard shortcuts maybe you've figured one out that just doesn't seem like it's the right shortcut for what it is well if you go into blender preferences don't forget that you can actually edit the keymap i've also discovered it's a pretty great way for discovering new things we do have a lot of animation ones this episode good stuff anyways one of my favorite things recently is a little option in the object panel called motion paths just check calculate and basically it'll show you where the object will be at every single frame if you want to create a hole in the center of something you could just create two loop cuts to create a vertex in the center and then press ctrl shift b to bevel the vertex and then you can change the profile and the segments to create a circle out of a square and that's pretty cool did you know that in blender if you shift click and drag the corners instead of just dragging them you can create an entirely new window which i imagine would be super useful if you have a second monitor just drag it over and you can monitor things from this side right here that would be super useful if you want to have like the shader editor on one side or graph editor you'll just figure it out for your workflow and you just need to know this so there's that if you're an arc fizz person designconnected.com has a whole bunch of free architectural models they got tables chairs curtains pretty much anything you could want for architecture i mean you might not find anything since their free collection is limited especially compared to their paid collection but it's a it's a good amount of stuff and you might want to check it out speaking of free textures i found a behance post with more than 500 free textures we have all these awesome free texture websites so if you're just looking for something to start out your texture collection this could be the one link in description if you want to focus everything really fast either in the shader editor or 3d viewport you can just press the home key and it'll take care of it it's tip number 100 now so i gotta apply some wisdom uh something that you should probably do is take breaks watching blender videos just so that you can absorb the info better i know a lot of you already do that but if you are intending to take the information and use it it's a good idea to pause take notes things like that tip 101 when you're orbiting your scene you can hold alt and then use your middle mouse button and it'll snap you to the nearest orthographic view you can then do the same thing just to cycle through the different orthographic views feels pretty smooth and i can definitely recommend it to save some time we've talked about how you can find an object in an outliner and then press the period key to find it in the viewport did you know you can do it the opposite way as well you can select an object in the viewport and then press period and the outliner and it'll snap to that object so you can rename it or whatever you want to do underlined letters and menus mean you can press that letter on the keyboard and it'll put you to that setting so for instance i could press shift a and then as you can see m c to add a cube i imagine you probably get pretty fast this like watch watch me add a cube how fast is that how fast is that in edit mode you can switch the smooth tool to a randomized tool and while i think that speaks for itself it'd be a pretty easy way to add some random displacement another way to make circular topology is to use an add-on called loop tools if you press the w key you can get all the loop tools options there's so many of them one of the fan one of the fan favorites is circle which as you can see allows you to create a circle out of a square which as previously discussed is pretty cool the rip tool allows you to completely separate vertices and edges from whatever they were connected to if you make it part of your workflow you'll use a lot when you start getting into more advanced modeling select loop inner region allows you to select a loop and then go under select select loops select loop in a region and then it will select everything that is within that loop i found this to be super useful because you know how it goes you usually either use the circle tool and then individually select faces but now you can just select the loop of that and then select loops boom this next one's a little fiddly but do you know how if you select vertices from edges it'll still retain what you've selected well now if you hold ctrl while doing this it chooses to make it happen a little differently it changes how it decides to include different vertices and edges just take a look at how this 4x4 area is affected if i go into edge mode and face mode without holding ctrl and then i hold ctrl edge mode face mode so it appears to select less in fact the stored views add-on allows you to do something similar to adding different cameras and then viewing your object from those cameras so if you go into the end panel and you go into view down at the bottom you'll find the stored view section and if you want to save a current view you just click save current and you can do that a few times at different spots that you look at the object from when you're modeling and then once you're ready you can just click these buttons to go straight to those views it's pretty quick it's pretty useful and of course you can delete them and change them and all of that oh this one's also about stored views it's pretty convenient let's say you found the perfect view once you're ready you can just click this new camera to view and it'll add a camera and do its best to estimate exactly what you're looking at and create a shot based on that this is probably one of my favorites out of these because i know you've seen it but probably don't know what it does it's called stereoscopy i'm not sure exactly how that's pronounced but if you check the box it basically allows you to use 3d glasses and that is so cool now this next one is an add-on that was recommended to me by a viewer it's called angle tool and i've heard it's very good for architecture especially it is ten dollars on blender market so i would suggest looking into it further and then deciding if that would be right for you but i've always found that it's always good to be aware of all the add-ons that are available even if you don't end up using them just to be aware that it's an option when i was a beginner i kind of had problems putting the backdrop in the compositor so i just want to clear that up for any beginners out there you're going to actually need to put your output into a viewer node as well as a composite node and then it'll put it in a backdrop you're also going to have to turn on the backdrop in 2.8 with this right here and then of course you can press the move buttons and the fit buttons and scale it to your liking and all that i'm going to need to revisit the symmetrize tool it turns out it's actually insane for rigging and characters normal mirroring isn't the best for rigs but but as a lot of you guys have pointed out symmetrize is awesome for that it even allows you to choose the axis that you're symmetrizing it's a great tool that i highly recommend every modeler and animator takes a look at at some point the two sphere function which you can also get with shift alt s allows you to turn pretty much any mesh into sort of a spherical shape it's not as perfect as a subdivided cube with a cast on it but it's pretty close and you can make a circle out of square which is pretty cool if you want to work with the uvs of an object but you're kind of done with some part of them like the eyeballs here you can select them in the uv editor with l and then press p to pin them and that essentially means that they're going to stop moving for you when you unwrap it and then you can work with the rest of the object without having to worry about those moving do be careful though as i found it to be kind of finicky and sometimes not working the way it should you can unpin uvs using alt p or by toggling this clear button when you pin things display.land is a mobile app that allows you to 3d scan objects with just your phone it's an incredible alternative to mushroom especially for beginners as it's really easy to pick up and use control x is a super easy dissolving shortcut that you might find useful the easiest way to make an object follow a path is to add a path add an object align the object select it and then the path press ctrl p and follow path and now if you scrub along the timeline you'll see that the object is indeed following the path you can change that path of course and make this thing shift alt control s enables the shear tool or as i like to do shear huh nice so we all know that when you're in edit mode you can press one two and three to go into vertex edge and face select modes respectively but if you hold shift while doing those you can enable all of the other ones at the same time yes that means you can select faces edges and vertices without ever having to switch modes how neat is that i happen to be a big fan of freestyle it allows you to create renders and then after that it generates cool lines around the object it's such a cool art style but most of the options aren't under this freestyle box you have to go under your layer properties and then under freestyle and you'll find a whole bunch of things for instance this angle parameter which can allow you to change how the edges themselves are detected automatically this is terrifying but it's one way to make a cool render speaking of freestyle edges if you don't want to have it choose anything on its own at all what you can do is turn on edge mark right here under edge types and disable everything else then you can go into your edit mode and select the edges that you want to show in freestyle go to control e and choose mark freestyle edge and then all the freestyle edges that you've marked will show in the render and no others one of the coolest things about freestyle i think is all the modifiers if you go down to freestyle line style down here you can find strokes color alpha thickness geometry and texture and most of them have their own sets of modifiers it's insane how many modifiers there are so for instance i could work with the color modifiers add some noise and then uh well i could make this red to blue and then when i turn on f12 you'll see that it uses that in coloring the freestyle there's some great there's some great modifiers on the thickness that you can use to make it look hand painted overall it's just such a great tool and i advise you if you are looking into it make sure to check out those modifiers because it adds a lot to the experience tip number 125 this may be more of an inspiration tip than anything else but did you know that you can change the icons of pretty much any app on your computer yeah now imagine making all of them 3d versions with your own theme boy do i want to make a video on that in the note editor you can select a node and press control x to delete the node but keep the connection with everything that's going through it i really enjoy making renders like these the technique i use is called dupliverts and it's used to essentially take a texture and then duplicate an object over that over that plane a whole bunch of times here's how to accomplish that start with an object like a sphere scale down i'm going to add in a plane i'm going to scale that up i'm going to subdivide it a whole bunch of times displace modifier new texture go to properties change it to clouds preview in the viewport go into the modifier settings turn the strength down until it's appropriate shade the object smooth add one more subdivision surface modifier because why not set the plane as a parent of the sphere head into the object panel on the plane and choose verts as instancing select the original sphere and scale it how you like it oh that is so cool and then with plane selected uncheck display instancer and render instancer so that you don't have to see that plane in the bottom you can also hide the original sphere if you want and then you can add some materials to it and it'll duplicate it across this entire field you can pretty much do that with well anything and that's really awesome wow that was fast if you're working with uvs and you want part of the uv map to line up you can select those two parts and those two edges press v and then you can press enter and it'll snap the uv map together at that spot it's called stitching if there's a spot that's really conspicuous and you just want to get rid of it it could potentially be pretty simple for you to do so these days we talk a lot about increment snapping vertex snapping edge face but do we ever talk about volume snapping it works with everything but i found it to be especially useful when working with bones especially in orthographic view you can hold ctrl and it will snap it right to where it's supposed to be in the model like let's say it's it's off to the side a little too much i could hold ctrl in here and it will snap it right into the center of the volume of whatever object you're trying to rig and so that could be very useful for you this next one is auto merge vertices and before you say oh i already know this one do you actually know where it is in 2.8 because i had to look for it a bit it's not in here you choose snap the vertex turn on this magnet and then go over here to this little button above the shading options and now we'll merge the vertices and now you can just press g and hover over another vertex click it will snap to that vertex and merge with it so this is extremely useful for read topology for those beginners out there let's say you've got a let's say you've got an awkward spot like this that you just want to kind of fix you can press g and snap it to somewhere else with little to no consequence for most people this is an essential part of their reid topology arsenal can i interest you in some space if you like space you'll probably love the nebula generator add-on by mark kingsnorth now it is 15 on blender market i haven't purchased it myself but it seems like those who have are happy with it and the images are just stunning so if you're a space kind of guy you may want to pick this up another way to grant some more memory to the renderer is to go under the render tab and choose lock interface that means once you start rendering the interface that means once you start rendering the interface over here is going to lock up and you can't use it and that way as i said it's going to give more memory to the render tell me if you've ever done something similar to what i'm about to do right now stop it don't do that ever ever again never okay so now you're going to select all the faces and then choose i for inset except then press i again and it's going to inset each face individually you're welcome one of the reasons i used to not like to use cloth simulations a lot was because i didn't like having to put up all the objects for it to deform around i know it's weird but anyways you can set up pin structures by adding a vertex group to your object and that object data tab and then you select the objects that you want you select the vertices you want to use as pins click assign and then you go into the physics tab where your class simulation is under shape go into pin group choose that group and now it should be working just fine here's an interesting topology technique if you go into control f you can find an option called poke faces there's no shortcut for it and what it will do is turn every face into a triangle fan interestingly if you press alt j for tries to quads you can get some really interesting looking geometry that i've seen a couple people talk about before plugging in the object instead of the uv are generated from a texture coordinate into a texture will allow you to use an object to control how a texture is projected onto an object it is super cool and something that seems super intuitive to me is to mix that with the box shaded tip and then blend that together and now look what you can do just move this object around and now you've got an insanely customizable uv setup this one is more for the beginners again but have you ever tried to bevel an object and does this oh what is that why is it doing that i'll tell you why you scaled in object mode there's not necessarily something super wrong with that here's how you're going to fix it you press ctrl a apply scale and let me i'll show you what that does in a second but as you can see the results show that it works here's why that was happening in the first place whatever you're editing in edit mode it's not actually the object itself i know that's kind of a weird concept if you go into the end panel here you can see the scale so the object contains the name it contains properties about the objects such as the scale the dimensions the modifiers all of that but think of the object as one big modifier on whatever is inside of it in this case the mesh so when you have this scale at x 3.5 it's telling the actual mesh to scale by 3.5 whatever is inside of it so when you start with a cube and you scale in object mode by 3 it's actually still a cube you're just looking at a scaled up cube that's why when you bevel you'll notice that it does this but if i select the whole thing in edit mode and i scale by about one-third you'll see what it should look like if you beveled a cube but as i said the only way to fix this after you've done it is to apply the scale it's like applying a modifier if you added a subdivision surface modifier and then you went and added some geometry to your model would you be surprised that that too is subdivided of course not if you don't want that first you have to apply the subdivision service modifier and then you can do whatever you want anyways on to the next tip have you ever wanted to time stamp your renders maybe for tests or anything like that well if you go down into the output properties you can go to metadata here and then you can choose burn into image you can adjust the font size the text color all that you can even add a note such as please help me i am slowly losing my grip on reality you'll see that all of that is burned into the image as well as a few other things to edit those other things you can just check or uncheck these different metadata boxes machine tools is an awesome free add-on that for some reason my degenerate mind forgot to include in my add-ons video machine even commented on my video and i was like whoa that's so cool and then i realized oh no oh no it's free it's awesome everybody loves it check it out for a whole truckload of super convenient blender tools it's free on gumroad it's free on gumroad all you need to do in is type in whatever price you want to pay or not pay so i'm sure most of you know about the wired display mode when you're using booleans if you use a cube and turn on a wire display mode you can kind of watch the booleans happen live and it's really useful to go in there you go into the object data and viewport display displays wire but there's also this other option called bounce so let's talk about the differences between between bounds and wire if he's like bounds it's kind of self-explanatory basically it's wire except the wires are obstructed by the other geometry instead of passing through them like an x-ray i actually prefer this one it makes it easier for me to preview the booleans and it clears up the workspace a little bit which i can definitely appreciate if you use collections a lot it may or may not come as a surprise to you that you can isolate each of these collections by using the number keys two three one as you can see that's what i'm doing right now and you can enable more than one by pressing shift while doing this so shift three is enabling and disabling this collection three keep in mind that you do have to have your mouse hovered over the 3d viewport though this button up here is one of my best friends it shows and hides your overlays however if you don't feel like going up and sniping this button up here you can just press alt shift z and spam that and that will show and hide your overlays for you real quick do you want to feel like a total hacker if you export something and it's like untitled.fbx isn't available well guess what blender you can press the plus key on the numpad and it will increment the file names minus will go backwards so you could just you could make infinite untitled files because i can just hold this down as long as i want and if you're in the thousands or hundreds you can hold down control and then it will increment in the hundreds and even the thousands so unless you're making more than two billion untitled files they can no longer stop you seriously don't make that many untitled files you should probably name them but the point of this tip is that you can increment file names okay i just want to make that clear now this next one is something i use a lot for color palettes it's called adobe color they've been updated recently so what you can do with adobe color is use algorithms to create color palettes so you can use monochromatic you can use triad my favorite is this first one here you can change the color mode to be rgb cmyk hsv pretty much anything you want you can extract a color theme from an image and now you can actually extract a gradient from an image super cool stuff so if you do a lot of color paletting this would be a good resource for you now we've talked about rendering render time saving tips here and there but this is probably one of the more important ones for testing at least for uh for big scenes at least it's called simplify and it has a whole bunch of options in here you can check the box and you can choose a max subdivision so if you've got a whole bunch of sub surfs going you can crank those down for a preview render without having to go in and do them individually because that's a pain that sucks you can also change it for the viewport as well if you're having some trouble viewing things and it just overall lets you have a simplified render if you're just looking to get a test shot and things like that this one might get you to utilize face snapping a little bit more if you turn on face snapping and then you choose a line rotation to target and snap with center when you grab and snap you'll be able to align an object to the rotation of wherever you're snapping it just as well as the position you've probably seen this setting but aren't sure exactly what it does it's rigid body world you check it and then you can add a rigid body world and essentially allows you to make a collection a collection of mainly rigid bodies so it automatically adds rigid bodies to whatever you're working with i found that it's a really nice way to get some rigid bodies going pretty fast and to keep all of your rigid bodies in one place aren't those fun it's just really fun to look at all right we're heading into the final stretch here so i wanted to make a few more thought-provoking ones now this first one is to give tutorial makers a chance even if you don't like their style or their accent or anything that really shouldn't matter for a blender tutorial and one of the reasons i can say that is for these videos one of my favorite methods i have a whole bunch of methods for where i go to find all these tips one of my favorites is to go on youtube search the keyword blender and then sort by upload date and you get a whole bunch of things that are that are under 100 views even under 50 views and not always but sometimes i'll find one that just has something to say about blender that i've just never heard before and it's incredible so i just want to say never get turned off to a blender tutorial just period just never do that and unless they're just like scamming you or something i don't know but most the time they're not most of the time they're coming from good intentions in fact and so one of these videos that i want to make is a 100 blender channels and i'll definitely be shouting out a lot of smaller channels there don't be afraid to stray from the big brand names in blender tutorials this may be intuitive this may be something that you think oh well doesn't everyone already do that you'd be surprised you'd be surprised so let's move on tip number 149 is something i want to make clear about my community i recently got an instagram at design underscore school underscore online and anyone from my community can come in and dm me some screenshots of their work or some renders and i will be happy to give you feedback on that it may not be like instantly but as always i'll do my best that is one way for me to give back to the community so anytime that you need some feedback on your work or something like that just dm me and i'll be happy to get back with you so what philosophical thing could i possibly say for tip number 150 to wrap this video up i'm going to say if you do feel it in your heart please donate to the blender development fund because they are what's supporting everything that we blender artists do you can either choose to donate to them monthly or if you just search blender donate you'll find a page where you can choose to make a one-off donation via paypal bitcoin or bank transfer all right well that is it for the 150 blender tips please understand that when i say like and subscribe i mean that probably not not very many people are going to get to see this video and you might not be notified of my future videos if you don't like this video and subscribe that tells the youtube algorithm what this kind of thing is all about and that people are enjoying it so if you enjoyed it and would like to support me that is the best way that you can do so with that i hope that you have an excellent day and i hope to see you around in the next blender video and i hope to see you around in the next video until next time
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 230,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.8 tips, blender 2.8 tips and tricks, 100 blender 2.8 tips, blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.83, blender tips, best blender tips, blender tips list, blender 2.8 tips adn tricks, blender tips and tricks, 150 blender tips, daniel krafft, design school online, blender 2.8 tips list, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorials, blender 2.8 quick tips, blender 2.8 beginner tutorial
Id: X0JqAF5cvGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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